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Exeter Advocate, 1907-05-02, Page 3 (2)
41, ittikk 4 441 , , ,t, 1 1, 1#14):4N :10 `,"P '• • :1',11-''S 19'4, .4 • • • ••',' • XsArlr'N'i* ,tt ,A1.4 put ttvi -,,, ,.., ..t'',41. ,':;,7ptitit...$4,•1, 4..4 "D., , ••tiorre . ,-#, •,c.'i. Jr; '411? i'W '4), tnilkn. 'Mot re • „i' 1 " t 41edthoast3ttli of: FrrAvoo '->tr•r.4,:oS''' - ts-' lit-. il•A . „41, 5 ''til ti, I; .• 1117a.:1".* tit- ,.(7'..atrath:t .1alto otv it 44--...44.,_t,,,,,t--.0.,•.-3t.4,--tvv,..,t1:1..gf,......4-,,,r-,. ..1tvo_„.._;tolv,„0. aood '.1.ro,p,tioho s.:. •. 1z.4;i tit:1,4,,•41,.., „onto,- v„ •tr,-..44a,..a. .Ilk,.PitS.• hirfi. 1111110% ii,%!S;01tq..4,14,,, . IV_ 4)! 041'slq, wA",aybott, at ,nitif! .sitgar (p.rni). 00%. 4,6--v.40: 41 tt19..44. f',..i,, gloom. aril ./lit? •porliti:.$1-4W4S.•10.1.:.Itzt.;!!".4,.. , "I Was' to A.'s? xtrtn4..c..•,wrt, tet,1 '-'ktooehoi te -.4.1".. ' • ,P'...--'...• • •,,, - , .04, loft I proo -oro.'"iel'e.'' •1 t,iii , I .1.7..T4t neVer l'to 1P--.1mrn;.,?:-..Sa. r,m lienottlies.'"atoott'irAttal..it7zr,- •,--aroit a•• 11.11Y...- - . vr,lf.s-vto-o•oi.cm-•• 4 ,. >1 1 l' httl:::. itLi!Y reg0Ur Y' 't•-•cu''''N' trot",,In Vivi' .Ittoo ooti, 0&sit 11-1o.e.-.111 ,gpl: ird 0,.,-(3.1,11‘..t_.40-41"-ftw.txtrsivrei Nt.i'lli,__Tr,fhpaqell le. 01 .a.;4.1,vvizi.11.2'.,A0,- on 4,.....itt, .1'-' tvoatilosi. . I to,tv. tzzawciol.v.- . log_ 1' 1titerk.o4I. latiotio. ;Pr Willi-l-lItt* 1 nants Availed for CIO P. 4.3go. . 1,4- -Off•'•-•- Pnk Its hive ea • .;__,tr mz...Tim,_ ,t„sr.11;:ir*,:a"-13/4-sijr:t...t .virttlift--P-10 flu's-- oti god a V' ettfl..w . "tett4.1__Iitar Wright- '..zcez '' bolt -teo0e..., tirs we -,1 all Tilt° \vbs._ 14f wl '41,.!aintir . tir,'. reint,r. :1-',,',.-rtt,.0,4t..41.114 leiti.lin•Lop.,w1r.ar-t .. , .‘..i- .1" „. ..4*.T.,,,P,,o-Oi.or41-"'"7f7,4i4lec4.5,1tiork, 7.4%.41ng ti •tal,...., --,., Rr WI fi• 31r7u teal Veciii leng-. .... . . . , _ . - . • • , .• e«,e,,ati 14,-).,-,,,15,1, oo....4.,_ lattgited hea;,,,,o4t, PorTitrii---7Vo77.7r.olrto7i-RiTi7 ' 11 1-• linoWli , _ _ _ _ A toe ,4-egott I' (Y)u, 1. 170 . fie Iiii . . • . ...,,, •••:., ,,,,,, ,,,,, .; : . titot r'1 11 to. I la 4,1 ' ‘1• 1 h. ho I e 1 t l'Arimois-. , oitto . ..,• le .,roloitA.,frrn: ' to- tt r4X'141 .elif:.: n! ri . co.-,noty•.451• N2Ottitl' elevfit. • Af."4,1,r',.,!"itiit.111%.11•:.,tut4;iiVrictir,„,1:0,:t11,,r..- tril";11!' _ It.H,Villitir, iel!otr,.;, 41.:•;:p .4i1„44 it :#,,,t .43',4313vrTi*I.--,ttiate::‘,41.75 .,,,t.. . .ctittiloo,e.- lor000lttroot.•;4-vrttog"--. 4,,Id IttOtt.le.',01-.;;I., 0 ,. ;; it „ .. ,.....,, . ,., •.,..,., S1 ntiteh, iottl,,roria4d , ,, „. - , , o.,,v - 1...7,14..a;„.11!„ioi,,,I!,,,,, 'it'1,,,,,..tf114.stt."4..vn._,,,niv.:,4:1. r-oktiftis, I Idnf'4"Y- • Out -or-NW ; . , , e,:0,16:fatir,,,iir, ,, t . eve: :47;; '1(1,1 ' 44m. tit. ttr4-rili;77----.11-76 r lit,*--wiftwor ifil,,11-IxAvt-iitlt=ovitAt-47H-'.-i'•;,,%, •."-,' --fi''''''''41'-tiE*7. ...1"." 4.ft_'.,,it...*WF. -..-0.1i.-..ira-s.,•'i;- • Is. ' tirt• 1J44"' 6.4141.tnit 41*-1•421-4:44ii!iirtr;',4;t'l 'ft It rl, It loi•;.v Virtu.. , - ,. , . , a ' ' woodffit- *4.::. tit wns ga.n. ttg,' • t the ra I . . . 5 , ring ,lit'ito. girls- we ' -JI tottnilthent- . Or i'it".11o. -- Coleat _ yorooneest If.j. ...., " t of. . en 411.11 4 4•-• .,., ''., I.,,,ar'AvSIZII,.• 14'14'lli.N.A.o•TO'81'11:7;11:7, iv 1 v i a ' r iCti.- E. c'etterttl., .„---,, - 14, .4 ti t!itr:::c.;-,;*' p,..17atc. woth ram lili 1) to • -•eiew--. On tie'. TOpittli,iottfit 'ivrth. lir Itt . g 'n' 'STA' Ft-ii"WiL. * ''' . Is, I I , Irt`e. are tor to-'"larli."1 bad 'itoid • them „ ,,, t•t.,,e worao tootej•-ttle---1)totninin"1,;_. ovi,47. ettuottt,---= lar,r, -er, ' ---•-w7art rdevtre:Kit trorost.: a .,Tf, , ' na:411.'51t- M4lil'stcv* ot ''it .4kt-ohs:ton where" might:, to• bOnght . • .. . , ..• 'I. trtU .0 ttii I -COO ta. , , . _ „ _ i th ,,,, 0 0-14 ...hi sAin retabls. oft of ' „lois old il",'“*,0 .-41.•sT.7 -1,,,fe,,*--,,,ca.. •- paill-r.: r._."1.,!_u_.,,,_:,,,,_1 01! 1 . • Psych -ere is •- • vo;oraleir-loo.01 L rennzoY ot,''"_Itt t Wort yto•shor Itri. The -dtellnor ".Sv.ilh , 4- . . . , . . _ . ' 1, ...,,,, _. , Ovirmtliir; 00"Tiv-lir0*Ihs' 441 YO/Hitiri# tat :tint -;„61,1 . . vells„ who- is- 414.%-tretlf..- kli;e* I r it,r,.e -temf.t, 41L'' niS 11:4*;n4,. . 4 117"117 (?141 '87.°1C.* u ...e."444A us.'"'""':', .„-111-71;.-74 ‘.C114'4, 70•1:441 -111C.,,S2o ItOtILli'S that woto tio.A7 Vera .toltrIV•iiiiPd 'Onitql.SIVI (If '.a..-iluir..,,raent _ -11141 - 111,-(31.r4. -__:::___ _____ .7 _ • _„,--,----7 ...1,4-,--,....,, 1114r. SIzt.':,.31/4 Wet17 .•-- .._ • tor'n043 to' (I1 U1$)'4)' -'$tielt-trq .011,1"trs.In 4 fo I br *id d• to 4 ' -1 . - . . the.11:;11.4t of INIkterky.i as. an inferno.- " , . ?..:0`rilEitS FRILL, S.....17Et. . 1 'A toetriter Alt Plin -gt.1414 VIVIVI tind 't0 -0T) * • ' 1.1 ,t,s, ' -* - 4,- C' ' • r* . f' ' ar • tr.. 1" Perin.Y aP Peet« Ar7"0141iiiinent-'740- 'e.. dating inttitrst, . ,, ,..--,---,- toted-ot-itt"arrIt t!oran•.• b Pe Use II' 'o-- eed'i' 144 'C!'113:*'.4:/' -41'''4P‘ 'tl*i.1,43Ltzls. .eia.tvrr4ee la4 I" had' ItialI° 1:1114) a j(111.11 "fett.i4 ItiS 1,11Mrth4,, 144 eite.t..ott 1‘!•''')Itler3. sv11°" .113v.° .1''''ed '11.314' 3' (:)-1111'. r Ala ittilild titt-1.4. Irv. -it. nod I ii.iol -.44 - I" '.' v."e4ts '1°14 '' "'143 t".1"'i l'.t.s'-'nfit,,--,gr'd - 144 tun in. 04116 74'34 n, balt erx-0.0 tu.,111,..,, .0.1. kilt /,,z, 1 I, • .-Tob...,/,.5 tar thetir I! tie --rows sey .liaoy r,,,. 6 , ,.. 1 esre,,,,,e3 1,.41:„ rui r„,1:11,04, .qhd-WrtS'Ir ,g tit.'e $ $,,** 111 !!!.'e lii1,41,.,,....,,..4., to. Of it* roylddinot. ' islo otoorh St1ntrviVi151 - h - - ' fee s. te Avi it tite taw-ltts tot hand, tor r'' " • "'" 5 4.'• ..rnid $1,AV1- Air wele Dr« 1« A« t,r‘nr* t4 tt.,a rei44-,,4 41.114. thp olvtdreW linty le4, it .1b)11,:01460,tifel. ittin84:111,v1cns,,h1,4rra,,I-4414;ro:O•a',,neVO;,.-fa4,,,t_.;;;'-gur41,-.-fiv'aft-ityt-F".4;),';"4: 7e74;11,1:,,,kiet::"!:4".E•fr..1.11ffilil 4;,*. etoin. 1.1nrited: 17of ;Eta' g. ••1r4'.41t. 114/i' let. tented: bittiy, disaPpOInied had :Ude, .. .. id. • hititseld t,,,-,) . notahitiqes 111, Eli*, in! no-tr.,' ri.ks ofi._ t.,,,,4i,..1-1v14,4 •-on, „,,;,..idiroo.,......1.. r, , iiihs6ii. ii • , lit iteve.,-4.1-4,;fillift .',T1I'lt",,,,; r.„.,,It.o,„ - -=.---. • • - 4.-,,,, , ., ). . - "A • Chinese **tor in setting tt, hone . • 11101 °lit"' 01401"; OPerkrIce '41114' ' 44,,,,,...0.14. , lirt01.1N0 -1%1F.N. WANTSD44."011.Vift& it, oLes Orrnostoy 014 Olt). r noun« P.-"ra' I‘jr". .i'lr•'''''''"-g11.4•1'4•". "4""'"itly4"''.lor-14.e'o. anti-WI:go t - -Averi4S 1:•-•AVOY.S,' lot iid• hos, r.cee,ved Air equh-opat 10031s . ft''11.4. l',Vki: "I liati'l .1.-s(,, .t.1 ,, -,Avol. .11.44 ..,.h-itoolt-:. ..to.t.r.„,,,,,a_. _ _vr‘in,,tc7.14t1,1 DON'T OVE111/11A14 *YOUR. e-ANK. . -tr---aps4 .II. c'hiehta he'lid itelet.ig _the hti• rt..o heeat.,„sctrx; pver 6,•',0 p,„„sitions. ow,,, at t,,,to .....vreat-_,,ss•ravalik _which ole silt), Is ;far stomach itrIno hie: 74111.1 eiiti. i,,,tej:eL,4„:# -- Ac..,:euxr. . ' ., - . lines to 'ensure fa,,pm ht,attng . , — • present, Mott, higli, witgeht• rapid ,pronto«, _. . , has,-ittroAscd, The _prinee,:‘,ed wok* 044. titian vtr1-1 ,IntitkPdt .Stibeetii4S. 014 .. .• e* - • • . * , lo ' ' 111$' • Pliittee s'vrettrY« flaisr ex- .3'. • . ' '. 4 . . * .; 1 t - ' CI' ' 4 ..(4 ...'-';!,. f'4. . . 11:1:41;%4:"..e.4‘irOltilq137w4:‘'kt,";'tigtYlkise°112Inout;vs'hlill: 'oa' tst.E. OF. TItt itIti" T .614. ttsiaa;t'tye}s*tnwe4oraitptfscorr:d1.i4. 11;t:- i,ellortt,111.11411-1/7stvigitchl4i)onslitli. ei:Itriadenstri:up4:0;41:87,w44.18:°bEtt' .. - , , ot Viel deOP Interettf?' whole Ittein ir'111,5(** .„'s',,,•„,rv".11.1 4-4- ,,,s ' aro s.),1,21' , what .114 ts.,tra. uptin$I 1.115tir.rdtor he hos. Ittligt.r Wit led ,:tissLes„, stt,t„,.,4;Ltz,,•-•to.iat,,.., lo4Koot hood tottaratogavooton4 is.vroaaves rootAtor. - present oenttballon; we assist each ,,stu, ........., , , ' •I1' .144 Irst 'Wants I r 0 e4T•otrourol« •i" °ail° a '''-,_.kt:,,,i,i1X ' '44-,,,,,;1•1"" ,,„i„7-".„,'''."4$. 11/ !°,14:j A morr!i-4,, 4.115ri . reViti* ftoltY rf"s•ntizeg, to„,.81 (v.. to .to.i4.11 I.;„:1o4e.ottoir..iw tuateriAlly. ikitittalttKaAti4:14t404-041C0014%, lc;uI lots and thit eli,,.r,ets 1.• au the ,rtiaer Aloe ritarn'ig4.v 'io: a '1.t-ot11114:144' finet every' onno ot-144--ivite7s• 1,4;14 1003* • t icri:41 1! 1- iinl 1(,J '1.I4 4:attr. rIv.11-- 4.1Utallisc.444/.4'11" 41i• 41414t lb" 14-'-"11!tt . rent In $. ectiring n• **Afton' dOret def0Y" 1 rt.••••,tt intents-, will•tot inseetodityv,:tt, aratotirst. to cont.:oil. . n iti7.c. A!' a! 'totes ,ror I. • . • • ' .!,.........., A. , ‘. . . I aut,itz ...-;•,,liteat ..i,ily • vi,..$iling .ute famous - wiotte tOrntlay tor' free eatalogue4,104•1" . •• , . , , .. , . mit iv„.1 • . • _ , .. ..e.,.,thntie tiller_ poi-:.7.1fijit.$. .. rtigS;„. , 1,1)03!. • Lif.s_vP'S ,i. ' .wevjit.,;.jx•goraa.,.••.. ,AL.,41Le.„Ara,-,4Syptipt__II.3.4_44, lare4.._ ./n, •.,sik . i •• ...... .o.....o....11....f... ..k , . tioni-iir' the lonortroance. 40 .'g-414---:'-qii.2.•.v cit'rt 1#"-8.--114L rbo .-414:-.11ft• 't• Int% ,or inlet hp! ills•flr.-. -17"nruiffb."4"s re in t$ %Volt ' tof ."...,..CalheiiiitS«. -Cole« , Om • tiring anCappliettlibn • blatilt.', .-'islatiotiou - thi 1 ' ft..., Cintni VoIt IdflAkr"InItol. _For. sate ,r.n" •-ottu.ggislt!eor ..4 .114411 4:1' 25, • 143.f__111.box ...palii. ,,,,,,stittlfod 1,,!.0, loc,44.,,sttid,..t,-4 t„,sh,o, „vord,...1.6, _t _ /.1. ),,ten,lin•a;d, 11,-;striet itterhlig 1714f ciatn.d•ah'ilg.etirr.°11g6ek-et.,dinlh..10//1-1:*.t..4095;4'onv'a•,,,Y-0. 17.14c,111.1.‘t."Ittnt-*•04p7•011-11.94114040-«ilt6;$-“..,A,*'** - -• . -7:7' -'''T'''''''' ''' 'rif. -ent - ennoloniiders Of" the--.Iirnorog- fw,,,„ _fl''' •0___ 7.„1-•°x. 1!*111. "0 '.'-t,' '1 '01' lonnielinti",y•. , T.wo •or- ittree. ot. Ilit'-qt* j fr,3scii.,;.or•it.61,•-t;*.atit_IrstigtItailwoy. -•, - • . - ,--,- - .4 ' O*4314.451,1t 11421114$4, • '': . -- -, ;. ' ' ,._ .r •-itonoverlart • V.Iffilr Pntg. Vible,k_ nwutt'ult-4,-.2oletri•itte•-.0tit--. . „ rosf u Yriv . PI•rofs« 101.0117* Ter,1041", •Astirtr. 1° 'Sy,i'ill'1111. ..1.4),4t/t4).7Fi'',7 4rtiii* tiliti4r441' i n to -the ;•-rrninef. ard asa itdrices • ".• ;IIIYA10,i, . •totts-t-.14. jw,) or Ihoo.. 1111210s. to sttee44-1... - •., • .'' .. - .. . , . th) NA D-tlayV.Iten. through 4112311 '01 nu ihsoiintlott ' itxpr ss th, .,.._•. «mt."... lor ol..- fottred 1 Y.= (14'se5' 44-'‘" or r" dest r ptive , ntalte, '• '-' - aled 'tittlestW. orgronsi poison 'finds.. its , , ort,.•',140 • - notf°11. thi oilyillito v - ii. rl.,.t.iqvi.41 -'tsfott *itte•'. -&-lapr: 7--- , ---- - •,.._ , _ .1•1•Ort. will Forme 04 .0'..14'rvel.4.141 sf- • 31 'I nt Itom . -V,. and Ifollard lire rolst1 i " f' 1, Avetkro co! 4.,k -v inAite,-traPt Po; 1.tott A;olet-s* al a (10 2" o . t 11 t f'''in714.:. th 't.iy:r..f4.1,01.411.1,;:t:.g:011,44titga:ip.tta,!11::Pril,tssetiZieflirtfli''t,.. ' Ti, i ,,,:.F.,stit.v.t,"„ii iy..1...„17.,,,,.. -,:ishi.: :it .te."7,1.4ti,,,,.......;;:lrt,t:„.- 4, i!..- , „Wro--4-Llteseenrbirits., W)f ..INIvr, •Coeserlielori, .411 l'"Oe'..0O-sel0 re'''xi-s s. tooetots o'• dysitorslot. anti' all the ti..,sentn... wut. ti,to"o ito le ass , • • , -- . • , • by lite Part7lif Antwert., , nt n I as h o y po to 0 s: to tut pooh*, t req..t ' S j .,-.V1 Ititilog ,Ste.p$,. N. prevent tboo .sUI rage -olviorPris-"" Ls': le. ing• •IINIV;Pi!v1 •11'4".114 Man,. ri. .. ..,irie-Serateiro-inVI nt- CANtits in.. hiS -enterprise. ' n do% is Will qt Inalle., of dt•,o,notssio -1 toot- . • - . 7 1, 1044 it) mo.auxt tattt ,f,:ar., b:•.', "r it 1:0-41,1,•:Trill_.,o7.44-._74-11:1-v-rt3.11.ttatbo, r.iti:t oo diet,, Fat It viN4:11Y-311-11,Za4.1.ini..9:7": Pills 3,,trip '1!1.4e ,i0ind a. niosl .., o « anti. effective trettleine t(t• 45.-0111 tv %' 1.4ne'•-or:.'whoeit 'more' 'lbw' JuSii-`;'t XV1Ille‘ rie:-111017FIRtt17-70 An... viten the wo:-Y • Is' tzhollai. , cia 414,10 r.: , '1,110, !1) 112., are sintotte . , WY. 4.51 Mi.. 4#1116 AttirtIFINT'. .114 , 11 r , og , tke tovorable. replie.q:,„ t • ' • • . . • • 1 44111 roW Pilltt•oin nt•IIng,Nfilot. • kr., te a d.,lo h:., Arl.st-exti?nst,T) 12)-; 1'11:- ("4 l% torn or eontagkitiith.(4. Olt Joinsiala ,,,,, -Ito; inerder- with. " They never toll., ,Ntrs.,„ Vol -Inge; 1'4 ' • They , go at oneet-to the seat Of flool-hvout‘ 'sfittltia,,....110,d',..,athit. tyvint,orablo., *.firff4t-eanint 0-rAttp-pe-di -4-Anity,:tt., Bet. ir r hilazitits ettre,i- in 307- 111 142't 14 'wo,;,. • „., •routol (74Averis desir---,s,s-to ,loorras.rik. tt;t1•91, 0 34 .1S, 4-41 111'. t'lt)14141 '11,3%*4'1 •11- ' . wont Go polsizik; or, bl,.! tali •vrokk . a perortirteht•••ch-0. li.gE .1e., • _Aotter,---4-„bv•-fite.;Li)lett„..4*.aotty-tt.)4,1t-n4;410-y--1,7•.-iow-ovi... ' d.,,Whero--flot . itorol"4 ..$1onlino-Y• '140trion. It .nevcr. fa/3s. . , , -- ‘• • ..77S,V01./1 " ".V.Itill.ig''‘Vateeltot '"c4111no etotied 4/131.11 l': tin'lei'lmfeti*11101 Irfe-tio ',--SioldIrlolt-drti4.74:ts. ... . p"' Aion-011417.71t-Ittli-iV •50-rot0034-9•-•$.01 . 5_ tio.tog. elk& ri 41:10. thars-hil t I'd P434 I r.--- liorines.sy. • "11 '41111 Zit bild:,--.0"0 I '--Y„,:tir4,... tvz, Prtiet,Ari:m. et,anord my, tiotow port wiii• , to.ava co eitot to) .1;o: titys., Nnwed : -ioi toe! now quite.sotzs. vo.-olh itte irit *1-..iill 'too tlt.mvy..- i'ob. i e.:ttiin.t414,. pp' .i.ridteate the: soor,..1 In givirg.s30.,,tiviteeenort its!" the progress titallited One raiderty *Matron :‘,. l'And , , . ., , livtill ,they c•put Iti .tirt Iv their tirne WATER P.- Dooley. 4eitto".. besides,* teritt7thank l' r ii 'More. peltilenton,ly 14 0 re., liCi. . • 1-r. - , . • . , • , fled that the,re. it no life so. homy as. 0 will Le •34.4'2. 11 11144, vy!e:tliAti rna'oni.'' . . VOlek '11 ill, -wife.h - all), ...higilifsled 0 ,_...p_ro-, ,...,..zwai „..,‘ fro,,$31e0 1p ..,t , IA Vail(1,40y.41, . ,, 1"4. -111e l*ytil Iting'in« illintl' taelli''Qt4et''. t)1, rtil .ticirrNiNcritotte'T .- • N" 10 4.,;.1ZOW,ttl' le4r:„ay 402014 111! _.be --1., t:*01.te -'1114-,0,i .1,,,q:11--, iii(r`Slil:rten, lit-,,,,,,,,-topg.M-vi? y410-. tht,MAVIrekd 1-'2-, TO , I . . .. . . lertitl- S.,r Oen Yei-teltt,.vealis 7 t'llit .1:le , 1 .: '''''''-' .1- ir arriii;kir it'l l'ItriN Meri,leC14-13111S., -Mr Ani- --(7,- .-tt-irs4 •01tInill! IliWA'11,1,flOr tho• feet 411 e` i4 cfl-C-Ittokitti„lkit'Altrcil- '. ''. fir - :,--. P". Ctir1l'-t- l••iacltlC'fler.'t-ola"-lr-yLelittyg;4l.,ah-l---f,- .,-,iillt.,rifg-1111-3o1-1T'1-11nF;_ ,; I-fllx'I-L 10 7.11nt,o1:1h1..4. :1w'1":9it•)•('1R-r.-i1:1S-s...t''‘,itne•et" , jolo .h«-etr;•4r•lo-rotavtaer, 1t,1t-;27-•1lottco1,2):lt,p..0c..t.rs..or,eTt„-o•.ttit t li,g•th In ltttxeantri-111dif io*-66._;tiiAtictor-031TiltAuqogto 1 OEA4 ASEs1ilr31 „':tif elrtVo r.ntcanrnt hloam y;6v!41!eyrii hayet tlat liellizivderAls;imieios 1 t11 31%D 1)1 EVFAV rietoiA is4/wae 117er:41812 48 (1)notd(Dlin tieliltV 1 4?, 2'. r11.OM)AtatlV1 $ 1, DT t.the-ou'1-io o.I1IIIftitlgrr;!!floTnfff.4110±1-Me44_Vtt11siiipA iiiix0gItvil! t 44 ett • ilf_ riiiiicee.,:itt ., •4 -or:•••-•,- .-4,..*•glAto"ogNorcoltollrzt•ats:.-fosi.11otz ' zent4,, st412 1, s' r' l'olo' 1112 f;mr,t1,3' rdtIIir.:131re4 V,Itif,!.tt :qcteills . . . —.— • dtiog.4.41)•ilie hitilids ti,t 4:'41::s4C1'.:14,13,ZYlIIUSI , '1;1?,1".1S,,Ite;, Set'd, 'may Le ;few The t,,41.N'en...-Mr.t '1 '24 - • nport r allure ,vv:Iii A is tin ,riown • .. ' tlii".*VitiO4.1-Sh, ' _Ile .41e•spd4red of lurid tittont-ol. al. 1:10 'tn,qutent;---;.:34 ittay LP rp. .Nink.e. ii i• ifsl. of y'fifir. or.qpitire 040„III! it., .sorot .1.1 1::::,.0,p,rri,..--L.,:lat.'kr,,..N., 'rni.13uk• 'Ms'11 rcn, applied:. Tile tas.3 itteniDered."',Itigtolde a -.)Ittge canal doi:h x ,:laitil .1* stte,• ' Oa, At; tile Ilan:oiler .4)314. tlief, rr lo•ei,e ;174;117,1.131 1' 41 and 4'o./1•ol'.4.4 8 rit ,Fraget ienirit,, -,ot .4SI. ' i,inhe',$, rond 14 12' 'Sit ll,'"di.loAo'.41!do-',oh-t%. Itoe, fOr-nt. 1 linen yott-3114 w. ' -11Vee''.:1';''' Th.tirg,io'st,;$!' :.711'-'4•.: 1 '4 0 SALE.,' , 1 Z' 41 pc-4vertal.--:'.-iniztratatal :f.,,f i§-1-i-tter tiye.:ttolies': Pftrit.r.to"•14:11%.,11* '.',. 744122 •k°,8',-,-..rilliettery-'4' •IV-or•saYsz'cl suffered ,w:dio, tiltiotti Six, ,throest.'•it le, 'iv,i'llth -rt,I. t!oe *.ii- !,,,b,1,,,i; A. sri 1ifyr\-11a04,0,- Iv „ o of '14'1 '1,0SI 1 •.•-ir-',.7tot ;$ , „......,. • • .fr -.zebra:. fit lvvi) 17,4,$trs, and . tro,ed., Stoct.'ehitoll, in.eorns'itg in All ith hi rot,.• 4.„.1.4•,..3,s. in thel'i.,fliftt.,',0141 ';pitts. . t• huthtift. „.41. ten e,(lie's., None ,t,f 1/01),,...pttiees to. 437 lords, • ':"I'la detillt , .tt.Fotiol.•11-ty, 10 44s ..t.t. ttralgia• atia.. , It. likt*te.* ... 4 • , it ii3Oweverk Seetned ti) do• ;tie any 1. '41 'l .b.z 40- feet,'So 4' ('32 to 1') 212211 4,14, nr, littia. , 4,,,,.., t410.-,e4,,,it 1311 is N%.4ti , .47111.41/era .,trtit , , , strAinp, tO 1 . ' 'T it i i ;ball! .qAt. was .ntcstiy itt--,iia.y.441ate,,m0,7 ,v,-:4s.-sei tillmt, 2.ttp ,!ppiptii--if. 4,tit-.11 teu-,,,,,,-----'.8Vrif -rulk-tif .ift..,.:osi., esp.,. 44..„0,. $:,,, 1)2 in ,Ifi.-1,-, ' ,., • thr.o g: 'Id )f '12 '4'4 .4? ar,litally raw -I '42 1t13 4i'. 11 t, Slifsidiary 4,--,etis. %vitt .1ce ,1111501,h ii and • it tilfit.,4e, ' find 11 11.3).11 hoond of 'Ool-eallio ts...‘erto1 11, 14,,im ' ireiti ,lit ign'es .down; A, srnati sarapie ko"-,4utt iht.e.,,,tvorar'ers «tlf a trots. o -a -h., tb,p, .mity -,i,iie.vcg lEi.,:* tiff, eted' 34) 11 ,it,, 1 4 1 r • 1.iftx,•-,4034•.741221I3o,olwa.s given, to nte, and 'Ire' tiAtoti tActiol rattier ,I,g;-,,, bit a:i Will -01•Itie It-ks ill 415 Otimie.• 31 12 'pt- -to*P• .4.71,-ett t..0*42tottil althartli!y as" that did nte 114-' 411 fcel '!e:•Po• - "- - ' • forotiot.1 port) •Iront Et* -1.01;1444, arid tot .*'little- ,t,,ii6W'-..i .. !1:-' then--oble'itted 'a proy.er '• The ttod '. ni ll •-, port 1a5,;1 rpr. Ahtimr,,, , !tint i1,01 rittoii.y it p3.11ia11,;„-..... .•',•fitpp'ly;,--OldO114414 .,thpinte Ilh•ati • tts.d ll a re,t ..Ivo.ro'sib. ttohosoi‘.f-4*.iI, ,,4 few 1'''. 34 en ol" in b,taEn-t;l r. Wif!* tIno, 16R0440 144‘1;oyo• lt-, .soty-04 1r12tis 7,tidlifk.:-0irs frau otdinary salvos n lAcallyont ostoredaL In.g;141.The tehprlivesitt;031s, IIltiI Is 01 p snd brotttOttshteaita.ming 1 64E. Ilc0 416!"or aAu s\). 141 i.911;idy0itIttat NV11:t-4i,1 t.,i. .'or fati. . IL is tOmpotorided Mani 1, 20, Inri-q., •eI',eters I1 1, _,,,,)!\. toe,: Ite:has:. totelv ehldoen, .004,..the,s, olittgi,-,-,Itertitl °fSSE:1142c1‘; -a, -it ,,c,:irs, to.;;s11ttu_otttporitt too was -dun 4 \ vitit-•,1 niatte, ••,6',I-ich q•"11,44,4,-.0 stool • e 't.iticop 114, ,,„ natnt.,.at pinititialuni et• .- \-1... !. , - 7---~-- -- . s ity. , lt.'eiS• ••lotglity,.ntotisc151.F.e. end \ , V4.) 3'-'' ''. * :kit15,11.011.1 anti ' ' ase, g s ..%!,r •PI.AVITL.. It° t whkh tilittg, • W'111!1.. .11-J , t up tfe ng,,,stl . .4qt )„ (,,,g:,,i, . v , ,., „ ' , ilt :ttir.l'r4'?(;111411:''..(g le,111$4'. bn • br4ilise ti r, 11* :.1(21 .:',..a . 1. ...: '•P,110134l! „, o • r- _ , 4 is 4 yoor P.Voll,roev., lp to. ;scrtAzin 1 ,5'it;jtelit .0t1;:ily fate (a'.24?'•..Iront 41 (:0!."' v111 Itt4tti'l°1:_., (11TX?", , , - 1 .-41VitilM-:-t" . ',41•4 !' lis• -1106114111A. .* • 34* 11154 ' ,_:44,11,Lilitip Is, I , ,00r ilkont • o' d text. ki si4 .3135 1ez4J. t rt. ° t .;.1)':;!ro,itez,iis,. and • rd ttlaI. to ad utt, to it. tt at baS ever tkitsal tht„ human. ritee.: Tbrat 44114,, word 43,41i1•I424?e3 140 wart. ,4")t 4)24ch of *oir:44 titir„Ir U:e to novI . • "S„?ve, al yeits ago ow wife was .---r!onsly LI Ot- Inv, ltiop$ite as • ,414 144..‘.. 1.1.14011i4 1.2 NA1/441a.. Nit.'1•;, .T4. it al I '1u4 Ittat e at I" Avoit'ar buy for It•-"Ir-von1 -s;."....ilit 41.: She uslii4.1'1",sLiplittko; ro%'.:w tenatoly ---At,i . ' , - . . ' - t-' , 4 -..• eor, al& , . 011(1 41r.' - .ohing04134 .e.'factory lfetTt 00111(4S t "' 0104 il_ther"." 414WIthvg,fritazY• mayi; sto pipo in . .rionta. tivuot, the 4:0E04,', it was not a .boollmt 'affafto. eoteli holdr• „ear. -for,,nte -to ..,:notre •".Inggin oto h(re; lioatoe haste end Vat ti 01).1111 CU' away to, .ror worz", witiall Parcel untot t 4'ow-kirly**4.04*-4*-4iee. three slices 41/-,brzal. This n divided lir! three , $tsfers,.r'1r1e('41 311214' t'Ps' 1.4tW11d' 'the factory,:eating ha they , , , wen". 'Prother"-In ed back. Ns .great-hcondh THt CAMPBELL MI LLIN CI' Cll. TOR8NTI3 PUNCTM 308 ..LIGHT .DYNAMO goodt-runningia'rdeiLBar gaht for cash. S. MANIC 'WILSON, 71. Adelaide Street West, glitke4abie• for :41V lwtlilog.i , rAtat, 6111,0r140# iiiteooht41 C,izewith riviiVestmot, *td 4mtpizetk. .4s.04eily.tor ti?ivismig - ussy*A-V.• AotePt. *Kt attitektitolto $ta bottk-4 4 Wlitelotttie tatottir iittat 1.061,.-'ittiresi-2ifooltheStt4te: t ' 114t 3- nil prat -r xotien-e., • Th twsploicow 044101. vot Ay --43(14-:11111, t?pial;ty 34 krrcet Stattrii Oretor-d, iii141-ntt. 041 4334- ri1lade1n114. 4r6Wit 111111, ICAO Penn, maid $Itintis'* fc'et 11101« UIV , Inn?" s or, , g,„ .tind ,11k4're4A I. 'erg§ ette icf Minot° ,,, toWtito r4 1J4 t5 11.V 'why II3bhN ' On' t , f'clin'eS cot' *II11tior, ma 01;1 ..g carmen ! ill''' o ' IiittICS, tag „Yet tart! ' °,441:141g 3th()44-61116.11ing--. . 01ri11 r ' \' 4 1111 1 i .1*,,t `11"lngtni, . L , 1 ,,, 'fig .34htt 3llat,." i -ttO . 'Iti41VA'"it*C:11.141.01::!**j ,.. ..rotge, 1 - 1 1 Itxterntinct. nds to lite Sqicore, ropalli 1 if . v •eaSt iron'. ' tfl41 .4)2\44 ‚4421 1 .44 t ig 1 '14 i1,4,tittl:AtAii°f-fr''1(14*, r . ._ 4L,Ig.,rfp114!fo' it r•oolt ' i n ' o.Vrngtot• r W:1:4 ' * , ion 4 tie ton I t . I V '.') 1 111(1.: !.;F:' ltifOrt.iallY m The. .tave- 1 , 7 Or Iiiii it114 4111& . Iva tnve. ,4,istir0.4'4,141%0 41;3,,, A . i'eit U1.1-q4.iy rained, 6,"twill'on-cry--- $44111,.11_ 11'0 St6 law (,..r.otilration. ' t '11444 ou 1olo5t.r when on' Or ko.L• ""14ig,-..:-.44.•tql 11t, Vta4 tor, of, a earn). 01. foillwT 42 waft( tet_ hit t. by. Otri vott, ttitA" UAW 11:0,i Mogi ;out _Ity,:fIefetitut, are Co( rotas! - ft , Von thisoine. 7, It--bott thy* yooan ct,r1.1011rt,