HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-04-11, Page 3 (2). "
*NOW" lhey mi
6.4004 *
t fit% Zms1 „
w1h lhe following
fie pint of'
tO stiv
t ev
(J1tt'1flh1kanwJ b..,c npkte,
rsghtettOre',-:111e)c-roti r11111:-
04r what * leti.-an hin
0116 -ar.- la ;49011110e,- the nxt.
EarUily $41141*4493110 10v4V d1,50.40'
or aunt 4.:,,man, sVitO believes in thelir
everlitSling,' Valium* are .4 prpteyot
lory ietto c otifec: Fallings
rindillgr world
• r48,0,11:
Point to Abe .Victory Lwyondt the nighl
Veitconlijill'OtVe, -PC Ytto-ptirt,
ttorta- p
d 1i" eoH i(nlSflt,S 01 Matatetill
)%ning tellsI
beguts .Ii!e wlth vwit umb
ar givim. to t11(' qUCSt au
I ea le then delis.
cline the l(la lota,
.QVe. Ue gives M t tn the ,zreat
tne I 1
411C -
other., w1un on. dgL rhair nr tooI
s._wlien,*(anditim „ .nd the ow 'eh :
lz,ehll for sittlaa in to shelf' PeO.
Mrng (curtains. -*lien oonvenieni
to yea; botVI in _oneia.Itzp: antatenothe
irled ft1 family to aotsitfe
flier th tmiju and
nitrra is t,--$ 1eat ti,
Eng -
16)1, f4, lulu! onblooti i.thip. th
4'xpr11"Sent them over the strearce
......., _ , I. ..,
ut ff-niotte:! 'comes. 23,
Tile f1d of ' the ,ftitiboki:Aite'pbliko
sys.into the JOrOaitirsnit the east'aboU
_ SteritVIIS'e1iitle4 'north -of the Delia Sea
, Old only At lest/ ritiles.sonth or the Set Of
Ittei.k,-For at leaWtss--eutpillve Or OW
L-. . ,.., ,....
I. sip!
I 4 loftyid
here 11. Pt for-
t'd-here refer
• about thr iil
by 1
t I )tfio
t for 0. tinu' 1••
o my breast, Its i.peodor soon or
'ter •
YilI pierce the'
, .. ,.,
lea lit,. 1 1 4
ti' 1nt*nn afliddl0
1ux,. Iz *it antl Ookr Parii. ha*.
v.nuu r - . _ ortrirbliy-
r; tIiey ewue'; ttly--' reert',Ativorim
ytfioiu , ' rkkA 01.k England, HU a
4:‘,'eit roh.r i -Japi. .. 114'Ititliuk Xt°
WOreen the work" over want Par*
la )i;iti. and govints that. Irtaitels .geods
Its nor difficult bo torn how 'these
•W3s are,i,Lid and matte popular thiu
kflv trtlite: hoorou-v.. etixountzrocliyalseizeett
he newest novaltifs;!..J the .alin that
*erns, the. modistes 'and- dressmaking
I0the Awe de. PO
co Veil me -ati4:',Atentie410 r0.101*4
6 t
Mg* or Uie whoe
•41%1 nrt:ti %tones tat rig
a - little -boar,
f'. knot la Ora way
color toettiert,to•ught
rop4s* *.mt ifs *um*
A h worn by .the .Paritienne, „LuIlt
upon at, linen shirt waist, tlli is the'
sPring sfaist for :going Under the spring
litilor•nuitle; :it 'is .11 Tiatold result
o! tho-
littte ruffles,. on ilia grandfather fronts
that'IlniiitgAbOuld ,e0ine bock Into favor,
hid theta, ;are latindilea that -410' 11.0 the
little 01114 in lins way A oli
hone • ivo *Mali
petit -Ors -In fItt
4 4111115,10g;: Mal*
Aat Vfrijj)1-110$
olio, then: A,t& of two balen
egg. , Turn into buttered pndding
wt. and'bnk,. coVeredilor ',tea niiiute
Oven. Then', A4neovOt4
ni u ..fstake
Spatih tat biittkelirva.'41nebtliinir bt
eit .400 stirred : together In 41.-141„001),
janir ,tr/ i evOgul: of rnilk
a bltr Remove fm
Ngtioso I
Jcol ina- oojoifro 'or l'arou „
I I or oOportemee io our loi.„ of h6 . That i, ttie
irleittnareatices'Ist,thispoint1)0ause.4.""""**)*'-1" 441g4 b°1:1°.
i6,1401,141.4t it, 'Was here ihat 1)4. elevo , je.t tivo. u
stIroili whom '-deseended'the Weis*: 1 Porceives' roil,* A
4&,,00; tenoon 1$, „ 1.,..‘viiatu he liast, been', /of
a -I1144(k of the.. hirth. daughter ii -14* js...1'n4e thtln 400'0'
Jacobs 106 to. :is 2t3.„-tlsro, more blit.firaeV,4s-So
Oinalt, to :LOON Atio,.'ttra 411 0PPortultY:to4iSk .littot hiessinz,
-ictouttt 'Also, "too. ',hew . Often la his deolittg. with -his-thosen
indePeezoideton.tiu,W6e.tilutbittniteColi :vailrikruti4111; '„etlil#1,1.T.:445e4,1110$61t*,t-r4:sintnl,eraipi 'Irilitsegt"ut3,/e01140,0`11,1stnzgmt
,bither.:',, ae..: life .and the :Iowa' prOlniSciz Or
found lil
11 Ul 1.1ttIA -.1414-ro ' by a ,change „of now;
49;31; whgret 111'114 ase:the.•change ts Ova A'fflUflt
4j1 : the'triara Ott,;.*Ogii* •1110401fIg' $upptauter" to one nt1i
0105. ,tlie OgiteA. 11.1:$_Alc4 *514 liriciattpg with (kid
fl 'ili.ik the °tiler of t nd suggestive • r Ids sueeess; in ,
1 1 co
tit i
Mett ot each ;name: hin&r, r 'stns. 14Sait,
4 • ol a 11 the
g It- , ,
t ,efav a
1 ' fon
yand- very t
his .gredu I beaten
-10 0
m the -$1111e
Pour all titte baled dis
t'd and • tt ,A
U41 IU :L,vave
tea .az t
410 orkl*,
t *
e °lop mut
vitt Ulm
poundo night. -the
:morrow • '‘,„well aye' th
'Whip; A , 'it oeven egits to
leading% tetitn, t
pofattals of powdered sugar, vhip.tite
'imed;.przthes into -Alit% anerixtgao tura'
4::mitlera„ptittdittg,,,d)sh: and *bake
111 a, ...Overt. _Twenty'
eIk1 11 tn. table :hoc and -1110,4 very
ant, ot'. 11giztriesa... and .delielOSams.
,icto .Wh1pped ...cream as a Salle0::--;
IOW SOUt:40-41akt you vitould the
for 4:
lioild elee '761044 Alt ,40.1104 Oritonit,
tet443.00. thrOugh_lti
tte"t„'4-013:-:Y4'..gottitil0.1frosic• t
tr4inl all bit et skin and fibre.11
fltite :made me
• lg--tOokined-,by-seree-o!
."A. hardly .-ate:Ofid,. to the PQneen.t •-•
C,11061‘ te'
degree-thregtrptar s
*taro ',41,04.dy in it bowl. the be
yolksof three- eggs`f-.1.4to. itybleh. vo
bon, ,t,three- ,tablespoonttitir.,At
u Tura the. 'white satire, upon `th
r tabitespoontiikk'pl,irateit alveet
,a.n4 whift 11110
-$yetoil lo, 041*,,,stirring w
41 • to binder tru,lt foritt.
'When lult0 "eutst. old In tbi
11444 ‘,9 the, /ego* aro; tom -in,
blittOrtert p ing 4ish." flake (lute
and serve, on0e_ with villiApp4
vie ifh
rmuthing Ito
yle ,M.,4re$4,
t unusual fax
'il and,Made
,1 t the, „suie
p„tisseS, it ris
nit it lit3i4„. 'maker Who.
1051 nt tilt' *hi
aro .-ArlkstS.i. natur
hey are go,I4V4roines Ott'
.1 e 1114ke ,,414 Pain
. atittga that ,:',,ottentlin
, r ab ,sh nein
wstitiog 1.0101y, nest,
, speet, 10. possohl
vtr:fokins:„. ,styto
and, 'trimmings
111/1*,:Pottrait, a" then. :014a01
tasto of. tuMiNners,
3116 they .-o.thtz:1111
014 shions-titreei-4 n
• striliki •poiuisr
sittait c
'Mint iTid
I 4, plait t ruffl
nto litt 1 ta °knife'1114
o do 11 ta4.111- and
r sl ith Ittle-pract '
, „,
under bn front lirti`41141*: -1):vcifzilr414$1.3t11;Iltkhe-Oillilloar' .414
linen blcais, are: bands or 01;ifotit
too,44not6ii, to 4 orropolid1i)t.toott.
waist, band;;.-004"„cati ty".
wdti'Ate rolgott edges like 41C1
rithera; have button • .tiol-4 *verged ,
'.dewfillso„Tntiddle,lirat button: Jort;-.40,-.'th
kittrito; -buttons': Onetc4titst4rtit)-Wt%
Into.‘;10.*1014ne italhattultotts-iiro•-littIt*,
!CW .411Y!: butterittOtes. untlerritathE
bv".Wlithlr; task-104'AG the. ,blOissOr''
plaln 004 ;.
likrilu.'4 or:itor o
Intaning ItappineSs, ari im
to Wilt brlaft recvard;:--74utzta..
'houtatioo.;7,4o440h .1r!outille..tadoi
xbte fouled • •-
• Them :is an ethical' :side r
lion Of svelz ineklenta AS the Oirirgg
'Leah. and „thicket tor:, their
whh ithistratoj hulireetty, tile evils -o!
•pclygnmy 404 the' Jealousies, aiid rivet
ries 16 Windt: it giVa rise, ..*-rtze,eharacte
-14-U*161;F:ouovi=4;olgootirt 10
th'ege ebolitet% is enYthing but,Atlir
t1.6-41iii011.0es.%'1.10Plicity* ..fout-ao4
elless,: are inherited by 'dnitgliEf
trs and rottected las* in Abe 'a etiOn,uf Ws.
',.*.taeoh*.S Mother. ,,Self-Inierest nncl
unpardonable -410elt ere
traits in his tharecter."-
aleat d .ratoll..ofitttrolly-IJO a bearing.
our betailor twoid
zo,unteliv- * rst;
iW 11 tivki,105
ri Otoi P
C*1 th
• li
" I r if they a,
e e using,
✓ I, id. s rs eau
with lse M
bru'hI. 1 "ri 101111' (he
ipoI of5a
Staimi ott, bOtve *e
will d ppeitlfrAt. rublAt wflh
re* II61416
1 15101‘01411t 16-114ei
ing utritsits in a $104ofitu
la made. 4:4.etlxi)on3tut..k,lt tuft.
tifine... to, ,overy biliIet .iltot witer,
rpent.ine IS' a. erfut islitterlartf,
14,1ss;itt dispel nil 1i41 odors'. -
linitate rOnatind
ter,Or'. 'with ltirtiP, of glazers hut -
y '-Iinitoritily, unlit the
equally '.eoverettl, This ts
itrotintt ,glafts
t' 1111 Wittirle4 1-*- 1111(1 flattip
i Fe!1.11.. tie
J51(1te tread' 111 -4'11r -tit t
t twirl in toil' Stater, rind' the
it le$peet
tslybitk4-‘,1,11.rx.t.i4.. Atwitter *lo
fre-.; ih? s4. to difi,,lher,,
i'i*rar;tost tkAlt.'; into
water,. anti al...1:1w it t,reinalts '
trrirclil the cl"...!!,11,.
rt,InGvo ft*,- 1,1,7bite.
too *,(4ft' with milk 1;114
't I 'set rio!unilri rith
tit;14,1-''.441.1t MI1,144441' ,
1 n
t1 e?t',
!It) 1 .1(1, Pul,ton si-:A1114t.
I** *Per th4 iht*tir
t e late*
thaI 31[ 1)0 a! h regard -to thp.'si
ok It- es, netborable 'the lite
ery •straggle tiod4s, din a
day, hat .11- 11111,1 have. keti
to-,,tho.uorth o! «041 tear 1,,0
'tger lit the
narrative. •
- vitt; mo,l'ttiii-Izat
iit:itielttlithyr,,11.titei,:;t11:4W44:48,ton.euettn‘,.Let.oh4ttsv: . e. it woualid.h,noloit 1;01144,iiiriew le eValmeillot.:
'iv 14. ItifougOtt ten,lion
• A,
it ' who %vs
i ' ' .3-iv-gm:Alai utiVrk, ' cer)1100, '.4-p._,
. -
r,t* two, 1.:-.0t. iti
--. _ ,,, .. 6,
. ;Verse if. '1.I3 (131)161 Atiraliaiii., ' his ,ll iiiiose
tolirase4'llirow, light -on,' the- lose; ot `the
'Word41 4.1atheet,,alla ..,'soly"- in Abe Ohl
'etaineitt. :The tonne!. has of,terk ,lti.
itkinvint -oiirtiply-.0t-',41iforiptstor,g Is ti
'latter has tive,niearting ot .Neseentlant..
Tho,•14earittg ot this - 'Net itporg., tit* vitro,'
uology Of the ---'014, frgifalitott., 10 sYliklet
tilt, '100.';e 0111010.1s 'Warded b.Y* genera -
141l'. is .appereld. ., . ": ..,..„„..
' \ Stildst unto taie; iteitirtt—The express
minand of Jehovah, lo 3m!11)Is giyert tit
' 3L 3. , Otte remarkable 'trait tit :
' ' 1 en Iseroot is their habit Of..att
u *1 "sueeest, ' and- Very' iteliteri:
In 1lib' isrOtripl rigs 'to good and
to ta 1 ndertaldrr 16 lhe-liii
ll n Mince Of Jet vat), while
at 11ii t 1 molten skorldrigl I erat,,y4 ixil. A1410,
I! eilon yl
, alt -
t4 *bop s, t his ',Wise/ One ni
. ,t
t. are ,vii
1)1k41, )11 i3fl1eji'Atte
Is a
h . by thoe large
u4sare of tsvo , • rafs.one, tor, the
bIc tlarge, ,41141. the 4.4her -tor their'
lu, -"trade; ---V*7.0iWoheintilie-lar
bou-ses are busy ,getting, ready for .1
irowd - of buyers, wttw 'throng their
tueeti., 'These .itooses; ottirntatis:,-TAllot
.41`tortt„: stisplaying/their Myles' as -10
matir4.111411., ,Jt,-,g6e4"
limp:vs, and that prettY,Anadis-:....a Aaiun,
alile acquisition, Itesd Int:idols; .114ve,
tem, ?Orr dirOsed mut ;144 on their
was rattelt 'care .1 It they were
essing 'tor a '',gaits Ali; it et. grand,
ag -the 11- s
nints ptioni Ore held bitten 11
I aro . violets are detect:deft
DJth1, inut-soft-draperlo„14)
ti who -ifailt-mi 'and` wo,
ri out -of swinging doors* wearing
0y...expression, as 'thong
!g-ti,,,,,,10,1,,,,,,,., it.t13 i art 9 :c1II!t,:sv miti:e. :the 1.41. $ 40
r , o her , Ott .04 Ibil o ' . inis Ilia ItAtektiV
-4,40.R4,2441 *---1,w'i'dire,strtiOees- $eratittITW t1c not'
- , -„,
s . . 'Ilhfeent:OWctfillill.'*"11'41--t011401 -i ,..i„, '
pt peat.ettilly, , . a
viSlt al( the largo este
h two howeror, A. before iiiiklinftheir Salton:6ns
st- buyers -
ma' their Vigil • wiWItesv
glit ';.of their. Myster;tous., law A: ban do gclwArlrourione es.
:004r.,4,10orits..,, after thirrizial.. #haterit,Alits it tither:3nel*, evervt,
tiortitt hour of ttOrdort. trlyttwor.. -Ivraps4 reeeption. drei,es; eyerkc:
thy iorN.4poriitent itistortnint4 froni ,the
viethlt' that Ilte5,*.pitit tool; the total Att. thme lioum% hatV ntodeAg
40,31 • liter. ,vv,ho 4tat alive arid.lbe plIblit°' at large flever
• IF ttlat 111.5 mother oppiistql. uoilticior* 'know that --litany, t • t
y of his thole
bias that th
gho.b`t , a red
rig mu '
t rriageh the I see lite nok to-, 4
t*gieltu al visits\ e end t Nth t th
t spirit ot,humility kw
41041 resuppotas Ontsriouit
un whi1f t totitaltiirig* dirett eon,
Them is in .tlie 'prayer
ehar ItOte of penitence for deceit
hieoli hatl once ()wily
tiger], t
1. VIeliver pray
kit4 lginento1 uri
*4 11 lik wal , nil
eJ /
1h.6 st p e
i viiaiiN „mot ase 41
IbIt 4D 1114*---ortas
1 pectre„ who: isaid, tkle
I * !hat rio\ you iwantr f 1
1tlnf ithe toropor41rili164
, ght\$,14140 otIirr 'bo4Y, i
in', , ' . i,
'-',ktli4i d1rnw'n:„-',1hvit',-•1116,- ,pa3t
5 S
'11 tteeontpanteffA'0
o -Ibe' siltrige„,'
k 1116 .gown its1t, (hey
Alr-4411.1;81( 1:4;°°_411:111::t.it'l'4)1°4'1''gl:144)V41/114.°If‘'ntOlIiy -
re'Ondett,- trown, 'with'. 4. 'deep' trill-
jiiir:•arotinik,xiyar Atte:hair - in Ik
aslitottwittt,;,',,ribbtitt ties Which%
girt: 'eall.rs;:lls!euritiell'aRilirje:berouiingly behind
. "Wait*,
tOs$ 1)6W 44 )011, 4 ) **tome u t
* lir red. ;11 et
rap t-'411` eVer OnbrOitlery ltrsidenod tike
11 svetving cap, witti7a daintily'. per
NV, Or Apo ,,,,,,-,-
V °nig , indS,are tha ,
4 ,,-I-nO,-,-itlaricifid-Atight----77--' . ------i-'4-,------
oS ' with luckedlakeittut,sfr''. '
lie $11oolderwrifini AWOUring'''
gnil , Of , AO *ibliClid0Alt i$ A .1•
1104,ikeA4 , OW .4-- - _ , _.
Ailld iWO4Okat .1e11)001t 'ig artilVil Att-•, ,,,„• z 0, ,
tott•rzi-lihlittle:::4i4, O11:ttliiiirillAivelnOitgri,itilre:Alt061, '-'
fltA v14:4,p1:66-:0 :::::Autir:xtbiritfe in i
le origz-
6 , t tiViierlor--. '
trookstati, layett
' :1414leg, ,8314.1
he lietot.." it' i 1 ,
00 kinger
lillig5147;14-Fiitho way,
.. t'
.‘ noir itnputs
*a \hint itt
t 1
t;(4)ourii;14,4 V RI, tv::fir
'1314 getting
Ibe". peetre,
tS,* 11elii0 **rise
y)LjI('4it' liOli40 tind tried,
It tho riiyAterk,
j. I .1‘,..%-!.,k,41),I!II
r tbw lilIle boflI-shftjs'd 1011031
;summer.. tVhOse, brim .`t
Ilitkk is:a bit of „treat -0)0.h
I itti(y. l'ht too a
1 Th4tlaitor 011io
st aide. do 1. he A, rlit
, ,
wft the 0 'side 1Iot.03fls I1 upper'
Wilt 11rt ripOft
'VJ11611 prollitt)ty t .
pc411110e Wire, • (1i ) 411
t,tv_vti under
11 illis 1.* nbt,
SephialOy: It 'is root* likely 14
t 10•4)1,**1 tnakt ritid by 'lite.
ape). if yoti ,eam
NAliett 1011111
lhe-retroat oul"„. 1 -end if. 34'4tfl
torth,illy, raid it svill tan interfere
itift tictitl, it***heu” lite briar is rev r*v4v1 *
;10 13363* „ motee
1+40,44 ri ntrIvi
143141,1,144e. imlsifle.
ii4_14.1"tilAII Oil its‘ '1111c.,!4ilkkr 1314(8,
n41, your muri1e3,141$1 hat- 1,*r004,1/
mn1nr A43 lbo. 00,ver litlel-who ( 1s ,
11104141M an 4,14 rtirvril
1 or ,44 411, 611,
•*'`‘,041ii41 I* Is Jule
qolge, rtvi tOytiftt,
me, k1tfl h
' ttt
if 444
114114:' istil pt.!,
fl)- ((14 11,0s, 4
1/04 41.144,14111