HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-03-14, Page 3 (2)A 't ..4)i* nrun
114'. 0
ir. 7„
1 in sett‘sit ea
'Oily ;0 *I
ff IL 1u11/4
' "
ft •
it 1
0 or
*'4 r:4401:
„ urtry
JMi 1,4.* nitre WI 4
her :NI. 14
;}L 2thar, tba
wito e
-"Hose ifl
if the Ponfinion,..
the tronger the
ks ShOtild"tookel.thi
ownships ;for agricat.
the s11rritinding,d1S-
on ite, township of
of Lake-Abitilii;
t the _ttiSielet-,2thd
"iyt,111‘ 1 ttitle.X *lite g;
" V ) 0 ,..,wainp
1nu.Iitg 18n41. radlyittaloOt*,„43F
iUs matt ' .4 reat04:- follud
It tilwriAiP4* *Neb. : have
r 11,g,oc4 fall tor drabiiige-purr
11ke so it 1$ a TIO,'-rlity.ar,4 rlitY
C.t*I4 in 'ibissvittrO" vitt nitis: .
lib t ti mei% tbme
. nt .Itintl of It
•land, as
4' I
1. 'twat 0 14'ick
at it would be pludi ttiore' 't1
(1%d if it 'it turA•
U1? l,
ii 4 Oittoi i
)* tilt ;t1tt1d,-1t-
• prilxottac. urseor oppxo' „ .
w lote,sotne .dis'neo* oponflhSt -of vhihoA 1 ....,
' .ffififi*, 1,11,0 live, .totwopeo
- l ' tt4114,‘,ii! - the\ Prifiellut, j -t
244 th.:1 •onlarge4' Up'' tai yid
d 14. ' are 'li itad : ‘0101I, t- ,bt,t ii
thkong, 'erittl)oge.-5. lti:t ginicr' twit, ,i0y,
4rit and orityone* eve - 4.. ,,,,_,.or 414. 1 .1
Le jui'cLuelifter'„ it.'"t1-6-:$ 1 lif* will
r,,...,1, .,„---
lion Is, o . "
br. bit 14
k. ist t'
, ft. 0 er,14 Seillio
the nitilie a good, tool, Bic .. ,-
If - • i
ink 1 k' iir4 Idrote-svitlk ,olt food% ad
-oio itto tottittlattat4 At ' 4it -told • ..ffitgA #itio
' itiy..:: Row
4:ulit.riroellt‘g-r., -- ' --- ' . - - , 1
i'll-,11(1174,41);14, 41' • r
i 04. it
4. it 'o V; Mitt, it
. -i i il
itico.;ilejj el,. ri
ben' a larittr.quanlity is needtil tt
nn ). 'e. twit* tails, tor Itte, y4droottoo
4 el i ,„
,,, -Ott,e;:taltilitontkl
the i t frTh0
. I
rl ' etc„
1111_,:7,-witi k
e a t.,,,,
invijettx,: Ito ' ,0 ' .
rba- ate itilv• hetf*. "014stiodt:i faVit'lar v'tgetit:4'411titit or'-;'-Talmett-'11 Ti 0„t, totivu
p :it iw„asia it" i not more ttaim 410:110‘i'w,;:e!ti:Iiiiii;:i.14,-*.eitsitstatogie,„1:0"etri410:1•Ertoitii . :dte-przieoitost4.;t,;"
; ,
, ' 1
„,,it, Is;
rellt; 14 out 0,tot, tikg:*tithire. therb,:itito 'two quart.‘. ot ' water. over .
arrive";iiliy '1O o,‘
rdri lin If riloW
4 rit icti. Ft) -Mir:.
4ije lo 47r, put
ft _OA
id tutsnt
rid' to ',dental
1,,N11., ctiti.
TIT • '00"'
4 . ts to
other it, fac dolt lite soil
tint rrit' ,‘.ecti'tereil vyitte jitoberklad limit 1 'helterrfor `''''tt i .- ite0410. - .
s"litaire, witipit_p(iplar,, birch, .
litre, the lanCis poor...it-140' be
Timber. tient ti itN'llo.it of tho till .
tit 11,', 114141* I 'itv-itnirt4 that! ii5, net - As --you like -.best ..Ilittagit ' thick' - : - - '- ' .- • ' '.•
in .000„ tovrailp/ taken 4'4404ot'
and ,titmante.,:witli ,,alowswhite 4gwe
, which hi: general toPreohltettle'to ..,,,,M1-,The'tillitritityllt 1141411..rt.4t. ge15,1:iiirrirgeiiiia::.17.,:r 1 ''''''''16'ith''°111t111?4er:41be41.11i:::
:L5---11.-67:311'.4n,imd::::: And in ",11 tit tits, It taaye- ha 'made ucteu*r. or tutu. , iv,iraot. 044 4540 i 1,$, _ ,ioilinrcidee 1 I t, :, .. ti: 14 rfi\ gi
. , * . 4, .
• , 1 ,
(i attd
ttrapa it 14111:.164.14„..ikalcr;_-_,ithoit
a 14010221 of ',ground astinmi ilween whi
V., ItiliNTION.
ft Cli t
, I ,'..Will itl,)4* coug poly be teral. in. the
2 vaet , nt . *5, •., artritnent„, c -yet the
Ian .* -41,04104-10,44t-gtii)ift4ort ttelit-..01-bree4,:iirvokittt.ltItii° .V43. -in '4,-'iArt ;,-. .hrev-licelf4tgiAti!.....
. . 1"41.,f ikt_it,g08_1-103640',1 *"11.4,WPW44"ndr-lee u. tiny 4erkk.r,
14'0-okr 4 utast:40We .aail elS.IillaratAig A41-01-cv -et -ieeforl, o ta,- -
. , n in
it_t,olun'Itiltrtitt;i°11h;ltb--rett,t''."voll,'„toliat., *1 in te goad re water. ratal'ai, toil- ..tega . br "petty And
IL. 'here Ito fri. raiitmmi,61,, rig t, iitt at on. i...e 3100 1%4141111 it trea
'414Peti. litit,' of Ittutf,,,0t. At*: totts. op; troy .1t:11, • ai :11.,1„,s'004,:f.',' 61 .
'OJAI vaitto. , !lite tit pearly ' -A.,,,tiOther :""nohle: a tdrt which. It
1. clear thanher, looting, from lour '14 siktvis'ed' "%vitt ,pb plellte wanto:.0,.
ri at rot
little suit -141d 'some, it) bread, or. in-j.itito-it, wits 'aux notweg tog
noir ;'-;hut it ifl Le t
nrrzt1ly* toting' &(Hfll
6rento vett
1y: It is itirougtx 11
Grand Vol* Pacific i4i1
ibal line wilt
t &UUtI
followirigt ,*.'4rItt reperiti'
'-studioas tok..pre5erteAYour
tki 4P tali*Ori;'' 'it that,ritt et) re..11.k.es
ben lifteii iiw1iesin distotter, wilts twit- 1„4,,boring. 101‘,. 'flat 41141160-k 0614 rat &Eel writng o
trnfg =I ioj tvg-trity*fir itt71,14110_4,1re iii,Ltiffieritv 0." ;4 . ' rieSC 143a WI lid r.
dianwkr.Vhet larger of these -1.7301,1r -tfultrti! of 'T. livitter :Put* .11 TAInntrrigrAl.,;, ItepulatiOn ,k-te ass,. *Weltgod lumber and bui1ing :
rfilbetr.4wW°00-1111e.'':-11'41;'!It.r boe
t,Oplari Intl -they- are. -IT- If you 'dek yaik
porateAL into- ,bIt.--.1*Itage4 *hred.Ahont:,:witt -711O-t- tong -b.
Ni4 rtiretfY1741144P44:: 44 onion onit tk_ uttittAryiqi .g3itvery finrxt Acetoi -
AT -kindiLbtliimtki-.aro not very' ralibe4 into a, powart nOit.add, "Ilas---` equagy applicabi:e
dant, , and', :01orritrtiat anti 11YOu (),1" :any ot,ths4.`11111 dak, htid, ette,,* dile_VgutIy respond,
iterbs,„but. green vytil 40; .After...your
irrhir 'ire,boited pat•11-vett$47.spaitiaftils4:-,
.O1.--witeat Nur made intsj bitter *Mt
cold water, and utten-yitaepottaw-
:rug otwicret4x BEL
_.„ 14.1‘ 'pitTiti„ii--:-.H*iikitiiirt
The turvelors,iiient,-ont ly lb
t ---whose, report;- gat:
A now so CO4ZtTnO1, but idtU
hLfli uwk ritoOd,,,, tlics•,Gre*t. Clay
'thls termgiven 40 a 'huge 400a/taped
*Pe* ot band
lying-m.10k Of the bright. of .
1ad. with he 1i44,04 ,4-4 no pear 40.
wird Lale Atihii mid the Win folt4i
i oligtivizthis J.:41w Alo_ly,,,_The, antar4 egyemtnInt. • iikp,it is, done. ...This will , laraist.i
1 it intles long fmitagwalt.algt,Tentikooliog .and &-irtitern. two, quarts, 'of tObtO food:" . • .
•/l.e.at AU11 ' -pity to'ineolian. ,Cattalio itattwayl and,. lty . the - tirau.d 100stio1ablo .diveritOris are II (&"4
cowered wi tabt.r.' with' '1 an -0... running Imin' the height of istiit ,iyateit rt,s5. viake,„tioigo.vkid-,...43, are ;et.
a country ing. 'gently to lioeth and, Ltetarri tkt; to. west and lot ertas,-i all the 001-otkivio„,,, . ..epittagop .., tormi and
Y htiekt or. '-ou Nam , otagilt7.- It Nvgi -trave . illii .-410,4ct,' vstired that *hovegiltatilt* tta cathagt.
-that al ion crass Itio.Avittloo 460' to li. wit!' rPr oextmg 1111° a,:,„;, Ninego,white:'.00 s vototitniiy sa.
. ,i tear& -,Pacifte. • fh6- irout6 Or' thelatter pik;:rout datiOti.nt Pole .apil Ciswatsuelt.
---7- :it* ittiVrt'irar- 1 lodiett--130„ .ieLA?1"4-..ii„,„, hiliteatiog, .1%740,40 -the illlowing• '
log 1 -oL.4.11,irtztlit' w -tit-ftr6.5t 0-totintri, ilYini-t opouv illi -MCI: in 1,:e t ' hi via st"
tf a 5 a fts ..11.o_ N -r arlit In
litabetiti,14;LAtrIfimlii:t . , ,„ .
, :, f-te,`d-7..itrranWiWIWI'llt3"4 r r;e;;_li3M..4.11 Irtquelit:ettliiigila*9
. i„ tile. glx,arzogc.:_61.140- land ' ''''11-:Tirtil,,,i141/71t1Irg li51,,, '! higlittr IStrefignW 11.)6 tinkiniVe ' Toot:
it t _ it!olt. /Vilitle Vii--trit C rod p tit to. l'r.3er‘t Ane iti oy
tht :Nun wilt '-w crdps That wili; tio kloatcd Own tao growls '14 the taillit.A1Y42..',1°tnttlntlib*/6.,%.:'°Tvin,"rii,,,fittlY.,,,AiiltrA,"...-x.51%,:.
aotipar* titahly -wall ii!..(1-0111ar el*, I waii Where. bet r€ may he. 10(*104111 -i',".'.' .-- ---"'". 'v"'"'"' v- w 4 i 'I I"L*
the Wiiit. 1410AS €t the, WeA.,. -, work them 'up, into ,lutoitria rtirtiiturel, , 1,,,,,,, , h 1.,:.' ,, '; - ..., ' ,,-., - ' _..
•_ .T. avitArAy sur. fivaotts ,,,k pap, .,6e. pz4ptrit iv witittever else, ukt ,ttm.,-. 4„.,,,..!' .01 111PL-4- old loetti in 'Water.
I. may bcdtitt,m „for; •Thtts, the rtittwoli,r,And q1131- filmost done rilix, *,,,littte oat.Tbe*e d''
., .„ .. - it ,1104.&t.,_ alt :nricuituriit digria, lli., 41 Willi two404tal,51:01 rtatl; water:
ot Ir 1r or* l'6
1 lief up lay;the Wait wing, freight, fitta,''Uniti i.idoio,. 'while , ..,,f!lt* it Al 614, lot,41,..b(t11.4,11111e,,,',W1141,
vrveyo 'grad explorers, t 41Veiliiii Will emiTy llovin Ilie pf0t111018. „...00,1_10/$(4Ott . Nk,‘",,itiX,•$4,1t. 0f1t1ing i'-
*4 thivtighsat0 the ' rook 110 P.1114 mid fitrOislt tim privitti lo "Is: eaten., __, .witru gi,,ockt tomtit , nod" *
iisuryeyors,and..their Ittra in 'es' • torest:trodael3, inaiianitt Axil ' Mai. 'awl' Ant IOW liditiibultor;'-im
value „
Thiston. is -the distriej/now to Ito
I 'V Anit
Miss .E'ciwitt., '1,Vhatrht ilasse
LI -Meddle witkxm;lbtes
dOmolkt; Otte ~it on
crettnem 0:1
'tubs- . • . 1021
taitet etistertit to 'rid
dtry.--No otiongeditv priePs.,
ailekerts„ froatddlied liefol2;
fpfvriar, frozen
w ttt. to•;* to..•• *CIO VC`
011(149, r .44* tfoYt-i,. 40*. 10110
flet4 ;i7.4,P14/4;3! 014fe, yA44:. Oaloife
lio,ney2:Paila, lid tolf,te' r fb.i.couttif
to V,50:,*.per dot
'*bs-,,,,Sleod,y,.at ,ffir
- and 81,0, Id; $L45 for rntd.
•11. )4tatkii.ls*Otilaria.„ t.:,$a\tor e eastern
Ytt_,:42ar Jois. tirre.
*so.. lintolityi.„ s
,tt:i-nli*-aro--iirtiet. and lira%
t9.50* in eatiols-tere. ,
It00-49.$4 tot' lied% and *1.:I
fortaileA, fartnerS" - _
1,*rti-tS'liz?rt 'cut. ; WI_ to $ari' .r
1.:ire!: irbo
o -ftt and.Or Salle• ttMeals.
, t4r-Aons-.1ii
ineditan :*r.-1.1( ; heavy, flylo ;to ,1'.7(;,
fitiou4krsi. -11'
briWZI tqtoni 1ri,f40 t9 .10e;
fiyer I, long, Lead
mind." . .
lack : "Wiin I
ALIO lei. feather
Ta: °What , .
--. rm. '
. . ....„.
- GO:*icissu,;,-EcipIrr
,tiret. t';*"r..-Ekthe:,-ftafkr:ii4itifirl,--11,6-relliill.ran't Itrikii(kpiletlymv:"Iniirtd. iiittioritt':04414)h614141:11, il: et atolgifta.147,7tirg;4
,i r,r Gm, tTaig
su.tiebizo. ,w6.1.4,61.4.,trom_xvinerar wtiitut, itiri4. great: --distem,,pto., 614:14401. and ig apt,„to '*erid tonms to Gr3a*: -r`V‘rhat is thatki h1 !"
bleb ia, .c./IL A onto:ie.:It,.in"ikEi, to breiitui, it_ ptikulttus mut pmsts-1,4 'tba Iteral :".
. 1 a.. "Listening ta mykit."
bnunsImtry.,. is .alleti,:hy the. Grui14' oils part oft the MO 01 fi ft,Ofitee Or; , oP. • 44... ',Ai., ' t. 4. ' s 1
, xos,...T--yo,ts* bis,titet 11,, indIStiell10-141-711WwITIM, ni4iii - - - - "41"/E' 1!744411,,:941:A111 , It S'i011ii.
thi the -iitier, in; titarg41-,,:ais:, A , 5 tire Oiltinually se ,, • ...,
*, e - lid , bfm, trotlikti V.
t ai ' iPLVitiltV. \
n -tering, !hell .. _
, '
- ,i' -
'4 u
1 I kilt 91', . 4
i Ntiout-in Ictit:-oiglibiti .
e it a grad gr pottage
✓ vai,;;;ty, ..iglit:tnii, i..4 it thM,
i4 .g
I 1 ' ft e ' 4,49410$ *,,,,,.beltig ottett
t lief 44.10 biting 4r, * **hi 1,1 ay,. is ati "fneeittzu retoMy II‘V.,8)7S .
.‘ 1 E .
2 *m„ i sonber hcmg4no4Ity pcp. ,pk, A- ' 8$06ifia all'-nonfttroptive hilinotvg it
sptUt wl,117..e bie h a'41 4q Chi,.
, . , , ..„ ,. v /Icel.-Ale ita lear,se:1-'11241-14064. ani .qpt:kos--01,‘to*,,, yin.* tolic,Viiitia gettiogr 1 -
,,. i' a hetnesr
_ grong 41-1W11Y along e,?..,tv ,t,.jw 1 l' fyir4104 111,, ,t fton,4 of the° liVer and spleen,” , -
,ati, ;tile tcpritt ' k , 1' L.1*' “It-yott riltr 14•-•
Fr .
, rc,f. efipe.i w -, ' : :11.i',01 Wheat; Puttered, is * otrir.„4,1 1 ),„).-a. mt il ioarq.,,,n att
ez*,64itV,t411 1 ' -54C,or0„, -tto nit frlitic.4f; irett or,t6.6,:i it,].0. wad Words a sweet, triendty nYk'
it .,,t. , , ili9te-, mil the tioet..,T,ttio4 ttgoisrtht, rattrinattitst*,* . '
1 ilio.Areat ;fin14:11. (Mr 'Iiht- pOirst--'6f , jilactnit. ihe ,1•44,•Fitio 4 , alit" ire -skit,* 44e, ,thiet ' bl Din
,r,..,,:t,#..1,pcbtit X 111.4* ), , .
tfAtift, :44,heil Om ttotilart *al -1i4 4,410le dish." . -..t. la's ,-: i 6! •., s
11.-li\ in saying Itta ; " tit it ilnitz.4.4.3uitilliv..0 tut ..10,14, t\-0, rit. 4 mt„tios. m ,ott
ani .x
---0, WI- 11%e miles. on ' ..1-'„ - . ,
11 li;,/,a, ea vio:', i , iti‘el lett), i. !fa, &de
' IT'°r 14,---10.0„,,ter*"44. 't'''-'1.rtt'41--.-eg.g41:1/artei thef:1 1 "ott 'E'',.
'.1;,Iti S
. r 1- I •
"'"*. ,•-• ,, ilr'
f 1 1101 \ infottliEng), .7 * .
' - -- ' - - r- - IC re -,K bat ‘ fate t 4iiit!.- 4
, ;t , ' ' 1 i(t.itflirtto,.grolori, ' , 1 ! ' 0, .
4.1t. ti.f •s mit/ter:tit
a 14t4vi,-eit /kr! „.*1.112' C,.1,
it t..., ., l'xt 001100 . ,
4'04th-4.'414k Mott. and 'El ,„4-i. , mr
th ,
.,...-,1„--,) d fZ'all i141, u- VI' ,,,,
,.. ti -4_,k1 iintill'ini., N1'01.110;6 ynitng pf.4iypte and WOMenj E
' It ;Crli7.4')•
, t.*:tti , .
,diett, 41141 n4.,,x1 \ility. ' -- it iialm.
ti„ and iktre**:••
/ tijui tma Ilis,11 i t tttl
iloitfiji rr r db!'4.- , , -
Firm; Ecrcs,1411e; WV*
1**-fi • , • • "
Atare'll 'mi -rai
intittet J.* ver.Y firm, Ontariu No. 2
wie are iflw quoted tat 'Aire. No. 3
rxtc1 • hi 44_N(r.. 4! 41y
.,4.2c per c
Cutliwit(z.lat--.:* Ptr.bashell.
ni------Atrwricati,.No*,-- yellow, 'WI
'Worn 'robs ,Priso
andergoing,s-stittm,,ce.Of rt
JutrlittOtantot tor ,ty-ttiru t a
thtitto45:._ ittp,4 t _
410:0*Ing Iliu,90,alteili; if how in our rotirts
bOw tt4 hatnanity
the -‘reAlatio of the `410 „
4 tkw14%,wtts .14 *0!Ing`
04111 Aar tWeillY40Vcite. living alone With.
Ws 'matter Iry Iktiolaai,34.;,-..,:nsnAis.00ter,
50$. irrep thable. • -No. isbadoW,
„gver hden• tast his -good ftatne.
S. ,
tze,tailwnwa4nettte,11.:111. "
Tit and nineat nigh
• AO of Atessts,
14111)dee, tiOdLotki, 111i4n Akita* 'KM-
iturb. and '14V;iirlte11- 4 cheque for
room" hy, -sstaTIr, thitTott gave.
WaS 'asltett.. Sarno, tilde atter,
Otleil)„notlato, but Or01vst
- .
Tile ease earae ap ,ta- trial before Sti
ralph 1Attte2--Thej,,4111ter:ivitnesIt
eva at called Afttrit., \
posed that She hod met Lewis on -th#
zig!t f.,:eptentiNv anti' had fold
Itia2-Aitat:she *had a 'thew* to rash Al.
her Mistros., The
Onie. At Cared, tilt% statO that to
The defence Was- aa aa1i, supliorled
I live subsItatial-Witnes.ses. 'Vat! Sir,
„aTpir,Aittier-ciainti- tin%
413.1Thart-a -the-- Ittiiitinds'_ for_ .that
kOttnel.. Mi.; •
8 k.tross,exarnined "*P.1110 Nial4A1,74)
.$41i6W 6trangsO-dihereyaticies
tho, upploorie of the jury,
flalph*- Littier detiared, that no -ono-
wank,. Ct such it'41eftrt..."
Itt.nek :pr..to-troAk. tigAttist-thfs
juilging tit .11*. -44 ;:rbet only ,r
Ali 1 1 e4*J...t. IN GuebAsIttf to. too pri,tsat came t ia
,4-JD:3314 7ti,(h) ii tt e" . !I) 6411,1 (?t, i 6 , 427e; . Ns IN;'' ‘1.74. (, '4* i, 1 o'll'xce*" i 11-- IV-. t t I' a I I-, 1 ti . ti:"Ta tkh,ciarc4434tbbetiv CW,III4dg 4, i
4ie tvt 71jum.tei, ex.s401,,,z,. . . . ,e.?tamitrite.7i410,14 '1 iit - t_.,,, • . eft.. 111.,, 6 0
' ' t -.0 tiErti .100 lha4 .4,11181104 toe gtri was 1,4-
ilttill-rtitirtgli?' Isl!:riti--;;v1-;-ht;lfar„. *iZ\A w firtt•,..s Vrti.SC'TEsTEMtiNt
"ili-'13Clii*g 1"5* in ill- t C. ' u9 i I iii..' iiiiiii.
Iff,44..‘4.1rjrig,.-1§atzera.',- 4tti'' to *LIN Alto tht,q „..61i.ani:4)., parody 43f togli
ler AVIT41, 4.1fi1e1,ts, OM tia'SIXtt. pfoo4uute.,,..I1e, ,N-crdiett, rq guitilY "%land
ight ram:141.1W to 18.1.10: 4,t i., ill, tiV)last 1.oiii,:.4 ,...:1511$I-- lti(Nitahle,,,, Sir
, sLp Ito. $1.75; kilns', $1.50 '14 110h- •fallitr :,,sliteti,-,....-.4 hfiu to thri,,,,ti
_ , ,
a-, ... a d , , ' 4. . . ' , • , years', 1;1%41 :ii'lieryitiole -- * sentene
le*A1-'--3t-linimla ur,iti-,-.:- ill brigs# v,ftelt -wc,1,1 tMtvefl ' iltoligli ,lhe 0*11.
kt-- .;shortit tk-tt to ,M50: (ill- , lions; of ids, countel' and solieiliirs 114
„1 til in .1>tigis e -A to *21; -rt. filteen montha in lite tOectixt dori.
. . .. Inilleti nnatile. ',tit it N1W conev, 'be quel„ Quire reeerit4
• t lit inlitt. M tcli. MI Per toll,,',ly a titan lalied Timely. catiousry resetal".
vrer Ina* st to ,stio if', ling timoi„th, g.ineral 4tV4rotnee* Wal
j ' 441)1111415fil:(41:14:1 .5111 $.1i3;16:11'1)111.17;r4g4t l'ISOC;t415; 141ifir:Prn-Tr°01(4'14erti fblit*:1:1;1:1:711ip4U1,ft4e3infir(e;C:4'(11141'6,14!41:4 11:;° Itr*Iirt:IfIrlf
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