HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-09-27, Page 10Good Clothing 0 0 De net lot ell the geed eliences pare3 by yoe. Eg you are likely ,b111 need a, 1)0 nit d'eeing the imet eix monthe you will le, doing yonreeli afavor- by gettine it nom 6, Take ad vallta e of our special discount of 20 per cent. wo don't tee' to ilt a man into a, ready-mm.1e suit. We malso a suit to fit the man; and to fit him as if it were hi, own It Met a borrowed one. If you want to have the repu- tation of being a correct dresser let to do the tailoring for you, and you will everee sure of Good materials, good fit, splen- did workmanship, and perfect W. W. TAIVIAN • Merdiant Exeter, Ontario Business Locals Read Them lovely lot of new Room Rugs and English. Linoleumns just in at Stewart's. • Rare values. •Boy Wanted, • To learn blacksmithing. 'Apply to James Dignan & Son. Ladiex! If you want distinctive millin- try, the hind that has a style of its own, modelled and made by artists, Stewart's, is ,the spot.. nuzzles for sale. 4. new, neat, up-to-date buggy. Price to suit purcnaser; also iron -wheel wagon. Call at once and see thsti3.. A. E. `Pym, Blacksmith. Listen: Do you linow a bargain? Here is one -208 piece Porcelean Clfina Din- Aer Set. The most dainty patterns we have ever seen and only $12.50 for the set at Stewart's. See our new assortment of comic, post cards, the best yet at Cole's Drug Store 49e. the yard for a beatitfful l�t of neat grey nzixecl tweed Dress Goods at Stewart's. Br:. Ovens: Coming. Dr. Ovens, London, Eye and Ear Surgeon, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Exeter, on Friday, October 5th. Hours, all day. Glasses properly fitted and diseases of Eye, Ear and .Nose treated. . Gents/ If ?jog want to wear the stheltest stfif hat in town, get tlfe "King Hat!' Stewart sells it., The Reign 93f Edoire Gowns and coats. The reign of empire gowns and coats. The 'Vital question wether Empire lines • shall be or shall not be, is at last de- cided so far es New York isconcerned. Ali high-class establishments have de - dared themselves upon the affirmative . 'side, and are . now busily -preparing • gowns cut with the elevated.waist-line that is a destinctive feature of the Empire dress. It has taken some time to persuade the American woman to adopt the new fashion, but from the present indications it wiliebe seen in all dressy gowns „throughout the Winter, and promisee to become gen- eral- toward Spring. -Rejected at ;first as too radical, the picturesque but daring imconventional lines of the Empire gown have been gradually modified until 'Josephitie herself would' rail to recognize in the present-day product, the didinctivirdreas of her period. The belt -line of the'Empire gown, is considerably higher than s nature indicates; the skirt is fuller and rnoregraceful than the one from which it takes its 1111.113e, and the long- lines' that fall from the softly draped bust are decidedly naore chaste. The long, coats and paletotS, 9'like the dressy gowns, show Empire lines, real or else annulated by crossed bandsr,revers,and deep yoke effects. -From the October Delineator. . Mrs. NV. G. Bissett is indisposed and ander the docteirse care. The best spot intown for Ladies' Coats in nifty styles is at Stewart's.. Special valu,es at $5.50, $8.50, WO and $14.50. Art+Sillgs ++444elette+++++++,++++4441 and- Pilmtligs ROdu6ed in Price. ,w4W 4 We have reduced a large number of firet-class multiage and pantings in price and for • the next month willoffer you es, Suits reduced from $13, to $15' " $17 to $it too to $13.50 " $15 to $12.50 " $d to $5 t " $5 to $4 71: " $1,50 to $3.75 e. " $4.00 to$3.00 * •-o • Lifte we Will Cle;r a Once, Don't t e Chance. Panting " 16 41 W. JOHNS relined Tailor , Eeete Mee, nieleatal Snell lie rcesivering feere fever after two woke' Mira Maggio Ilenifeed hers taken a pe Iti0111 cr.1`3 milliner with Mie3Meeleck. Mi(ei Nina Oarling cente, pleauing SO1 Sandey evening at the Jannee ot, ciatare13. 'Rev. F. of the Mein et. el/unhand Rev. Andrews of Crediton exchasig,e pulpite on Sunday next. Mr. T. E, blandfoed uhipped two are of hOWE;C-3 yesterdayesone to Port Ar. thus, and one to Winnipeg. hae returned from Grand Bend andwill eesume her teeeti. ing of yoice eudture and piano. The once etaff thatifs Mr. 'Win. Ea. !sets for a few bunehee ,of excellent grapee presented them bobSaturday. Mr. Wm. Berry'o cornet solo, "The Lost Chord" was much appreciated at Trivia Memorial church Sunday even-. The maay friends of Miss E. T. Gill of Toledo, Ohio, will be pleased ,to know that she is on duty again after an illness ef telphold fever. A. J. Luxton, son of Mr. Fred Lux- ton, a Usborne, has taken a position as junior in the Sovereign Bank here, commencing his duties Monday. The Rev. D. W. Collins will preach Thanksgiving services at Hensall on Sunday next, the Rev, Doherty, rec- tor of Heneall,011ing the vacancy_here. At the mass meeting on Friday e ening Reeve Bobier, Mr. Gardiner a ci Mr. MacLanaore of Chicago gave little talks on the canning business. Be- sides giying general information re, garding the industry they reported the progress made in selling the atock of the present company. Capt Tom Robson, of Merton, so well and favorably known throughout this district, was Qt3 Thursday* last wedded to one of' London's fair girls, in the person of Miss Lira; youngest daughter of Mr, A. McAvoy, County Treasurer, of Middlesex. His Many Exeter friends *ill join in extending the heartiest congratulations. A quiet Wedding took place in 'Win- nipeg, Man.'on Tuesday, Sept. 25th. when Mr. Fred Bissett of Macoun, Sask.. was married to Miss I. I. Dun- can of Stroud, Ont. They will reside in Macoun-where Mr. Bissett conduets a general store business. The Many friends here will extend congratula- tions to Fred and his better half. Rev. J. W. TenEyck, whefouryeare age was rector of Devitt Meneorial church,: Exeter, and has sinee* com- pleted his arts course and secured the B.A. Degree at Toronto, has been ap- pointed rector of St. Peter's eherch, Hamilton. Mr. Ten Eyck stipulated that when ke became the rector of the. church all the ritualism would have to •be struck out of the service, and the congregation agreed. - 4 Tiara paper is endeavoring to give its patrons the best service that is possible to give and all that the patronage will pernait. Our paper is being frequently complimented on its appearance ancl the amount and kinctof matter it con- tains. Our citizens can make the pa- per still more effective by liberal. pat- ronage, both in subscriptions and ad- vertising. The paper will always en- deavor to merit -the patronage. At the Metbodist General conference at'Montreal certain interesting points were discussed and decided for another four years. They were (I) The timeof a pastor's -stay at any one place is to remain as formerly, four years being the limit, (2) Women are not allowed a place on the quarterly board or to at- tend conference, .(3) The foot note in the church discipline prohibiting at- tending theatres, playing cards and dancing remains as *before. , The Exeter School Board has engag ed Miss Stella, Gregory of Erin, daugh ter of Mr. Thos. Gregory of town, t take charge -of the room that will b vacated by -Miss Dorrington on Nov ember .the ist. The salary is to b $575. • Miss Bregroy is a very capabl teacher and will undoubtedly fill th position satisfactorily. It is tegretable •however, that Miss Dorrington ha seen lit to resign, her .work in the H S. Department haiiirig been first-class • It mattes us very,. tired, indeed; t have merchants insist on us to urge th people to trade at home and not send away to mail order houses or big city stores for their goods, and when we go around to settle ear accounts have pre- sented to us a bill head printed away from home or receive copy for an ad written on a letter head, which neve "trade at bonne." Yea we believe in it, but those who cry out so loud an persistently should certainly be firs to set the example. The London Free Press of Friday contains an article which states that work will commence upon the.. survey of the proposed Huron -Erie Canal within two weeks. Greed tend is to he the Lake Huron terminus while that on Lake Erie is not yet known London will be on the line. The esti- mated length will be 42 miles and the east $(30,000. It is said that the survey will gommence at Grand Bend and it is claimed that there ie all kinds of cap- e ital behind be scheme. d Jimmy Hawilen has eiienged with the Nelsen Beek. lecri.• as ;oilier. A big fire is raging in Hay ewainp ae conseqatence el'. the dry Wcittlier. Mr. Alart, Salte1113 Condition shows come elight improvenn,nt thia week. Mr. joilia Mell. tt, Jr, is moving in- to Me, Chas, Derweed'e heves° on Huron Street, tveently saeated by Mr. Wee. Harvey, A Board of Trade meeting wit9 held last Wednesday evening to eorielder propesition ftoin an electrical esmeeee, regarding establishing. svorks here. The marriage takes place' to -day, rSept, «)/itle, wao me, at the Ceti - trill Baptist, church, *Savnitf, of Miss Lila Howardslusegliter of Mrs. It HoeVard of Sarnia. Sormerly of Exeter. to Mr. Alex. N. -111eCarneet of Port Auctioneer. Rich. Hunter of Usborne has taken out an Auctioneer's 141ce1380 for the County of Huron, and is now in a po- sition to take sales. Terms reasonable, Address Elimville, 'Ont. Hicks Vorcast for'October .A". reactionary storm period is in pro- gress at the opening of October; 'with a coinbination of astronomic causes centering on the first half of the month that must, in all reasonable probabilty bring abnormalperturbations. Earth's aututnual eqiiinox covers up to about tbe.20tht the Venus peitindle'centrai on -iheflith, and covers the whole month; the mercury period reaches up to the 10th, and the regular Vulean period is in force from the 20d to the ltin The full moon falls on the 2nd being on the celestial equator on the same date. The probabilities are that the reaction- ary storms in progress as October comes in will reach their culmination on and touching the 2nd. Severe and dangerous tropical storms are Indi- cated for southern parts of the coun- try with a wide and forceful storm centre ceming to meet them out of the northwest. tenger Government Graufs• After this year the Government grant will be much larger to the, Agri- cultural Societies and will be based on the amounts expended for purely ag- ricultural purposes. The grants to county fairs are smaller. The follow- ing table shows the facts: ° Society Present reipeuesa Future • Grant -Omit East Huron •$506 $600 215 South Huron 380 958 342 SHuron spring fair 50 Wed Huron • 388 669 239 11M°orwrlicek 97 312 131 545 Hay 90 Stanley - • 88 12 195 395 141 285 '102 Tuckersmith 90 670, 240 Stephen & Usborne- 91 819 293, .A.shfield, Wiwanosh 113 „ 633 226 Turnberry • 128 505 181 A New veatute. Handford & McLean is a new firm of horse dealers recently formed ib Winnipeg. Mr. Thos. E. Handford Our fellow townsman and well ,known horge dealer, deserves great credit for the energy and enterprise displayed the past number of years as purchas- ing agent, in this locality for Messrs. Ryan and Fares of eWinnipeg, the largest dealers in 'horses in the west. During the past six years he has bought from the farmerSOf Boron and Middlesex between 4000 and5000 of the best class of horses, for which he has paid the handsome sum of nearly a million dollars, and has by fair dealing and correct business methods establish- ed in this vicinity one of the largest and best horse markets in Ontario. With characteristic pluck Mr. Hand- ford has decided to go more extensive - if possible, into the business and with either end in vie.w has formed a partnership With Mr. McLean et -Win- nipeg and bought out the firm of RY411 and Fares, and the new fifin will carry on the great saleandexchange stable _business there aa was done by the late firm, and Mr. Handford will, as in the past conduct the buying and shipping from Exeter, Seaforth and other con- venient points. As a Huron boy, being hero in Stephen Township, he deserve e our earned- congratulations and sincere encouragement in this.new venture, for starting as he. del from very small beginnings, being afaririer's son of small means, be has byindomit- able pluck and perseverance risen to be One of the largest dealers in horses in Canada. All horse men and °others interested in controlling for this part, of Ontario the great horse market of the•West, will join in wishing the new firin every success, and those having horses for Sale will do well to consult Mr. Handford or his agents before dis- posing of the sarne. The Advecate joins Mr, Handford's many friends in wishing him abundant success in his new venturefeeling as we do that pros perity for him means increased pros- perity for this whole district. School Board mintage. Three meetings have been held Sitlee our lest report. On Ang, 29, the Board met to accept the resignation of Miss Dorrington, rendered .necessary by onttnuous illness in the home of her earest relatives and the, Board is gore ry to part with her, for her reeord„ in school and out of it has been in every sense good; On Sept, 17another meet- ing was held, when supplies required by the Principal for the Chemical' de. pertinent Were OtlthOriZed to be pro- cured, Mr. Dennis' account for re- pairs, $1.25, was passed and a decision reached to have the well once more pumped out. On Sept. 19 the Boned met again. The Repairs Onan. report- ed over 40 panes of glass broken der- ing the holidays and a total of 48 re. plated. The Ptincipa I VMS alttbOtiZKI to secure snpplementary reading ei cost of about $10. This is reonired to meet the requirements of the mid slim- mer exams.of 1907. The H.S. stedente are forming an Athlete: Union and preeented a petition at this meeting, for a holiday, for it program of field siports tt rive held -on the grounds some t riday in ()dreier. This Was granted on motion of It N. RO WO and S Martin. We t.hink thte 11. wise action on the part of the Board. „An active mind earmot d4 its best eXeept through Sri active 110 413' and the previous tralninK neeesstir to a good day of field eperts te just tlth Whig to produce it. We hope the day chosen will proee an iaoitt on and that every twilly in town will be represented by one or HUM! Of its members on the ground. Miss Stella Gregory, Prinelpal of 111011 echool, 18 tO take Miss Dotting. toree place, with duties to einninelieez Nov. 1. The eatery is fixed at per annum tip to June 30, 10K, , /Vic Lasigklin-ft round. The marriage took place at -Brant- ford on Wednesday, Seeit. 10t1i, of 111iss E, Isabelle Bround to Mr Wm. Mc- Laughlin' on of Mr. and Mrs, John McLaughlin of Exeter. The ceremony was performed in the presence of the immediate relatives and friends by Rev, J. H. Pritchard, pastor of Alex- ander Presbyteria chureh, at the hm oe of Mr, and Mrs. W. J'. Puller, 13 Alfred St., The bridal party entered the drawing toom to the strains of Mendelseolin,s wedding nearch and the bride watt given away by her grand. father, Mr. Wm. Creighton, of Bur- ford. The bride was very becomingly attired in ehampagne voile over silk and carried a leetutiful boquet of brid- al roses. Her travelling dress was of navy bine Louisietue silk with bat to match. The bride WAS attended by Miss Edith Creighton of Burford and the gpoone Writ supported by Mr. Leslie Rauftnan of Brantford. .After the ceremony the wedding party adjourn- ed to the dining room Where a very tastily arranged dinner was sierved and the usual speeches were made. Thle large nittriber of:presents teetifiedl to !he high eeteeen in whieb the eon- tracting parties 'are held. • Mr. awl Mr. AteLaughlin are spending their horieymoots with the formee's parents iti town. We congratulate our young friend and bride on the event rind wish them every happiness in the mare islefis}Visfflef++.1efflete. " 8inte Mr. alai Itiz9, iho. RULSsoli o2Toron aecs visaing heee. They ienne up in an ante. • Mr. Kneed -en) bashee with Ed. Willie, hee iluovcct into Mies Belkwill'o house, Vieteria et. Mieu Mao Wood left weaeve for Detroit, whom eh° will remain for celiae weeks, vieitinee Die and Mre. J. W. 110.erisen. Me. Abrahent *last\ station -agent at Denfield and son of Mr. George Case of the London l'esad North, wars married tit- Ailoa (trails. yesterday to a M1GS Leech of thet, place. .Wo extend congratulations'. 1)r,, 3. A. Rollins of Raymond, Atla., formerly of Exeter, was on Thursday of last week married " to Ali6S Nellie Davidson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Davidson of London, also form - of Exeter. The ceremony, was performed in Medicine Hat, .Sask. Their many feiends, here, will wish them every prosperity. 'The Know How' Is a valuable part of our business. It is the best of foundations--; 1t is lasting. We know how to ',repair Wateb.es, ,Thwelry, etc, We know what is required to fix it. If your watch is not running just as it should, bring it itt for examination. It costs nothing to know if / it is in order, If it reqUires fixing we can do it The ' "Knowing, How" has been the means of giving us the. right to say we are leaders in our line, . Try us when you wish to 'buy something in our line. M4.flCH 'A D The Jeweller EXETER, ONTARIO STORM PRO ECrarION The most danger to farm buildings and live stock from wind stormais during the summer months,. A Policy la The Huron - Weather Insurance Mutual Company Will give you protection, and Rog: lEigoYrfe:c4o8tto,nElysqa. 1Perwesdidel:tr: ilaYeSreaPr. 0. J. Kellerman, Esq., lrice*President Dashwood DIRECTOR SilasBrokenshire Crediton 0. - C. 11, Perkins, Exeter P. O. • • Remy Rau, Drysdale P. o. A. o. Smillie, RensallP. 0,- W. T. Caldwell, Hensall P. 0, Chas. Monteith, Thames Bondi'. O. Wm. B. Battler, Zurich. See your nearest director or write for particulars to B, Zeller, Secretary, Iteliable agents wanting territory should write at once to O. HOLTZMAN, Oen.4gent,. ' Zurzeh P, O. . se HARDY, Agent at Exeter. r_nru.u.%irlsruir HAVING RENTED Mr, W. G. BiSsetes grain storehouse and placed Mr. Chas., Northcott in °barge, we aro now in a position to handle all kinds of coarse grain. 0-0 . oats unsurpassed. muskratSsndiSable collar trimmed. Style and quality We Solicit Your dristiUS and /Aux Potronuge. 1 1 TRY HAWKINS & SON STOVES and, 0 7 TY Eta 111 We keep a full stock of Building'liardwae, Paints, Glass Oil, Nails, Etc. Also Repairs for the Frost & Wood, an Cockshlitt Plows. T. HAWKINS & SON. 0 Filfllii Tlicir Ililmo I After the honeymoon is over, don't worry about furn- ishing the borne. That Problem. is Easily Settled.., Come in and make yotir selectionsWe , will make your horde 'hqnclsome,-artistic and com- fortable- from cellar to -attic at prices and terms that' . will save you money and make you happy for a•- * life time, • , & ATKINSON' . „ - The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral , Direotors. PHONE NO. It is time now to think about buying those new furie Never before has there been a larger variety of styles or better quail- ities to`dienose from. This is likely to be a very severe winter therefore all the more need for them. Onr new stock is over- flowing vvith the choicest goods to be had and the prices are very reasonable. If -Intending to purchase be sure to -call and inspect theim fs, $101es and Scarfs re made -Up in sabel Fox, Co- iable, Marmot, • " lumbia SbTh csad Coney. in the latest shapes and fur to inatoh offs and stoles. aI . Astrachan, Grey.Lamb and Marmot These 'gni :00 are" a s lendicr coinbination ofY st le and corn- _ fnr_t. • tiffs fined quality, Black German KuSey cloth) lined With G A full range of A.ST ACIIAN COATS, with and without Sa.. ble Collar, extra fine; farmetseettirelined. All sizes in stook EXETER ONTA.RIO o. ---o HARVEY BROS. ayr eae;teeeileeee ses ea, sesseu IP" 14 sss 4.4446444r .,„„www. .141 THE BUSINESS MAN must not negleet his eyeslie tnny think he, hase't got the time to have them examined -40 -de yiand to -morrow they May give him serious trouble, EXAMINATIONS OF THE EYES are made here wit lion t unneceesary de- lay, but suttleieot titee is taken to ob- tain emirate, ieformetiore EYE(4r4SSP,S AND SPECTACLES fitted by us will bring aboa the dealt'. el iesuit in iniVIT Our chavgereare moderate. Wit 34 1101i1Et P141.010' enlist an 1 Ontieian. IMETRIt, Phone 51 1 Don't Forget, that.We carry alliines of Men's Fin!, Coats,. Robes and 'Rog‘ Chicken 8c. per lb. live weight, loc, per lb. dressed Old Bene 7e. " " " 8c. " 64 " Ducks 00. " 100, is Of , ' Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford„ dlothing. 44414.4.46.1441414441444414144.4.4.4. MEN'S AND, 13 Effir SHOES The best of each -when they're worn they prove it. We are showieg the very latest styles and pride out. selves upon our ;shinty to fit all feet perfeetly.; tesiedve akent9 for Tittt, Art Sitoe for Wks; Price$ 0.1% Ira,' V5 and 43.00.1 STRANG- Slins PIM rums Yon can't 'buy better than these. And the lads won't twilit them out in a hurry. Prices $1.50 and $2.00. Your inSpeetion