HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-04-18, Page 6 (2),u1rI
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l'44,Wiftibt, tiIyv
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1 .41 1iUWeit,letitellti
1Iilng, 4)1 1'1UWI. l'
u1ktnt1 4t1 Jt00140-1:
*lir Spoken vo
'th :uId.t,/i.vAt/g•'.1ihill
X%tnijy. 1Q.L1tr
, .,
17,1. »d t2ltt"*
tk li, , t ti i
skit ear: tta1 -ht' )LVI'il •t- tne
t 1 .:',0t• A it 04 itii
i Ve i'40 .i.
ht,lt -usually ol
anaerultr. iQ
• •dige;qion . „ tr, (liter .triJuhitV. •
Pi tlre 044 ideal SPring.
btotid.' livery; ',drop Of new' bloatt /'.1,ktlilglit ntnimer?"•
strongthen, , oversvorwit 'Clothesdbagl". ulunibled. 1.15..!! 'Jones
41110$ 44wakness anitdrives who seonied . 'Jaye A.-dilliettitY In be
A Sprocit ilialinorizetit ,.410r-rinute
I r ug itneiityo
-14VeS u'vitn it lrit4,V7ntteeltt/fr.-*"'*'''"-rr...r-------,-
... en, lb resist,. tbe toilrld -heat Of the. "Witere are 'my sliePlaird's•,plaid frau-
-owning saintlier. Mrs., las. lqeDentlid„, §ors?" iscreallied Me...Jones.
Sugar Ont., sayst was badly "Gut them dawn for' 'Willie."'
knit down. felt very weak and had no, .• s'Ileavensr gr.oaned • tier, Ittisba
Seiwm'kr.tirag mYself. 7110:41;=:44-4 thlin'Ikr;
14:01trra-tit-t--ten,--.4hat, my oondillon, was iny'bitie and 'White brages.ga -tor'
wsirse: deded to,: try brit ffor-Har-rWillitunS*, -Pink Pills- and before bad said Mrs. Ione4'.
used a dozen 'boxes was ,as 41114g:Pti ...70C4r10,1,4,‘ITS)tfr-the---J/S40111Sit4--ingi
OM bl My returned -and+ ant, 44.-44 4 vi41,4#
r itoosgAvork \who,/ t telling it you. have wit - rny
- • 0,•".1% -.7%,* -,,f'
ally, itsie
Clil 40007t far .M11,114)
medicine. 1.,;,verry. loM
se akes nklw, '41Prot Weni *loves itx
Pink ills tto best tn h
It -4s a, Mistake „to lake purgatives_41
spring. „Nature calls. for a medicine to
tnikruir thewasted force --purgatives
MU' Vr14ktur; Is h-thedichte40- 410
,th bIoI int one to, _act On 1oe
li rt.' 1n!c 11ibi are a lkO_t
, •lehr-r . t lk a orv i / ci, in fact
-.strengliteivery,orgof the hol- ....,..$e_
' 71tTarfliiitilTatarne, "Dr.-•Wilitains -Pink' - lvvv_,. ,. IN Y-0.eSer—i:
Vats for Pate- People," , Is -printed -on. the -perhaps lhe--grealeste:iientat-opera-tIO-ri
wrapper around each box. All other on reord was „perform$ upon an ele-
- so-called pink pills• are fraudalefit• Itht. ' pliant S011ieat'S ' ago in lite 014, of
.tationS. Sold --. by Medicine dealers 4 r 1 1114.1dco.. • 0 -a Ching „tooth, wits rain.
bl• mall at 50. cents a. box, or Si' boxeS r:long and 4 in. In diameter at the -root.
- for ,$?...50 Irani The Dr, ‘Villitiinss Me. After Mr: ', Eleplianti„ had been seeurely
dicine Co.,'Brockville. plit,.
., ' , fastenedby-chains his ineuth was prised
, ....,....,.............*,........—•,.. , ' -0Pot (nut a tlhallttlY of -cocaineapplied
to deaden the palm. • Wilett'llit$U'll.,9 done-
ATTAcKEDint f:o'llticiirs 4, hole was bored through iho :tooth and
L_ . ... ,
-V- I
"011, no, fly dear! answered hiS
cheerfully; "I've- *Wit for a' banging
basket. 11.• is lull of. niceplarits, and
1 1 .14,
reality Dr.• T. 44, .110*
0,1111* -ti theory or thirty Yf,ars ago; .1)r,
T A. -Moonlit sad l eorpnsts
the..,tifOod are the foe *-if..AliSetiSe.
1:..can sufficiently increaSe these and
strengthen digestion td)11 eirculation„.1
'disease," tir. 'Slocum devoted Ins 'lite to
ttui wolditeput ot 1lts prObletil: \Viten,
after innunierable •OX,..pertinents'llfrou It
days and alights and inontliS and ,yea
wonderful, remedyt
.• ititned. "fiurelo:frlitirtv,e fouliddt." . F
P-..t.inarter Of a century ..titts remedy bag
ten-Auhig.exaetlY .wh9t-tite•-..4uttorriti.
11. 1 N10..
"Myfbealth as e at :until ifiout.
Year 'ago,.Witen 1 had a complete col;
tirig;the 'Proper reit,and too many hite
-__03ta,g(of,I1 •
dit'Rkrt, y
4.3.itort bar inserted,;...,_thena rope Iris
Twenty of the. ligy. flints Give. Par.i,aft twisted around the bar-, tail* lersos ;at -
lo a Cyclist. lactiedind the tooth-pulied4144." .
, .
While cycling to the Nieveld Motink-
tains, South- Attica, the ,other day I had ANAVAN'Il
rather an exciting and what might have . •
'pr.d a darwrous experience,. writes
. W.. New,. in Itte•-lleantort WestTiMest .ERIENGE
LAVAS attacked by ,about litiVenty 'ostrich- -
.. 04 Porttnielely I was Well mounted and
lopagoa- toouidistano them, with the
cotton. of One, a; 'very -fine SPealaten
"a-maleibitd, whoafter giving el.fitSe."
f'f4avel!. t%voluites.jaught. uir to inc and
at Ihe'firdeintre,;-
'Which broke four _spokes and the hub
and sent me sprawling among roaks
and buShes, :Not being satisfied- With
d- damage -aiready--donev he
. amuse imself by i'titqlrig. and sitting
• • oresmO, and kept me prisoner for over
an how' and a half. At last Unianaged
break a bush and Struck the bird sev-
eral times:* and by brandishing it before
„ Inrit succeded in evefifuldlY-Trightening
•• it away.
Each man-of-war is built tip6ri paper
before a. single, plate of steel is forged'.
Not only _ite the length and ,breadth
of. a ship decided upon, but. the -naval
. constructor can len to an ounce how,
• pinch: ,,-t_tat-er site will di -80-1'16e when her
--7,----ari—nour-anal--f,funs...are.,mounted upon her,
how many thnes her propilers' (qui re-
vOlvo in a tninute Willi it given .ptes,
coat rail hour must be consumed to at-
tain a. certain tate of speed.
'"Ilefore 1 .got fiabyss Own Taidets ttly
baby .was troubled watt colic and vont-
ittitg and oiled 'night and day 7- -and
Vas-alintis't vorit out., But after giving
• -bin, the TaViets.for 'a tow days Ittetrou-
• to16-(11.8pippediTd and 'you' tv0tk1,4 not
' It was -the sakie rhild, be is. to
healthy* and- gooti-nat tired ,110tv." This
, IS the graletullestiniptital of ?ibis. fleorge
116%1701, Sandy Ileaeh, Que., mad tt klls
r,titer 'mothers who are went -mit ;caring,
51eltly citildr6tt, lavai thry-.-ean
bring' health to the tittle one and :CIO
tit tilaby's ,Qtvn TableiS
promptly' cure lite rnipor al meats of
fa Ile Ofik. arailltere atii.• no c• OSS,
ly eltibirtin in the homes where the stah.
f are used. • *itdi by all • ke4ficiiie
Or 1W''Tnctil-1t ir) cent 11 box':
fii?`rite »r \Willkulta' N10,410 e
lit are. ,Ont; _
dortor-man has g,ot me cinelied,
'For _I:v.ite1l yin re.vilog. ,i11
g-4„) to* taro, :trek 00:4 mo _
And then 41114 18--hi:5,
Ilut.viten whatitz11s, cost
I* get so 8.,teli again • •
ttaye 10, bilave Ids tervieeci—
llettoid.r1e end
EvrEnEsiiNtt iliTtiOnNT)IM 4%.
--)s4310VS, PATENTEE,
.Mr. Wm__Wilson_of- Craigie.
LondOn: (Ont.), the inVentot' Vt
sartritt -adopied-•14,
-Canadien-Clovt:wrirrient, telts an. interest-
ing 7tnierienelt-Abwa-thi-lit
at41- antiseptic vane -of---Zarn,-Buki
the herbal balm, lie sayst hat tWo
04:A0ned wounds on iny-leg,
wry sore tind 'inflamed. They tensed
me winch pain --and suffering, and .ftir
though. I tried!, severat- salveS- theyre-
;fused to heal. Zain.'tink *Iva„4.-.v„voin.
inonsied and appited-somez witeorl
splendidly and itt a Very. short •linte
healed, the wountis, •
mAt another Hine 1 sustained a nasty
cut took ttWay the sorene.
almost. instantly, mut_ soonclosed and
heated ,the woural.*` have also tised.'
othef-injuties, and I -have -
no hesitation in expressing my high
opinioii of its value... It is withont
doubt, a•splendid.bousehold_brainkr
bruises., old wonnils, running sores, .
vets, "bolls,', spring eruptiOn:s_,- seal
burns, scalds, and all skin injuries' and
diseases. -Alt -druggist. "And...storessel
ility cents,:a box.froni..2aro-tiuk,
L s 'purely herbal.
Bailie Craig, the niagistertal,itultiorily
of'" a small • lown",itt..$0011tkrid,„ had ix
skint. ;on, willt•witOku.he-16ited lo pa.
-rade'r-the in0rket*plece,---$aya:-1)00.011-10,r0
bit his "lkieuiorlea..s" Theyl.ffirnished ,bito
basis of tt tuallietnatiealloke.
fine lankily you; have,' 'strangers
wotild often say.' •6*Is.,titis.the 'Whole of
"No, indec4:!- the, baithr;,-tvonld, Oply
•ot two ii.sters at honie for:ea-eh:and
eVe.i 0 le of them:" - t..-
- lite vislio-tv 'mpolia exclaim,
rapk, ly ounting , the sOns, *.1',W4ive
daui.; e
"No ,ert lust -twO.Tr
was advised by friend to try
benightla, bcdtte;
1 tooKji„and then another,_ ,And kept
using *it for Ihree-hionlits.
"At the end of that Atme my heal -Ill
was:restored; nerves no 1,01 -met
troUbled me,and 1 felt, myself once more
ttnd able to assume My &Octal position.
rartainly feet that Peron* is fkserv-
Ing'.of praise." ;„.
There are many reasons whp society'
'wont* break '.dektiat; Why their Jie.tvoits
,SystemS. fell. Why they have SyStendeor
pelVie Catarrh. Indeed., tbeK are esf.eel-
ally liable tO these ailments. No ;wen,
der they require; lite protection .+Orl,eru-
• ai Itils.=thetrishield-„aridIHIeguard.
It1tteson-,7151.- 3walder if .41, has
raid to, give your daughter such a good.
eduCtdionti , •
,liatterson 'Veldt 'Wh ofCOur.se?,
Don1 tront-liet"Ma su--
not 'dc'ay bit getting -relief -tor-the
•-1ittle-f4)lksi-2-41other Craves!
terminatoris a pleaSent anti sure, cute.
If you loveyour thild:wht do you
it 'stiffer:when a reined)* is So near at
An appreciative audience is aisvay
liigliIy intelligent-4tom ,the speaker's
Vitzeriatitt. •
Atrents-ta.be conducive to long
ineruding; ivincess Charlotte.
Anlaite, .„11)00,--rfire :eleven members of Th
royal laintlies who. itave reacbett
and lilt -wart; The strotitt1:1111' at
sent is tile Prince Regent Imitpeld
Bavaria, wita,
wa5 S&i years aid on
Matrell 14.
,coin67' the- 4v41,-.
Ductless of Itecitiettburg;Strelitz, who ...
Will' 1e'4 on J'uly 9. The DuChessef
AtIcigunde of Modena, siOler
tho 'fourth* 'Writ ,4311.
NitArCk:Or* --
--131eAt;is. iiu ,uvviai inthe ":""Minaitach*-
e Gotha' from Ifiatt- but-Prin*00
lit- }5ir1i1oy-L' )eCiftilber 17. fle
in f It ena es te white etirpuscle.
the 11lootf14) overcame bactetta and
disease of every -kind. Speaking Or h
number of cases that came ..under their
bservation, eria
whe".rosSin q:
inarkaide, -ha
tug beer .uP•hy
exjierl.sfiotnn Algritrofiti and
asC1Lt be determined, was restored• * to
-ealnixitrailVely good- health -by the us' o!
1"sycitine. most of winch, 1 supplied. L
have to direct yoti to their new bornivin
Edmentori. Alta., formerly Ooo1shire4
Que. This- vt..oinan was past audible.
'speech, excipt.-.; a whisper, was 'oinly
given ten days as° a possibility, friends
had been to say goad -bye and SO:forth.
Ivo, other remedyte0 far as krieve, was
used. Well,known.easme, pronen Onto
11y. well-to-do tits„
(Signed) J. n. ANOliEW*$ & CO• „
13,1$11400% (,:rOSSIngo.
Psycliine - is a -ierrtai,it cure tar All
'throat -lung and staluach troubles, and
all bacterial diseases. At all druggists,
50e and -S1.00'd bottle„ or Dr, Sle-
et:lin, Limited, ITO. • King street west,
Toronto. - • •
PligASE IMAlt /if Into)
kin Iciiietitotik may be but. a
orvinotom of bite, blood. In that riisit
'irditver**, Carotin:, ititternally applied,
should: her 'supplemented with wettvgaos
le -#Pup, tal.Fett daily.
LIE •VAS : 41.1(-11 'Nit'E MAN.
“Veitir „Wife -reminds ''tuo or 'My' *gni
'There Are a -num -
corns It4I-ToWs etifir Cnne. %iff177;e7
InVire'any of them. Call tin your -drug-
t-ttnit..get,,.a,b01410..at oneelr, .
11%---PftEPA1tkii.: _
,Moutri ; 01 hoar that Ibe French pita
your wile and daughter !net *mad ts
going to yon this sunurietr,
_\ I
'sbuin t "Otter:like I.:roach leS5ons,
.Itadit‘ yen?"' •
'Olt, I'm prepared -I 1 --got
professer to teach* tite,. how to a,y*:
`orry. 'bit 1 have made ita rule neva
to lend tiletleY7'''
ts‘, .
v.‘Oure ithm. 11 ,i,,V11,41 414
Itki*e rtt1lar ilt.tntyisl”
pose•,,t • it is tlie
LT 00, ;ittat titts
Lak ttii,eri6 realest, depth 13 13
feet, Miehigatt's 61, 11111'061- 5,701 1
214. anT.Onlario 1.,1R The) o
6"upcirfor 15 ..,401 get JI,P.low•
111 1tehgd11IT33:,' 01: ,:Ontstrio ;491 (04
The botioni olritur;on' 14 11 t.t1,-t -abOVe
'sca%level, ittat of CO 49tivi. notarie,
Lhesntallest the goat lak(,5. 15 rpla-
tively 1Ie 4t(lep0s,1 I.sol!ek
wate,e• e0lit1 1f0-41aba11-2l4ilto-basi tt...4
tri...N.volutl(l-tiresul„stpli.ing omatfints
ipare41.1,Vitli, tasitas ot the
tI0:t1f 1L.lirtni
,5.4.,s no T&wt 1 ltut fitte'ekt
btu- ts ,on
'in Itiriv- tt‘t.o, ;ef
cicin5ly (,f
tkulta. Iv, :op? ik2ds
ittInt,' te.'s iiriper;tant CP
arct fiH's ftn !to,
lt 21 And
-) votu.sfAi.,
ack vvol as. t,-) N1cl11r,*.r:.%
10fLAY 1-;(:-"z'f8c,,t tk,t,cit rwr'ish
„ "it yo11,‘,..-tcho
'3` bk.! r 64,t41(''tl;,S-
tr :•"
114,1c,,t04, 117,
l � 11 d n 1 Opwe
t tftrzi4:,11
totlidilsre COUNT•Till3Ni.
• •
Many' ribt•Itave Ion, in 1
aictiirimt-op: one MK
sourfuIIy rtiakliih, 1 nevr could
' " -
• JP,'
:For 'inftaminatioli of- the -Ey',447,--
Aniong '4tite litany . good qualities winch
Parnielee's Vegetable Pills pOssess.ne.
.sides .regulating Abe digestive tit‘finSt
effleacy in reducing inflairinia-
Hon of the eyes. It has callea:Torth.
-Many lettem-.of reeetarnefidation 'tram
those who were afflicted with this cont.
plaint and- found it cure. in,. the pills.
They affect tile nerve centres' and Abe
bloOd in a 'surprisingly aciiire-waytstrid•
the result is • almost • imirtediateiy •'&0eit.
Money a.lrian has ;spent se1d4in: wor.
les litm—yriless it was-spent-fcir some-
thing that interferes -With ids. dlgestiv
-41p1)aratus. -
,21, 4knd
comes Eugenie, Jame 1i)r'- oftlit
rrench, %Niue fir§.t. swot hilh h1laY*5
'20; and.'Whur now &Vides iter time
• - •
itiffich of '00001c
wt 14n11 on September 0, 1S3G lima
Sachse117A11enbtirg.,,. seYei
days you1lger,And_the41rineess Nitithildet
of Scliwartzbarg, mailer of the reigning
Prince.of Schwartzburg-Ludolstadt„ was
[kern on November TB,- 1820,. ,EirtallY*
Ilte-Archduke Banter of Austria was Lorzi
ea, 4anuary, 11, 1827.' •
'There ate at letiStfifty Meddlers, of.
toyal !louses i,VItose agesrange•It'ont
to 84) years. '
fieids, the zichet grazt
lind, Are in 'this province,
-t-itit.,,4is4 (qr. 'futt infortnatgo
u crops .0.44
really quite well, .wa , a 7
waYs, coniPloilliingand ...",Orkioltig Poo
health," 'as- she expressed ft.., tIer
..varitlit4 ailments, were to -her, niost
'interesting -topic, in the* world.. On
day, 4 .neigliber.', ,found her eating a.
.itearl; 'meaty andasked her itow- slie
was :."Poor me," she sighed, "I' feel
Very wefl, but Triihte.aya feel 'bad Wit
feet. well,..)secatise 1 know
O. feel Wolte: afterwards" • -1
. .
STIMULANT 'to the IRtomorlii thereh
atieuts .reccevoring Iron.* tevorte and All
dineases loweilug tls„ vitaltty it Is
WithWilta tilt*. Oil drug SOO .01n*
. • -
it vl
fulness of the tuts unllfl1teU raith
111 41 -.patent tut tO 1C almanac.
it is 1nsnvn Ev.01.:m.)10.re.--Iliero 15
not # eitYt toxvii or hanald lit:4611414a,
xvitere Or, 'Thomas' Iie1eettic.‘011. Is', no
knov.%-,-Avheretter: introduced:it vmaile a
toullVaid tor:itself and nialutahted-
SOW. may suggest
;other remedy aS equally beneficial.- P• utilf;
recoin'Okethlotions "Should - reeetved
wi!hkdanbt. There is only `one E.;ellee--
„te, Vii,„and;
nothing' ,Ise
Afir igbed '."101,\;V. long wor-
y,at AlitAlanci °Wei •
'yors ,rot t .; preftit-
Cattily, I ne&Ssa,ry
at w f ” it (was 16 tie
ta A11tkelowuniptif6 SyiatpuOds
3 ito tot .wi.ko ara
tarolliar with 11\, it ,spiYalis for i130!t.
'YOtiri a use 1.0 the,lyoffinont eplIt
Tot 41141. 4111. afft-'011:143' .61'
tiv.al.„_. kw+ ...1I0que4i4)unt1.i' otoustied!
uniotwitit-viarst-*At :rnegionvi
f*cti-i1l4-h tlf.,5ea.5., es. you,ktgi0 It .4 Idol\
',Oat tot t',...gret it, u will find it
nt4 intek3 ._
,VATIMil Til
tt C411810 pont fit Patis nearth
flolles thew lq every morning\ict sMt,
II insitittc,P, wttici.,t I woilhl pf011414Y
lo'1114)qaul? pariAtol,•; fit that
donrut per-.=ional
that vm nttanalLi tv..011,4hi.:50(1, pre,
; .traitr
• • .
;by thoie 'ant erpol ond tliew
ihstialdfoci witir 100,44 A iitot.
tired lar -0 1)4%0.9 ijr,t)onliNou 54:1141,
‘‘tti.tit taA,..=4 top-cotst„ aq • irony
11c61 Itutliy,te 4td
0-k WM', ILN" titling' kit, ,b Cm, VICOitt
•4/1241aiV9.' alLt-t. thstciiwP, and
'titt nobly* (Or', '0,114_4
ltov 6 I1w.4.gliy uttme 4'at
r 'E. 4} ft; ;11) 1-V4;
tul\ (14, tett
,1141 b
I,4 1 iry,1#0!it
-*Pinwles Away. face
101i: ofr-internal, .trivgularities.whicl
'should -100g kince have been • careered.
The liver and- (he kiting's nee not
functions in. therhealltiv
- trriples-are.
(4. lei you know that the blood.prolests.
'Parinolee's. Vegetable Pills will. drive
them ail' away, and will leave th skin
clear and -clean. Try:them. ad the-. ,
will he another witness' to their excel-
tit' an Me People ¼it do• to
int done,
Locil representativewap.
eitiqb kootity.
Telter o
tent Sdfling Agents,
6 cORisTiNd 1,4/11,01N00
'turktt,,,stat it**
uo *am Actry,*.4-8414.
•• Hottstuotz 441, yotttoste nom
-Y OLNiM[ n
• Men and 1)rakeinen;..6tperience
Ile.ge$VVYIAVO ql'Ositkut.% open atitte.h.
PrOcalt, limo; VA11` rolo-04
tion_to,engineer.s..andi...emuluctors;_ t
4;200 per taintilt: instructions:WI Tatira
your .holue- without- witlz
Protielq,,01,*chfAttor4 we skL each: Mu.
dent iii-seeuring 21 pOtttekt; *don't delay;
write to -day ter 'free ,eatalogne, -insfrue-
lions-, and applleatiOn blant<'. National
Illillway‘ Training School, Inc., loori-
High Oradn Oil
Evcr -131oliVirt CanadL
• 1
31***Iii 'Core.
it 'ft tido, $Mt
***MileeiliN, th�ttt
iViwooti erokti