HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-12-27, Page 4 (2)COMPS ftF ri.11-1E 'Ix We eincerely thank our many customers for theie patronage as our trade for 1906 haw been very satis. faetory, but we still want more customers for 1907. We heve everything in steek that a iirst.class drug store ought to have, and wefeel that it would pay you in every way to make this your regular family drug dare. 1,,,,•••*40,••,•••Milt tireeuway A tee ceceset wee ee',,ce in Ne. IS " Nell tele kel etc evezeree, A large ilURItotTL 1Weir preeent mid the treetvea teed ech( pi-e.erited progreilie eetisisti g et teen -tii4i 11.1 tegees seoge, V. IL Willem wee elein14:111 Etklci gave a very interesting iidiltres tied was *-4 ti 1.)y several others. The teleber, Miee Etia Sutton, was preeented with a beautiful tome', tent pen and a vcasy thittering address. Mies Settim has given good isatisfat. titer& teecheratid Wu been engaged for another Y'-' (h -i.1 Natiler wad wife of Stretford. Fire visiting at. the home of the Letter's aunt, Mrie J. I MePhersona-A meeting of the Wo- men's Institute will be held at the res. idenee of Mrs. W. J. Wi1so0.44n. %- Miss Marie Laurie ieeepencling the hole icloya with Mies Zilla. English. Dashwood The auction of the estate of the late John Winkenweiler took place on the premises on Thureday brat end wes well attended. luineestead pro. perty containing one hundred gores was purchased by Jos. Willert for $4000, while the 50-acie farm, East half of Lot 20, on con. 15, Stephen, wae purchased lev John Stephen for -$2150. Possession will be givereon or before March istes-A.ndrew Musser who has beenworkingat Kirob_etly B. GRE s DR11 ;A C., since last February returned twine G STORE vironeoay evening of last week. He will spend some dine here before " he returns to the west. -Municipal matters seem to be warming up. as Obleterthne goes on and no Ootibe by nomma. etestt-teaaeteGe teen day it number of aspirants to the =rats or suBsoairTioN. different offices will be on had. -Miss -Florence Rhode who has been working OneD°11"P" annum il P3id ifladVan", S1*50 in London since last June returned to if not oe paid. her home here on Tuesday lait.-Urs. Holtzman of Michigan is visiting her brother Mr. Geo. Rucly.-School closed /06 on Friday- and the teachers are enjoy- ing' themselves at their respective 'homes while the little folksare enjoy- SOTE AND COMMENTS ing then3selves out of doors. -This vveek Wednesday the annual School W. D. Sanders has now fully decid. meeting was held; particulars will be ed to be a candidate for munieipas, given *text week. -Mie and Mrs. Horn honor as councillor in Stephen. His of Buffalo and Norman Ruby of Lin - friends say his chance is good to in. wood are spending die holidays at the * * home of their parents Mr. and; Mrs. Sanders et Creech, Prop8. TliriritSP.A.Y, Dec. 21, Geo. Ruby. -Messrs. 'W. Sandercock The present prospects are that there and Ed. Kraft, who have been employ - will be several candidates for the ed at the MeCoritick works London reeveship in Exeter, while there is for some time are here renewing as Yet a searciteeof candidates for the lieuairittineeship.--Miss Emma Davis council. - is visiting under the parental roof.-- * * Me, and Mrs. Sim Schlueter f ,em near The contest for the deputy -reeve's Pigeon,. Mich., is 'at presen& visiting chair in Stephen now appears to bede- among friends in this locality, Misses veloping into a three cornered fight Violet and Beatrice Graybiej left on between Councillors Anderson and. Friday to spend the holidays with - Webb and . Mr. Jacob Kellerman. their aunt in Bad Axe, Mich. -Mrs. Thoee three-coruered contest are n't Rader and children from near Bay/ safe things to bet on. ' ' , Port, Micb., are visiting her brother * * Henry Truemner .of the Goshen line. - The report of the Piesbyteriare Mrs. Voelker ivirClies near Pigeon is Methodist and Congregational church- visiting her brother, Mr. J. Weber and eel, which recently met in Toronto, other relatives in this community Our. gives an exhaustive account of the ing the Xnlat? holidays.-eMiss Ethel work of the different sub -committees lellernian who has been for some in their: efforts to draft' preliminary time studying inane of the itstittitione conditions looking towards taloa. at Sarnia is now home for Xmas veca- The committee believes that there is tion --Mr. Geo. Snider of the State of nothing to hinder the union on satis- Ohio is visiting his parents here.- faetory grounds to each of the religious Jacob Kellerman placed a fine new or- bodies,gat in the home of. Flea Willett on Monday. 's Farquhar. Edwin Gardiner has returned from a three yeas' sojourn in the West. - Miss Hamilton is spending the holi- days in Motherwell, --Arthur Pass- more of Boston, Masa, is. enjoyiog the holidays at his home here. -B. %V. F. Beaver and wife spent Christmas at Salatre-ThesteAlleu and wife spent Saturday eV Exeter -Ed, Garditier of Manor, Man., is home for the winter. _At the conclusion of ...the program given at S. S. No. 2, on Friday the ma pile presented their teacher, Miss Ham - iton, with a handsome manicure set. - The Misses -Madge of Hamilton and Toronto respeetively, are home on their *fteation.-R. D. Turnbull and W. A. Gardiner. are -home from St. Marys. -Mrs. Barbara Rodd of Strat- ford is a yisitor at the home of tier •brother, D. Duncan. • SaintSbUry The people of St. Patrick's 'church presented the pastor. Rev. G. W. Itac. ey, with one hundred hushele of oats, also with a fine fur coat as Christmas gifts. -The Christmas concert held in 'aid of St. Patrick's Sunday School for the children on December 21st wee -grand igLICCOSS. The basement was crowded. The clear -was taken by Mr. -John Vox of Lamm and a pleasant programe was rendered. Everybody , enjoyed themseivee. A. collection amounting to q;12.33 was taken up, - 13. it Smyth is .horne from Arthur after spending the summer masoning with F. Washburn. -Mrs. J. D. Arun - lege of Hamiltou is visiting his father, Mr. Win. AtTartaqe, this week. ---Mr. and Mre. Jos. Atkirtson of Wheatly is 'visiting the letters' parents, Mr. and Mrs. lames Liaac.-PercyC. Armitage of London is Immo for Chrietrnas.- Mr. and Mee. Walter Cunningham are , spending their Christmas with the latter'e mother. Mrs. Serra Hodgiria --Nassau DAVIS Sports a new cutter. Why Refer to Doctors Because we make medicines or them. 'We tell them CI aboutAyer's Cherry Pectoral), and they prescribe k for coughs, colds, bronchitis, con- sumption. Theytrustit. Then yo can afford to trust it. your own doctor. O boat kind. of* testIssonfs,l- % Sold. for over slaty years." A wai", 'arlerr:1411.11".' $4111101.41t1U,Li uses 110swift 1 Itoli publidik also ikatioulse *tail way ludiellikw. arty In brie fd tho -111cuSall Mr. Millian and daughter of bted e. rick are visiting friends in town. -Dr. lilitekall has returned from the West andis spending a Sew days in town. He looks well after his trip. -Mr. and Mrs. Dew and Mr. Folliek -and son spent Maim. tit Exeter. -Miss MaIlie Shuart is, we are sorry to learn, in a very low etate of health. -Mr. Shuart has been laid off duty for several days °Whig to receiving an injury to his eye at the fon ruiry.-Business is boom - ting in town. -The Xmas. entertain- Jmentia die Methodist church was a - decided success. -Mrs. Drew of Glade - is visiting her daughter. Mrs. Warener-Allen Webber and wife of London are visiting the farmer's par- ents -Mrs. W. J. Miller has returned home from the Weer.. Her hesband, who has been very poorly has gone to California.--ProfeJ. T Wren and wife of Toronto. L. Oetweite and wife of De- troit, and W Woods and wife are here rfor the holidays. -Miss Mabel Spark; has returned from Goderic13..-Alex. MeBeth, who has been ill,is on the mend. -Corney Conk spent a few daye in Lucien last week. -Alf Vairburn.W. Curry, Jack Hinton, and Alex. Forest amd wife have returnedfrora the West, -B. 8. -Philips has disposed of his farm on the 2nd of Hay to it Mr. Whiteford of the States, the price paid was $6550. Mr. Phillips intends moving to Hen- sall.-Rev. Hart and family Were sur. prised the other evening when the Chiselheret congregation drove to the paatorti home and presented them with a -lei -mired" bushels of oats. The evening was very pleasAntly spent ond diming the evening the ladies served a very dainty tench. . Accrimeekti, -While driving to her home in ,Kippett the other evening MrS, ,Vrauk. Graham's horse took fright atiO rap away. She jumped frona the rig awl alighting on her head received Rovere tut which retluired eight stiletto; to close the wound. -While driving the other day Miss Greco Me - Arthur reeeived a had cut on the face by being thrown from her cater.- . On Tuesday afternoon while Wesley Moore was putting oh a bele in the Ziv11,1. ary•ihis hand got caught and re. e11 a had gash. He was at once re. moved to Dr. tilaediarmid dike where the hand was dresmeti, whieli required eight stitchee. Ile le getting along as well as Carl he expeeted and feels very thankful that the aceiderit was no tv,a fol!, wilegie a repoi t 1 he et elle I Net ef dee pureleiii Nee4, Si tide. ila Ilec(,q1ofet': Sr. IV. ti Kt N S 11101iGN:to W Moi ewe.. thee - valor. M EdIesit LKetele. M lieethe II Weill, Jr. IV. --ft Moilecte11 SchwazA, I !i1iI4- E Wein, tl A Briikerishir e. 'Sehr. tede r,0 !welsh. A Cornish II Kritft. 111 •V tichwem C Browe, M Citxworth, Min -app. E Schroeder, ei Brokenshire. Jr. 111 'r Coruisle 0 Brown, L Kes- tle, A Wein. Sr. IL tesE lieteezier, Wein. 1 Either. E Amy,. L Smith. Jr. IL -0 Morloek. E Wein, J Brokenshire, M Coxworth, E Cornish, Jo* Selman, A Aubire Pt. I.-0 Corniete The best epellers 'were; Sr. Amy; Jr. 1V. -L Morlock; Sr. II1.-0 Brown; Jr. IIL-0 Brown; Sr. II.--ERoeszler; jr. I1 J Itotiezler. Average tit,ttenel. mice for the year 37. G. W. Lawson, Teacher. A pleasant time was spent on Friday afternoon last in the school house, it being the occasion of the Unit afternoon the teacher and scholare were to spend together for some time at least. In order to thoroughly enjoy the dal' the parents and friends were invited. A. goodly number came oat and enjoyed. the entertainment given by the ichole ars. The chair was Ably- occupied by Mr. Silas Brokenshire who with, oth- ers gave short speeches. The teacher, - Mr. Geo. Lawson, who has been here for three years has been a general fav- orite in and out of thescheol and, the scholars showed their appreciation by presenting him with a handsome suit case, while he in his turn gave each of the pupils a gift as a kindly rememb- rance. Mr. Lawson intends continuing his studies along the teaching line and will attend the Lueau High School af- ter the New Year. The section's good wishes go with him. He is succeeded here by Miss Mable Jennison. Dia= oF MRS. Demeicatte-Death this week claims another of Stephen's kind hearted and much respected resi- dents in the person of Annie Hind, be- loved wife of Joseph Deuncey, who passed away Cheistrnas day- at tbe age of 54 years, 11 months and 19 days. Mrs. Dauncey had been a 1011g sufferer from cancer and during herlong aflhic- twa endured much intense pain„ but she bore it all with patience and resig- nation. On the lOth of September last. the deceased underwent an operation for the removal of the trouble, but it afforded only temporary relief and Slowly sinking under the deadly effects of her affliction she passed peacefully avvay at the time above stated. Born in Lincolnshire, England, she tame to Canada with .her grandparents when quite young, first settling in the town- ship of McGillivray, where she resided for mane years. About twenty-one years ago she moved with her hose nand to this neighborhood and .has nciade bee home here ever since. By her kind acts and generous disposition she endeared herself to many who,tvill learn with deep regret, of her 4eatla. She is sinvived only lay -her sorrowing husband. The funeral takes place to. day (rh tirsday) to the Exeter ceMetetY. I IGAltki: 0A814. ---A. Milwaukee cor. reepolitient says: "Harvey Batters, it Cenritliah of Herman, Ont.4 who is eliarged with biganiv on information etia fiv Mies Itottie Pateehow, of thie city, blames the arousal), for hieetrouble, men Batters was arraigned alleged wire Ni. I, who was expected here for the te 1,i1, did not appear. "Miss Pats. chowknew all about my former friar - liege." declared 'lettere 00 the. Aetna. -she threatened to kill me if 1 did tint tnart y her,. I' told her my Story in/ ells:hag file filets of my provit 1111 meet tape 1 tried to avoid her. but femme bewildered 'me." Tfte pro' ee. talon clAime that Rollers deserted i Canada two yeate ago. Miss itarehow, who bee smee the rim* was eteured it meparetion, allege* ilea Hiner; eourted her in the metal maiiner. The p*ou. wam continued on. il tteCeitibee esee Whalen B., Younetoo had the miefortune last week tcylose two fingeranisy have ing them tiften off when, runninga, euttifig.1) .-The first service was` held inJl1e new '.chureh on Sunday. The h lading is now in readiness have ing been brought from -,13ethel some time ago. Freewill theas have, .also been Moved ICIOWO and placed in post - tion. The first service Was CoOducted by Rev. Pair of the Elio:wine .circuit. --Mr. Win. Ogden is now pretty much again and able to do duty in. theehop.-Our publicschool: elosed Friday. Miss Copeland, the teacher, will not return and as yet the trustees have not secured a teacher. DEATH -The death occurred on Thursday night last of Mrs. James Brooks of Granton. She had been ill only it*fee- hours, although for some- time she had been troobled with, Bright's disease, Mr Brooke was Calgary at the dine and the funeral was delayed until his arrival. Desidee the husband three daughters, Florence and Nettie at borne and Mrs. Arthur Westrnan alSci. of Granton, And one son. Norman of Washingtoff, survive., WEDDED -A pleasant and pretty Christmas wedding -Occarred itt the bine of Mr. Sohn Mitten on . Tuesday Whtto his daughter, Vise Pearl, was un- ited in inarraige to Mr. Brian Rowts .eliffe, son of Mrs. James. Rowteliffe of Clinton, formerly of Winchelsea.. The ceremony was performed in the pres. ence of the ,relatives and friends. The best wishes of their friends is extended to the yeung couple fora life of leippie nese and prospority. IVinoregvilie he many friends at Mr. :JLmes Neil ate sorry to bear of her serious illness; also the illness of Mrs. Kit - more, We trust that their recovery. maybe speedy and permanent. ----Wm. Smith, who has been very ill, is im- proving. ---Mr. and Mrs, A. Bloomfield of Denfield visited the former's father here recently. -Mrs. Jarne$ Miller of Lloydminsters Seek., is here visiting her inother,Alre. James Neil, who is and Mr& WJ. Hodgins spent Xmas at Clandeboye.-Wellirigton Whiteford, who recently returned frona 'Wisconsin, has purchased affirm near Hensell for which piece be left lad week with his family. --The ball held in the Maeeribee hall, under the auspices of the Orangemen was well attended and a good tinie spent.- Mrs. Webb of Lucart is visiting at the home of Mts. john Gilmore. -Norman Clark and Russ Simpson while taking the threshing machine up the hill let it ac- cidentally slide into tileditch.hreaking it considerably.With Assistance it *tie taken into it Yard near by.-Mosee Simpeon and Wetly spent Xmas. with Mrs. Geo. Etterett nt Exeter. -Mrs. John Gilmore* and family spent the holiday-. et Port litirote-Miat Roble Olat'k haS returned from et plea/lent visit in Ieetroit.-Mrs. Thos. (tray of London, vieited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mee. BubE. 7larke, dining the holidayeeeltev. Andrews of Centralia, oectipied the polpit at the Normery chinch on Sunday. Klippen Mr, tool Mre.I. tielfour have return - lid from their viint to Toronto.--Begl. Ilitinmeetore who hag been work- ing with Peter Fisher, Statileyfor game yearslhas grin* to Hernliton and *III remain for the wintore-john Mo. 1.4 Rwored from so - AS FOR F.ectee hops, thoiee 1.)4r10,1 with. and pure spriiij *Ater, with the utmost care. Honied m the brewery depots to en -Aire proper band/ing. That why Iiabatt", Ne is equal to Cie fin. est, surpassed by none, though it costs consumers only about half as much 4 hflp(Wte(1 goods, Winter Term Opens Jan. 2' A. Surprise in Biscuits Every box of Mooney't Perfection Cream Sodas you open -you will find a new delight in these dainty-, biscuits. /1. When you want to surprise yourself, give yoer appetite a treat elm STBATFORD, ONT. This School is recognized to be one of the loading Coreinerchilfichools in America. OUT graduates are in demand as Business College teachers. The most recenthrplication we received for a teacher offered 10,400 per annum. We believe we are running one of " the most progressive and up-to-date business trarn- Ing schools m theft:011PC%, The demand upozl us for office help itt several times the supply. Mite Ier free catalogue. ELLIOTT ,84 MeLACHLAIsT, Principals. WAAFLHOUSES 0 EXETER, CENTRAPA 11110 CLANDEBOYE •Highest Price paid for Grain paisiarraggramiftwarfrommossii RICH. SELDOM (Successor to Joseph Cobbledick) Gregor, son a A. McGregor, wIto went West in the spring has returned home. John looks as if the prairie province agreed with him. -Alex. MoBeath has fully recovered from his illness and is now into the lumber business again, - The Methodist people held their Xmas. tree and entertainment on Monday evening. All reporta pleasant time. Moray John Thompson has been, building his barn during the past few dAys.- After spending the past five months in Parkhill at dressmaking Miss Eunice A.. Derr has returned home. -John Fp Duo is carrying a very sore hand at present. While loading logs. he had the misfortune to get his finger, badly bruised. -While returning home from school the. other day Master Eddie Thonapson, son of Chas. Th Amason of the lath con., fell on the ice and brolot his leg. The leg, was set by Dr. Wilt son of Parkhill and the little fellow is now gettingellotgais well as can .be expeeted. • • THE MOLSONS BANE OneOrporated by Act of Varliament 18551 Head Office, Montreal Capital raid, Dp• * • $3,000,000 Itesoim0a, ralict••• • •-• • • • • • • • $39000,000 FORTY-EIGHT BRANOIIES IN TUE DOMINION,r 41V.ANADA. — EXETER BRANCH oPricE nouns le a. 111. tOlip.111. SAMDAYS 1Oa.uz to, p ra A. GriNERAL BANKING BI/SINEISS TRANSACTEB4 , Partner $ Sale Notee cashed or collected. Forme supplied on application. DRAFTS on all points in the Donainion, Great Britain and United States bought and sold at lowest rates of ExchAnge, ADVANCES made to Farmers, Steck Dealers and Business Men at lowest rates and on l'OOSt fas orable twine. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed Sposiis of $1 and upwards xeceivecl. Interest coin aving ak Department ' aPnodunDteilembag-ry8eiasrbly, .and. added tO JUlle 80th B Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Goveinment DloKS0X & OBIING1IC1tOrS. 11. D. IIIIRDOIT, Manager, Or. Zurich Mrs. Loveridge of Detroit 18 home on a visit. --Miss Preaa Thiel celebrat- ed her birthday the other evening- at which a large nuniber of young people participated and all report an excellent time. -Miss Annie Rommel is plea, vis - if to Kincardine friends. --Mise Bris- iron has returned to Tilsonburg after. a ,visit at her home in Drysdale. -Miss leuira and David Bender have return- - ed from a year's stay at Hopedale, Ill. --Mi. and Mrs; Barry Cann, of Mani - Oboe are visiting the latter -'s parents; Me. and Mrs, j. Elowald.-Miss Aloft- nis 4e.d Miss Gibson have Returned to their homes in'131y,th,.having complet- ea the millitnery season at D. fe.Fitutit's and J.Preeteeeerespeptively.-After itfl extended stay with her daoghter itt Saginaw, Mich., Mrs. IL Well has re- eutned home again.-1.VIre. DAniel,Sur- eras, Sr., is quite ill At present. -We trust her recovery may be speedy.- Mrs. Mrs, Heyrock; Miss Lizzie Rennie, Alf. Gellman and Milne Itannie assisted at - the entertainment at Blake elaureh on Monder, evening. -Master tWarrene son of Dan Levengoocl, 14th con., had the misfortune to break his leg below the knee it few days ago. -E. MeGailin teacher on the 14th eon., has handed in his resignation and has accepted _a school near his home at Seaforth.- Dr and Mrs. Buchanan and daughter, Miss Pearl, left last week for Toronto Where they will make their future home, Dr. Buchealtin has been prac- tising in our midst for the past thirty- five years and ,bas won the esteem of the entire corbrounity. Hie' Wife and popular young daughter will 'also be much missed here. We join the many friends in wishing them much hoppiness in their new .hotne.-John H, Schnell, 14th con., Bay, has sold his splendid 100 -acre farm to Chris. Haugh, who recently returned from the West. The price paid was $6000, Mr. Schnell gives ;up possession next March, when he will likely remove to Zurich, with his wife and fenailye-A very enjoyable time wan spent at the hem° of Me. ° and Mese A. Thiel,. the occasion being the twenty-fifth urine. versary of their wedding (ley. Many beautiful gifts were presented to the host and hostess with the wish that they may live -to see many happy re- turns of the day. -Mr. Geo. Schellig, Sr. left a short drum ago to consult D J. W. Harrison of 429 E. Grata Bouli- varcl. Detroit, for an ailment from which he has been a great sufferer for some months peat. The doctor had him at °nee temoved to Harper Ilos. pital and performed an operation 'on him, removingit atone from hie blad- der measuring'four and one-half India. es in citieuniferencte Notwithstanding his Age of 1.2 years he withstood the, operation admirably and hie Zurich Mende will be pleased to learn that he expects to leave the hospital in a sheet time to retern again to his home with a new Wage of life. Thames Itoad -srovr scribe wiehes the Advocate and itsii,encrouepatrons it happy ttncl pro -i. 1)41 11319 new year. -Mr. and Mrs. 11. illi sou retortied Saturday from the West. --Mr: and Mpg. John .Piteeniore anti Mr. and MIS. Geo. Dunn are spending their Ohrietnnui holidays under the parental roof. -john titinkin is weer. mg t sunny smile of late. Its a baby give -Bert Paommore'm many frienee win be pleaeed to hear that he is slow- ly improving, -Able Leigh's Wen& tire sot* y to IWO her leaving Lumley sehool.-A very pleasant tims WkS spent at the home of John Duncan on Friday evening. PAISILRY- -MCHWKN--At Clinton on Dec. 211. Lionel O. Paisley to Miss Mary ti, eideat daughter of Duman Megvvert, both of Clinton. - Sielplia Miss Martha Geiser left* Saturday to intend the holidays at Cayuga. -Mrs; Otitis, rinkbeiner, we are soery to say, is on the eick list. -Mies Clara Bay - ham returned home from London last Friday for a few weeka...-Miss E. Wes- ton left for ber home in- Oliver, after teaching for it year in the school here. Miser Weston has proven herself to he *a. teticber of unusual merit. and 'Will he roach missed frorreour midst. In the Sunday school she took An aetivetepart and all . will regret bete leavtrig, e --- (tette a number froM here attended the school concert at Oredifoo` Friday night and report R. good program. -- Mr. Pat Mothers Suridayeel in Pal k - bill. -The Christmas Tree entertain - talent given in _the Methodist church here tvaset grand success. Those take ing part did well anddeeerve credit o cneidering the skort time in _IVIfich they hail to prepare. The church was crowded and all enjoyed ,the affair very much. The ' proceeds amounted to nearly $3.3. -:--Mr. Neil MeKennyIS hOMO from Stratford for the Christ. mils holidays. ---A. McGinties. returned Saturday from Teacart where be has been spending' the SUIDOler.-,Thd Miss- eelellie and Lizzie Smith Are herne from London to spend Xmas. -john The RO5s-Taylor Co l‘fietliachail CatnEi ' borne from Detroit , . °- Sunday to spend a few weeks. -John 1 Dietrich sold .a valitable tinree laet Monday to Chris. Dietrich,- lIbiva. Mr. and Mrs. John Sehroeder attend -1 ed the Silver wedding of Mr. and Mee. Win. Yearley of the Goshen Lino on Friday. -Wilbert Smith returned Mon- tlaY front Ortingeville where he was engaged with itbe telephopegang.-- :Allen Metechen of Lnricion is barite for, Xmas.; AS is also Miss Annie 13est. ' 0 erd.e-We'vish neir readers a. • merry _ z DEATii 014‘ MRS. MCBACIIKN--ThiS ' , -** L . Week il IA Otle sad dirty to record the " death of Mre," John eicEaelien, who passed away on Monday ee the age of about 05 years. The deceased has been ill since last spring. Besides her hus- band she is eervived by three sons end five daughters, who have the syni- hreithy of all in then, affliction. The remains were interred in the Mount Carmel cemetery. . . All -Kirds of Timber. For which we will pay Call and see us before cuttings the logs for lengths and price's. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney. Andrews and little daughter left Satertitty to Sppral the Xritivi. holidays' at Landes - down *nit h relatives. SPREADB48 We have just received a number of fine Spreaders —The Successor—which does its work in fine style. This is recognized to be the best on the xnarket. PLOWS iWe handle Perrin Plows and have just received a, carload of walking, rid- ing and gang ploWs-znade by this reliable firm. ont it home, staying at preaent with ii. 311111tOkSit. Vie 61,00 limed great Ueda*. sity and charity. The applicant is about TilolitiTAty Anglicism minister, has written. the fol. lowing letter to the Muskoka Free Hopi. tett for Coneuraptivea: - ' in ray parish, a young woman very ill would writwyou regarding her entranoe with consumption arta x vrotnisoa, x Dear Six„-/ felt in with * dame to -day into the hospital for consumptives in 18 year* of ago. She it practically 'with - The Bey. W. I3'. Brownlee, Ridgiitownt A. 014241TICAIT'S 4,112A.U. ----ohm-- uri BAKER % Shoi is bright and amiableend 1 1.retitle, would like to live. As I understand:you i Agent for the Sylvester and reject none on account of poverty. I I Perrin Plow Companies itorrimend the owe to you SA one most " needy, and if ypu can send me instruc. Exeter Ontario tions or papers for application to the hospital, I will Oft tO raiting neeetimary means for her treatsportation sold, have her matt at once, as I Imagine siAls-not beyond receiving benefit. , Moto by Editor. --Sir. Wm. IL Mere. dith, Kt., Nfice-PrrAident of the National Sanitarium Association, or Mr. W. J. Oar, Chairmen of the Exeenteve Corn. mitteertforonto„ will gladly receive cert., tributions for this and several other ovally piteous (woo calHitg for help.]