Exeter Advocate, 1906-12-06, Page 7The Mark That Tells Penektgle trade. Mark ti n red) on (every ren -Angle a -, garment, tells you e , it will fit and won't e o ausseseese,, 1 i or *if shrink,— your own dea,Ier SO Trait muted dias in - • ***sr elartels,faigicsaw gliaram took; st. pew lowciekse, oak rad Underwear thliii F " guthaiod 4 trademarked id et ay'aoft,er, warmer, eat, ere see . seem dee ie *amen In o r e tleibxle, er eitaseee zee better *eating,•011.0111041100 15; Prr mtiv UN DE RWEAA.11, Patents Secured Free 4, prepare patent applications free of charge. ' If you have an invention send sitetch to -day for free opinion. 24 years' experience, a P. II. Gibbs, 52 St. James, St., illontreal. PRINTING PRESSES FOR SALE, Two 2 -revolution Campbell Pressee sizes 40x56 and 43x36. The largesa has the patent swing ' delivery, • and both have /our inking rollers and rate dis- tribution. They are capable of doing the finest work. These presses vvill be Said at a very low figure for quick sale. Wilson Publishing Company, peal Adelaide Street West, Toronto. mil LAMP Om Ecomomy Sarnia. I -1111e 01 ite-- Nti real need, to buy the more expatiate oils if GOOD BURNER ie used and KEPT CLEAN. If you Want A BIG LIGHT—nowt oas yOtalt GAS JETS 41,0NE'-• Queen /ay A CitY 011 Larnp For Sale by Dealers ehatamee.a. MURDER WILL OUT. beele: "Are' you always so quiet, my little men?". , Johnny: "I shauld say mita But mam- ma promised me five cents in wouldn't say anything about your bald head and the wart on Your nose," CANADIAN ' INDUSTRIAL . EXPANSION. The iMportance and value of Canadian trade is appreciated more and More. as evidenced' by the location of American and English industries in different pro- vinces of the Dominion.' In consequ- ence, Canada's industrial expansion is progressingrapidly. The latest invasion is that of the Gil- son Mfg. Co., of .port Washington, Wis., which concern 18 now building a plant at Guelph, Ontario,. 'Here the wonderfully successful "Goes Like Six- ty' line Of gaealiae engines will bo Manufactured. No doubt the Gilson Mfg. Co., Ltd., Guelph, Ontario; which is the. startle of tae new Canadian concern, will reap a full measure of sticeess proportionate In what the parent concern has attained in the States. WILLIE'S PULL. Willie: "Ma, • won't you , speak t /Ornate? He's pulling the ears tail." Mamma: "The bad boyl" "Yes; he's just as selliat as be can be; he won't let me pull it at 'all,'" 41.1aaltx's reeNta naleseaf especially 5nte4d, id to break Up neglected cpughs and many hope. less cases have been Saveti Use, Conts. AO ohne In any for SOMETHING son To FALL ON. aYes," said 'life 'Ilerliby, pressing a damp handkerchief to her eyes, "he's an unfortunate man, Inc cousin Cella's man is. If 'ever therele anny chant of a good thing he's always a little to Wall Side. If it hadn't been for that, he'd been_in his home new, instid ol in the hospital, rtistairrial "Why, understand that Timothy etepped off biteltward off the ataging and fell clear to .the ground," said the die- trict visitor, sympathetic but puzzled. "He did," saki Mr. Herlihy, with a burst of tears, "but if he'd fell a bit more to the right, there was a great pile of brick, An' It would have broke his fall anyway." x , , f „ —:7 I.) () lit) S 1);:e) e.... , KI ELISI E Y , 1/ .......----....,,t. t. ii P — o tfl i i „,. ,,,,i , tik!'-'1 KIDNEY si -- e cf‘. '4.''.''t l'rtilehrumAlit'A )4.4' ,s cos ps —ge :. 1.1Zi-rt 5 " egi A &ALMS' t17,Arla aid Not Like the Attention Paid Ha Kitten and Killed It. The laniter of a college) ef law hoe a wleala3 hee petted end fen eeneeW3liittel)heed. Diet Irmo ago eat aceemeihr fr he Ora but ed only one letter). TeLine Lee eereate ace. meeath, ehe laid it at feet of her Lliato.V, who lifted the ero.ture into his lap, alternately A ing it and petting the old cat, cal he emleering 14011V9. 110 mother d lowity as she rubbed ageinst Twister, thus aehnowiedging her p sere at, his eongratula.tions and p an her. offspring. Intrinte tile first few days of the „kit- ten's life the mother cat eeemed glad to have her master take an interest m• it, but stood ferociously ,on ,guard when any one else approached the box con- taining her treasure. Unconsciously the janitor paid less attention to the old cat, as he spent more time watching the development of the young one, But Mistreee Cat noticed the eh.ange and resented it. Ort the eighth. day of the kittens life, before its- es•es were opened, but not before the germ of the spirit of play had begun to show it- self, the, janitor went to the box and taking the ,small animal upon hie lap, tickled and stroked it. Suddenly, hear- ing a low growl, he betame aware of the angry presence of the old cat. Think- ine slio feared for thesafety of her baby, the janitor, to reassure here held the lit- tle creature to his face, and rubbed the soft body against his theelf. At . thas' th,e cat's barelt erched. Iler tall swelled and stiffened; her eyese tared, and with a snarl she leaped into- the lap of ber master,' :seized the kitten by the scuff of the neckl and shook it twieo savagely. Then she Jumped with it to the floor, shook lt again three times., and 'left it lying, a little heiples,S heap, upon the floor. , The janitor lifted it up ,and found that U was dead: The motber cat, ia a lit td jealous rage, had killed her baby. In a few minutes, when aer anger had Cooled and her maternal instinets had reasserted themeelves, the old cat came back, and lifting the limp body, tender - V carried it to the box, She realized vAry soon that something was wrong withthe kitten,and tried all restorative' methods known. to the feline race. She licked it, she rolled the little corpse Citter and ever,' ehe warmed it with her body, she offered it refreshment; but talk ing to rouse it, she lifted the tiny form out of the box and tried, to make it stand—here, there, everywhere„ all over 11)0 basement. Wailing, she carried .it t3 her master, as if begging him to bring it back to ,iife, • All day long the cat wandered dis- consolately about, sometimes with the dead idtten in her mouth and sometimes alone. At nightfall the janitor; think- ing that his old pet had suffered enough, buried the little body; then going to the cat, he stroked -,her head and tried ,to take. her on his lap; She elunk away, whining, to the box which'had boon the birthplace and 'home Of her child, and lay - down, a, :cline example of flechel Weeping for her children, and refusing' to be comfortedbecause they were not A CRIPPLE. CITIED, Helpless and Dent with labovoiatisme- Ctared by Dr. Williams' laird: Pills. 9 sees a heleacse cripre. I was Leat ard ceuld eet, etralghtele np, tees Cretelee were nay Ozaky 117.C32S el new— rue, ing atoeut. 1 taaed many tecelieieee, hut they aH failea until le begen ming IJrVilitHaVilf3' PhD% evrie1 n)e," George f„„ielaaw, of Short 1k:each, N. S., made the above ntmeet, startling :.Aatefnerat to a reporter a few days, ago. Air. Schaw is now a Well built man, `3111)11f-3 °lel broad shouldered. . Like 111oneende of, ether Nova Peahens, ho L °Hitt tiny role ling pule her lea - lige a, fisherman, and is • consequently ex- pueed to ali "Muds of weather, pest iho cunditions to eet the rlievanatisan poison in the blood at work. 1+01r. fechaw adds: Is impossible to overrate lite sever- ity of the attack'. The trouble wee, 1)- 1 11 my back and right hip. I had It) quit work and was mostly indoor.a. There wee a time when I 'never expect - ea to etana erect again, but pr. Wil- liams', Pink Pills straightened rile 'up again, not only that, but they made me the strong, hearty man you see me to- day. can neVer describe the awful pain / suffered betor6 1 usetiethese I tried many medicines and had treat- nient front several doctors, but to no avail. My legs, became so stiff that, in order to move at all had to nee crutch - ea'. Finally the doctors decided that, I was incurable, and lot& me they could render no further aseistance. 1 continu- ea to suffer day and night, and then cense the turning point of my life. A friend from distance tame to see me and it was from him I learned that Dr. Williams,' Pink Pills were a great cure for rheumatism. At once I got a suPPIY and began to use them. The firet-in- dication that they were. helping it e was when the pain grew less severe. la a few weeks More the swelling in' my legs and hips began, to leave,. then my joints seemed to loosen up, and then it was not Icing until my crutches were thrown aside and I could 'straighten up. Then began to get out. doors and soon was able to ;resume my work as well as ever. Since that time I have never been troubled -with, rheumatism or lamel5ack. can tell you oeny neisibbers were, all astonished at my cure e they had all thought I would always be a cripple," Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills euro matism by going straight to the reot of the, trouble in the blood. They make neer rich blood that sweeps out the pois- onous acid and soothes the, jangled -nerves. That is how they cure all troll - base rootea-in the blood, such as anae- mia,- indigestion, fieuralgia, St. Vitus dance, general 'weakness and the special ailments that only dela and women folk know. Sold by all anedicine deal- ers or by mail at 50 cents a .box or six boxes for $2.50 from the Dr. Williams' 7.0mor, no.,••,,r+,wP,...no*om• AFTER TEN YEARS. Mr. G. L. Stepliensoneof Peterborough, says : "For over ten years I euffered con - saintly with' Piles, first itching, then theecling; pain almoet unbearable; life a burden. Tried •everything in vain tiii I used Dr. Leonharcit's fiem-Roid. "1 had taken but aefew doses when began to notice an improvement Now I am completely cured." * A $1,000 guarantee with every box cf. Hem-Roid. • $1. All dealers, or Thee Wilson-Fyie Co., Limited .Niagara Falls, Ont. Friend of the Family: "you are ver lucky, my boy, to be the seventh son, It will bring you everlasting fortune" Son Number Seven: "It hasn't so far. MI Its brought me yet is the eld clothes of my ixbrothers A 'Carefully Prepared Pill. --Much time and attention were expended in the ex- perimenting with the ingredients, that enter into the composition Of Parmelee's. Vegetable Pills before they were brought to the. state he which they were first ea( fered to the -"public. Whatever other pills may be, Parmelee's, Vegetable Pills are the result of much expert study, and all persons suffering from dyspepsia or disordered liver and ,kidneys may coneo fidently accept thenf as being vithat they are represented ' to . be. "This is the latest style of bracelet' observed the detective, deftly applying the handcuffs to his victim's wrists; "Hew do you like it?" "It's very fetch- ing:" coldly replied the prisoner, as he walked away with the °Meer. wONS 00 IRON' consumed each year in medi-' bine. In "Ferrovius," the best, tonic, it is dta cleverly Manipulated that the weak and sickly Cot all possible tinurisluitent and benefit fr0131 it WOLP-1/00 WORRIED Crossbred Animal Devours Roth Arms • __ of Little victim. A horrible seexle was enacted hi en experitnente.I station of the Agricultural institute, attached to .the university of Mlle, Germany. The result of one of the experiments, a cross between a wolf and L dog, was confined in a cage, and -In the absence et hid parents, the three-year.old SOU oi the keeper played too near the cage. The voracious animal stretched its paw*. between the bars, and drawing it to- wards tho eage gradually t,eit such a firm hold of the child that the latter eould not ceeape, It then bit off one of the baby's arms, and devoured it, and as no one saw the child's plight tho wolf -dog started at the other arm and ate it also almost eempletely off, A rnan then happened In come within hearing of the cleihre moans, and released it from its terribTo position. The tide victim 1„vas at 01100 ‘'ealveyed to the hospital where the two etumpshati to be amputated. . .10.4114.4.4.440 "Now boys:" eaid the Reuther, "how many 1110111113 have twenty. -eight thwart "All of then!' promptly replied the scholar. at, the fOot of the classol. *1 Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. BERLIN HAS A NEW SWINDLE. Hardima Man With Bargain Watch, EasSeafarket Woman and Fake Sleuth. Berlin, Germany, ha e aeveloped a new variation of the confidence game. The vietirn who has brought it to tight is *Frau Elizabeth Andres, who keeps -a stand in the Central Market on the lAzed, iekanderplatz, The poli.c, e are wonder- ing how many others have been victim:- Frau Andres was sitting at her stand one evening about 6.30 o'clock waiting fcr customers vvlien 'a shabbily ,dressed man went up to her and poured a hard luck story into her ears. At the con - elusion, he produced a near gala watch and semi -tearfully declared that his necessities obliged hint to sell it for any old* price. He begged Frau Andres to take it for go marks-(ibout $5), assuring her Abet it had cast him 10d marks and was edit just its good. The shrewd market woman scented a bargain but she drove a hard one. She finally became the owner of the watch fct 16. marks,' ($4) and spent the next hour admiring her purchase and patting herself on the back. - She had a rude awakening when a shiernn man stalked .up to her and ea - tatting a metal badge announced that wae a Detective Muller of the peace force and accused her of buying a stol- en watch. The thief, he said, had been arrested and. had confessed turning Over to, her.. The woolen -wag terrified. She- shook With terror -as if she had a ehili and of entirse never thought- of question or re- statance when the detective,laid an embargo one the watch and latormed her that she Was under arrest as a receiver of stoieri goods, e While *the vvoman closed her stand and prepared to go with him the de. tective strolled toward the enlrance cf the market. When she was ready he beekoned to her to follow—they do these things differently in Gerreany--and started toward the nearest police office. The prisoner kept him in sight for a lane way, but he vanished in crossing the Alexanderplatz. Having no sus* cion- of the genuineness of her arrest, however, she kept right on to the Police Prefoeacotaly tre'seeined to know anythi Nng about her there. She was referred' to the Commissary In charge and lie speed- ily divined that she had been swindled. The police are still looking for the bun- co men --which has a familiar sound. 10;* ear.. .4.1WAlawie..4.4 BABY'S HE'ALTIL Every mother who uses Baby's Own Tablets foe her little ones has a solemn guarantee that this medicine does not contain any of the poisonous opiates found in so-called "soothing"' medicines and liquid preparations. These Tablets always do good—they cannot possibly do harm.. They cure indigestion, colic, constipation, diarrhoea and simple fev. ers, break up eolds, prevent croup, ex. pc] Worms end make teething easy Baby's Own Tablets have done more to bring health, happiness and contentinent to little ones than any other medicine known, You Call get Baby's Own Tablets froth elly dealer in eine, or or by mail ,;at 25 cents a, box ay writing the Ine Medicine Co., Ilfeckville, Ont. ONE SIDED. Friend,: `Viola. a lot of marriarog there litI78 been Otte year. Afaellage ,teems to be extretnely fashlobable," Cheerful 1(11(4: "Yrs, apecially with 'the women." WOMAN Oto THE fata-la ager Empress of Wad Laienad flit() Unelanirs Virein Queen, net secleaehaal everean, the Fah -agar FiEfTCI,5 ef CU:2t1.,las Lean (-einem-at r1 te thiseaera ef Eerelleeci card 4%.4,c1ccini)lf or iteoele. Her tee° of eira'ac2ee bee'l enaleed her to eneentain her nelee-eity in 0[ the WatOil and fraciee.,0 ilNq re betlieet which, has beset (Ilea in ri-7cTit year. io has alrenbing ven)te, in ShO Lik0 Quecr)e German, °Met, Who lately painte4 hce pertraithas deeeribed expeeteercee Tho painter made portrait 09 tee() to life as could be, but this wae. entieely unsatisfactory to the royal patron, Slio is over 70 yearsaof age, but she wanted a painting of a woman in the full bloore of youth, so the painter bad to depict her as a woman of 25. This venity, which appears like weakness, has been seen in many of the most powerful wo- men and has much -to do in shaping their lives. Some of the cruellest things these women have done are traceable to It, for, surrounded by courtiers and sy- cophants, they are fed on flattery, until they cannot live- without it.. They de- ceive ma one, not even thereselveea but, they never givdup the barna against old age. The. Dowager Ernprese of China has many imitators in al' stations of life, from palttee o poorlaou'Se. Often what appear to be the most, trivial occurrences of life prove- to be the most momentous. Many are dis- posed to regard a cola as a slight thing, deserving of -tittle consideration, and this neglect often results in most sera ous ailments entailing years of suffering. Drive out colds and coughs with fliekle'e Anti -Consumptive Syrup, the recognized remedy for all affeetions of the throat end langs. SUBTRACTIvat, Sunday School Teacher: "Now, Willie, how many eommandments are there h' Willie: "Der wttz aen last Sunday, but. Jake broke one, so 1 s'pose dere's nine left:" olds Whooping Cough, Croup, Coughs f every description and ehlracter, ung troubles, Asthma, Sore hroats, ete., are all aired b VD:* afe and permanent remedy. or sale by all dealers, lily 25 cents a Bottle, n all sides we receive thousands of estirnonials from grateful people xpr.essing their appreciation of is used In, tap championship league in Canada and United States. Costs f0 little more then the cheap kinds but isworth MUCII MORE. STARR QUALITY THIROUCHOUT. NOTE the Box Centre Bracket, andCombination Heel, tile re -enforcement of which is not shoiwn in tae cut . STARtil CO-, Limited, Imam or eFui HeN relief In halt an hour.—A lady In New ork Rate, 'writing of her cure by Dr. A wf1-$ Cure for the Roark says: "I feel like -one brought back from the dead, so grt was my nufferiiig from heart trouble and so- almost miraculous my recovery through the, agency of this powerful treatment: I owe mY' life to • ,Probably half the pleasure a Woman gets out of life is due to her ability to change her mind and complexion at. LAZY OLD SORES, painful and "disfiguring. will not linger long after treatment with Weaver's Comte has been, begun 4lso cleanse the blood with Weaver's Syrup. A man begins to acquire wisdom when he discovers that he is capable of mak- ing just as many mistakes as his neigh- bor, Help your children grow strong and robust by counteracting anything that causes ilahealth. One great cause ef disease in children is worms,. Remove thern. with Mother , Graves' Worm , Ex- terminator. It never fails. Locusts are ,most prolific in Cypress, where as many as sixty tons of their eggs are destroyed annually. About 115. minion eggs weigh a ton. When Rheumatism doubles a man up PhYSiciart and sufferer alike lose heart and often despair of a cure, but here's the exeeption. Wm.* Pegg.• of Norwood, Ont., says: .*"X was nearly doubled up with rheumatism. X got three bottles of South Araeriean Cure and they cured me. It's tho quickest acting medicine I ever saw." * HIS AMBITION. Visitor: "Well, my little man, how old are you? Jimmie: "Five." Visitor ; "And whate are you going t� be?" Jimmie: "Six." IdAItKTII/SD/STINCTION; A purely tical• disease of the ski* like 'barber's itch, is cured by Weaver's Cerate alone,* But where the blood is loaded with inaparity, such as Salt Rheum, 'Wearer's syrup eiso rheuld he used. • There was a' young fellow, Ian told, Whosk wife was a terrible scold; Stad he: "People say A bride's given away, . But it strikes PLO the bridegroom i sold." 111•1,6•••••=o, A Successful Medicine. — Everyone wishes to be successful in any under- taking in which he May merge It is therefore, extremely Ygietifying to the proprietors of laernielee's Vegetable pills to knew that their effortto Vona, pound tla Medicine which neould prove a blessing to mankind„ have been atica cessful beyond their expectationsrhe endorsation of these Pills by the public isaa guarantee that a pill has been pro- dueed which will fulfil _everything claimed for 11. There is at least ono redeeming fea- ture about our oir castlea ; we don't have to pay taxes on them. That Cutting Acid that arises from the etetratch and almost stritegles, is caused by fermentation of the food in the leo. mach. It is a forefeet° of indigeAion and dyspepsia. Take one or Dr. Von Stan's larteapple Tablet, itnincdistely after eating, and it will prevent this die, trese and aid digestion. 60 in a box, as cents: 16 NO NEED FOR IT. o'Nfusie hath charms tia soothe the sa- ve& breast," quoted the young lady with a duvet*, as aluo eeated herself at the piano. "That may be," muttered a crusty bachelor, "but there are 801110 of us in this crowd who are eivilized and deserve a little consideratioa." If a Iranian is in a position to sup- port a husband siel can afforid to do without one. WANTED• Ladies to do plain end light, sewing et home, whole or spare time; good pay; eend htainft for full pertieulars. National Manufacturing Cempany, Montreul, DARTMOUTH, N. S., and Istritirtt,(0 TORQNTO.; Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel, at prices varying from $2.85 to $5.10 per hundred square feet covering measure. This is the most durable cove ering on the market, and is an ideal covering for Houses, Barns, Stores, Ele- vators, Churches, etc. Any bandylean can lay the "OSHAWA° shingles A hainmei .and snips are the only foolserequit.ed. . ' We are the largest and oldest crompany of the ,kind under the British " flag, and, have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada. making them .. , • , FIRE, WATER ANC) LIGHTIVING-PROOM We also manufacture Corrugated Ircal in long sheets, Conductor Pipe and EAVESTROVGII, Eie. METAL SIDING, ineamitation of brick or Stone. MUNAL CEILINGS, in 2,000 designs. Write Inc Catalogue No. 1411 and free samples of "OSHAWA." Shingles. Write to -day. ' 2132C:litr • Wa021falaltdCa.efaa., IL:baSICOPPIZaarale - Montreal; Otte. I Miami Oni. Toronto, 0111 j [(ninon, Ont. I lymnineo, man. 1 Voncoover,B.C. 321.-8, W Craig St. .4Ss Sussex st, 11 Colborne st • Dundas et. 76 Lombard st. 615 Pander ski Write your Nearest Oille0.-4/EAD OFFICE AND WORRS--0.511AWAs Ont He is a wise man who neVerlets his wife know that he can pat up shelves as well as a caraenter. lit SURE YOU GET Tlit RIND Y0117 rfavn. ALWAYS 11AD, ," The D L" Menthol Plaster. For rheumatism, neuralgia, eta., ;lathing b better.. Made only by Davis db Lawrence Co. , Vanity isn't an -the official list of vir- tues, yet unless 'a man has a good UM of himself he will never amount. te mud'. Eyes and Nose ran , water.—C. G. Archer, of Brewer, Maims, earl "I have had., Catarrh fpr several. years. Water would ''run from ray eyes and nose for oUgh at a tithe. About four mouths ago was induced to try Dr. Agnow's Ca- tarrhal Powder, and since using- pie ' wonderful remedy I '-ohave not had an at- tack. It relieves in ten minutea." 60 eente.-17 ,Seine men have so little to worry them that the operation of getting their -hair out takes a load off their inind. You cannot be happy .while you have corns. Then do not delay in gelliaig a bottle of Hollovvayre Corn Cure. It rernoaes all kinds of corns without pain. Failure with it is unknown. •URCIIIN 'PHONES KAISER. Tells "War Lordarliat 'Wants Impgr- . , ial Order for Holiday. When Henry Sclunidt, a schoolboy at lionef, Germany, heard that the Kaiher intended' to visit that, town, he said to his classmates, "Here ie a chance for a holiday. 1 will arrange it." — instead of wasting effort and paper in writing to court officials, Henry went to the public telephone office and rang up the Schloss Schaumberg, in Bonn, where the Kaiser WaS staying. "ifeno," he eaid, "is this the Schloss Schaumberg? It is? Well, kindly ask his Majesty to come to the telephone. lien* Schmidt, wishes to speak with him." Nat dreaming that anybody but an intimate friend would dare call up the War Lord, a- coat messenger eought his Imperial Majesty, who at onen went to the phone. , The Kaiser's 'feeinige co.'n be imagined when lie learned that tie person N,V110 *CO peremptorily wat lled to t,peak to him was a schoolboy of Honer, but the Emperor's settee of humor came to hie aid and lie lietened to the bey'a petition. The next day he tient one of his theta. berlains aaitli a itieseage Henry saying that 110) (11(;0i was to have a holiday when he vicited - •••••=4 • ^4111611"baillibi.LiMiillffiried0111111Miiirmmira....-b-m . . STILL AT rr. Scott : "My wife's mother has visited us °ray once Pa Eve years." Mott: "That isn't bad. When do you expect her to .pay her second visit?" Scott: "Oh, she hasn't got through her first yet." Trial Proves its Excellence. ---The best testirbonial one can have of the virtue of Dr. Thomas' Ecleetrio Oil in the treatment of bodily pail", eepglie, coltis and affections of the respiratoky organs, is a trial of itlf not found the saver- eign remedy it is reputed to be, then it may be rejected ea useless, and all that has been said N- ite praise de- nounced as untruthful, HOPEFUL We laugh a little, Sigh a little, Sing our little song, . And we have our bit sit trouble , on the way; flght our little worries As we journey In the throng, , But we know that hope- will come some brighter day gomitsuaram Your Doctor Can cure your Cough or Cold* no question about that„ but -- 'why go to all the trouble anti inconve.nience of looking him lara and then, of bavifig hispreseriattlen filled, when you can sitep into way - drug store in Canada and obtain, at bottle of SIIILOWS for a quarter.. Why pay two to five dollars when. a twenty-five cent bottle of SIIILOR will cure you "W1(11211;kniYot? do as hundreds of thousands of Canadians have done for the pea thirty-foar years: let SHILOH he your doc- tor whenever a Cough or Cold curs y will ailn"ntegagrisst:g baek up this otLtonent allIWIT ll ou and alt irrith a positive guarantee. Tho noxt thno you have * Cough or Cold emelt with ILOH 1N U tisth