HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-09-27, Page 5fi ezeter butyrate, pi.bi%'sa ,every r°ee ssesy resseir tine Orgep .4FIN-aSTRI1E , EXETER, BySr Mc—. ...- ARVQOATE PU LUSHi NG OMPANY "w :RI1,r3 �. a41'4yl�ll'dN. dee I➢;,Slrur ecr eeeeran 9$° pale Ise aivdr:sss $A.5Q i4 aao� oo peer eser larramtiefeuear Wrikas :Q 454301,21=i1. No paper discontinued nettle's aarea>ragea are ppa,d 1.° Advertisements witirorrt specified directions will bo 4 published until forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discount made for transeient advertisements' inserted for long periods. livery: description of JOB 1PRINTING turned out ars the guest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques, money orders, &e., for advertising, subscriptions, etc., to be mad payable to Sanders & Creech, PROPRIETOR Dashwood Roller Mill A real good time to buy our famous White Star Flour is now. Made from the very finest of Wheat—acknowledged to be the best in America—The Mills, the Millers, and the Milling Proeess all thoroughly adapted for obtaining the highest re- sults.—For strength, richness,whole- ness and appetizing flavor it is with- out equal; makes more bread easier and better than any other---given„solid satisfaction to cothsurner and producer —Bary it and you will please. yourself and your good wife as .well.—House- wives all over the county erndorse our claims,- We solicit your patronage, Jos EidtDashwood. During The Warm 'Weather Ware offering some ' exceptional waltzes in Pianos and Organs Oar Goods are of the best quality, and we will he satisfied with the SMALL PROFITS, Prices and terms that -will suit the. most exacting. - .w In Sewing Machines we. can '.cer cer- tainly suit you. sat over_ • P, WOM AND CONSIDER THE FACT That fit addressing. Mre, Pinkham, you ale confiding your private file to a woman --�a, woman whose experience with wo- men's diseases covers twenty-five years. The present Mrs. PinkhasaC is the daughter in -lacy of Lydia E. Pinkham, and 'for many years under Iter di ti an her decease, her advice has been freelyd given to seek women. given Many women suffer in silence, and drift along froze bad to worse, knowing full well 'that they ought to have immediate q«sistance, but a natural modesty impels them to shrink from exposing themselves to the questions and probably examinations of event their,, f: ill Phys it'ia,z). - : ;It: m nxinecessary. With6ut°mosey ... or price you can consult a woman whose knowledge from ,actual experience is great. a Women suffering from ,any form of female weak. neaps are invited to promptly communicate with Mrs. Pinkharu at Lynn, Mass. All letters are received, opened, read arid answered by womenonly.. A . woman can freely talk of her private illness to a woman ; thus has been established the "eternal confidence between Mre. Pinkham and the women of America which has never been broken. Out of the _vast volume of experience which she Basi- to draw from, it is more than possible that she, has gained: the very knowledge that .will help your case. Sha asks nothing in return except your good -will, and het advice has relieved, thousands. - Surely any woman, • inyy'testimonial, that others mayla6W tli r vale Mrs. Pinkham,'s Stan ing Invitation rich or poor, is very.foolish if she does not take advantage of this generous offer li-- of assice sts ,' Lydia E. Pinkham Medi- cine Co., Lynn, Mass: •- Following we publish two fetters from a woman who accepted this invitation. Not, the result. First letter. Dear Mrs. Pinlrham :-- "For eight years t have suffered something' terrible every month. The pains are .ex- cruciating and I am hardly stand them. My, doctor -,says I have a. severe female trouble,and I must go through an oper ation if I want to get well. 1 do not want to .submit to it if I can" possibly help it, Please tell me what to do. I hope you can relieve me. -" -1.i rs. Mary Dimnnielc 59th and E. Capitol Sts., Washington, D. C. Second letter Dear Mrs. Pinkhnna .- "After following .,carefully your advice, and taking Lydia R. Pinkham's._-Vegetable, Compound,' I aro• very anxious to;send�you e and what you have done for me. "As you know, I, "wrote- you that my doctor said 1 must have an operation or I could not •Iive. I then wrote you, telling, you my ailments. I,followed your advice and am entirely well. I can walk, miles without an ache lir a painand I owe my life tci you and to Lydia E.Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound. I wish every sufferin woman would read :this testimonial and realise the value of writing to you and your remedy,"—Mrs. Mary Dimmick, 59th and E. Capitol Streets, Washington, D,O, • When a medicine has been successful zn restoring to health so many wonlen whose testimony is so, unquestionable, you cannot well say, without trying it, I de not believe it . will help me." If you are ill, don't hesitateto get a,bottle of Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Conran- _- pound at once, and write Mre. Finkham,> Lynn, .Mass., for special :advice—it is free and always helpful. • 4 fine liny cheap, h of higs grade station- CALL arid SEP US e Nome - We have a beautiful selection of the "latest designs. Come and get our prices, all marked in plain figures. E ask you to come °to'this store for furniture because we believe you wilt get the kind' you want. ° The stock includes all those pieces that appeal to good taste on account of their design, finish, character and. richness.. We can show newest ideas and 'the most popular furniture for the home, that can he found anyplace, town or city. JAS. BEVERLEY, LEY, OPERA; Rp OK. Suet Everybody,. We.lhave . just received a large -line of ready-to-wear,suits, srhieh we intend to sell at rock- bottom prices. All the latest cuts ar ud the hest of goods. s Cotte fund see`"arid, you.: will ou- will he sure to. buy. • Leacttng Furniture Dealer and Undertaker. WM.SHRtTM, General Merchant DAHWOOD. EXETER MARKETS. ().HANGED RACE WE iNBSDA ' Wheat 4.0.1119',4 , r. » .� 70 , 70 Barlley".....,.,.,.:,..«,.. g0 40 Oats...i,i.....,.,,1+,'f.. 30 31 Peas . u fie 65 Potatoes, per bag....: ,:. �p ta5 10 Hay, per ton... ... Y » .. , , 6 50 . I q ' 00 Flour per cwt.. faarrrily.. 2 00 Flour,ylow grade per ewt 120 1 20�} Butter... 7 M r 1. if . - .18 14iggs...:..,W,....r.♦...Y 17 7 Live bogs', per, cwt. , r... 6.15 Shorts pet? tarn , ...... , . 19 00 2fi ()0 Bran pe tcan°i .r. 16.,. �) 16 r . y �M 4(I 00 ,Dried Apples...:........ 6 0. - Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Wird great Uterine Tonle, aznt't only safe effectual Monthly Regulator on which worrnerr (an depend. St`old in three e1ea�rets rat i trengtlr—No. 1, I ; No. 2, 10 &. raa :8 etronr;or 3; No., 3, for • coal. Cotes, 5 per box. Holdat I3o111k all tl • r a� n Tl gyp,` t.., CDT` vent Prepaid on reeei it of price. I vee pamphlet. i.A.ldre. s' : TNI Celat l p141fatl tt«,T1i*oK D.net. (Attic* iVierl 'rho Advocate to end of year 20c The Advne',iite to end of 'Year If yott require Glasses for the relief of Failing yesi ,ht, 'quint, Dizziness, Bill ousness, 'etc,,; do not fail to consult Dr, Ovens,,a COMM : OIAL HOTVT.i, ► . Fr .dais, Oct 5th Daafriess and Catarrh :Treated. r4ii i : E. A. Preston, who for f1! past three years has ben teller at tits e In Vx" �%O oil Standard Brink here, left last week for Council met pursuant to €adjourn. Uonsecon, weer() ,he has been trans- went id Town Ryall, McGillivray, Sept. ferred. 3. All members present. Minutes of y last' meeting read, approved of and 'W'oo�. z l gphoolue, signed. Accounts were aid to the to- Tlad Great E iglts>x .netned' . Torres and in viaoratesthe whole nervous sweat, makes' neve t rood in old Veins. (Airco Nell,. rt5 DeWitt", .(ental cad Drain JVorry, Da* Vondctrcy, &xunt tireakne's, Bild.914018, Spot. medorekcca, and P4recta of „abuse Or Exce sett. Price $1 iso' box, rdxfor15. One willn1, - ale iniac tal amount of $157.65. y Lew No. p wise read a third time and passed, fix- ing the raates'yas follows: For township purposes 2 mills; county purposes 1 8-10 mine;. getaeral school tax 2. mills, and the athernmonnta as required by the will cure. Sold bV a11. ianlggistq o maileel in (li fel-ent; sections. Adjournment, to plain eta��s. on rete tar Irr co. .New ,ptt»mphiet mat'Ied tr, ' -The: Medicine Co. Vora ol Windsor) r) Yoron Ont. A° Famous- CENTRA , • S This Scheer la recognizedaiz e1 to he on of the brat ('oi,nuc,ciat Mamiein ,the .Province. our en imoI art; thorrtu;;h and up•trr,datd ayes giro to practical Wining and acuiat cur gradnotm to good Kamm It Li impossible for tis to natidy the demand sande us for Wice help. `.[hose iiiterc tct1 iii tlw r own wet. tare should write for our free eatalegue, ELLIbTTA6 M'eLA HLA , I 1'�rirncilyala it first Monday in October, ` J. 1), Drunrmoncl, ()jerk. There Is more (7atoirh In thlsaeetiorl df the cona try than alt other diseases put together, and uptil the last few years was supposed tubo ineuraiilo.'For a treat many years doctors pren©uneed it a local dia• .raec and,prescrib(d local remcdWs, and by constant. ly failing to Curb with feeal treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to he a; constitutional 'disease anti therefore requires constr. tntional treatment. Ilall's oatarni Cure, manufn . hired I . Cheney & l fo to Cl u . Ohio. istle only conatitutional'eure on the market.. It is taken internally In doses from 10 drop to O. tcaipoontul. It acts directly on tlic blood and MUM -19 surfaces of the vstein. They otter one hundred dollars for any rave rt tails to cure. Bend for circulars and testi. rnonials. Address: L. J. eitEl Ey & t>U., Toledo, Ohio: • Paid by nruggists, 75 bents, Take Hall's fdmilyipills for es nstil atien•, Zurich Pair Owitinued., bash-., 1-17, Gies; 2rowed we 1 ;Ity`6beee Y'cA lu 1@1o1 whit() oIt`.3ah.17; Woe, reellyAResale- 'G1gesirisasive, Battler,W ssteeerpemah 4pea", eludes 0 G•fppnetyclover seed, A. h'ostcr,I Schwalm. IV B:a,ttlfc(; timothy seed, B t Philips, Is. 3l seder, W Battier. ,iardge Jae, Moore. DAIRY 1. ROM/07'8 .batter in tualb, J' Brown, W Smith, If Raeder; butter, W_Ba.ttler, %fid Smith, D S:ar:ae ar ; home-made cheese,. J txeit.,or; l onoyin comb, J flutterers -horesetnsade bread,-(a'tllausins,TBerry; eXtracted Ineneny,W Smith J Harborer; staple syrup, G UIaausir:s J Decker; col. honey, J I°iaarl:ever. Judges—J J Merrier, R J Drysdale. `lIORTICiULTURA. PRODUCTS Ar.1 zi s,---Oollectron;apples, E Gies, Snowden Breis, D Haugh; fall apples, E. dies, Dan Haugh; winter apples, E Glee, E Broderick, D Haugh; King of. Tompkins, E. Raeder, G Schroeder; Snow apple, J Brown, J ' Hey, jr,; Northern Spy, F Willem, P Bchwalui; BalIiwinsf 0 Treuwner, S Jacobi; R. 1, Greenings, J Hey, jr., IL Raeder; (Ltn adaa Red;'n Raeder, T Hey, jr., Ribston Pippin,,,E Gies, W Btatille....fi ; Golden, ��s�, Raeder, S SacQhl .Ben Davis,., Haugh, L Raeder; Swaas, W Smith; Wagner, W Raeder, C Trueinner; Mann, H Raeder, 0 Truemner; Maiden" Blush, S Jacobi, J Rarberer; Blenheirn Phippen, S Jacobi, G Schoellig; Pe- Waukee, L Raeder, 'r Haugh; Colverts, F,Willlert, G Schroeder; Gloria Mundt, : - Scbroeder, H Raeder; Twenty Ounce Pippen, B S Philips, :P Schwalm; Tat- man Sweet, L Raeder, H Raeder.. Fell and winter pears, J Harberer, W Battler; Bartlett, Snowden, Bros,, TJohnston; Flemish Beauty, 0 Schroe- der, J Decker; Clapp's Favorite4 Har- berer; peaches, G Schroeder, E Rae- der; prunes, Snowden pros.; ''red; crab apple, S Jacobi, F Willert,; yellow crab oppie, H Raeder, E Broderick;dgrapes, W Battler, J Rarberer; col. grapes, J 'H'arberer, G Schroeder; plate of plums, T Johnston, O Oolosky; col. plums, J Brown; canned fruit, E Raeder, John Decker. Judge --D Cantelon. VEGETABLES. Early or late potatoes, G Schroeder. G Schoellig, E Kaercher; white or Ele- phant, G Schroeder, J, Decker, W Smith; Colorado Red, G Schroeder, W Smith; Michigan Blue, G Schroeder,W rlcritb, W Battler; Rural New Yorkers, A, Geiger, A Foster, . W Battler; ' any variety, G Schroeder, A Remote, W Smith; col. potatoes, \V' •Smith, G Schroeder, oeder, 1'V Battler; White joint, G Schroeder, W Battler Empire State, G Schroeder, A Ronnie, W Battler; white beans, W B ,.Battler, Geo Olau- sius:any variety beans, Jno Geiger, P Beichert; yellow corn, Snowden Bros., .EzraKaaercher; 'sweet corn, A Geiger, 11,Well; red onions, E Kaercher, G 'Schroeder; yellow onions?, W Battler; dutch,setts, P•Schwalrn, E-Kaercher; white field carrot,., W Snith,G Schroer' 'der; red field carrots. W Battler; red. garden. carrots, G Shoeing, T. 'John- ston; Swede turnips, .J :Decker, W Smith:white turnips, L Raeder; globe Mangold's, .I G ,Schroeder, W .Battler; long meneolds, G Grim, G Schroeder, yellow mangolds, 11. Neeb, L' Raeder; Oxford cabbage, J Hey, H Neeb: Dutch cabbage, %V Battler, J Hay; Spanish radishes, B S Philips, W Battler; white radish'and rooted beets, 'W .Battlers ca ulifiower, .W Battler, _ P Soh walm; pumpkins, IV' Battler, J Hey jr.; mam- moth pthnpkin,, 0 Fritz, G'Schroeder; celery, R R . Johnston, T Johnston; squash, H Raeder; blond beets. W Bet- tler, H Well; watermel""ons, 0,Colosky, G Schroeder; muskmelons, G Schroe- der, A Foster; red tomatoes, W. Smith, W Battler; yellow tomatoes and black sweet corn,- W Battler, T. Johnston; citrons, R Raeder. LADIES' WORK Embroidered tea cloth, J ,Cochrane, L Prang; embroidered tray cloth, and centre piece, Mrs. Bluett; embroidered doylies, Dr. Campbell, IL Raeder; em- broidered sideboard scarf, Mrs.Bluett, C Frits; embroidered sofa .cushion, , ' Johnston; Roman ,ernbroidery, ' Jewel.: embroidery, embroidery on flannel and Point lace coliar, Mrs. Bluett; feather stitchiug and .Battenhurg doylies, T Johnston; Col. ernbroidery, 1Mrs,` 11u- ett, J Decker; Battenburg centre piece, Dr. Campbell; Miss Campbell; Batten - burg tray cloth, Dar. Campbell, Ezra Battenburg .tea cosy, Dr. lace centre piece, ()Fritz, T Johnston; netting, T Johnston, Mrs. Bluett, drawn work, H Well,. Miss .Campbell; collection drawn work, T .Johnston, Miss Campbell; etching, T Johnston, .T Cochraane; Bulgarian em- broidery, Mrs. Bluett; pillow shams,.'E IC(nercher, J .Decker; sofa cushion. 'Miss Campbell, T Johnston;; fancy apron, E Kaercher, Mrs. Bluett; Mount Mel- ick centre piece, 0 Fritz; crochet lain-, dry bag, J Geiger, J G Forrest; cotton crochet lace, T Johnston; toilet mats, .1 Brown,J G Forrest; table mats, Dr, Campbel, J G Forrest; tatting,'Chas. Fritz, T. 'Johnston; knitted lace cur tains, H.'Neeb; woolen quilt, 1=1 Ben- der; wool coverlet, P::l3ender,, T John- ston; log c.Lbireeprrlt, silk, Mrs :Bluett,; Log i:aabin quilt, cotton, IJ Raeder, 3 Decker, cotton quilt, T Johnston, G Holtzman; silk stint, ctazv cotton quilt: crazy' wool quilt, and hand made ern- beeidery, TJohnston; crazy. silk quilt,. 'T Johnston, J ,Cochrane; counterpane tufted, W Battler, J Decker; °cotrn.ter- paane knitted, Mia s Campbell, J Geiger; counterpane Crochet, Annie Carlisle, H. Well: etching, G Holtzman, D S:a- rearas; crochet cape, G Uoltzrnan, G Schroeder; rag carpet, 11. Well; wool visit, L Wolper, I I rae;r(:her; rag nam, 2'J'ohnston,Mise Canaphell; wool yarn, '6'V Raeder'fi Neel); crochet tidy, Mr's. Bluett, T 'Johnston; knitted tidy, 11 5 tt Afghan; Neel), %V RaaaScler� Afghan; T Johnston, 11 N'eclb; cotton stockings, T Jolrtnston. II Well; hand clewing, 1.l're 1 31uett,Cochraner OCt7Ci13attl rI�, D S>rraaras; wool mitt, W I3attlei-q IV Raeder; centre pier's, crewel work; h praing; Bead nest, Mies Campbell; quilt sewed can ground`oVvr.k, J Deckers, Il'. Ibieddel'. Judge a L''Cr'iard, !tiled. Viii. Frites Mrs. B. Buchanan. FINE, AHI'S Painting in oil, figure, and +e-r�:ayora 'av<tilt, "J' d (7 i restb , pencil drawing and painting tan silk, J Cochrane, J I+orreet; painting in oil. i'!!tlee r' , lxorr'eet. ?Schwalm; oil or water color flower.. pen and ink -sketch, J Forrest. ' Mrs. 131uott; penmanship, D'-aar'raraa:; paint- ing can felt, .T Forrest, 'l' Sohnston, painting, on plaster parrs, J Cochrane; T Johnston. • The price of half a pound of Red Rose Tea. io ail --very small, but it will show you how much tea value, tea quality and flavor is coir tamed. in this " Good , Tea " "IS good teS" Prices -25s y 3A, 86, 40, 50 and 9' O oto. per ib. in lead packets T. H. RBTAUROOKS. Sr.r. JOHN, N. 1'9. WINNIPEG. TO, O$To�7 Wct,i.straraN ST., E. ill VLO ERSb Col. flowers, R R Johnston-; Maple Leaf, T Johnston, W Battier; crit flow'- ers, T.Johnston, E Zeller; Geraniums, W Battier; Cacti, 1' Johnston. J For- rest; Calla Lilies, T Johnstne; Pensive, G Schroeder; Pim/alas,J Forrest. judge—Jas, Weekes nT • crumble the marble palace , 1 cut eft Tanen in teir prime;, 'the monarchs of the forest Fall before the scythe of Time. iut nay most destructive efforts Of snow. and heat and cold, Rave no effect on " Wire Edge "-- it lusts for years untold. Pdter$ons ?Wire Edge" ReadyRoofing costs less than ordinary shingles and lasts a lifetime It is rain, snow and fire proof—insures dry, comfortable quarters for live stock and poultry—and melees - ry-- il;k�s the ideal .roof' ,far ho es, barns, chicken lrou9es, etc.' i Sample and booklet free. Write for them. hardware dealers everywhere have PATenso r'5' `" Wxarrt ZIaGR " or ti wil;1procure it for you. Paterson Mfg. Co. Limited Montreal and Toronto is ortly another way of saying "" Ambition. " We ali are ambitious --we all -want to reach` the top, but if the first few rungs in the ladder of success are missing, it's pretty hard to get a foothold, isn't it Begin right and attend the FOREST CITY BUSINESS & _SUMMAND aAND COLLEGE. Nothing is taught that is not needed in business. life; The, rungs are all in OUR ladder, and when you graduate you stand alone on a firm foundation. Business and Shorthand work our 'specialty. Write for our catalogue ; it's free. School term : September till June, inclusive, Forest City Bu h ,ess . Collegee J. W. WESTERVELT. Principal. • p Y. M. O. A. Bldg.. London. .n ores, n li.na . �'e d Like an .Engine. Ane.third Ora housekeeper's life is spent in her kitchen. One-half the labor of housekeepirng is at the cook stove. Your Lange canAoublc Or halvethe cooking slavery of housekee n . A poor range adds worry' as well a.s'work, and worry multiplies the htoueekeeper'e care. ff Get a range that reduces the work and elicninalkes the weiryr The' Pandora Range ist as easily and ae°curtely managed as an engine—it responds to the touch as quicklyand cart. inl a .s' the huge engine obeys the h rid of tine engineer. �' g The Pandora ItsIt ige saves worry,as n. and because worrykills itprolongs life.. Sold by enterprising trealearal everrehere. 'Write for boolet. ar4, .40 „.......T.,...„,......... W alivec Vancouver St« John, N.S. T Hawkins di, S�n, Sole t