HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-12-06, Page 4w9Msi
, .
. Compriehig
a complete etcele of
Suitable Xmas, Gifts
Sb as
Ebony Goods in toilet sets, Hair'
Brushes. Mirrors,. etc. Choice Pere,
fumery arid fine Stationery.
On evevy band yon will see timely
And valuabie suggestions that, velll help
you greatly in solving that Important
What to get for Xmas.
---A.T— "
Colo's, Central Drug Store
Exeter, Ontario ,
Ofzeter boorate
TFatorS OP StInsenimitox.
Due Dollar per aunt= it p,qta la adValW. $1,40
' it uotstipalit .
Sanders & Creech. Proles.
THURSDAY, Dec. 6, '06
NoTE AND 004.1tHE,A TS
I a'
, et
, elt
Brantford Council has refased to
iubinit the itical tiption liy-law.
* * ,
Hon, C. S. Hyman is said to be ser-
enislv ill. His weight has deceased
trouti-210 to I,W pounds. Letters and
dl businees matters are withheld from
The eetimatjs for the rtext fiscal year
delude $41).000 for harbor improve-
nenteeit noderich, $45,000 for harbor
ettaite et Kincardine. $25,000 for re-
iairs and itnprovenaents to postoffice
4,, Goderich, $20,000 foryublic building
n St. Merys. Just $1001089,510 is the
otal, Not mud), eh?
* *
The ;new County Council Act which
trovides that the reeves and certain
ieputy reeves.of the municipalities be
he county conneillors is the only cor-
ect way of having each municipality
eptesented. - The increased cost of
heir attendance at the county towns
vill be little.The new act is the re
tilt of the ettpressed wish of nearly
very' municipality in the Province.
To one should know better what a
aunicipality needs than its elected
ead, the reeve.
* *
While the thodern system of echoed
rot* may be . deficient in some res.
ects, no doubt the tendency is to take
n more work and too many branches
f study for A pupil to master thoro-
0131 in the time the average boy or
irl is allowed for schooling, yet there
1 a fault on the part of parents which
I persistently left out of Recount in
le argument of the critic. The puotlee
ipecielly in higher grades, are allow-,
1 to spend the nights tithing the
eek in various emusemente. which
ifittliet, their Minds from school work
tit1 loss of sleep ineapatiates them for
tad work during,sehool hours.
Jelin' Tether and sisters; ItAge and,
la who have spent the sermafer iti;
ke*Northwest. returned in SOUR,-
T. 'Melee, weut to Teronto,
et week with his sou, iStoriten, te
ace him ittthe Children's liespibee
— J. 4 ..... el. ... .. ....
and M. Mat
the lattees si
DeteliWietti.1 .. tie.; teeeeteftf eve D4‘A
1, id 4,4
STATUNEFiZY AND AT,!, 4nJA,4 liNt2ccx
sulio:02,1,;47P1-1,4F,ST--Wiwni 170'0 e▪ e tepee 41 i'llandvioye
rco.0 tbil3 tino (3L-.4) tsilout e et e, fee puotin,
can ;.:3v;p0y, yonr wauto. To :our ots, -After 7no:st plealnt visat 4vth Mc),
tarinoz' t,`Ivin67 a geeteing ount j;51ises 0;11143, Apnie (Reny leee
teet end to zbe eleky one wo, will give.'
a grand r)VZ,r4Q. 144111) ii and get coutli-
teotee, We do Couveyaecing awl In-
snraneeieliargee very moderate.
le M. BitOlitINSIllitle, Dasbwood,
A Wtillekiiing white allotted fox
rier suppaard to have come from Ex.
eter ie, making it$ home at Henry
Truinuerte uorth of Sarepta, *rat if
the owner wishes his dogsbip alive be
had better call soon. -Messrs. Ehlers
Eidt shipped a ear of flour last week
from Exeter, and at the same time the
firm received a carload of Manitobe
wheat. -Rev. Eidt is taking a two
weeks" holiday vieiting his parents at
Berlin, consequently there will be no
preaehing eervicein the Evangelical
eh urch here on Smithy. In the morn-
ing there will be German prayer meet-
ing and in the evening the Senior and
junier Y. P. A. will hold a union meet.
info -Wm. Ehlers and Ed,Beatemever
exchanged horses Thiersday.--A fine
baby-gtrl arrived at the home oflefr.
and Mrs. Fred Willert Monday, Nov.
ember 20, Both naottier and child are
doing well,- Bev. Th a Wagner of
Berlin preached an excellent sermon
to the Evangelical church Sunday eve.
ing.--Monday morning mother earth
was mantled with a coat of the beau-
tiful and. it has been quite cold ever
'thee. The wheeled vehicles have been
diseerded as 11, result and the merry
Ingle of the bells can now be heard on
II side,s.
DEATH The many friends of Aelelc,
Laren will be pained. to hear of his
arly death whielt took place last
eek, the funeral being on Sunday.
;mob Schroeder attendea the funeral.
Mr. INIeLeren at one time taught
eshoot three ranee west of this village.
after which he went to Detroit and
tudied lawBe passed, his final, ex-
unination suecessfully and opened an
dice in Port Huron, ill health COM*
e.11011 blat t4a OM BB his practice in
une last. r
DEetrre-The death occurred at the
ictoria Hospital, London, on Monday
orning of Jacob W., another of the
miS of the late John Winkenweder.
his is the fifth death inside ofeight
eeks, A grief-stricken mother and
everel childrein one of whom is Ar -
hole who is now recovering from the
ever, survive. Jacob, who was a
oung man, was takeu to London so
s to receive care that W wee impossi-
le tender the circumstanne to give
tin at his home. It seems that the
atbrealt of fever ha e been definitely
raced to the water used for ;drinking
imposes. The surviving members of
he family have no complaint to make
but the nursing and medieal atten-
on giveu the aeceased. The remains
ere brought to Ihishwood. via Exeter,
n Tuesday and convey,ed to the Gosh -
n line cemetery, where they were
Lid to rest in the familr, plot with
ose who had recently passed on he-
re. May he who causes the ...wound
pply the healing beim.
retureed eye lielee Seeforth.-
S. MCCoy attend( kl the funeral of
tile late Jacob W. N'Vinkenweder at
Dashwood on Tiiesday. This family
114 indeed been sorely afflicted as this
is the fifth death inside of two niontbe.
-The Methodist peopleinteud holding
thele anniversary eervicee on Suuday
aud Motalay, Dee, 23rd atid 24tb.
Ira. Andrew* of Cromarty lost a flue
horse here tm Friday. He, left it on
the farm of Sid Andrewe for a rest.
Tbat afternoon it wit* let out in the
field for an airing and it ha thought to
have slipped when; going up the mu-
bankment to the barn and its fotefoot
turned out breaking the ankle and
lowing the bone to protrude tin
the elan. When found it was in a ser-
ious condition and Dr. Sweet on being
called decided that nothing could be
done and it was therefore killed. Tho
beast was worth sizo-A "eat we,
photiesystem ie being widely discussed
in in thisseetien. The purpooeis to put tel-
ephones in the Term houses at a cost of
4112 each, Six township* are proposed
to be covered thus with a central office
at Rirleton.--Rev. Fair preached the
annivenary services at Cainsville Mooney's
Snuday. His pulpit here was taken
by Rev. Collins of Cainsville.-Bev.
Baker, formerly of this circuit, owing Perfection Cream Sodas
to ill heath had to give up his appoint-
ment at Port Lampton recentlee Ile
visited here last week, and has flow
.gone to his home Carlingford. -A
debate took plaice last night between
Elimville and Bethany Leagues at
Bethany church.
Undoubtedly tbe beg teewed on
the continent. Proved to be so by
staid) sis of four clieneste, and by
awards of the world's great Exhi.
Won*, especially Cntettoo x893,
when* it. received ninety-six points
out of a possible hundred, much
higher than any other Porter in the
United States or Canada.
A Surprise in Biscuits -
Every box of Mooney's Perfection
Ctarn Sou e you (Tent -et -you. vvill
find a new delight in them dainty
When you want to su,rprise yoursel4
give/your appetite A treat with
Mrs. W N. Cresswell, who has been
quite ill lately, is, we are pleased: to
state. recovering. -James Meedrinell,
after a pleasant, visit here of several
weeks, left last week for his home in
Fillmore, Sask. Miss Agnes MeCen-
nell accompanied McKay
and wife of Philadelphia, former. resi-
dents of Tuekersmith, are renewing
a`equaintances in this vicinity. They
leave shortly for the Old Country
where they will -0/end the ,wintet.-
Rey. B. D. Speneeof Toronto preached
a very stirring temperance sermon in
the Methodist thumb on Stinclase--
Mre. John MeNeven has returned to
Loudon after a few days' visit here, -
We regret to learn that:Sohn strong,
who was sent from here to the London
Asyloin some weeks ago. Is net im-
proving as his friends could wish. At
first there was quite a, peeceptible
change for the better. so much so that
it was hoped he would eaten wholly re.
cover, but of lath he hae been worse
and more violent than he has yet been.
T. Nicholson's many friends will be
sorry to learn that he is -confined to
his bed with a severe attack of typhoid
fever. We hope his recovery may be
tpeedy and permanent. -The services
in the Union church are well attended
and much interest is being manifested,.
Weddings are becoming quite numer-
ous in our vicinity and even the stern-
est 'bachelors have been moved to come
pasii n and they are now .beginning
to a preciate the unspeakable joys of
the omestic fireside. -Geo. Denonty
has returned from a very pleasant visit
to liolmesville friends. -Chas. Cleave
of Killarney, Man., and eon of Samuel
Cleave of the Sauble line, was recently
married to a popular young lady of
the above place. Congratulations
Charles.-Messrse E. Bedard and H.
Mew have severed their connection
with. the Orin of Snowden Bros., and
are now enjoying a feW holidays. -
E. B. Horner is on an extended visit
in London, Bad Axe, Mich., and other*
WEnnnette-The R. C. thumb, here,
again pmented a pretty scene on
Tuesday. when Miss Josephine, the
estimable daughter of Daerid Meso, be-
came the happy bride of Edwatel Bed-
ard, son of Simon Bedard, Sr., all of
the Sentee Line. Rev. Fr. Loiselie of- in his usual happy manner.
The bride arta her maid. Miss Mary
Mero„were charatingly attired in hand-
some' wedding rob. The groom Wate
,siropplsrteti by Philip Bedard. Mr. and
Mrs. Bedard have taken up their resi.
dettee at T. Stinson's flirm and the stn.
frieze wish of all is that their married
residing. Weare sorry to Izse Eiffe Enky be one long season of bappi.
This School is recognised to be One Ot the leading
Commercial Schools in America. Our graduates are
in demand as BusmeseCollege teachers. The moot
recent application we received for a teacher offered
$um per annum. We believe we &rerunning one of
the moot progresolve and up-to-date bnaineas train.
Jug schools in the Province. The denland upon, um
for office helpis several. times the supply. Write for,
free catalogue.
ELLIOTT McLAOlfrotitl;
Highest Price paid for Grain
(Successor to Joseph Cohhiediek)
(Incorporated by. act Of roliapent 1805)
Read Oface, Montreal.'
OalAtal Paid. Up, • • • • • $3,000,000
It000rrod, Puud•••• • • • • • • • • .$3,000,000
°Fp-10E1101ms to a. ra. to a p. SATURDAYS. IQ*. In. to 1 p. m,
Farmer s Sale Notes cashed or collected, Forme supplied on application.
DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain and United
States bought and sold at lowest rates of Exchange. ,
ADVANCES made to Farmers, Stock Dealers and Business Men at
lowest rates and on most favorable terms.
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
posits et mid upwards receive& Interest coin.
Savifig Bank Departments d
pounded-halt:yearly and ed p neipid .Tune aOth
and Deeember8lst.
4 Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DIOKriON. CARLING, Solicitowg.
. D. RIMDOX, Manager,
Moray . .
Attiitlid About lls
Mr. Potter. residing with -ties dough- , ,
ter, Mrs. Chas, Thompeon, is confined Parkhill: Mies Helen Robertson has
to his bed through ilines. May his been re-engaged to teach Lochaber
recovery he; speedy.--johu Snowden sohool for 1907 ata salary of ' $450. an
has the briek and. tither material on biarease of $125 deer the previous year.
Itensall .. the ground for melting iteprovemente
- Parkhill; Robt. -Duridas Mel..04,
to his berm-Wm...Scott and *rife -towel
D. Caetelon teived one thousand moved to pnekbin tebere tb,r, r.-tk,,,z I onlyson of the late *Simon McLeod.
rkeys ThurS4 .r. -Mr. Hunt of Lon -was on Tuesday married at Toz,outo to
n was in town monlay looking 41.: go people people.tutwzst Itert 4a ,,,su,3,.,ipravevity. iclkiii:REotfheTloPolipntsoo.11, daughter ofIt. W.
r the interests of his founclrye-Mies neseen their tero-trame.,_ ,/i4ls steli.l. 1
ilson, sehool teacher, ticcompenied eenttatat ofset ,3-6.11/ iiiti,:iwi at tal,e 1 Seaforth: Charles 'Shaw, chief en -
Miss Ellis. spent Sunday at the for- home ,,ee ber.stra. mrs. AvikatEr. utia-41 Zurich g,i-ineer of the steamer *Tones; wrecked
er's home in Seaforth.--Mrs.McNev- dialing the , n1-41,.. -less Lifizi=i4 $.1=31111-1
virtg it a, coat of wiint.-Miss Erane enaketherta'raTt. bblfrre- 'Irb17 s:z7);. i 57:1 flac::::::::: has been
ein:::::::Ins inaarY4waitKh i:illaerzi::: ::::
i z --1:th-121.KIA2tes-w113 lett/here 1 'Where he has bought a bakery and res.
Baia son, Walter, of London visited elm:. ete, a seriat,s1 ,,,,„...,1(14, .1", ,,„„ hands. was an old Seeforth boy.
tends here recentl)7.-30.. Shutert of 1, peemtnettbes reeLe-ezeet beeeteee vire Tr's ilL'e 7.1:-`rza---^'W- Vanhorni after ' ointon: James meolay, baker.
ethvititt mut., is visiting friends itt ) r.,:eziL9ea to lava Imre vtit, ,ra8 11;ra,,1,7:f.., , spl.,11.1..-,g tle saramer on P., Lamont's .
intruerly of tome- who eoine months
wn.-edr, Follick has Rreetly limo B. sbeppitT.44, a w.r, di t,hett;ovit uw...,,, I ff-'=', ridt 'a SegT ;84'8' ag° with his ago trent out to Itevelstroke. B. C. has
vet! the aPPe-ArAnteef hzshvase ,F.: tili:Ve AMI"Z ear, atkir , vbEili,$02.1.,17116.1'
any friends will be pleased ti!) kMtl 1 i ?,Irma till -v. laluzg4.14 :2,1 e.xElIete a ,,E,,,711.7-73=g41:gfcflt frzyiNs VI. a.V1):44111:1321-1:a* : ta "'Pant
at she is tezaveiatg fir= the eto2Iss ' the faTin.-'14-us earhellOreb,orar Ihxxs,1 ,anoes,_z:olam mani, star et G,.. 1 parkhill: Fr u' Rile hrother-in-law
the eivezzle.ez sht _rteMr2,7elY ,,,,F,Alz" , iarige-3 l'3 -Pr tam ilets5Ddri raeiv s -}-dergeaL! -0,1=2A xus cm wedrie.,,,,,aay manied acrairs. Wm. Magladery, of Ev:Lnstown,
at at the Clinton 3,..q,,2tau.-7$,,ra-2tte a ' ilm Ate. tuT tvnttern-Ae vaaaa, E,,,ffirettarsi, lo ititis Bettli c.• aa. v.,:ghtel. er B. i ili.i. di °petted dead on Nov. 21st; -Mrs.
'amber trzn.1 tele. ogite.taea, ete razz,sk t.,,, ituarg 11, grcoa
Mil will. be remexnbered by the people
of the late Mrs.' Miners, at Xx-EtEr km,4,,, rfre sleticrptkffra,,tat gletf,,,A#!1, pa. , °t4iges1"1 31"Irjta' Kith. -13F14 ..A. D-` r IN V.1..2,1 IV V
ttC.r., 110a in ftvlim re.esility in. 'berg- tet
Sunday.. --Mr. Vorrat^.re.,V..-2Yense tn. r.,,,z6„:„.„E.,,,a. camt zetz is irir-z4at, , swats wery :thaerfotthiFeatia 61,74tataeacre:1 formedy: of Pttkhjil
etathitt, is ,temlon ,,,,.,..7.4,,saraoir eveth,,,,,,,,,, el Jciark..i.liii as miss eeizzie Thompson,
--Less W.tillia=s ar.-a. ..Tgz. Viz- 3VCID00t beillg 'the sizth :eawa,md-1 Goderich: Thomas G. Kerr left fox:
t z! 7.Za'e-::A,. vas En tk-lor S'analav. rand Bend iivit,,....attiostrprzuer,,.,a ,..,, miss eS0 : 27ptilio eyrt: a 'c?fi I ltibf ie.) r OBi i ig recirintplxy.t.senTtehde
v.. and M,s. reuT and . Rev. Mar-; , ATtura, Asur,-1, 4,-lb:I air,TrP /a4' ,Digin„,azreenjc-kyingn.wisIt At the for -
41 Ex-ti.e.n, w,eate 'here Mcznday..-, z, Afas,„ (facr...,-)Sttn7.-59, IlsTies Irser76 Amine In 2annimertodm_g.ecme higo with a beautiful suit case and
rs. Attteet ItteBell; at a avagbutz, ev IThs.,E .-Di„,-ar, --ThalTir titheill.B11),:obill'itav'1:12nT,,,,1711-b-128 r.,,,,,,eptim"--- ...7, fielLwg4ttehheToelhelatinowanli.ti *1°c et1 beft3I
o3iN-311toi, 7_11 thimatturziee ,14 - - - - - - . -
- ed It ii it. TNittton wItn ,a,. rreeten. Goderich: E. Trornanba user of Tro.'i
txkltr 314E/. lEpe=1.-Tig at f....=9" agY0 With ' _,
nuis4)13134n11./near D-1278?-ale.ignow manhanser Bros-. Who have about -1
occupYin P., inutar.ltidaiTa.--7esSis. c'eatuPlettil the big elevator ht,re, left I
entene T oil -Anti lilitilo Uilatbfandt.t yesterday morning for Minneapolis. -
UL te ratnrne0:frond Me ilqmbr.r.r inamps Prior to leaving he was presented 7i.tb
41,,fiontbirer. That dolt of life does a goldenonnted umbrella.
floe seetneo ortme with The wys„.... Clinton: The 10-moriths.old son and
vise jettete Steeraetette West, meGilliv. the 7 -year-old eittughter of Louis
tny.is a tiditor iit tile game of' her Thrower, died last Week front iin at-
tack of pneutnonia and diabetet res-
pectively. This is the fourth death in
this family within a short time.
Parkhill: jos. Purnfrey, who has
. -,
teen ' at Hartley, Seek., for several
months. returned home Saturday,
Bratueau ittrie., gaav parehased 59 acres Mr. Puinfrey happeried with an accid-
ollentlframeefignetertzentrober. The eut while in the west breaking his arM
Tamer runw hai3 a hundred acres.- at the socket and is unable to vvork..
Veteree teee:b aced *tee are now home Parkhill: Walter Robeon,iformerly
.frem the Wed aud Itietheirintention of town but now of West Unity, 011ie,
leo emend tbeirztrmezoing days in On. where he has been for some years.' has
tame. . lately been elected Proident of the
;Eureka Herb Company, one of the M1c-
cessful mi cidOne companies of that
State. ,
ss Luce re:tamed frem their
t Grayhiel
Ave. leth.,,4s the gzlest of her 4s,-; 3hs., .-2v,,alarx jibs, Car:E ;,17ecemagy
4, Airs. 41-eraitgon "01"44 cmdersremt tkra ,at the
tralitn Satanlv .sAm4. Sands -S -7H tim ana wil'eolifia ZZ1) Viate
, et' =set s'fillotntincies tkie &eau], .4;:mi-ric,44,4„,,-L___,..--tagaelqleath'
eWe'ef Deerfield visited, 7:rlyi.-led. Axt pet S'attS7 tee Jed rtErzr =!.13r. Vet'
er, Mrs. W. T. Men% fawn at 2=t-7z.h.,,-Trt arlution
IPA WeE4c,- eranntral Xmas., tree en.- (1qt-slot:Wes cl grain zimnling iin .4541 j rtmitschr 'on tc.:-.,-1• -31Eiss .Aitroo
terfainment of the Boston Methodist,' Itev.. Ben. IL Seente 5 Teeento .ecta- , w,515,ftlierry. IpeL, LstE) pomm,r4 4; /Ideas. a
. church, will he hda XMAS. night. -1, pied the Prribyteriari •pulpie on, San. ant. visit, to73tetneteetot. eteeo-erae.E linnie
Moe Re W. Russell and soly who wetv ,1 day at 11,a. ' rn., and the 3Ie*-zdr•--rit, teest eeeeete-eBe te.;,eyeee-,, •ekeeee ai-jo la,11; i
sate Are. IdeCorenitit.-31r. and
?Ars. 'Samuel Rat bark retqraed
!rem 15suitierthewirri ivbere they have
been ihting on their farm. MiAeir son -
xi Jaw look
after Iheffs.rm----/ala G. Erb of the
visiting at J. G. Russelre PeekbiZ1 :AT rem tte „t trr-5/1 tr)
and with her brother, W. „(1,, wilsan,', evenitg sierva a. neon ttie0,,M1.7 Setterdey.-A reeeety *AV Tr:10.
at London. reterned home Seterelay. wash eti in the PiteSliStfellin, hutted at, 4E4., YklhaielLet personage
-Charles Godseve returned Monday at wile% 31e. Spenee expeined the [I temom vc2:2,x) twAxypraiu.
from the North west. -James FAglesan provisizns tiee leetc.al *Oxen Lam ' sz„nniz lityjn
iS very ill and under the care, .of Dm the michinery for its enforcement. Inas lc-A.11,1ft.. we veer atoteett
ea,W tuni Wilson. ---Mr. and Mrs. A. C. The mime gentleman adeireeoeed a mese Eeeteeeem ze=t1 ettees eiteeel teeteele
Wilson of Aurare, 111.. left there 53t' meOtiolt in the Mttilmlist Nen- dahtter of flftity see Peeetequittri
urday for California, for the benefit ot day evening. of the wedding viral be famx3, asieteli-
the latter'e belittle. They intend to mtenme Your ....emerespecritteet jetes
spend the winterthere.--eWileoti Ca. HarjeleY with the beet ef feerets'etrt eveteef
are buying ell kinds of poultry for happy maple every hs
irhieh they are paying eash. Set -en inches of now fell here ott reeld VC- be
iiredttinightt---Aaren Sherrat is en
This is one reason villy Ayer'S
Cherry Pectoral is so valua.
ble in consumption. k stops
the wear and tor of use
coughing.' 13ut it does' more
controls the inflammation,
quiets the fever, soethes, heals.
Ask your &cog' about thN.
Thewt et atestituzatal
tver *bar seem"
te * er it-- ,IDEt;ixern
the *it list. atm ef London was hi" r'trar"1 fitr'rn 13-Sf
through this eection buying re.,1 dove,. Vend the venter
seed last week, alining $8.03 or better tri" 3113"ntt tete ''`ATTPed ftett
per bnA,st for ro.yre. „Ala here daring the pont few areas Gran -3 t
bfts been !pending time, with her Beria is.(P'te jr`7'41 rece%-"t 4
daughter at Brevreter, teturned hem,' flterPilsing 111"*'Allin lez7-5it-
onSattirday.-The Aaetion &leer Mr shipped two tons el tutkeys eet Wed. in
Robert Stone hell Oil Texesday besi mPt11134° Va:";umic"--Ive elljte
week was not as slectissful as expeCted tedk hi?" ke;211
The weAthet being mart vorable tllerea liVellb IS 1191r 111*-! /52'S"r
eletenmitetee-elietob Deichert while
ebeeeng a &tree a few dales ago mem-
4ed iaTueyetys*p‘ "roma which required
ater.rzalstitslar2s elose.—Sam. Mc-
tetete r.8 eering from the ,ef-
etette*t recent, atteidente While
i/aor wIth a straw cutter on
f lent eljebn refeBride„ Blind Line
beieeneasteetre tee climb
it ladder in
e Viewer pipe which had
bettemetetreeel. seme manner the
tee.eS_75prA,,ioni be was yrecipitated
was not * very Loge atteedence, eon- 15"h Mirs'gne""4"*"1'" lit' 1" '6c-°''' I t°'11b.' gll'c!4* Fellmlite 17 he "CiP*
, setpiently bidaing WAS a little . slow rThei„tt, Pt3t'e PAM 1"824°Itte, 7..74G1. 24.*Pl'el e4116Th °"3Y. i rely 141114e8"
II7mnIM -1-The bnme of Mr. and
Aid the etoele was n3t,disp-2,sedief. —Ntr; Fil----;,..*T„,..ecrPL---„ai,-----, ---.,32A,,,rc,i-
tio,,,,,,ize 6ntton enti et, our ievaing, ..-...- ..---.7,- ,--.., ,Lore,,...e., ,.....sam,s-,......-ie 311r.., Ac7,:-At Flatbard Was on
ob„,,,,,l)., torn who fraut a bee bontie fae and will rvEide.withhmd_sqghlter,Nfrp, rseada? tt m sztme of a pretty event,
artz,,inonNlatzli of his etiOr isz€t r 6' :'''S'Illith'''s-P` 'ilan"."---'" l'--.131"I'd littint,,,t1,13,, „was minim to miebiet
la )10 re ,,rts a vet., untnmeiAtEr to ,...,t, Jo•Jepli after a. .1kw ,c1A5-''' tiF.,_(!,.t., r lx!,n tbFav pep7eler daughter. Miss
,„,,,,,,,, _saw_ „,.,„,, ........_ lailh W., Devr,ey --El. Dee etteetee Mrz./IngEr., A liege eitrispeny itl reel-
cittltip: ,t,te ,,l'i ene4ie eev3tiste Iwt,:l'aittree- while eat hantitig ,ix.e ,e1. -,;..r dAy clp. tves anA Ifeetzit, were present ' and ,
, tared a. tette catere-tetae. G.:111,as F.teen liv/L'iv.....sE,A t2:1... ci.r.#rrtony whir WAS
ii liYilsN, tIailding a .Sul,4eF-?s71;-se riiiach, pi -a, --,/m, Ntv Wee E. Sehnetke. After 1
Centralist , en fkifrAllan"sczilt'LatgF, ''s -.,..-,,,t:T.r.:-,..,, F,,-,;_-_41. !11.7e 2..;1::11.-1 :,-m'l gav▪ rn hail been .a:tity,
f ed fotteard by liarment Ci,:i2. 'int ad- et -an 0412:J2_11A th...4 gar:E...tsaaseth ;IDA in
it etteg 8:1014,13, night meverAT inths.Ns ,ditiri to Mr. Actel3fs' E,..tf;:te E5 a,s,-Dtsp:';.4. tbP ..-4,,..-:zulgii.dniug roe': M *he very 1 The GENTLE KIDNEY PILL
I' %fr l'e,11 and Moutlay mernitei' ly Emtring c---,n1F:Li1,12..*2. - '137hn,fini=b- r-ir.,',.3.2Elz.7,...-. tca eras settA. T , t the strengthens and invigorate" the
,i; 1 - 3. we y win ry appe.Ar- (;11 Et is Al t,t4,1 g,7;c,,,1115, il:) tti:2,..?arir.,pv:2r- v-i.zr, lh --,I'P tr;.,:3 L-%tvz.-70 ir,:-aternbertee wee( eineea ; . kidneys, heals the inflammation,
slmic1 ti,y,:,oilt. sw,its, c,,r zthe plmte .-#.11 ,.,-,,,L r.2.-..:,-4.? C::13Vit,: 0 14' th -.) E '3c,r,ri nttl cetene' wIrca 31 e CziftF. i clears the utine,,and takes &Ivey
e hr,A mit in t et fleet.. arl il rnAny ritEl:_t-5 the iere,p3:-1,..:-.. -T.,,...,., ,5;(..,1113v ..,-11,,-,1 To, tio hic-„,:yy c.-,Ini33, ikaz, cite a *),1,-,
bed *tiretl feeling when thee i of the etetheet st czN .1,th *ill 14I 'r h-c-lt sti --,,Iirs and may their tot Artt he I till' Bentliun4 is:not a, ctire for the.
drink habit, but " lInclu" does
. Art 1...1-eglilvlittl VI' the tIrst time t
‘r.Ltre,., Ne.at ibitrIP the' ifyIttly' j ill lirelenee, t !vie! IA:r, itt,...It cet Illif-t. It '- «1 15 'alb E,.:113.3Iti':-1- and irtsffr--,'
b le the Pce:0! A, .,t .7,st ;-,4:-:-;;:!,?erZ1-!! b4c1ity„ 'I rettect thesteady drinker *pi nit
le 'been. We le net It mar remain ma it tbeir Nee et Tle e eneeetefeetteet ert 1;
idney disease.
, mekes blieineee mere boosviing. til'- , the eet millet t, 1!'--e. tee, eteteelpreettenve'; SA ;:f re A-3! Yi Ittve Grp, 111,ce; All ,dragg:ete have '' ilutlit " or will
, 8p:iv:krill* fi.f ripttr, firindarirpd At Oh*, 40=1 rK- tr.1 A f wit! t 'IMP ii4 ,, litilial town,---nly im-E-y,...,614,1kNI *Oh 1 Vald. -4 thtu, for 4-,A11.
sw., J`g
eteer, the
iteney t
ere .
A Man
Who Drinks Hard
needs "Iltt./u " he wants to
keep his health. Beers whisky,
wine—ell alcoholic hoteragen----
irritate the. kidneys. Pain in the
back, heedaches, bribk dust de.
posits in the urine -prove that
the kidneys are , seriously in.
borne oil 1,,Tas9 Handford. Alfas sa0 es . —Prank ft,ran ty, Vfmteatillo; Ar.sae for c. fawn th ttfniptivit 111
1,410 tHenitj ielti p4fqpift4 A.nd k; -Ar nftr Z with *Vtrot 4 1 It!k%lt,-L-S tf nhich fs thn filLOUN cHthlIcAt. co. 14011111:111
!'t.n th- she itt recovering' 'from few dm here
0,000 feet
All Muds of Timber
For which we will pay
Casii Prices
Call and see us before
outtingsjbe logs for
lengths and 'prices.
The Ros TaylorCo. Lt
- We have just received a
number of fine Spreaders
--The 8uccessor--.which
does its work in fine style.
This is recognized to be
the best on the market,
'cire handle Perrin Plows
and have just received a
carload of -walking, rid-
ing and gang. made
by this reliable firm. Vir
Agent for the Sylvester and
Perrin 'Ploer Companies
.8xeter Ontario
Clinton: Mr!. Milne left Thor -May
for T.loydminister. Sask., where sbe
will have eleruge of an hotel, in that
town owned. by Mr. Sohn ,former#
ly of Clinton.
Carrie' Moore, wife Of
Iingh Donaldson, died at Ilamiltoth
Nov. 21. At the age ot 66 years. De -
!tog 1,1 week. 4tg dr lor. rettgrd WAS A former reeldent