HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-04-11, Page 4 (2)40 ellh*tiLreqqhed �i a oveivant 'the niwiltarat rou the coid raw win le P*tWn ,of P e , ttOLeoftoney Polnt, w .i bere411 ,th Of her. e 3. lifellharfire)r... returned Immo hi L� WeeLDV.Oobblelgh of Detroit is t gn.st of aunt Mrs. fleo. r. Tbs tot o Leag athe Mond E441111t. a vett from E. O. Jones* anhone; Iso thelielesThrtilite-Zenni JiIr.and Omni ham en". ,rtained n of otvinstwallioltwAts$1410 trro MvitiugelT04de .1002 It inepectingsbeep‘ Ilefouiad sat. Hudson's. to be .ufferlag akin diseaSet-Stiss Re 'Ing a few Ith frIeiae arimvItitiltthurfoond o * ran ot-W-4-7 irned hOtne,nonally_friini St. 3os- i'a _ tispitel./tontlon• He aeonstot 4 be mncb- improved loy,.ihealtb; hot :',,ifisittott 141* TIlile 411170 ,Xtieffetive, rund Assets Over I 4 Nefi •Esnolgri* It current rate of in4restallow 1ecutzt0 H. ic-IIIroy..,OoogtertrotIsie;was _ • elected to .repreSent 'varleton,in the :-.0ntart0 Zegokla ore by a, majority 'o 000 over. Mr. RartiO,IndependentCo servative. -Theseat was -made vaca .1 by the death of Mr. O. N. 'MO* Pyne, rtfinisto-of Education bas under consideratiOn'a very impor- tant. and timely change in the public ''-0011001•Xet Whtacw111-46-0btlett begOttt Iawshortly, leo attioVerneat towards developing patriotism and.theteachin o practical. oItttenabip,r-:it is nuder- et.00d thattbe.tainister has doolOed. to Siipply-T-4*.se ince With a ftrgeUnioi Jack figs bear. JogLk,' an ti eeet of arnis, to be , used on en'likely betteeretn oonneotton , witb 'the nag boisting. Tht oiorgroasio and pleasant on oVernafenteawm. . farm; cilLes are dime-Oro-ded with wortbles- . loafers that ,rnitcbt be honorable and. respectable The' rui*Vro te 5 ane,-arth#YMIng011331. eConeilay *lit 7 be Orovtara to.-voi,k0:-IfrittujEto more Iffia ettreotiv*, aoc1"00vre all have tol te,dft "the ,i.faritteiii' nothin hould tiftr-Ain-done.--.th'et-c0 one to mike the faros Inviting. It (Ivry .14104o Qum do bOOnelitt*,0 100 it 40,0014_)** bleastng itwa alt •0 4 arn tojivewithln our- .rnians.. fue . Of.lioOk-keepersand the lou bad 404 alt of whlcb some one h to pay - or.- if our wncould g work_An 'Wetly ottlkhe-betterlor,oseI • League-tattitt, their:annual c. reationat Renaitil on ' ' -year's Work was, reelewedt i allowed. splendid° reeults throug viz le townsbip*and h siso Inc Ira ' -ttliteentelthe' , eXeOltiVit, committeo have . tnatober of meetings doting the 4. r. pilltmee-ttien*-greitt-helpitres eozopletion.the loot option toe rest In the different ntoolaipellties. It was tleolchnt to continue then 'Orgentration andat possible. to SeOure, • 'local option for tba,' other,,munt tit* laSouthltorott.: -• •R..olutions :werepaesed oondemning ree4litheOl* or the' Isauti-- hett 14:4* - o (shoot en'tn One to ollow 1.1 X wflob*5 severe to be ' few -days. on Saturdal to Zooksfter t.he IUL. of birbrother.to-. vtaa*erioosbtiO$oreaio an automobile accident twovseeTtsagO. Miley revelir, Word Thursday' that lire had de- troyed his stablesand* to- getber With 41 ne borse. wagone and Mit *mt. tenthd to the strkken fanily 10_011 tbeir boor of triaL We trst that ro. Mistele Wilt .141recover and nothing. ire Seriot op. 3'..A,Mitch4 'ell has at Ocala school tetuovin in ?envoi' tlmaebiapractl O1 D�tzoit 'dm where ebe-interida renfOli it -f -g for 1 gLt10 Cif 4,04000 the tbt.stO again at getting Otte fleahy and iotenda_ get -- ling isrge c1otbe finen , To:plot thi wetk for t rv Auer ..our atr I et or Kesti * *tee 1 Winer of. permits -Mr. au *nderstand be sell Sa�rnsw, Stich. oittane muide b re and we Tha new tenant Hen ,peseeion ,Monditv.. 1 are expected In „nth .. bit* latwee en Verelt With iki) thl. tdt resetir _ **curing- esS14 artre;„ ' Owing to ourDr.'s illness,' Doi, Oime of Centralia was :called and: lwindag.d up ibe foot' 'for itotowoir: a tinte.,,,....$1**.'linnes ' Moore '„Inte re. turned frotu A ,01040.0t,iiXit to Petro., it. -414 I. Wi4on 'le nowoccupying the.house rcently It:seated by Mr.- De Sitle.,,Jas. flunaphreys of Sestorth haii agMIn accepted *position at.thefound4 . lo Mabel sparks, who hO :been 1410 tbelitdidaYs at her home' in litettsallo bas testi-toed ..b.exi. ,duties 'ne teacher in rolinokt poboot1-4, !Aye G. 0.,aliiiiii bits retOrned to London- atter .. . visoiatItatob:ei;:tvw.t.:iihittiu.04s:::ii,t,6:::::id, . vite ,tdot d ie latetrat 'were Visitore-here lot:week« cu yin' ' ' oWn-hotoe•Ot the eeatteelli -'111,otart 'boa rooted vilth bis, amity er Itoriald$11nidorL---d inalloir * now _ I, from lettreregtereete ett :wIthelna,:l,-bus bes, anteitt bai--iffin) :Itec- re. 000. ending: 'eznent aidewalks la-auto- mCi srwdllsbav1ngthest.ieets wltb ga" - it r install d. -ext Sunday moing , ..M,11., Bem.u. Evan geliesi churcb will peeacb a serurnn In the In tlea.... n r Evangel.' l Aeeociztiora wfll be Weld in .the Evangelicalre, ..,... ning Tue.dayon* will he nuiuberof vis. itors -* inoszrn1dst. is ' th v in who h tion' tOrealan'TOr2F) - e transferred to Winglu Chicag� lint , ;heti With'ht Dell. . ,. is notenjoylng k 1. E. BlackaU, Queen's hotel. bere,„.•locgt Bothwell:and is tItiticlacting tbe Cent- nt oteli,-Ibinniel.14, flooltee#4040120, has returned to Pronlater, after spend- ingthe Baster licilidays' at liiii- him* .herei4-41ev. Toll iti-4433001ng ft'oin an attack- of to Agrippm,4111ri, ,' Suriallm :e.o.m.ht_titttolvii-the.ohloe.;ofedcling of Mr. and Uri. 0E0. . itill at , Brucelleld on-Tuesday...4. :0....- fdcDonell - spent Friday in Exeter; -Um.' !!.171geAtsthu-P,- and Mrs., }ferry • -Arnold. spent .4 few thiYa in bndon - lot week at Or. Thompian • grsAile nr. vialtedrher at other R.,,,MoMordayot II.:;,,-,-.11rtt, Orotabe was call -to 046101! 'On- Toesiletcoliltig-to-the:- 11 of her deughter'WO: a.s. liroilk- , lifir-s -s.„ Mat- tfe Rills Spent ber,vaeation.atilarr_, -Brandt-spent "alesrdayttittLoado and Zirotito.-.-1$11rs* (Do- Ileil4 an .10ele returned to Forest atter a\ 'pleas - at' .visit,lie lititti2-be birthday °tibia ono e wbo,w yeara okl, that tuky. It r_. aneEghto'cct .fl ner .op hlarevenlaw_ All zeport a very pleastiot.titoss4Aeltoo 'beit'been .Spending therBaster.holtdayi at Tororito._the guesteihiselaW.: tri_.,1-leoder*Obi has .retlirned_ borne* .Wititer ;*patilapo,, is wearing a' emt -theat days -4 boy.. -4 qulet wedding toOk:'placti recently at Toronto *hen , one Of our ladies, to the i verso* of , Miss. 'Jennie Anderson Viv* ',bet '.beart and hand to. John ,lialdWin- of ' -rTher'seent Volt 'ot their honeyg000n et. the home of the: bride** father John ;1,, Anderson.-- I' h We, join in Otentling,congrattilationer , . , VOX • Sugar rOakto day.: ,,SOnte.Ot those Who, thought the rus Season to over have laken. resiulted to a , ,seriotti ' row tt*ittiorr.was.nippsd • in the bud --at lee's tiotet2The fire had *totted in an upstaIr bedroow- and had it .444t Wen sultod more seriously.-4nother of our you en bus joined 'the Teat army cts.. We refer to. aunts John- stonwh .00V/eau:oda/ week ,olattnett 'Mit* Ids, klyiughtet of Joh** iiiithi,141). of the, Babylon Pine. Statile*, 0'1114 The Wedding took plate at the boine of the brides parents.: the Brown officiating.. We ittnwlth the majwWend:filo witininitt !wand 'useful *partied t ou ag n. s iner* eay the real eup son;bas **tat, wbo apent. the w n er- ' 1th his parent!,,hte leftagain for the W eat, accompanled hy--Win Bro. rewfilecko ,pantEas Blyth. returned_ home ..Tueida Stewart if the Boundaty called an e tenant on the. hill Sunday evening, hoeineee ani.pleasure trip eolabla Thos. Ballantyne. who 1144 beervoo 1104 to Ills room tbe.past Week - with Inflammatorybeutnatliti.• la sada to bride entertelne4 qulte a, nomof friends At aweddlngreceptionln thoir new boote1:burs4ar" Fletcher reOilted X large. pumber of 'useful- presente..- , The evening , was spent la mnale. gaines 1044 dancing., Alt reporta pleask t thne;-4fhif UV. tieSteiiter4 who has been In On' theliaat few inotitha. 1holidaylng u» der the parental Bell of lienoltspent & tetv day* last week with Miss ABC. Hackney. . • err business lortrfor tbe pat ttro y-eaheXAM,Xt.101:01:0010,01104:14t - ritiaga who. recently. .of •' week for retontrog were he hee -$0,-enred ood.0ituatitiak meeting directors and oilleorkof the ...Homo t orao -,L*00tatuir a3E:14L,W111et hi kto rt06014•NuOert4104,;.1vib t_lVteeitwn driver recelvecl. the snug IWO 7 Of $175. -.-Our pubflc oo1'iteaelierit-tetittitedt0thOtt .1ffairk here cin Monday -after Spending • the. vacation 'at their :respective 'hon -i 1060 ltbletillaiarecertied,tbelanit# • ythelittaint *.-10:ot ti4tHErIII*1-,AbitiOt-', . „ 'got Wow bot inottiogiwr reltttiv*" Atonal** 41. • to • the: pitsc week, -The contrite 'lIgbLIng outustoot tights ‘ti*.of been let Ito Joa Wambold tortlist'Oresent O't*pOrtetl that one .01' tba-: 4lisietw"thoilVitleieteds,- in ca el,dt hy -his'Slater and rents at Berlin 1 du, 1011 ' titatelOtais ilipant; in r bush Thu .wben some of the near enjoyed tbenlaeIvLs at tafty pulL-Obris. McCartbv returned t01,40ndokMoodar; otkinboa returned tiSerlint,6 esume* his do!: '.044--liirnu Morley ylsited triendtk, at Bryanston of our bired:men vih,6 have been engaged to work In our .00nununity- the coming ----tvwt-dowoib3a4LThisttt'dv =unit* apple treci.S *6W -fencing Or he orAer of the- day. -Walter l3enn( teacher, has resumed tit duties.after spendlng.theholidaysathis home near eau.: red....Delliti!,1100 . 404 Wife or 0 cle*niug Willie was in our bUtt iut week. -Wm. Gunning held *wood bee:Friday and snceededa lrge *mount of wood • at. • •Tbsi ,--0141 reliablr�we&e ettOrhion,' positLon as clerkit' the store John orley- of • Jon% spent• here • pnlor to leaving for tot* 110001, $111104**1$4 .Wits. LttIe nirett.Sondayea4t illanahard. Uttionchtirch people.'are 00, Itte „ , .. . prepatlngto 1 blacksuttb Is kept tenon log 1 it for dia. a ,points wife: and two dausliters of Clintri to root. Alts.; nte-Zifiorlorv eivd 1141-4E$ K. Neelandtisi, aullett-toHatnlo, Mao4 !rhos. W., Adim, wife sul daughter, to lidosa valet_ asek4 Ha non, Totektironjt to Milestone. SosiLt... .10$# - -Ward* niotitiville, lo Bistsion. tifin.1, It.,E. to Sho..itone. Idaho iinitt et urn R. aalkatottdVille to f;aultStAlaile, - tte. tot; airk-.00.01-4, 41*t141:141Strgli ; bs at tr,i40,11syelt0 i*At '310r ,? • , (Odin M1444 ,V*ItrA, lAt .1* -11001, commenced ber as s eloseical f3e titth Coneglata , , O. Sattabank, .0 ' En tkd f 81.'l Sunday o!pootunoui '- Ile * ' oneot thei in thfs istrIst, 'ur 1 ...ft*I Was \toe or the f 'nntriwtjunn n r it :ei wire can realize eta 'from, " tter ":bat hex' fatnilyliA 'Ilari:satties. by+ :flittudral oyiin Sir , makes her eltildtries. By oftep **Sing tliainond Oyes.; .boute Is height as tinit *fag she Uses Diainoud plea; she will tt Wbn **'4,P*1*.bny,APitttlititt Hie -nel roatsg vestsouttsi At* *000 44;1#0eliketl, Wi Aixtrocind, She . 4040,00 iitiOntloirsbd, 001,004+ Y tinting walla with Diainoott it • ail artist tiftetc vk. *44iitotir adW *Ith'Dt;impnd D' Reoun. ah use r)i*in-nd Dyes. * her' eyes: *Leih wjl u der. .AI Wolfe vlsiteditttheh. efhtsqncleO. inkhiner on busyluinglng pp fo 141:000yr pat ex t at the bind who has been in Mkhlgan dmlng past set#a weeks studs1h01* returned to his home here on Tead of but vitelt. He h been hose sipi his return breaking tts at which or:L*410141y a rnter iMn&-1)an. ---f,tz9ruarimir ss tI.lp.d y Imstswhtl 1,y0,4 t 14V0140100411\ * Rkhurcisi **tient, PQ, wi1hei it.,i4dreu new sn4prettt So