HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-04-18, Page 2 (2)tt. ,
• A
"5', it c.•;;;;, "..ieeinet„
.1dre. c
lit l'eur ert zum Thelargest
Es ;60 loge -else
t!o'eelh, is- orseeible--aleeihat'lltey
Let ill- tee- kettle -ll selnethnes has been
-esoppeeted Met teeresteia" va'airoes
atien subterranean e.rielie.which dos it
svpch the surface.; -The-re/canoes otethe
great chain Of the Andes lie along
fikes •
;‘ 4, • '
14; ;a 49 Terra ego. e, 'miles
' Vun;kr,911%-- ,Wld ainek' vomiliesS '.6ther,s
existed tit learieer 'ewe tiw -cracks in tlie
' carth's crust , tentSt ' 'be -.'exceedietgly
,-,..„..; ___ •. _
nmeretts. -every' mine -rat dike and vein
otreetee '
---,.....,....-e- •;•.: :re, ,,,7,6 1 1 .g2 •';,
la Fl-vmksa:. , v.,1 not _ IV
am, -, iiifflig
ltelume me as-.11toee nIhe ill 'Ork ili4 1114 Of Other.$ -,i
---Iii7i'tlieocase-e,e1.__Ihe earth they usual
, have been cleied, 'sometimes by holt et 000Likiiii-
Matter. frem below and eoinetimes by Of .- all : the• dangers t-te whielt 4. *sone
t ' eestly be-
. su el 'talents ra
e e
.,, g„.1? * i
4. -77'1 Z, "
ititi $cilse '0 -Moral pro rli»oir
..14 Aeila. .and..7.‘Vg-5.1.PIZIt_--7:AlTio'74-.,'_ftritt v iialtilifil:_aellittiOrlitflit at. tollaltak--
e nag ,rvotillhe Deed' Sea -to -La I Am , ,• •-.' ' atiii-g'- 1
Nyassa, reachi,=.5 the ertorineus. length of I bmilll'al091114 Of -78TSIVI wti3lr7-wlach
'ekle_ of els- has done, of" failed to tin,
e.,..5tio mile& Tbat ' ies about elle- samei compare& 'with the 'Vest canteauot of ine
length „as the elongeot 'of- the Martian , visible • work Mot .still •retnains to he
I - ''
(lone. ,There -Is no sueceSs so: great as
th be 'worth .much if it leads a Man to
, 110W: and whc,,nce the light? The fact'stop working; , and 115):failure so great -
.»i -.to be temperable unless it leiedS a
. i -
that a luminous entaeation: of , variabl'nen to stop trying.. ,
eleape will -rxippear in the (lark- at. euelt . ,
preints on the iearface of the earth below, For the achievements which we ean _
See and feel end measute 'are. riot the end.
evhiell :era are e.,te-nsive ore deposits
vas fereerded m Germany as far back as
1.:57., immediately before or duting•t an
electrical storm the -e phenomena are
'etrng. teen -tear observation's- more re-;•
m04: have bi'on made' in -.Aineriem i
E€- vicinity of ore deposits. Though
tooth has' peen asi_.rittf•A to Sul)erslition
' etid to err-ers of observation; 'the fact
rr,L1..rtileless,,,I. reineinse;:as eonfinned hy '
' -- tecent'selentige'faveetigation. The 'ele26-
. ric emep iota
ha s teen treeiteee. prune Frittereee-Soali and* -cook the
cerlained be Mr. K. "it -tiger' _platito-gr'apiti-ltuft,,,ce-kireellini7-.'filrut;"•----.4-17-4-Wpa-Y2n411-to, „fryil*te4migoetiet.
cieley. , It .therefore has been taken for ter, iindw.try tilll-irai 'pallet -en togor. - Pile
granted that the emanations:eceur with .i.e a ellayter with casterVstigar sifted
sot' c3pgdalt3„.., 1414 inteoeity et» theee over. Fritters of 411 eorts. are Always
Ft ints'eot lhee ground esla-e.re .getiad •• 0 _And 1100,. th_ee espeeicall tit t
duelers of ele'ctrieIly are fotind in large Currant Sandeviehee-,TaIce - 4 .1e-acup-
; fie of euerants'• WaSh them thoroughly,
aMOHICIP in the neighlaorhoed-of, the stir- end rub in a elo14. Butter rather 11)ictt4
face of the eOrtli; in other words, above IY,sonie Arkin slices of breadi. cever thif4
e2epe4eeeeeteefteeeee -zed wildtictorA. all over .sttsitli cueeants, eift a littte eugar
undemakee -intoesandwielies.-- --If
LIgmle' anti -1344.*1 e0e._ iallY w4e"' tb-eY cilpret' fe'rred, chop theecurr.ants before pale
`'.ceettaiiel pyrites, are fairlf geed tondue. ling liteni on the bread and hinter. '-'
e - - ...
-Pried .TripeeeMakeea. bat tiwithelliree
reelia6tenoeas,detetrar,ed with points free. oences' -of flour and pearly half a ,plitt.
frall any 4.e, *feed seem to ee reeog.: ct water, a quarter or -11"-lettspeanIni. . I.`
-_,0_, salt; ditto • pepper-. . Cut . about halt_ ',4
nized- by Means of 'photography. - &pool en a nt. mnk.1.0 ti,in, kith at ,sm .., I,
lee' 'teniteonce-in three -\Weeks) , t
giets thus have a $in'itple, ‘yay- of "coating ;;;feeee--' e-n-e-74,fry--714,. e"n-i-1-,;:, --titip etie. .piece111 . ,P f f alt the, ',blacking ,apq rp.))birkg-oia, itt:.
cre and. even coal deposits.- into batter and try in 'deep fat Serve tie t eltath le, : . . ,
..,,pri a :doyley evitti-eirled eallee.end I .1 slants on a leather wrdirte-- ease
-e aiititieirliersheyeStiiitieied over. -o-- ---- .. ''''tirtar ''''.,_ . ebrle'ver01-1113Plieltreeneeett
. .
. AppleeJe_lly for a rArty.- n a en 4 t I weak. solUtion ef axalic• acid. ' This
I • e- - l• r sleetild be .painted over the_ stain, and.
lot water boll three pounai-of.16-al ;Sfight t f
leiiter a few minutes wiped • ofte-wheo
liii •It brcoreeS- ae.- teiek syrup. ' Then titoreoghty dry repeat the op_plfeetion,
theeeland-peeljteurlationds-of-,-.e'eek.,-- ,pa - tee tg ‘Gi. grtat vaitte/it-too- ke se'
in a t des and add to thitayrope Seta - 1,-;- - - 6
re-',Ilite-juieeeor.4 4'0
togellaceetilt neariy,_ a ,P11.Ste. lour into
MooldS. and When e'elet turb ()tit 4 send'
jelle. Serve - 'evil ItLeeehin, * 1114 you. rill
haeoe__12 very pretty. dish. .. . •• • , . •
'Pleb Plum Puddinge,-Ilait ii..- pOund.41
.. ,
rearer;""-irefietteetet.of .4".,,putut
nettuarler of a pound eel. breaderturib
tali - a potootof stoned elesser s,
half a pound of :Chreatite end Iwo precee
of candied. orange 'Peel. Mix these' 14.
grePents --with • farce well.beeten eggs, 4 early, in • the filer/ono, .
hi which tem Witteieiteefule of -braruly I.' Tillie Out Tea .Seilles.:•,•-11\ ci- totifeeloil4
1.ateebeen stirred. Fill-110ft with tile bas been ,stained lay: , lea or eouee -le
Mixture and boil ilt• .tregellep for ten tshould be .2teialeVed -05 SOOtt os, peeSible
heirio. , • • - \ - ' a ii 4 the stained portion plated to 'eook
,-Leslie Tart-7-1„itie,ao. open lart,tin .W1114 in- IttlieWarin water, .11 should then be
eonte short qust, rind flit" ii . 'whit 14, Wrung onte and lite et th laid flat tee ae
f Mowing inielui"; Wor.' tette, oune s ot. deal I4ble or other el Oolish el ..,,
1 ----
Men syrup and two e'unets` ot -b
0the: strifes being rilliett re de r• ith e
Ilikti I be, into hal the t ice and gr I i piece of slion - e dipp in giy e.
. d of a, syhele, keno 'Beet 011 - fined v'etvaelte in 4 I' WEI% tz ,.
• pee iheepee ' art Pa deed 4
t -4 -lil i en 'ter 4 qua- r ei :t ,;41 otleZ \ inoie .before\ sr( din
o r.., lott,' .set.V.14 411111 tlY.1) i oel e nelrk. the , nt or
leatee of be itlepastry on the brae JtheLeVeshed portion bet tierdlyen e-
.i.eittriette 4 fiayntql1; '
lloikd Grey, Pliddlitit. oit vitriol- L',13.4.2.'4)1: ito'te:a *En table lino) s'hou'iti to
100001 tat. fine Ilotir rel 1 t lte-rota . datried notatly 'With lineer iltieS -or white
e me ,ond 4, hail" minea eir,butter Or'be.Ste raskilinf se of- lite iiretti -ifeelt Tien
oeivetee, Seetter tospe. a 'tertepoonftil. 4.Orti06. eteithl bit -run lite4, a•nd tceti-
for ,ting.tIOWder, :a fallCit,..C.f .6-411t,' A lit-lae eque oe eietieede f101es •tliarf: 06_, -,''',.fee 4
tie. greund ginger, 'end a tal&sptaiutfitl,„ esieie, , to darn ritay be Jpateheel 'with •4'''
t easier s wave Beat u�y the .ego, with i'' of The Otide., Toile :elk lhe et ''''''
ill ea ilte Mx the ,plideling With N., ee The tent ettete tee pee% 8filGatt
MOO 'MOO? Milk if iteeessery. to ',4alitefa exert aler, Oreiintle ll'el.ipaeeh,1
tatta a ot ti.,..470-ii0iii. aridi ..e.4-fiiii• tc(13Ve- 0114 pailtert .
,41_10,H•qi A '' Onq.,t1111.01,,41,.„1131t., itp.lwa` it ' Ittibl4 ,ottt, .oicttri t
t r•g„ , i I also erottnit 'Pe ' • h
Saveree , c arid Raved •Pittlilitt A it tinily pctrectly ovon, , cel,...,4..
'sg,eto .6,-Jei.,:o' or kcatt"..tvithouit,'Ort*I.,14) 'Ill earefet .• teilli. Steatil eteeteoe ' ,,
.eVar.nt inn, l(-teWItAll tO s'014 anX1)61.1 i 11 0 .1.1atelt Jes :and n forteo fine el
off 'what Is notelaten tip. , fleet tip ll'ie 'r:: Lt ieiteh ..ettetiret eelettl. et ,p-,31qt.,1311
• with hall On 'clettee,:et,enelt .past the holie 'en -teVery alkiitfet
• attei."Oltl put •all bite ederned .dewee oe cerefully rie. thee resit
eles'ely,e1,414tVe.1,goi'qt.e.,iet, • If_ • fe,ele.A11y,,,_ dent., „ - 'tee,.....leen:-. '
C4)1, 4dit di plate invit•W.e.
ee...• , , 0
'It .itte• - - 4 ,
i )
' iSiP;i4 Sarni
l)Th:!__Nt111011 , -13 NiNt i •!"
I ) (1''!
:. - 4 , . ';'•', . '
r14tOr 14041$ th
t! i' ' 004:1
t) '41,0,1Pir'S' i401, f itt.b r t)io eteoney, a ..efirel'e nd •ine Ilis, iaii1.11 te
te) elede Or. theprezve -he leas etielre Mit 2& "tatin•rat 'See it 1 t ( tt 11 1'`..xlr' •I'l' Ile re wilt! 1, . nett: 1.01. •...-put,Aiel-ov
7 71101,3, Pr:d. An 411.0 ilittigs ivhiclf Nirvi.. 4i aodoleille'•:. the -. Phint. „ lite „?.:24
•ave ileac, feeds its 14 otidereettinale the' .110 pieta', ' whiele eVadeS our Ob..serVatiote cut the Popt?r *equate pro/17nd 'it, 'Wet and
there' Le' 4, big oot We, pe.pt
thetee,which we bravni mat doneett cos. fro. far greeter thing. then the nte,r,e nit2-
fraPe '-(qt.;•,-.1t.e.a-ptit. '.6.111,--a WA' file0..-
good mid -becoffes peritotieler-eliatitifat par.ting lOgether edebloMe- Al
Ivgraro ;tong, f wit ,it., e:ollocts . 4,tittivits ,,,,,ati,!gre,,. "natching thee wall- pattern oevirotely.
v.,4flon, „The • thInvs _\v4 et" re e„.k.,1 llo'vtleerrieTs0;1:-IneVd;ty43*-“rooll;m:41ctillferlii'lee'llis;iu7cedh
xidreen i •
it yeu are looking only at concrete re- work . .
,are temporal; the things 'which are tiol
ecep are. eternati!.:TIKIVAS a willed of
practical everytlay meaning In- ibie text.
2,tilts NVIltielt: CO he -Measured. day b
. eeerer.weeseeieeteeltleeeroresito .e, teeesetore-,,,o.,,e..oseere,
I and .ehutting yotir (wee'''. f -4o. the large
side. You are tortienting yourselfewilit:
a low standard ef :success._ and am re-
jecting :tee hieelaer standards. Yoe ore
limithig your vieion, of the kingdom 4!
God lost as narrowly AS the Jews of
old, •Jitniter.1 their ' viStox2,7 111,ough 21n.
(he -est%
tr • oeVit of.U.
• I.
te, leng
efi • „ Prreveelko
.ad. may be leg -text thing to rilflik
nioneYt 140. it Werifile° of bad' thing
't leatb ue „lo rogleet Certain other
temente of life kvideli tare thorre vale -
able,' It IS a ,good thing to Play to evin
leititenitar betome bad, 'thing RatIS
It to forget that there are 'other stand-
-arde besides lite spore. It is 4 Weed
may become a bad thiog if it lead
to torget--41tate-tliere '4reeetttuda:rde
schoharship end ot intellectual attain.'
Ment etUfsid*-7,0t-,, -theoettorking hook; So.
he every 4041in-tent of life. Ilope,st
11.144A.,_14. 'What 42- MOO has tichaalty dOrte
may lead him, to tiedervitinq PplAbi01.0
9 ,, 4'14 ¢ ,
evoreeAlEolaiOleetkV0,140,, SUCCESS. .
It -it 'man hap eel, his whole Wart. c
the "2144ilitnetat'eal me t11 end -
or es-WITIT--he
• 4
Is Over in a position -lot peril.; If he sue -
gets his stieeties May set 4 limit ---to his,
ete, 4---higher'on
'exec. purpose irt 'life, anti. his faith tra
a kingdoln of tkad which as not ofetta
world, then tea:her cao earthly success
eatiate him mar earthly failure whierve
Min. The men who have.,:really done
tangs thal, last 'have tett in a large
'us men men of faith; men who;'did, not
it the visible things eif the ,present get
out of proportion lea the possibilities of
'Om -unseen future. To them and to them
alone was , it given to endure to the
• off ESTE-altlEct-PES.---e----e
APRIL. 21,
vas ...iteeleeht4Opedtee Ceeellen
-.. .
*ngeteribleeeet; leteSellth0
Art*r4'144,' ,a.tee
... ,
4 1t-15,
r e
2 to • i1
» opg' the 'eare.".e' 3‘71.
104 a „
1w ycs as. ZL
will be extensive' --att etca.'
o eeltion. • . -
' dreateer---Ileli,%""Meeteie'-ot.
drealitee': • . • ,
2,0, --One th.e pits-7,Palcstine Phu
br-eteternsi used tottethe store
-Pt graite,-,erty.preont-4heteilkiera
peratiPn' of the water treeettred up front
thc winterereiny. eenson, .castents
Ate otleo eliaped -"lite -it bottle, narrower
'at the 'tell and eneutie than. ot the hot.
om. TinS 11197ka-it easy :to eerver the-
epening ; and no___peeette, tieweeeteine-
prisoeetl Welkin would be able to get our
21; lteuben.-The oldest of ihe twerve
wr sacra.'
22. . Waidereaess-The svords "wilder.
nesei!„ and "Ileserr as *Reed _in. the Bible
do nee -denote barren wastes s'taela as ilte
weeels Otegetest to the niitgl Of the reader
• teeeph .,$old by Ills in our lime. init___Oiritolef. erneviltiveted.
W�the text ot the Revised Verz
' Idolatry- etniong the Hebrew Plitele
.chs.-Titeeearl chaptere of •Genesis
, datvit throng‘Ntialf CO- the
d'eseendants snent; Of this speeiet
comes lite choeen'cuelothan, ond to. his
pesterity the-religtoiet Jehovah is, given
• ae 0, rich heritage. There are, .ho#ever.
• scattered through, the narratives here
and tliere Indications of :the fact that the
religion of the patriarchs had a back-
ground of idolatry. The command AO
Abrahatrieto leave his ,kindred and' his
father's house and to ,journey Into a 'bar
cenntry may haue been intended to lin
ply that the' environment of- Alarahaties
tally home in Ur and in ilaran etote•tiol
half o lemon, and halt a small onion; favorable to the ktiose'ledge Arad
ship of the one and only true God. That
the near' relatives ...al Abraham who r
dee • Bind" all together .with a raw
gg,;•- Spread. a 1.ayer or this owl.' the
meat, then roll lit carefully -nod Ire it.
a siting or jape, *ind .set lt in a
deep pie-dishi, Add a pita of stecii and
crver with, greased pawl', slew in a
elow.oven for tWn or three hews. When
done, take up 4lte meal, Spriekle with
lareatkeenub§„,earid jest. lneawn OE. the
-4,--Neit.7-•:sreetv-e-Willfellett'broiSen gravy -
-Which chopped ham and choPPed pLaiies
,eireetteixedieThie is -the -popular Araerie,
an dish you -wished for. -
Buller. put' into elven pots' and We
surrounded with charcoal will-ketetgoed
for months. • --
For frying always plat a -pound or two.
tat in the pan. There LS 110 W051.4P,
eVer again, by pouring ii_etheough a
strainer into a.crotle for the Pnevise.
To Preserve Walking •Boet-eConslant
blacking Is likely, to injure the leather
of boots before vere, long. but this eVil
eta guerded. againet Occasioe41-
A queer _lane 4111141 I is the one •lied
0! scienee
_ dell- "'Pararnoeciurn;" The
enoet -0.-onderfut- thing about ethi.s
t • y a beneficent provision ot
nature. 'they 'seem to become eihausted
antk, alio alter Mt* 1110112 generotion A
- • , . - .
natitralIet points -oot that if" a Paratrioe-
And all neembees live ter 3;0 gnerationi
lheef ciPtrd every_ other, lecipg
-thing Of the earth and be themselves in
• bulk latgger thatMe whole planet, while
-If, they weee to lieee enough luck, to sur
'vire to the 90001. generation the sun,
reoroi--aird: slaws would be -Pealing
universe et -them,. These tittle creatures
sire Ventifui in s'bigerient water.
i•VISM• itviiiio-ut
•-77-1"i -
VI ,, zrtm,--7oe---inn pg----stlionger--.--1
tes-ro,of llhvieeing ingredients. so Meek
so, teotean overdose of thiS eleliklittu
herb is 'likely to nulify. lid more deli-
ctiti oriunit' of other seasoninwi.
,. Thts...Taxatitte for children i probithe
W a 'ow are see iinge •Manhet-lin tea
five -ounces, .00012ted nt - esia once -nitride
white flour teVo ounces. Untie this into
an -ete.luati. with shop' .syrup; ,ii tea-
Peoriftil- may. be, given -in lot milk
MS I 1111
. , • \
. A 1114 arian -toe er n , -ern.
tas bieu eentenced in the Fradenlai
Ceitirial eletiet
to Iwo ineettlie"-itiiptiste
, 1raf14 0#4.1. to pay A Atze ot,VA-560 1134.
.teeto,tie0eatulteratiota et. his,te-rine.• ,
e',:•It's.vale Shown that*in onq s-,e3e Ize Man.
' ' 'i cia ' r" MO
p,,,,ILture hy intze,715--6 !tirazra4 44,
g‘elatLe Of Wine. mriAlttout a 4irtt/Ze fdrep,of
graeee izifte. , " • -- -
/In: iki,1.7:st,-,liei-itt0-7,Agraritaxt leadet hes
slortitng t7q,c1atico,iis fli4?
'-1'r.A13 Cktlftil,111,12g tcbT•eta gre, ,i,flit
moo4t1igo1 onl"Stp---,Itqw4202.' .
'Ifir.11.1t110 ig N1'..)41 ,Igithlie by -ile. Itti3g3tzket.• ts #
o a, -.4v4).- serivii,,,,,ett 1'i. 105 1)1,ton t:411,
trellee Terehetele wilh 'ietTeericOe cieelitical
et:e..1.:ateetee teed to adtilterate reiocee
lii..,...,i./ azectiro.teteige .11041 o•itto tiler- ,
(1'3711''!s Ore tecne:eettel te..e V.1.'1,-,,-atUst (h,•,,, pith' cr`.9.41 ere
tee'.d4, V._.,',.n.i:;.-s.'i U•1 4;klehdiS4,413,41 d3rineVatcai,ttfril fdp,
m •*-Z,1:,141)#3, _441111.1 -Ail' a tlitr.,...,, .vtdolcen. a :5„ntc•-,piti. , : '
toe tei Stole inqpiee'e.:_eer'toi le. tielee-aeOi- flottl:c relk till Wei it
e•neo tree.fice:tee d_e tretfit filr 1( .1- 1-aetzelefett a ottitT
te.e-.151,..tere. . tee , ,
' , tt•Yyite, .1-cx:,t3wprool.
, 4-1._,4;47,,,,,-.1,-.2. tt,1,..1diec ,otr. - '4 la pc.r, 4 ttli.4vics t •-%it-f-It:,,rilk, . 'Jlf(-I,
-0 p'..t'.1:, -, :0 ' , ,:•' t'? .-..'-nit. c1;;30? e..21 tr...1.:. r.q,sv ott: t. i...74;,.
.....,i',6..-,,,_,, 4.:1-41.-4,„ -,,:r.:iiio' 1,•Ii•74-'..1 -4 1:4,.it1 iii,C.4!It.'.11111 o'llt.',.1 tc,4),Itiiitt=e;,•-,01•,t,, iftv.
',,,I,'.1i1, ' tO,''P.'4:,'4' -44.ti1-.'clriKa a ,0;eri t-)4it e,i71.1m fAio, 1.,.611r itlaki,rt,'113tIV:v lot
1 -j,io. tc7S t,IT:rlia \'11,r1141-0; AVii?til, .ill-,riltil''..grasee11*Ai tfiai4illt44„/„Ittil
-. ,i 4tru4-.,,t."-1'$ 1ik--„,,!;44 cl t-,-)cIns,',•?i,". ill,qtF,TA IINI 0-419-- tliP cl)r ettortil 'p..itiell
, 14 lied e -Zee en •,„'Otzd a lae a tit-ILI-it ltT,4 'ista24 eta% it in
1,. ee .... __ _ _ _„. ' ' ellea'eY',....tLVe'rett,10.14,fee'LeT. , lee
,_Itt'.,P, teir.it flirt 4 _1L1 0A
41 .' to4, thr,e:eFee',:e ee rese la 11'
i 1,,c ,•:,!nc4
.'.:(1 1.1 V
)7111 ''if'.
1If..L. .„'.%.,11,',,1 'te,17.,ctii?.:It. Inko lict
U. ‘t
cr'-'1rczmc' oll'iti
?,,.. ., '-',`I't.:4 ittreci vet e,ea.e..1..... e • u ' eettileet eft:to/114"/r,,
l use ete,,,,•‘• ,c. Ifte.etratett ?lett
*413 t-
. ' teliCe '"
;',4,111traa iLsr$4k,
rob' ticILN Ina
4,tn-rtiL 1ii MI 3'4,11411*
tn.-e, et -j1.4 -r tt weft u Ileteo
eor 2tc111-.#
trsCitt. Itirotioe,
, There will Otte fe.e etfriwaist
seosfr9clan.0 sfz;74311tt3,
/Silk CP05144 :r•eee4:,,'"tiet,'„greeele'eett,,,e0t... •
sunerner reeorte, Qom. %Zit or...y1.. to used
Airfeet4- xinwretodrmc_vitouiattes4oAlreVterkir 74te°111_0,eirioti,,,
- •
new eilks are „,anl• Most -of
them very lovely in -W ,•and tex-
t * rule the ••
tat et woe -in -"deoert
wen:mend '.ett lbe-.InultIlittle to be 42
03" the grass in vanipanles Pflifties and
one- huittliteds,- titOreogelist. being -care-
ful to tett' "for titet was much -gross in
Vtareilit; iiiiiiEnrrnfitte-
glitarrelitlifirin. the: lievis-frereWIre4bet
thiS,pbease in versec.-3-', above. is "tt, loner
iir,ag of the phrase •being'illicertain.
25. A-carnyan -of Lislimadites-Ati the
inland commerce:of-ilie ancient world"
was carried on by 'leaders, Who c.arried
their nterchantifse. oat: ande for
purposes of-aratual pixatectien
Pe large epinparties .from elle Plate and
trom..one land to anteater. •
spicery atol -balm antl,
(Wets of the desert arid -highly prized in
1i) pt where7 1110 :were, used ill :pet
stetheinially, la. parteae incense.. and ni
Tart in 1-te- prot - -
27;28. Islututelites _ .
stalutiens •are offered for the
lelightfiel. . •
i While ,entinee fancy •s,
ruessalines onill lottielnes ere s*ut. porti••-•.
Mr favor law eclored efele &leieetg tji
ti1filtitt'a'47.' 4.e.Onl1ttI nh.„.,-1,-w•t
iieliiieir lease '-eitle.'-ii,...e.” Tete 1-14 ereeee-- •• e
, 'durance- -is -held ou!„. Te.t-TeT.thm-et.e-_::70-7475L'
*lilt ifie:taller;thiLetteee- ke.---444.,of
-potion of' Most` vcbtaet et- atferato:
nerans te the ordinroy •41,,e.: tOfte-,t4A'---11----„' -
that they will cut-op:kers eel,: col s1 as
much • whether.. thy . eve= hard : or •
cerefully hung in the ctoetzt;; 1 •,.
:rite popatae supple-tape:7,a ila!SelaS,I.
sides being. free feein 'Pees Oite.nef,..enc, tend
thentselves_Io 4o:tee-fed dreoFetee ,end .I.
thieleng. -easy lines•so tee'Lee.",t :to dizialand...
For the home, dreestnatice '»; -»i aro, •
-they preferable,, as th'z ,.s.hrl t.-.1,Ek:-.ii,; 0
tirelly herd to leonale- eirZlir.; . .
There earn' eireny •eceee uot etzeUtda'. '
effects showo 'ameog tee ser2. tottetee.
'.7iAripes, .ehechs, plaids (4 erecey inaagio.' •
metaled. in Harlin were not --oilirely cuily raised by the ettlerition hero or :oyo able kind Aireeseen ; :::»»::»-- -ii eten
eveanott.trom .idolatry .ee made elear by I different Peoldes'e ' ...some 'have l'hougla coMbinaiiolis of 'two er meet' a Eta= itt -. '
llitt: ..ttiCiOnt which 9catt tired ill liGiiiiteontli4L illialeite(ritritoto,riecitity . tineastiiglenliewitree stiltiantk;itpdpot-ItHo. ethlrec„ tssaamree .parnrlaiett:t)rtiy fr; cd:71,::.ryte...._
SviteneLabitil.oirerlook Jacob and,
othef things, eleinonded of him, "Where- Other coillialeithilors have `tsugeesied that *fele they have •en, torejeeteeteg ittgo , of
feeerliaSt thou stoletele-YegettS,7- referring plot•ably - it »* IS a enieed 4!oillininS of SOft c.olor intreduced, os o tpy 4V6i Oil
tsa, the teraptUrn, or houseliold idois, OW 1114 tlf.,' rs to :Wit0111 it4SPP11 VCRS Solt, •ttlere desieei .s0frielee tvci.„_.
' vitiebacliel--iliadeaaty-L---brougli -441.4,,t-----1914J,- tantaelites and----Niixtianite,' ..eheteeeepteed_e__. ,e. ,.. . ,____e_ _
with her - from. her- father's house- Laffe present. Ti • ....s ektdanation the Bible ,Many plain taftetes aree ele..,ri in IhiS
euillJetesb. finds it _ner,essays 'to tolif,hcnetiv mutative lends nnteh ix,lani,4fitility shim, sigt_vjulko texture. t-22 .,.0f1,1,7.117t e.,,,,•,,, es
2cenutiand , his household • and.. all - that eeteehlitag• Jo -that aterrath'e- -as-ve-.-ftONV eheneeetee tem -4,,m.tra Vill. rt, .stin =
Were With hint, 'Pitt treay -the - to -reign have it' iit, CielICSI,3 fshmaet and. Midilul -blending ,of. selelettes. :: . , _. • _
gbas that- aro among yeu .. . . arid I will wort,. both .$011S Of .4.1)1.0.hain. Their. des- All the eoloringe; by D,...4- r..3'0, ,CIZD eme-
make an altar -mate_ 'Gad who onswpred eendilpts' w<Ittid therefore be closely re- commonly beetitifal, ene feee Free; -teertge •
me in tile day or My distrese.” Long. latteleanti„ inollteevarlier gerte.ralicilts. at el crude ane' gearing os Gti=y, rt. -,re -oen,
the- oh-tiiiteriafterY1"9*‘of . itsvvri4ein;runeatitker-ved--:"thettlasr 7ITTti-kre sliTiee-41101anideati-14e-na745at's-hAl,e11,-4'. It()oltvu!llevt4enr,' ItitsTtlit:. r;14%°'et.ltne'''n.----and ilitIPOP 'allia triz. ar;c7 0
etivenerit - with Jihoveh at: ',Sit/ether"). teekes .Joseph a cousifl. of the :Filen he 1, etn-whe feet. tient emeeiee •Teiteeteeee
Jeshua addressed the ..eveopte . irt these school ite• was -sold. , Still • -another :e•i:''' e , place pf a blue slitt.i., 'alt.. -a. Eeeen -or t
words : "Thus said Jehovah, the God of Planation and the one favored . by a figured, will. be gladeto. b: -» ti,;;:nt tIttes
ytifirMr-tiVer:TWWVEiliOire-ttit t• 1 of -day le that the oteourrtifee --of ethe twoe effir e. willea 1i(2$Cc... el EZTA3 with •
Isr'ael;-yotir fathers dveelt of old Or:the- 11(1(0 i(, lef old it 1111)1 §ehojar.s to- • f ever descriptioxt. so -.T4.1 ,p H -to
Atratiorn, and the father -of NahOr, And separate intines is oxitt of intinli4 Indica- a leaning. too.vard gray:, der4:11 'tcratas, Xfit...„
they Served *other godS. And I took .your liens pointing tea' thelnierwCoeing 4,1 two pateese _ blue and 'a reete -t eeght
fetent, eteetetotte-otelleeestooteeeenleteen caited illatered, w ilt to. eweezre' - lite ..___ „
lather--Altratatine-front--beyond thee
elostr. 24. 2 2). ,„Thus it . ts, distinctly .whielt the Genesis narrator drew his' ine -.CifottleA.Sitade$ Or tile yenT. .
000 . thet 2, 3%_
the..r.ifellscre. of Abra. feemiatioe, nne tit- These. heetol tits Mere . Greens Ore elso goel eetfill 'On the- e ..,.
hino.wete-un. itiolotor, andUn'.1441Port• of lkining -the Islunad,,l)tes as the P-e0P!,e to almond or reseda. tetteee estete Veyeeas, tee. _••
ittaws words lit eds--eletege. to--4Seael whonte-Jouerift*Wateld, and 1n1 - Other e.specially liveoft -castee-ee--.;ezeco,, ond to. ri, '-
seiris ltie.be that God*s.,epeeial purpose : mentioniegt. the , elidianitee. :. . very • worm,. bright, lc reeete, eteeztoeut a .-
i 1 leaning Abraham out from araont'hie ' Twenty _pteee Of silver-elleb. Teventy trace either of the usuell el. eenat not or
kindred ond mlalives. was -lo place him _shekels, two t....rds ille_Trico ot an estard- - tones _thee
44 •naI4y
the eleveloPritent.of his religious. life and Iota Egypt-eNV.Itilbee IheY• were boOnd • Or03's in both ItOtit -atzil file.a --ghaolcs
in-a-plgte_whoreiltt... truth votonuMiceled tik dilliO,Se Of 'their ,Produete. erten:loch used. whge, elim Um' 1ptir.04._1144,-.-' :2
ty• special: divfne 'reveled ta might Odes rathe-r• , strange bate eteee'eiledly emptiller, - '• ,
-under. laver -able, rendition _Thering „the ..........e.... -+„—e....- cOntilinatioteof grey eal_t,w,.-41. atAgriJI.)__:„,.„._.
1)&144 '--. Or ,tite''It2JgeSeW.- •neet.-itith --ii
' • ,-, - --• . - _ , ... .
''Ir ipes; 'plaids' uxe, chengea:e-e 'fetes; ove- -
-I --:- • ..-• . ute .SENTENCE_SEla_f___ONS__._
- . ...seen:. - - _ - ___- __ _ ,_ e ____ . -- .
a htter the &wail" "if he" Ithigdiatii. frelpfitineSS-'IS- kaire In7itetion.- , 7 -m '7-MiTd-i'efo-fe:It-c-7.-Terf.rd-- ei,..ilittd.-St-T-r
and Brio 'the -long exile with :ite outer setto,,eees, le the. essonce -of 46_, - gewie.-4.s.- less it; taCetrol thenefer• ;.•,s.v„. the oetioo .therougely: pureed of its •• el;•rality . le more Ilium- a outtrer Of' ill'iVe".-1,041'6e41710$44-11SvoguO.PasZkir'.1'11;t:wl?' ' 'a, "
,e.Verteltees -•and: titaSleiting •=fitittietiet,, n$01%;,fitittlation •-nis, nOtself-rilspea.,
IdelitrOnS tendenef.eti.
4 .. itegattette;'ee.', . -- :• I , ' . ' 4 ' IN11101/ 'LS Ilci m eito, Ito it tw!,,etra L , .
• .. \ i'. -"tt'ee.- .'' . „ -Z.,bove-iiliVer remitiite-eiten.: reverence t le Iist-10-1.t-r/ride..sPreeetteeer-e,:e.t .1
joklg-i--Witiv•_ etaiite, '37 ' we tues. eteporleo„ . , , .. , , .. • :• , . , . lies i cert. hutch oyerdecee : New ,EaleaS in
1,4e. idst 4P•vbioll. of tho' book or -. llighte eienese is ',note .than ability ca it • are' eeql-etantlY teEng . tlei:Oleglat ,..eAtta •
,esi„,everi:-,Arict. the ordinary: lereelie, ex
oppesi iiitiodems.,41.010St EnlimirSr :with wolf our (if tau/ , ',... • • ,,
:the hiSery.fet los-eptie -Jacob, -Indeed. is •ehe , h 4pe.: et ,the reee,,4epees on our strap effect, is leeS, seen,' liteire a V./ewe
- .eut, (lowe -enrol? ltreeeetel evae' to sehkee •a
inerillo led end .the *events .of ins' toloeing ttepee . fe) , tho lope, . .
Years' are narrated at .$40ine length's:big .The e4e4 etethirtg \lit ihis WOW Is a gottrPo: '4na linge.U:e' gt)c-vcs,P,n;dErnr,11/1-
on the whote he eeetiteee from the first se/Nays ,st,o)les.i,,ano at naoing ihan e'rte prevailing, eteeve:•b Itieesteeve 64Pt
•either elashed or lereiek„ ea laraoria
o! This section andeenevard a: ettteardinate , les, 114 tt-
pliar,e, tile .elfiet Inter -est: o! the Story on. e'''''.
tering -lir the experiences -of 'Joseph. Th 1('-rif;r4,43%-wntit'vllato.rsTtoYsitliinugli'dil .• te• ei,reeterete __-
.St:IftwOYld43'.1•411'''Ilf115e stileht9:104111"1.611gIce'fillrtm°"1111141111 i1 ; eNeibleg key ' peopt faitlitu better. • 4 ' '. ' '*: PliA\ 1116N'Se. NV. IIIIIIN
scandal eaq the longue. -
4'4,friirist.. ,4In nowl)iebit10..s.114•0•1a,Irl:taiits in 1 litinarnittoele,vgaiiitri,i1_, ,e`ittve,ov,,,:• ett-4,,To!yr. foilit A tgili-ot0511.,t tii 1,4 t,'. toplet it: )111')14i'C.tno; , atn&L 1 • e:ittisfyiti,.1 ' 4,
Aliel rey-01,4h. Are' 1 litellistery-e•-• r.teille-I _4
-7 . ti: :!.(113:et*,' I •otlt.°01). a V le.' ri
V c ?Rey •
- iiat'''
" PcV ' c
._!';-,., ....‘ 41 :. '
.. . __-
The tietee .oe llte 6 ,y os Protesso ‘iviti(itit bp,. r ion of 1.142et;bboaly
'1)riv4poling out, 1. 4J pit -t alit in
,ri i \r, ro t 1 lt tt !Au et Is th :222Ore ‘r
fie. y4.itiOe‘iti ri t amity' kept' he
Own by then vy. f t eta( e 'themberSe „. ttel .1 „ t n ' vue \'t me re that (.• 1 ' I 1 1.5, linpv.„ n et
and at • last riutnp leoler e. them. ..,6 12 ; I ' 114 cver$,,,cge
dita :tali'? „,dt.. Ivio, , bet-a-be:1'A WaS :hest tweeenty. . . , stoilteler,,eteei 3 ,ct
' .Wo•Vok-lindii4t,--slitthires011t It
togeette ty: the,. tattlAiSin ,wbrth lite
1l' 11 :1111' Set thP • 1111",e'Tile l'aIr* t(*). 1.:Yletai yrloti):112tro. rell:vo:fregillttl,o., n',Ilieek4tie .y(:16,11(4r1111,11cni:e 'Igara*aeldifolitsos't 11:1;*"11::=1• Y . to'7,''':,:„....,,,,-„,,,,,,
Okiii$t kip' Ittit.a Ceat tlit twiny 'c'totor,',
Ite.; 4tiebN:0'4:VJed to*sird• elot`Pli in ot It04 bet.lookieg dewo in, the p',..cpill, li
. you 'aro pot ritf?ly .to cheer the Itearle ' 'riAll.:4).1, k 'IMELL'-'.1-T'''T -, — 3
_: : _. _
fi' * veS ,.‘.`;krtt ol7,',144: .4,-7.::14:ig ,
ltild'itte t., 1'» tr:1 E..,.. -.7;c:. .
fteesie .trait 4te.4lte 111414--o. we :le ,
en "witleete hunting -1'0r xi nitire .c. • bedragg1441-oe
deltic with. nalittre* hntl lite lkvitole' tontte e
' Vivol.:ptirixrattairellituorittrrtX.I'titteetfette, ile,ete.'ep7- heitti_.tni'`ii:' UP.. \_, , ,, • ' :--:=.,-;.: -- SttlIday-dt.AitVul tvitt41.ta 'g:
, wio t( '1 ,heeeen. ntee..eeeene ef _tint all the..P -,isietrees_teeeee .t.'„
1 )17605rits.-tiepe - 4 -pot. 'oh tine kr:0m i Ott: 43t the- nPete ., Oetee •tek qee e".P
v '2.',.3riy,itiillrerairic,t6,0!!::kil:4iitgt62tiaLlItstiti-.;:ls%%Ce_11f!Inii
t ltl--Ot 4:131,OUP teltitilik!iirisIT'pflifir_.ant, &lecv(7.4 1,c0,0* (-i! 14fircn: ':'-'4,11 C.:',"..1
Inc - ,. - ::-.:!----. ..:-„,-...,,,, ' . licit on the 'lace jee •o Et,t,-..,,.:.
I boo. folk tiley tirp sollicIttrA0 tali& nimut the 1 thereAffa'' ithillOr ai",i'"F..t.
Other thee evanderi' et 2i), p- win :never ,kpow1.
Apre, .01 •gOodroFee nal" We 1114 111-11! to-trf 014 01,1)1Wirt',1..31 fr-r','1
, Mado• oltdstipc0.14 Itte•in
priA laS banjo. " , , ' . 7 ' , ,,, '••
114 *1 ':i.11 ' f 4TrSetasc'.5"'''foaltatItIki'll'ot, 16;e' i'.1....4111r. icl 41111711'4!tti'-)-41 i''' '31117 .1.;..srt4t4k2. ' 'i'l
rp1' supuri6rits Tifi.-43 '..-:,gitilio ., rut thil 104 etette,'S' when. we Mt Ttte,-c.k.V.12.-,0 colex) L-.:-; c't,;„..._,- rir-
da. tat' Wit Mit 4,..E..,afiia' .k, i 0, ' cular Vitoto .in reeil'Ototir !eve. ,,t.ear 14111:v20 'Irli'v.,,gPls‘4';
Prottred yet 01141 &' .111e een, who. tar; 'wile/Al be piled .Pe!elli14); ft(''''15 e3''' ''C'':.4.2 ,
it -or,Alie..,,,itvo - - '
e..pf NUM' 001, k Vitt Voteo -or ettriett .eitere'll:aft-e--
02tt,te 14 lietenE14 tO it . fienogreallietee \ Vie 161'.:g 411C" -.4V''''3'4%';'''''' -'''k:''':'-'''''
'. - -"a4 -iedicated. ' s" i'ltirt.'11,Z. kohl ,of.-14.4,41e.,<ro* b , ,i , ' tcc-.1i1L1413` sicim,. bre teec:e.`,1e3 t:e .„.
, .. ,1 l'' Uslied4-"dllii. T'.c.ed.e%I..;;Iiate,..•0(11 0 ' - - --1-.Al'et,reWe'SlititlaY' Sktild„ Tsv Itiodele, V‘I'Eti i',"4'...''..! '
• 1:1.W. preaOicr CO Timuld $4t ti t. '
A -`,'a hrpkt - 0 . Pr Kt% t
is.,,,4.,ii.. ,, , • . ' '' • : • , VeAsitii,11.01 g0oct th.ter 43,k_S .,:ite .t3n413.),,r1,1:.,,:• ' --
tculF:exid tett 16 1110t-iik
- lit :Thy elrellgeteerVeal ;life e :elate'. "fiere ttliet.",e' t...'
''.4 With. ,;6:::6:1::,.G: ,
: \ ' - 'i, .. •
' '-‘.-n'..•,/e-ftiti4 -her '-tieetti• 'has. _rdeeettlY 14 13
4.11f4 1(i
;e:14•,tif.-:'iee,'t4P.te,'' jr*-731.1gi-NI (4.'i":.., -•
teri',1'il,Tf4. ''St„, 1121,40i:ie. Ail :ialiiie, 112 '4
0.10 IF,k4. e. , .'• .. . e - e• ." .„ „: •41.
'-fele-4eet Lo.,--,,i,prqtroiity'f. fts417 1, , ,, ,. ( 14.,, 101 i reereettel_ _ -.zr!o,a. t. A ,
-••-, `.(tati:er _ii,_ _ _±,to.. toiriltiii.'• ,rcixatli
1 ecrit.klitit1. lw,d t4i. ilhatt.-. iliie 1 ...i, ,
t Iv --Lift-5, toilette
fe ee1es . Might .1: eenie tley eeintie. t;.? I is , t tle- • oPee •
*leg 01114.1
• :re`