HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-12-06, Page 1Pim 25—Advocate 'When you want ANY- THING that au up.toalate printing office cati do, Lat. ea styles, newest* typee, prompt work, right price, Loug Distance Phone. I ' Real Estate Mops Mad., for 144 ic+Vir'mb,WC(134040 1,113- i'fi-liajtiA aitieeuiclept.„ ber-tather farm or s.TIoge eveperiy. Try `eias,neste tlaitmeit. TWENTIET11 YZAR EXETER.. TONTARIO. . THURSDAY, DECEMBF,31. Aitare Assured % A savings account in The Sovereign Bank makes you happily independent of the future, which keeps you from worry in the present. Open a savings account to -day. Deposits of from $1.00 and upwards received. Interest paid 4 times a year. The Sovereign Bak of Canada JOS. sikTELL. Manager at Exeter, Credit4n, Zurielt and Dashwood, GLADMA.14& STA/sTBURY, Solicitors. he Old Relia " We quietly give our eastemers earnest values FURS • FURS FURS Ji . . We still have some goocl values in Fitts. Xu Ladles' and Gents' Fur -lined Coats we have a few nice ones left. See out nice line of Ruffs in Sable, Black Fox, .A.poseum lihd Coon; -also Muffs to match. A choice lot of fur aria cloth caps. Al value. few of those MENS' REITERS43LE WORKING COATS left. just the thing for this sort of weather Don't Forget-voisim.i., that we still carry „ The Astoria Shoe" -4000"-' which_ has no equal for style and ilerability. OltOCKERY we 13f1178 a fine collection on band, We make &specialty in dinner sets. Another Industry Perhaps. Exeter bas a elialice to secure a knit-, ting factory, provided the neeeisaary capital eau be raised and the town will give a loan of a. familiar amount to that to be given the ea13111rig company. A gentleinan, who for the present shall be-narneleee, wee in town on Thursday last and interviewed a large number of the businees men and cap. Waists with a view to fortriing a joint stock company. Considerable eneour. ageinent was received and WAS tbougbt advieable to call a public meeting for that evening. t, Thia was clone verbally'and a few gentlemen congregated in the reading room of the town hall where the mat. ter was discussed at some leogtb. The result was that a list wee commenced of those who would take stock, and Highest price paid for Produce. L I 0;0000000000010000000.0.0000•0**001 .irrore$0101110 Card $. R. O. P. 11,01,103TON, L. D. 6,». D. S. D0114P T ' fakiltfart of terAt(2..itilocilly-43.°36° ami Honor 9EPIOZ: Over Dickson &Carling's Law Office, in Dr Anderion's former Dental POrlara. • Drt. A. R, ErssisiaN, L. D. S., D. D. S., atIonor graduate of Toronto thaiveristv. 'DUNTIST, eeth extracted withmit any pain, or any bad effects Office in Panson's Block, west 'side Main (Arcot, Exeter,. *re Medical A • mAL102; M. (Tor. Univ.) MEMBER, • 0011ege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. Partner Elcase Surgeon. Toronto Viteptersa Hospital. Succeesor to Dr. J. A. Rollins., Residence: East on Ant street north of officer, Meter. Ontario. look after the practicenof Dr. McLaughlin of VottRIDB, L. It. -O. P. & tdinburgh, will DasitWood during— the latter'S visit to Europe in eearch of more knowledge, Ile will be found , in the same office. larSgsal. TNIOICSOX OAlt7.314(11, liArtitiSTErtS, SOLIO1- LI tors, Notaries, Conveytaicere, Oommisaioners. 0 olicitors tor moisons Bona. etc. nosey to eerie et. lowest rates of interest. offices, Male street, Exeter. , 1. E. Oaraino, B.A., theitsOrs litgOnY TO Ws have large. amount of private funda to 1040 n !Ann, end properties at ,low rate* of Inter (fILA.DMAlg k ST00'0104 Barristers, soxicitersatain se, Exeter On LLOYD • Pt ivies. „,,r Mester of Mitchell Methodist church, Teeter--asatio, Organ, Harlin:My. Modern methods. Thoretiehnes —Sudden Death The news of the Sudden death of Jane Andrews, beloved wife of 'Wm. Miners, came as a shock to her Many fi loads in town arid eoutotry. To some death cowers lit the ,lowly -ebbing pro - eclat of a lingering disease and tbus we learn to view the circumstances with a. consolatioa of at is expected to follow where deadly disease takee a bold. To °there the su iliniene emzek so eltierly that the community la 4001011 with the 811tlit1efinesti of the event. It wee iartist week in the ease of Mrs. Miners and when the news spread On Wednesday that she was dead it seemed almost incredible. The deceeeed had been ailing for three ear four yeare from heart trouble whieh was the immediate pause of lier demise. Coupled -With thia dread diseask, she some $5000 was subscribed. A emu. was afflicted with tumour and in mittee was formed to consider the IYIareli last underwent an operation matter and to see whether eufficient for it* removal. This she passed money could he raised to warrant the through with apparent success, but forming of a company, $80,000 was about six weeks ago the old trouble again manifested itself and it was seen that she Was daily weakening upder the strain. After a few weeks, how- ever, her tondition seemed to take a turn for the better and her friends looked forward with. some degree of the suggested capital. The cost of machinery would be about $17000; total emit of plant $25000; between 50 and 00 bends would be era- ployed; a two storey building 00x40 ft. and a dye house 60x80 ft, would be necessary. The gentleman who pro- confidenceto her reeovery. Hut Pro- posed the establis merit of the factory vidence willed it otherwise. On the would invest: $ Wednesday morning of her death she The knitting, bosinessia undonbteclly was not (mite so reell and was uneble a good one. It aeems to be thriving in to take breakfast with the family. other Lowrie and would be a welcome She, however, arouse about nine addition to the manufacturies of - Ex- o'clocleand proceeded, to discharge her eter. The town is, on the upward Usual household duties and at noon move and if yoo, can help it along it is took a hearty dinner. In the after - your duty as a Citizen to do so. neon her daughter, Mabel, had occa ' sion to 40 softie shopping down town d left her mother apparently in the The Exeter Council ir 0 best of spirits, n her retern a short • lit time later she was horrified to find her mother prostrate in death. The de- 111 All the members were present. The ceased had gone to the pantry for minateeof. the previous meeting were something and while there VMS evireadOntly oveteome and falling to the floor read and approved. A letter was read from Mr. M. gaerett, a forgoer 'clerk, appareette passed away. without _struggle. The deceased was born in stating that he had no knowledge of the matt McWilliams the ,,,,usherne. being daughter of the late asylum from Exeter. The family had veorge Andrew, inui for the greater being sent to been traced to Rodgerville. Part of her life lived in that township. The f011owing accounts were ordered ,A -bout tbree years ago the family moved to Exeter since which time the to be paid: -J. A. Stewart, flannel for 1.15; Thnes Printing Co.,deceased:has endeared herself toanany. cemetery $ She WAS of kindly .disposition. of a printing for cemetery $7; Western Assuranle Co., premium for cenietety lovable nathre and Was respected aud house, $2.0; HParsons, street water- . admiret by all who formed her tie- ing and pumping, $2.75; GeorgeAridee. tInaintzince, Her age was 58 years, 5 sore firetneo'e salaries, $iva; Ed. months and 23 -days. Besides the sor- gaire, North end firemen's salaries, rowmg husband she is survived by a rown ap family of eight -four sons $60; F. Gillespie, freight and cartage, g and to: $18.80; Jos. Senior,- postage $4; Do., 1r daughters --Mrs. T. Johns, of salary three Months, $31-25. same Point Eltivrard; G-eorgeof Hensall; Fred 'other aecoante were left over., .1. c.f •-WiPaipega Charles. of London; kl'AtiDER.13 tY,C CilEgeit hristnias s Christmas Gifts emoodassoreems.rat, What -will I get for My Friends Ohristraas? 411 ^ Don't worry. for S. Fitton bas something swell that will suit everybody. Never before has there' been in Exeter or any other town such a large stook of the latest and best Jeiry aud Christmas Goods of".all Killds.• Ladies' and Gents' Gold and Silver Watches, $2 to $75 Rings 50c to $50 Neck Chains,. $1 to $10 Brooches, 25e to $25 . Cult' Buttons, 25e to $5 Tie Pins, 25c to $5 Silverware, Cut Glass, 'Hand Painted China and Novelties S. FITTON, Watchmaker & Jeweller The Couhcil met on Friday eveoing. , Crediton Sterol -led council met on Dec. 3rd: A complete list of accounts passed at this meeting wilteppear next week. The last meeting of the Council will be held Dec. 15, after which the municipal pot will 'begin to boil. -The Methodist church will give a, concert in the Hall an the lath inst. The programa is to consiet of a cantata, which promises, to be very interesting. -Large quan- tities of poultry are brought to our merchants these days. As they sell for a good price the housewife IS able to lay aside a nice snug sum for her Xmas. shopping. -Mrs. John Kerr re- turned this week from London. -Win- ter is here. It arrived about midnight, Sunday eight and wade known its ar- rivarby a blanket of snow which com- pletely covered the earth. All pre's- mils snowfalls this season .were mere flirtations. The present one came in with a real, wintry appearance. It is Christmas weather and Christmas • w:11.riag Nat'ar'tnort67paP:::bledis ftviskseitsi:nsen'at 17041:1''601.'j ''tAl"ficillinriee;..sViieteetr°:11,11.d''t:r°edee,brircobt..; thants an& ehildieu are joyous and • 'd J hn of ha py Sleighs aial cutters are now business tax on coal business of 15.25 Res. Detroitt and Mt( ace 4 only 10 days awitye bailee both veer. Atiction Sale of SHEEP, CATTLE and 11011SES The -undersigned bas been instructed to sell. by Public Auction) on 'LOT A, ZON, 5, USBORNE, on FRIDAY, DEOEUBER 14,1006 , at]. o'clock p. m. the following property,viz: 114 Grade Lincoln Ewes bred to ram, all well selected and bred from first-class stock, Lincoln ELM, 12 well seledtqd Lincoln Ewe Lambs; 8 young cows in calf, 80 head steer, two and three years old; 1 two- year-old Grade!Hull, 1 1 -year-old Draft Colt, 1 1 -year old Mood Colt `Orear'Orlt; Inged Driver. TERMS:-10monthecredit given on furnishing ap- proved joint notes. 4 per cent, per annutn off for ,Qttilto:...7 BROS., ' sTANLEy, vroprietors ' Auctioneer Betray Steer There Nene unto the prenasee et the undersigned, tot. 7, Con. 6, ustetne on or adore Nov. ist, threelesusoid steer. owner can have same by proving property And paying expenses. (pluton Bro., Saintabury, • •-• William Brom Saskatchewan Valley Lauds for Sale r have some good bargains listed with me. 1 have just returned from the West and have seen all the land I have for sale. Call at the store land see samples of the soil, also samples of whoa and examine the maps of. the country. Now is the time to buy if hers ---Mrs. Rich. Delta) ge; o p . notiee. Laid over to aext meeting. Mr J W. Taylor appeared before Usborne, Gege. otaifornia and. in'general ase-Ourphonee axe now in Ross Tayler Compeny asking for a place on Sunday t the El pastille ceine. great eon emence.-11. er, M.P.P., the council as a remesentative of the Thomas, of Gorrie. The funt+ral took good working 'order Alta, are found a . . fixed assessment. He stated that it ferY• e - attended the Directors' meeting of the ay Farrners at Z'inc Sa h t had been Lite costom to give most the _ .., tirday.---Dr. McCue and bride have at- \ s. manufacturies of town a fixed. assess, U SpOrne ment and he considered the Roes Tay- so .4. rived and are now corofortablyaettleel r ansalsTaTION aNn ADDItE88.—A. in their new home. We welcome them ior 0°111PanY-sheul.4.be°'mdal4Y tret't- veil pleasatit affair took 'place at the to our midst. and wish them all the ed. Thev wer n a es of I) t xbueek‘,1iey evening last, the occasion wor a affords.- rs. Wilson Anderson $5000 andireight bills of about $$000; on ro ..., e par gwg a ou beautiful home of Mr. Richard Coates haprness and gosperity that this three-fifths of the work they Aid was cs. being the presentation of an addresa spent last week in Exeter. -Lloyd for outside towns and itieTheir present Assessment outside of business are, two excellent upholstered chairs to Mr and Mrs John Hamner b the' Jones ef Mitchell was in the village last week. -Mr, and Mrs. Gotdieb Mor - lock and Mrs. Chas. Valber have re - earl settlement of the matter as the i tend making their future home. Cheely-The Many fiepds fturned home after a pleasant visit in e.roGeo. tax is $2850. ' friends and riei thought this should . y ir ghbors, prior to their be reduced to $11a10. He 'urged all leaving for New Ontario, where they Y and Johnston of Exeter were visitorx with Mrs. Francis (Nark on Sunday. -- Henry Motz, sr., who has been III, ie somewhat better. -Frank Northcatt, who has been the Northwest the - past summer, bas returned and is again „ . • working for Young Bros. -The Misses' Edna Hedden and .Lucy Mast of Lon- don are Mane on a visit. -Word haa been received from Philadelphia thie week announcing the death of Mr. E. 13 -Scott, the husband of Emma, daugh- ter of the late Jacob _Eilber, We ex- tend our sympathy to the bereaved ones. , , . BIRTHS GA1SER—At Crediton, on Nov. 20, . to Mr. and Mrs. John H. Gaiser, a son. MARRIAGES. ES.OLESON—IisA.Ao -At, the parsonage,, Grand. Bend; on Dec, 5, by Rev. Sute clifte, David E iglesou to Alisa.afaud, fifth daughter of Henry Isaac, alkof MoPeagX-WaLeeuit-At the &C. -Pre - \V eep tory, Parkhill, on Nov, 28, by Rev. Fr. Dunn, Ed. McPhee, to Miss Sadie, daughter of Angus 'Walker all of Coole-NateToar-At Windsor,on Dec. 1, W. F. Cook to Nis% Ada, daugh- ter of Thomas Newton of Windsor., formerly of Exeter. YOST—HOLLAND—In 111.i on-NOv. 28th, Mr, Birthier S. Yost, to Dr. A.lice Agnate, Hollarid, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hol- land of Exeter; both of Shelbyville.. company* in making certain decisions, et chairman, Miss Bette Essery read around againaraeftePriehasisealatte° ielleneeshsi.2-1- councies action would influence the ate. John EsserY Performed the duties Brewn, Sr., on f which was whether they would the address and the chairs were pre. Here. Either has purchased anewEast. re ve from town, as they b4c1 been sented by Messrs. Richard 0oaf4 and Matt Pocket Kedak. As he is an en - approached by other towns. Messrs. Samuel Skinner. Mr. Harmer made a thusiast this line, we may expect to 0 0 Beaman and Fake ineved that , a re- verY suitable reply foul the occasion see some fine photos 'before cord of fixed assessments, etc., be laid was made interesting by speeehes from Thee. Edwards is doing quite a trade DEATis on the table it next nie,eting and that ete,, Geo, Boswell and Mr. Campbell with his meat and sausages:-Rev.*.L.' ISIEMINGER—FLAXIIAHD,—At the home of the bride's parents, on Nov. 28, by Rev. Schuelke, MiehaeI Meiclingerto Miss Elizabeth, daughter of August Flaxbard, all of Zurich, , BEIDARD—Mutto.—At, R. C. church. .O Drysdale..n IsTov. 27, by -Rev. Fr, Loiselle, Ed. 13edard, to Miss Jose - Mr. all of Drysdale. the matter be then dealt with. and singing and music by the yoong II. Wagner, Presidirig Elder, of Der. Byalave No, 8, 1900, fixing date fcir L' mellowing is the address: conduct apeeial services in the for pollint depute returning offlcers To Mr. aod rfarmer. Eva,ogelical ehureh on Saturday and S Some bod 'said, that we are nominatioes and if demanded places and poll c erks, was read toree times We, the people of t den, have go,Ithe d here this un y.- y and finally passed. Nominations will 6vreentfrbet Vgasital 41do. going tO have a. wedding in our town egre a yo , e long. Cupid is certainly busy hefor thn leteem and respect,for yon. P nhale is necessary at the Same Places, with During the years tnat have rneyou have won our i11 thiS vicinity. -The Misses e election. • benefit tho4e with whom you have been surrounded. to take your part, in any plan or work intended to Wettit to make money as loot is E. Treble moved the acijournment we would:m*10T: the valuable services fon have JOHN CHARLTON, Hzetier. 40. - our Church atheringe will always be Of the most be taken. on Dee. 31st ancl. the ,pollirig nd at the sand our MaNitits-In Exeter, Nov. 28th, Jane f Andrews, wife of Williana Miners, I aged 58 years, 5 months and 23 days. VitueieutiwunEn-In London,‘ Dec. a, Jacob W. Winkenweder of Dash++ woOd, aged 15 years. the saine officere as at the recent by confidence and trust. You Ave rawer; been willim; rapidly increasing in value. to Dec. 10th, .1 reedereaasneiV rs In lending the helg ng hand Prof.' Diplomat of Boyle Inemporated Society of Musicianor, England; Organist of Trivitt Memorial' Chureh,Exeter. Plano, Organ, 11„orntotay and Theory of Music, Terms on. applieatiott. kixeter, Ont, ' Nouse arta Lot for Sale. The undersigned is offering for rlfde 4 desirable brick house, two storey high. convenient and com- fortable in every way, situate In creditor: Kest, and one erre of good land. On the premises is A good cradle stableman' driving shed, a well of good water and A number of fruit trees. convenient to school. Possession glyenst mire. Apply to r J. W. ANDERSON, Orediton test. FAIt* FOlt, SALE. ' The undersigned is oftering for sale tis deffiretle farm In titanleyositnated On c!en,, 7, cotitaining aeree; milt from fkbooli fi milts' from Presbyter - Ian and Methodist ehurches isnd Post Office; 7 miles , Iron Itenssil. 4 from Kipper) station;there is on th'- 5 barna. one 0,4%40, one 7ox$18 and one150128 all in ffotrti repair, eftinfortable frame and tog house, good hearing' orchard, *cm wheat sown, *II well fonNrd; inn setts well underrintined, the remodeling F. sores belfry well drained t)v the tp. flitch mord.* through lt; ft never faling at houme. with new with pumplyor ft146 nett r -falling mowing toltek of farm. Thi. farm in ft ifrk+t-daIN etrItiktttiOrt OA1 rtituate++1 one of ti' test grain grossing localities in the Province., 'Will he nolft cheap firat oft torn omit pitrehreer. For further information apply or+ erernineo er addrea* (Ito, Veltman, liiliagretr.. Ont. - and our renxem ranee of hours spent w h you in Farmers' Institute Bleetul" g pleasant. §Our kindly` manner and sunny , smiles easouable -. fifitio for You and ilU for Your Friend's We have a fine lot of goods for the season's trade. Call to see them. CHINAWARE of all kinds. TOYS, f e direct from Germany , DOLLS of all sizes and styles ---direet from. Germany NOVELTY a-OODS Come early before the Xmas rush BERLIN WOOL of all shades 8e. an ottrtee„ SLIPPER SOLES— see them GIFTS for the Sunday Soh classes- Special liargain CONFEC-wrxoNEltf, the •s in town very desription.—, 1,1 1 Oharlion's Fair EXETER ONTARI ) The directors of the South men Farmers' Institute met in Hens:ill' oh Saturday afternoon' for the purpose of selecting subjects, naming places. of, meeting and generally arranging pro- grams for the winter meetings of the Institute, and the transaction of other importitrit busineate . The subjeets chosen are all of vital interest to the farmers. The meetings will commence about the middle of 'January. Grants of $15 were given to the Exeter and BayflAd Women's Institutes to assist theta in their work. • and your ernestextdeavohelwill live An our memoryfor years to come. - . and ---------- -1fartner lista-and Oa token of affection.and of our apprs. elation of your worth, not for their value but as an evidence Of the respect with which you Are held by yonr neighbors. Our heartfelt wishes for your future welfare and happiness are yours, and may the richest blessing ',nape:tee of !the Abater rest upon yett in your new home, add when the call comes for you to enter the Men above, may you: hear the 'Welcome words +Well iiene good and faitlitutservants." Signed on behalf of the Eden people, Mrs. it. Coates, Afra, Irsborne Connell, Council met Dec. 1st pursnant to ad- journment. All_present. Minutes Of previous ineeting read, and approved. Nomination meetiog will be held at Township Eilinoville, .T‘tonday, Dee. 31st., at one o'clock p.m. If an election 18 1100888a ry polls will be held oii on ay, AO. „ 118 0 OWS: M d / '1007 f 11 Div. No. 1, Township Hall, Elimville, Sid. .A.ndrew, D.11.0., Geo. Kellett, Poll Clerk; No. 2, Geo. Cornish's house, Lot 5, MLR., hi% Ilorney, 0., John T. Allison, P.O.; No, 3, Wm. Stephens' house. Lot 2, Com 10, Mat- thew Rontly, D.U.O., M. L. itetverS. P. C.; No. 4. Pubhe Parquhar, Sohn Durican, 1/11.04 S. N. Shier. The votes on By -Law No. 0, local option liy.Law to be taken at the liable tlf116 and places. The a ve By -.Taw was read a meeond time a a the clerk was instructed to publish it in the Ex. eter Times, and post up p kited copies tatutes. It ten the the tits we ak Von to accept these gine---justtorernembe; Sale Registers. wvor.soAy, DEO. 12.---Xenn flock and /mole. malts, the property of William Porten, Lot 12, Con. /4, South Doundry, Sale at 1 o'cloek, ThOS. Caitteron, rammt, lita M.—Farm Stock, Implernenta and Household Effee,te, the propert,y of Geo. 74. ow, Lot 8,430», 1, nay, London Road, miles llorth of toter. Sale 4t1 sharp, Thos. Carneron, AUCTION SALE t undersigned eettieneer iflOen by eniai auction, at ro. HANDPORD'S Sale Stables, Exeter, in DMEMI3KR 10 900 accordance with the oN MONDAY. . 1*is:decided to pay to ow ers f g at one o'oloek, scm„ the following ?Oboe% via: 1 Brood Mare riritlt fool to King of 00 Orbetk; cents per 1004 for greire 2years old sired by Vhassar; 2 ltrautgIst ‘,.1 II" 5 8 4 e a sle 74 el15t8*within the Om iciPailtY put on d forty tienerld Purpoo, brood mare Oyeara old; 1 Gelding' el tttii eArA dd With 1+41; 1 y yraps eligthl e for rel per en for eontraet wok. Ace° nts ttrtittltyrr, with ford; r. iltaught ofeklInfref 2 year* 01 OS follows were aind orders is. A age --els mollfhfrorodlt irill be evert Ott !grit,. 8,1ed,„,...1"„ Pa..,_vnient: ti*I'''ralwa $68.1'33'" . 2 gad! 1 sear old letting approvett joint WIWW++ 'Or li, dilocount of 5 per Aln‘mv 8110 uraine, 106364"; ‘V 48h""rn Cent per semen etf for c &eh, , , I drain. $106. (!ouncil. adjourned tocSa,t- Auctioneer. /its\ ; Proprietor. - „... r. Morley, Clerk. CAMEIt()N, C. IIACKNEY, utda,y, Dec, 15, pursuant to statute. oticter,mosh. • e So Many Ranges QUAWTY ANp. PRICES COUNT Souvenir 'Ranges in 4 to 6 hole with tank $35 to $50 Garland Itartges 35 to 43 National Steel Ranges " an.d high closet $49 Also a number of Seem:Kip:hand Stoves, Range% Heaters 1 Happy'Though 6 hole, reg. price $50, now $40, only in use. 6 months 1 Souvenir Heater used two winters, reg. $34, now $22 Wood Cooks, $2.50 to 4.00 Wood Heaters, 2.00 to 4,00 A Pew :December Specials. Cold lilastLanterns, layge sim 500. Yeotuanis W'eather Strip, 5e per foot No 0 Nickle-plated Copper Tea Kettles, $1,25 Meat and Food Choppers,1,00 to I2 50 Raisin Seeders, 65 to 145 ' BoyTool Boxos, ,1,45 to 2.00 - Razors Po:Act Kitive$ SciSsors Carvers Ete. Heaman's Hardware & Stove - 1+,1 tore '