Exeter Advocate, 1907-05-09, Page 3 (2)—r
• .
_ • . „
'4 &On' her' 0047 a tait•fltleil
.$4494, hill! side. 'ller rooms-
_ up 'al -titePollee were 'no,.
es„ 41,;',3rnettet-of Orin. It
tIwught- 11
its mernbered'ithet a yeting,trian ;lied
rootingto •see_peteter • ...gabovn
Mit:every time Ito Went. ewaylIie
as 'SAIL and she Wes glow 14-
140-'11"te-" -'491)41(Keing-ehildt
'ller 414 and had been ht' it.L
a iP and opened her trtuas quite an.
thee state of affairs waS-reveoled, ono
-Weed, whielt has given even the3nost
Insouciant Population a though -Ilia inol,
Went* ,Tho, truT1t4. was filled with. bombs
t the.,utost perteetell description,. and
tpn vkie1i the -deo(
stuffed With outs.
:14*,„ Of. ntxg ern stu1,-other
st'or tI)P :uUit, v'rfnL desetiptioui
thftt • ‘, Ittifftire in flk
00 -",„t t A • 10,
010;30 1) WO !k
Legs,,in • -
'The IOUng. man, a naonete....-s-studeo
ith sto%)-'atut:44V-,-Itectie „fift„tsi,„ 0.9-61
'eensumptiott, who was, accuste
with a hot*, 111et1MOS w!1 a Is ,(t
Jew -get te „which, it is now ,reinembeted
eemed .he heaVier,-/Ittan ioak
x-'te shelot .sought- t6r hijh
'le Ake:-iiiedri1-'1%
gle °vet -Jilts S,trintge nontaly-e
1, 4trt,IttAtel'a-.::.1Y1t#1'4:::!:4
while Stilt ;me -a-Pft
awake in her weed4i,4 demon who hat%
bored under ltert;b.04, exiaostives
-ent to idesteey a city, fts initoeent and
114 guilty ell alike,' in one' great bunion
holetattst a buret offering to the pirt
44 •
undergrouter illvesia.„ and e
la :a -lurid' .flakilt of death.' ani
u1i')n bOve the surtifte.7 •
obit %lets Frm Our pwn.,*"0„„.
I taiontries of .1iteceot-
. •
Gi1phs-P'Psli;oln •weeipts for April
--,hotela -of Louden' have -4)1t.1
eeriS,ed. •
In coltectiehs Aftt
.„ .. • ,
p it totat; $90401.41.
d-eab,4)1.$1teriff-Passie took plaee
Satttrde)% • :„:
expett a delivery' of 140
within a.weelf.
tre 040000. bushels at grain
0141)001 Arthur._
Svet1anl.et 'Carleton gounty
tht Steel CoMpony .
. '
t 14
"TI thlti"-,- has. Mere (ho
.ltandlets P
n 11jiUnn&fl entered Vidterlir in
AJn11, paying- ;heed-tax.-
'7'0.,11:0A*Steanters have lett Bitgland
Prtymrer Whitney has .ptirclitt-SelF Hw
13 St. Geotge
,Cenodat, letinigration tor- the fait
.10e. nionittS shows an increase of '40
Vey'Veitt, •
Mnitnipees ::assesor has piaeed tbe
ipuletion pt the Canadian Chicago f4t,
lot tile brown -tali 'art'Otli
,....„ 4 valleY
it "Ask lltat the,.sale ot r
. the City •liptits be 'step
•- :The Ilydrodileettic-.11/44.7imv AnnuisiSion
'wil,b.tontrael,.. %jilt „the Ontaria'•` Pe
-Comparty eleettleer
"ond' nbove haL. --rate
The . Witattipeg
Len udylied: that 110.4a_
operate; IN oars 'atter, tiiidnigtity Satur.
city„.":.V.11 del -tend -the
-however. . , • •
Mr. 0. itrOwnlee„'' ,Superintendexit:
of -the A1)1414110 . „division 'off- the tIrrind
,Trunk at 'Teronte„.1 has\ beett.',aptteInted,
-General- -Trensivortatiori.-----Ntlineget.'7with
bead- uartetS" at iNtentreal.'
h V1 I
es te
'e",g1.4 and -Other ". tevi)liatotakt
rty,'W•a•S f,i.mt in a *ekes.
.44. in OW toSpital at „ gleaperto;
j3ob taw* w're flted, at a detachment
riv--,teent-41te_lop.,...of a- eerie
jtit15* 3,v(mtogng two of • Ahem, and
verely handled by the.„Zrowd,
1 protteblY recover- tivm :Ids injuries. -
and will -be tried for attempted. tottrder.
14, Ott 11111T-A1X.- --
1 I •
The 'British Slap Thornhill „has been
Urned at seek, andher whole orew has
periSlied. - - _ .
Bertrand Ritssetl„, -a -brolhee.'elf the-
re'd or litisSelt 15i oonteMirtg the'riding
tf. Wimbledon as a sit:tritest candidate.
A project is almost, eompleted for the
establishment - of -a .new pet Canadian
steafll5llip-.tervice vire/ he 'Ittlattfle'; and
Patine. „ • • •• •
.„Ktdderntloster tninetttacturers have.
fotined „ a ettinpenv AO tit', 45000 , Capital
Pinoxiinate, value of new build-
s' .TOOtite fee' the first four inentbs;
the:,year is $5.,110,701. '
1514 .40 pp Increase Of •it dol.
p .
.Tree, prOminent. farmer tf
s rta,'w4CS killed at a crossing at
e,k. on Saturdalv.
ugration return's for the rano
opths•,,cultpg with Nlarehy show a
Iiunus nbuv- Ilii' •40t„,price. f'
p, _Vett' With orderS; for lumber
garY;"Irte material Is so scarce,
• 'ThAllee„ Deptity” !Waster et
willtVti,lattek,plans fhb sum.
'bridge AtCrese", he -:*,Sitalts
rIltWN 01011-'()I eighty years,
I 1 k 'et reelislitg near Ramie ve
lireWlitees tralit and killed on
• - .
1, 4' - ' ' * 'get Or Kingston ha
• eint, uiterittleildent of. ,th
- :tett t ..' , I 'Railway, with' heed -
'.. 4arter lt lit peg, '
, pot; .sitoitt, or itirifttoo. has been ap.i.
I, I tAt_ Cktilrtil, n'....„,fit ard At „Con.
,betW4r# •„-the - " litit and
'. At...I tinist$
' P. ' 'pa,. er ill. •IVil that
mi. ,t.,9 , tato; tha $ 11.1eg
1 to 1 venleneed 1 the ie
1 ,tiriro g effort law§
it o ' C/otirl. at intk I
I seti I fl ' ot ilte * ..it. ttnd
I he • , itliviqttOag it !fist fhe
- 1 I lartitig proiri`e ,fireS:
i '' t 1 disclaint restr)usi-.
ity glit druntennesS,
Amounts in Succession Buttes and
•'-(loritpany'Peel '
spelt% front Teron ir says: The
omit or 'succession chttl,,V"
tont!), of 'April Wai) 4308,381.
00,000,--was.41-deposit pending
jtistrited•willk the estate ot the
!ate",'.113t01,1 irtat44‘,1y- Whipkii144 prO,V44.
*IVO* *t44141 $100,000'. rle* Papers rela-
tive to the estate of tire late"
lair have arricied, but the innount
umeesteei• duties -receivable has not
ije Of theis.
b 1 ilee-is to boi,equa y 4-m4"e4' .66*
-vett the Seven-ehildren. ,-
The reept of the Provincial Seore-
ry's 1°010 for ilia tout months ending
Tuesday. totalled -coin-pared
with $70,085.14 for the -61.re:spending
Of 1905, et , an increase or
The inereets(t was tine largely
to the ;irtereased ,ntintherof companies
ettalitinglitterp(OtIOICend -the: let -5 re,
ctived. from 'heal..
Air .sikivirt'A/bo OE GLIM
r " States Stators Att4aelied by Chilian
A despatelt from Santiago de' Cuba
says : ' A eaniliet betWeen • pekoe and
sailors of the United State, eruiset Taco-
ma' lock Wage...here, etter. OrtterlY -hen-
et. isilliett was given at the Cate. Ikon
d Oroby a utunber or hret.elass seamen
t'nited States publisbeiS la
in o Washington 'orthe new
1 o, i / cd)L_______,.. •
A Ike._ of 7tongsheretnen in .New
York threatens to , tie up the shipping
of that port. . , „.
• Sixteen ,.hours has been fixed as t
numinattin day's work an a railway
lit the New York Assembly:
. Ernest NV.,,, 'Introit, foreterly. dean of
Cornell taw ,Motol,i-cenuttitted stile
t,...a.-1,11iilson4tiver-IKtat-on-Surele ...
•_Tileliody .0 the four-year-offtlfarvi
' boy, who ited been Missing from Doveri
*De ./, for two 10011149„ -was found au a
taarsli near Ids home fat Saturichty:r- -
1:ivet hundred slate workers in the
quarries at, Fair Illavent Vt., . t ,
trite' '111 -1116 -41a -Y7141"
The ntill.workers also we . -- co
'-, A •stalue of Oetteral t/eorgo B. .McCiel.
Ian, ereetrA, at \Vesta!) tort by the So.
ciety of the Army if -11t :\ Potoinag,-waS
unveiled at Washington • n Wednesday.
Th United Etates Government triu
torts _Ska-ruttia- r nt .,
Tylneisim 111plitaogc„. flitta; ‘v
to:pe nitillort Kaunds orflogrlor 1i&' fa
1 sofferers of the northeastern pro.:
11 41„,i1
iota A
ii r4
:6 vit to
10 • ishelisi 41e.. birt:
•O their Mee* ,„, ,•
Er7e;., *'112.011,11PM1i:
northern •
\'h'at-- Ontario, No. 2 White-wht-1044-luen Strike, a serions blowAvin".1ye given
wile- to* Met Noti-.44,e4)-7-72-- teete4ri,-4.
No. 2 mixed'. WO) • • 'Itein loads. ot wheat are On tbAr way
30* to 40;4 aut.,' to7:the lakes, Whilst ..inany- ore alteatty
eide; No. 2, iniSed, 38e- to344o.. ',awaiting torkettling..,A big lleet:OI boats
Peas 770 to 773.*c. * i' on jt way Poeargoes of Wheats, and
5tic, lake ait,I rail, 57c to 5c il; Art4reuttittist.e.a- 4111,74ifinerinig7:14_-*
at710-4Vjr11114t11#111 :nu)* ..metrot,„,90.4401wor..tlitio-
parles,,410, to_,0,1,340; outshie,.'nutnielattionda krt. Tayktr, It.
No. 3- extrat,.-520...100,-•5440t.,-No,a._510•• t '6" .2"-
Flour,.4-tht aelif490.' r
$2.75 hid; Munitoba, ftrL patents: l54,40; t111"" 11#4000*OE TilitelareVai..
v :
, tot, te.„ , trig. 1,t,V. 1'
e il t• •x v. 4r. .4; :14'0\1,11: , bs: i4 -
4onneed t , y ?It irl'-sliott8:4"es? . IlY
. ,
110 eents 14? 2?),;/- eentsi *0 blUrs t?..$
; tents' tor 9yertitne., bit!, it. is nudergteeet
- - • -.--that-the metCare'Pot_tsak411411 the,
ed, "l'*rot
„... tijtiNT13,24 „.. • ,
fluitter-Ntarket fai fairly steady, -with
ritoderate recelpt,s.- • ,
Ceeatnery,- prints • .. 270 to 29c,
int it
rateuag . bun anddt''tt'o' pavt ot
ie pani -1 Itae been dvticd
..45014Jttsne$9 Ot2,1Ite.iit,tuation by
•two protonic:1A melt .whOevidently 41P!
Metaled the danger-, , 'We are taking
the preettulean of putting on extra
"S„\ -'e expect that M owl
.emergenev atesing you will be
a to furnish .1.14 ample proteeti-an „on
sort notice ft
The public tear 1* repetition ot_ ihe .
boisterous ineklentS-4-4ast. -tall. when -
very men fu the eompany's etilploy car.? •
tied a gun to be ready tor eventualities,
entdrit- the„C. 1'. 11. is deter.
'Mined 16 no- longer,
their freight sheds here.
'Pli-e' ' - y the, local' •eleveter stael.
a**1*ze'il *b- ' in 4 -big ,ru,sit of
'wheat int* ''. been .. coming
..! tow it Is impossivbie,ou- Wen:load
- ,hhaelo,t46 1.4t,. tottOit ... it, 'Wilt
7: Or:Mat a9. n
ti•:-Patillit ,- de-
ha rienet'on-Stm.
.,..„ . . taut. men-wietxt
* • • *-1544°,44"--t
do -1„.„214 te
liceseeftritt at -14c for: tr
143-e. tor Awrins;, in Io0"-letts- her
Eggs.„• -„/„Steady at" 17e,;„ Splits, -1. -
iletteY-Palls, 11010 -12e lb.; co-ats,
$2.50 t� - $2.75 per
1epos-41,0. to $1.55 for hand oicked
and $1.35 to $1.40 .for printeS,
l'otatoes-OnturS, Me" (mstcr,11.
Mc. in, ear lets here. Ontario re 41.11111'i
at. '
110-41.1,50 to $14 per tlin -tut
No. 1. titnOth„v and $11 to -$1*-.40ftr see,,
(wary gradmi hvear-lote-here-.
• Baled Straw -Firm at $7 to. le _pct.
ton, in car lots here.
A Sad aceident happened, hereon Sundt*
working.on, Sohn
day.Vessels aro: (Ong to Port Arittur to
toad at the Canadian „Northern-. The
flurottic left Witliatit any eargo ot grain.
eight vessels ere Atow waiting to„ cargo.
The men have bed several einkereope$
whit the officials, but no settlelnent.
-Sail -End -of $tsletir-ohl-Son of sow.
Enolnent. • •
-A despatch front Rownlantille .says
"PROVIIONS. -when Chas; Finley, tile six-yearld son
or R. Finley, the engine4r,at the rtthhe
Dressed" 11019e-Piritt at .4*.$0 for lig14+ factory, was found drowned In a well.
weights and $9 for heavies, t41.1.1101 S' The little fellow went out to ,play :about
lots; -23.25 to $8.50 tor ear -lots. „ 11 Velock, and not, returning search was
Pott...-Shott cut, $23.50; to $24 peettur. made -for him; lait was,not,mnlit ,about
rel, tileas,--$21 to 0150. • 1.30 'that his hitt was-'4,tert. floating on
Stratked and Dry Salted !that's Lo top of the water In an old well at $outh
Perk, wind'', is ',Voss the -street
front- the hoess hoinet.' lie liad.evidently
sonie„.tinie: It is
_supposed, pii-he-_-1.1ted -board:„Oft
lop and was throwing fttoottickg:itt
Aviteo. he -overbatericed himself ond fell
'glaze on Wellinotark ,Stritet,•Toronto,'on
Sapirday Afternoon.
A. .de5patch. frotn Tomtit°. says: Fire
frmn an unknown cause, hieakiug out
bout Saturday afternoon in .•the
%rehouse 61"ttle- 1Cnox Ntattufacturin
Goinpe east
lised- a_ loss of about Itimol to th
Kii0X--Mmpany-and,„ to Nir.,--tei-:-iitoneer/
carriage hardware 'merchant at Mts. itt..
46„ The lattees dahlogto being from water.
b"or ovet Walt the dewntown divis-
lens of the fire.,detiiirtment.peured'water
Ant.4„ther,litifiding ,w'as
under eontria. " "ilit briOde'S food:
it i, due that -lite _Ore diet not 4.8-,
mune larger proportions and spread 14)
neighboring buildings.,
1*- The szkil.r0 sat they were ,elear bacon, ite..10 It30 tor lona 00(1
I g'IlLttliite )6441 /11.; vialtDerenStirdbenlY:flat.ttSit)1..tre:,-..111411.0...
te-poliee-with*-Tevolver-1 1,"3, 41%V; .:11;r0111*(ih't„,_
atid-nuiehetes; • It-fieroo vrt-411°, itge,;.. out ,of pickle, le less than.smekea,-
witti,1L 10 1134e; roL1,
the reAtit that Hairy rard---Tiercee', 1230; tubs, 12%e.; pails,
moan for the ,Taetuna, will probably a v. • •
14 of'icixunpount -tractum orttio-shn14-
.01.111d to the 'righ • . - Ten other MONTREAL. MARKETS., '
Seamen were taken to the ship suffering -
machete wounds and clubbing.
Not one of the policemen was badly hurt,
thougy a number of them suffered from
contusion% .The captain and the
policemen who participated in tbe affair
e,- tail 4 a -brie W
"re pee- %Voidsat -Uzrtnie-,
- .., n -Saturday. -.tour "Ines* „Wrere
and eigliteeit fillterS, inore"'or leaS si
;etisly hurt , The vietinis are all .11it
*„gertatet'. ' „ • - .,',.•:------, ,. - . - ,
1111nd-reds .of resideills; of the %Item.
Ian tolony in the 'upper. east side of New
Vork ritY, klatlit'd On Waaesday that
they had lost tie at of lfears Which.,
they had depositc will' Ntadzinte „Mini*
Intel's, the htater, wlio rotnnaltted ,t-;. i
45rir witioll - tkvos-c: stip - sea , ti
r4l' few-o.vvel,-01,3,1a.ikilVailetinO, XI
, tom: tO cortikin 131100 I
lilies, „‘,repres. .riting Ilielr' .., v n
, opened and found, In pont
-thing otvolue,„ 'Among.t eAe•d
wo many ,i,voinen etitpl4 '
side\ gar ta*talo. V
. ‚4
-14m$0021-susP0nde(14-ots-tlie-et '
4/ -* --of Connitander Tupperi-ot
1114 and the American Consul, Me.
Montreal, May 1. -In oats there is no
Change. For No, Vatarto wlata. tte
.quOtation Is ,sttll 43X,c, while 43,144 to
4c is quoted 'for the.;911Tne 'grade Mani.'
toba. -Prices quoted to -day ore;•;.--.
iluckwheat-55c 50Xe, per bustle
-oi.„-trwrizeorrt4 law;
05e ex -store, _ •
---;--13toliitio peas-, $1 earkiad IOU
$1.10 in jobbing lots. .„ _ •
Flotir-Mantloha spring wheat, $44tir
-111.,00; -strong -bakers', to $4,14t
winter 'wheat' patents, 'OA° ',JO
A0_,444 At.11.7_ to _SIM:, _ex tras:,_--$140 ,tet
1$1,5XL- -
1Z‘lillfeol--Manitoba bran, in, bags, $20
to $102; 'shorts, $22 to $2459: Ontario
bran,' in, bags. $Z). '$,11: shorts, iti),
to $29.50; artaalle, VI' $1,ti,
- Itolled-Oats-Per-bag'f:.
lJny -No. 1, $t3.50;- No. 14/544;
11.50i clover, .mht,ed, SIP :PPM. .
„to,$11 per tonkin ear lots,
t 4hcre",, are tio • ,feature,S;oud
ta 'ions, are., 2% ti . ,
it.,1),utrkgt.its_orc 0_014- tlitld
atl cheese .$ rbeing eagerly :,sott$111.T„,liie
ti,4 soon as conies into ehe market.
„ Provkilonselierrels ,ht short eitt 01049
tV.Z.50 to $23.50: lettl.barrele, $11.5 to
$1‘2.54X. -clear, tat backS. $24 to $'24,59;
long vut Itea4, $20,50 $2.24
'birrels 1,0.7.5 to St1,404,41t4 /tatted
long •clear bacoit. '11,14c to 1.2e1 barrele
- to lk7 10; Ippi els I avN theSS' 'beat
plate bi.• hk$1.4t. ho 4011444 444
gift', bait, arrels Aft., 05 e0bitiOurld',
ford, 1,1* k) 10e; pure itt *41,11#,NO7.1
etc; kel I rouble& ,t44
in'- 13 13, te, 1 itte 41 g:to size;
vaktatit ' on .Whiele*
won., ' .1"rtslf. I altattoiti
745. •
..,,, •- - _ , , ,, „ „._
-flAhs Found On-,-ilie-AtalhOy
Near las, Maititoba.f .
. . „
despatch from Brandon, Man.. says :
De Moore,' leorotet1Preceived word On
r !,..1N1 trool.PoilgW ..,111.0.1, -a-baby about
t -4 MoTiths old,- hatT beettiotthd pear.
lox - it7tre.7-eostiTnit 4t't 'tile
at The y.; li..9'..14-.4.1itiator aiafe
... 1 ;aloft. eltewid Ity- swine and
-.,„ terows.. 'Ate discovery waa.
rt ;-,-*.lio-roun.d.,1110 :elt
in' 11'. light e011Ott tThe.
irated with dirt and
'tido; •iita-d- of*. -the • cilia , bore
tarloot bru ' 'Coroner, Witnittivbett
st-n on Frhitiy-$414'he ittd. only r&eiljed
itagre details Of the ease, \and dfit not
know witeliter,Ite would liold' an Intl:pest
oiItal„ , ;Chief provincial eotistal?le 111 -
got( „or WitullPerWils :also notified,. and
is', 'ttandtictilig titt, itiquiry into the grille -
sonic.. find that Aviis made. In the',Tteigli-
borialod tit re. 19 itheOlutely rid titter, and
:the intereite :•firitivivislhattite-thltd\*O1
meet. itsk• deal I deWn the ,enthankt tent
tattled ,,, fron .s. ,pas-,aintittaint only .,to
, 7,Velttf.,,.
Vert' -4breateowt betw!eftt v
apd t`tuateakati:
Adis Woman
14 4
a ea if
$1. C'oatharints •sitys,
oii tu mornieg Sopetinten-
CitMerofri of VictOtitt: town ,Cente,-
.,telt to 1 ',Mktg x,*.ing,
1'4'110itt ._*t lit?, mid trope
ed at 4.4604-44i -Weditesitiv.
t the' ex,plosion .i.if ,a guivow.
0. •Twent,s.one bOdies- have
* ,r41114 41%4V4,14, Milk the thtng„
..,,ipinifros - 9 Wttifr\itkictirivit. Fit.
. tees IsokLifg t., rak, : 'atm .o.e a
Il 1 ' ' ' \14
Iii,trItot 6414tc., V; 'tti$
l040. Ow hunilreit f, I*. of •The n
.4.- city T4-411 'was 1 -.•MIL.
0, ..'1,04 'cott oath -. , * cite
..,to aihrtil, frilimel. • e ottiilavA, a
•- -to ot Nfre.4. 41000 104, 0 , 4o i it ii ,. thew ties
"woe Ike *uritteis, in th, ;,,,,toctfirs,:
whit* Ho, j.lroignors ihe., s fiNV.
A 0104 by the -01144iiettin,, Iv tri
• ..
X 0
ell, hut 11*., re:443ils u.ere• utihsoil
8orti(t ftlk,.:'i at liteir took', of the e-Itilos
kn. may be gatheri.4. frrt lite lad that
Jlitloors of 'hott,30,s-ta• ttlile distant were
locyvt0 ,,off. 4 ntittil?er ,Of
Ciiiticae.. Anil t . ilitt.tritit -I,
$Iiitlellti t;icto i ,
, ,
, "lir. 'I4tties' I- .... .4,
31, nit ,tilliglitte*,01 Y
tii!ated, Many ocrfAt5t kOt d
te't ivcro '1,-ett,',,Tut 'lleadmt, ,
hair!' oe'f, the-rnagaritior, yroiv
• tzlir.ed.- atnil **hen the
A. •rej a Ow waa feuttd"t ' tett
init. ikhicli Stigits4 -the, to..a:i.s..
t it the ,t4s.p7oati:irt, It* .firiaticia
, aiTe vrieffPittf•t% 4,,
U W„ titc. Nvtitvgt
kitOetilit • 10.11I1 Ark.z ,1)1,110
, .
11 1110.„ (k1J, jr,b6,11g opened i strong:LW,- St 0./11,,„6.814-
• g %1.ntan-`"''sttut.ling wt tbe04-k!, fo.b. alloalt Ni. tr rit
*144144 1114' 414.34tf.4aLriAl• illhg afloat NO..
Nizgir Is,. 'Mitre $116' Ittld 'gc* 4,,ittard ittnc; oh* 'ottcio«.
totoo :the flight .betort, ttrid it43,04Lo, it; an , -At.
And 'herself in the Cemetery.
She kne nothing of *hat bt-
6110 Avokt t4;tilttkittliti4
Inul .f Ping,,,whieh'.wo, 4
ansi -t1frntIy 4tolst have AvAilked the -en.
distettet front the 1'a1U,19: eeme,
(ten miles) in. her -sleep; The.:tOP
W' arrayed in :sleeping ARA
thOre -CM W.111110 dOubt that
Wry' tOld - Ulm I
INte, 0E80 IN I t)
. I. 1:., ' OCIt Aitz 'I'S.
,.1. \
Tor4nto,, . 7.--irt.litle ettalige -4N-
neticeable in 'Iratie,",, and, prices' field tei
,. ,
()Ye. ' - .. ' : • -
tteher.erittle were offered 'freel,-,, lett
Ole tlett11111.01. i.'415 ',*)!,1rotig piieo„tvelit
kitdy., Stritigld toads' raitg0 front $4.15:
ttlr' goott '060ipoo ,qtpaity..,10 Sktf,10, for llie
tiest.' ,, 314,ton :tirice loid.iY' for litititi,r.
taltie 'AIM ri.i4, .' The, ritailzet fir hlit.-
4 ' dterg bulls tvatiiirri)er. elloico 'itellii)p.
, frent4I50 tiP-fo .$1/X.,-. 116 ,Iiillifi,,, 'pace
, .
. iott, poid tap * few OSittk-bov
0 1 fiNftif'111 44) ' ' n ' 4 tSityfltrit1.10 411411. '\:1:Pltirig friirn __ vrzt
v 4 ',„t 44. Atitar'44tesat'.”,
, \ - 'Work5, 41ti3°Its: -------1hetivyf041,0041". ' :' i ivl
a hunch of I' i
ead big .fi - the ,a(o
1, ourat $3. ,
(b., le it 04:0,111. art,t4tOsi4k.. 4;h( lif
'.1 , ati4 onlitiary . :0 10 -
,- _ 9., l". itt (j
ittploye of 1 ' . s't#tvise id 31 t !,..
. lig*, ,ahev irand' t Gift,
i , ' ,tnnnd t 4i1feritsgA'
are fl *nil I 11 111
eatly and,
• *a
A ilespatelt Afontwat says: l'iuv
1001 were ItsPhImieled. on Sitirdek at a
theep beatding.-firitise' at 1-12 St,'. limes
kept by Mrs. 1. Stulib. Nte.
male Inie of 'dead ',melt, W5 -'1
tt''-'Nfectittictr 'wit%an oloptove
the tVeli ;,til!-i,tinit
third vielitut was :a laborer' *round
. irkv
tad been drinking' -and it IS Titanitlit"
Illeyiita diave .broken tite,--.7...ga trod
so altew0d.'llie.. fume- .1;,)•
- •
ny f
itte' city; lin\d-, rdtY
-nearly tiftY
ri11nirlin1211114rdi1elt— -
-*hen and How to
In ..,„ •
plariting trees' in a retreat pinta.
lion, three thinp •absoltitply neee4stiry
to attend to are : (1) Keep the roots of
the trees moist-, (2) spread the mots well
•vVhert plaging the trees in the - pound,
t3) tramp the earth. firmly -around tho
re-ete."..71-6:4-atiteiTolieetillte.,to44i4 of the_.
trees,- trom--4q.ing--aver are carrieft_in.-•.
aekets and: coVered'iover iwith 'wet Jilos34,1'
or -lit0 can be carried in pails, PartIrK
very thin natal. -
If the trees arrive at a tinte when they
eannot be planted itninediately,, they
;Should fie "iteelerb in," For ais purpose
Seleet shailed spot which the sun and,
Ithe.alwapedind o*.trettnnett. gweittli-atitiaensiddheiertodpigingtt
*.t, ;gado an angle. Now take a paii or
other vessel 4111441 in it put water and
earth,, so -las -to- 'term thin thud t
simply dig bolo in the ground and 'pour
ome water in its Take the seedlings and.
dip them in this thin mud, *then Lgttee
them in the -trench.. zrowdinii therit,,PretlY
,eclooshelybae{bkot4;v04.1:41. leooseeediousne)gs, ,athnited virmtni; "
it down theroughly then -put down
Otho,; rppa, seedlings,, and so on..
keep .l1 i-ight in this
044arittlitt `471atrrs'IWWi011
to keep. them thus • for ,
'Ionger time, on *wont of the danger Of
injury to the roots when they are finally
spadeful of is taken ont,lod itt
he hole thus made a tree taken from the
baSket or pail la placed. • The roots of
trea_the_tertii-steatild--isbe; .0-intia.cfc;pread.1.44 •„)ovuelii •
mpea, down. The tree_ At'oukt
eed in. the earth. ahota, hillOri deeper.
t ext It was hi thtursery bed l in order
to allow for heaving of the soil. by
. Sante prefer to plotigh furOws...418 for
..apart 49 the taws trees are, intended --
4 Stand. Then the. planters go eking
turrekvi. and-lat--therrequired.-4119;7"---
;knees put „4(mA the trees hetilLitt. post. .
tion and throw some. loose eartlk alma
the root, 'then ti amp earth. 'down -
TlhohoroolugrliihlY,ine:yd ',tblioetti-horori;tvonthteretkxf, tirnetote.
place- by another furrow oppgliel monk
The tate or plaraincwill vary a 0_1%1
itc Tit worked Soll six „men,
after some practta,-, to be able to
plant abont fiVe thousand trees pet dity.
11 IS best to have Sonte-tnen do the actual
ilantin While ethere,settir trete to -
eritz,_.- na:rtunt7-Or:borteiroften..cari • -
Th ;number of p1ant4 pr are will •
depend onli-lhe spacing. . Planting ,four
feet by Sour .feet, trees ebn ,
neeesSitY; 'tot ritentinglive lett by IIVO'
feet, "-1,750 .trees. --and -for plantingsix
feet tojt six tett, 1,210-troik.
fliled'1,vitit water; or, 'better --still, wl
tttots . Illetr4 throttolsout :Canada to
1be. Salaries Itarsed„
- trill: front .01ft-two-says:- It bag
-we ' d for years that the out.
It, t the,Ctistonts sf,ireice- have, •
n urideritaid. AO eNt1:4 vole, 141 ' ,
s obtained by Mr„ Paterso at it e
'Itt Atssiaii, and the, Ministe '8:-1
. 5pred tliNtaitOlint (iter ilie e) , _
' to-inas,..sert-ii!•eltyini llallfax, to Vic'.
'pie t011icittl: ot , the de,partnient
,rl'iing out 4 le de,tall*-,outite pro., ,
" It round tverom., /r - •
/ •
1 r1t.5l4i,.\
1100 i)
:Wig! I
If itt itt
4'1h e4 *
1•, - 44
4/04,i0ti4.n o
letqaot' ticeose At- t4 4.)eter.'o "t43 I
mom re' ts1°
se 1rinv11.4.-ir% A c,41
* .t**1
11 L '01-10;\
41 ,1r'4
1104 IWO. 44 i1I i. 41;4.
1 lies' res, weitaied fot-s for lictw
4 ti hvioding, mats Pltir,(*"sX
tunic‘pal 1d„!Ilits-i41 Ow tolillL,1131
= Um' minute ;1 !h' rot itro f
• •Moirv and 'it tiritr rie
J- ttt4s-t 0o4 Oft/to.. Sitt)h! *OE
"the ntuniett41,1.Ps, were
t topriparoil vi+th 4411.1!!
I he ' *halt
., .
' 31...;1004,, ifKlead of Arrii .90,
i ^licens,?, ):ear. Itti rms:fituo,
i t14,vns4 ittereacil '$t011,4%,43:.
ilket leg:elation Of 1ptic4 .
. tv** yi ri.dintieu iii- ttwiteciaite
ee :ter lite' li,4 case yeat Ittla-4,se1
I V,ir 'as 'Olifttpokilitl ,Uillt Ito invi/06tts scat',
44 !hi, Vet itol it,4.0.;,,:co.4i 1:,.,.• th,c,,. repot
itsitd,„t git billiinds VA440,041110'4411,110
.04,1taticP. '4 i.' 1" AO 1i4ii1i14.4, refrlYlk.q..„.,,,
- 1- -fito, well Ikir,Atni.fa:4,,,hif Pie law i5
it„c .1.',1,:i.ti .i..,iitibrcrl io 14411/40,*40 VA,
vt,i'l -e, int.ifft:og ric.:;-irow.x0=iilitit i isc "
!#?.`c.,:14‘ firai 9-$J6r1 ,/-4 i;t1 lott*„ 1)e,',, 'W4 "
li ',1014.4\1,1titifiks, 1.vcr4', ,,te,Ak...r';,.,17), .414i. '
tiAt,t. with ,,$,,I,,t1)4:„Xt -ilt 1541`,.4,.•
4 ili-,1!1,t91:1$.4 o'‘,1 pt..-- c/trer,a 1.411' ds,tilv!yr,
t'.'' 4.11i4qt is.kie w. -08 4..114. In I., l' 7r,,It' i)'' •
..wolliq Ltd 4,4:1/4 . ,,...,