Exeter Advocate, 1907-04-25, Page 7 (2)ves no an 4i)
A -nage, impend*
IV y 4
me to/
r&ei .or
— _
nil oneo, more1&jS d4Wfl IILS
'. fiiitzluul, icb t&ing,_ entire'
,has- iirseti the
lhaIl 1. 1,14:7$ ' 1112:0.?•.t:n8iV-IlitYLII*0447111.0 tt
tlii ayl!ng'di'u Lo th facL tint 1
wor d holds other miseries n us o
There is at all events .sotnething ot
old quicksympathy, in his tries& wor
and tho' way In which. Ahoy ar uto•
elia „I ant Or
•–lRstluug tl&aL. v4,..ftt:tatt do or n
ll is ttw tittesila
aiix.4.47,--y4puts %tort IR 13 adnnLtct1•
tlit 4411 so
Yttely taeto-nijIt Iiglit.s up the tend
• Sybilla is 'T n
gitation tor ihe tel*
naturally not,
Itten--.gona 'away
NVhi.VW1 '11.16 Vad
sreied Jimdr.seI1
nqted wsLtL
which, have
- **7—alid",184'
rs- art
lier beAt to CfjTl-
h or the, subj
eW notnentsiIU
no , "Woos' stieapsto
owenade, tobii1iv with vt
njan,„has vont,
train froi
1 all eststo In Scotlftnel
wfflafl to task, for th*
urrows h 100, Th. result
„roiled otit o
paro them kr not 1son -i walking uneasity-m'ar,td
the' room, Instead of -sitting; placklly hr
antto5n hia 04;:,:rto„4.Yogik li44tAilern-7, lbxizsItl.hairtc1lailry,1411111:144,0sougoillhtlitnVoli.40e
inst ti
5 ' tare
kn i v a P.31* -4046-,_
_ Hardy.,, . ri
Yinetb0OrttriblifOlt PI*0*
, , .
u 1 o :
. i -retidi
, .
is to 1e pin e1 to tu eredit s tep.,
1,1eP07674., u -'-'flat li 1 Yirt
Upim...this.' deci .,ation, Willt1raW.,*1.11 • 1.forl . w .1.Itou t...1::
'rting-p1aee frotu hi young ft"enis she . would ' oxvip down ago a have, no
'cotinknance and break'.oVer las he. d. great :.ottlition, ot -Ceellitt. as. „A: sicii4tUrse.
It is terrain* notthe tenttitation to 410 and 'MAO inaat know 'how' anxious': we.
„,) • .hat,is ittoong„: InStead, he sits down are,:" . A-rnotnentlater, .statbur$111fig his
t 'sone distance off, 40d- says.: quietly. '' IldgellY-.'ittuble -trout,-wall' to. Walt, :and -
'I see, you will force Zeta to Call :In exciahnit1g. OevisItlyi ;as .: he StuMbl '
i 4.044%': YOU'r Will illice•,., 4 '141c,..r.tilit#bio oster-`4*,, 'No_ t,SroOl* "IV lt,'iAioa14. tehlY:,,,,
. landre.. *tow good for her ; ',how e.P.11- diar0, Iwo(' .: lite/4e seetlas .10 ibe".110:11110
ive to her ,good, -natteN .1- oongratu-. to IttY ' hold of;'''kvo are so*. tonipieleiy,,,i
' -,1114-,ti ' ititAvOufd Only. declare itself ,
'tr 11113 liflCd I. head la 4 A I1OL vr.y. suLdued 441:„.11*..4.01. th0„..,...44..
ifloz»ent.. s lito onlyaflaWar 110 ,gets, an answer
... 41Wh4 do you mean Which evidently h.rratea-atill lurti,
'4!.1),o*yko,u 41iinii:! asks „Tita;, tudignan , trotted nerves„: -..,.,
ly, ..'lluit. it c is eker , very, advatitogeons to '1 cannot think What Cecilia, is doing
.W011144 10.110,VertOr 11,41110,' iiiiXed illiati '111t.t cries,: hastening' 16 the-tfoor, Openin
-vulgar row/ . And do•yOuisuppOseitiat .1..t_zoisOi--4114,'.tiltn.-..Asiening6-----:-...,:- -
1ier --00 b6. kept. coltr. of . it; : . Como" "Let *rile. run,up tiod 'seeircSaY's .1.1n1,
%ing ,a_Jook - or ..814.0*eit coosternatio Ws Itmrt going 'otit* to ..the,fraello.ns, Old
log Over the .young .ftian's„fitee, and: man in.a.SyinpathY" Or .plaire.ring "Y
er i ing .irt .a.trila..Witile• "Jhe. „iron. S.'s, --1 lino*. where 'her room la • "au trjjiseu
- , ,h7f-31,41, 4.!..- 1
he -Ito _. , bireklier t in _the Tact ''tlitit Atnglites' '
os her bllaskA.,, N"Vhat right have est'. room•or ,the `snito:occttpi by the.
-7.11fc.414.!e With- "„rliertti- -Vatr-"114.1m71141 Wilson. '.1.1111.1itY ; ' tho' .roor11*. with 1Ii?t
fess ,-/o- -44ke.-:Advantage 'or' h4r.*.o * : stairs to clinth.-fo, and least tkarnmo4la,',,-,
. *1# 400 what ' you Ny4tih1 not 410 'if lion -when v you reach it). : M:' will lin .
i3110, were Itere. , „quite gOtrtly..,. Po not 1e afraid, •1 ..
liyng a)be$'s vkilh 0° * not disturb- Iter,"4:. and, I •wilt. ehme.down
- itti. -hid'. I -tretnble 2n1fllidiatei':to tell;,lott r.. • ' -
rot itio—vs we 0411110(1111M1.1111.•12 111. rir itsitlianiiit111111MIIIMMAIIMPOMIR MillIrillIAMMIk tit k
141141.1 414, S44.0-
ir s . h
i ' :via
+ .
a hav..
' it , it 1700;jitatAr. 71* se
- -motto: *14 sr, crittklatt to
aao*ut7o the
Ipiitbig r&tu *re, and *um a b&e 'boen, vory 10*,,,,.hut
. , Tuto prave that tbs aoot ot Partioipat.
a boo, . Tali aucb. Ifis itt2a thtso 0ott4ittAlcipatior
our MO& •14,t4roit oaininrs, • •
ni rot.a a colariar •I, *a ova, sertaillion ctoil*ricut, „
,. .
'psrtod ot 9Q6P, e'ery Province if th.'Volodatoo fliefitlft, iion4 '.
ifl*EDlflceflt fLgnr•.** „ 1100.**,Pf tibo, 4,010.1**
coatiithro etnioliaa' Coatiater. .
of faddy foreigp actu&rIea,-41airrant104 -**Tesositosf,*12/0. Pa
1. i . . okraomrnitteeo.-
, . , ,.. ...
will deecribod
r, tkt ,
*Ibhitalia 0*.r.otio1af,i4 of tha ActuaxIl_
bsoutoIy in0000tat ot aps.4.1fo insturaaoa hiaw
"•Ptalkollaxt ,buitneuOf r4tra invariaiaa.
'for & co* or tha Great -Wm
_ , .... ..,
-breast. In
I are as clar
it one bad 4nly to*plunge ifl
hk u
th's small properh friS
is. pritit'ett willt a eruct smart
o reference 10 Amellies
springs uoii
p he` Maim, trtridthe , standing .on.
illness, o'td odirt/i. taps • cautiously
I I door, whas
t quirksof mono(' that. hirrtisit,all
ani £k'ins,„,nnd -av.kwardiy— ,,OltildS.,-.VittV”- ingignatiCaPt,.''factsthe
, p or j.irattery, nyng meta no lar: recollecteir.: ,Ilts first :1,,*;tek7.'i so
resistancet argt, equally indifferent superfluously Aott that it is Jovidently
hiownbunged-up_ eye.,bead-niarkd 'audible . follows
he!eks, and disheveled lorksi 1011ows hs u.Pott 11. ills second, ELsh4do Intider,
A0.1404144 'daily* downtho stone Stairs, though still muffled by the leer of break.
ompas'slortately va1eh4 ,from the fop fog into sortie . illtal-44 salutary
Anannziaia, 'N‘flutsty heat 1.5.an irteon- .sleep,, brings, tCevilitv out. -•kjis
vertiently -tender.one 'to be malchediNvith glance ?rat; her -lace ishOws, hint, that she
oeriiitb--"the hatre, hiS nO good .11.0vs, tither to wurAt:lth
IVO fl dead $11encetoil144to Minerva.. or torilluilo:carry down
tn5 prepared- to ttetiula.ea .,"Olt
'ovtin hea
that h s
1.7„c t'
on his bed, siIe
ie utterse0 few wor
ufkring f • -Monti
1 0 -not very ' PFPrisillg,.- rii
sidering his late br ny exercises', since*
0, at III sUperb ago or, twenlyttwovit
Ls' iliftleitlt tspend ,ix hours itrtang,4
g *your */ roltead against ' 4.i. Itorquet-
in Ittoaritng lellowing an eep
ng,„ Nvithittut leaving some trae0 of these.
°Toratslies. ,ton_ your.physique.0
fturg ,,stands or sits patient1y:1' be.,
sWe 111.10* bathing, InsilegY. temPlesAvittt
:eau de 'Cologne.* ' not tea41ng ltlin With
IIOX411,$1141ig,;* having, Indeed, ott, bl5
ovh part. the ".1144-1po4sible, itesire . foe
verAttOlt1.-. 'and: sit 'theIlea .v.•,111k-nl,M
y. The day 45,40441(4 to evening
AI, iturgoyn6iluita_his-iwotriuri:TX-Iide
to dinet'shtirtly end $91itatity; previous
t r st,. 9., • ' 4 ...
40411* 10 It4r.1.1 Ilk( Ifi it. flki.04.5
1,',;„ :making
„ .., .,
4 1:401f611tott
tad lett Mill iIrctche1 uion
,. ipor n 0 -is there.
: ,re ti r
•ItaI. lilt , o .rrtielliglintg
'b own rrand, ta 11
4 itiWalk.
i: )d* e-.14°'11.11;
Y4111 nr0 trig :outt •
wait tbout
ith a ra-
tit* $0,' a • Y
ty alL'.00t apolo tit 1 ould
,E00 titrely;,,00dr,ttein:re., no in.8,00-14. The t Iteele:e..
grant has- not arrived 1.1-e .. sappose it is
graph untiltheyget in 10-11,43111,„ You do
4,4_•irkere- 4 _nothing 4.1 !Old lessi
1.411%i? tries - BylIg'100-.Ishly*, irritated
-riot 'havio -drawn ',forth. Ike- Avassur7
ngti Aft 'ken w
Maw- eont0inp1atin
yer with 10 (to ot
en Itt' ' kit tho
- .
'When- - attOoof baby'
-14- e1iristt1i 1LLIIL•
Us 04 began to rant and iae
About;the briny ocean
And getting out a- barrel stovo.
-Ile qtitoklk 'turned- 4 whaler.
hastiond and J neer-
dispute before the children, We,alway„s
send them, '‘11-1C wl;k4 a qaart* $6;114-1-,
mkriittent."!. ,
luls4 'Sharp-,11,-I'Ve often *ondor;d
isfily mete°, so touch in. th...e'lreer."
, ha, had-•liopd • for ., -'1 do: not rex. ..Tti,E VII0411*. a. .: .. •-'*:
nt .bell ve that',Iltey.", ltiVe--' One , .
al Alr !tatter 1..retait * lob et- '
,itoine 1 feel'sonvinked that hey 11..0: still.
itt Italy -1 Why 51001(1 they•leave.it-when, ',est ,a , 1.Vit
0-ey,--' ; '-ii' . so tond-oritr"' - •
,.11 ty,..144 ,thoy vat ,., .il*:',-4t ,
- .'*gi•,
,1c4n-1 havetb40,u` ,
ays..13.Yttgliitiing"t0auns lroinlh
NIA in °hour it .,tertain.lu
huve 401%4; e.nrt neanwinLe, r thoughl
wbuid 'just atrOlt 'aboUt tho-AawA*4 itul
is,7 no •roasOrk",-Thorte ,at,
Shouldkeep youl, You—you to
wauting to .ga- back' 16 -Attie -ha.' i: -
le gItnccs nt his klmil in •a nervous -
a ti h •%
8t1 ing lack agiizi to.tul_gy1t7
1O11#:-iiiiltotit, giving any
• dente of an intention to acquiesce in
di$InLisal. -4Tiiere, is nothing t cofl.
do for iter—thme Is nothing to be. done."
014-1034 in inaking this startsuent,
be yet, tootv dreary than' beH
vare,* tis it arouses even.' 1yngs:
',muted attent4.941.--
.*Is,Zotfting 103 be- done for her r he
c.h with a •shorked look. 'YNty-- dear
"I meatt.to, lin hi t -Issihty the ,•1'..ral
tittply, an ,o: b %-t .Altag:OM- ;fe .
•. .
g,setinli.-1,301.fli-40.111/14,.. augury a 10 his . aa 1-1aVing ,
1etrothed put Into- word$,,, it-it"j11t litlieVit; 77'
.., ok..;----:: t ""j.flOi'--...7t7r.,::=,,...,-- .1..". . 2
e MU g , etLH? dflC1 for lier - •TIO °ear -used in 0 $
1, lithig-,--but .--irr-le ' ._ slie3.It-is-nevervot est* ii -,Very- _
p: will set iiki up of ceurst & lat'-iesilutte and in the ease -Lot, utterly - --.
leep 'wilt quiW sflt1*.r. 11 littitalizA Criminals. ., ' ----
.. _
ti tivoett; hi r :ho haLb 0 4-•'''' ' d
„tart_ .
LO post, 'The silelh vhn yet*kgellier
l'stra.:Iollineatt:,:b°3 44.V111#5e1:n :1110 light
tf 11)1" lite -' - Inith : ":.‘kt inlne.
One :lot- the kind' -that 'sinOkes anI goes
out r t.'-' • --
washing the dishes..
klon1-410.vo to wash, diss
Dreaver--“no you environn e
has melt of on effeet on a p&r.rn
illunt-_-7Ttunderatiout %ire you o
surrounded. 1- a :sward or. bee?,
Kind Ladss—tsPOOr' mittor '0104
n i13 A. 0.1101P" AVatiita. 4)1,
q14:-44What sltin4 o oho 3
, )
A. os
avefulness that Os it-cifealF. .'No,'
--4hink-she-.4,s, ortetteretthutit i
.0 dit1iu1L to tell, 1 iun..no.ludge....„ *
A pnrtict
.;, but ,slie looks' so-oild:'
-ho,•4,s 41$10Prtnight,- not I lust: 1
Aft 'Itt-h.er e' he 41SW. , mt di) IliOt kliONI, .
witalt you Mean whp yea pay .sheloOks•
WI*. ,. _.' .,, i . . z • .-. • . • '
•trilte is -ot. asleCp:' rotle.if Ceeilis in
it littlsy-whigteri ttlikeit, 'kook tiol ' :14
piNto. stoic t am Aletti .All voiCepitched. irr-
"ts uortnal key ..;"- ,filat least 1.4hink- 410
litlt 1 41n1 sure you Might. not 14 $4**Iter
r.:'coldsirectiol salt ,,,slte was 111 to be. I,ept
Vcry quiet, and'nothing would upset Iter
su,noteli, as seeing. you.',.
,1.1.1ut iti‘d not, .a -'e 101.1.1 iv u
nit one_look..at.lirreom-1.1.6104-1 k.*
( ,
ItZdSt JiuI 1, tt&
reels „ sir
.11e gdtiviitt(1tt•11ity , . urprisea him
1 l*,uss
-.4)5,4111a 1 'id i 6.4r.his
• i ergone n tit
1tlitlg?.. II11c
ill ".$ 41,s(1111et1 /illt e
t Youithiak .slM woiihl 1nt kflov3fUU
Ifterer asks '
, 'llY,
lie, aril. ;our -t(pthree aIi4(s ,
alt evor
t t inches -
I twalis almost angrily, as it.
:jag nnit etan1kngiugconttadietu,n.
-tlynta Sptritltas,;atready.'llo.Wn
ti 4$ttI1 WU4i. Ile may-, make what
in!guint'atenlent. .he pleases, • aI'ouL
tuelltfa t4,J sirltyllbout., tearing..atiy
, donturrer ;his., Vantt
.attition• :the lattei lia,5 t0. sj?are is ,evt„
• lent ortlYudireeted to the ot
prat cin, kw with atnicable_olvit4,
ty.„ -iid of him..-f-Trektite'tau hi
any- e1j'dieut fo-iatuditi!)g lifts
414',irI1.flur tYthe' sp aks
y esting:wit -tittrip isSiortatt
• 1 1/ wurby lth
hat rtisd
k. 1i btt
,t bi an)lILtIlg
tti ba'1il ). ter t ,
,iiton ot--- bl,i'leg,1i' king 'hurt.
0 •hst I
i, 'YOU , with t
104.t itt
very . 1
-"A r ' di
• airitirltWeilitlIZI,:itti21"iigi suri.4411,1,1411,1,7,Kibt10
lilt whilt„ :1A..biOul41 riot have titue...in
nn 'hour-;-Iriss thsiut an hour goV. t .
tutt4 1 itoty, bon Foe, iliiite Uri 1uhL1rP. thki least -,,t Ittivelo retutn.,(
PIIr;t1',ti I
ltet4;8gtoicgl1014:17)Ofiti.' ; iii:1--Y,'-' -It) '
somolhing to Mt lit `1)000,8\,, 'It uill
1)01 take „liii five roitadol • to, rcsoli th...
"'1;htritia'-',..411,11itMillid4:-.1-4 --dtt *WWI-- .
Ilya* impatnntly, Mt, ; ,I "to,
hi,itIkhW $o.oll'. .it•• *Arabi ,,,slit k iir my
It , nq food shalt I** toy fill
1#*Lfl b1'' 41,ft 16 4, *Mt 1141V(., .
t .ut jflfdiIsy Iughfl3Jl 41
-AV Yakut* a'rage
'-mpertitnAtiltt .Ituttiary'is.14 deg.-Fahr.o
'February. it to 5 deg.- and in, Maroh"
•The -1.,r111n I ,.rI
the Ilook o rt la t te!bw
the It of. the air
elultifhOr,, dolt rtisi.'1*
•• Sits i ' 1•19 o
patoorii a-.14".0
flt..'(t,$t flebaz1tt
intrtI e •
ile ;minim t" ts
in yeat,
t other-liesilato.---,,--- ----'--
ere rre you going , ,
it: Jim do ftt4
4111 go5ng brick them," 1 ' alb, as cox
.. it 'b(1,4,-4;(11*,eitH,:ito
•, . n 'the safe side,
'11 .1st10.111;b°:atdri.•gl:titefirtibentir '11,1vinglY-1"oltlb1;t1e117.ts
it willilti 11.4;fil idtto;71'ilter41411"ty• I. ' fifig
loVingly r-,.,,,vitat,,,ai.tright.. ahe ibis, given
hot attaupt to gkt infl' tuAlLoi
. _
1 *-dqor. *Other any -\telegrarit 1ut. yet hitt. Yet. :tOruerlov she wilt he bright.
It roov ..from .thkz ; , ilior T.1 The sajecItve .1s. tAVIllIt 8 4 but; .np.,,
h4'grath to dirtot Isher0 their 0. partillly,; ‘.116, etnn'ot onowe upiii il,
thing' fit' 10 h,,,tertt, lOt. and,At 'NI: 1po,4 bto be notfinly,keepsireitelting it t".k. him»
Aldo %at they have .dono' so ' It a ite inus tksfltI3ir, tad ottpiey
fo rvits,sur e 4Jt AtioiA
11144.1 pro blc.
• ' . . '
t. at al Ali. it il4 ,p(4.6ibit. it' "."h�'Will le beighlor 16,1*tt avow; ,A
-4'1r1n4,. t 1It1ieart to try it" • ,people ikee 'Always Vc4'r,4e. al: flight...*
'Tli is,stilt lit fixed r.-.441tilion tn, his not 111ey1"..-rs1her:vagtiely. with agai
14'h 111 laiaga 4ua%ug1 /1.at oli,resaive aKtise, ot his.1)ww,irk**•\
'as ashy Sto,,,e,„ that kW' ittiellCe lit ititteSS. ""Stit '111*1 /1110-..
I ' Aosta,. ifluq * vvor$W----..this i,,.......-tiltslity stijboluost, 114 fiber
, 1..;C I, .eart 41,,tnn front 1ini jq,t9oes lw.,r fattter'A tscif (411,-*-Nceellis never
' ting hisn , 'to 414 (4A1ft43flv mill Alii iivikt worie,'.----bli, no. not worsep:
‘ . . ;only tiot illakt tkr t anft,, *tier, itit,'
', I itili: 'W111+111(0 tO iit VIA4Ilid ili on*/ to..extl$t*cli
. `44-Illewrdivr
.•, will you ., it414t _Wilt
,tt *Ilkitl 4, of, our 1 b!" befell-1ft to*
, * 1
' ths hQI4 *Alt the Ohnitst
V rtrid driofit anti ;inrr*14
*net lidding 4.1t
tioatiloMr. ,U•1
: mito 011oglitill, A
t' r,itdlng al 14 hint. !i-
"11. tut .• 1it quite. 'halt Art. We..
1 ly. itut stay
i Ito - '4.1tokiti1ot I
ti tlsaV�d fIc„ "%idPw
-u 11 1'k 1I-r0t414-;
'Ii i'
, .
'44N:', loit 441*, dietes't I
-14, molly, 1!•.41te iii '17:'
4411404 1i* *It+ h44140011 HA
h1 in in tho New Vtut*.ilit
int6tolLif; Is1,1414,19151/4"ritOt*A;;I
-,eitt- i44 4 1
er. tin,
n ord
-intert 40011YAritit Mt the congo.
editing ring; \ „ bras -,%•-eldort
0. limn%
ilrko fe,rdrivittg
ti alytAtt •tIlW) *ii
t_ ,