Exeter Advocate, 1906-12-13, Page 4 (2)th (f tr.lo Q'annty tioiit).,.c„.:Ti the r,,..,g,a1,1.:47, The y,-)at,,,-.Lzwo cinDa, w- utyici is the woira hat 61032,4 iii -Des onv Qclovt hoe eilai,-csvilio.3d1 t-acqiday Everytbit)g tp,E,t1,.9134y .szaah as Ebony 'lair, Cloth andMUty 33ruslics, Mirrors, Toilet and, Manicure Sets, Zito. XMAS. perfumes from the leading perfumers as well as high class ineporteti goods in beautiful boices. The Vinest SItio Aurrisiere at Popular ricc Xne*Oct them. PRESEN should be selected'at once, while our etock is unbroken. Many sundries in Zodtaks, Pine Stationery, Perfumed, Soaps, Sachet, Eto., Etc. Everything at astoiaishing few prices COLE'S Dittia. STO exam abuttrate, TE3110 or stn3soeueetoei. . , One Dolia.r per annum it- paid. in advance. $1.56 it not so .pald. Sanders 6; Creech, •Props. TRIIRSD.A.X„ Dec. -13; '06 NOTE AND COMMEIY TS We have already stated that the con- test for. the Reeveship in Stephen would likely be between the two .old time rivals, Messrs, H. Willett and S. Sweitzer. That seems to he a certain- ty now For the deputy:reeve's chair Mr. Wm. Anderson will in all proba- bility be a candidate and it is possible he may be elected by acclamation, al- though it is said that Mr. Webb may also be 4 candidate. Besides the names of the old councillors we hear that of W. D. Sanders mentioned quite fre- quently, but he has not yet decided as to whether he will be in the field. * * NIAGARA POWER. In looking over the list of cities, towns and villages *making apPlicaticon to the Ontario Government for Niaga- ra power, We fail to notice Exeter among the number. The power will aeon be open for distribution to the various municipalities and those plac- es wishing to' participate in its use should not delay in making the neces- miry plipation.- Is it not time there- foreet at our Reeve and Council take itnnaetliate action in this matter of se- corlog cheep power for the various Martufacturies here? NOW is the gol- den opportunity, and to seize it would he a step in the tight direction, * Huron County Council concluded their sittings at Goderich on Friday lea. Two points, are wellworth spec- ial commeu.. The council leaves to their successor about $3400 in trust from inmates of thecHouse of Refuge. Thisis the result of Warden Hugh Spackmants investigation of financial ,condition of the inmates, his bringing the matter before the council, and eub- seqnently, by the aid of Henry Silber the worthy representative for South Huron, an net was passed in the Legis- lature lase year requiring inmates to Ray for their_ keep where poseible. For his servicea in this connection the warden Vv'ilS given a grant of $50 as eel appreciation. Had this matter been taken up at the' time the House WAS first built Spackman thinks "'the -county would have behtt $15,000 ahead. Regarding Continuation Class work in the schools of which there are three in the twit nty, Exeter being one, it was decided to give an inereased county grant. The govern m en t requires that the county supplentent the govern - went grant wine!), was 8300, and in 1005 and 1000 a special grant of $150 was made. In 1001 the county doubled their grant, giving $600. In .1005 they supplemented the regular and special grant, giving 8450.. And this year, Ayer's Cherry , Pectoral cer. Willy cures coughs, colds, bronchitis,. consumption, And it certainly strengthens weak throats and weak lungs. There con be no mistake about this. You know it istrue. And your own doctor will say so. ThAbet kinet teattittentml- “sem for over tette, yeere.” litadolrfst.2grke Osigran, *am $ SAIIMAVAINI.UA, yen me eaersiet 112=1141. rrt sit ear 2r.:3 higher cieeetii ee being c:atTica than if lligh s-v(n'e the so poitns. * * Of the 1,ciii4Councti in Exeter it now seems probabie that three. of the tiee will be in the field for te.electioe, Reeve liebier, Councillors Fiske atul Beaman. The othere, Couneillore creech and Treble, havesignified their ietention tttquits the former because he doe e not desire office lougerand the latter owing to it interfering with the betel practices. Others who Neve been approached and who Mew stand for councillmen are Mr. J. J. Knight and Mr. Jos. Davis; while Mr. John Muir who is in Scotland's spoken of as a candidate. For the reeveship t host of rtames are being Mentioned but none very (seriouely except a certain "dark horse that eeetns to be favorably mentioned as the opponent of the pre- sent reeve. Betthen it is early yet, and when the timeeotnes the field will likely be overflowing. Can anyone tell what is the matter with the Times? The paper or some" body connected therewith bee1:12$ to have the jinellines or some other ail- ment just as uncomfortable.. It seems to have forgotten that good taste de- mands that the dead at least should be left undisturbed. iLest week they brought up the matter of the late, Chas. dismissal frotre the Clerk. ship of the Diiisiort.Pourt.There*. ence was eetirely uncalled for and we refer to it only in passing. We will not discuss the merits or demerits of the dismissal. Suffice to say that when R. N. Creech's time conies to give up the office it will bedotte by him wheth- er for personal or political reasons with something like a sigh of relief instead of one of regret, The appOintnient came his way and he did net run away from it; and certainly it will never make anyone rich enough to retire oh the money earned. Then they refer to the appointment, going to the editor of a partizan news. paper. This we will also dismiss with only 4 'few words. The Advocate stands on its recent. We never yet said anything politically wbat ie sane men might say weshould have left un- said. While being norminally Con- servative we have always referredto both parties end candidates with the greatest respect, said good things. of both parties, their platforms and their legislation; and we intend continuing that course, when we touch polities at all. We claim that the proviace of the country- weekly is the dissemination of useful and interesting bits of news the publishing of useful informatioi. and the furtherance of the business interests of the district in which it is peteishEd. This we have ttied to do to the best of our ability and we be- lieve to the satisfaction of our patrons and subscribers. • „ ' There comes a time, 'to be sure, when elections are on, that - every *lector must decide whom he is going to sup- port. We have done so openly and atiove board, quietly and decently, and we have been given credit for the moderation of all our statements, just as We give every man eredit for bay- ing his own opinion and not being afraid. to express it. This course we intend to pursue. Why people of dif- ferent party allegiance should be, al. wayeat each other's throats we fail to understand, ' We bare never had any •family quarrels over politics and we don't intend to allow ourselves to he drawet into any political controversy over the clerkship with the joint stock company across the road styling them- selves independent but having a dir- ectorate and list of stock -bidders of most pronounced Liberal tendency. AliderriCti Mae. Ari".:r,m St( ietcnacll l'ot-aiig 4. with M':;-,itewav, wn6a ha, laikt for thL, Inst fo,s,' days with 9 ulney. tr able to get a84mincl Tagear peeached morning and evening the, anniverialty on Sunday, On Monday evening he lectured on «rh Fellow who gets there." Tir(Ochiiir was taken by Rev. J. 'Wale and miteic was fare - abed by the choir. Ali enjoyed them - *elves thi iroughly. NeatIlivray ° DraMi-Artother old poineer, in the pereon of Mr. Jacob R. Smith has been reinovea from Mir midst. mr. Smith, whit hits been ill for some these, passed away at his old home on the Ith con., on Thursday at the age of 73 years. Interment took place on Saturday to Wests cemetery. Miss Lena Brown having completed the tettllinely season at W.Trevethick'a returnei to her home in Ansa, Craig last weeke-Mre, John Lewis is recov. ing feted her lateillnesa-Mr. Watson is recovering from the effects of his ,recent eecittente While • working at Jim Alexander's barn he fell to the Wound, sustaining a. sprained ankle 'ami was otherwise shaken up. --Edgar Darling has purchased the' Hardy farm.-0aleb Dower has been away attending the funeral of hie mother in Michigan. --Miss Louise Wet has gone to Gravenhurst to spend the winter.- Niniart Grieve is recovering from his illness. -Miss Annie Sellars of Morar has returned from an eighteen montha trip to Manitoba. -Miss Jennie Mawe son of Moray has gone to Parkhill to reside. --There is nothing definite yet as tb who will be in the field, forlteeve, Depoty Reeve and councillors for next year but tumor has it that Mr. Jno. Robinson will bo Reeve while the depety-Reeveship will be between emote Wm. Mawtion and W. T. Ulen's and for councillors we uoleretand Wm, Poore will again be in the field while the names of T. Pearson, jos. Morgan and Writer Murdie are also mentioned. EhlVa Mrs, Jas. O'Roulte. of London, has been here for sometime owing to the illness and SUbSQC10/It Cle4011 of her sis- ter. -Mr. John Itatz,-• hese a valueble horse last week, it having broke its leg in the bush. -Mr. John Baez visit- ed in Berlin last week -Mrs. Yager, of Exeter. and Mrs. Alex. Yager of Swift Current, Sask.,-Yisited at Mr. B. Ounuingham's last week. -The death of Miss Maggie Barry, daughter of the late Florence Barry, took place on Dec. 5th after about five -melte illness. She was aged 21 'years. The funeral ' took place to Mt. Carmel on Thursday. Shipka A very •enelit-eble time was spent; re- cently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Swettzer when those present enjoyed &supper of Party Sound veni- son. -Mr. Harry Wing visited in Bator burg recently for a day or two. -The M. E. Church , here' will hold their Xmas tree on the 21st of this month. A good time is expected. --Miss. lode Flanagan spent part, of last week • at the home of Fred. Gaiser.-Miss Bertha Itinkbisiner, formerly of this place, is 111 at the London Hospital. We wish for her a speedy recovery. -Ezra Bren- ner, hotel keeper, has returned from Sarroia, where he was attending the shooting match. Ezra is a crack shot. Sinee good eleighit4 has set in bugi. nese has tocreased and made our burg lively. -Chris. Baumgatten. traveller, for the Bee Hive Soap Co., experienced It rtinaevey accident the other day. Be had got out of hi g cut- ter to recover his hat when the bosse 'etarted off on the dead rim. No dam- age was dosie.---"Wm. Wein of Credi- ton has accepted aeposition in the flex mill here.-Rieh. Patton spent a few days hist week in the vicinity of Mt. Carniel.-Mies Flora McEaehan came home from Detroit Saturday to "Tend, the Mesas, holidays. -Miss Julie Me. son of Parkhill 'spent Sunday in thief Ittcleachan returned twine from London liospitalSaturday. Sortie time ago he hurt hie head on the G. T. Mat, Hentilton whieh •neceesita ted his undergoing iin operation.-Thte M, IL ehurola intend holding, their Xmas. tree on Dec, 10, instead of Dec. 21. DReeett-We are sorry' to report the death on Monday of laet 'week eif one of our oldest residents in the person of Micheel 1Ceough Who passed Away at the age of 10 years: Oue sincere eym. totally is extended to the relativeo and friends. , iritteittWOOd Mestere. Wee: end Clem Willert re- rued/root the West last week where thev have been foe the past two years. Mist; Effie Willett who broke her ete a few weeks ago is improving but very slowly. -Rev. Belt will ()croupy Ii- pulpit in the Lutheran chureit Sun. day- eext.-Mr. Fred Preeter and moth. e. left Toseetlaye merning to fattend the funeral of the latter's brother i Illionwonti. -Mr. John Iloffinviit is in Vat khill t $ king eherge of a furniture Nt01(3 aut.l intend"; moving there elite tly.--Mr. Henry Hoffsneti who hes boon muttering tram sn stttsek f y - 1b1 i4t. we ere pleated to note, .,,t kg. Bleneberd: Philip Hyslop. B. was serkmoily *Nikon top we other day r with ' by his hone running *well and throw - thus hs*te lig him to the ground. n reeeverie flensall Mrs. Li -line Scott, of Exeter, visited at her home here recently. -1". Stelk has placed a beautiful Newcombe pi- ano in his home.-eWitt. Shepherd has accepted a position at the foundry, - Garnet Smallacombe and W.kloggarth are attending the Winter Pair at Guelph this week. -Mr. and 'Mrs. La- ker spent Sunday at Blake. -Rev. Thompson of Essex Co. will PoeuttY the Methodist poiP it on Sunda even- ing in the interest of local option. Be will also speak Monday night. -Wm. Blair,a former resident of this vicini- t but wleo'has been residing in the est for a number of years, posed away a few days ago from the effects of typhoid fever. The remains were brought here Monday and on Tuesday afternoon interment took place to Kippen cemetery. -The Oeldfellows held an oyster supper in their hall on Friday night. -Mr. Pfeffer of Berlin is the new clerk at the Sovereig. a Bank. -Miss Mattie Ellis entertained a number of friends the other evening, in honor of her friend, Miss Wilson. The company enjoyed an excellent sleigh ride, after which ail repaired to the fortneett home where oysters. tine other choice delicacies were served. A good time is reported by all.-Therinle was well patronized Saturdayevening, it being the first skating of theiseason. -Mrs. Chita Manna and four children arrived Friday front Manitoba and will spend some time here.--Withett Bengough has returned from the West. We are enjoying good sleighing nt present and business is booming. -.Dan Stewart has returned to London af- ter a week's visithere.-Mr. and Mre. Oestreicher of Dashwood spent a, few days here during the week. -Mrs. Ellie 8pent Monday in Goderieln-Rev. Mr. Salvers, of Orucefield called on Bengali friends recently. -Mr. and Mrs. Loo. gen veil pleasantly entertained a few friends Tuesday evening. -Dr. and Mrs. Gemmel of Stratford, well known here, mourn the loss of their 4 -months old 13On* who died on Thursday. McKillop: Thos. Beattie, has pur- chased a half interest in the livery businesaof Mr. Cs,rbert. itt Seeforth. is only one of a Auentrat different sitturs an1 sizeg our Briar 1 turneti out in. Tee perfect quality of the Briar arta the 44111,1'1th which flier ors movie, einat1fie8 themes tee Best Shilling Pipe' in .!he World, 01 IC WILL NOT ittlitN. eliee Wier, 140T MACK tvori Yips; Guatallited. • IN :MAIM r3R 25c Just retuember tittret ant to siShiekt Wand" r Colts Drug Store, Sole Agony 1111P.-- 01-4"1011:" - " Art Inviting Prospect Nothing better fo r you-notho Ing more inviting t h a, n meaI of Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas Moortey's Biscuits are an evenly bala.nced, wholesome, mud:sling *food,'equalfr good for young and old. Made from Canada's finest wheat flour, rich cream and, pure butter. 'Baked by the Mooney baker in the Mooney way. Say Mooney's 'to your Ewer. School Reports The following is the report of S. S, No.3,Stepherefor the mooth of Novem- ber, based on regularity, good deport - Meat and general prpliciertoy. Names id order of tneritee-IV.--0 Ford, G Deering, 11 Triebner, P Hempen, H Parsons. Sr. Sanders, E Triebner, F Triebner, W Shapton, S Willis, A Willis, E Parsons, P Deering, E Shepton F Preszeator, Hicks. •41r, III. -J "Willis, 0 Parsons, E Box, A 'Willis, 0 Preszcator, • Penhale, 4, Welsh. Jr. 11. -It Parsons, M Willis, 0 Triebner, G Stanlake. Part II -0 Beaman, L. Sanders. Part' 1.-4 Dearing,, Parsons, VPreszeator, T Willis, L Sanders, V Box, V Welsh. ,Chas. Tebbu tte Teach er. .The following is a report of the stand- ing of the pupils in S.S.No.4, Stephen, for November: Sr. IV. -G Kestle,k, Morloek, N Amy, E Kestie, M ICeetle, W Preszcator, M Eilber, /Mein, Jr. IV. --L Mot -lock, EUScliviarz, E Wein, A Broltenshire, L Schroeder, H Kraft, 0 Tallier, A Cornish, B Smith, 0 Cote rash. Sr. III. -M Coxworth,WSchwarz 0 Bt own, M Klempp„ E Schroeder, M Brokenshire. Jr. III -0 Brown, 0 Cor- nish, L Kestle Sr. IL -E Roeezler40 Wein, I Eilber.E. Amy, L Smith, Jr. 11 -0 Aforlock, J 13rokenshiee, E Wein, Jos Schwarz, E Cornish, M Ooxworth, Pt. L--0 Cornish. Noon roll 42, Avverage 37.-0. W. Lawson, Teacher. Stephen Connell, Stephen council Met on Dec. 3rd, in Town Hall, Crediton, at 1 pan. ',All members present. Minutes of previous meeting read and adopted. The Clerk read the Engineer's retort re inspec- tion of Mud Creek Drain, as well as a communication from Thos. G. Ciark, re outlet into Mud Creek, which wits ordered to be filed. The Ole& was in- structed to send the Council'of „McGil- livray tp. an account fur one half ex- penseon Carroll Award- Drain. The following orders were paid: -W &A- lias, gravel, $60.2e; T Dieterich, do., $11.34; A Campbell. do., $1.75: J Mitch- ell. do.. $138.75; H Carruthers, do., $29.44; Dittney Bros., do., 200., W MIL do., 50c.; 11 F .Eilber, removing Alex. Caves to asylum, $0.65; Drs. McCue McLaughlin; examination re Caves $12,20; Municipal World, blanks, $2.50; D W Wilson, rep bridge, $245; R Poi la*teit doe $250; W Nichols, de., 5150; Love, do., $5; J Green, ,do., $1; R Webb and others, do.'$12.50;Ecl. Gill, work on bridge, $5; PShenk, concrete tile, $2; D Westtnan, do., $545.75. Do. putting in concrete tile; $18; 0 iffolf: thawing plank, 50c. E Lawson, ebb. crete culvert, $11; Vir D Sanders, do., 85; R Hill, rep. culvert, 50c.; F Clark, do.. $5; G Orange, do., $L50; JG Wein, do.. $3.50; J Baird, do., 75c; S Webb, do., $1; P McKenzie, do., $3; j Madden error in dog tax, $1; O. Itienzle, ditch- ing, $27.75; A ,Dettring, do., $5; S J llogarth, rep. culvert and tile, $7.55; J Keys, tile, 82.85; J Lynch, do., 81c.; 0 Stephen, two culvert, $7; R Baud. ford, gravel on station street, 88.65; .1 It Goetz, gravel account and contract. 010; j Lawson, burying dog, 75c.; ID Lawson, rep. Saable bridge, 75e..'J Kestle, rep, culvert and plank, 84; Allister, cement culvert, $4,50; V. Mc-. Keever, -gravel contract and. gravel, Sall...$10.45; A Warner, tile, $1,20; W 11 Gamer and others, gravel on 0.44. Block 4, $172.50; A Bodging, rep pick, 25e., S Brown, 'supplies 82.37; FSharp. ,clitch award. $0; 11 Hawker, statute la. bole 86; F Eilber, cone on 0 toad, 810; Eilber, assistitig Engineer, re Mud Oreek, 81475: Crediton Pollee Village, grant. 884 Dashwood Police Village, do., 835; j Sherritt, drainage award, $30.00. The Council adjourned to meet again in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Saturday, Dec. 15, at 1 p.m; H. Either, Clerk. 1111111111011111.0 The ideal Bev ASK FOR 4 11 er-ge 9P (LONDON) A PAF,I, Ate, vwaiAe,ifl ;f the victuc$ cr. tu:ilt and bops, aid itt tion, is the ideal beverage. Now when chemists aonounce its purity, and judges its merit, oue need loolce,no further. Winter Term Opens, Jan. 2 CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. This School is recomdzed to be OM of the !coding Connnercial Schools in America. Our graduates are in demand as Business College' teachers. The most recent application we reee1y0 fora teacher offered $1400 per arum% We believe we are running One of the most prngreasive and up.to.date 'Wiliam train. Ing Schools in the Province. The demand Awe* Wi ' for °Mae help ie several times the supply. write for free catalogue. e ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN, Principals. Virr.A.REHOUSES EXETER CENTRALIA AND, CLANDEBOYE Highest Price paid for Grain Itil014. SELDOM ($uce,...r, to Joseph, cohbledick) XOTopp:N$.. (Incorporated br Mt Of Perliaraent 1855) Head °Mee, IVIontreal. Capital, Paid. trp• $3,000,000 neserved, rimil•••• • • .$3,000,000 FORTY-EIGHT BRANOHES IN THE DOMINION Or CANADA - EXETER BRANCH orovE HOURS 10 a m. to8 p. tu„ sArrunnsits, 10 a. In, toj p m, ' A. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. tArnler s Sale Notes cashed or collected, ,Fereas supplied on application: DRAFTS on all points'in elle Dominion, Great liritalit and United States boughtand sold at lowest rates of Exchange. - ADVANCES macleto Varroers,.Stock Dealerd Iota Business 'Men at lowest rateteand oh most favoteible terms. DEPOSIT Reoeipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed Saving Bank Department") pounded half -yearly and ridded to prinelpa/ June 80th posits af $1. and upwirds received. 'Interest core- , • and December ' • Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Gterertiment. • . • . •• DiortsoN & Cenetette Solicitors. II. D. Irt/R1561‘1", Manager, • The heetbtrintI•100,entdotle titF;iday night last yaetatrh. 'V.II°blen•er'i°0f;17wr'ass6ienoi opPere:autsio9rin when they Wound tap the business for, for thirty.weeks and. IC WAS satis- factca y'that not a singleot?jection ve4s raised. Mr. Rivers of the Thames Road wa8 manager and gave such sat- isfaction that he has been offered the Management for next year. The old officers wet*, re-elected, with John Moir, President; and Henry Strang, 'Secretary. -Nr. Bert Reddy arrived home on Wednesday eveningfrom the Wept. Mr. Windfleld ef Meridiem no. cothpaniecl him home and they leave this week for Detroit to spend the vvinter. They intend 1•Ptill'ilitig to the west- in the spring, --41r, Henry Hor- ton, who has-been laid up, with ,rheu- th.n., i again able to be Many VVorners..have- 'Kidney Trouble and -don't know it; They at-) on the tumors of female weak,- tress and the serious troubles often atteudiug ,pregnaticy. trihrrte their ill -health to weak- ness." Dragging pains in the hips, backache, uerveusness, Th - 'often caused by sick kidneys. Ro6s.Taylo.to tiredness, ;Ltd headaclees-are more , set All Ttinds a Timber For which9 wil pay hest Cash Prices Call and see us before cuttings the lop for lengths and price. If your kidneys, exe not 'welt Exete. r Ont the .other -delicate organs• are 1 • disturbed and inflamed, btingiug THE GENTLE KIDNEY 'PILL • curet ilicee cases of 4' Petnale Weakness" because they ettre the Kicliteys, • They promptly restore - the Kidneys to health, allay inflanunation, take away the paine, and =Ott the dehe , tate organs well and strong. At druggists. or direct ein reettpt of price, soe. The CLAVI.Iff CHEMICAL CO. LIMITED WIMOM4Mth C00% Rubbers needn't 1* flimsy to be stylish; I needn't be clumsy to be staunch; needn't cost more to be better than ' you've beenbuyings t , -----zur,c-h-' 3 Mt's. Wth. Raereher of Toledo, Ohio, is bete on tt visit. --J. J. Merner WAS ill ujibeirs Toronto last week on business. --Mr. and, mvs. M. Meldinger ate..tiow 4ccul The sleighingbas made business quite " lowest Th romeye gieve ymoru. p ving j. 'D. Merner's neW residenc44.t- hod f v ry p i graeliatteibt the London Onneervittory 1 stets, teoteher. The young lady le an below; ThAlle )3 gone to Detroit where they intend Look for the trademark. hitisk. -Geo. Schoellig lind wife have spendingithe wititm-Mrs. 11 0 Mau'FhDaisy Rubber People , Intm at livid safelY in Wianipeg..-Jno. ' ! At Berlin 0.ritatio Browit luts returned from South River. They evidently do not like the climate, • On, ,'. of it, Turner, Jr., who bee vent the paet ten* Art, I summer on the' OuVerninent survey . te_ Attic. Int patrolling along Lake Superior, i ztYli, 4 very ill .ott hie home near Dryoulolv. Mi' Amy Downon of Drysdale line yar gone toelebeletonet Miele, weer', Nilo!. has aceepted it peahen a* a tini,-;te, i of Mottite-The host meeting tof Hay robbot Connell voilt he held set Dee. 15, I is osschis &night 9 PRE SPHERDER iltill PLOWS SPREADEUS We have just reeeivsd a number of fine Spreaders —The Sneees,sor—whieh doesits work in fine style. This is recognized to be the best on the market. PLOWO, We handle Perrin. Plows and have just received a • carload of walking, rid- ing and gang plows made b$r this reliable firm THORNTON BAKER A ent for the Sylveeter and iretrin Plow 9ompaniee Exeter Ontario Os jZfi ihrld invigcorttes *km. maw w vein& /*aft ,