HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-05-09, Page 2 (2),v •
Or'!L14iltAS (1' 1U
t 1
tu ii—
• Nwtil.
.liatus''' 113
rdietls14'34 mid 1-1l1,
1 A 1 •C .. ,-4100A) 71' SI , 1 ;I 01 detM1-
'''''''' - fl0,0;-4 ,t 1 O. •,- -. It a , 1
_it,„.: n E. , .liev°!'tie!) '; ',in
. , illia7:flet as.1 e ,toup ,
' , .t.e,on' nun‘t\le4t.Je .0
„train . Willie= '.. V..elling '1'' fl. — :pliarl'it\tflett%°101',11>e:buti'P**1.1Pildtkiti4 liell 4' tlat
and. Altoona, .11, apPe,ars., IlittV ae ,tbe eikinonsr had titreadpbeen perfori
"11,4 at* 13(411- nlenOrs *It 1.11!! • bop -4was1ied their -handsof 'the a -,
Washington, .„,. J11114, U_,,, t . and IttoWed 1111 1'k and teal
medy comPanY,,lulu, known T:14"' in to procecel-7O)Ftheir henevmoon.
u:,11,tor0ills-t-,ettl(s!vh‘gli';:105141Vtrilintliltipo$itit-l:Fp'euSrig i ' '
'.' '
, S.
' decided U get married. 'TneY enlY sLow TRANI 341.triG von. noleurve
de up their minds- about,.tin liour he-
tthey were ilue On the- train:, witleti past44.4iii N0,47,A11,kiiiivra.s..01,77...,A,fiti
. to lake t,liern. and -the reSt of the. , ,i,,,,,,,,_.4., ,,,......,___:i,
Patik to Altoona, ' and ' thirty minute's Aukgii Pulim 7i.cuc R4AvvAi4u7;n.
t the' prertens• time were expended In' Tbst 00),vagot gloress of tius,si4e
f - - t1114jitittil#0;ttp,34,' * ' lar.-,lailti,lh.Xn
•.) . 1 ri*V-15rVilarga0, 4
the'-r3,1tVet,Siii#1, "fh
1 thenine.' .. Vf 0 t,',I.Je nioderated,„ was ttit„,1
Tie, speedily obtained " the former lowing 'the . eXtioipte (it . other- royalties.
tereSsityq. but the" inini.Ster.,could- net he neva. ,Alextiriar4,..-, w110- was4,"willt her,
kleated. -TheY:'wereindeSpeir when,. Mr. hsOujoyettotie or two railway runs - at
rgel-.11.__Cfiba_n,.. 4_1_1_111_0__.r.And;anintWer. tecOrdSpeed,''saY ,.s.,4,h‘iii•ottitotrAtenit
o CePige \\';.i4i1inglorit.:7 irdlirtritin, s'iiiiidivrd,, hut vhere they, could; tin& ti • gentleman C[L tilous Is turtereittly,.idgred IA
In at POrforintrig_tbq oretnonlf,. and where 'nxiderinined. tirid;,. hombstrewn
in Ads:residence they burr et1. thit the tp-lek•have b10. .6uoislice„.pas,ed oivr
wedmair,Avos Oilti, erig.aged.ln the, still
ro inourntift AO&..Or.)?nr.,Xt .,,!1'0,!‘'
dvarlsillonm:nnet -the eoupie ...e "
a 1,. reduced to
e • -ott ever. bcnt
tiro t to. Ely
44t ben1. 1
g I iuL 1 ezzlinue•tLd
ond ry 1 tthgrad3olly
L eleast
.0,1; wantL
P!1 fr
su ere
Ptlis• a fair trlal,
trailly-do Te,r 4U Ntliat they
rart, mut..tritYs.
to 1t LothlOn. 81atist. 4906
11.10 Eir,(preiS,
took 'years_ persulide, Otie.e.0 Vier
tori.ft to. truvel by raitapit , the Prine
. •.
Ott1:1 t ' Melt, s ' - , As. luilit'would -have 1 „.• however, ctio 1
. , ,,,c. rZetioired and health btai,ited -the laddress,of another trilniSier•
awills, th'ep cure 'all the and with sinty,,jort. minutes to catch their
i1truCifl au:plc.:as 474 tveryday life. Sold traitv.they: secured him._ 41141 there was
ii"' 41tIr"Ilstl c'r byn14il °t 5t1 .1"ati' 'a. I'm nine' to sPpre. tor *the eeteinOny. and
L..„..,,:,.:,s for $ lire Dr, fral.at their.,ectlineat solcitatioil .the good
.. ',1 A.V011a,7,r,s1 Me4Lcine Co., ittldiville, -OM.1 natured rdiV111.Tuniped-111t0-4---tetwith
hict, 4.,4lents* -accented. a .-Partor seat ,,,n• .
TO 'FIND LO'T IftElifiElitS-. • the train which Was to bear theta to "At-
tooria, , and • 'declared '-his willingness to
Etsbroutliflg Gw.it Trek MO marry them -en ronte. ,,l,he cerethony
, 41.;.,' , was pertained half,*an hour after leav-
,8411,10, .03011.0, ,thi inter., ing Pittsburg iii.. tile "observation!' ear.
t a eat kftous, 43bout and. in the presence of * tin interasted
number 4)f otifaikerS. , --
elucidate lite mystery en -
• The" .clerg4intan 'who__ pertornied the
tite fate, of the last. great Doer ,
- . was. the Rev, George Little,
about • fitly 'eat's 'age LWhOPr&k1CSOVcr o. lar,ge eintreit.
Many sm•res fainities,i huvg, „He .,411orw4;.irds: informed his ton-
-vs:AL:fats: 4nd gregation' that : Ibis was rn by .apy-
started northward into Meats the rtliiple 41e, had ".:101.
•y, ellective beingi,c,n board a fast.#gpre,is..• •,•Sottie years
re orsicaliv,, Tanctinyta.tbetere be -went to PittShurgrMr.:
-tted tteir desTintoion'o we.< ininister in a small parish in New
tilat4.141, to.itus Yorlt, State, and he 'wed .frequently:..to
transpiredas tht--"ItWitte.called..tiPon_b_rourantie_.couples:_ to,
xYlarry them In 8Uy -p1ae0 but !4,11iliai,:-;
ts oi▪ ,10r ,r2xp,',1„:1-!141,ixt7 ,,Nlany...-4...the....!e-..W.erldings-tooli, plate :On
rallwa$' ttear In Oltv.,:)
PrincriPal- eTit-
g of *JJXKI, al
Ile the ttet re -
/tit -Itte''Otow.
$166,000,000 emmings tor these. pia
r wavs
lova Brillat oempanies, pa,ing
$4)toe 4nervo4 Wages higher
-Prieks, for...cent and • other -material, is
11 really.'0144.,gibowing for the properlieS-
titeresteif tieing -not far Min W.per
-1111 iiiereowef
:pin ;$40, ,
sult sinal
tog niiide4
j0$'Ikt 1U. ;studel ,
r t :silence -and, tenth: nn
abivvall 1t tatiSt.... be a men
01)04fh ught,--one it34 those %top tniaR
ory. &Ind, ono of those wito
al events, •
S -to the shideid, he IN ,iict-
'7=T* a young num' -1,v1,44 7st1tlie3-
r aln gicitters ''4t Order -to -heerinie. In
due" time ..4,....,doelot,..Or a TaWyer, so as.
tO get millings -so "1iigb' hafl.
'those or rat ertiSan. This might:do to
-stiecessfill "career," anti of -whom
course, there Muraber iiellit nI
Trsity.--but-Ae.-true,-Alndent,... lutist
worsitiPper of screncii- and
ky* trulialt one or those whom the 'Ova
jthilesoPhical Iptcstions. Irrtmon
•ertainlitilt:,tiutext,-e$t-Autd rterplex 111 X'
fhon thr1-iti40;--Trettrquet1ons-
ening persOnal welfare. and one
has Onlec...10:1110 tiniversitY lo dud Ater
rePlY. to these tPiestionS'. - •
jt, you. please.' . •
It titio.S regard04a5 ft.great.trfumPll for
the railways,whert the Queen. did at last
overcome :b„.gr rears enr-PatIvntin 4fle
new method or loeometiOnp, That, hew --
evert did not soothe ki*, rears. of France,
whose Council ot-11414ter.S.4:_*,ilen 1.010.3
PbiliPPlft-lwoPos0 In: Alle..fellowini-len,y;
tO go .by special- train tis far as Itottert,
persuade() ttlin that such a mode or tra-
velling. was not safe,, He went catieb.
It prejlidiee ,aga.lpst. rapid travell has
lingered.in some troyal minds„ it cannot
.he said that :the Inclination of those by
whom royalty has. been advised has
Mitch outrun Ahem Wellington hung
back 'even Wherittie Prince Consort and`
j- the ned-iffati-Sia-d ;Olifee-
in-surn 'booties of tra ns, :for g 110
re.240,:cratatid. -1,0,4„--.4.1; 4s 0:-tas.41.1, tin.proyiding the. license was all rigin,.
; though; of course, •-eare had 'to be emu,-
lure w 1 ve- comPensationS;
Our overWorked. bodes and men -es re-
tro recuperation and .rest. The. tong, -
Pr the .delay A& greater-- thepeIle-,
fore too late, try the tonic intluence
the Mineral -Salk' Springs. Tb e t`St.
Catharines Well" for nervous troubies.
Vitettinatisnrand diseises, 'appeals
tu thow,des-iring ---„yellet----and absolute,
ic„,oviatti„seette., Write to 14-419(01"
District Tossengr Agent, Grand
Ttunk Railway Systetn„ Toronto, for il-
lustrated .descriptiVe-Inatter.
• .J4eks---"TowniteY Is an exceedinglY
cautions roan, claret ,)%11 thin/in , Joints
,4eautiousi . liVity. he -wouldn't pay a
Queen Victoria had venttwell. •Probabb' .eomplinimit-without-getting a -receipt tor
10 never \rola .11are travelled Or • rail it" .,.... . .
' had. he not boot called itpon, jo talie train
ttilite-Viteen-7.4.04oulltran 4 4 4 1*, *f.'. 141.; r t.•
Irving made the plunge, he .wa6- rininator--willtu_ce ,* ill V it bas
ple,iety'cortvertedt for soon* ii,ttercaril the no -equal as a .1%,orat niAlleace.
4)0;6'6611141ot-a the ;announeenient that
'4) had nettialip IpaSSed te, and Vont:. bottle and 'see 11 11 does not . please. :1,.'o .
llsitor': "Ulla aro YOU
VP1WOrit; In onettitir by the Dover I t '
' fie-hore, IdsArial-willrotere4ortitt - ..Cn.Vret-1 fil-Ver-----inty--,bealth,,7*.- - Visitor t
u, Lady , Hollood,. -When„Olif:4t. in:4,
1143%.0t CiAltt penal seivilude benefit your
onseriti4 t'tv UT 'ill"--'4*-111:1' eNPerhuent' lfealibTr- Convict; "1 41011t know z but
,slio insisted - that 0111.1101 fil<31,4•11$1 Sit, with i wns-run ,down &lore coninvi
her and, holttlier hand derfttg tile w.bote
Tem v4glig01,11V
c )4.disellssing• the- isat.*.:.
gecr and.'
rhieh 1111? olt1ii 4111a
, •
, Signals' of Danget",...-1Ittve you lost- your.
appetite?' Have yin mtted tongite?
Have you. an ---unpleasant taste .in the
month? Does your head.oehe. rind have
.vou dizziness? If Sri. yarn, stufailth
out of order and• -:,•4111 OM medicine.,
But you do not, like. medicine:- 'lie that
prefers Siekness to medicine must. "Sur,
ter, :hut under. the "circumstances the
Wise man would procure a boX ot Par-
nieleets Vegetable Pills. and speedilY got
himself in health, and ,sittive to lteep,
rePlied, °Quite .true; htit -what -we vtitn
vtio$04,t* Wort.t ITH
0040 ftE Wokrtt-403., -
'VOA OM A stottitO ramt
w OA tat true Ue bi,w, the tioneronsi eised -that the oerentorty„ was. omAdpot,01.1 of (0e- fourtio, peel bad not muew more _wwiwAnit. BLOOD
taAg. title. There 4:13. %a;
;' - LeiCliardt. vibtfe 'the 'train W-4,5 Stilt in Inc '-tate faith, in the steam engine. . There might. That etiv-d „rating -Ana r
_ejhin in -the. idea of a railway, valor. in.lte wake. '1,!nt
1440-Itaak&-Y9A% 111*
and vps no-e,r A -may iNTrAirmrso- NiAnnIAGR. odmifted.;, 1 wou a e exce Hu tt.,
tf ogain, despde the tart it!at ovir , • font track ter horses, no 'doubt it hut
-4x,--.to reNef parties. 'mostly tod P14e6.--u. WW1° c!\1l1,ngo wonld highly dangerous tor loom
140,Sir X,rtsfits Gregor1.144t,L44, 01.1--‘1 13tTilIffnajarrillattlie g'brild)ceRN'ilte°thIN:87 --OVit$114il°tit 111(1 tiv-e:g*:'. • •
t- "f hear you're
In stalk-31,ot Miss lessle', ,T,Lerhel, a Melly 'roncert-
, o Hope, haven't yout
flubby--ult was nice of -yob.. dear, to
ditn4Ailedge, you were . wrong.", Wife
ti in r. `I don't, odinit-
ling-111),,wrong when %now
en . e
mind that; 1 ani right." And
trouble began all diver again.
bathe tlrosrous West 0, -write tor.ree
.nouuts,tt .ollst9t,toue'inYthe..:Seiktth.. /Xettirt..• •
!within:04o ea, *tier or ths:,•ettr 'wino •
SCATA) & dtSglitti4 Wit Obigill*
Oc-t-ttOnUtle$14- Atiut Onetniis ay
lsitssa, tratuent childrOn. 140$/trot
ects,‘,4*„. Unthere-ivni he- g to, Ittern...
this.- ,
Vnant.....lhe witnini, in yonr lionse
CatIMOSiti trouhl ,shut so- badly that m hair .blows*.all
say 'WO X libtillt- iny head.- 'You really must .have
typaz,s4 %sot. sAinething done . to .' them." , Agent, "
Layout tysitspotitttiott-tiutrsolvoligait TX4
narket la the Iffeeti Virlittoess soil. No oth'r
offeirslortotn1 ,n,pporttuiltiss tor taws**
Tut oftt.lart0 Limn It, itsiVatlamlY CO.,
Vorrokeise.o. 11
dont. see the necessity ',tor that.
*wou.1(11 be. simpler for Yon to hiv
..),our, hate cutz
It Detains Old and Nfaites New Friends
--Alma was, when Dr.. Tholna.4' Ulettria
but,_now - its territory is --witiesprecat
-11Rise..Arno,-11rs't ret!V1/**--1'.ct
qualities value it as a•
ail fonn,s :or gredi. While it, retains Its old ftliends it is ever
Jel_ilanetr,, weaof lthY dr$ geo-ds1110 nnt,
orixt-18 hapo.),-„ itt'...,ed.on. the train,. and as her was ii \1o4 POPular
kiiithing to indirate I v41 11111111 111 lore with her he did 'het
I LU tat ES. the -matter -but- vitu 1 9PPosf widni• 'wetfahlig vo, •
hies are sick: bab:Ps It wn, elfol lbtf b • -wed
lalzing an. inlet .
In, church work. Vait have a Band.
" Jess--41Not yet;
_andiit':*_ to have
in ft. Italie only pre.-
• i
PtIL---The piti is,
fflhlU .7.4t7t1-1
, ---.--, _
110111Er Ili
. ONognrcit. netkitzii, (jriet
- 1110 , rat popular •01
1 and0!pilfs, the TaeSt popular are -making- 4W. 11 is eertaln Jhat. whoever°
!ORFITirks1-- IS 'paratetee's , Vegetal& Pill.4.- (1(1 UIS( they47-bne-o,.. uses it .will not he Without it. -
orwhat it Is asserted they van do -and 1, .
— _
eriF 'iiiir lifirtit,ettrd,-4ow:Attitioi, a ' )P--;;- 04, fillingerPn*'70
ellate45- i4) excellence, They Are AIDAPaet* i-nlid-,laniploy:inefiti. 71iiirle01--lik
-kid, poitable„. they Alt6.easibt tatiknitheY everY,-- MAW 4011,111111m are yearly.
, do not . nauseate nor gripe, arid tiley -killed , by accident.
:irs.:_rwarog,t , 1:zinielocc..‘"Ine:siair.7,t ,stifihail:toi.,:rn ett,ses.
The imports into tho*Vniteit Ki _Vora arid sott eerns cannot withstand
illowaY'S 'ClitA31$rlt - is„.„ eftectual
' WerliC07:goods, lease her ,Oloret . t " .11., Uit -lit $ • $
:tog tor ey,ery triloote4Atinte day arta
-7iniintte'l The weight of toed alone
Which is brought Int4 Croat' .t.tritaln, is
tot itt the year WU tl.', '
is something 114* 811 -4aborate:orie, 'flie ro6n1
• had- Ws -lost -Ulan _nnir tnv bride 97"*.— ‘.„ -
her Miff& -tind---otber.Vientian
, -.41e- qtrould, mot,
iv Ilk 01:se, 4,.and inteici, .-..,tt. special train, • COnsisting, Of draw. PNbably no hOttttold remedy in ex
. , ot 1)ables 'Own Tab -
*41. 11' 10081 parlor; diluter, and oblerre. istenee 'has wen' such 'glowing tribute
An. ' are a - e,erte in ewe lion ears, was engaged and- placed in 'from. people in high places as has Zuni.
Lane* f babyhood. Thon.
the hands or a big; firni of florisl's, 11110 fink, .Ntr. iloger, F. Perry, Justice or
tit-e.r4 a.eep-them !continual -1 convated the various,- -rooms -into, 'to, „ttitil,..ft ate „for British COluinhirt, -recent*
, 1... ,x.6,,,, tnony to -Clic t-itali!‘,1117- th1T-Obserratt'W 40, tel I S—a- --- 1 -.' •,, nit thiS is
h ys It-
',vase to guard against itatsud.
TM w -an many' floral bosveys, , The actual. cert.
- - 'III , ' ' '-'V-ti.t.V e ,. ,_
-A , , in
% e er- I -4-"4- t*ItItIVV.--t0 -13eautifuliy,-,41. -ted-Vit ,, ,
-4'poldlielilS,„ 13.
• -* •"' orchlils .anil American 'leanly vete-Vend,
- :(i_wit Tali;
1iI edup wki t1:e ver!t1.14,g, 1 etg tar..s_tot
• .,ic:iIftb.erryig60tr(1f,14$c70on,00r?.lone.,--Atier.vei:yrair .t
1,ai41740na:T„4erny \ hnse plo4ed 7ifi4luk.tnliterilyrsiaat
a Ler, ana T/C* n Yeur ' Att-tit ;wedding, tile Mother or the factoty. In py,,,' gatqe, it„ cured-: a slt
raS1/ 9t live Yenta.. *tt8ndino,t-414011 It0'.
dot tor laad. been. able, te do thay riod,
good running; or. #4
gain for dash.
.3 ,A,deli,100-Stret.4.-1014, TOIKITST*
aliwitopt lion 435 " elliMPinti° with sled
althts, 4tteptrio WM end =edam roniterts.
_ at
sitlit..1rnott VoitrettzAfirot moxnkvs
4 .*** &ALM 4`utso lit, 1Stb end 9th July,
hitodlq,..thiresti end Ord Septisttiber,
ty therttettor for •Vietteli ICS,* 0311,
tztA4Arls-jt:P.E.V. --- •
63,4 ;She i5$ healthy held
-,41:aliNets, thiritt„ are' ianfor
„ 4AA tt 44t ” 4.” r7 • '
161r, '44 rEll, entertallied his ,trieptts. • in ther,
dittor elalWate breahrast -Vas
;074: '11 table'S bein4 reindved ittid
r Slalttppe pratl, Mitt
147ar 119, 'n'4V Idianghter .dting on ;with tier
•Tvi yea th,fitlx F..•to .evki 0--
Ocat, singer?1. -Professor
\to•isay "
; I1 1l14'I
,11:e non
ly the' illpi-sitor o
;t tiy,taii:4
for... • .•-:----- - ' - • .' . I
11 'Would certainir ellepuiage. any per-
.so6 to goon Zein-Thalt. In 1.1fele,h4inne. It
lheti' OW lalcefl. br one tong 1)01' , *ttt ,irntil:- does en More than 4.1dli., ciaint
which ille party sat down 10 the ntiinber lor. it. ^rot my own .part I would •nOt
15f twenty-four. noW Ile, Withotit, it in ilk house. Yours'
Tfistsiz:_.:wfl . 1, NVAITliftS, verS.', 'truly, , ' •
' tSigneilY.1,1100r. V. Perry, .. ..
, Iittriee--OfAlte,Peaee--lof,-8.
, Zaiii.rinic differs rom ordinary-EI1swS
t d ovibruqations, or Oiil,e, these, most.
Ohtaiit \animal o Is (Ind fat %ail 4,1
:with a Ihrhil:. nr4 , :YoUr
those who 14iotc ,part in t le 1etivitk
detklarcd. it to 1'4'. 114'e1 the mettle
Wedding at Which-theY had 'v4r asst.' ,
!the ,Itel', George iftirrisot a\ Pliila Utlely '•lierbat---Xt 'lle,.1,35eS 414 Ie.ai
.• an minister, re:trolly ifiirMed litst ,tesk.ing sorOi‘ lileerserliPt'ons,
esent.\ wrikr that, '',, he, svos onceet 1-. .011..4,:, ette Mt , dating _sores '4*.:, It
non t -i naitri'yr. rt rk,)tipld: while, 1,,i‘ ho lietisell Ad.lt ts..11Ve handl': V' t ,
pascliggr .011 a, train %griming:, he V.' ' rout* for hnrust sP.01(14. Lehddre . ,
Jersey? City and Pbiladelphia. 2 41, 1flft itirle.S. It inStardly'etinses anN." '".
'een. voiding' Iti Me parkir car.° !lei:mitt, to. whimi it is apo d: prtvents „.
'w[el11-113lieed-iri Yotittg vonPle_r_V_rti- Mg, inilanuntitt,,fm, or . blood po?sof.,,
i le with .., 'tile intelittlesS.... . I „saw rums pil4\s. varicosi,,,iiipers. and ,.-listulla,
NOitspet. logetlier ,tof 00 moment, All druggt,..0 and nite-.34, se.II at frti,eents
41 1110. the young. nitin :earne tiel-, me 0,,'cr from the 7,atnalliil3. Co„ To.
d•d.tit a tow. tont 41 • beg .yout ronto-,., for riiiee , 't bl)iiN.1 Or' #,
r - -
j..-birt. am, y ' Anstert . "
• ,' . , \ . ' ,
i s i ,!.:t-f--WaS; - an elf,. 1430i/fig \, - Ar
foineWitat' eititar,',isCe4
'CUM ZsIP'tl\ t ttck)t 41t1b06ta t'tJ.(,'' W:I4 11:111 1:":.!
11 liianrwo 8110 bey ' ' '
tur9tkYWi , 1a:4t1e:5411-vk ". ' i1
,u11 ,1c31.4'. .ilyail '01i0.„grk.••
m.aI1. '4fUpy,i,nd, !,tru'.t sor•y 'I, eta f -i: 'h.1t
4/ oWttnt!45*tiIlk 14j 1 W131 11 4' lb11;0r. ' ' t4Ml 11m4 -k40.1
TI:30kaCrth\%8sill trdN:.urnaAmo as E0 At':• „ .
10:10171 theYOang Wn trdaatWc1'(nl4dAlv\
1 $ ,
1,v4.,11i1/4;,. cli'm 14,
'',.Mi 1110e rOilt /or" liai Stoli:,-or Pew di 1.3rAng;e411(4 nAllhite4"11.1%4'V I lat.4,.' 1"ct.'"itl
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l'04".f 114 The nly'ild upitm,, I no41 , , 1 41
I*Pt1.$4 ' *
Menge, * 'Prig.Setatehes
every -1 of Contagious Itelt on burnt ,
,artimaiis cured in SG minutes by Vitifo.
• ford's Sanitary, Lotion. It* never
Sold by, id} druggi$1s.
"It- m.41.us queer for flivin to ilairiU ot
cominga ,,ittwyer tit 1i:4 age,
has hoe,1amg it, d1.".11 Jc1iifl
1. the past eight ttir.”
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11og0 PySeritery Cordial :;Is -*fog the
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invEr oinsitgrir44. If _ a' few. 4i -„lbs:nr‘il
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"ritelleest tripe of the .Neasori trif -health ant •
ART.111.111 AllEfiN,,storetnry, „QUebee.
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