HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-04-18, Page 3 (2)V '4 de;Mfl t .111.1r, , 4 , .-100 tireuty4wo...,ttele. n4t.on -Nflitirftgtd w -little or vf;tftt iiiije. fflhour,. end was rounI trif 4A 'elirVe wl'a.n/-4,ackliv-Ittejlaggage it rat,brole4 :Theeat- lett the rctils 'torn. . atvay -14e etikeine and a .rtitod, and plunged: -down the float It). sttlall. f.7-e_OYP1'I'd le.1V2a. sycd. by lwa.introigrant cars. .4401.43*Ipoltitwre'oitesh-c?-0, L! th'er.at, the tottom of tit t mnigrant cars Were _eror.v weriF engaged' in _TW:.,:Stee 6 I 18 r, inga frilat these -4) re 1r4'.-1;,rta4-1ttro4.tt the_4ehrls- rapJf. :e wottnclatt, 111 4- Vt,,4Mit Uthtr... 1Ow thth wreekage, 1flflO!SMTilii11133(1,11311$.. .tiUberolsnr. the -train i et about the -worlf,, 4. i In,.t altered cars_,...atoto§ .,.. - Mae 1 r-4 • , . p ois :Was horrible, 7. of lht' thrPo.Temo anirOng the -stietiniTivo. itght by: the feet-betWeen, two *oacht. Intritej. to. e • s-• IIM'rounded: hint to 1n4.ji--71b-e. tekage, ,Vqsistletg 'even atter. their lUinds wale, burned. and bleeding. • ' _,,J,.111,,TE.‘ Fen ME" her,'i younir, Mans.' Wtts--041,tght, iatees. Tbe .rescuats had,. al- treed-ItIM-Whert: ilie top of the Oar. wuy itsSupports having been eat. g4,,bY.the fireTtle poor fallow rt,."Avi -too flittist bis WeditiaPe- resen- t • .. • - 11 is thle to'say' liow many of. itit victimS_ ',re -dead before 'the 'Ike rtachc4 thin,u as. SltAzeirt wereOltildre .of very te-ridet", year, ttLey w4re probb1y tailed...outright. and Vt...-4 themore terrible tate: As ibe 11).itireit emerged, ,b44. r pars i,uairied rt Irack,and _he otere MKO.Uslyat-i-c. *.w oriu ihl ductors wer tired front:Chit* points; tk.,:toOk itne.'4,o‘.: reach' Citapleau-..lis -the oupted--Aptl--Messages- a by:Chicago and back, ,Intplettli from the. ettst. The. auxila eaine. 1i1-filnally, !cleared the line luwled Nek tiiesix_remaining cars. vunt,OW flGEDY U'4 oUi ca Z 414 two titiLia,-;-.,n bU Fr.ftir,' 'then he addei realty n ttintdng ot'lhe theca, *-ng. of burns. Vit'liat 'could Itr,e'done and Pn- olherS'1u litaYease-Ni-as ne Ity IL? 1.-Ind.iti'arled ChaPlOn PV -0^ -C .the removal of the,P4fiasen6Tro*. J., 3'. Nevin5 of Ottawa, mall.:0Ierk io11 -reetted „trtin wheu seen .-Said-lie vrrigs, ear a..nd levitnessed, ;hi!! part. „thei1 fl.4n .the_Alksrl.40C Ilia foltowcit. It Seamed a intraele to him hatilte,-tratn'erew wt,re u-b't killed. They e In the. 'biggrge Or, 'lett w • . 4., t91 J11 , • -111 4 74' t '4? f' 1 in tit 4!„ 11.• fl , e t Qv or ot . 02! , 'co. 3. ri t )40-40 - tont, Patents. /Ittste( 4 - lents, $ ;".1.; ba4er,te aout5ides buyers' seeks; nein A 0.41 tA %dr 52e .1,, . "NTBY PRODUCE. itr1keL continttes Arm, witli aet: hits 27c to 2140 A 44;., .14 . It -41.414,143) -9,4 44 V 44,44 4",.!•''240.4.1a260, t*I.. ...A • 210 to 22 !Ott's. tire . steady at lftie targv,---and1 k or `twins.: :try . • intd out . r to -the Making' ruins a f„ net masses .41i -tong, the red .tittings,lbat leptesented the of the dead. M.4 41: theta wor urritetelt incirterated;:-os----4 t" 4.0 Will#0441.11 th°' 'Watt' ha • '*- Mrs. R. 13. Citainplan and , Davidson; and child; Wirtitreti aid 'Susie llortan, Of 'Charing lieath„ Kertf,'-ratgland; ay, . London, -England: 4. 11. Goald -as brother, Isti*IttPtS, wife and two eliildren, of Pale. stow,. EsSex, England; .Mrs. August INothiliind. and two 011,01d:014 , of 'Wor- cester, Mass, 'Serlausty-- .r.--s-Chattes l'orismoutli,.$ gland, bands, fac an head burned, Woo& %vs tilled., tit doll, England; Win, Witliamsen, Brcn- dc. fetanithla: .'logeffly bury; N. GonaisS;kort-WOltairt; AiPlionse' •rertadt, SI. Mttrie Mance,' (hiabN; Ar- chibald ;Struthers; pheltenhant, Eng - and; S. ftitigit_t/ CAraluidgc,",:England; Knight,. Cambridge, Englaria arry Vian, Mancliesiim England; Tabestalt. Orkney. Island; ItaMflIon.Dumfries,- Saollartd;. les.C1111. ToWnSerid„:‘,1. Sectlatilt Arthur McCrea, ward-istandr- on. Scotland; Peter ,,paero grifrautfOblrirevrttaTT-5-0 L-aealatre, . Athens, ,Ortt.; Edward 'Coiner. efford,- C. Savage, We Ward, Que-4 Frani; Schmidt, INUIT+ Ear,Utna-4, P. 'trick Att-Villson, Exsillawy Alberta: W.; Di. 1,N:4ga-side:* Units Clarke, 'Carle- ton, X; Caren,'e Sproule.. New (:s- go:,.- Saunders, Seltrieber. . •maim% Part 4 r Qr.hs trittts. 1'04: Jt‘tr, 4$,Oft1erS• ,' '40(lint 60ltko: trItiu$' tOto morsr,t' I" 41 • , ,g-liehr• o" hey', 'WI ..t unn.'dlittes. in tiLe coast Provigefutli ttrOPOMS. who Wtto -414 pas,seriger$on lbw. Virginian; .ritid'.1 who crossed- the. Atlanticen nglow. "-A Ittr,g4S-ItUnther itriftie on going to. Alberfa,;:where many tare already seawall .amployment. lions tor itetosttlt continue to to peaty. irtg- ,hundreds to the immigration -rtaxed-lo Abeir--utinost in providing suitable sitnations for the neW corners, 1,110,44.01„, approach ..-.411124X.14,1,ThLIPM,V14x1,..11.0tPv t te farmer's; "aii.tr tliesNages.oping iFtv *.tottr_ N't04441)11,131 litaf_tat4 over the itgures-ol-a re* week4' ago; *Erri us "A is. -the-7 riunTher- of7,'ItYnAttifW menr--0- 11-44. n'eflr I so- Weatrit4 the quota of applica- tions. The dearth'Of help IS parliattlerly i&qu1y. telt in Manitoba., many of the nen ROO ; e 4,4. ,jiitt*4tittil ▪ Olga .1)41RIt IStO,od roik'tion'ot:Inurder in the fizsti and' liver tor.aaffittal n the gt 4f iI1ij. i tiambers. tcad-r. a .titaw' Was at, ,onee taken ltaehato the, ez aetusionted 'seat, slte swung a chair T611111s. APP1ie4tie,f1 th4t he to released illeside that in which, her husband sat. on. baitwiti 1112.0.4t11Y,...,$„_,rnade very t$Ite 'knew the msult ; 'site had beenWI* M . Lain, thf• application. will be tleniel •her Intsliktrirs, life -,and liberty. As',.slie sk174T-furfl irik'regartied as almost ceri by. the laWyer-$ ade the tight ' for - 7DiOriet AltortteY Jerorn aii111/11e04 141' sat'elose 10 ThaW.firopped his right mediatelY. alr•er .11n74 discharge that- Itand towari1. her, eauaht her _$1,0„yel,r_riw, ° It Sr id P so.s4y. 514 Thaw supped inta'th - , 'H. • Tint% ' ULU*, 1400414-i-4 qint , r al inonths. kic,lintrcourt attendant pressed a butr_L„ The, steno In ther wart. when _Ilte_iut on, lend' a. Ibiod,..ofJight rellextlft,__th announee,..1 itsdiiiagreentertl,ilioug ii.. owly April ,afternoan 1.4,- the glare .0 -terliPatlicd th•-4017.01a14-n•wat., inany Oectric tights. Clerk PetiNf aros* melt-oz-efils'ions, -lost fontr-his-scat-and'Tealled.-to 'Thaw to quality it • wouid otherWlse itave •.pos ,;tand and face the Jury, Ile -then turned.; it for tlie reason that Tlimv_and--ait to. tkiremayi D'einnig B. Smith, lin0 eaned Wer1.7 awari, -ilthit and hi5 vloteo Wit 41' inse.1 foe 4'aelt side haling bcen told this_ by,Mr.. sTnstiee ritvaraid before they ntered thc Cottrtarcont. • *,o.-- (LcizeiIs. „ • 10e to1i dri5sed 11,0,i_le 132 04; 10 ut1 dreed a a ; T.; a 1.04 to tie -1-12:41,q-Prails.'iifl.'ZooTh.. combs,„, t2„fin L,ia1.75 tier doz. -Jr 1.1 -Ontarietito - -lots' here. - flalc(1 Ilay-No. 1 Ihnolby z quatedet 4-11:50 to $1:1,- and sctoridary -grades $9.tio-to 41050, on tract. S1raw-46:Th to $745, Aaamtbplitt. stem. Morns- of -II inien.-for the pas e-inerease--7-n_ Canada's trade --with, tuitett-States has. been:, ionsiderably more than do,nble he; therease-tw.:-the---trade-; - Ordain, ollacrEritish pos sessi0ns. has remained comparativel atroulltie'sitote invoinrae. while trade with .foreign ,eountries. other Maxi:A-he United States shows a fair increase. Figures for thelast month of the ()seal year tire not ,yet available., but fir the eleven months ending vet/moil 28th last the Increase in trent Great •firitairt over cerresporatingVeriod of 1.00541 was -$13.610,lit2P-tord-ithe.experts, In Great,: ikitain,„ S9,04,03(4 'making total Increase in trade: with -Great Bri- tato ainounting to $22.604,512. -During\ 111e...same period.4lie•irterpase lit imports Via. the -United' States. was $31.P1a6V4 irirgiin exports . to thelhifted States 118,309,330„,making a total triettase trade wIth .the rePV)Ue of 40.90102. C.anadtes total trade with ther"011ick ..11171 - tisk possessions, Increased durin,g' the eleven -months by $9,1a! and with' toveign canaries* other tilaW-ilie-finited SIntes-t-Wrnereaie Nv43'n,, .4 Wa A Albeft IlfflAS, ittikiht ' • • if.„18.114,17/ 11,10011 Larger,Thati- *great Iltitain. VIA 4t, PROVISIONS. Dressed ilogs--$.35 for light and AlK75 for heaviesTfariners1':tols; 8825 to •for --ear hits, L,, to lilt per halt. rela nes, $2,1 'to 821.50. --Si/Poked-end Dr,y.,.Salted Meats Lon dear bacon; to --1-1,1f,o' for. tons' 'ari (era-z.est. halos, medium& anal light, 1530 to 1e; beav.. lige to 150; backs, 16i' (0 shoulders. 110 to 11c; volts,- lige; out of : lc. less than smoked. • tard----Firm; 1211e; tubs; -124,10.; 12%c., lklONTIIKAL harmers., Monija1 -Atirif .10e41=1;1,010g 550 .4e, per. bush.- Americark NO. 2 yellow, ,550; o. -- a n__ifqxo.--2 whire-.7.5214c; White, 4130 to 42c;. No. 4, 4u3'fle 410 bushel, es,-sfore. Pes.s-Bolling peas $1 In' carload Itin,Imtiloobbbaottisglots. c_ ta $1.00; strong bakers', $4. to $.51,10; -whitey wheat patents„ 84.10 to 81.25., straight 83•60' to $3.70; do_,. Lfl 1,4gs-, -$1,65 to $1,15; extras, 81.50 JO . • MARKET -VOTI Will'Take- „Canadian Produce . . gickljnti- , e -k-kivslpoisit from:: Ottawa, say,st.it port remiced. by 'the Department of. 'Tratle'and Coninteree 4n Sattuday from a:),I.V11..._AlatifilgiAt,canadiat -agent ,,at 44411414 in tiff thiiiittly 'tor small onions ttitttble fOr 14etillugt, . l'Ittbratach, cf ItMe--,..10.1(7,,httiterto -Lech ifeglected ,hy Cat -Adios. The ontons.sholitd he, ship- npeelen hags ,hohltng 100 pt'u»d.4 .rinporling„ firms would b pkrettlo -take 1100 lo -59u- 'bags on 1ngk'(rt1tr. The. pre.24,41t,_ 111l!;ts us !till,ES OF ICE. Itiotkaile on, the', Canadian Nord Wet .01 . Humboldt. , . A „41e3Patelt _from - Sash:Won says,, General., Superizteft' .' nt ilrown-;-- anti Superintendent --Cd, • of the wemern diviSlort--of-tiwG. IN -IL"- Were -in t -owri4 .a..104414.04.16.141,1zgliPir.1Y.p,--,Nr....4.t%, pEzted the, wOrst, blockade in the 14-9.7 ry - of_ Me- foad-iiest of- -Itienboldt, Forty riffles .of-spow and Ice, he said, had ta, be'remisred by shovel and pick, Two -s-tir,wrgoirOTiS anii-Intir-t4roora-Wri.-w-iWii..k c up in inaltirtg the 7light„-.----Settle ngers-were, euga1 1 in1 - "-----'-- — !,,int J.:119113nd unit itelgitini 13 'hInDY ,supt1y 11-eirkg 'wh011y di* thiltind In the ther Cuuntry' for tzlierkins„. ti* shipments !wive liven sent ltiotp CAtiada .111 the past,- but ,fhtly, wore, too largo- In size. There Isiatw, rut ,enqitiry fOr Carradian-grown The nriffsli 'market, at nrcsettt ,t supPl!pd, pritzeipally front Italy; but -Cie big 0,-4111;.'n'itintifpcittrivs would lilt& t4i.heitr front Canada,. Canadian growers into kikhvi,ip riiimu'acivirers If ill' Willi it • aly. L FJIUR *,WINNIPE Tno Cars Were Snjois,e,AtArp Out No One Was. Injiired. • A 1e4 ate1A from VIIiinipeg says': The Great Nallnern-flyte-No: 10. bound tor Paul."1-7.as wreeltealf -at the PeritiOna (Strettl, cpOssing onSfinday night at 5.3,0. The dlgt. sleeping ruittl observation clra_were-del-Aitatt ail(' the pilot erighle VitS;4141411404.1 Up,. Two ehrS t,wretait'torlguh,DIV0 'bqI, It the !ien eause of the red&1nt hds flui bee 4-tuttrcd.„. No.* \ tktainitag e.ars wtr a. lisa. and a nca ea1eztta? t o ave o o t et .oat-thcv lot attelo , 1,1L" 04,7tYaT; it*0 1'0-14 r1/ ,. „, 4 , tr-4,41c.vPc 4t- • .1)..X., `,,1-"4 :•(plc to 11W., .' I, . at-iatt IDt,...(4._ti 41',... t €1 Jzr..1%•74. NI.,i":"44.tzS4, •.'i'i•,.,J'...it,.-.4. I 111.ict,: 4 ' • '.i• ,ttg•tiL:t.;t:rot c•:.::;,!...c 27..,*-1W_IIZi,;4...11....,,,,,3 , --1-.• 'i 1t V,. , P 4 .. ', irt:C ;-$4,A))4C.,-, ' A. r„,*.: tz.,,,,,--av 114,-..,..1.:=4; 1. -,Z,1141 (-AA ! . 1 , 0::?' 9,,,,,8--..Aliftsl,q, N.1," t'ilt.',:ita t ,'. , ,••,, z,J7114 4 ,,tS.0" ,r14 -3t1/2, '6t1;,----17).-7D-r- i n_ . '-'4X 4,..... '3 t''''1.--,'. n14 p-4Vt,'''' t. d ,' Al ' 'r,' ' l N V : t4T f'4', 1 r.',V 1:::c:latv ,.._ t, ,43 ht. _ Abli; • • - ti9xti)g, ttt4,, , ,.! 4.4 'Milifecd-Menttoba bran in bags, $20 to __$22; shorts, 822 to $22.50;' ,Ontario an in -bags. $20.to .521; 'shorts, to .50; mill inouille, 821 to 825; stralgfit Ain. $23 to $29 per ton. . Oats -Per bag: 82 to. $2.10 in car kits, •$.I.20 to S2.2 in fobbing lots. Pla.."•-••14v0-- 1. $13.50; -"No. 812.50; No. 3-81t.50; clover ntlxcd. 811; pore clover, 4q'• 1 per ton iri car lols. $6-7-4.6r, totlitor.-4 -123-tc. If.!iukL --g0- ft--'ti.4cpt-s-fric...-.1-en---'.7-sWILT---- Eggs,--1'rica ,of iTrnalris • un - hanged at 17c to 18c per dozen. ,.1et1er---2$0 to 290 is lx)ing:huoted Itr •TheAketv-.- make_ of -Crcainery_--_TRAter...:Toi, *inter Make 24e and 256 is being asiced; 40P-444Wer. 1 A AIONSTE.11...C413-801. liiiitcibh', One of Trio nrre5shtt13_.10t4rlied * - Theloung rittsbniiget Ind earlier -fh*fj* rid. • Alm' withtkint. trou cell,” waseu olev4.ttit -hour itoperurora quittal. kolrfiirthat Ithe•-appeala r , inJos---a-sStr lad*, rmtiing. \toriorri., dam.MS, ‘rould impress the jury great,jy-. that- ft I ite. would' be_liberattal before the selling of Friday's sup, : . When he was taid by Mr. Peabody rid; Mr.. of counsel that, the result would be a 'mistrial, he dropped 16 raliTOW. Of ..doetrinetils to- the Wa-or., The bitterness of his disappoiritment was beyond words. He faced mintits more „of . confinement CZIralw-of another triaj. • • - • After • some .WOrds of eneintrage from his lawyers Thaw *braced 'himself and followed his on guard. into the meat et. . • , 444 4,44.4 THE $CNC: -*IN C41111T, sloaj, u la UV, fit. l'he from It curve of his , ititvvbdowir---kr--the- Othr seemed- rexeit-theorf-----41.-14.Avt---moingnia-befo,re . briltTid sat withitts-pitituttiftle treasures • ittt --lu-S-lap elf -neatly .parcelleCandlleadr- to carry Mein-to:the outer lite, of which -helm& beert 'deprived for nearly year.' tie -bade -vett arranged for a tour abroad- wifeat, • As Thaw rose he threw back heavy . sitouldem and put ,Ifis chin -in the att.- 1 lo lOotfed squarely. at Foreman Smith and- ne,.- Stank -looked- at Justicegerald. . - • . • The entl otr:,..411e-ease Was brought.4- Clerk' -Penny- asked if \the jury '• had 'reached verdict. Ale.,Soilth said ' simPirlhato,It tad nut. lie theirplum himself rititw.his chair. and Thaw sank' into his. . C.111411GED WITH 141310E8.- LeoPold ehargid with •Iti , Ilairse ee despatch from-,StrAtfe :tot ter. lOG Ilomoo Slzeet, 'was- 0 Frday night . placed under dames with the,triorder--of-.Itis -boo' ketper, Mrs. • arriet, Dewing:. *110 wOs to 'death.. 'in the. ionise an Thor iy,..-10eller.- tieing alone *Ulf -her -in .11ter house at the -tittle. 'The coroner's itry examineltbelier, _who fold tile A despatch.' /I* .sttys : "The 17,,,trilish armored cruiser In. rincible was launched on-Sattitday tram Pat Elswick'sltipymrd. ,,,She is one of the trio -of. largest cil,n4an which ihe first., the Indontitable, was: launched Ntarcit IQ. Tinder 1.4e Admira ally:, order the otatest secrecy was'ob- .served, in order to prevent" any details regarding the new warship 'leaking &et. REV:, F. IL; COOT DritOWS111), Metliotlist Missionary idoses Life Near MacLeod. . A k,spa ch4 foam' Mact;epd,, Alberta., Ths-t The lean -A -OW Was "illy.WkwAlko--- 'Siturday in Old hien- Her ivwas Rev. Frederick Faistiin missionary _af he Methailist 4tiorch. Ile' left, ithicLead t; his mission.„"fleid•-netir Lelltbridge,A ring Just -flashed writing • on his ex- atitintilkirts. fleVelativis! all reiade ni ta,told--couutry. .Potiott awl citi4ustrre---- searchlif-the body. AFFLICTED JAMAC".:A. .?‘ . • . Cottle Al.‘triti..61. Ifirouglit-Mejrc Heavy. ShockS'at Kingston. despatch;rorn Kingston, 'Jamaica, says Steepe -were ilirown'ont of their „hedrr..by shOeli:, of earthquake' early Tuaalay morning, but* the damage done to building; was- immaterial. A -drought IS killing the rattle on thelsland and is raining the, crops.- -.11te--instwance. panies are trying to arrange a corn- qt&oin.,,,Ittii, eases n which they * ereh-q-liy-a-rr-eaattique in -their policies. • ,not imid..togettler •howeverz- . • ,A.V g1t :w.ortturesi.."ciuthes, .etmght. on pre- and Weze htunied Oft, trout ber..body„ there--waslyalfring-in :her:Toon% --ivircito "-e, claim" the - oceldent-''.happeried, to.. Start - tire Again; . he says he: 'grasp-. .ed- the woman Nti,re :blazing -fiericely and Jtip'2,A, .40p ..to-Alte,. floor, but yet. -he: reciiirett no burps" fler dimensions'are thie stung. as those of wtititei.er 'Newt upeak 'thrt iikforrtitabtesflutincisr„- she 1E 171 whif,',11' frit "tvkithan -wavoplami by lioeit ..tons..„Is .530 leet.ilang. exceeding the old ;:./.44-' .1n trying 10 -extinguish the thews armored .crinsers by .50 feet,- has torhineti,showett only two rnartcs'of fire--one ex- engtueS, and is expecte* to attain- ;KW aptly hentath wtrore -the -body had laird h Li wed_ of 24,1• hnots nit .The and tite .6thee 'about 18 kith to the. ornacilelir131 rear---eru stlirS-1117--- elUdeg eight, 12 -inch guns, althost equal - trig the merit battery'. of the Dreadriought. , 0121 immorsi movo ,- rt Gire 1A-111 Ile lir nts,at i.s-1-law_liogs,_4alects, $7.43.. to. ...-kzo:-triiK-4-41--tuts.--- 87.25; etills, stags, 84,75 to -85; -sows, 85,75 nor 100 prinds; dressedhogs. abattoir dressed Stilto $10').1* country dressieff, 88 50-1- Pfl 100 lbs.; sitol-toll meats, hark tra large, sizeS25 lbs.' and upwards ;V; large i-SiZes.Th to 2tr lbs., 133 -le.,' ruAliora sizes. select -Ai weights. 'it to ,tbs.„ 11,t; e)ra nfl‘flii2est 8 to 12 143,1c; hams, bonetl: out. 'rotted. Zarge, le 40., small, 1; English 1-#Alnetesg brealtiast windsor bacon. 1';ack5, 157; ilotoponnd lard, fq;e: lieltla 13F-10 133-a'a; pure lo 12e. ' MAL MARICET:. - tfak April I : -4, riour 8leadY„ t -Ste d . No. I .Norlitarit .lag: 144)# 4 , yeltow., rtle \ No, 3 1_111..*i ,; 4_2,0,11. ,\1, -70, \ eats 1.01111:„ 4'1 2 vtitt ): * to 4411 -Vi :N.I. t,,, mixcd, 43,Ue. iriarley- trAtt'AVeLlerit ttg..,r, shipinent !,pvited at • 10 13p.,..• ...11q,-.- wuriel; 4 'i. 1 in More. NM N'6111( ‘vtinAT NIAnitir.r. 11 -Xtira Sltat. firm. tfl4141'‘e e4A:AtatN.t.NO, Nu. ;f41.,Cifitia 4 1 ItAriftittikS1111.4)41-4; 4-0,11„,a g hatraVie. c m ton 1`.6.13 .1r.ttr9ra 10.--3114.,.. . 1 nil /it2lc,m4; L. Ittlif tvo;ng. oolitho,1 .14 ax, , 4 44, ... ' -*N: 10',101.3 1.4,k9 'k'aillki MO r41:: -?-ii. , !ZgAt'..., ..',0,10 'ftoigq 311, , . r. l' ftpt-...o11.1.AillS AI 4/ 441444h1 cal ti•fci= '2,11), v,',,i,,,..;;% ,i 4ill'itt10.10 + 'a) 2 1;i12,it 't'tt 414, ' . pgi,,4 ,,,,:c+,CO ---'447,Tf..J.e'fiiii-Til'-4-- 1 , tr.-., . ,., t t 1 1 56,,:i.4., 'cii,.0;, .g.i.i't 4 t . 4 '42 ,,':n' ti4q',-,.,4., '',04.t-elt t i ' F. ch11' itir,-.1. ..,A1,'-‘ii11z---c..rthriary 7r, ,-.,;tit :,,I., 4 CI ''''',-,,i;.,.1 \ I ,1 '';, .f,f6.:1?,:,'i,'.0i k tsi 'VI 4. ,i(..t. !..11-.1.1:i.;:... azi, i;.4,41,tr.,.. , . . ,, 41 otta 22 1.41) t t 44, 3 aloiltreaL-t deSpatelt front Niontreal says a The Governoratterteral will het preVilt itt11)41 t1Iv4duIgon Ma11,4;' the• .Canadian seldiers o'tWiho m1,eotnnoi.rtiieno t fiT/ManionreloItn0str 11.1,E0 T 11ItAILWX lives in lite Soutfi African:War, Princi- pal chairman ot -.the .(:itizens` Moi:4131) j4:411.1 x "SitiOi Neal' (7,tnicittee that et.ileti ni6 thrittis for • Stlanil*?1,11,111,t, - preetion or the inontitrientf bas heeri; deLsratit from 0404 • the $144110 Ic3 anti 'tom Pttri4 to tiavre4' and ,etra soon Ps• iviSitfeitts . 'lite country, s sitlitped trona • Mr re itreparatiosts-will.1-vrasi Ittaff, leaving • re i tactics high', in the -..centre ,00ni; .and *painted -wiiit.r.-41ritt":il,'Ve,sars. "rit4 Marks of or siruAte on its „Sur, •raam -con- ied only a very" stitall, iplardity 4.1 :,appestred--14,.be-4o-perfmt. onditirat-7- . two halt -burnt iere--folord cal. the -floor -nearby: -ROO NOS Ativsteil and put in tail; Atte teldiet: -rj:tent.being murder.• .0011.1111* hes bo 'Counneneed *to ' the unveiling., Ary!This „city at wpm obout kw/ e': -est f 8 vii.,' Ava 4 11 e iav,t1rWrtt\ of the litia representt..0 kWannert tItq 0,,erriloq„ r ngemen(s will be h ade to have ete* 1E1) TO Mt it CIIILOIVEN , 1..iff.lreTs AtfrGt • 'AM*WI b d°11,14kk 11"11:' 14"t1 Ow' Asst/s; roirt tot. at, lEtteq. art. ko11(4.1D1:111:7;. imptiiycd. as ft laurairk!,'-ls aLialfithe liceiVed her trial on Om 'pharge fit 1.vitit intent 44 witA Ifer, t ot.*I hrir utidoV-.40, , '414 19., kiltAAI,' hat Idle isotrqtri .-L4-.t'li* "ii0 night, wg0-_,9. e IWO atittlivri‘ Taul at. ft,,1 Bolo s,v0 ItatPhol. idfcr-ed -and 14.1f.) einSir... fc.,.,L14gm Ica r , 'WING DMILLIC. - ftatittqay, Sffork9„40--ort , the PrInce Albert. frecit _Agfa! The situation here with regnri1. to the too. timed bloelatde ,on. th07Prirme line, operated by. 'the, C. 'N. '0,.:..qttou's 'signrs Jr,ot ImproVernerit. A•.• despattili Wed ,Prilay,„ twin Superirderatent, , Wilcox; gives, no frope that the litte wilt , 11(1 <opened lip • for traffic lids weelt. At the pre;eitt time between. three and- fna fitindred settlers .and, pass'engers. for the itortit hoe poltits. ere , stranded in the etty...; Itormrgyt„g01,1# are dying daily. LEGS •CET,Or. tlt i WO WoM* , tiqpil.,,,.,Vist ing his hitt1ei. aititWnS. traliOng',.otit,lite. tract.. , a tut)), didA t. ttVali MA appntecit rt jun' fr,un. 'the., tre4.":„ u41 \5.1eppu1 , 'n the ifobtkft- ek, mit. "ltaw's.tritei „Thing- hras.....,n a ton. iik,riih: distal :'.iii hit the Acto.'i\ lib\ 10.1\ nc, i!V;1,•:41 .Sil,1111331I,,Zle. \--- -,-;',, ..0. . 411-,w•717c liZT,,IM'it, Ilf.i ) (.liiltiiitt.",i1, 11%4 t.the Oil.i2. IL... r, 4,. ' ,, .,.. 5401%. cOrg;Iiihs to: ikhosiirrt .k thtJ3Iow! -** v ;01 013 't. c4'4n1 144,34.,, the tate 4 81(1.•:Xiit'q 4411, ,a h wile' ),33 toy* ' Atai,A1„, it70.;c-t *h 2.ie1f •o..4. „tatty t -t.1; tti:..)f,t.,4'.1'ot.,-n-ittra,,, 4 Al; -4,C;43 Vtil#ttt 'a tt '100 4 Pe, " I .4 `irtlirotia C tion Itteri•Over\by EX \liqtriCilititilllild iptiff** titel'1,i 0. . Ile,NUitai , w 11 uuW -eill A llir-3: tatcr. tie fbrrutt It trAtilt,t3 tvir: el: Ill/ , , 6141:11.,1::::::11,1,411:1Coilia-.4:1 ,a 4,islajr)Yvi'.;i'1414 '" r r v.-- It. . it tt-,.444p .i fl e:ifili"' l're N it bll 11 i„.....e t t off, a e t Ir- litit(!ise ,Itt.01,fiett ty . // t • - 4, 4,4 4 : IJ ;to ‘,4 t.' ib -4"--.1 • , „, c,11( 1 • m t,7;?,., .14 ‘141-,,a:c1 1, 14'4 flp :j — 4;'4' . 1 r "Mor, - Ai4:-:.:' - ; :,...,:444ro • in t,,,,,% f'', fil ,,,,,, • il, ,, ''''''1.1 r ',3)401 1 to,