HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-12-27, Page 3 (2)TABLES WERE TURNED,
Landlady Pli'enanis, and They in
Toth SiTW:e ncr 11,0
Viir; 1,1r12i1€4 OS a 47:7-1, i -,!y Mae
Mosats Werseas Faren
JUSt 17,Tilh u'VIAS7,„ far the aced
weeeei wee aterally fennitcenet ere neieee
?thee, Menet, leneeeezae einineetineee neuve
cla, nen eenoyen eenee e her ineante
i-,eeeenereey eeneen tie:el tare P.34
aramea f.sesee of Mini hce
ikmz' reieat empreve if sae wee Innen-
tenai a Mite.
Aeecaniveny, her treetineat eoreeietea
of repeal:tee on the wail, brenhing
taaleweve aini cabalistic ineerintionen
nae of whale, eeratelted on a Dif/iLTOV,
W097, "ITO, 110115e, WM 1!0 :'our tomb."
thee eley one of Mince Mayes tenante
V.1M eaid she heel not been ;wen
for Iwo day% A locksmith wee sent for
and the door opened. She war; found
dead in bed, fully nremed, her hands
vienehed and her features distorted. IIer
boarders 'sent a wreath when She was
'buried. On it was the word "Regrets."
1, The Josint of the Animals Waeh
Amoly Derrieristrated,
(1.71(.70,:vi) ef
%W3 Cit
Qth(.2V ney.
• ea...eeevenaite•-3 kern the viliaena
in tae irik0M1f!I p:nln
; ceea(a; enan
U7: q(.-ari,2y, p11.1\7„ ILTCC) v-tr,0
eeleney fanneee,,e'en.LCevecanneeee ow-
n., to the, preveninn
fr(vz(lat of Hie kall by
relece:p, nen the art.:Omen' taw limit laia
neeele y tho
Yet Slta, is the continence .ef the Rev.
P. Wriala the rector of itollesione, Wilt/
one of the jungeee. in the
value of bloodhounds- in the Witching
down of lewbreakere and missing peo-
ple thet he telegraphed an invitation to
the Commiesioner of Scotland Yard to
send a • representative" to witnessthe
&Including trials.
The scene was unexciting, but inter-
esting. A man clad in tvveedntall and
Stelevart, with a heavy stick under his
-right arm, stands a solitaryfigure amid
a ring of furze three. miles away on the•
skyline. A hound, deep-inouthed and
Iong-eared, sniffs a white -.flag the per-
son handled. Then it runs•off, hot on
th scent. The wind has borne the
;smell ,right and left„ but with its nose
to the ground. the dog follows, often
slowly, but with unflagging persistence.
The bound must reach the watcher on
life plain. Only the sense of smell
avails. Every '•ineh of gratind the per-
son has traversed must be covered till
tht dogeat length identifies his prey,
• The tet r was severe,, Neither 'aniseed
nee' any other .scent is permitted to as-
sist the. hounde -The .quarry has start...
en a fulnehour ahead, so that the Scerit
cold, •and the conditions, with the
wind sweeping across the open cotmtry,
are all in favor of the hunted man,
Yet one hound, Nome, ran -down :is
manin twenty-three- anilines, another
in forty-five minutes,. and a third --in
thirty-seven 'Minutes. .- •
. ,
Mr. Alf. J. Clark, of CaVendish street,
London (Ont.), tells how,Zain-plik cured
him of severe. burns. Ile says: -"J gfl
illy hands very severely burned with
lime; The burns were,so deep that as I
plied my shovel ,the blood actually ian
down' the handle. The agony I suffered
you may well imagtne. I tried several
different kinds of salves but thd burns
Were too severe. Lor these preparations to
"I obtained a supply of Zam-puk and
be very first application gave me ease;
This pleased me, you may guess, but as
I applied the balm each day I was more
and more pleased with the effect. The
pain was relieved completely. In a very
short time Zarn-Buk healed my burns
completely, and my hands actually felt
better -the muscles more firm and the
skin, in better condition than before I
was burned,"
Not only for burn's, but for cuts,
bruises, sprains, etc., Zain-13uk is the
best and surest cure. It also cures
eczema, ulcers, abscesses, ringworm,
boils, eruptions, poisoned wounds;
chapped, or, eracked hands, cold sores,
elnlinains, bad leg,' pilesaetc. All drug-
gists, sell at 5-0e. a bo, or post,
free from
the Zarn-Buk „Co., Toronto, on receipt 'of
price. U boxes for' $2..50.
IT. • '
'Wife -That new girt of Ours is a'cau:
tion.- •
Husband -What's she done now?
Wife -I told her to put the salad otL
on the table and she polished the table
. Cep with
Many Thanks are due from thejproprietors of
4Wpavor's Cevate to*Idends who he written to
:tall pf the tierate's good word loyuringscrefulous
'humors, scald, head and other akin disease%
The 11Ian-•-"I'd.• give anything if you
would kiss me," The Maid -"But •the
'selentists say that ,,kisses bredillisease,"
The Man -"Oh, ineer mind thatGo
ahead, end, make. me tri invalid for
To discern and deal inamediatelY Twith
opuses and 'overcome thein; rather than
to battle .with effects after the disease
base secured a lodgement is the chief
ebb of the 'medical Man, and Bickle's
Anti -Consumptive Syrup is the IreSp,it,' of
talent study along this particular line.
e the first appearance of a cold the
S will be found a most ellicient,re-
niedy, arresting " development, and
speedily healing the affeeted parts, sci
that the ailment disappears. '
"You're dreadfully untidy again,
alaryi I don't know what the baker
will• think of you when he emnes," "The
taker don't matter, an, The milkman's
...00row Ow*
Alicts's Ltsfigliaisam, in which there is ou
piun car.54 .soro throat and sore lungs as it
lafte,ys' the inflammation mei rids you of the
Isnucons that stops np the air passages. 250., 600•:"
41.00 „bottles. ,
job iwi a sorely tried milli, Mit if
in addition to his own, troubles he
d'dnl, have to listen to those of his
'neighbors he had aornething to be fliank-
ful for.
At:Paths Disappear Reiter& It. -No one
teed suffer.pain when they have avail-
able Dr, Thomas' Eeleetric Oil. If not
in the house when required It ean
procured at the nearest store, as all
Merchants keep it fer sale. Rheumatism
And all bodily pains disappear when it
is applied, and should they at ony time
return experience teachesthe user ef
the 011 how to deal, with them.
"MarelerOis be? Well, well„ and bo
was always sueh •a worthless fellow,"
"Yes, iii narried a rich widow; he's got
a reputation to' live up to now." '
"Nonsense; he never had any repute -
II on."
"NO1 but hiS Wite',9 AAA husband had!"
tea tee eaneenee n
Nee r' ,1 NV, ( 177, i „ eeec.)
lcJ 4eseeleTo c•.,e1S.,riaa
• fl 11.)Y a.3
Is -ns 4.111
v.5 „Oi 11cz2,1 (72T1fiEv,
.The lamentable effects of the general
destruction of forests are now sufficient-
ly recognized in all civilized countries,.
Such deetruCtion invites devastating
floods in mountein streams and causes
the surrounding land to dry up. Forests
act like vast condensing screens. 'They
preserve moist atinespbere about
them, attenuate the force of torrential
downfalls, promote a mere gradual
melting of the snow in e.arly spring, and
protect the soil agalast too rapid eva-
poration. And yet the manner in which
forests act their beneficent part is not
exactly such as might be supposed. They
prevent a large port of the ram that
falls from reaching the soil at -all. It i
estimated le t in European climates th
forests eve ea* te directly, or transpir
physiologicall ,Thur -fifth's of the ran
that falls ul on them. Thus thefol'es
atmoepleere is no less important than th
forest sog in equalizing the 'climatic con
ditions 01 -a country.', '
1i-:(1 Twaki!I 071.1
Calif,a't2itl COO:A 1;43j1n1r3, , 11 io etjeaf "
fo2th,r4 crna_rdtc,-,3
to IL Ben,
ne"t, Ooneral Agent, 2 Knag fela-Taren-
to, Ont.
A favorite (heti with the Eenniinaun
is Mull made eeal oil, into
watch snow le stirrei until the delved
cenaieteney has been ohleined; then froz-
en berries of different hinds added.
They Never Knew Failure. -Careful
observation of the effete of Permelee'.9
Vegetable Pills has shown that they act
inuneditttely on the diseased °wane of
the system -an& stimulate them to heal-
thy action, There, may be eases in
which the disease has been long seated
and does not easily yieldto meilicine,
but even in such eases these Pills have
been known to bring relief when All
other :o -called 'remedies have failed.,
These assertions canbe substantiated
by many wile have uSea the Pills, and
medical men speak highly of their qua:
Bneiness Altai -."Now, look here; didn't
I tell you not to show your facehere
again?' Persevering Cominercial Train
eler-"You did, my dear sir, but I can't
leavq,. myface at twine, ean 1, when I
come here?"
' Did you notice that old man limping along a
day or ao ago? Well, if he will put on his back
"The D do 14" Menthol Muter, in awo�k he will
wallt as straight as any one.
Asylum Attendant -"This patient is
perfectly rational except on one sub
led." Visitor --"And . what s that?"
Asylum Attendant. -"Ile thinks he is
Salt Rheum, Totter, Eczma0. ens.
tressing skin diseases, relieTed by 04Q aD•
eneatioo. Dr. Agnew's Ointment is" a
potent cure .for all eruptions of the skin.
ja,s. Gaston, Williesharre, says: "For
nine years I was disagured with Totter
on my hands., Dr. Agnew's Ointment
pured it." 35 cents. -31.
Visnor-what are you doing here, ni
P001' man?
Convict -Time, mum.
A Purely Vegetable P111.-Parmeleels
Vegetable Pills' are compourided from
rocas; herbs and solid extracts of kneiwn
• virtue in the treatment eof liver and
• kainey coinalaints and in giving tonn.
to the system whether enfeebled by
." overwork or deranged through excesses
tgqi t ti ni
e 11 living. They re u re no e,s me .
Their.excellent qualities are well known
" to all those who have- used them and
they commend themselves to dyspep-
tics and those stibject,to biliousness who
ere in quest of a beneficial medicine,'
t , -
()Bee 111)011 a Hine an Arab werit to his
neighbor and said:
n '"Lend me your rope."
- "1 can't," said the neighbor.
s "Why not?"
"Because r want to use til'a ropemy-
self," •
r, "What do you want to doe with it?"
the borrower persisted.
e "I want' to tie up five ,feet of water
with l�11."
on earth can :You tie up five
,feet of water with a• rope?"
''My friends
," said the neighber, "Al-
lah is great, and lie permits "iis,to da
strange things With a rope where' we
t, don't, want to lend-mt."
Man 'Who Puyi Cigars by Price ;Won'
Really Appreciate My Pharaoh,
'What a„..eigar coats has less tha
You'd,think. to do with its smoking qua
lity. The thing that couots is -what it'
medeof, and how Ws made.
My Pharaoh cigar is a revelation to
men who were wont to think a ciga,
had to be imported to be really fine,
• It 'is just as • nmeh a surprise to th
train who didn't believe .a, cigar could
be .fine unless it coat fifteen cents, a
least, • •
The Pharaoh eosts ten cents, abou
everywhere good cigars are sold. I
would like yOU to buy one and judge
it in comparison' with any -fifteenecen
'cigar you know.
I feel just about, certain you will say
thci Phar0411 has the full-bodied, mei,
low flavor, the fragrant aroma,' the
super -quality richness -Without rank-
ness -UM you thought only fine im-
portedcigars could have.
With the „real Manicuragua -Havana
filler and the mild Connecticut binder.
.and Sumatra wrapper . all put together
under lily eyes in this model factory e f
the Pharoah has a -fair right to
W classed with fifteen cent cigars. I
don'twarit yoU to believe it until you
krio,W it's sn. You will When you've
tried:The Pharoah. ,
Bettee buy a box for Xmas. Your
dealer Should have it -if he is up -t� -
date and keeps the best brands.
Made in Granby Que. by J Bruce
Payne, Limited.
AStartled Mother I SWISH 1-40IT TO mate Bohm pm sit
b 41444 enie of thecoltviefo. Erato it Etiteiitt Pc.- Aa3i.
Hears hat Cough A-ro, Ern fit • L
111 sase
Gf • t.
She Th'nks of the Censequenoes
—Croup, Whovinl Cough
Or Lung Trouige,
If Oh() 10 a vase, mother ohe will hevi
the never-failino yeincaly at hand--
Ceitsfooto lOarasetoeaut.
It lo the beet, Use aafeet: the nesel
reliable and pw-')itiv0 elial for: all forin5
of ceughs, cold, erou. ;hoing
cough, sore throat, bronetatie, astame,
and lung trouble. No liaririata druoa ;
The most delicate child, the weatesi`
stomach, welcomes it. It is pleasant to
take. 11 is the naost reliable liouesehold
remedy known to medical eeieneed
effecting remarkable cures every day.
Baying used your Ceitafoote Lxpeetoraut 1
esur4dor is a splendid medicine for coughs or an)).
threa,t or lure; trouble. Would not like to imy
1'441°14 it iz tile house."
MBS. se 740VA I
Vittoria, Out
Thousands have borne similar testi-
mony to the wonderful curative proper.;
ties of Coltsfoote Expectorant, At,„ all
druggists, 25c. per bottle. No ether
Cough Medicine "Just as good" as
LTs Fe oir
Mr. 13arem-"I'm afraid I have made
my first call • too ,loagot" Miss Pert
(glancing at the elock)-"Oli, 'no, a
Wasn't really so long; it only.seemed to
Only those who have had experience
can tell the torture corns cause.. Pain
with your boots on, pain with them
off -pain night and day;' but relief is
sure to those who use Holloway's Corn
Miss Vanity -"That Mr, Viipps Is al-
ways staring after me; he torments me
almost to death with this attentions."
Mlss Vixen ---"I know. Poor fellow, he
never did have much sense."'
ITCH, 3,1ange, Prairie Scratches and,
every form of eontaaitus Xteh, on human
dr animals cured in 0 minutes bY Wol-
ford's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails.
Mother -"You mustn't play, with that
little boy." Tommy -e -"Well, can I fight
with Innen-
,afness ef '12 Year's Standing.-Pro-
traeted Catarrh produces deafness in
many. ease. Capt. Ben. Connor, of 'To-
ronto/ Canada, was deaf for 12 years from
Catarrh. , All treatments failed to relieve.
Dr. Act:weed Ga,tarrhal Powder gave him
relief in one day, and iti avery short
-while the, deafness left him entirely. It
will do'as much for you. 50' cents. --33
'4'1 wonder what that man is doing up
that telegraph pole?"
"Wee after fruit:"
"Wit kind of fruit
. -"Electric turrents."
A certain judge;lied never taken a
•Turkish bath) but pne day, 'when he Was
not feeling at his best, it suddenly oc-
curred, to him to lest, its vivifying; •ef-
feels, so enthitsiastieally descanted up-
on' by his young ,friends. It seemed to
the judge that the rubber was terribly
rough, but, fearing to betray his inex-
perience, and shbject himself to ridicule
byobjecting to the regular treatment,
he patiently vendured being punched,
pommelledaslapped, and whacked, until
he eould not 'stand the torture any
'tenger. t
"Is-ite-quite-neeessary-lo--make '-
ineelzbill-ele-eandeeblue-all-over?"! pant-
ed the fudge, as irregularly as the rub-
bao dna hi S 11is4n more oat less vigor-
Never you mind; Vin flxin" yen," re-.
sponded the rubber, redoubling his ener-
gy and grinning diabolieally-at ,least,
so 11 seemed to theludge.
"Who [slap, groan] are [thud, green]
you?" gaped the judge, a horrible sie.
seicion dawning in his mind. "Your.
[velarela groan) Mee Niump, man] does
[whaelc, grimly look [slap, groan] fa -
[thud, groan] -miller" [wish, grocea],
"oh, you remember ine, do yini?"
g i,ed the rubber, surea8tieallk. tg wei
r old seoundrel, mebbe you'd like to
send me up for SIX months again for
prize.fight in' I"
Aeaording t t London journalint,
there L a persOsfent rumor hi (Imita-
tion that. Prinea Arthur of Connaught
will become engaged to' the daughter of
In Manchuria dogs ane raised flor
their skins. A fairly prosperous Man-
churian dog fennel' will own a thousand
oe more dogs.
A Orest Combination, " rerrovito " the bof
tonio l, . It,should, be taken by all invalids,'.
all wye are ran down or out "Of sorts. It bulbal
up, gives new life.
There are, a hundred places where
A fellow can find trouble,
But none so 'good as a saloon,
For, with the &sees there, he scion
Beholds his trouble double. -
The Backache Stage may be just that
incipient form of kidney di:Mae° which,
if negleeted, will develop into stubborn
and 'distressing disforder „that will take
leng tedious' treatment_ to (mire. Don't
neglect the "backache stage" of the most
ineidiotts of diseases. South American
Kidney Ctite EttoDS the ache tin six houri
and cures. -40
"Our Henry's (loin' real well in town,'*
seid Mrs. Wayback proudly. "Ile's run-
nin' a hotel now, an' it's a big one."
"Land's eakes1" exclaimed Mrs. Korn -
• "Yes. Got a letter frorn him this morn-
ing„ and he sez; 'I'm a hotel -runner now
and' it's a real swell place."
.nere is Sinnething That Will be Wel-
come News to Many a Dis-
couraged One.
"For seVeral years
I have been trpubled
_ with gas around my
heart, shortness of
breath, my food did
rink digest properly,
It turned sour in my
stomach, eausing mo
great distrasef often,
too, I had dieagreea
William IL Reed. able Attacks of belch, -
ink gas and heartburn, and eevere pains
ae,ross the ',small of my back. •
tried Dr. Leonliardt's Anti -Pill and
from the very first found relief. Atiti-
Pill hag indeed mired Me,"
This is the voluntary statetnelite of
Win. 11. Reed, of 165 Queen St ti King-
ston, Ont, I,
All dealerr The Wilson -Pyla
Limited, Niagetra Falls, Ont.
N 1/ 114SU1i 51J1S„
2cEirr:u t.'it,
'Fp:4( T!'`,Tf WA\
of I')rieova, eanOaiaaee coven anft
Eniiid:Nv of el:Vet:ye
"At a enieeeeeeifly &nen outlay ne-e
zaana Inc c6vecined iLe'e 40
reiniug and leil-roeme, llt would
ni,10 ti1ki(1111 ITMViLP l'or
yeehtenien, or, if a licease could Le eb-
leaven a amen epaebie hotelan apan. I
cation for a licenee veould not Inc op.
teined from artesian vsell."
peseil lay the Wor Officer Water ie ob-
al, Helen's Fort originally cost the
nevernanent over half a million dorlare,
end at present raounte a dozen la -ton
guns Of obsolete pattern. As it is lo be
let on short tenancy, the War Office can
reeover the use of it in case of miler-
geney, biit this is deemed a rethoto con-
tingency, as the Anglo-French. .entente
continues to execute good -fellowship,
entlaleiasm, and Mutually practical
Edith -"Did you sing for that Mr.
Boreleigh last night?" Ada -"Yes,
sang almost awhole hour for him,"
Edith.-"I'rn so glad to hear it! - I've
always had the greatest aversion to that
Or. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets. -
Medical 801030 by accident discovered the
notencY of the pineapple as a Panacea,
,for stomach troubles. The immense per-
cento.ge of vegetable pepsin 'contained in
the fruit Makes it an almost iudispens-
a.ble. remedy .in cases of dyspepsia and
indigestion. One tablet after each .raeal
will euro most chronic cases. 60 ni a box,
cents. ---32
A bank roll may be a roll of honor
-and then again it may not.
Under wear
k eeps you cern-
y as well as
airin,baieguae the
bort libms that
ear itk !I *re taken
out of Pert -
le wool.
In variety of falnica, styles wad fate.p
o all sizes for woinen, "oak a n
culdgo, s4 sumauteed by your ovm a:44
"Health and Vigor depend upon the
quality andquantity of the blood,'-.
Dr. Carson's Tonic
Stomach arid Constipation 1lttersj
A Purely Vegetable Tonle and Blood
Purifier. Price 50 cent* per %At!
12 you are`not able to obtain it in your
nolltay,z11,3311, we will soul to aay ad -
drain t't,vo bottles Upon receipt ef ONO'
DOLLAR.. (500. per bottle) carritigm
'Pmitatont FREE en applietstista,
The Cetreon Medicine Company
Wellingtoo St. West, - Toront4
-01,5Y1,1,,se ova+ve. vrAtarth.a
"I don't think bet any more
"Why not?"
"My wife gives me blazes if I lose and
confiscates the Toeeede if f win.
One of the greatest blessings to pa-
rents is Mother Graves' 'Worm Exters
ininator. It effectually expels worxris
and gives health in a marvellous man-
ner to the Little one.
So Light and Yet So Strong.,
room aturriintsm. Mai:leo-of bucket ate*.
Martufacturod ;and guaranteed by
The Canada .Cycla and Motor Co„ Limitedi Toronto. Junction
Pear Mother
Your little ones are a 'Constant Cara lit
Fall and Winter weather. :They will
catch told. Do you know about Sailoh's
Consu • • :on Cure, the Lung Tonic, and
-what it at done for so many? It is saki
to be the only reliable rem?4 for ail
aiseases of the air pasaages in children.
It is absolutely bannless and pleasant to
take, ltis guaranteed to cure ortyour money
returned. The price is 25e. per bottle, -
and all dealers in medieme sell 314.
j'his remedy should ben everY household:
The Top Notch In
The very LATEST AND BEST for Up4o-Dato Players;
NOTE the distribOtiono or weight by means of the Double Standards.
NOTE the, Combination Bracketed -Heel.
NOTelathe tinbreaka,bie Front Bracket.
NOTE the Shape, of Runner and Qnality of Steel used tbereit
• sures onkeen edge and increased speed or velodity, h,ence tb.e. flame
3E1 3ra
2 centWtODV,poSiage,briAgli(*atogie "0," whichcontairt4 emnpiete rules of the
gams of Hockey.. .
THE STARR Co * narerriotroi, N.'S., end
• 1) LIMITEn, 126 we1lingto4 Street Vf.. TOriliNT0i
Put them on with no tools but a
hammer andlinner's shears,—ean't
go wrong. Tfiey lock on all four
sides, are self -draining and water
shedding on any roof with three or
more inches pitch to the foot. Make
buildings fire-prooft weatherproof
and proof against lightning. Cost
least in the long run. Made of 28
gauge toughened sheet steel—onli
one quality Used and that thebest—
bent cold and double -galvanized.
Last longer with no painting than
any other metal shingles heavily -.
painted, Guaranteed in every Way
until 1942. Ought to last a century.
Cheap as 'wood shingles in first
lost; far cheaper in the long run.
"Oshawa " Galvanized Steel Shin-
gle$ cost only $4.50 a s qu a re,
10 :ft. x 10 ft Tell us the
area of any roof and hear our
ttempting- offer for covering it
w i th th e cheapest roof _you
can really' afford to buy. Le t
us send you ?RUE booklet
about this roofing question—tells
some thins you inay not kni:m
Oshawa Galvanized Steel
Shingles are GUARANTEED in
every way for Twentyavo Years
Ought to Last a entry