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Exeter Advocate, 1906-10-11, Page 8 (2)
Good Clothing.. .---seeeee-seeeses-er eeee eeelee eeeeee 1)1A net Rot all the gold chancee paoe by yon, If you are likely to need a nevi lenit luring the neat biX menthe y(t)u will bo donug yeenreelf a favor by getting L ow, Talle advantage of opr speclial dtscou t of 20 per cent. We don't try to fit a man' into a ready- ials suit. We make h suit to Olt the umn; and to fit him as if it were his own suit, not a borrowed one. 12 you want to have the repu- tation of being a correct dresser let us do tbe tailoring for you, and you wilreyer be sure of Good IA aterials, good fit, splen- did workmanship, and perfect. LT: W. W. TANTA Merchant Tailor, Exeter, - Ontario Ma. John Hanle ie quite in, Lareee _nintantatles of eugar lecote aro being dewed tbie week. Tho l)awiere aro beginning to get their new ground in Shape. Mr. Mart. Salter le tnow able to sit nnp and complete TQCOvezay i3 1 eight. Netwithetanding tho veet and dreary day, T. 11 Hau.dford's eel° on Thure- day waa a very suecessfaA ono. The Bickle eoneert in the (Vera House Thanksgiving ev'g will be the beet entertainment Of the Beason. We were treated to two © 'three short hail stomas on Teneeday, just by way of ustierilqg in the fall weather. W. R. Davis of Mitchell has- been appointed Police Magistrate for town- ships of Logan? Hibbert aad rullarton. Oans.dian Express Inspector Murray of London was.here on Frrslay makiug a transfer of the agency from the late Chas. Snell to 0. T, Brocass. General regret will be felt at the con- tinued illness of our aged friend, Mr, Thos. Rowe, whose condition is some- what weaker thao last weak. A couple of North Enders came up before the magistrates on Tuesday. Same old charge -assault and battery -with the usual result -$1 and costs. The Exeter School students will hold a field day of sports this month. The citizens will not make any mistake by • helpihg them ilk making up their. list of prizes. Mr. N. E. Hicks, who is on a visit to his father Mr. Richard Hicks, Centro,- lia, sang "Jerusalem" with very pleas- ing effect in the Main street church on Sunday, evening. "Miss Mame Sanders Of Exeter, who has been visiting in Detroit and this city, is in Victoria Hospital seriously ill with plural pneumonia." --London Free Press of iSaturday. Mrs. Thos,Snell, who has been in- disposed during the past week, is on Business Locals RealThem Don't buy that Dinner Set without calling on Stewart. He has a sinch on Dinner and Toilet Sets. Apples Wonted. Bring your apples out to the Exeter Evaporator.. Good prices paid.. W. H. Levett. Gcnts' Sti:a. Has are correct. Stew- art has the styles that are leading. See them. Notioo. The Exeter Salt Works Coa are now making salt and those that are in need oC same wll have their orders cheer. fully filled by calling at the works; T. 13. Carling, Sec'y-Tireas. A dainty lot of new overcoats for dres- sy young men at Stewart's. $10 for a Swagger coat. Notice Aiiy person or persons found taking water out of village tanks will be pro- secuted with the utmost ,rigor of the taw. Stewart In6ys all kinds of live poultry, • dressed Poultry, Butter, Eggs; Dried Apples and large Onions, watch Lost On. or about Sept. 28, on the Lake Road, between Chester Stanlake's and John Penbale's; a green enamelled lady's watch. Finder will he suitably s rewarded by leaving same at Mrs. Yeo's store : - The Weide concert under auspices of the Ladies Aid of Main ° Street church Thanksgiving evening will be a rare treat 'Stewart has a lovely lot of new Dress Goods in that dlep, rich shade, so much in vogue, 65 and 88c. See Sheldon's fascinating story “In His Steps" illustrated by beautifully -.colored slides and moving pictures in Main street church, on Friday, Oct. 12, Admission: Adults 15c., Children 10c. 1Hick& Forcasts Vor October. A reactionary storm period is ce t- ral On the 10th, 11.th and 12th. Lok at this time for rising teroperature,fall- ing barometer and return of cloudiness .and autumnal rains and gales. • These autumnal storm areas willalmost cer- taioly bring severe to dangerous dis- turbances over the northern lakes. Let these concerned note this warning. Renewed high barometer and change to colder will progress eastwarelly from about the llth to the 15th. A regular storm period covers the 18th to the 20th. In all probability this will prove one of the most severe to dangerous storm periods of this month if not the whole autumn. Many 'sections will be visited with high to violent gales, alt followed by .sudden revulsion to rising barometer, with snow and marked change to colder over northern see. Clans, Frosts will work into central to southern regions from the 18th to the 22nd, or dates touching. The 17th Is another seismic period, extending from the 15th to the 20th. This is .0. Insist probable time when some more earthquakerPfatilte will conclude to ...la g." it Suitillgs and Palltings Reducecl in Price. fie We have reduceda large e. number of first-clase suitinge and pan tinge in price and for IL the next month will offer you 4. Sniteeeduced from $18 to $15 * " $1.7 to $14,• $16 to $13.50 'r " $15 to $12.50 4. " $6 to $5 " $5 " to $4 " Str10 to $3.75 0.00 to $3.00 4 4 $6 Xi ft1 LittO w� Wftl Clerir nt Once. Don't Miss the t 0 Chatted,- • • ee X• .144piNti;nt 1•2 11 if 8 Or a. Extte ++4444*.1441444srefsfffi. the mend. Mr. Snell is also on the sick list. We trust they both will soon be restored to good health. The Opeia House has been engaged by Mr. Wm. Brown for a grand even- ing concert on Oct, 25. We hope that the people of Exeter and district wiAl. respond heartily to Mr. Brown's ens'i. deavor to supply an evening's enter- tainment. A cablegram was received here Tues- day announcing the severe illness of Mrs. JamesSeckellt who left here a few weeks ago for a sojourn in the land of her birth, for the benefit of her health. Her Many friends here • will wish to hear soon of her speedy recovery..., Among the handsome presents re- ceived by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baker On the occasion of their Golden Wedding were a gold -headed cane to the former and a gold -headed parasol to the lat- ter. 'These articles were beautifully engraved with their initials and the dates 1856-1906. . , On Monday afternoon' the frame stable belonging to Mr. John Herbert, Market Street, Exeter North, was burned to the ground. The origin of the fire is unknown. The fire brigade was quickly on hand and succeeded in preventing the fire spreading to the It is stated on the most reliable •au- thorit y that Exeter's grain market has seen farmers during the last few weeks, who had not previously been on the market for years. Some have come from 'points much nearer to other towns than to Exeter. A good market means inueli to a town. Bally Day for the Sunday Sehool of the James Street church on Sunday afternoon Was a pleasant affair part- icularly for the children. The meeting was held in the body of the church. Mr. Frayne was chairman and appro- spriate addresses weredelivered by Rev. Going, Mr. Fleming and Mr. S. Martin white the singing was furnished by the scholars. Wcn.d has been received that Miss Jessie ,Robertson, a former teacher i the Exeter school, who disappeared so completely at Quebec some weeks ago, has been located in Buffalo. Her state of mind had been affected by her poor health. When found she was employ- ed with a china .decorative firm. The girl will be taken back to Gbderich, her home. , Mr. Wm. Brown, organist and choir Master of Trivitt Memorial church, wishes to announce to the citizens of Exeter that he willrestablish a singing class in Sight Reading, Harmony and Voice Culture, for the winter months in Senior's hall, Main street. As soon as enough member are enrolled prac- tices will begin. For any. information inquire of Mr. Jos. Senior or. of Mr. Win. Brown . a Mrs. Wilber Oudmore, who has been visiting at Harrow, spent . Friday and Saturday here at the home of Mr. Geo. Oudmore. On Friday evening a recep- tion was given in her honor, at which a number of the near relatives were • present. A pleasant evening was 'spent and a number of beautiful presents given to the bride of only a few weeks. She left on Saturday for her home in Crystal City. WAS Clara Otidmore accompanied her as far as London. • Ed, Treble andGeo. Anderson both vvon a piece of money at the London Quolt Tournament last week, Ed. win- ning $20 and George $2. The former got first place in the second series, shine the latter got fonrth in the third series. The best pitchers in Canada and. United States were there and one must "put them on the pin" to get a share of the prize money. In the first series Treble beat Talbot 41-30, but was then defeated by•Miller 41-22,who ,also defeated Anderson 41-28. In the second series Treble and Anderson drew up together, the former winning 31-25. Treble then euccessively defeat- ed Wanless 31-11; Errington 81-27 and Bunter 8142; thus winning first Money. In the third series Anderson woo from Scott by default, WAS beaten by Virelfreed devon from Wallace, get - Wig fourt•t plaee. X'he ehainpionahip went to Jir4myeBell of London who defeated his runner-up, Rob Callender of Toronto 81.-39. orettiv .boarovoa 'The Parkhill Gazette Review mete to hand Met week enlarged and mileh improved. The increase in size. With its varied improvements baeked up by IL liberaladversing patronagO, iall go. to shoev the a oreciation of iter Meths. tes paltie AA One of the leeding eOtite ti Ili ale•of 'Mid leetex is Assured and atil,We lookokeel eibright newey pages, we are not surprised to learn that it is a welcome eisitor to the homes of if subeeribere. 'We congratulate Bro. Daweon on his motet prime and wish oar go Owed confrere COnlitieed einem The Anniversary serv.lees of CaVen Peeebytee2an ehuech 'WM lie Loll on Sunday„ Octeb'er. 28th, when ilio Iteli. R. W. Rees, Al. A., will have charge of the cervices. Toetiae regret of many the metal tea will be diet/ceased with. Rev. Allen, WhO goes RS a niirsionarY to Chinni, cent by tine Epwoeth Ireges a Goderneh and EXeterDibtrief4 speke ou Missionary work at the JaniC3 Qtf. League nneeting on Motylay night. and* the Main st, meeting crueeldav night. -, Fully eight inches of 6110W on the ground met the astonished gaze of the people on awakening 'Wedneeday morning. The great weight of snow falling on the trees, whieh have not yet ' lost their foliage, caused many iambs andetn places whole trees to be broken down. Here and there the wires also are down. The loss in fruit trees, particularly where the fruit has not been picked, will be considerable. W. C. T. U. convention. The niuth annual convention a the }Imola County W. 0. T. IL met in Hansa! on Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 8 and 9. Ha.vine. our Provincial Pres- ident, Mrs, Mcifee,, with us (herselt a host) made the convention especially interesting and profitable. We feel encouraged to find that superintend- ents are working their departments more successfully than ever before. Officers elected for the following year are as followst-Pres., Mrs. Paulin; Vice -Pres„ Miss Murray; Cor. -Sec., Miss Rennie; Treas., Mrs. Holland; Rec.-Sec., Mrs. Hooper. Place of meeting for next year was left with the executive. Delegates to Provinc- ial Convention in London in Novem- ber are Mrs. Paulin and Mrs. Hooper, Plan of work outlined -1, Temperance In Sunday Schools to be made a spec- ialty; 2, That this County Union pledges its members to loyally support the rnissiontiry fond and farther the work among lumberman; 8, Also re- commended that this union adopt the dollar fee, thereby putting our official organ on a ' sound basis. -Mrs. H. Hooper, Secretary. caasies attest is Dead. - - Death came suddenly to the home of one of Exeter's best known citizens early Thursday morning last and re- moved therefrom the spirit of Charles Snell, sr., at the "age of 70 years, 4 months and 17 days. The deceased had been ill for several weeks' of kid- ney trouble, but for the greater part of the time was able to be about, until a little over a week before his demise when he was forced to retire to his bed and although his . condition was considered serial's his end was not looked for so soon. Everything.possi- ble was done for the patient. and on Wednesday a nurse was gent for but without avail, death ending his suffer- ings about 1,a.m. Thursday, Mr. Snell was a. widely known gentleman?* high- ly respected and of strict integrity. During his life he had followed several occupations among which were shoe- making, school teaching, clerking, and for the last twenty-five years he had been the agent o athe Express Com- pany, as well as enjoying at larg in- surance business. For several ears Mr. Snell was a Justice of the Pcaee and Clerk` of the,Division ()mere which positions he occupied in a most credit- able manner. In politics he was a staunch Liberal and in religion a f th- t ful Methodist. For many years h was the leader of the JI .Tames street oir and superintendent of the Sunday school. His first wife was Miss Mary Ann Brooks, who predeceased him sev- eral years, and his second wife was Miss Susan Passihore who survive* and has the f!yrobathy of the many friends. Bees also survived by one sister, Mrs. Geo. Samwell. The funer- al took place to the Exeter cemetery. on Saturday afternoon under the aus- pices of , the Independent Order of Oddfellows, of which order Mr. Snell had been for many years a member.. The day was exceedingly web but many people were present to pay their last respects to,a much respected- resi- dent. Miss Nettie Walters is home from Toronto. Mr, Fred Gidley returned to Detroit Monday. Miss Della House is visiting friends in Goderich. • Mr. E. N. Lewis of Ooderich spent Tuesday in town. Chas. Harris of Blyth visited here duting the week. , Mr. Geo. Salter of Toronto is visiting at his home here. Lee Blatehford returned from Man- itoba, on Thursday. Mrs. 1Ylorlock and granddaughter Mary are visiting in London. 'Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Sweet and little son are guests of relatives here: - Mrs: Andrews is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Edward Jones, Sr.; ' Mr. L. 11. Dickson was in London several days this week on business.. Mrs. Thos. Clarke spent east week the guest of Mrs:. Keough, London. Mr. Wm. Seldon of Ingersoll visited his brother, Richard, part or last week. Mr. Wm. Greenway of Crystal Oitye Man., has been visiting here for several days. . Mr. Eli,Snell was here from Forest attending the federal of the late Chafe Snell. . • Mrs. TLA.Orenston of Cromarty vis- ited her parents at the manse over, Sunday. Mrs, A. E. Pym and SOn returned Friday from several weeks visit' in the Northwest. Mr. Arnold ,Moir of Ilaileybury is holidaying at his father's home at Hurondale: Mrs. Arthur Iroskins of 'Brantford is 'here owing to the illnesg of her father* Mr. Thoe. Rowe, " Mrs. Zuefie and childivn returned to Harriston last, week. They were oc- companied by 'Mrs. George Baker as far as Winghatn. I Mr. and Mrs. Melville Martin spent, part of Met week at the Manse, having returned from their honeytnoon ttip. They left, thie week for their home in Regina. e Mrs. Sinclair, after a two weeks' et ity with her deughter, Mile A. Bowie, re- turned to Hemetli Saturdav aceompate, fed by Miss Betty Mey 1k.i�, who igpent Aiday or so there. e Mr, .Them Oaeszliteer arrivNi hei.8 last week to eomplett; preperritions for the removsti of the family to Regina Ilein he and 14 father have been for wane titneee. They 1e4ve, lit A week,or O. mrs, Wm, Nilson, MPA. Ilennie(nee Edith Fenson) and child of Winnipeg. MAIL" formerly of Exeter, Are Vittifirig *ith relativessintoWn. Itiwitts nr Web. Davis. tittle Miss Eta Musson of Or angeville is oleo si voltor ta Ms*, 1am'. ' Mr. Thee. Beyle Las accepted a nation ae eleek ia hatIdeu and left for that eity Monday. Mr. W. Biesett accompanied Mr. Geo.Iledgnno to the Hone° of Refuge at Clinton on Saturday. Mr. Claeke of the Moons Bank Fc,. turned leeet week and Mrs. Clarke hr. rived lea evening efter a vieit at her home nu re:anion. They will blameth. ately take up their residence in a mit° of roonne at the home of Mr. S. M. Sanders., Good Words fn.' the• A.dvooate and Exeter „ To Females mit Kezierree A1V0C4.A.T1i , Allow nue to couglettulate you. on the enterprise and good taste exercised in the production of tine Trade Supple- ment to the Exeter Advocote. This is a step in the right direction and will be of far reaching benefit to every cit- izen of Exeter. When we consider the radius covered by the Advocate as in case of the writer over two hundred miles from Exeter and undoubtedly some a numb greater distance, setting forth the advantages of Exeter as desirable place for manufacturers to locate, we can see the value of it; or when we take into consideration the geographical position of Exeter, its nearness to the lake port having the shortest distance to travel toreech the great markets of the West made great by the haflux of population which is yet only in its infancy. Twenty years ago when all the important markets were in the east Exeter stood at a dis- advantage, but things have changed and Exeter stands nearerto the best marketthan do any of our Ontario cities. The 0.P.R. has seen the eel - vantage of this and is making every preparation to open the shortest possi- ble way to the West by way of iGtode- viols and it is understood that they are arranging to put on a line of boats from Goderich to Port Arthur and Fort William. When this is done Wes- tern Ontario manufacturers will have a great advantage over those of the east as they will save a long haul over rail to reach the lake port, and few places are situated better than Exeter, being only thirty miles from Goderic h. Force of circumstances will also com- pel the C.P.R to put in other branches leading to Goderich from a ' more southerly direetion and as the branch from. Ingersoll to St. Marys is now an assured thing chances for Exeter to be in a direct line are certainty good._ _ • Yours S.M.S. Dashwood Mr. Fred Ehlers of Berlin, a former resident of this place, has been visit- ing his son and other relatives and friends during past week. -Much sym- pathy is felt for Mr. VVinkenweder's family. Four of the household are down with typhoid fever. We hope nothing serious may result and that in a short time they may all be restored to their former health. -Mr. Jacob Ehlers of Chicago is at present visiting his parents here, coming home on Sun- day at noon quite unexpectedly.' It was certainly a pleasant surprise. -- Last Sunday at the close of the Sunday School the Temperance committee -gave a very appropriate and interest- ing Program consisting of singing, reading and addresses. At the close of the plogratn. an opportunity was given to sign the pledge, to which one boy responded. The names of those who had already signed the pledge was then read by the Secretary which showed that quite a number have al- ready become total abstainers. -Won- der if the committee cotild'xit get Car- rie Nation,j est for once. =Next So ON' ,evening Rev. L. X, Eidt commences a series of sermons on the Ten Command- ments. Every one who can should hear this entire series. TIAVING RENTED Mr. W. G. Bissetee grain storehouse and placed Mr. Chas. Northcott in charge, we are now in a ,positionr., to handles all kinds a coarse grain. 1 0-0 Wet Solieit iour oristing And Citeit‘ 1 . PHIS PittrOnallal• • , 1 i u1x1EITk:lititRY BRos?!-I0 1 Jekleirt4t1/44kAfkAelt ACJIetakkAtk COUGHS EAIRLY CROP_ Fall coughing has begun. WHITE PINE SYRUP n is beginning to sell, ,People think as much of it asever. It certainly ,411, is a Cood ,Remedy Coughs, toldS, ,ifeeireen'ass and Ordinary Thront 'troubles. 25 - Cents a Bottle wing it back if you don't W 8govvEY PIA . 41 31.1PMfAt and Ootieian. Exwairt Phone 50, TRY HAWKINS & SON FOR S nd 17110111.41.0ES We keep a full stock of Building Hardware, Paints, Glass Oil, Nails, Etc. Also Repairs for the Frost & Wood, and •'Cockshutt Plows. T. HAVTEINS & SON. 01111,1 Billy For Winter This is the time of the' yeaf when one begins to furn- ish the house for winter. We Help to Furpish the Home By supplying Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suites, Parlor and Extension Tables, Rockers, Chairs Picturest,Etc. Can to see these goods and you will find t1 "price suited to the article' and "both to suit you." Rawg & ATKINSON. The Leading Houle Furnishers and Funeral Direotors. PlefONE NO. '82 rm ool Bian There is no reason for spending wakeful nights on account of the chills, .because it le easily remedied by a pair of all -wool blankete. Not the heavy union goods that make you tired with the weight, but pure, clean wool, woven to hold the beat to the body..., We bought them at a special discoont, there- fore can offer them .at •. Exceptionally Low Prices. COMFOIITEIIS ComfOrters that are a real comfort. Made in light and dark colors that are both pretty and servicable. , ' Filled with bat- . ting that 0 fluffy, light and of a uniformthickness through. out. 'Almost as cheap as home-made ooes,:with none of the tiresome work, Linoleuras and Floor Oilcloths A. square of Linoleum under the table•or stove, will save the carpet,fie Much easier cleaned and help brighten up the room. Neat floral and tyle patterns of assorted colors in two and four yard widthe. Price the lowest possible for the hese -quality. List Arrived -461:•.:4. Another shipment' of ladies' jackets. Cloth and styles the swellest yet Light, medium, dark greys, Also blacks. Call before rangeOf sizes is broken. • 'We will pay, the followipg pricers for poultry, ie dry pieked and picked eleaniand fasted 24 hours Wore killing. ' (If head is cut effstie neck properly) ' 'Chicken 100 per lb. , Old, hens Se Duk 10e Two cents per lbless if poultry is scalded. Geese 9c ce For 'eve poultry two cents Per pound less than for dressed poultry, JONES. • & CLARK. lieadquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford. Clothing. lowmiwo.A SNELL & sunftwit vAtuns nsi WitiEt 11)10EDWEIll MEN, vvonitgN & OHILDRE1V " Mee's Fleece lined Shirti and Drawers • Special at O'Oe. each. Men's wool Shirts and. Drawers, medium weight, Spechd et 50c. (*ch. Metes heavy all wOol Shirts and Drawers. • Superior quality /50, mob, Mufs th,e, all wool. Shii ts and Drawers, wertente ed unshrinkable, SPeelai $1 &tete • "WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR' Vaareeemesend %V it'cm'slinderwear. THE BEST in Almada. Stiebd qata fiy at 25e., 40e., 50., 74e. and $1 a gartnent ('h!ltIt»' t and Drawers in all dzeo and ail Qualities .11_4 tot tusii