HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-04-25, Page 2 (2),
; and nu bwno cern
'ft lne ItoWever; Mira , r oen-
Iorteb1i r 441.144414 it* teeMerial,
vironment, whore love, * not tha reipt*n't
neluelpit; tho' Uoityfog .bond,
There:4*-n Wet, 414.444tiVe *WW1(
IWO*. TIM parent
both tetshr and it,riest...: The lather an
Mother mskiws-vews, lor the: chit „
The chikl, kriowing thelove; the. Art
*ISOM- of the
lather on: h oon e& into 1rer
L1ERP tteAvg,
., 'truth ,Y
upon insie jnflrL:uttiofl,, 1
it; inti7 t)i ta.gtkir
cloth, but uo one fil
,. e
4 Y at *0 4 -an- 0010141 deni
t 1 g&verL nolch...wk4glit. 4,.. h
bon', ..1 Of 11104,1* '
o nrntt wybit4r3f ffis,tr it
urts,ct the- ' nor oI CLtini
th• ilittren so *e
th that home, it i
Iy Is It ths
lv.ue atm
It that tristien
the (,hrist:an eUStrnfl4 the aria,
, t f the occupants giVe
a sort o! red, atmosphere f A
huke which
uvnlm .,14therh004 Wine trwt.
-4141004t btlfifrie4 41411iffeAtty:
iat if hoieedJASS 41t041t-iiit*-40.ver
, 4ue.--:,
• .Ia A ' ..i. a if Atli* chtVier
tbt btoryqoph'a jid('t1i'tL-
o Ilm,,ehiet ,nt _the
bki'r, wIt 1 ' rifortunately was' not so
a bte 's hetd been -tbg Qt the ,clilef
utter. ' C
41 records 0.4011;
, is rtsgued. from "servl«,
ence of his. interprets.
dreanut and 'how the
111 ith authority over ha
ina'yvitae proper prod-
y•ora of famine.
114,?Ijiu trtiT14)Ja'reai*titiattet9a.lite
Iiress, is Just !about worth -its weight
,tiltilletil,*tutteest in 11.4 P,ridtY to:*
and even. cool )(lays in au.mme „ it
makes an. excellent -summer ,tralteltinig
in the hou0
4°4% ittritliTmle64:t4C41114:OksY'V*:91w1
Itssitl;t I
Killed skirls, smooth -Circular 6
p,"41,1,titeb(s°waistravre113,40-aptivtarrY. 4414 11111"434
the blouses ere ir
ceujngJitUo .ter
al liv.;104‘17.41,14' t
siuo t
-in one room in
rvous boardingIxottse- zetnis 10i
-ry -in ,ft flowerpot,. nivab1,
atr the top. No doubtit
hatel or owl,.betwePfl thern;m1
rapCVifl4 „look) tmd that 1t - rnight deterrnineifint
m them as ztorai others cath tloe Ureat Issus
t ' 0 -o character.' -
, ,
11 'Wes. ,is udfttatingi ngnlnst ti
best. inre.ts.of.;
illY inSI intien,"
4 .,
iterei the, 1 atetlal ,,ShalKc, or 44,
s o thebonte, its" Should he
*Cii wher,tee8rts and. lives... are
ted iloving oontpact,..,The Itotne'hatt,,
I o institute Of thit,- ogee.'
ons.,'!: \VIu'rc does,' tho loin* begitil
4cn tlitA boirti,*.rid, My*, Of 14 Mai* *04'
U voloo .,feel 'that 0400 'JO Made. "for! the
' \aud,cart, enter.-tlio- malliago. rebi?.'i
Wt II-
- ..Niles' le' 11006,
.E41 of .GermanY .0 ' t o0
ist landnite nearly:0v
, , .. , . ,
lenperial,iiiieoitors.:, o
, itli ,4,, oet14
, „ . ,
II Yirobtoftit. has
.strong ,for lum. *.:When* 1 f.
a rank,
.. ,
s,.. taste, tlio Cznr'14
.0 attnply,
.'!0,Stefil:04,110e* h
'110; is 401'61.trified. by the mystery
'0 time* caliphs, Ism
IIe is 470400 helievett to, know of the, ,
stint craft
Kite to -k be
-1ha this lief ots. tint an
ut ittio,Contr i
tioWii 1iether- .91 Peteisburg, or Moscow, or- upon a' he was
n of war ses„ As lI81ife}eerns 10
opend ppon this mystery,, rro
4114 ;hang
wiii;joko phice ,do n
but :01 " • Oillo) 0. that itt
• ;thisage or UTIbUUHdCd
:4erit'ing all itten i shoulil not be
*town ,whither- *the ruler:Of the gwitest
k or eil ane o
'• tisane% it firaye man retroiiiet1 by pru-
tdence,..pr it" tniakio -Coward.
ipped finely; ° Add two
rumbs , and
ith., pepper and
' e and
Tincedvrien. 'Pin svi flfl
egg, !orm 'into lit,1200,f, and
fry' ng lard: - -
range Otrielet.4Aleat:-..-lour yolks of
gs with four :teaspoonfuls- cif fine
d a Plilth of salt....t&the. whites,'
olks Wer- ther,whilte*„ adding,1h0 gra
d of one orange and three, tal
..ot butter"until Prot; * spread; with
'ornffge pulp,',lea, garnish With, se4tioflS
on ▪ aize.--4ut OLe"tt 01 1LI1f nr.
,fafly frontUtcinOther1..of duty,.ho
',, C*A-1141VOr --4- reSen Mr. p e 11
. ::titi la a ,,,,, -,..;,,,,";:,''',:' - 1,1;.:',-,... ..10
.. -,-- , , - ,..,,
. 1, for lheliomA oUthilt: i ,,tho ton. Amhigtitty, ei44 $ , ow
1 . altar, the ,l,lesgittgat the uieal,,the, to .the .°44ptaiti„ol.ilte satiard,'"_ Whom ill)
acted song , -144 home that s Iined :holt 'Rise,PIt' was. *4:014' byr..,the IshOlaelitts1170r
to ti% thumb 1- $tiekvimes:. ,4hb, trv'e , Midianite 'tucr(ltaAtneit on their orrIval
dontestio- tlotninenweifith-sT,--- Vroni-- such.ia fl_gnst. In 004,.\'417.-.30;Tattd ..ogetn.14
AV* .corii6 'RIO MA 'and: NVOrliert into -the !404..1,„the reference Is to "V,,etilthari en
rger •realin, „Winning irmor in over:, *ofileer - of.,,Phartath, Atte; OtPleiri:':0,t) the
01mm:a iirei . 40.Srciltililline,., , strength . guard.” But in. 40;4 'A. •Ontt. 4, lite lceeper.
and money to tho--SeTYloci of * God4.4knct , 'of. Aw'orlsori into 'NviiiCh'14)sePli".'*" '
ilkir fellow men.'- - ' * sk.itte:,.conimand Of' 'Potlpfisr , is niso
\VILLIAM C.. STIMSON. called.,!;qh taplatti-of and it
is net -Ma e Clear totir,tOth Men rc
l'Ai txttilit have held Alio same or strilittir
.01** lnto small .croqUettesf-,coat. wit Nsitiot*.,, Tho tlelireW title lrkirislated
.egg 04. .1014,10111#1 I - .444:41aphllo of tlie_gitarejnealtiS.. i r
fat, Stitiedtingt IRA, ,.. * ity 141,110.,cliref Of the sisughterers:' ti.
'Cre4med Dried beet end, celery. • $;:--"hutehers,". ,,the. court 'butelter$ o
narler pen114 4Iried. beef,, orto - 'cup or 14gypt,-appere'ntly.e0itstituttlig '11 O3Lt
celery ent,inte'littiltincit pieces, piece -bodyguard. • The lnehrew Wo
Tie -half ienfthils of milk; Mie '4and - one:. 'l'itt cor"..,1#,,,,.11te 01.
SIViableSpoonfuls. ' each. of Vatter and 44, ..P.., orttoh" won", 474 *
f, oneolghtlt - iteaspoontin . vepty.e4, Thrtla:Iti, this ,..otatection trourt„olficiiir
Melt the 'butler; 'Add the oclery and tOrrO; .17ho assuroP,404.0,4,- e--.14
nct,eol,killrtin-g'00°a•slOnally„ nu. irattve: woveriiiI4 '040---(titatAst.,:io
I'lliePelcry, is slightly. browned. Add POsi,to'11411torishili)i. 44 413-44111 lion'
' ifiour„ mix -r-.strioolli piiftfitt— Ai
, t .
lc, 04. unilli iling47add.the-piep e ' w ,,
Io salt it needed,. and ,isOrve hot ,OrePti
Joselh In Tr:', -Th
that is ,difficult 10,''",lintlerattin4 rn t
Iory- of h4, nor is it ;Wes, ,y to
upon a careful anIyt of
lhe tet, uelL as i fouiid In ex 10-'0
*Wally in.uoh speCulatio
ing budget; of th' Briti
-*the,::1Wheluer Asqnt
Yeti itt particular
rehey-kait or.itm.#4
inaind tit-atiOut, threOut
lernon v
Iles:and boil It- for three nt In
glair t teticupfut, of' Water:. Strain tut
this ,1 e juice of the lemon add twO
• 4
itite114 '010C:o! Plurnb 0804 -10
$041.41*6' 0- I
tri at .4
t 't
4,4t. I I the:de.
slructi.n of this---partrof .the,great pile
ntuy . • Ilio-rultiTorttioa lyeirttit
,v$ 11.* Lorton mot.
Mr. Mei'vyn Ataoatiney,,,. ,welt.
• Itrdittoet,;,„Wae.reeently,,appoi
eNpt-rt We are no*: able
, ere Our vOadimtt, the :$01,WAInce *A', the
pinion -britted‘.1*,,Me... Niticartnet .afterl,
, *ireful, ; .
It:appears that Atte Whole 'tit itkrsoittli.,
st lower (the tower on, the' right hand, ;
e-ts tend' .faelng the catliotyl) ,
al07-condit! * -
I . , lance eli,-. li
IiiroWit` It ',V11/001
fhir kttit11(#itt,f6 41 f -
Okittg '%','(114, V.};3500 I
sving-- t ho, ' - 1.**
*moot 11 g $li
leit ti.Y th i at th foot
t. i it St., Ps I • 'la!
olo e ici:%. , r, psiteeniito
6 tre of lit t - ' t lit tO .be
Or "ibt,rtv,,,i,-.-'-
llie lbws nett t e . n
.:*"414is ...t0t, . I
out the seild . '.sttnd
:ittsjttit 'tho bio.o. , ,
Sitollarly...-„nn ,ihe:-first..gePe
. e'llireatened tower; the 40
ri.screty etre -beginning\ ,i'd' sops
lir. Miteartnere;opink)it is !hitt piii.6:
1.esil. 116 hit* ''isit Ix, ,ilioo to save the,
wer„, st • tfist. ithe. CtifliedralItself t*
reeou1g -1 `I'eattittest., '
'..iltri,„ troth lit, that s'At.: Paitt's a s
Sit: iliiiig 1-iiiiiiii-t---et.>domelT"iifiie. ,
Only iiiippitim iiy, 4ISICS rind i
mit oritit of iNy 1343.1hircrat
, .,-,-...iild, Violiat-keepa the .doette, up
*11114 , 4 ..4, . the ' tvlif)le . 'buildingh.
. ,
* i.,ft , oi. rik*..`
.4t.fel .1, it
h )10 ' ILI'l 'Itiliger..-
, g ,A ,.• , tis, the:rause
; -ant net
/ g ; ..Stle
1 1
an pi; rtfay, hO
bit 1emo Att-nettlitingevc
fax t4,gether two linos I
o of s tN1741
db• fit b
whether tittse int II. cult are uscj
hat the ftgur 14111Y1*.wem:)111140'tLVa 'fili121114
tar ftgux-e,-bnt I
t1 tax
11,01.0itrorm-0,4telnelmo tit"issititt
'4135:011:crointl*"77.44:0' altbittiotti'il:::1„,:s%111)::10410,tte":1:74:711:19h00:1:40:4:ae,u,"It'utttftlintddittl i::::::stihr,i.:01.r.kii.th:1:iii:ilit:61:440;1:teblvv;:o.018v..itgirdlesIveYls tr 0* pit',:p..0,41t11‘;:oseen on
lii the.
''MPlar/Y.:`.041U4k4 li*1114' tainthey'-‘4--woralettti-ift-the' vay of
The t erioftwh4t
' mdliest4: when; Thom. ock
?;;;Ivitii movie teuutt:0;tito' solunnimintilt. vinulliltdtietort toluit:tro,
*niderfully 104Y betillta:t4
e front
, ing-ingenionSi,
teem 1 ila 4e "in ;handers
)1 i -14sit 071‘11"eiv vaya. give lar -a
eful at
1 i ) ,- "IL tull 4,40_11w,'
iz - oilii'titi--1111c(t 104, pilit, each, ,extenkiing about, Mt 4kitto, ,
7 11114. 'On' intlieltte 'Ott ille work Pt' Ilopinid the ,,otber Auld', ottliined *with, *..--
10g....--0001441"9-. 2411 rtgItt,'Vka,* non -Of flairinelt-velVet., Long' ends of 7--•
officer eidi '._ _ft.:* it dentOnStrate. if a ' 141-‘,44, ,tike-:the.ruffies. A pretty touch IS -ght,g4
401we ' ol'oxidituto is progressing'ia,.. 1 the tnile vhi•etAciti' poutt,s and.',Iinisheit
condittons. 'the,. "revenue of Jac ' b 1.3
y : 7- , Aloworthat -catchee , Mle Oa ', i'
-ti of .,y,1].t nda .. and !be
at wIlk:Lot-tOten ' ' I u ,-.- of: 0,-4*oint -thepepPOS114-_st.046,. w-tilidett_40-
• the :Wert, it 'too sane ',Ana .drsto' 16 the Inete -_gelleriklize(t.seils4ti of (hal
ardinary- b -h . hermin
c):t4k°7'' rilina°(-ry- a 11-.Ingre
1 igtitlilue,111111 :
01116-:1..low_beinThgelAgrouaxl .re. :..,--.411,8,-mtaistrmAtiguteltusly7popu.
ly i 0111151 $ rainAhexhao.54nur oven... lar thia $ess(414 ',:indeed, -4 new Ott
e IleatliaMeriliivented-spceitilly- to -show
ty *fitilen; ' '
u 1 .ti,,. Im i -not -' I
vill- it. , ic6: b6 quitee ' V 'Oa we*
t,N)411Jurn!§ ) 14 Itt.
nee Old. _the--nallein
$taptially improved in sTiorL tinle
,;1-ir 'ffteced.s,... ett"
Statist -commends the Ihr111.3tv r
Thy of tbe present --Goo I
I:..wts That there'ii-1,low ,ic pr _ thnt :.,,a, ir' sO amount of
4.-1 It tog's -:44 to
• Ws 1 • 4 Av. 4 ; • 4,4
-. , , e srx r ' _
ule ',celery tilt into lnoWpietes; olio ,00p- affect.t--' h 1 tito rt! , no
rutstale, bread ,ortniths, tartequeoirs 411., religious teach 1, the narrative.
a .0tvitit gratea ' CheeS, tute-half 044401 where luvati itterphiit is the ever..elni
titilk"; s, two ..„.,tatl onto's ,_ butter„ ' one.; Ptviv4e0ce, that . governs, Alio 'Snit, Att
fotespoordid killto-tele ,-in: -nvengingoN.eittesW-thet:;-'lag.'.,:,:7.44.,.,
Wog, oat -welternt11,, _tender1 drain. -more ' teaPhlOallY` illustrated than in. ttds
Through*, aiut.set, aside •haif a. cuphd :Ciassiii Antrrative. ., Our lessontext he.
Of theliquid, Melt one lablespoonfut 4.4 , gins with ,3esepli in prison, ....Ilis charge",
We, butter* : add :the Dour,* artit mitter litis owliat *TA ..04e0 IlverelY tried, Y•
-smooth,' turd in I -‘..iiiiiir and the half.: t ho hoino-at'liik toaster Paphar, Ahd.
-0401 &Woolf* lkiiiiii. 134410 ;tti,'-$7„boil now ,-during the Inog-mtlitts. ' '44: 'Years
014 :0000 • AhrkEr 11116100-01., -011E014 :t.,011.- 4)'. -imprisonment:US, Isn't:end AruSt in.
• ,. 1. half ' o.tinceheese,,, lehostalt' are- again ,severelY.-t
ti ritilitemelts,L.thert-;111 in the te,leryi- ' . ,
411r$1111,0 141)1`14i -- 1 Vezse , , pit's master, olipitar
,itio. lietneningi iibleApoonfut,of butter ' 40104 - -00-04,.ot phar4011,,,
sten: .the latesaeruttlis,,AvIth It. 110,13,6401..,4u43./t1aee _;0000.r# 1 in
i; ,4t),e::tttl:rtz44Tkto layftrorar$,, alvinOt%4„.ttie bOk,111.01 .purpot,v)aluetsoott,wiiver:.:tlettito:Ototto-EIVittr4 ,,, '
01006045e Over ,the top;,,-Poket*.on'tti Isom... ,,rjuite w.* bot4 1.0.10,404 ("0,41.
n to
e crust', and ,apifilltie Alio moiety* tient/0/1a, on ,Tion.iy, ggyouiwit iii
/1 #7741141-H$Orite. 14.-- to
t.Xtirill:.4Likt .oto tittti.A.tioteg. ori.-, n
onussmiitcs it
--tiff - ,i,',*
i*.'1. n ,..iii
oten 4
r . . - 0,, „ r(-44.
tt, 4170 OA r_o_ e wom'n end C0»V1e N lre compelted 10 itilidt in- •
0$91t,stv'nfiretioi:441edigini°11cuils, fii!titira*vitilaiii.;*,wgold
- ' 114- 6t11W7'14-11' "*1114P
Ing union between - your , waist a and,
t:ti,-"pinite.,e*srtleoio:lotitlh-t914,7L'*i*"t,h,h,4t;. ,,,SItit741.. tin1,11°44,4, 7:?411.*Ii.,44 prisoners.
41'14,41;11),IstItilld06,•4,5oft'tiov'o1714i4ii%)/6e4tiStei ilOt°*41nre$6.6t11*
tooket's belting at least, an inch 'Whit *to'
the Centre. 'of Me latekr leaving, the ,ends 'son
I ti. flaVe i 1: lit '017 1$ 0 ti 40 X about Alta .
1 t;.-tastening with'tthoolt and eye i.n
ix ., --
-Ifie""tt. 4 i
1 C6*6 4
'Iiirdlii6 16 )
tg g -4-114
0 et
n o It it lemon.
- and a It 0 _a dd 10 t11I dry in,
tits. Beat MI ,tAgethe 0 't 0 •
ree-tultutles and bake4 - bon
'few oho ' ,stroo ti.ttie
ittoorit,. f Oxen' bUn'ar : lii; grea,t, 1InPr°
polish, at
%large' 0.
and oveinhe
t uls Of choppt
'beet nr,' basin s tabi
041 of d rialiovieePand the
quitinit o.initt 'young rah-
teiS olltlee(t :pottlittY,
half thst 41.4.4n1 *nit W,Oreds--
tatitt peotlitfil oltiter
It -seasoning of
e -alt anel pepper 1i this itreseittg thet*
ahte , ut over the st(01.'
tiVi) tit
1 on egg t Itt
I im arefuily, Moos tile:
t 4 wood of It
ithe„. I r stand- lilt'
Pisee the f in kt 604\ 36\ it fp
✓ Ivo da atter e
At meat, ,dry i4 g.
eb, prepare. Ate, sp ,e:pounds 0! oerse,
MtgItr. qu*z1r of e.
f lift
0 , together, and' then mb
tarefully to 'the btet the. to*
ty end lie with 00. PO
anreful all„.ov,er snd sip ;le 4
1 beet Mei*, ,161;:et oft all
Isird with PIA bit6mt.
• °.or book itt OM; 444
(!1 hr�e1111' 1Wfinet. 'Clit up A, toupit
ttolt.itotlAtt. *ram, logYs.1*0 11*
1,, • *44 4 hunch ss.tet. herbs,30
end lour Who topporA.
sit a pint ot 1?,or water,
vet. the *mlitie$4. 'meld
*blot Odd tende Plest ttX
Lash, Strata_ _rem,
*11 fat., Thiekilt (1. 41
oi fot - 004 tittilot
) 1.-4 thoi otrost 'orue tk,iinit Wither:4Y'
, 0 . 4011 the- ntifOrtiktl*tit.
r Iptkronli, is wit
0 hi. snd I h sptive -Seek
, ,
...feetn.,:of the ' au
wins ..the to en
t r orter .14*IsbijAntellow:'111,p' rik11,1,11.03,0 to
0, t by
,tt ittrusted with ilieft earti 'Pror,..p.
•• tutler--The . matneAlebrtqte, A ; if
4word , ' ,lif:Sehi 1.0-41.° rendered , ,ficups ii - ' «
."Now ,f was -ottp.bearer.',10. Lite , N
.1 .. ',put. togii41. Word:1)41. 10 Woes . ,, iii
rem itie *cock itontillier, th :it ' l' tow
411 414 Pie meals of \the fit
iting'-otilihriitt indicate Th 10: lt4ei%.*:011,
45 or one 'Who; , s .tvcS '- *I t.00.r t
OS Otile_
I tfit4b10Writ$;:' '''-#.1:§7:fri ,
1 ' GO ii used In o r iesso .
,.onto ot '• the ,, Ighet,
awent gy.plIfin rtottrt„ ' i
•4 The king'of '13gypt4T\he 'exact. ' f*
whielt loseph, itVed-C41140t- be dettinti
' stelinitely,-, slow iit4it: Abe, hos*
diet,1 the note, Of the *reigning ' i '
tiltaftiolt,, is tie ' v - --Scholaqif
ally, however*, colt it
probehle *,.thitt. its r4 t
tlytitty:tabOtit I ir'gtsion
ing 416..4ffoutt.the Obit
itt -Peht Commissionersto
is- a end thoy are
_f 1 - term' :the pe
t, ;1)• Ot
)e pnid all. pd" whet). lite
tt' ti
int t(i 4 greater reduction in
010' -ritf-
,itind: 'ohonju
- Ily,resfar- •
t r -of I .inirrr, . 'ytorn ), 1 i it, w
v ing clothee.s .. - .- ,,„
ti - r, I to jewelled -Weisicott3.-huilotta '
ti n it .are. being adopted ei if 144
I) their.vel t$:; unit-Asteta; --Itiany of Ili
ulidpito bottow.',` itoweetri 'ftre, liko
FreOdir ieWellerFieliiitninAr,-Hbot---
inevensfve, .,. l• . ' .
Inii of, the smartest of: the new 01.
ittr$, are fssithed: in 'the 'Welt With tiny
pearl . ,huftUns„ and, silk btillon4‘oles..."
This. In ST4to . of a'. "Year ,of Plus; for
which- litelteat woman *should thank -her.
nehy ,slers, • - _
1» 5h3 tvaIl tlr:e„:". Anta,t,411i.11,N.bit:iity the bi.11:::::fromt,t I, ". rsJ'.h'p'n JJI he wilt '
ri 6 , 0`,4i
1)110-4914' 4114;1'114 - ; * •
ri , greater
ok at
w sons
th te tr
L i'l,ngstvvu0! 4hee )t',oltuogi'ttiltiett4'ilti"hisli:'t'e.$1:::,,t;11,,,e71,111_,:c,,,..1.1.41141:1:4'0,:t*11:,,tAiii.17:14t1':.s.141;i1_,--;.,.'1,' \10111::
-C:146'ti,''.O'PPI;ir,sSitiotltlgs.j:ttOdr**‘'Hiett4r,r)dutttnro‘vsltlgr:vb!'-tzith(gAgl:"vliic:tigc ...
y,..wort. pressed down
the- 00(1s, Without giseat ettpet, hn
1'0 brunau, n'ar the wrong Ade :they ,sitgiii 1111'in 1
•tlicsiiiii \ Mountiiint, link 014tioso,Atto rointwc,,-iikkootim .
condeiett:Br:ortett:i,‘.41tviiitoth, itiv.::::;tiiiiiitticoppid.orYly ;v1,fls:i., 0011,51;fttitt"t,illitti.;;;;Iiilhtli;
klatikt labit$011014. etit101 0116 IAS$041 t6 itX6-4/11104, and -it
it) II :1v0t 41
'a Very Y' persi
the •k; 13114
el** puttinm.
othtrs ahon,;*
i ., Ladies either side. Ity
,l(e#111rill'.. 1h4.,4,..i, ., ,Atim
ansi IS': MI lei
,garriten $au.,-,
chnnig11:10. Rn , since
*It the tritill ht.,,,0f the \i:ikirt„
xch-tes.., '11 ,, the' belling, A.V1i1 h In tem
artmoti _ , 0, Itixty,„ there la no ;Possibility
0: learin the thinnest 'fabric. „,
On waish; tliat tire stroto Outside' the
,s1i7rt Until the' hooka *Would of ,00tiree, he
put ott, the iinside f lho, west, polo)* In,
willi the tleiapn, e ?inlaid° Ot the AIM,
boki)(t,. tint the inelple ot saipport la
the ,einss )101 15 $6 .iidilitgitt(it$' 'that 1 inl
y Other
her is to-
3.ct-Sh, ttn also ehat
lit other erisoi; ;
ietb45 beflik, 740 nktber-
as the'SO
4evfit years,Tilier6, , soft oat
Mice y. se to vi ' et. In.
lTtAtett. tit
Wet rib
'ige\ bus \iilied the \S,1
end the Irlat 6 UseIL
1�i 1h titilorittui poi
of her ,viellin's
41i drove 1il'riolltier *terrible
11 lodgIli, 1i 0.1-W#414 sought.
alt' -POS6'4?Sgtkl;
_ ere her
eneo the to. mako,
' rtis
'cirtild -011
tabili 01 t! italt
, ',Mite I e*,sd gAwn '‘va,5;thot
„iite.O0 t ncIfirige t :(410 lIio
tare inset n :were
-waliing 1111 111 were.ptr.
t toe black,
'$ 'eips. tot ',Was:, its..
VI -toroth s'4\1 the Opp
E1d. 1. it'4. and srgulng
atarling point The eltt'*tlon ,ot.
Op in Egyill, Is plduring ' t
veriod, ttt the reign 1 ° In
Who ruled **pt from 1000 to
(f'the 1st ers't-Anot
, _
t Willsitth
tbev Id so sh
the tett 0.100(41 kiiut
- It stlitSU to iperteeliot4 •
, Wilted only \Owe down
of Cotton, tonne t4,bio.,
, ,.... _ ._ .
nitnetton featecal ot (litalni
' TAiitt Place In London. ,
t -
tobannordan t,•!stliall." with ell h
,., ,prir:itittetiotuttnnt(ilitti, tkft 4:ii,,titiliellikTilT mgtoinbori$1,11st hoot .
' music of 1.1- nAbins. and the' kW!
tr 1 *gYroltonx of Modern, "tisitoers,
•ei plftee., onoe, a year -in lite very', heart
. mtu1ttrir-lti14Pristr--1-14
1 z."4 ... the.grett tealical,ot Ntohainom
l' s33*1311:i
,11iigh)1; ta‘iis ':o1"1 :.•illatk,
, l' IS' h; bill sonielinte4. #. tiaptmer11ili %fork
_atirrf. it_Ititit-*IESIIMAinki ,015,--419011, _ I,
- .t r.-slivot i often put ou 1,.ifitt
.°1111_140,te,,,,:t.-11,illii!.1::414.1;',t,:ilt;.tt..1‘ .---;4:0:;,z-ii::44wit-:,ti,'; t,4;t:. it, 4::::$, i ot.: liit' 10:i
,1:9),T -ii i41111:-4 in the gatiikeAt-4.1q4trkfis
#-T;71-tlif.,attrifkInlinittiport-',1-.;-Itrv Or,
4090 ' t :the Prow
Streit tor PI
- •‘. ,1 1,,,.., .. "t 11::titly ::1,14:10:iii:iii,, .01 ti 0 .:01
or of gilt '1, Lot* Sod ot .
1,, i,1 ,, i , f 1iiottu,t,-1,:fi:w.t1101::::1,,, 4,,):::i1:1111:10:0 4:0: .141,1),,,,..„,
, ,i „
,..g. , 4, 1 IC't " ii..V11.1 4 "1, .,..nig. 4,. :i, 4'-ttai
. 'to' f), tv- r, lit::: A41 vc,' 4, fort I t 14f!iti. 10. f 4fift.
Jh 1' ;* 4% ftto 1 rt$11, pr.,* 44 Ajlivr
14)114 111#0 silk s,,t,,,,, 14:Alli, II -_ - # i till,4.« tE,A.. 4 16"mre ,.,:# ,
'ot a boat 'nit 1.1140 1,14,iait;
t 6 tht
it' le; tittit 'ov
t' the bultnnht
11 atte tp h
fly. otigb, the beat
„ ve
:itle •wss
rsItteglest Mrita
at tel,511,11*.
, riot
Ch ,ph 'Mitt thett arid
itrit'd unto ittitt(p-To work of
itt,p_riaql, *atilt* 41 have 311
-Demi-ant-WV?' 1lail4e4 in ...Waiting
a,eil' auplgyhig 'the \wank ot hit
%nkle4t W*imds,
salt Is loale.
14.ttai1411.6"loofat".114tIn,and lass
oote. not's), Pram the
Mix 111, Atie
* tufa aut la 00ot.
— ,41,rat Jt 1.1 AA idas
, :.,r2r:ALIrrAt,