Exeter Advocate, 1906-09-27, Page 1• Phone 25 --- Advocate etaiit AN1'7 THIN( tint an tip-teelete - primeteee /Oleo pen et me,de)t, type3, lirtimpt wozi;', right, Puc(,. LiL Distawo Mune. IA) rent Y-4%,%'4 rit Frlt l'ty it S 4 eetsise TWENTIETH YEAR. oNTARTo. THURSDA SEPTEMBER 27, .1906. A Trill to:liew 1,1t ario av v.preat. yeato, aeeortliug' rer Of Pinney Saved' The systematic sa,vng df something each week even $2.00 or $5.00 will, in a few years enable you to take a course at college, to buy a home, take a trip abroad, or get almost anything else you may wish for: Commence to save to -day. $1.00 opens an account and interest is paid 4 times a year :t Lie verei n Ban o taIF S XOS. sErA.„ Manager at Exeter, Orediton, Zurich and Da,shvirood, The ()1d e iable did Cain get his wife hitspuzzled Bible students for ages. We don't know. We do know where You Can Get Best Line of Goods to be had anywhere. Full value for the Malley is our motto. Any one who knows the value of money will call and examirie our goods Atld, see the big bargains we are offering. Well! Well!! The new good aret still coining,. We have Just receiv- ed a large line of , ADYFTOW EA R' CLOTHING • ie Meuse Youths' and Boys' Tweed Suits. Now Now some of these lines we are going to clearata bargain. Oome in and liave • looke Suits marlsed in plaid figures. "Cloths to please the lads and prices to please the clads" Gents' Ftirhish,ings a Specialty0.--- /lae a fine assortment of TIES, -SHIRTS and HATS. The latest and nobbiest. -"My its chilly these evenings! Say! wife, wen't you go to • - 'The OW Reliable' andgetme some of those Elastic -ribbed derveear. They handle the Penangle in light, niediuni and heavy weights. • Highest price paid for, Produce. kirereesienste sees. 0. es BOTILSTON, L. B. D. D. S. nervrtsT member of then. ct s. of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto iTnivrsitY. 03710E; Over Diekson & Oarling's Law Office, in Dr, Anderson s former Dente/ Parlrs, -021DHoner graduate Of Toronto Univeristv. R. A. It. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D, D. 8.1 DENTIST._ eeth extracted without any pin, or anKbad effect Office in Fanson's Bleek,. west side Main street, Exetet. • Niodicsl AF.. MALLOY, AL ,(Tor. Univ) ZdEMBEIt • 'Uollege of Physiaans and Surgeons; Ontario, Former Muse Surgema Toronto' Western Hopital. '.---Eit100880r A. Rollins, • Resideneel Bast on frit streetnorth of office, Exeter, Ontario', • - e Registers 14%11)4** SEPT. 23 -Farm Stock and implement% the property of Arthur Sanders, Lot 21, Con. 3, Stephen. Sale at 1 o'clock, 'Jas. Stanley,-auet. Ontario Liquor License At License Districtef South Unroll. Notice is here- by given that Ames Ilannan; of the Township of Stephen, has 'made applieation .,for permission to transfer his township tavern license forthepremies, in theTownship of Stephen, knewm h$4,,the Shiplia llotej, to Ezra Brenner of Grand Bend, Rea that said application will be consideredut the 'meeting of the Board of License Comilissioners, to be held at Cora- merdial_Kotel, in'the Village of Ilensall, on the este da of Sept, 1006, at the hour of 10 Alt persons interested will govern themselves ae• cordirjgly„ ,-John Torrance, License inspector. Dated itOlinton,thia ath (IV of Sept, UN- • Farrri for Sale That excellent farm, lot 6, ("on. 12 11,1cGillivra • consisting of 100 acres, well-draind, 'wll fenced, - William Brown P Prot Diploma of Itoyal incorpgaWtr Society of Musicians, England; Organitib of Trivia Memorial Ohureh,Eieter. Pin, Orgati, Ilarniony and Theory Of Music, Terms on applicatlon. Exeter, Ont, • 14egal. I(JiE404 & rtAltit/STERS, SOLOI. it." tors, Notaries, •Oonveyaneers, COmmiseloners, Bolicitors for Molsons Bank, etc. Iviorrey to Loan at lowest rates of interest. Offices, Main street, Exeter, 1. It. VPARLING, L, 10110024 m()NEy TO LOAK. We have a largeamount of private funds to loan 0 farm and village properties at low rates of inter. eat. GLA.DMAN & STAlinuitY, arristers, Solkitors,Main sI,, Exeter On LLOYD R. 30iTES Organist and ("heir Master of Mitchell Methodist Otturh. Teacher, -Plano, Oran, Voic, lIttrutony. Modern methods, Thoroughness • rarm for Sale. Lot 11, Con. , BidduIph, property of the late Pat- rick Carey; a splendid farm. The London and W50 - tern Trusts Company, Limited. • LOT FOR, SALE. The undersigned is Oaring- for sale the lot eintate On Main street, north of the plainitip; mill, This is Oplondid property, welt located; and should make an exeellent building site Will be Bold reasonable. For particulars apply to mrs. Fanny Mailed, Eacter • FOR SALE One of the best farms on London north of Mc- tr! containing* 100 itcre; Waterer; of which under ultwation, 10 acres first.elass hardwood bush, This farm k thoroughly up-to-date one, floe brick house large bank brns, all in good repar; well watered, Well drained and well fenced, good tetiest, stet is situated in one of thevery best farinIngcolumunitiee in the Province of Ontario, and convenient to both Exeter and IIenr.all market% Terms are eay. For farther particulars apply to WOWS, Diekson ousing,iiterister, Exeter, Out. FA RM• FOR SALE A first,closs frm, I,ot a, Con. 8, Ushorne, contan. Ing um acre, 1„..hh Kliod trader draining. 4)n the premismare t: lood frame house Naafi. kitchen 1,Ix IS; frame barn a•,•NiOpliank barn snot granary 24, all in good rpair; 1 itere, of orchard. The farm is 3V ,ail' from "Neter, with school on the lot and a char :1 opposite: PrVeS;000. half in Cain and hl. Ittlet on mortittyc, or other conditions' to' snit ur. ( haw. Apply tf.,IfattiLcuf Ketand, Ccatfalla or. to Robert Kllm', F,xeter. and in a state of good cultivation with eight acres of fall wheat in. It has a good bush of 12 acres. This bush has rock amp basswood and nu4ple tres. There is AlEtt1 A large brick house Of seven rooms, with cel- lar and furnace, woodshed in connection. There: is a large bank barn. 36 by 60, and a good driving shed. Windmillund well in the barn,- There is a. good bearing orchard. This is bne of the best farms in McGillivray, across the road from the school, a very short distance from the 'church, and ' about a mile from Maguire Post Office. ' For terms and partioularO apply to• John Whiteford, Maguire, Auction Sale* OF FARM Pfl,OPERY. The undersigned autioneer will sell by public action, on the premises, on • SATURDAY, 00TOBEll tents 1006 • at 2 i"clock That desirable fift,i.acro farm situated in. theaown- ship of tisborne, being the east half of Let No: 1, on the ard Concesion. There inn the premises a frame barn and line orchard. --This is one of the best, farms in the township and is all in O, firt.e/as state of cultivation. Terms ease eon be made known on day of Side. For further particulars apply to other Of the .Tom °Mt, Auct. ante], Eaows. HELP • WANTED Young ladies and gentlemen who are desirous of making a re- cord are wanted at, the Clinton BIJSMOSS Collep (Affilated with Winglutra IllotneSs (011ge) to prepateforllookkeepers,Stenog- raphers and Telegraphers. During Silly and August we ereald only fill 0N1-THTIX of the positions of, fere(' one graduates. CataloguL for the asking. GEO. %awl' Principal E, Litt' v 110 A few from ore attended the Iten. Ran horse shot• on `Inesdity. It White tipent Snielay at his home in Ilensall. —It Hodgson of Ora ton le Apending this week here tvith A fiiter, Mee R. f • After a trip of over a thousand mile by laud and by water to New Ontari the writer returns home 'With a mud broader and much more expaosis- grap of the possibilities of that fain (in:, and much talked of laod ,t6 the north of us. We were joined oup outing by Messrs. Wm. Ietwden and I. 11. Dickson of town and Mr- B. N. Lewis, the wertly representative for West Huron in the Houseof Commons and incidentally we may state that a more jovial and genial party tvotildbe esel to Sinle-ceiefiernientlyethe 'outing wag Ot a most pleasureable nature and could'ecarcely haye been improved up, .on; while the more serious part of the, trip --the gathering of information - Wee by no means neglected. The tri to NorthBay WAS merle by the Grand Trunk, thence by ,way of the Terms- katning railway to New Liskeard, dis- tanceof 113 miles -and from there to, TomstoWn and other points further north by boat on Lake Tetniskam, mg and Blanche or White River. The scenery along this water trip beggars description end almost defies the paint - t PL'S brush. The vvoecled hills rise on both the Ontario and Quebec sides to a, height of 500 feet and the foliage tints are simply mognilicent. Not long after leaving ,North Bay we reach the fitmous Tainagemi Re- serve with its iiiernense ,forests• cover - mg et.iarea of 1,400,000 acres of lan, containing red and white pine, birch. tamrack, spruce, (Ad.. These immense forests offer endless delights to the tourists,for in them are still the haunts of the deer, the moose, the car- ibou, the bear and Other game and we Are told the .,waters contain vaitons kinds of fish, making on the whole a huntsman's paradise. Going fromTema gaini we soon strike the town of 'Latchford, where the Montreal River is spanned, by a steel bridge, and being a pretty and Oily - Ing town, this is e spot much frequent- ed. We are now about 04 miles from North Bay and leaving Latchford we soon eriter the fittooug Gillies Timber wherethe Province of -01141. io owns great ',Mineral deposits and: which it is the intention of the p.res- tent government to work for the bene; titeif the people. The far-famed Cobalt is the next point of interest we 'strike. Ithas be- come famous through rts marvelously elett silver outcroppings. 'Here large miningoperationsare in progress 'and the 'Mae 01 the ore lies largely in the deposits of native '''silver, assoeiated with stnaltAte, tnecolite and other min- erabi. Bete nuggets have been found weighing three and four hundred pounds each and containing as high as 90 per cent. of sliver. The trains' run directly through Cobalt town and from the ear windows can be seen many of. the mines. Ilaileybury, the town which suffered considerably from fire recently, is the next reached and is among the most progressive 4owns in New Ontario. Among Ilaileybury's business men we find two former Exeterites, Mr. Fred Elliott, solicitor, and Mr. Simon Stahls, baker and confectioner, who seem to be sharing' in the prosperity of the town, notwithstanding the fact that the former was among the ,unforturi ates who lost in the recent fire. - At New Liskeera, a town of 1500 or more people, was foundan unkempt frontier town, of course, and yet not so unkempt. Already frame buildings are giving place to brick, sidewalks are being laid, the' Hotel Canada, ue- der the management of K. Farah, an enterprising Syrian, and genial land- lord, has a system of waterworks, while improvement of all kinds are under way. One cannot, however, rave about She land scenery around. New Liskeard. The aspect from a scenic view point is . a dismal one. Fire a couple of years ago ran through the forest, and on, allsides rise the gaunt tree trunks. The clear- ings' vary from amere patch like a town corner lot to 20 acres or more In only one or two fields wereehestumpe removed at all. , •-• • One of our day'Smitingswas devoted to a drive inthe country from a vil- lage orf the Quebec side, called Villa Marie. • Peeked like sardines in a box the party started out in a buggy, so light that we were in dread every 'ele- ment that we would land on the ground, but being the best the town could Afford, we bad no. ehoiee. Un- der those adverse conditions the jour- ney of twenty-two miles wag Started over a road thats Would not put, you inuch in mind of the roads here, neith- er would yoy be inclined to fall asleep on your travels and we venture to say the proverbial "Rooky road to Dublin" would not be in it, it was on this journey our friend, Mr. Lewis, ran' amuck of a "bar" and with valid face and the agony of fear written on it. he rushed back to Ins comrades ex- claiming "a bear! a hotel" The 011Xi01,18, party lursterked to the spot, but to their surprise on examination it proved to be only it huge porcispine. With the exception of A large lynx on our return journey ails watt the extent of OUP sights in the wibi animal lie. In a swanning up of the Whole we cannot shout amen to all we have heard cotteermog the "great poosibile ties" of that cotitlry for farming, be - tease real good land is certainly riot there -at lentil., we &fld to find it in our travels. That, whieli they exiled good land would not even eotnpare fAvorable with our poorest mections. Thus, we think‘eve will be borite nut in elle teitlement, when we .'ay that there le ne place (In there gfeen earth that affords; better advantages, More comfortable surroundinge and mutt! ehantee then are enjoyed by the ler, liners of this southern pert of Ontario. Ite valuable resooreea Ith) simply thn- al. and mineral. But it)art from the act of the ferining orpeet New tinter ) is a gi ;it country,and yeae by year COI•ri-nt report this trzIffic bag been I d 11 1 t th ioyor, preeec 0 41.,3f1 (3 in. 0 dpatji°:43(3 go to [llow tbat t, E3 onlY The Advocate is 20. to end of year Sknner. gnome. Tile northeru t of Ontar- wed goiebee will for 'many years to he mast.. popular minimer and anti -nee resort regions in the world. It has rni inde3cribable variety of at- triteioes in it & risme and lake, its 00,1 ana game, tbe rocks and forests, and above ale in its bracing climate. Traveller are very often the Bubfrets of peculiar end interesting experiences and inciiirntitily 4e might mention one which happened to iigswhile -on our oot:tp, While et North Bey we put up et 011e of the leading hotel: and having to reumen over night took breakfast in the morning. Everything seetoed to be us good order, and an e- eelleot bill -of -fare was preented. Have ing done justice'. to the cereal course, our meat order -lamb chops -was de - lived tegether with vegetables, toAst, etc., and 3,40 had eettled down to the comforts or the early morning meal. it however to oor disappointment it Wetted out otherwise. We have been up rigainst something like sole, leather; served for tenclerloth, we have been 1101080f1 upon with eqnine- mos- clee for beefstalse -and we have bad "rare bite, put under our nose of goes, tionabki savor but never before have we Itfttl letistecleepa eered, that when the deeeecting rook place a living in, terior ofthe manonoth variety einem- gedlike to many people out of a, burn- ing theater* H. Se HENSALIN: HORSE $HOVVi s..es attended the Horse -Shim in }Jesen on Tuesday Afternoon. ,Fine weather, a big crowd of exhibitors and specteters„ a large gate receipt, a fine showing of stools, good races, anil happy crowd were the features. Each else of horses wae well represented 6001 144 tequality and.number. The re- eeipte' 'were much larger than last year, 43 'fct, every thing was of suele satisfactory nature that those who directed the affair are 'note than pleesedsteith the result. Zurich Band added mueh to the pleasure -of the shew. The trials ofspeed Were keenly contested and reSuited as follows: Farmers! trot: ist, Soho R; ,2nd, "Mind; 4th, Wilder Lee Maid. let Named Race: 0, Eilber; ZariCh; Alex. thirlirig, Seaftertb, J. Snell, Hie,. 2nd Naeria Reeet Merner's "Lit- tle Meek"; J. Beattie/3. Daisy Eche." 3. Henderson, Judge. The following is a list of . the prize winners: Carriage or Coa.eh horses. -Brood mare, E Christie, A Elcoat, R El - worth; foal, E Christie, A Elcoat. D. Schnell; 3 -year-old, S Hunter, Pred El - tering, W S Ruby; 2-yeareold, R Sproat,, W Chesney, G061.eman; yearling, D Schnell, J Pepper. W 'Chesney; team, O. Walker, d 0Aldwill; single horse, W Buchanan, J & B Smillie„ P Lamont; lady's outfit, Bell. eehesney, A Buehan- an. Roadsters. -Brood mare, A Buchan- an, J Preeter,11 Crich; foal, R H El - worthy, Preeter, A Buchanan; 3 -yr - old, W Habkirk, BR Higgins,RSpreat; 2 -yr -old, A Broderick, J McGregor, J Decker; yearling, A Electat, J Hey, jr„, W Luker; tearla. J Sparrow, A Buchan- an, J Hagen; single roadster, P Ches- ney, 0 Spackrnan, D. McDonald. - • W Reid, Luean, Judge. . lieavy.Draught -Span, 8 Hunter, W Kernick; brood mare, W Kernick, 1 and 2;J &B Smillie; foal, G W Wren, W Remick, I Pell; yearling, G Horton 1 and 2; 2 yr -old, G Coleman; 8 -yr -old, W McAllister, G W Wren, T Shapten 436 Agricultural. -Brood mare, 0Wren, W Drover; foal, T'Oaldwellt D Leitch; 3 -yr -old, S Hunter, 0 McAllister; 2 -yr - old, G Troyer, n S Drake; yearling, W Elder, G Dalrymple; team. J T Hog- garth, W Elder, W Patrick. Wm Mossip, St. Marys, Judge. SPECIAL PRIZES. Molsons Bank, silver cup, for ajgri- coltural or draught -mare, S Hunter; A. R. Matrien, wool blankets, for ag- ricultural team, J T lloggart; Steve - reign Bank, silver medal, for carriage horse, W Buchanan; Bowden & Mc- Donnell, foal by any horse imported by them, W Kernick 1 and 2; foal by any. hackney imported by them; E Christie; S T Hopper, Pail Columbia Regulator, for &aught mare with foal W Remick; G.10 Yutigblut, goods, for 3 -yr -old Agricultural, S Hunter; John McArthur, set carvers, for 3 -year-old carriage, W Betianan; John Weis - goads, for 3 -yr -old roadster, W Ilabkirk; J & 0 McDonnell, rocket', for, yearlingdraught,J 'Horton; W 0 Da- vis, good, for yearling.agricultural, VV Elder; )1 Palmer, pipe, for year- ling carriage, D. Schnell; j Berry's specials, foal by Om tly Oold I'elot's Hero, G Wren, J Colwell,' Pell, I) Leitch. The Exeter Council, The emitieil met 11:3" ()mot of Revision of street watering Monday night. All members preeent. Jae. Creeeli in the chair. The clerk, repoittd appeals against the aseesament of John Pedlar and 3. N. Howard, on the grounds of over assessment for benefitderived. rukeesTreblee---that the J. N. Ilowa.rd assessnl. ent be mustained provided he e p owned all throp rty. Treble-- Bolder that Mr. Pedlars aesessinetit be dedinited trona 20 to t5 feet. Per A. E. • Mike SVournment The council then met. Mutes of previous meet- ing read end approved. The folio wing accounts were ortleted 1 to he paid: Queen City Oil tlo., gitoline, $19.40; esimpa Dennie, repairs, $4,1; /I. Pate SANbEtts 4 Clux.ca merit of 1,905 Iteing 111%; $14.83; T t ieteweese eereeenee emint, T:re Oa to write l'kee,,,,a rw. certain trees foreeinetern, The Von n- eil fInd 0001 er 13iia rti mot tqD IVCAVO the tenders for building houtvatOf'D e tery. Tenders were received from Rosa Zivlor Ca., furnishitifWc111,7Ti:I: 810; (J. Heamen, work, 1;i:V 8. Gould, carpenter worli, t110; Dioney. paintiog, S90; total 090 Ilearnen-Weekes-tht the (lemrter Board recommend, the council to a e.ept those tnder. Puke -Creech that -the council 4Iceept the tener. Mt. Creech. moved the ajournieet, „ r":77-7"----4111."." • ADDITIONAL LOCALS Ablewin Evans of London visite here, last week. Mr, Elmore Senior left Tuesday t enter Toronto Ureic ersrty. Mr. Fred. Giciley of Detroit is visit- ing at his parents' home here. Mr. Thos. Welsh of Brandon, Mans, visited in town oil Sunday. Wm,eMoneur, of Guelph, Sun_ dayed with his parents here, Miss Per' .VVheetle3s. of Clinton IS the guest of Miss May Jones. Miss Beatrice Hawke of Moncton N.B., is theguest of Mrs. Howey. Mrs Cirts Birney returned from a short visit to 13elgrave Wednesday. Miss E Callender of Windsor is visit- ing her amat Mrs, He BrOVfn thiaweek Mr. De. McDowell of Listowell is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Welsh, Dr, Helm Browning left Saturday for the West to take a practice in medi- Cfll Mrs. David Ruby of North Dakota visited MM. Hall, Exeter North', this week. Edgar Westcott Went to St. Marys Monday morning to work as tonsorial artist, Miss Flossie Snell returned last week &cern a visit with relatives and friends 4tEelf!ra. RGoing has returned from Mori- treta. Mis. Going, who has been ill, is recovering. • MiseIlazel L Browning left Satur- day foe Whitby to take a coUrSein the Ladies ()allege. • Mr. Gs H. Powell of the Savereign Bank staff was at his .,home in Med-. fora over stultify. . Mr. P. H. Kern of London, formerly of Exeter, left Thursday op a two tnognithasnd ''ttA3rst.wm oEng*xiaelddii, of Usborne left Tuesday- for Latribaeg, Sestet* where they will spend A few weeks. Mise Florence Bissett left Wedeee daY otheit Week to take ,8 course in nursing at Victorkffospitali ,London. Mrs, John Gould of Detroit, after a visit With her daughter, Mrs. 0. Coates, in London, is visiting with frierids here. • Mrs Okfris Zuefie and two daughters of Hareiston are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.W,Bakeis, Huron street. Mr. Alex. and Miss Anna Martha of Toronto arrived home last week to be present at the marriage of their broth- er, Melville. ... . Miss Millie Oke; who hat been visit- ing with her brother, Mr. T. Oke, at Kingsville for some time. returned home Saturday. Mr. Donald McInnes left Monday for Edinonton where he will spend a few weeks, He was accompanied by Mr: Pat Curtain of Centralia. Miss Oliver Hooner,owing to the ill- ness of her aunt, Mrs. W. .G. Bissett,. spent several days here during the week, returning to her hospital duties Tuesday. . Mr. E. j. Eacrett, who has been spending the summer along the lake shore at Kincardine, returned here Friday tospenda week before resum- ing his studies at Toronto, Mr.Frank Weekes, who has been en- gaged with M. Jos. Senior for some time, left Wednesday for Guelph where he will Visit his Sister, Mrs. McDonald, prior t� etking a situation in Preston. AS an artist Frank' ranks among the best, :thus his success is assured. nn. Alit -1 Cliri4ezie Toineen, who, of .Pciris,is,in pa f, t( lea •ef 13rris=a-le ,lace maentei on 0J'ff:e.„7.: o'11.' ihr-Tesge L.--7.1,- tin, wilL i.priki..1 -,,,,-c .11 zir,,d orauge ii1113- m • f'91111S, 4M1(3 t,he, eel•i Zed ;0;11140 1'4 Pat'S. Tti6 timid ef l'inaer wag Miss Mabel V. Tholon wbra wae, troc,,,e(1 in white silk crepe de ehene over' feta_ wore Brivseisuet weilwitle mime et of !Riles of the valley e_re1 tie:Fried pie% re-ee, Tee bridesniusele were Meets "lime 3lartin wore pretty gotene of white silk lin with veils rind coronets d imps of the vilev and earried pik, nroses Msa, Dorothy*Thomeen, nieee of the brde, dressed in pink., wee flower girl. Mr. J. A. 'Werth), 13,A: of Toreete brot- er of the gt /sone was 'Joint in4 , vaille: Mesrs.'0. M. • mnpray,- a:4.:1 e. o. Thomson, A". F. Thoingon and Dr,, Ghew Gunn were ushers Teeddiiik mu, 1 Sic from "Lohnerin" woe reridered by e r. . A. Dejardme. Immediately, ° after the ceremony 11Ir. Reehab Tandy of Toronto sang "My (leen" Vory At. tisticAlly and with great effect. A. de- lighted reception was held at the home of the bride's parent!,after the cere- mony, The young eoeiple :tre DOW on .• a, trip to Muskoka, th, bride's traVele • ling gown being of burite's green broadcloth with Paris hatete match. Later they will go to Regina to reide, where Mr. Martio is enjoying all OR- ,.• eellent practice, at law. Hearty con, gratelations are extended to the poling couple. Molvitla Martin Marries: Another of Exeter's young men has taken unto himself a wife. We refer to the marriage of Mr. William Mel- ville_Martin, B. A., son of Rev. W. M: Mrtin, B. D. and Mrs.. Martin, to Mise Violette 'Florenc, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thomson of "Inglewood," Mitchell, which event took plaee at Knox Church, Mitchell, at ote o'clock in the afternoon or Wednesday, Sept. 20th. 'The cere- rnony was performed by Rey.' 'VV. M. Martin, assistedby Rev. 1. W. Mc- Intosh, M; A. The bride's gown. was BIRTHS SANDERS -TIT Ee---ter, on Sept 20, tce • Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Sanders, a son. Normacorr-In .Exetr, on Sept. 24 to Mr. and Mrs. Phas, Northcott, a, sole mennieeRs. • MoLAremene-Bnetness-rn Brantford, on Sept, 10, Wm. E. McLaughlin, son of Mr. John MeLeugldin of Exeter, to Miss E. isabelle Bround of Brantford. • BisseseT-Desteo41-In Winnineg, on Sept. 25, Fred Bissett of Macoun. Sask., formerly of Exeter, to Mew 1. Darman of Stroud, Ont. Senaing'-GIDLEY-At the home of the - bride's 'parents, on Sept. 19, D Som- ers, to Miss Effie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. IleGiclley, All of Blyth. iheurrrs-Rocueste-At the ' residence - of 8. Pelt titer' HE.°13greiritch°,I3• Chicago. Dg: a°t n r Sept., . to Miss Catholine, eldest daughter of' L. L, Rogers, of ',Parkhill. RoLialle—PvIngox---e.At , Medicine - Hat, in-08;rtsk;i1OPn011$417tA2Ite; in:tracItoA4Ntitt°s$1**, Nellie, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. mriD oafyiEdxseotnero. f London; both fore in lioesAneu-SiesoNtaOn Sept.ezse in Hibbert, at the home -of the -bride's mother, Mifis Mary Ann Sib:ions,. daughter of Mrs.j. Simons, to Henry Hoggarth,- all of Hibbert. MARTIN---TRoarsoN-In Itttol church, Mithell, on Sept. 26, Wm.. Melville Martin, son of Rev. and Mrs. Martin • ' of -Exeter, to Miolette- daughter of Mr, Walter Thomson, of Mitchell. CLARKR-MURRAY--44..t Anderson, Sept. • 12, by Rev. Veale of Kirkton, Alice, daughter of Mr, •and Mrs. . James Murray, to Charles Clark, of London. MITNRO--11ASTINGS----A1, Parkhill, on. Sept. 19, by Rev- Graban3, Jas. O. • . Munro, of Orange, N.J., to Miss. Annie Garrett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hastings, Parkhill. PEA-BrErArite,,In Blansbard,on Sept._ 20, by Rev. Grahan3, E. A. Pea of Stratford, to Miss Nellie M, (laugh-- ter of Mrs. MaryBillyea, Bla.nshard, MAret-Lorre-In McGillivray, on Sept. 15, by Rev. S. A: adiriere, Albert lkfarkof McGillivray, to Miss Ethel. May Lott, of Oshawa. COOPEI-In Lucan, on Sept 21, Mrs, James Cooper, aged 81 years; Pasreiscee-At the family residence, townline, London and McGillivray: on Sept, .28, Wm. Patterson, in his. 76th year. Seeteete-At Hillsgreen, on Sept. 14,• • Mary J., beloved wife of 0. Stelck, aged 51 years, 5 months, 27 days. lee.trseL-In Zurich, on Sept. 16 Nancy Ellenbaum, beloved wife of D. S. Fausteaged tie years, 4 months, He days. 4 Duirit-AtPravenhurt, on Sept. UT, Rev. Thos. purr, of Port Huron,for- nearly of McGillivray, aged 88 years, RANGES Quality and economy. count ih Ranges these days. The following are up-to-date iri every way and the prifts are just right Orovin Hurons'froni... ;; ....$26 to $85 Welcome Nationals .... ... 85 to 50 Garlands 0.. • ,. 35 to 44 Souvenirs 40 to 50. We gUatantee these lines in every way, We also have a lot of second harid , A$E 13UNERS 81; WOOD C OKS Furnace Work a Speciality. ,,,,,,us ‘4 week'a *treat "tittering $21.00; ' ' . ea .. illot .Urk 6411111101 VA P. i 0.• , e•• Swet, bid, due on granolithie pitere. • Itell Telephone Co., 30e; ntivtavn kt4 . man b nal u mat 13 CO I °love °lore H ,, . • •