HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-09-27, Page 40 10 Case of . , him. M. elat h. ici zaitont to Tomqvc I/0 an Atedde ti.i.a.cdiv-,za zo neke ,1:D'ALIZI-7,C' 41 klia fatlaveq i 411R0 Clila g4 0,' nig biataaav:,,,,s thez-e. rilt6 vui;,v;p tlitch rogrt t5 Nit.. and Mrs. ,Are You pripTiad? . , tlatiep Zuavinv; ctn., taaids[r, and thojocz2c,s, 1, IU al u to tkao`chiarvh hero where they . 1 . honored tnetnhers and to the eiaoir ' -- where, Mt 2, Vantsk "MS Ga long taken a 1 prowinont pazI.,i5riMilDS Calinit:3t irrepar. Every bonQpiaold ahonli bp ri'elalred ', able. Thoy a,re respected rnad appre- Ctor einet•genefies and havor.i..: td:„7 for elinted fur thvtv etazierret, hancsty and flso a is-ood liniment; , nprigiatraes• tile qualitiezi that always wear ht . We, are pfleasea to know that Mr. Clark's brother, liVilb,nr. will sifeeeed him in the latsirress here and tee people 02 Graeton arid vicinity ex- tend to him te hearty weleolere. ' Winer's. , Liniment is household neceseity- ?usea eXtern- ' fer aUwhes and peine and a safe ;arid releteele medicine for interuat nse. Highly "Recomp:teridecie, Sells on its Merits. 25 cts.-a Prepared by W. S. COLE, Plan. 13. Ventral' .OrliSiore. Exeter, 'Ontario tgzeter bractxte, Sanders & Creech.. Props. ere THURSDAY., SEPT.. 27, '06 Usborne Council, Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment or Sept.T. All present. Min- ntes of last nieeting vvere reed and ap- proved. By law No:8, authorizing the , levying of the.following rs.tes s read a third time and finally pa ,sed: -- County rate, 14-0 mills; Townshi p rate, 3-5 mills; General school rate, 1 1-5 'mills. The amounts needed be- the -Trustees of the variousSchool Sections., pirer and abov.e the general rate, to be levied by special rates. on the different -sections, entered on the Collector's -Roll and collected with the other rettes. Accounts as follows were passed, and <riders issued in payment:—Elimville Drain -contractor,— $800; General, - 130.33; Council adjourned to Oct. 7, at .$1 o'clock.—F. Morley, clerk, • Granton, The Advocate to eud of year 20.0 Two lady evangelists of ,What par- ticular persuasion we de‘n't know, closed a series of meetings here this week and are now holding forth at Woodham, 'libelr success here does not appear to be very rnarkedeee-Coun- cillor Itaycraft has been making great improvements on our streets in the way of shapiegelveining and Ism -vele Zing; be also improved the croesings. The work was much neecleil.—ReY. D. eeintm of Clinton conducted Harvest Home services in the English arch .bere on 'Sunday. ' The church, which was beautifully deeorated, was filled both morning and evening. The ser - ices were impressive and profitable. leeLitevieta..---,-P. W. -Clark, oar popu- lar and highly esteemed harness maker„ J e abour to leave Granton, after a stay of seven years. In that time he built Iv o. splendidbusiness arid is trusted •.and respected by everyone that knew Pale, Thin, Nervous? Then your blood must be in a very bad condition.* You certainly know what ,to take, then take it--Ayer's '.Sarsa- parilla. you doubt, then consult 'your doctor. We know what he will say about this grand old family medicine., This' is the lint question your doctor would askl "Aro your bowel* regufiar?” Re knovre that daily action 0 tbe bowels Is abeolutely essential to recovery. Keep your liver Active and your bowels rogular,by taking litxative closes et Ayorli Pills. ,tradtoIrtc. Aret Co., •Lowen, so nunrunicturera or HAIR Imo. rstatycugs. We have no accrete! We publish the fornutlaa or *11 our medicine.. 1. tillistairm,,,iLvar .., • --- --- -----Cr, - ..„.....,000 114, N iii inimealemor l'ilisol'ilrgulfr, i NS wort. 0, ,sicomfirime i or. 11 ils 1.11""11141174:::::ri 1 4' o. YIN 00000mPoosforme ocip —144.4 LLON INGE-STAY FENCE A 0 POINT:5. Tito Dillon rotten has long s1naI Tho txporiniontal otago. Onro you gct a. mon raca nm aro satintiod. and will cntnt ntoro. Into. tratod Catnlogatorroa.4103 Agents Malted. -114 irrmer, CO. tivirrno. WIPE W. J. ffeatnan, Agent. VirAliEHOUSE§ —AT— 'EXETER, CENTRALIA AND OLANDEBOYE hest Price paid for Crain turcriff, seLDON Vrediton, Several of onr citizens attended the "World'e ,Fah." at_Zuriele on Thuraday.' Miss JDora Wenzel of Detroit is here visiting her parenteor-Ira Brown and August Kuhn attended church service at 'Zurich on Sun ay evening. --Wm. Sambrook, wife and family were in London over Sunday. --Misses Chrissy and Della Brown are visiting.relalives Chesley.—Thos. Trevetlaick has Atte ed tip a temporary work shop in the old lelacksualth shop, north of Clark's corner until his new building is ready for use.—The trutstees of the Evangelie cal church intend having the churcli. tower repaired this week. It is 'quite an undertaking as the scaffolding will have to be built up.-- Mis Andrews has returned from a plea.saut visle with friends in Toronto.—The fiax mill finished the summer threshing last week. flax gangs are busy picking up tbeflax and storing it in the barns for the fall and winter threshing. —Bert Clark is painting the new addition of August Hill's hotel.—Harry Wince wife and family returned to Detroit, Tuesday, after visiting their patents here dur- ing the past roontla—Miss Alnaina Yaeger is learning the dressmaking with Miss Clara Vahner.—YoungBros. are busy finishing the interior of their new workshop. They have it lined in- side with metallic sidings and when the work room is finished it will have an up-to-date ap.pearance.—Our ciei- zens are getting in their coal. The fall weather is' corning on rapidly and he is a wise man who gets his supply of fuel on hand.—We are pleased to state that Airs. John McIsaltes who was obliged to go to St. Joseph Hospital, London, is recovering. Her many friends hope she wilesoon be aleight The masons are busy plastering the new school.---Conrad:Kubn is • visiting his brother in Sebeweting, .Mich. -11. Haber, .M.P.P., is in Mt. Clerueos, taking treatment foe his rheumatism at "the minetee baths.—Next Sunday special anniversary services will be held in the Methodist church. In ehe mornieg Rev. Geo. Brown of Toronto will preach and in the evening Rev. Fear of Exeter will occupy the pulpit. 00 Mouday evening a special program will be rendered.- Special thank offer- ing collectiops will be taken at each services. - Clandeln The Advocate to end of year 400 Rev.* Bloodeworth of Ailsa Craig lied charge of the ,Thanksgiving eery - ices in St. James' Church on Sundity. The thumb was beautifully decoretted withfruits and flowers and,both serv- ices were very largely attencled.--We are pleased to note that Geo. Simpson Is gaining strength daily and is expect- ed to be up and around again in a short time.—Several of our village people tOok in Ansa Craig Fair Tues." day. --Miss Simpson of Centralia spent Sunday here.--elelisseameton and Miss Carter of Lucan spent Sunday with Miss Lizzie Carter.—Miss L. Charles of Belmoe t is Visiting here.—A number, of Telephone men are in the village do- ing repairs and putting in a new. line to London.—Rev. C. Sinapmi sen return- ed Tuesday to his ho mein n Novas.— Mr. Waiter liodgins has taken a trip to New Ontario.—John Hodgins (stout) who has been confined to the house -through illness is able to be out again.— Miss Della, Rarlton of London spent Sunday at her hontebere. —Mrs. O. H. Stitichcome of London spent Monday with her mother, Mrs. Clark. —Mr. J. McItane and wife spent "Sun= day in Exeter.—Mr. and Mrs. Stinson of Ripley spent a fewdays with friends here.—jeliS8 Marie letcIlhargey, ACOcin- parried byher three nieces Vow Ham. ilton. arrived home Sat urclay. Marie, returned to HamiltonSunday but the children intend remaining for it .few. days. --Word was received. here Tues- day of the sad deathof Sarah, rel- ict of the late Henry Miller, fortnerlY of McGillivray, who died in London, aged 50 years. The remains will be brought here this morning (Thursday) for interment et Neil's cemetery', dee funeral taking piece frorn the depot.— Mr. Kestle of Brevanston spent Tnes- day with his son Frank. • ° BARNS IltlitNif.D,—Tbe hems and out. buildings ef Ed. Mate about a wile north of here were totally destroyed by. fire about 2:30 o'clock Monday. The oregili of the fire is a mystery. Thresh - hog was in progress at the time, and the erigibe WAS located at thewest side if the buildings,a stroug wind was blowing from the east,but it is pos. Tole that a spark from the engine tumid its way to one of the outbuild- Inge. When the fire was diseovered it was Making headway in a building on the '80titheast corner of elae.barrts, abd it burned wititeuch 1 apidity that the tee n .on the strawetack and 111 the &erns had but little time to reach a relaee ofsafety.. ,A new separator and Newer befongrng to John 'P. Simpson. v. hu was conducting the threehing, was destrevecl, the fire being so fierce that, the machine could not be rernov- ere 'Mae Mara's loss will be heavy. About 3000 bushels Of oats and the eeid from eight acme of barley were eonerrured, together with implements rrol buildings. Inenrance $2000. • Iter'reelllWaec elm Robert English and Freddie re - emoted home from Port Huron last leveler y. ---The Worneree Inetitute meet et Mre. 11. Wiehertee, Jr, at 2:30 Oce. Ot h. Th subjecta to be dike teseed are Sehool JUTIches and House Gleaning. Everyte dy come prepared k take pare in the 1SCLISSIOn. All the lad ies :11 1' welcome. Mr. Henry Shenk letekhill is out, re this week look- , or Et a ft f.r the reehin ling of his borree. gie Jelin Beinger i doing the worlk. - One Postmile aster, V. J. IVon, 11 tS aCre fitI•111 Wise I or rent on ettSY ter ma—W. Marry Brinker (rf Moray 0,444,1i,frietids iee this vicinity laet Sae- (Sueeetwor Joeeph Cobblediek) in des?. DIAMOND -IYES blade Especially for Easy and Succethil. Howe Dyeing The Diamend neve exe the only dyes tnade espvoially &VOW:3,y ;zra(i. nevot1,-,f home dyeing. '1. •N reeolor faded. featbere, plumes', 6'4'ClZt% ties, blonsea, jackets, silk L33Aes. dr“ -;SCS, stoekings and other. artielee of Weating apparel. ' eaey to dye a faded ga,rreent— small or large -with DIAMOND DYES eks it Ts to wash it with eoap, and the colors are forever fast in washing or sunlight. 13right aid economical wo- men save many dollars each year he the use of DIAMOND DYES willeh make old things look as good as new. Users of package dyes will please bear in mind that vile and wortbless imitations of DIAMOND DYES are sold by some the dealers. Flvery there you purchase dyes be sure you ask for "DIAMOND." Refuse all other makes if you would avoid trouble and loss of money. Write to Wells & Riehardeon Co., Limited, 200 lelountain St., .alont- real P. Q.. for New Direction Book, Diamond Dye Cook Book and Illustrat- ed Booklet, entitled "Diamond Dye Longjohns' Win ter and_ Summer 87513rtSi" We/2i free to any addreete Zurich Miss Tillie Melrose ha e returned to Baden, after a pleasant visit here- -Miss Louise Worm is home from Chicago on a visite—Mrs. LeVi 1Eleet- acher, who has been quite 111, la Wight- ly improved,—Mise Anna Rummel and mother. who have been ill, are on the mend.—Feed Hos, Sr., has sold his land east of .the village, the west half to Jebel) •Iloward, and the east part to Me. Howard eon, Henry. We understand thet the latter intends er- ecting a neat dwelling on his proper- ty and will occupy. it as soon as, corn- pleted.—Arthur Well of Loudon is home on a few weeks' visit. —Mrs. Lang, and daughter, of. Philadelphia, is visiting relatives and friends here. —Mrs. Krauskopf of near Dublin is at- tending at the bedside of- her .father, Mr. N. Foster., sr., who is 111.—Miss Pearl Wurtz is on it month's visit to Toranto.-11enry Fust lets eeturned to Caro, Mich.e-efre. Sterling, who has been housekeeper for John' Perks, Stanley, for the past three ,years, left for her home at Blenheim, on Wednes- day. —J. Delehert,Jr., is nursing it sore hand these days, the .result of It rope, attached to it heifer,- slipping swiftly tbrough it. Dean-ea.—The death occurred on Sunday morning of-Nency Ellenbaum, beloved wife of D. S. Fatten at the age of el years, 4 months and 10 days. She was taken 111 aboutetwo months agea-end all that loving and synipath- etie•hande could do was done for her, betalie disease °could not be checked. She Was oftentimes in very great pain, . but she bore it all in Cleostian forte -tilde. She was refaitefol member of the 'Evabgelical church. 13esides her eor- rowing husband, she leaves to mourn twn. sons and t tyro daughters and her aged mealier, Mrs. Ellenbanna fOav- alier, N.D.ornd a nem hereof sieters and brothers. Tbe funeral seryiee§ were held on Teeeday, interment taking place in the Bronson Line eernetery.-- The home of *Mr. Chas. Stelck, near •Ilillegreere, was east into deep &orb on Friday last, when the -spirit of his beloved wife took flight, The deceased hed been ill for only three weeks, and althongh the best medical aid was ob- tained and she was given the most careful attendance, it proved Of- no avail. She had reerched the age of 54: years. • Sheleaves to mourn her loss her husband, and two sons, Robert F. of Edinoriton Alberta, and 'Arnie att home. The ?liberal was held an Sun- day interment taking place in the Bay- field cemetery. ° Three Postcards. , It's the cost of Ittalu—three we ask you to think of t9, -day. Three cents a -day le lifeglity snwll doctor -bill! - • ' Three- cents a -day cures irritated, clogged, neglected kidneys, whez:t you use Bu -Ju, the gentle, perfect .kidney pill. elute cents a -day may save you from a serious Operation. • The cost- of three poet -cards is not going to prevent you from tieing BtreThe Is it? - Get a sample next time you pass this store. W. S. HOWEY, DRUGGIST. Grand 4enti, elre Geo. Ilea nian who *wire a, dtvr p;44.k liere lost a due!: a few weeks ago by its being frigh wiled by a dog' 'old pimping over it seven -foot wire fence. Tbe deer wee advertised and, 'shortly aftervearcis Mr. Beaman was notified that the animal was seen in the neigh- borhooceof Zurich. A few days later the deer was Ewer) at Arkoria. and Tues - drily Mr. Hearnun was notified that it bed returned to Grand Bend and had jumped the fence and Was once again in the perk with its mateis. The animal had eluded its pursuers for nearly a week and had covered over 100 quiles on its trip. fielleall The hotel deal of Mr. Blacken to Mr. Fitzpatrick of London has fallen three the lataer having boughe the Grip House at Senforth. Mr. 131aekall bas now sold out to John Biee of LUCAn, who takes possession on Oct. 1. The meirriage took place in elibbert on Sept. 213th of one of the township's popular young mere Mr. Henry Rog- garth, , to Miss' Mary Ann Simons, darighter of Mrs..1. Simons. of Rile bort. The ceremony woe perfoemed in the preeence of it lavire tinier ihiP of the contracting part w' refit ves a nil friends at the home of tee brideer mother, by Rev. Fleteher of Tharnee Itoad Church. The 'retitle; eouple will make their home in Hibbeet. siroy j. V. 'Vinson if vieiting G. Vanderburg at Windeor.—Miee Vorlt Sheet of erediton Ppolit Stilleitty With her (melte Jabez eleleon. a A few otir yoring folks attended Exeter. Vale test week. —Chewer ninon ie teak - ed of very strongly no'. In fact Beth- f.I dinreh litie 'Wen boright anti ie to te. neared this week to the V. being iho hioniitlary Ent, between Veleetue and Itlanshar 41. ZURICH FAIR The 42nd elneirel Exhibition under tho an*lees of the Hay Braneh cult wall Sueiety was held in on Wednesday end Thurtalay laet, and WCZB ZateCACili With e7‘Colaent Riemo. Pap weather Tlaurcdo,y was Ideal in point of f' ft the sky being cloiad- ed ovor. oif 3 het 611'414 ShOWCZ 1 ti() 3t14.1111601r1 tlireatoned tt spoil Me day but i did not last long. There was a excellent showing of horses, and thejudgiug being (Imre by, the Provincial Judge, 11. 0. Reed, of Georgetown, the kreatest of eatiefac- tion prevailed. The cattle and sheep were well represented while the hogs were Wien, the only class being filled was the Yorkshire. All other depart-, relents may be considered well repre- sented, particularly the indoor depart- ment. The races as usual crime in for con. eiderable interest and. resulted: 2 year old colt rice, lst, Noah Sarar- us, &Irian 2nd, Sam Hey,Dashwood; Ord, John Hey, Zuricb. Farmers race, lst, Geo. Schreader, Dashwoed;2nd, Win, Witiel, Khiva. The gate receipts amouted to $303, about $50 more than htst year, while the groes receipts aniounted to about $500. ell'ulto!rlyr. etre the Wee Wilineeseet HORSES Draught—Brood mare, J &B Sin illie; foal, G Wren, J &B Srnilliet E Geis; G Ooletnan; 2 -year-old, E Troy- er, Jno Colvvr11, G Coleman; 3 -yr -old, W McAllister, q McAllietex; team. Simon Rueter. ° •. Agricultural—Bood mare, J & 13 &untie, G Wren, E eeriest foal, J Col - will, P Deichert, John McAllister; 2 - year -old, L H Willert, R Kraft, Geo. Eisenbach; 3 -year old, S Hunter, D Schnell, R McAllister; team, E Gies. General Purpose—.Brood mare, P Deichert, Jos Foster, G Eisen bitch ;foal, A Masseau, G Eisenbrinh, W Smith; 2 -yr -old, L Walper, 11 Kraft, J Hey, Sr.; 3 -year-old, le Schnell, W Suede, F Willert;teame/ Decker; buggy hoese, H Roeder,S Beaver. Carriage—Brood mare, J Preeter, A Rama, D Schnell; foal, J Preeter, D Schoen, E Raeder,. 1 -year, old, D Schnell, W Sri:title; 2eyear-old, G Cole- man, JAB Hagen, W•Smith; '8:yeareold, S Hunter; L Willert,W 5 Ruby; team, 0 Welker, J Ireland, J Colwell; +elegy horse, J Hannon, 'P Lament, R J Tay- lor. Roadsters—Btopd mare, J Foster, J Geiger; foal, E Esseler, J Geiger, Jos., Foster; 1 -year-old, W Witzel, J Hee, jr,; 2-yearai1d, J Decker, --E Broderick, S Hey; 3-yeareeklee Decker, D Schnell, W Witzei; team, Hagen Bros.; W T Trueinner, J Becker; Buggy. horse, J McNaughton, Jen Sparrow, le 0 Bell; lady driver, J McNaughton,,J Decker, R D Bell. Special by Leo, Foster for five best colts sired by 'Young Indian Chief, A Mosseare G Eisenbacle, W Smith, Jos Foster 4 and -5. Judge—E G Reid, Georgetown, Pro- vincial Judge.• * CATTLE. Durienne-Milch cow, 'E„ Raeder, 1 and 2; 2 -year-old reifer, J Chambers 1 and 2; verteling heifer, E Klnpp,E 'Raeder, J Members; bull cell, W Me- Allister, P Deichert; heifer calf, E Klopp, W leicAltester, B Eaeder. Other than Tborobred Durbarn.- Mileh cow, .J Pfaff, E Raeder, E Klopp; .heilet. cede D Haugh, labd 2, E Rae- der; 2 -year-old heifer, E Klopp, W Me.: Allister, D Haugh; yearling heifer, E lelopp, E Raeder, W McAllister; 2 -yr - old steer, J Chambers, W McAllister. 2 and 3; Yearling steer, E Raeder 1, 2 and 3; Jersey cow, 'W H Hoffman; steer calf, E Klopp, 11 Haugh, E Klopp, Jndge—le. Smith. SHEEP -Long Wool—Aged ram and yearling ram, (4 Penhale; ewes and _ram lamb, G Penhale 1 and 2; /yearling ewes arid yearling ram a nd ea ter la In le Alepn air n ewe,s. ewes and ewe lambs, A Duncan; ewe lamb G. Per) bale, Jacob Haberer; Fine *one— Aged rani, tyeerling 1 end 2; fat sheep,G Pen hale,A Duncan. , PIGS Yorkshire -Aged boar, Chas Harvey, ,J England; eged sow and spring stow, .0 Harvey 1 and 2e year-old boar and .e.eareold sow,0 Hervey. tidgee-4 Armstrong. POULTRY. 'I -In in borer, Black Spa nish, Male i n e, While Leghorns, Pekin Ducks and Geese. B Battler; Wyaudottes, Ola teens, W Battler; Red Caps, W Bat- tler, W Smith; Brown Langhans, G Olansiri land 2; Rhode Ishind Reds, G Mush', VV B Battler; npuen Docks; Turkeys ond Toulouse Geese, Geo Chi ns. e • Judges—Jacob Se raras, 11 Wen- zel. A.NUFACTUR ES. • Collection shoes, Chas Fritz, P Ben- der. piano 1Vell. ^ GRAIN AND SEEDS. . White fall wheat, A Rennie,' Dan Haugh, A Poster; red fall wheat, E Gies, G Clausinee, 0 Coloskee print; wheat, F Itturnel, 0 Trriemner16-rov ed Continued on Page Five. Nothing Relieved His Kidneys, Until He 'Tried Maartraze, Out, Deet, eeee "X had suffered for seven yeare. with kidney txotible. Could scarcely walk and was unable to attend- to my fame Saw tette:let" advertieed, and after taking the Anit, few pine, felt nueeh relieved. After taking half i box, wee - able to do full day's work. 1 know one box of " tiejet " saved me $40.04 doctor bilis, geteetee. Aineerte.” costs orgy se a day to take "Ihreettu --the kidney pill that never fails. All iclraggist l2av6 "linja 'or will gct them for. you. THE CLAPLIN CHtiVileglit, CO. L16111110 Wintooloon. oar. ; Cracker Chfia:11: Tis thedifF, erenee in ihe. world be eating his - culls and inbisg.On cuiteate- may tat a biscuit and not taste it, but when you think of his- cuiti eating ye:4 think instantly of Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas deliCiOUS and tasty Absolutdy an d distindtly superior to any othei. make. Say "Mooney's" to your grocer. GOLD MEDAL I #11 L FOR — Ale and Porter AWARDED JOHN LABATT AT ST. LOUIS EXIBITION 1904., Only medal for Al. in.Canada. , • . • (Ineorporated by Act 0 Parliament 1805) Head -'Office, • Montreal Cata1aid, Up. .. • • • • • • • $3,000,000 - Ileserved, nazd••••••• • • . • . • .. $3,000,000 FORTY-EIGHT BRANOHES IN .TliF1 DOMINION OF CANADA.. EXETER BRANCH OFFICE FLOURS 105. m. to 3p. in. SATURDAYS, 10 a. zn. to 1 p. m. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Farner s Sale Notes cashed or collected.' Kornis supplied on applicatioli. DRA\FTS on all points in the Dominion, Or•eat Britain ttecl United States bought and, sold at lowest rates of Exchange. - - ADVA.NOES Made to Farneere, Stock Dealere and Businesg Menat lowest rates and on rnoet favorable terms, - DEPOSIT Receipts isstied and highest current rate ofintere:t:rlel:ot.'weoemd. Saying Bank Department' pogICaligli)irdnX1Y1 Zratthsedreal‘plicipal June 30tb • and December 316t. Agents at Exeter for theDenrinionTiovernmenn DioxeoN & CARLING, Soheztors N 1). HURD° ,1X', Manager, °- 447: Yk494... ..44V teinftworil. •For twenty-five years we have devoted our lives to the treatment of • diseases .peculiar to men. Our records show that during that time we have actually cured thousands. :We believe, this should be sufficient proof to Most any man that as ,physicians we must be successful. Net a dollar need be paid for medicines or treatment if you rail to get cured. We cure on bank guaranty. Get honebt'treatment. When You 'write or come to us you will be dealt with in a strictly professional manner. NOT A DOLLAR NEED BE PAID UNLESS CURED. If -You are suffer- ing from lost Vitality or Weakness from any cause, come to 4us and we Will cure you. Alen who are nervous, mental, phesieal and sexual bank- rupts, the result of errors Or excesses; producing weakness, despondency, failing memory, etc., should come to us at once, and we will stop..that drain upon your system and restore strength, vitality and nerve power. Our experience and thorough knowledge of every electrical and thera- nelitic agent known to the medical world enables us to effect cures after others We cure VARICOCEL,IFIYDROCELE and STRICTURE 'without .Cut- . ting. No pain or detention from business. Before you subznit to the cutting operation, investigate .our painless and positive curing method. Our New Method Treatment for Blood and Skin Diseasesvill cure an Ulcers, sores, lalling out of the hair, bone pains, eruption0 and other symptoms of .all these complaints. Cm.° and be cured by our scientific treatment Patients that We treated twenty years ago. have never suf- fered A relapse. If you have IC/DNEY, BLADDER. or U'RETBRAL THOU.! Dix or PROSTATIC AILMENT, or any trItINARY-WIEIANNESS or dis- ease come to us for seientific and reliable treatment. Our oflicea are complete with the latest and best electrical and medi- cal appliances and all remedies that are known to the medical world for the cure Of these diseases. If unable to call, write for QTIESTION MANIC for ROME 1,TENT. ESTABLISHED 25 YEARS. Can/natation Free. Dooks Free on Dialeasess of Men or Women. .0,•• • 1,443 Shelby Street, Detrolt, Mch, Olnee Hours, AR. me to Ilk 11,0? lb to and 40 4 io ..........!Ioroln••••Iat•IWS•.rineJNN.M•VMIN•frosa,MllnlmiaraPPMMIroamgdnAn.ieMsnrtar.reeimarwMcar.o••••yodbusoks.•0:r.IPI.11 .A#114E.:SPRERDEI �KD SPREADERS 0 We have just received a, number of fine Spreaders —The Successor..–whieh does its work in fine style. This is recognized to be the best on the market PLOWS We'handle Perrin Plows and have just received a carload of walking, rid- ing and gang plows made • by this reliable firm, 4raeumeotae. TIIORINT N RAKER Ag.o)n( tor the Sylvester and Perlin Plow 4Jornptuihg etcr Ontario e • . o 1111,llolititcs Lumber, Shingle, Lath,' Cedar Posts, Sash, Dd'ors, Frames sand all Building: Materials. Water Tanks 13EE-171117E$ Finished o in Knock down, always on hand. Highest pricepaidfor Saw- logs &Avery desoriptiollt Custom sawing piomptly *attended to. Estimates cheerfully given. The Ross Taylor Coil Ltd Exeter, Ont, • , Marriage Licert,-,cs Issul, tit the ADVOCATE OFFICE