HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-12-20, Page 3 (2)Keeps your body
warm, yet let*
your akin breathe
—knit, not
--it fas,
does! EN- Against
ANGLE Sbnnhis
Jr ...reseal irmol.,E4t.
hole ev,r
Trade-markeiLa red, In
variety of etylee, fahriee an
prices, for women, men and
hildren, ii.i 4 vugranteed.
e'llealtli and ;Vigor depend upon the
,quality and quantity of the Wed."—
Dr. Carson's Ton k
eSteiniacli and Constipattoit alitterst
A Purely:Vegetable Tonic and Bloodi
'Purifier. 'Price 50 coilts ,per Bottiot
If you are not ablo to obtain. it iniYonv
ranghbwhood, we will send to any at1.
dross two bottles upon receipt of ONIii
DOLLAR (50c. par bottle) sarriace
Pamphlet emit Plat pn application.
'The Carson Medloino Company'
*7 'Wellington St. West, - Toronto!
44'or it Cares ftir Every Siete Chtlet
in Ontario whose loarants
Ctinnot-Afrord fo ray .
for Treatment.
Tho llospital for Siek Children, Colrego
.streett; Toronto, appeals to fathers aud
Inotelors of Ontario foie lands tie maintain
the thousand sick-
, children that it
nurses within its
walls every year.
The Hospital is
not a local inabitu
tion—bat krovin•
The siok
child from a ay
place 1» Ontario '
who eafft afrord to
pay. 444 the Aetna
peivilegcs as t.lte,
child living in Tor,
"IXAITT OritO'ItIld it+ treated
r.'tor•L• free.
The Hospital. had is year in its be&
and eots fi58. pattents-331 of these were
from 1431 14,10,ces outlide of Toronto. The
cost is
La7 Qtrs.
por pa,
day, and
V hi e r
Wore 138
sick lit-
tle one
a day n
the Hos-
foun, P/.0111Xilt roorr„s, atfor
d ati on
the Hospital hs,s ItrCated 1,120 ehildren.
About 8,500 of these wore 'unable to pay
andiwore treated froe. ,
IlL'worm •airrea
Tie6enel contributiona to J. 11.mq
Robot ton, Chairman or to Do ugIal David.
wi, Pec..Treaf3i, of Ate Ifospital for Sick
Chii [(iron, College Street, Torun to.
Your Money
cati pL1igql
den hinges
on the door
0 f h e
Ever -ye
•hod y'sclollai
may ho thc
e ti to
SEallittG vane:tee.« se, Somebody'
Your dollar may bo a door of hope t.
tsomehody's child, The Hospital pays out
dividends of he:xltli and happiness to suf.
fe:i: e childhood on
qvery dollar that is
paid by friends of
little children.,
If you knoW of
any, child in your
neighborhood Whe-
its atek or crippled
or has club feet
send the parent's
mune to the Iles. II" c1,1733 "C"
pi tal. n
Ste What, eon bealoneefor clitb-fooe obit.
don, Thdre tvere 30 Ilk° caeca last eat
and hundreds in 31 year,.
tee 41100SE A 1101epith (het. 'e! feeev eael f eery oeher TVer," OF -44 fliNle,
A Few TERN ti) Whe Are Thheti.
Mu of Ituaites a Wage
ItflDerne fe
eeereneeei neereeer oileeee.
aceeee Le Nem fee eneeneateen. The
tiqi1' of areecet 'tee net ef await. eareatierent
(13 CZU.1,,S,It,,i (34_,2,01
(plutov3. sneeen eeteretee thet
ia' 3ncw3
ertiy o keno veeh en eeetein. o
northern riepect enizeallity. AU depende
tpun the home ite eueroundinnen
and the eoli on 'wheel it elands,
It is. well known that hes blending
on 'damp God are wry unhealthy, as
clamp, houecre nat. °air give rise to 511C11
IiiS(1130S. as rheumatism and neuralgia,
but they render the occupants liable to
become a Key to conetimption. be best
oohs for building purposes are lite loose
sands and gravels, and the worst are the
different rocks, clayand limestonee.
However picturesque a house sur-
rounded and even overhung by trees
may appear to paesers-by, it is a fact
that such houses are, exceedingly liable
:to dampness. The trees shut eut, the
sun and prevent the free, circulation of
theear. Ivy-covered eottagee, Os.a rale,
are damp and unhealthy. The :same
thing applies to hoteees on banks of
riiers unless'they stand on the elope of
a hill. A great deal of vegetation round
a house is a sign of damp soil.
—4 ,
"Want a job on the mineaeli? Do you
know how to uee dynamite?" •
"Yes, sure. 1 was a practical anar-
chist for two years, until ze cheap Ger-
man, competition los me ze job. I have
blown up much of ze nobility of Earope."
Mother—Willie, did thetrocer tell you
these eggs were, fresh? lle—He didn't
soy, but he told rate te hurry hOme with
teem. •
Pjr WCi itJL
`1.1‘)(kil.`,4 Of
L iy Q1 eareee leeia
' PQ1.11t1T,::? i9y
Tier)! eeepeea-needleere-
ceiereen,ICI bffmllioCP Esj,11'211t3
lenteeteera rectheweel te oe eeeeehael
al' owe) ee pee r_Pilt. cif 'Ur Nyi.v,m,c11'2r,i
elenealea, teenneefe, aerie
tier Heart like a eoliutod
JaraesmSrigloY, Pelee Island, 'Ont.. says:
"X was for five year afflicted with dys-
pepsia, constipation, heart disease and
nervous prostration, °weed the heart
trouble with Dr. Agneves Cure for the
Ileart, ;Pad the other ailments vanished
like mist. Had reljef in half an hour
after this arst aoso."-27
lt Has RebentIY Been. the Scene of flor
rible Barbarities, .
If there i an unlucky spot in this old
globe of ours, it is surely Cuba.. in
most other places war is amore or lass
spasmodic evil; there it is. perenntaI,
Discovered in 1402 by Columbus, who
thought it "the most beautiful country
it had ever been his lot to loek upon,"
it quickly became the scene of merciless
raids by armed m
adventurers, by who
the original population was practically.
destroyed, -
. Leto,' on, the •buccaneers 'made war
upon the Spanish settlers,'and • very
nearly wiped them out of existence in
their turn, even the 'City oflia.varra itself
being storrnedc and taken by the arch -
pirate Morgan, whose savage follow,ers
conneitted atrocities unmentionable
upon the uniertunitte inhabitants.
• Next- earne rebellions of the slaves im-
ported from Mica, and thee were put
down with flre.and sword; or, rather, in
the ease of thb prisoners, with sword
and fire, for,these wretched beings were
invor1abl3r lopped and mutilated in the
'met horrible manner, before being
burned at the stake in the principal'
square of Havana.
Cruelty begets cruelty, however, and
-the memory of sucheunmeutionahle hor-
rors does not readily die, as the Span-
iards folio& to ,their cost later. 'flee
Creole insurrection, which began in
1850, was marked by almost as much
savagery as anything that had gone be-
fore; and as late as 1801; not only was
no quarter given ori either side, but
torture Of prisoners preparatory tet exe-
cution was regarded as quite a -matter
The Americans, when they intereeried,
stopped, or were supposed .to have
stopped, sueh savagery, as this; hue in
le071 when Guise was captured by the
ineurgents—mostly escaped., convicts—
under Calixto`Garcia, scores cif wounded
prisoners Were. deliberately .roasted to
death over seow eiree.
And WIS is the land they have.chris-
Celled "the Pearl of theeAntilles "I
At this FO4S011 chapped hands, chil-
blains, rough, rcd, ekin, and other ef-
fects of the cold are, very coalmen; and
Zam-letile the homely healer, is in great
Miss IC Browne of Markham, says:
"I certainly *think 17aM-13uk the finest.
balm in !he world. I used it for chap -o
.ped heelers, and it, made. them as aniooth
and 's,oft re; a. baby's hand. My uncle
ha; aleo tried it and found it wonderful"
Mrs. M. A. Doyle, of hWiekson MO.
nue, Torontp,esays: "My sail died 'Xaill-
fluk*Iir the firet place ter chapped hands
and eekheeires. Ile found it so good that
we' nowalwasee keep a supply in the
house, avid use ite ` for cuts, bruises,
burns, etc. . It Is. wonderful how soon
ease eomes alter Zam-Buk is appliedlo
a sore or injury!" ,
Not only for ehapped hands, cold -
serest chilblains, etc.,. hut for cnts, brui-
se, ulcers, running Leores., blood-pois-
ening, feetering wounds, absceeees,
pimplee and eittplfone.ete., 7.ain43uk is
eorea It eleo efli$03 Ilia pain and
snuireengeof Oleg, and stops the bleed-
ing. It es-PIw
elose old \voels and
sorewhich have defied all ether treat-
ment. Rubbed' well in over the parts af-
fected it mires rheinnetism, neuralgia,
eciallea; it eases tiglitreee and aching
cha-t 111 etiees of cattle and ebills.
scott tgruiriblinge--"Woinen take off
their hate at the' theatee, so why caul
they at church?'
Nfo)11,--•"1C111 man, 'do you want to
emply the clitireheo?"
Helklies1 as 4 natty.- SouthI Anv”.leatt
lwocUc ik
Cure rtrea the, riof
hot the
• iiment ard ttrikn3 it (Ili,' k. W.
Wright, 10 Danirl 'street, Lro Ont.,
for tativA yearo ,a5great oniercr 1)ora
rhoualatiorni. couldn't 1.varslt himpelf„ feed
biansolf or dream hiwelf. Attrr traiug six
bot." s lots able tr) 40 to ',Neal:, nail
tkink pain has Io2t 111.0 fora"-
inagie Healer can be obtoined
J1 : druegiete at retie. a box, ee poet
free 10 nt the. Zaet-puk'' ehaehoronlo,
upen receipt cfl‘pri3o. G boxes for
eetitire leeactleai, leepe:er, fa
Meek) for a Pecfce•sieeel. Men, Ineenee3
Men, TOTAiroV WP61 7.1flont? Seould
you ;jot own tenet a lerele? Look, Plea.
where for advertisement itt tbi5 paper.
"But 1 have talked Icatg,,enougli" eats]
the windy orator, looking at his watch.
"I'heep on!" shouted a, disgusted audi-
tor. "You'll say emendate after a
Dr. Leonhardt's Henn -Bold is an inter-
nal Remedy that entirely removes the
cause of Piles, and cures to stay cured
any eaee, no matter how long standing.
If you have Pile:a-tend Dr. Leonhar(tt's
Hem -Reid will not cure you, you get
your money back. .,
A thousand .dollar Guarantee goes
with every bottle. of Hem -Reid sold.
$1,00 All dealers, or The Wilson -
tyle Co., Limited', Niagara Falls, Ont.
A lady writes: "I eves enabled to re-
move the corns, •root and branch, by
the use of Holloway's Corn Cure.'
Others who have tried it have the same
011, who shall show the happy way
For man to live froxn day to day?
He works until hie- strength gives out,
Or elee he loafs' and gets the gout.
Yee, It is humiliating to have a skin covered
with foul eruptions. It is painful, too. Why not
end the trouble eald restore your skia to its nat-
ural fairness with Weaver's Coratot
"I understand your opponent isn't
very popular," said the: family friend,
.!`You bet he isn't," replied Hie can -
delete for office. "Why; that fellow
cnuide't even get a laudatory .,sentence
on Ins tombstone."
Whitneld, of Swan Lake, says:
"Elleans have done me 4 wonderful
amount of good. 1 can hardly describe
how bad. -I felt before I took them.. 1
could not eat but that it caused. pain.
There 'WEIS., a constant sensation of tight;
ness in my side, rind my, liver was en-
tirely out Of order. 0 I could not -sleep
at nights, .suffered also from kidney
trouble, and was" altogether, rundown:
been ailieg in ibis. wey for years;
and it is gratifying to find that Elleans
were equal to my ease.'''
lelleans have be'en called "a, woman's
ineclifte", because of their ;exceptional
fitness for the varieus aihnents puller
to the sex, as well as for liver diaord-
ere •and stomath ailments •gerierally.
Unlike rnost liver and stomach •rad -
cines, Bilearis eeriteelle no bismuth,, mer-
cury or any mineral whatever. They
are purely vegetable.
Bilcans are absolutely unequalled for
female ailmerits and irretr''ularities, con-
elipation, piles, anaemia,debility, rheu-
riettism, blood impurities, etc, They
tone up -the system and •enable it to
theow off colds end chiles, strengthen
gikls just emerging into womanhood,
and speedily restore energy hnd
strength to illoge who are rundown.
Of all deuggiets 50e. a box', cr
Post free from • the Bilean Co.'Toronto,
on receipt "of price. 6 boxes. for $2.50.
• '
What Great Britain Needs is an Armeto
Speaking a short time ago in London,
England, before the City Liberal Club,
Major Seley, M. P., laid down the pro-
position tliat recluctiOns in the regular
infantry of the line, whether popular or
uapopular, are absolutely -essential. The
progrese of .divilization and the special -
teatime of industry have made it more
and More difIlbult for any man to and
employment who has,not lear".nt a trade,
with the result thee an appalling pre-
portiou of,the vagrants and inmates of
workhouses are ex-arrny men. .About
half' of the vagrants in Irelandon the
authority of a Royal lCoxnrnission, are
ex-soldiere, more!tlatri tt thousand, ex-
clusive of militiatnen, haviog been ad -
Milted to the workhouses last "jannary.
When -one reflects on the nature of
thn special danger to health, apart front
the difficulty of learning a trade, which
natiet beset the foreign service soldier,
it is neither More nor leas than a scan-
dal that, provision should not be made
for him. To set things right will cost
meney, end as in the near future more
money met be, spent on eoch man, sit
le necessary no lees for the welfare Of
the soldier than for the well-being of the
empire that there shouted Le a reduction
el elle line. 'Still .another reason for
thie is that attention must be eentred
more noon those pines of the army
Whit% it 'takes longest to reeke, notably
artilery and cavalry, end these aro far
mere costly than the infantry arm.
The. Major had no hesitation in say-
ing that the true path to pureue was
to aim at creating gradually by "building
up out of existing materials a national
army, complete in all arms, on the vol-
untary )(dimple, niel on a home defence
bis -on army of men who remained
eiviliane and engaged in,eivilian. par -
emits, while etili finding time to ,Itearri
oreaniee to &fold their couidry's
There Should be two armies,
enly two, a foreign service
artily and GL aI1W2d people.
Cid-thee eketeit feeriertiir Used lel
Matieliester Scheele,
leo few Zric; leaereeet ea re.
yanive feeeteriel neeteet tea eeiene
aeleceeeye lerneree ere, Etteer,tre
feeder a. reonatien of eneeeetee-
e relueeh':en OW11CO v11 (nee,
leto fseee tCl7 Qui hr15
tee enhjeet oe remelt (ri rn uyheed-
rne (11 pby ck7 I. 21-'7')73. (IF:.
peeeeleted to infect eerpeneR peehehereehz
icn ivenetery tee -gnat -ye end the lawere
hoe beea eileetitatc(,1 foe the eene-
The elteeettester. variety Se a tehele-
tongued Write of fairly hard leathele cw
really 'coke a inore formidable WA)ailiiin
fi'Orn the boys" point of view titan the
(Ii•eaded cane whieh it has CilArOrricqle.d.
Many of the headmasters aleo regard
the new norreetoe with a certain amount
of diffidence. They are under the im-
pression thill there is more risk of hurt-
ing a boy seriouely with it than there
IS With the cane.
Plan Of the 'Peelle Coast -Secittilles
Company Absolutely Safe.
The old idea of "nothing nOW under
Ilio sun" is completely put to flight by
the Pacific Coast Securities Company of
Portland, Oregon, in handling the .5 toCk
of the Sea Island Copper Company,
This Company, whose officers are
business men 01, many years' experience
have perfected a plan whereby' the in-
vestor's nioney is under his own con-
trol and he does rot take the stock un-
til earnings and accrued dividends are
satisfaetOry. A. new booklet, "Some.
thing to Set Yon Thinking," has just
been issued for free distribution, and
it is valuable to anyone contemplating
investment in corporate enterprises.
Ifee—"Their marriage was a complete
surprise, wasn't
She—"Not to those of us who knew
the bride," '
Aa tho 011 Rubs ierth.e Pain Rubs Out.
Applied to the seat of a pain iri any
part of the body the shin absorbs the
soothing liniment under brisk friction
and the patient obtains almost instant
relief. The results of the use of Dr.
Thomas' Ecleetrie 011 have • surprised
many who were unacquainted with its
qualities, end once known it will not re
rejected.. Try it.
She—Clarence, just think of ill Five
weelcs from .treelay, and we shallbe
married. lie—Well, let's be haPpy while
we„may I *
O ITC% Viantre. rrrairio Seratehtea and
every forra of contagious Itch on human
or animals cured in 50 roinuten by We!,
ford's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails.
At the time of his marriage a 'man
tIdulcs he is getting it better half, but
later on he may •di$COVer that he has
a counterfeit on his hands.
'A Veteran's Story..—George LeWis, of
Shamokin, Pa., writes: *I' an eighty
years of are. I have been troubled with
Catarrh for fifty -tears, and in my time
have used a grettt many catarrh 011reS,
but never had any relief until I need Dr.
AgnONe5 Catarrhal Powder. One . box
cured me ,00mpletely." 60 cents. --25
"I am very sorry to hear, Captain
Salter, that your wife left you so un-
cerernoniouely." "My mistake, sir. r
teok her-, for a mate and she proved to
be a skipper."
The Demon, Dyspepsia. — In olden
times it was a popular belief that• de-
mons moved invisibly thkough the am-
bient air, ecekingflp enter into men and
trouble them. At the present day the
demon, desnepsia, is at large in the
same way, seeking habitation in those
who by careless or ittl \VISO living invite
him. And 'once he enters a man it is
difficnit to dislodge him. Ile that finds
himself so possessed should /know that
vallant.friend to do battle for him with
the unseen foe is Parmelee's Vegetable
Pills,..which are ever ready for thtrlal. -Oe
A fool and his money are .soon 'part-
ed—and a 'wise man soon dies rind his
heirs .take what the lawyers leave. So
take your choice.
Imitations A:bound, hub -insist upon getting
• the genuine, "The D it IP Menthol Piaster. It
bas stood the test of years. ,It Cures o.ohes and
pains quicker than any plaster. '
The darkest hour is rust When your
chickens are disappearing.
Worms derange the whole system,
Mother Graves' %erne Exterminator, de-
rangea worms and givestrest to the Suf-
ferer. et, only costs 25 „cents to try it
and be convinced. '
Mrs. I lo mer—"I ea n' t un d ere tan d why
filet woman who just moved next door
spends so much time with her pet dog."
Mr. Homer—"Olif then you. haven't
seeft her husband."
",•"en, -.eve. • -i-e.
Your Doctor
Can cure your Cough or Colds
rio queotion about that, but—
why go to all the trouble and
inconvenience of looking him up,
and then of having hispreaeription
filled, when you Call step into eny
drug store in Canada and obtain
a bottle of SETILOR'S cunx
for a quarter.
Why pay two VS five dollara
when a twenty.five cent
bottle of STIX11,01-I will cure yon
as quickly?
Why not do as hundreds of
thoueands Canadiane liavo
done for the past thirty-four
years: let SHILOH be your doe -
tor whenever a Cough or Cold
'Lon Will elite you, and all
aruggisto back tip this statement
with a positive guarantee.
The next tirno you have- *
Cough or Cold cure it with
The bighoot saailiteisillumotalledge inflict wield bali Wood
Thousands ofsuiferers have be4a iporinesently awed by Ms wowlor.
rut rerile3y i.nd th4uktally write ta teii sao. Keep it in the hesose inul ir)e it for
Coldw, Congisn, Croup, Whooping Cough, A-41tinna and ail 211iront
and Lung troublies.
"four druggist not only keeps it but recomanendis it,
You don't require to bo an expert to tell the difference between trio
Genuine Acme
and the.imitation. The genuine has the word "Acme"—our registereil trade
mark—staMped on the runner. Beware of immitations-
5111E 81E11 MIll, UMW DMIMOOIR 11 121 rErgeogt)1; te
Tea °FPO'?
A postai card brings our Catalogue "0," which contains complete rules of
the game of Hockey.
n Lightnos, Ourabilty, Spoid and the
Noateilt on. Ice.
CANADA CYCLE 4 MOTOR CO., Limited, Toronto Junction,' Ont.
Boy sale by prominent 1,fardware Dealers.
"He' is perfectly lovely—so different
from any man I ever met."
"He must have proposed to you.
Suddenetransition from a hot to it cold
temperature, exposure to mite sitting in
a draught, unseasonable eubstitution of
light for .heavy clothing, are fruitful
eaus-cs of colds and the resultant cough
so perilous to persons of weak lungs,
Among the many medicines for bron-
chial disorders so arising .there is none
better than Biekle's Anti-Censumptive
Syrup. Try It and become convineed,
Price 25 -cents.
"Did you' bring your references with
"No, mum. -Did you?"
No real need to buy the more expensivei
oils if GOOD BURNER is used ,
and KEPT CLEAN. .7.
If you want a BIG LIGHZ—TiinEtt
rottn GAS JZI'S
X.artrp ' •
For Salo hY Dealers
Under the tierVe Lash. ---The torture and
torment of the victim of nervous proStra,
tion and nervotas debilitY no ono can
rightly estimate who has not been, under
the ruthless lash of these relentless hu-
man foes. M. Williams, ef Fordwich,
Ont., was for four yeara, a nervous wreck.
Six bottles of South American Nervine
worked a miracle, and his dOetor con-
firmed it. -2.8
When your neighbor begins to boast
..of his honesty it's up to • *you to get
busy and put an extra bolt on your
back door. •
• The' heat of the Trapte6 fades ro'y ebeelts.
it takes away the energy. "Verrovun" is the
best bonier to brace you up. Xtr 8tilEtula,t0/ the
system. It makes the weak strong. It is pleas.
ant to take. All druggists soLl it. '
8very woman L; firmlyconvinced
that she earns the money every tirrie
she purche@cs a dollar article for 98
A Magic P111. --Dyspepsia is a foe with
which nem are constantly grappling, -
but cannot .eeterminatee Subdued, 'land
to ell appearances' vanquished in one
11 makes its appearance in another. di-
rection. Irt inariy the digestive appara-
tus is as delicate as the,inechanism of
a watch or seieniiiic instrument in
whieheven a breath of air will , make
o varjetion. With such persons disord-
ers of the stomach ensue from the most
trivial causes and cause mueli suffer-
ing. , To these Parmelee's ' 'Vegetable
Pills ere recoirtmended as mild and
Once in a ghat while a. woman gels
so angry at her husband that she even
,refuses to talk back.
Less of Pissli, coulli, and pain en the cliou
May not moan eonsurription, but 'a:4:i had signs.
Allea's Lung Dalsarat lonsoiri and heals the
cough: Nat 0, grain of opimA in it.
A walking, portrait galleryhas leen
arrested in Tunis, where he had loine
been wanted „ as a deserter feom the
French army. The, name of the huinao
pieture show is Saralee On entering the
police -station he removed 'all hie cloth-
ing, and aid, "Observe' my skin. Yeti
;Stiehl'', have it; it 19 worth its weight in
gold." On his chest were tatteolel two
pictures aif ladies, la coloe, blowing
kisses toa cavalier. On ids right cede
Seethe has the portraits of President
Loubet and the Shah of Persia shaking
hands. On his left elite, ere Aline. Yvette
Guilbert and Mayol, the inuele-hall
eingne. Sarni* back Is treated in puere
ly deeorative style, rather after the, man-
!ner of Boucher. Poky cupids ape re -
presented hi garlende of roeebuds,iand a
Ser011 Of flowers rens up and elowa
Oartho'e epine. ,
le S*.h.* le•r t
It net only a2113V7011 your questions
In Spelling, Pronttnoiaf,ion,
New Words, Etc., but also answers ones.
Lions hi Geography, Biography, r ietien,
Foreign Watd8 and ?brazes, the Trade*,
Arta and Beienees. 6000 mustretione.
ea80 Pages. A. necessity in eversr
tured haute. ft is thol3est christnam girt.
cir our AbridignenW. nogulor ma 'thin 4/14,4
edtiiions,r0r,310 st
()Lao. fsttXA CO., Springfield, Masa.,
He was an impeounious, eeedy, ont-
at-the:elbows pereen, and 'the doctor
when he prescribed for Juni, knew Kee
ter than to expect a fete.
"For Lite inclenied ,eyee," said h•me-
(Veleta "diseolve ne much Ler-
aria wee as you can put on a ten -cent
pi co le half a glees of water." „
"Titenk you,doctor," murmured the
patient, turning away. A moment later,
however, the ales,. door was opened
and the patient sidled in. .
*saw, dee," said he, exalt an ingrati-
"where do I get the tens
emit 'alto.