HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-12-27, Page 7 (2)- • NOTES AND COMMENTS Pert: the theette man "wire mead to it et saw,iii,t W1 Ropo 41" WOS Pa111-41,' Wagar• 'flee mai:eh/lir sager siva aleettel It eratee etlly pure cant leek-, wet 'castle' ceevertible trite theee treelliele, Mee sawdust in lite tteentit eh enutury tut Are vatualee 114,111 send lube?., By the we of hydraulic pres- aure and Intense heat the partattea' are forieeti into a enlikt mats capable of bat ing molded into any shape and of re- ceiving a Itrittient polieht The only ma- terials 'used are sawdust, attun, and t. Imitation marble can be Manut ired from a mixture of sawdust very waste, water, glass, and glue. n Norway acetic acid, wood naphtha, tar, and alcohol are produced on a cr., nieretal scale out of sawdust. Factories have been erected in Anierica and Ell - rule* fer Converting pine needles Intel forest wool. This .is used for mattresses and furniture, for menufacture into hr- gienic articles such tee undervests and chestprokete'er.s Fer many years bitu- te, Ait • „ ruinous coal operators threw away slack tee waste. Now it commands at the mines 75 cents a ton, Tie increase is due largely to the demand coming from Makruts of cement. Foritieity they . bought •Iump coal and pOverized it. New they, use slack. Quartz rock was not long ago considered worthless, NONV glass is madefrom it. Bricks, oefline, tombstonee, Wings:, and similar articles, can be made of -this glass, The annual value of the by-products of the hacking industry, all of which are manu- factured out of what was wa.ste ma- terial thirty years ago, is approximately S203,000,000. Cotton seed not long ago ewes waste matter, giving 4onsiderable trouble to get rid of; but en 1900 the by- products of cotton seed Were valued. in the Wetted States, aetnore than $2,000,- 000, which probably hardoubled bY ttns tinte. , • • . • , • . Feminine experts are receiving honors. TWO reoent events show thee, meta' of seiertoe• recognize the -ability of women ee eriginate and carry out scientific re- search and inspire others with; their spirit. One is that the Royal society f London awarded the IlugheS medal "to Mae.. W. L. Ayrtort for her experiment. investigation s on the electric are and Alec, Open *and ripPles;• and the other , , evens is the first lecture -delivered •at the :Sorbonne in Parte by ,Mme. Curie, he has succeeded the late Prof. Curie e the chair Of general physics of the' versity 'of Paris. But -Mrs, Ayrtena ale. Curie orieinated and carried k a PIE GREATEST . 16.-4 ootte,s two;y4.-ris.' jav; viiir (iver c -vete Stand et !ArPil cnaic:o, of visV(Jw soap &MI Uwe the side ef the etteve awl tee. any tin tile net:lure ie* ef lee consistoloy. ot CIPMria. Mc', et this on end teen pteel with eteatt teethe tentihtli peat lest verit tee; welt teeth eta !let fee eetate. The True Joy of Living is Pound in Toiling for Others "Week out you e own ealvation."--- Phil. 12. ° Iteligioo is intensely individualistie„ It itt a tree that never twiee aseurnee tile Sc111110 form, nor deee even bear pret , fruitlees efforts to conform thenlerlrrs 1 epleitually to the pattern of eeme other saint. Isteale aro inspiratione: not Pat- terno; it to folly to grieve if you do not reproduco their precise lines and angles. l'OPILAR ADMIRAL. Lord Charles -Beresford Is Commander- in.Chief ot the Channel Fleet. ;. No, more popular men. Wa6 'ever makle admiral' thun I,ord Charles Iteresford, rate human factor for its pecullar ex - fruit' 1 is 45 "4'11 US To test a man's religion by some rigi T. P. O'Connor hits off exactly thee lite rate for it depends on eaelt eepa- and following from the faelle pen of Mr. prelon, The search for uniformity- in test his vitality mechanical standarabyiihiass hfocioaltilstil.t ,u,.4stiet01' long friend of the King: greater is the folly of inetteuring relqi"-"` Lord Charles, Beresford's appointment. religion is a eearch for that Which dote; by opinions, as though one's health , not exist, and the 46,-, he writes, to Connutinder-in.Chief of the pressed by Individuals, to have another WiSlit 5661°1411e% eX" could be determined by hist, views en "le" Channel fleet has given genuine pleasure be gratified. ' s9 -called canals on Mars. Religion is pal sea dog. Thera is a. general feeling person's faith is a wish that ean neer to tho million.s of admirers of this typi- - Tttere never yet were tore tads pre- (1 b its vitality i simply the life of ttiO soul, the inner be-li t must . . " tbat determines Character; -t. taut et last a round peg has been found irrg , ., Tlig SUNDAY MOO INTERN %MON AL I.F.F000N, PEC, I. • t- ta:tt liesson NUL Fourth Quarterly Review. Uolden Text: lko. 9. 6. LiNDERLYINt,i' CONcEPTION.ii. The. leosons of tho it Quarter are vital to the Chrbtion faith botit with re- spect to the representation which they give of tho cbaraefer of Jesus and also with respeet to the, ideals the realizat5on of which has beCOITIn 111 great expecta- tion of Chastion faith. The experie,rices of the Saviour which •are set forth in tho lessons help '115 to understand the per- fection of his character, and are sug- gestive of what moyobe, ond, indoed, what must be, the lot of each individual, who follows in his steps. The topic be- eisely alike, for faces are not made by be measure Y 1 strehgth to fit a round hole. ,.fie is so deservedly, too pow. of jue or body knows how soon a and purity,, and ,popultte amongst offteerer and Inert that Tin„ '*sselltiallr black glova Fashion Hints. 1144-111.4-14+4-114414-14-1444 FBILLS AND FRINidO4. Among those nice little of dress (Oat to the weil.divs.00t reach. woman aro even more iwortatit than • her' hot and gown, fitb.,t to be noticed is the change in glove fashions. Nifitite gleves 'are nitwit less worn. And. strangely enough, they are seen more with the severe., long-sleeved tailor suit than with any other, When roousquetaire gloves accompany the shorter stored costume they 401 ; oftenest NIA tan or ehamots shade, and hoquently they are black. The latter is, a most extravagant fa.shion, for every- the many in a sin 1 let 1 out of life; they are shaped and seared. and illumined by seneibilities, by emo- tions., by aspirations, and experiences. The face is, -the story eif the life, peculate to itself, living no exact duplicate. Yet, with all the variations there are. types of faces, some that you would trust, some that, repel, the fade of the upward life and the lace of the down- ward trend. Channel fleet all the better for ite rola,- ' c9 1 0. I WI .11 it:, - no nows g e mon ; t ley:grow his prOmotion is tertem to love Mg : LD' tions with "teharley,'" as he is "waver. sally 10110, -lie, looloS, Oro WO% -Sailor, broad and burly, with 'well...tanned face, oat of which shines a, pair of seareteng blue Oa, which could only belong to it -man of truthfulneas arid fearlessuess. Ile is clean-shavent and rejoices in buil-dog jaw, which suggests that h a tough customer to rep up against Ile is particularly' keen on nig at- tacks and those myeterious manoe vres which necesettate lights out And c rn- plete darkness. ' For this reaeon he has been christened by the jester of int::: ft, -Personal experienee. Three Iessons Mediterranean fleet eDeadlight C Iv°1 tt°isve esIpvehert a atrhee pc:10411y per,sonal dispeneable accessory. of the well - Lord Charles has all the spontaneouswittee or . josus : /tee dressed Parlateone:s toilet. of his 'Waterford ancestors. Once Sir anointing at Bethany, the Lord's Sup- Brown veils have grown even moret „ personal experiertees .Which tech MO' and Jesus,. in Gethsemane- Those popular. They have small velvet (lots Sprinitled generously over the fide Williatte Harcourt, just after his, change per of front on the subject ef rierne Bute, lessons are Illustrative of the intimate the anointing there is offered to the rniglat be mentioned the present neck the realm of his own conic golden brown meeh, .or that of mot -ewe. dual has in development of Iiis own character, fie In, the category of becontingne.esi ably indescribably becommg. seiousness, and which 'pertain to the invari Master the' personal consolation of ap- "fixings.", Those -Very high, linen col., - preciative ,seenpathy— This ist one of the tars, so deer' to a French etoinantS deepest needs of human nature. Even heert, ha.vo -been rendered much lees 4°11(rn•relPeti:elleadoert$ mencanglittt' It li)oeili'deeslio'1.11st: ,y1 frying, and, ende accerclingly, more nnmert , ietrOgthened by such consolation.- Ile TheaigtY. tittr artr•Ttrj asNYstIff°,ftlItIle4ykianrt alabaster trek or ointneente stancle appal- 'apparently, much less so heceuse of the • °fee the croits and 'the' Wink: The Oro, hand -embroidery, which ' ' cevers the ration' iftteni friends r is, toot' a part of single tthiektutes of linen.forMing II* , ide'S. deStilty. TheleSson of the Lord's e Outer ternoyete. Then, • the 'handkett- a Supper iettleetity'synibrAlleal of iirtatiotte 'chief linen jabotS'4,:edg0,with baby Irish .which gives its powers to service, Per- lace Which are nowterworn as neckties, 'nits its, -bloOd t6. 00 shed. and body to make the whole etarrangentent hand- . be 'broken .in the completeness of its worked and very lovely. *. ministration. This, after all, though a In colored gowns it is the sarne, There $0 IT IS WITIVRELIGION. c etreeter perreeted titrouglt fferin toses past e freshness, a d en it , VALUE, TO THE WW1 . :The mechanic will probably continue with impudentnignerance to invade the realm' of the soul,'be will &et Up lii rule of thumb creed or single doctrine or virtue or emotion end measure alt souls by that. Perhaps he is still in sp primitive a condition of soul growth that he imagines his crude standard encompasses all poestble good, Let the man whose heart is growing ignore the It is not machine made. It is riot attempttto measure the life by the sten. mask laid upon the man; it is not ap- dard of things or to make all lives in piled from witleseut; it grows from with- one style. " in. True religion springs up in the Let every heart reach -alter the best; heart; it is and determined by let let every soul live out the good it finds the experiences, the aspirations, the 'within; let, every man work out hts.own sources of the • life's inspetations, salvation, as he must Work out bis own it is the summing up of all. the character, his own self 'in the work!, good that the efe has known; practical- tbroueh the toil and •sttelggle, throoteltt ly, it is Lite expression in. deed and word • , of that good. Growing out of the •everevarying in- herited quelities, , experiences • and never the Same „in two individuals, it, Tim eternal spirit is working in• all, "For that matter, you don't look like a can .never, be precisely the same on sue- and where that•spiril is, there is liberty; weathercock:" eessIve days' the same person. It the inlinife 'breathes through the indivit As , a -Parliamentarian, Lord Charles 'works,out into larger beingeigreierSe and dual. Religion first gave to man this BereSford was one of the 1110.5t popular fieVelOrki. It will not be the Same tn. the great thought ot hie -Value arid,.his right men in the Muse: "tits speeches were trittee'as in the bey, nor the same in the as a soul ; it has worked through the as whiffs of the- briny, sea let loose boy as he the girl. Some day's= she whole leaven of soeiely until we find the surtidet the hot and ov.erenarged, Atoms, mighty chahgee, but, la the hying soul, mw of liberty 'everywhere 'prevailing, phere of party' debate:- They were at, 'every day ,sees some "'change. . • men.working out their lives from withiri ways to the point, and °generally witty, 1. Prineiptee of service. In the first' 15 use esr e w°1111411 sv three lessons iliere are laid down eer- what ill '0feet-a glVe6 Iter wit°1° tern principiee of serviee whicittilertain casthnith - • tot herfecliat or ehettleter. TIM two t• '''11•°°"t• c°1itinue in 11°11;g' situate. great conunarldments of love to God and toed shape. ittOr afternoon wear those' love to, man indicator the limits of the with black patent leather 'fawns and pathway along tvitieh human character Pale greet suede tops are beet : Is -re t‘pPerrtoegerelio&ns t°owf arethlsarteiseteidreal,' but for tb°11gh it, is atee brown kid, with lighter broWn suede there are many hightheeled dark. nrueistne4sssaraynathraatohtfltuelrnees.th.onytthe„bew,, ,NpV:tintport; toPs. The effect, in ;eitliev easeqS that Qf pies are illustrated ia flee Parable of the thicknese of the latter. Ten Virgims and in the Parable of the When there are brown elutes there are opt to be tan gloves and a leether-brown Talents, feather boa --the latest shade tor this tot an overgailer, but without the clumsy the joy and blessing. Through hies was -telling Lord Charlee that -he thought multiform experiences we learn to live; he might in time become a. statesman, throu.gh all the strange ways o! the soul, "though," he added, laughing,: "I must achievements of each one finds salvation, each, In his admit that you don't look a bit like, each life,lt is not only {own way, finds the path to the full life. one." Lora Charles instantly „replied : This fact has distrealed teorne intro- spective souls; they lament lost religious convietiouse as a man might lament the boy's outiook,•thetboyes enthusiasms and star -vaulting ambitions. - Or they make and 'finding full salvation not ea sub- jection to -some code of perfect action but in development of the things within, under the impulse of eternal spiritual laws. HENRY F. COPE. • egeekeereetaitle% dish, Season with settle chopped boiled earrft, 'onion, chopped parsley, pepper and salt. - 'Mt Dredge :all with flour, then. have ante * thee layer of potatoes: then -seasoning, * adding little bits'of butter if the tieteto "Charlie's up" was a 'cry, that, sped thee ugh the House like, a fiery' cross, emptying 'smoking' .and readiteg.eptemet and even: Peeving et greeter atreknort than the tterrtieet Ile is supposed to. still hanker - after a: • seat on The green' Lord Charles Beresford never goes On a cruise without being accompanied by small zoological garden of pets. There .1.5 eld bulldog, who has figured with 110 little. effect In many of his 'master's photegraphs• and .there 'ere likewise a seems dry; Where the dish is' full pour • - • over it two ,tablespoontais mita, seven -hands high Shetland pony, and 6`. • • • scatter brea.dcrundes on. the Ion, dot little raven, • Presented to Lprd Charles by. bits of Netter or dripping over and Major trieliatt The raven, Which has one wing elipped for obvious reason's, is al- to ti ale brown Serve this with travagant creamy White. The latter is memorial, is t the symbol of ,perfection ofAj.1 alwayst*the transparent yolk of filmy service. tOnly the one who is capable of • lace,. baby This. indeed, point, 'd'AlencoP pre - 'yielding all vital powers to the service ferably. his, indeed, stretching over ot his relieves walks truly hi the path of the throat like theeskin itselfiris the. _Mc Tire third lesson is peculiarly the most becoming ething we have had in deep' experience of the individual who many day. al • some time must face alone and un- If you are going to get-a'iresh linin' aided the problem of existence. In it is for your lace rabe nothing is "so suit- repfesented ale the *suftering dependent abio elliII0X1----,W1110h by the way, is upon the doubt, uncertainty and fear more used this season than. ever before. ' which gathers about the portals of the it you are of an economical turn, how- • For tin Invalid. --Wash some Pearl b t° P named eSatomy tetand ryas' the friend ef grave - 'reteliattitta artd*ef the per.' evee tout -last Yeatrs evening gown ea - Bolted salt beef is suck a useful dish e A. costume elosoientific Investigations unalet barley thoroughly, simmer it In water c°Id :meat. ' . • every man Ja.ck on board heed fection of character leads- for everePer- be utilized for the purpos • r. And the tacit acknowledgment of their creative capacity essential to work yof thiS kind interesting and signifi- ,cant. Though somo of Mrs. A3rrton's tilt quite tender. Serve. hot with some, fresh cream, Flavor the barley with le- mon peel, a bay leaf, or any whole spice liked. • -exPerintents on the electric are were rdilit.iirif water tilt's: Put two tablespoon- er et very useful invalid -made- in the laboratories tinder Prof. f ewe ie. one quart of cold water. eeyetonts eiyarae, it was to her alone Ctholeokr0ictoerisall hour *oti unn, the slideee of titan the conception afiddearrying ou cf taste. iost* A r:1 sugar ant/ lem°n- fhe experiments juico to Were 116, US. Wen tS the original epeeulation.s deduced from the, re.sults. The logical result' of the ton of' the Royal society. and the University- of Paris .is that women. should be eligible foe election. into any society or acadetny that exists for the purpose of extending the boundarie atural 'knowledge. _The greates tortes gre gineer N skyseraper tvill be 100 ft is a leading Nev York o elates that people now irtg, Tint die aged people, ntay yet the ellen white of one or two eggs and will be found lo be quite free from the ew a 100 storey building made of re- use. it • burned, emelt erid taste. forced conerete and towering above Baked Milk.—Take one pint or quart tAn admirable way to clean bamboo Mtifeed Beefs ak on Toaet.—The best way to use d beefsteak is to rninc,e It finely and utt it to stew for fifteen mint utes wit a Mete water., If the beef has been up by over cooking the first day add to the gravy a good sized lump of butter, te small onion, and a tea- oonful of vinegar. Serve this, smoking hot On nicely browned toast: For a simple frying-` batter take fourt ounces. of flour aricl work It emqoth while quite dry, then add gradually a tablespoonful of best salad oil and quar- ter of 'a pint of tepid water; this must bo mixed very smoothly with a wooden spoorf. Let the batter stand for at least an lit ur, then beat eogetticet add in a household where sandwiches are constantly needed and may be pickled in twenty-four hours as follows. Nearly fill a tub with fresh train or lever water, lay across it time laths, on. which rest Charles' flagship. During the "stand easy' "Sammy"e was allowed to parade the (leek, and a marine Was 101d off to 'return him to hits cage at regular inter- vals. It was a common spectacle to see the meat at about one Melt distance i"b•Seancittimaytt'se'r'4oewoknterhettriettss hwisithstiaafuf laughter, above the water. Heap' on the meat as much common salt as it. will lie ort. it, watching the marine pireueting about and let it remain till next day, when you after tlie nimble raven. will find it quite ready for cooking. • Cook very slowly in just enough water to cover, adding :onions, 'Carrots and whole 'spices to taste. .Serve hot at first with the vegetables round it. , !TINTS FOR THE HOME. For a, strong cluna cement use pow - tiered flint glasstmixed with theevhite of art egg. . Ween resisting meat remember the old cookery role ;,"Whitea meats well-done, black (or red) meats underdone." This also applies to game. ' • When rnific has beeri 'hurtled pour it son through the valley of submissfon. whOse freshness for outsule wear is a . Its course Is determined by the great thing of the past often becomes a eeurce vital Principles which control existence, et, renewed joy when worn -under a lace and at sonie peint it must reach its rebet • t• "Garden or Gethsemane." " • Separate lace blouses still hold their 3. Great questions. The three lessons own, and those that, are -embroidered with respect to the trial and exectdion are the handsomest, These blouse,s are of, Jesus tire deeply emblematic of the being matte, for the most part, with el- progre,ss of life. Every one is on trial bow sleeves. * - in this world with respect to who he is Fortunetelyt evee ,Darne Va,shicer has ' and whatehe has done, and the answer to bow occa,sionally to eomraort sense, ' ' •-ottid really be ' • te these questions pooits to the'path of And w o di tates wit4r4 THE KAISER. TilAITE-5. destiny, These were. the questions daring enough o ign — raised concerning Iesue. Llefore Caia- feminine opinion this side of the water 'Works Ilard and is Accompanied bY . plias was asked the question, Who was has enough "pull" with the arbitrary Staff of Government Officials. 1 e? end before Plate That has 'lie dame tet compel •Moditications of her 1 • 1 t . , • 0 Ewvoernk,wrobrenheitnraa,vtehlolineghtelflioef lithatisgerreatte. done?vitilr es ple*chtesteo. eatirseoryalrneanv.itaTihqeureos,sttiolass, ru;treh....us the ,ernvire- lines are strootateGt- A large elaff of Government officials wr ith reeepeet tehumian ac machine in motion. a son of God? The second question of extravagantastes ii , he an immortalsoul, an undying spirit. . t, Lion Is peach.- lion' . ' '' , •i` • fuse to dr .-5- strictly "a la Josephine"— omen who -would utterlY ro: - t ic d wifely clever- est nation ketraust keep the, Government What is ens relation to the divine? Is by metter tateme°FmoPrenignies ollmiliteet aAtielioldilsh t°0-rilt°111:1dittrietonst etal. femme character • depende . upon . The eltief factor in Pining this eme ef foreign politics, a es reports on the • e' ' P ' 1 lines --always rounded in m it dome' and Us perfection turus upon th,e ire effect is. the rotw girdle. This.is 0.rt questien of right or wrong. ft stands rather novo 1 . . el related to Jesus who is the supreme ex- front and sloping from sie enclies in. tito . fi ont. ample of human conduct. Subjettion to *back toethree altd„a half inches in • • of the state, receteee the orders at once into a jug and stand, nen a basin affairs of cold water until itis cool, wtert it of the sottereign strict keeps up the corn - 000 feet from 4Ile ground.. The flfty: of „fresh tililk et night, place,•in.an furniture is to wash it tvell ni wer earthenware jar and tie over earefully water wreathing Et gill of salt to each' orey buildingnoweseriously consider- • • L -thick white paper, place a in The quart. This wet preserve the color. will !cad to set/en1er-11v* storey build- oven at night directly you lave done In cleaning the brass aroUnd a key- hole it is almost impossible not- to soil the surrounding wood. - Get ' a piece of cardboard about 'four inches eqUareti a hole in it the shape of the brass, and put it over, the keyhole when cleaning, and the wood will not be touched. A perfectly belled egg is never broken in the boiling, 13ring the weter to the boil, put the egg in a spoon, and place 'it carefully in the water, let tine boil gently for three and a half minutes. I3y .following these directiotis my reeders will find that they do not break' the shells In cooking. To Keep Sponges Soft and White.— Wash occasionally *in half a gallon of reports, mail mattert whith arrives datly waem water in which. a teaspoonful' of by courier, must be answered; thetneal- tartaric acid has been diseolved. Then ,so, attention must lief given to the ree rinse in plenty of cold water arid eet in ports of Ministers from other' depart- gs, and the seventy-five storey build- your cooking. and let it slay till next the milk will be thick- fts tO' 1.00 stoner "buildinge. 'Ilhe main 'morning. . Then staele at present es the elevator eert , Brandy Snaps.t-Rub a quarter of a e. The weight ot the cable for sup- pound df butter into hatf a pound of . (trig a car in the thirty ,storey build- flour, add half a pound of moist sugar an ounce of ground &ger,. *„. now irt commission is huge. Some and half make all into a paste with a little r method of utilizing the upper floors treacle. • Spread the paste thinly on tins 11 have. to be Invented and introduced and bake. When. cooked, cut Into strips fore the skyeeraper t can soar any and rolled rolled the fingers. When 'hen, For Present Understanding the quite cold,' nut the snaps into tins to preserve their crispness. its of the elevetor already liave been, To Utilize Scraps of Cheese.-- some lthed. And for that reason even nice short or puff pastry into roundS' ty Morey buildhtgs' are impracticable vvith a. tumbler. On one half lay some e 100e. . • finely heated cheese, seasoned with a cried and can be used instead of eream. little made mustard, cayenne and salt. Put some little bits of butter on it, and ABSINTHE LEADS TO atimr.. go not let the cheese be within half an etaie Inch of the. edges. Turn the other half y of itleven Murders in Swiss Can. of pastry over,, turnover style, having ton Attributed to Us Use. previously damped the cages, press tot gether brush over with milk, and bake here have been no fewee than eleven in quick oven. Serve hot. tud, w:thin the, last three monthe, Potato Surprise.—'To 1 pint chopped. Hers In the Canton of ',Vaud, Swat ny (If the ertmet have been the meat, any kind, add 1 teaspoon melted t of ,Otiointhe (trine:Mg,' thie canton butter, slice of onion, alt and pepper. the uni•nviable notoriety 6f core Heat the, meat, put In pudding •dishe Take a 'Cups mashed potatoes and. 1 egg, "14 "'Itire 01 the' 44°1°1 Ulan allY 0111er put on top of meat. Brown irt oven. vire e crimes have all heen of a brutal 'rills .L4 nice, for supper. Another way is ..„ to take celd boiled potatoes, cut in urll' The last tele leek Plac° 1.1"."(t cubes, make White 'Bence, mix with the My, when a wealthy. woman, Who ,an inn, and her cook were um. 1. The assailara atso attacked two persons in the house, but they ts- by jumping though the window. Soriety---"Nlerey on mei Don't know that man your daughter is o !nervy?" Mr. Nfeek---"No.o. afraid to ask her." Mrs. So. tt prizettighter---a regular Is Wight kt•C,41te Or men and tiled drmen women." Mr. Meek relteveito "Oh! Then he's all I owtoi „tfraid 110 v1V1114 SOLIK! peor potatoee with a little butter and mitoleoliops between the Kaiser'and the Chancellor. Theri !bete 1.s a privy coun- cillor who folios dietations. deciphers 'telegrams and transmits the sOme. Be. skies, two adjutants actompany the 4' suite. For the very lively -exchange of *mos. sages betwen the Kaiser and the •Chant celloe special arrangement' Is made ey the imperial postal department. Telj. graphte messages must be presented it once to the Kaiser. When necessary to be deciphered a postal .official Is in the neareet telegraph office to attexid to this duty. e When tbe Kaiser is out hunting a spcelal messenger goes after him iri ease urgent messages must be delivered. Even at a late hour in the night the Kaiser has ordered that regardless Lif his own convenience he shall be awak- erted if important conmemications ar- rive. In addition to theSe• telegraphic histspirit is the final test of character, and obedience •lo his' teaching and • ex- ertiple is the eredeettat °X the soul, Over the way of life whiett lead% to petfection of character he reigns as Kingt " . NECKPIECES OF FUR. Nectipieee% of fur are imore able than ever. Flat, boas are in de - rid aed many of therrt are finished ' The lesson , of the crucifixion is 'the with ihe iittle fur head and a cluster Of lesion of destiny. It is the great spit- lam. They are equally the mode, long re- inftincy, to be subject to the conditions to have engem. end short. • . Indy or millions, Or eVell (liStal:Itly vestment for the woman who is not It lated to her. Such a boa ratty be worn bol of the final experience of hineanity. cradle, to be waited upon by kings in A mink or actx boa is an excellent ine Lille ever is to be born, with heavenly. promise hover over I1S' of childhood and yeuth, to hear the "voice crying in the wilderrAts," to obedience to 'lifett mission, to fast in' a wilderness, to fight temptation, to go forth and share the common let, to endure the common burdens, to archteve transfiguration, and wait ire Gethse- mane, .to find ite Calvary .and its erose, yet with all this it is to retain unfailing love to man and unshaken. trust in God, and submissive to return the dust "to the earth as It was, and the spirit , unto God who gave it." heti flat about the neck ao crosse front, or, if the day is very cold,' it tasty be put around the neck' so that it *will stand up and protect; the back of the neck from the cold winds. It may then, be lied in a knot •in front, or fastened securely with a clasp up close to the neck. Then agaio, if' the weather 1-4 more moderate, and one tershee to wear the boa with a handsome calling gown, or evert tie a deeoratiort for an evening cloak, it may. be arranged in a stole • effect over the tops of thersleoves and will be acceptable. • • t d' - rules of the daY and lone diet t- it •attatt .tohy. • it the shoulders, hanging, iron tie • ac t dbk The back of this rIew down the - the gie. In many houses bath sponges conferences must be held at alL., 4. Life. The lesson of the riSen Lord do not receive stilicient .eleansing, and .•Ment"5' so this hint a tons t c tnax o ie iri For breaking out on 11116 lips and given in ie s u y where the Kaiser ;s is the reason for character and the ex stopping, be it on board of the Holton- plonation of 11 e. ti ie presence 0 e t.s. just the same as 1 . 1,1 0 front 'When it i ere it ways, death, and burial" seem to be altadows irt ' 1 1 ti f. it boa, which may be wore d'tt . t the back are drawn close tog,ether by tin rgtorious resurrection and aticeneion," is worn up. etose to the necit and "'the cross and passion, the t 1' t`P lad -}- -ea-6 crossed in front, the little fur heads at invisible elev. The muffs which Come with boas of Ibis sdrt are in different shapes. Some are large and flat, others are round, and a 'special novelty Is the crescent ondt1 which le Molted like a treeeent, mist trimmed with two fue heado and Ouse palettes of eczema, apply g yeerine and 20tierrt or to ,aea. steeper. sulphur miked to the eonsistency of oint- ment. At the same. time It is well to take harm and treadle for three morn - trigs rollowing. Mix the bartrt in the proportions of one part tit hie wife from whom tie receives a daily treacle, Leave it off for three mornings teller, and the correspondence with roye and then take another couree. tittles or friencle. To Blanch Walmite.—tarack the shells • so that the nuts ere not eplit, pull out the noft part ot the shell, puttlie walnuts GOOD SE'RVANTS IN HEAVEN. Added to this must be rest:Oiled the hours when he is working alone, eon- sisting of the reading of newspaper clip. two of pings, the active correspondence with potatoes, season with ttalt and pelt re)Into a basin, our boiling water over theta, and let soak for two minutes, ond then the skins can bo quite milt, re- moved with a diver pocket.knife or wale nuttlieeler. Throw the walnuts into cold water as they are peeled, and wipe dry with a cloth. Keeping apples during the winter is quite easy, provided you have the pro - pour over the Meat and bake in t let oven. A 'rough Cake Made Tender. — If a sponge or angel cake Is slightly tough, place it in a deep stone crock, earefully coveriqt the jar, and let it 8tand in the celler or ; cool pantry for one or two ys, tite end of which time the cake will have become moiet and tender4 If pee kinds. There are many varieties a tough angel eitRe is left over night in whell will not keep after Octobet. this way it will itellorallY eufficient: Spread the apples on shelves or on the but e,onietimos two or even three days flour of an empty room, se that they do will be required. not touch (Itch other. Whenever a bad 15so up cold Potat000., -Mash tho ijiiely rrtysfol." put a laor M tha bottom cat a pudding Pileitton (to lier coachman) ojemes, I trust that you ore a1 atteral- nut at religiotis exercises?" "Oh: yes, mein, I goes 115 often tee has the chance, menu" "And I trust that you feet It your duty to lead °gulch, a life here tts will assure, you tt place among the good in the: net world.'1 i$011, yes, Mem, I trim to. Thank you I kitully, men." VOIITII WINO 7:11. the night yielding "to the dayspring train on nigh.' • A tillACMIM SOVEREIGN. Corisiderable amusement w once cat -wed by a slip of Emperor Icholas' „ „„ oolo pen in aecepting the (Nero o Several tele rt companio3 of Siberian militia, who vol unteeted br service At the front. 'rite A OltA,'VE CIIA1108. petition read, "We nimbly lay at your MajOy's feet our desire to be permit. "I)Nitor " said the 6hrewd looking ted to fight and die for the fatherland." :roan, °bow many feet of gas does it takot The limper0r, in aecepting, wrote on the to- kill a margin of the petition In his OWit hand, "That's a queer questioo:' replied thili '" thsiliIC Yoti ,Sincerely, lend -hope yOur 'dootor, "why do you wish ilo Imowy, ;wiSltes IliaY full)? rOalltod." ; "One of- the guests At my hotel used triough of It to kill hitnself, and I want In send itt a prOper bill to tins exocu- tors." "I ani glad of it, lames. / hos been o . se intleh pleased with your aerviceig ithat Daisy—How' (lid you enjoy the pity apple 15 Seen it should be removed and it is a real comfort to me to know that laid night? u &MI I For polishing noon! I trniture to heaven, -may Still ettoploy you them" three women raving over 44 hat. the .pace where it_stood w tilted tdry, if wo aro pertnitt4d to hate, ooehtrien Miss Boxiteato-ltrintenselyi 1 heard It'o difficult, for it wAlYttill to 'mike a dollar go farther than the nearest, bet% gain. counter.