HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-10-18, Page 5 (2)HELP-
Young ladies align gentle. tell
, who aro desirou s of making a rer,
cord are wanted at the
Clinton Business.. College
Q/�billiakcrtwik�i Win ham Bmincsa
tai prepay,ref orBookkeepersb,Stenog-
rapbcrs and Telegrapher's. During
July and August wQ could only
fill ONE-TENTu of the positions of-
fered our graduates.
Catalogue for the asking.
6E0, SPOTTON • principal
fore PorThe Bivos
Health Fully Restored and the Joy of
Life Regained.
'When, e cheerful, brave,. dight -hearted
woman i9, ni clticualy plai.red trite that
perfection of misery, the BLiUES, at is a
Sad picture. It ie usuelly this. way ;
Sire has been feeding . "out of aorta"
During The
We are offering some exceptional
values in
Pianos and. Organs
Our Goods, are of the best quality,
and we will be satisfied with the
' Prices and terms that will,suit the
most exacting.
In Sewing Machines . we can cer-
tainly suit you. -
A line line of high grade station.
ery 'cheap.
� N
he Know H
Is a, valuable part of ' our
business. It is the best of
foundations— it is lasting.
We know how to repair
Watches, Jewelry; etc, We
know what is ., required to
fix it. If your watch is not
running just as it should,
bring : it in for examination
It costs nothing to know if
`it pis in order. If it requires.
fixing we can do _it. „the
%%rowing How" has been
the means of giving us the
"right to say we are leaders
in our line.
'dry , us when you wish to
buy something in our line.
The Jeweller
Tlib'most danger to farm buildings and live
stock froaln wind:storms is during the .summer
months. -A Policy
The Huron
Weather Insurance
Mutual Company will give yon protection, and
a poiicy costs only•i few,dollars a year.
Roger Northcott, Esq. President,Hay P. 0.
.% Eelleranan, Esq., Vice -President, Dashwood
Silas Brokenshire, 0rediton P. 0.
C. H. Perkins, Exeter P. O.
Henry Rau Drysdale P. 0
A. O. Smillie, Hensall P. O.
w. T. Caldwell, Henson P. 0,
Chas.Monteith Thames Road P. 0.
. . Monteith,
See Your nearest director or write .for particulars
to E. Zeller, Secretary, Zurich.
Reliable agents wanting territory should write at
once to 0. HOLTZMAN, Gen. Agent,
Zurich P. 'O.
Sr HARDY, Agent at Exeter.
Wheat :..Y... •, r 68 .:70
Baajrley.. • • ...... • .. 02' 40 .42
Oaa,is••r•.r..»»r. »•.. s 23
Peas...::................ 70- 72
Potatoes, per hag r.r...,, 6570
Hay, per ton.•«.•.a.»6 50 7 00
Flour, per cwt., family'2°00
Flour, row grade per cwt• 1 20 • 1°25
Livehogs, per cwt.. f » Y » 640
Shorts per ton...,.,..,. 1:1 00 2000
Braan per ton ...... 16 00 • 17 00
5 5,
P�Patter.N 0.. r 0 Y.'r+' ♦ ..04'0i
Dried. ,,Apples....... , .. 00
Chicken ..... .1,t( • . , 1 • *
f'-1(ensr•ri........• i•0i.r
Duckfl •••»i.•/..•.». 11•
Geese .»0..,..f .,..r...
Turkeys ... .•.♦.•»•0ii.1
100 per lb
Cook's awn Root Compound.
The great Uterine Tonic, and
only 8ato diff titanl„Moxtthly
itegitlntoron which women mos
depend• ewe in three d eoe
of etre1igtli No. 1,t; o, R.
0 d.cgroes lit' nger ; o. a,
or a Taal +races, Per bor.
Id b all 'drnq ts, ormitOtt I rem et Of prJ4' 1',
Fn'o lla�l1rr. hlet..A.d n oc 3.1111OIOINNOO..TORONTfl,ONT, (female
While Miss Pearl Cfra'enlion of Wel
kertnn wage. returning from a r'eviVal
servicer at Tcemewatiter on 'Sunday was
thrown from the rig And instantly
killed. ,
for �sam -. ....,� , a -
e tib' �; head = h� �-ached ��aiud bac`
also ; has slept poorly, been quite -nervous,
and nearlyfainted once or twice , head
dizzy, and heart -beats ',very feet; then.
that bearing -down feeling, and during her
periods she is exceedingly despondent.
Nothing pleases her; T -ler doctor few:
"Cheer up you have dye pepsia; you
will be all right soon." ..
.Dat she doesn't get "all right," and
hoe vanishes ; then come the b
morbid, melancholy, everlasting BL
Don't wait until your sufferings have
driven you to despair, withr;your nerves
all shattered and your courage gone but
take ,,ydia E. Pinkham'e VegetableCom-
pgooasd. flee what it did or Madame
Josephine Rinville, Mastai, Quo. She
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:
" I suffered for four years with feinal
troubles -inflammation. of the stomach and
fallopian tubes which caused ane violent pelts
and often torture so much so that 1 could not
walk at times and attend to my daily duties.
,Life was misery to Inc. I. Was so blue�.and
despondentI did nota know which way to
"turn for relief. I had tried' the doctors but
they did not help me. I:was advised to try
Lydia L. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound,
so I bought a bottle. �a I
1'i m ad that did o
for I awell and strong to -day and` the
world. looks bright for I have perfecthealth,
thanks to your medicine."
if . you have soman derangement of
the female organism write Mrs.
Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., for advice.
Wood'' Pholsphe dam;
The area ; English .Rdnzedy.
Tones and invigorates the whole
nervous system!, wakes new
• load in old Veins. aures Nem.;
nus Debilzt Mental. and ,Brain .Worm, Des -
p c ndenev, ', exuai Weakness, ,IIinissimie, Spm
matorriaaeu, and Algot&of„Abuse or Excesses.
Price a'c per box, sixfor. One will please iia
will cure. Sold by. alt ggists or,anailer in.
plaint kg. on receiptof: price. .New palet
'natio pee. The WQ0U MOdlcline Co.
(Armen(' W I ,O
sAr la,
a t�®�®y■`.:
mor al�Iwtiaar
M.� w®974\
POINT A... with Ordinary oars the Dillon BINGE.
•IiTAY Fence will !oda lifetime. Tl,ou.iwda aro nor?
aYi1.1” it. Staarf do 'let' clip nor bend when top titres
aro .burno ,lawn, I1(uiLr.►ted' Catalogue free -..tire
attentr Wanted.•••••
rlituteez Werehe i ec ?l�; ora l�cac�l
finger c%este d lain by caw 11. 10 1 CZ
tory, oat Tceeeday.
to: Mr, --fransteln was pces
tC( with la' Hug artd adE r °e's Fees
hie departure foe Trenton.
Mitchell: The wife of Reba Niej
a formerreeident of this place p.as� e
awtay at Now Zealand last week,
Parkhill: Miss Jean 'ill ineon, sa
former resident of this place, was r°e-
ecutly married. at Loodou to Frank
Walker of that eity.
Fullartou: Daniel Ney Otic of our
well-known young Men was on ,%Veal-
:rnes (ay united.in mart lege to Miss Evkt,
daughter of (Mae. Famine of Ellice.
Mitchell; Sohn Brown, son of Mrs.
John Brown, died in Manitoba,, last
week after . three days illness. The
body was brought here last week for
%Vinghanr; Mrs. John McAllister,
Culross township, died Wednesday, as
the result of burns which she' received
at her borne by the explosion of a
lamp. She was 55 years of age.
Logen: During the eleetrieal storm
Which. passed oyer this district Mon-
day night the barn of Leonard Lemon,
eon, 14, was shuck and completely des-
troyed along with the season's crop,
Tancke� , h. ,. ,i, .
t ev �u s�acen
� t n hair t
ped°his farm of 100 acres, ' being laf2D
Con. '2, IL R. S., to Mr. Fred Pepper,
who gets_ possession. this fall.. Mr.
Strong has decided to go west, next
year. •
fie derich: less `1'i�cas, Maar 1sir, who
1?EL. item Begat 'Cate tee) Etna' alenitc�ba,
4ivc d zit Ceestcl City Men., on fres
after' fent" wc:cke' raaafr'fr�ciarg, from typ.•
t'l�� herd fever,
Stanley: .paarnee Less, of cora, 2, lcaet;
week ratafvcd to the Baron he perehese
, uu Hay: his brother, cr, Wm..iWci Mo
jai'illop,&agerpurcheeed end will move tt
I tite fano nlo he 'eaa'_aatee. �} q' 1 q y
' St. ] farye: Ja)i.�n LMC.thercot %oug.,ht
the James Wakefield livery outfit,
which wits ,under a chattel Itiortgaage
nils.,= on bSettar•day tteternoon for .the
surn•of $1450. ` ,awlr. Ncthcreott former-
ly carried OD the setae business.
Godcrieb; The Collegiate Institute
board, have appointed Miss Amcy`. J«
Kerr ,I3. A., of f3alrny. Beach, Toronto
to the position of assistant teacher at
thee. 0. I., iti placeof Miss Bauer, who
is leaving to take a position at Peter.
Seaforth; On Friday evening the
member;.s of Huron Football (flub were
presented with handsome lockets, the
gift of the citizens of Seaforth, in re»
cognition of their success in the recent
game. with the renowned Corinthians
of England.
Erode ich; Fire caused by a spark
from the threshing engine destroyed
the barn' belonging to John Newcombe,
one mile fr
o �ty'driR r n.. ic
road, -Ba
o d taro
ay morning,- together
with the contents, consisting of grain,
hay, implements and a large quantity
of poultry. The threshing outfit was
also destroyed.
Parkhill: G. P. Wilson who was
teller in the local branch of the Bank,
Commerce for the past couple of years
has been transferred to thehead office
at Toronto for which plac e he left on
Wednesday morning,
Seaforth: Much sympathy is felt
or'Mr, and Mrs. Peter Dill onccouat
of the death of their third son, a bright
little boy of two years, which occurred
on Thursday morning. The baby, a
little: girl of eight months is also very
ilia '
Seaforth: The following were tick-
eted to distantpoints this week: 'Chas..
1d. Broadfoot, Seaforth, to Vancouver,
13. C., and .return; R. J. Richardson, of
Varna, to Winnipeg; Mr.' and Mrs.
And. Murray and two sons, of Hensel!.
to Regina.
Mitchell: • 'Miller Clark of thistown
was on Wednesday married to Miss
Mable Cole. of Stratford. . The cere-
mony was perfprmed by Rev, E irk -
land at the home of the bride's moth-
er, Mrs. Jas. Cole, .of Stratford, where
the young couple will reside.
Fullerton: The home Of Jos. ,Jordon
was the scene of a pretty, event on:
Wednesday when their second da gh-
"ter, Miss Pauline E., 'was married to
Harvey J. Willows. The ceremony
was perfoi'med by -Rev. Graham in
the presence of a large "number of
Morris: Death came very suddenly
to Wm. Jansen Johnston, sr., on Tues
day evening. He had been in good
health; he ate his supper as usual.-
sual.-Later, as he was standing in the wood•
shed, he was stricken with paralysis
and in a few minutes the spark of life
had fled.
• Clinton: Word was received from
Lloydaninister on Thursday last, of Ole
death of Toney Schreok, where he had;
been employed since spring, his wife
and . child being here. ' About a year
ago he took $1000 life insurance policy,
but dropped it after making one pay;
ment. The body was brought here for
interment. A
Clinton: When Mr. J. Roberts, ar-
tist, left for his home in Listowel on
Saturday afternoon very few werea-
ware than on his return he will be ac-
companied by his bride, one of Paisley's
fairest maidens, but such is . the case.
The interesting ceremony was per-
formed by -Rev. C. W. Cousins in Pais-
▪ J. Heaman Agent.
ley yesterday, the bride being Miss
Minnie Bryce, daughter of Mr. George
• Aro. Bryce of Kearney, Muskoka.,' The
�A i ountl Annul¢ hippy couple are now .enjoying a
Usi honeymoon trip to the cities, but next
week will return to Clinton and take
up housekeeping. The ngany friends
are extending congratulations.
•Brucefield: Mrs. Hugh: Thompson,
of Moosejaw, formerly a resident of
Stanley, died at the above place a few
days ego. She moved to the West
with' her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Moffatt,' a uuwber of years ago. For
a long time previous to her death,.. she
was very i11 with stomach .troatble.
Last spring her husband took herto the
famous hospital in Minnesota, where
she bad critical operations performed;
,she recovered and was taken to her
home in Moosejaw. IA 'few .weeks ago
she was seized with typhoid fever, from
which she did not recover. she passed
away on Tuesday last. • She leaves a
sorrowing husband and four children
two girls and two.boys,
Clinton: The wedding took place.
Wednesday of James Gs'aassick. of Stan-
tanley township, and Miss Eva Johnston,
daughter __ofJames Johnston, Goderich
township. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. Mr. Ginn at .the rec-
tory, the bride and groom being unat-
tended. Mr. and Mrs. Grassick will
reside in Stanley township.
Clinton: The wife of James Walker"
Apnssed away on Saturday, after a short'
illness, at the age of 81 years and 0
months. Mrs. Walker was born near
Thirsk, Yorkshire, and was niar ried in
York, coming to Huron. County with
her husband fifty years. ego last'Aeg-
ust. They sett', d at Granton. OD the
London r. aa,'1, living there 27 years,
then..ritoving to Clinton, where they
have resided for 23 years.
"Buy 'Mahle teat finbbers if Trott want 'a` tle�tt, stasti, Accurate fit."—Wireless from
'the gild. *Oman Who lilted In a 8h04."
• Light and pliable, because no wear -destroy of ai`dultorants aro
iii fixed with the }neat Paw gu :l. .,
Gonforrcz' #.o the shape, of tho f4hoo --,--givo A g1ovcf.liko, accurate,
stylish fit. Stay in,sllape. Wear long.
• .. $too Reward. $100.
:The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn.
that there is at least one dreaded disease that seh ,,ee
has been able to cute in all its stages; and that is
Catarrh, Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive
Cure. now known to the medical fraternity. :Catarrh
being a constitutional disease requires a constitu-
tional treatment. • Hall's Catarrh 'Cure is taken ing
ternaily, acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces . of the ,system, thereby destroying the,
foundation of the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitution' and assist
ing nature in doing its work. The proprietors have
so.nluch.faith in its curative powers that they offer
One Hundred Dollars for any ease that • it fails to
cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address.F. J: CHENEY.& CO., Toledo, O.
Sohl by all Druggists, "Weeds,
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Stanley: W. Grant, of London road
is laid up with pneumonia, but his
friends will be glad to learn he is re-
covering. --Miss Jean Gilmore, Matron
of Crowstand Indian School, who has
been home on a three months' furlough
returned on Monday to resume her,
work there.
Bruceneld: Many in-Huro'n County
will recall Dr. James Steward, who
some 20- odd yearsago practised in
'Verna and Brucefield in this country,
and afterwards removed 'to Montreal.
where he became widely known as a
leading Canadian. physician. He died.
on Sunday night last from an apople.c
do stroke .which he sustained about
nine days ago.
Clinton: Albert Nelson, son of W.
'J.'Nelson of this town, received a frac-
ture to his left leg and had. three ribs
broken by falling from a four storey.
window at London. ,Nelson'sescape
fromdeath WAS nothing short of mi-
raculous and
i-raculousarid had he not struck a benvy
'telephone wire, which broke his fall
he would have been picked up from
'the pavement a dead man,
Howdeulptoalifar Work In. Miarrble.
•Tile' artist makes a model first, not
always life,' size, but almost none of
them aetually does the cutting in the
warble. This work Is intrusted to high-
ly skilled artisans, who do the work
tinder their directiote and the scup-
tors superintend all the finishing
touches and even occasionally do some
of the gritting on the face and hands..
Tbe actual eutting of the stone is a
most difficult- process and requires
great expert Skill. In case a full sized.
model Is made the sculptor 'sends it to
a professional marble cutter, :who
roughly shapes theeblock. The general
shape is often given to the block be-
fore it leaves the marble yard to save •
the extra; freight. : The rough carving
is then done by the marble cutter, who
so shapes the block as to . give it the
general outline of the figure,to be re-
produced. Be drills a series of holes
in the block, the dept11.0f each of which"
corresponds to an external point of
the statue supposed 'to.. be inclosed in
the stone. After a sufficient number
of these holes have been made' in the
stone he removes the entire perforated
portion, and what remtains gives the
broad lines of the statue.
Resat Head. of More.
When the wise and witty Sir Thom-
as More was beheaded his head was
stuck on a pole on 'London bridge,
where it 'Vras: exposed. for fourteen
days, mud' to the grief ' of his dangh-
ter, Margaret Roper, who resolved. to
secure It. "One day," gays Aubrey, "as
she was passing under the bridge, look-
ing at her father's head, she exclaim-
ed: 'That head has lain many g time..
in toy, lap. Would to God It would fall
into my lap as 11 pass under!' She had
ber wish, and It did fall Into her lap."
Probably she had bribed one of the
keepers of the bridge to throw It over
just as the boat approached, and the
exclamation. was intended to avert the
suspicion of the boatmen. At all
events she gotpoasessIon of It and
preserved it with great ogre in a leaden
casket until her death, and it is now
Inclosed in a niche in the wall of her
tomb in St. Dunstan's church, Canter-
bury.—Notes, 1`I'otes, and O+ueries.
tntrlgiateari Streeemer.
"Speaking of laughter, 1 have often
wondered If the laughing loan and the
laaughinre woman really pet along bet-
ter in the world than the inaan and
woman who do 'not laugh, or if they
Laugh at all merely grin at notue
amusing t.thing," sand the obeer%eint
malt. "1 do not know, 1 am stare. Of
course you will filed that Men and wo'
men of both types probably in yohr
own 'acquaintance have been able to
got along fairly well in , the world.
Laughter Is no doubt good capital In .a
;great many irastaliee a. It is equally
-trim that the grim face, tho;,sour look.°
1 may say, lila; often proved a valuable
€tra.:ot. '1°l1C wlalrti wwould seem to hull -
r..- k lilOt there I:t 0 1 TWe to laatigla and a
taane s, not to laugh.'"
The average family in Canada uses about 25
pounds of tea per year. If Red Rose 'lea were
used entirety, not more than 29 pounds would
be rc j iredo You saw real money when you
use Red Rose Tea.
"is good tea"
T. H. ESTAarl04K8, *i. ,JoiN. N. S. W 'uniARa#.
TOiIONTO. s Waa.u$;yos4ey,, 1 . •
Parkhill; F. J. y Hutchins wlao has l Mitchell; The remains of the late'
been the postmaster here for a num- Mrs. Thos. Pratt, who died at Inger-
her of years has resigned. He is suc- I soil on the 5ti inst., were brought
seeded by W. H. Taylor. here for interment last week. '
• We have,a beautiful selection of the latest designs.
;Come -and get our prices, all *marked inP lain figures.
E ask you to come to this store for furniture because
we believe yea will get..tbe kind you 'want.' The.
stock includes all those pieces that appeal to good
taste on account of their design, finish, dharacter
and richness. We can shoey newest ideas and the
most popular furpiture for the home, that oan be
found any place, town or city.
Leading Furniture Dealer and Undertaker.
mush of necessity be lasting i*i
order to successfully weather
the storms of business life. '
young men andyoung women
to take minor .positions which
eventually lead to positions
of responsibility and trust. The
' foundation is secure. Our
'students gb up, not down. We
are unable to supply thedemand
for our students. Why? Be-
cause business men recognize
the superior training they
• receive.
Write for our business and
shorthand booklet; it's free.
School term :, September till
June, inclusive.
Forest City
Business College
Princlpid. London.
he Pandora Thermometer
The' thermometer on
the Pandora range oven
means precisely in ac-
curacy to , the cook what
the square and compass
mean to the draftsman: •
Without the.square and
compass the draftsman
would have to work en7
t y by guess, just as
you do without an ac.
curate and reliable therrnxnpe�ter on your cur " en,
The; Pandora thermometer reduces cooking to
an exact science. ;You know precisely how much
heat you have and what it win do in -a given 'txthe.
It le one of the snit things which rakes 'the
Pandora so much different andbetter than common
Wait h.isa.N Mi*4 Ir000torteits
London. !► to. tionttokati,
, 'ipe .. ralltn+iii♦+ novels,
l►'l o #,**, ittaniaton.
Ta>« Hi
wkins1► Son, Sole Agents.