HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-09-20, Page 7THE
(Szettr burfratt,
s, vgF a Tia semi _ -
. P �li�� e G ,pi�T�x���J�"A�y c �, n^,��.s�r<�•fi�h�oy•u��f�c�a
ZICA•da•6\-STREET, `- X..4ER,
E the
AliWOOATE PIS SL 1$N a bio QQiti9PAfrft '
ue. or seesenielli•
One Dollar plot =aura if pea ire aalvaaace, $1.l ti
itto na paid.
Na paper discontinued until all arrearA ges aro paid
Advertisements without specified directions will be
published until forbid end charged ' accordingly.
Liberal discount made for tr*rioeient advertisements
inserted for long periods,, Every deieri tion of JOB
PRINTiNO turned out in the finest style, And et
moderate rates. Cheques, money orders, &e., for
advertising, subscriptions, etre., to be made payable
Sanciersk i& Creech,
IWALTIFY OLD EEdgar Blimp of Croswell, t'iei .p ie
OFTL THE BBT PART IIF �iF here on a vioit.--Joe. Foster, who was
kicked. )hypo. -horse a, few (lave ago, is
help..- for Women Passing `!'.bough 'ecce..vlaritag"'front its effc.- .. ---.loss Mina
Cirango of Life. Doan left, Thetrvd:y. ilIlorningi'o><
WpmWWpm) jaain her teeter, Mass Minnie.
;provlalcate1 hF'3 Carla ,at -Addison 'Koehler, tern of PeterKoch,-
least „seventy. years in N1[1irla to fulfn s' ler; who has been sten 1 ,ire (C. Hart -
our mission in life, a•licl it. le ',enteral' !Attie nines left Frid 1y ford Gretna, Alan.
our wn fault if we die prematurely where lie ]bus: ecaired a.good situation
with the Union 'Bah k.
BARNS I3'ulcNI Ii Tire barge h arnr. of
Geta. Douglas, Bronson .Line, Stanley,
were destroyed by fire .on Wednesday,
evening together with theseatepm's even
farm implements rind some live stock.,
The fire was caused by lightning and
the loss .will figure up to over X3000.
Loss is partally covered by insurance.
-The fine bank barn ofJack Itoehler's
one Mile south of -here, was burned to
the ground. The season's threshed
lgrain, with hay and straw, is a total
oss. Implements and stock saved.
The origin of the fire is a mystery.
WEDDED -At high noon Tuesday,
Sept.11, Rev. E. Schuelke performed�
the. ceremony which united Miss Tena,
daughter of Mrs. A. Hartman, and Ed-
ward Seim in the holy blends of matri-
mony. The bride was, supported by
her. sister, Mies Minnie, while H. H.
Little supported the groom. - The cere-
mony was peformed in. the presence of
only the immediate ,freinds. Mr, and
Mrs. Seim are taking a short honey-
moon trip.. to Hamburg and other east-
ern pointsafter which they will begin
house -keeping in Zurich.
Rolier lYlil
A real good time to buy our famous
White Star Flour
is now, Made from the very finest of
wheat -acknowledged to be the best
in America :,The Mills, the. Millers,
and the Milling Process all thoroughly
adaptedfor obtaining the highest re
sults.-.For strength, richness, whole-
tress and appetizing flavor it is with-
out equal;' makes more' bread easier
,and better than any•other--gives solid
satisfaction to consumer and producer
-i--Bray it and you will please yourself
and your good' wife as well.--Hpuse
wives all over the county endorse our.
claims. We solicit your patronage.
Jos .EidtDashwood
uring Th
j ,
We are offering some exceptional
values in
Pianos an.d Organs
Our Goods are of -the best quality,
and we will hesatisfied' with the
Prices andterms that will shit the
most exacting;
In Sewing Machines we can cer-
tainly suit you.
t o cry
A. fine line of high grade station-
ery cheap.
oys' S ui:
Suits to Srnt Everybody.
We have '
j list received 'a large •
line of ready-to-wear suits,
„which we intend to sell at rock
bottom prices. All the latest
cuts and thwbest of goods.
(%erne and see and you '
will be sure
to buy.
General Merchant
Wheat ♦ .. t 70 '
Bartley 1 ...... . I r ...' ... 30
r........ 20
Potatoes, per bag......,. , 1 000
Hay', pei ton . , ....:. ... 6 50
Flour, ' per cwt. family..
Flour,low grads,,p er cwt 1 tri
Butter g
Eggs... Y.•..•i.1.1 1.
Livehogs, per °Wt...... 0 15
Shorts per ton" r .....» ... 10p 00 '20 00•
Bran per ton 1 .. r . 1. , . r , r 10 00�{ 16 00
Dried Apples,.-..,.. V' `6
1 10
2 00•
1 25
Cook's Cott to Root Compound.
The ffcaoitly
*lay cafe 'effectual Tonic.
Regulator on wliicli women can
depend. Pohlfat thre.e°,l • re's
of Ationgth-No. 1, 1; o. ►
10 degrees strotigor ; O. 3.
for 8 eclat eases, 5 per box,',
t"old y all drugE� sts, lir pent
irepsee oil receipnt, of pride.
Free pamphlet. Address : iH
COOKMEnI01NECOi.TORONro,ONr, (/rowel/WVand,avr,
The Advocate to end of year 20c
The Advocate to end of Year 20c
Nervous exhaustion invites disease.
This statement is the positive truth,
everything g boco
and you cannot walk a few blocks with-
out excessive fatigue, and you break but
into perspiration easily, and your face
flushes and you grow excited and shaky
at the least provecation,andyou cannot
bear to be crossed in anything, you are
in danger- your nerves have given out
you need building up at once I To build
u woman'wn nervous systems and during
the period of change of life we know of no
better medicine than Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound. .Here is an illus-
tration. Mrs. Maty J. Dabbruz, of 150
Main Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, writes:
Dear Mrs. Pinkham :-�-
Lydia E
"Lydiay Pinkham's ,Vegetable Com-
pound has been a blessing. to me through
that delicate period known as the change
.of life. For six years it disturbed my entire
system. 1 had hot flushes, was extremely
nervous, became pale and, debilitated very
irregular in . the monthly flow, and th
Wood all seemed to be in my head. I had
frequent palpitation and throbbing- of the'
heart; in fact, my whole system seemed to
be in disorder. "
"I received nisrrelief from the suffering
incident to this period until 1 took Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound; but I
date: my relief from the time I took,the first.
bottle.. I gradually improved, nature took
her course painlessly, and in due time I was
a well woman."
Mrs. Pinkham, daughter-in-law of
Lydia E. Pinkham, of Lynn, Mass., in-
vites all sick and ailing women to write
her for advice. Her great experience. is
at their service, free of cost. • - .
Saintsh ury •
11AR•VEST Horne FESTIVAL. -Whitt
prourises to be -the most• successful
Harvest Home Thanksgiving service
of the St. Patrick's church, here. will
he held on Sunday, Sept.23, at 3 o'clock
in the afternoon, when the'Bev. C. C.
Waller.. 11f, A., paincipal•pf Huron Col-
lege, London, will preach. On Thurs-
day evening a 'hot fowl supper Will be
served in the basement. after .which
an excellent prof;ratn will be rendered,
with Mr. John Fox, Luce!), as chair-
man. Everybody .should ;ittend both
events. Supper only 25, cents. s
- Mr. Jerry Barry apd sister, Maggie,
wereivisiting their sister in London
la et eekee-Mr. Dennis Collins and
Miss Mary O Rourk were visiting Mrs.
B. Mulligan of Dublin last. week. -
Miss Mary A. Barry of St. Thomas ;is
visiting her parents here. -Mrs. - John
Lippert accompanied her sister, who
visited here, to• Milverton. -Mr, g and
Miss Snider of Milverton were visiting
at John L'ppert's over Sunday.
DEATH -- Mrs.' Angus. McCormick
died. on Monday an a ripe old age. The
remains were buried in Mount Carmel
on Wednesday. We extend our sym-
pathy tci the ..bereaved ,husband and
A .Hint For Health-.
We're enthusiastic about Bu-ju
because it does help. People give
verbal evidence every day.
It, isn'tthe talking that convinces•=
but the' earnestness --and the cheery
smiles of gratitude, which say ni'ore than
any words. You can't help smiling
when you get rid of pain and feel per-
fectly right. Health smiles --gratitude
prompts it.
If you mus/ have something to. right'
the kidneys, use ilu-Ju. But we hope •
you don't require it. • You certainly
shan't after giving 13u -Ju the trial we
ask. Samples free. Get some.
S. 1+T0W1S', D1llT(xGI:ST.
e tola, ' n eine--aiuei e
listecat elto with much iutet'esneAMiss
Millie 1 oNter had charge of the Fort
Office last week while IV,. J. `t' •il set
wee Loi;don. A. s 'este -is r
d. at-
�I'k Wr rh Sasie, on Sept. 17th, .tok. J%lr,,
and Mr=s. ED W. Russell.--Mr..Scofield'
took barge of the services iia° Boastori
Methodist Church and es aye a very in-:;:
tetnetingarid iestreretive ,iddr'css..-`%ire.
ale having dl'y blot weather, Pastures
aro drying up badly.+ --Mrs. Jee. .
Fosterwho haaj been sick: is improving
Mr. Aa M. Wilson has a quantity of
building material on the ground for n.
iiew�lnouse s -Silo. filling ie the Order,
The Born is in good•condition.
iensall .
T. Fa lix er has taken, a position as:
engineer at T. Welsh's: ---Mrs. Wilson,
mother of W. J. Wilson, merchant,
has moved to Hensall from Listowell,
and they have moved, into the house
recently occupied by .Dr. Sellery,
--John Short who has been in Creditoe
for the summer has returned to town.
-John McEwen left a fes days ago
to try his exams. before the Medical
Council at Toronto, -Miss Harris has
arrived in town to take charge of the
millinery rooms at Weismiller's store.
-from;liReq. is J, trip W.to Doherty
west. has-- returned1ilRey
nolds,of Brandon, Mian.,believe visiting.
-Alex. Smillie's litth, boy who was
seriously hurt by falling doyen the
steps leading to the basement of.
Kippen schoolhouse a few days age, is
gettingalong nicely. -A. McPherson,
who has been ill, has recovered. --Ben
Caldwell who has been visiting at his
�xxaltld Bendhorse for some weeks has returned to
Carberry, Man., where be has a part
Fred Elsie and son, Theo, spent .a nership in a large store.- Mrs.. C.
few days in Sarnia last week.-�Ewery Hawk, is here on en extended; stay
Furrier who has been spending his from England. -Peter ' McMartin, se-
holidays at'iais home,hasgone to Park- tion, foreman on the G. T. R. for this
hill to •resume•his studies. ---J. Ravelle section, bas been promoted to the Lon -
is visiting in Seoringville.--A little don and Hyde 1'ark branch, and be
son has arrived at the home of Jehn will be succeeded here by G. David,
Gine-Jaynes 1r James . Moiiard and daughter who has been section foreman At Bel-
and Arthur Mollard were in Toronto ' grave, The latter has purchased the
last week. --Mr. Geravelle is building dwelling of Cornelius Cook. --On Tues -
ata addition to his store. ---Orr' receiving day night John Rice departed this life,
a' telephone from Aylmer containing at the borne of his daughter Mrs. F,
news of her brother's' illness of feverr,Horton, 14th Con., Tuckersmith.. The'
Mrs. A.. Mallard left immediately. -E. deceased was almost 80. The funeral
(fill, sr., spent. Monday in Exeter. --B. took 'place Friday to Staffa Cemetery,
Holt is on the sick list. ---A delightfn4l -The many friends of W. J. Miller will
reception was given Mr. and • Mrs. be pleased to learn that he is recover -
Morris Brenner in the Hall Thursday ing from his recent illness. He is in
taste --Ezra Brenner bas rented Mr, Calgary Hospital suffering fromneu-
Hannan's hotel,Shipka, and takes pos- raaigia of the hea ,rt. He intends re
.scission Oct. 1st. •, turning to' . Ontario shortly. -Geo.
(Intended for last week.) Trott, photographer, ° leaves, shortly
WEDDING. -A pretty event occurred ford the west, where he intends residing.
on Sept. 6, at the home of Henry Cain WEDDING --,A pretty wedding took
ter, T•uckersmit,ia, when his "daughter, plaice at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wru.
Rebecca, was married to Leonard Tay- Webber on Sept. 5, when their daugh-
tor, a prosperous farmer, near here. ter, Dora J., became the bride of Jas.
Revds. Shaw of Egmondville and Our R. Etnnions of London. ,The ceremony
riere of Grand Bend officiated, under was performed by Rev. McLSmitb un=
an arch of ferns and flowers._ As Miss der an arch of myrtle ' decorated with
Pearl .Woodley of; Seaforth was ren- wedding bells. The bride,- whe was
seeing the wedding march the bride given away` by her father was attired
gowned in Parisian lawn, ttrimmed in white Persian lawn and carried
with.valeneiennes, and carrying brid- cream roses, while her 'cousin,, little
al roses, enter the. parlor ieanin on lltnd,wvas dower girl. • Miss
her 'father's arm. Miss -Jennie Martex Eraa'uly Dunn, played the . wedding
and Lloyd Taylbr attended the happy, march. ' Many gifts were received by
cuuple,while Katie Little -was the flow- the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Emmons will
.'ir girl.. About sixty sat down to the reside in London.
wedding dinner. • The gifts were beau all►
tiful.:. The groom's gift to the bride: s Shipka
was a handsome,gold bracelet, and tri° 'jn another column will be noticed an
the bridesmaid `and crganist each a`•atp p'�teaa,tion for the transfer of the
beautiful crescent. The happy couple` hutel1lieencehere from James Hannon
to Ezra Brenner. Mr: Hannon has
rented the hotel to, Mr. Brenner who
will take charge immediately on the
transfer being granted. Mr. Hannon
will next -month go to California
where he will reside for a time.
DEATHS -The death. occurred Sept.
4th of Mrs. R. Patten at the age of 47
'years. Deceased ' had been sick for
over a year being confined to her bed
and in almost helpless condition. She
hecaine worse about a week before her
death and the ere] came rapidly. She
leaves a husband and a family of font
children. They had resided here for
about 16 years.. The funeral took
place on Thursday to Mt. Cartmel, --On
Thursday,, Sept. Oth, Michael Hogan,
father of the above mentioned lady,
died a`t his home at Mount Carmel- at
the age of 70 years. He had been Ail-
ing for some years, death being due- to
a general debility. Deceased was one
of the oldest residents of the district
andwas always highly respected. In
religion .he was a Ronan Catholic-aind
in politics a staunch Liberal. He
leaves a wife and large grown up fana-
ilv. The funeral took place to the
'Monet Carmel Cemetery on Sept. 12th
and was largely attended.
Mr. McOlocklin went to the West
last week to look after Messrs. Jones
& Clarke's apple business. _ Me. A.
Hodgert also went west last -week on a
visit. -Miss Luton., who has been the
guest of Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers, has re-
turned to Ingersoll. '
MARRIED--A.quiet but very pretty
event took place at the Presbyterian
manse on Wednesday of last week
when Rev.: C. Fletcher, united in mar-
riage Mr. Cecil Russell to Mies Bello,
third daughter of the late David Mc-
Nicol.' The yoking couple are well and
favorably known in the community
and will nave the best wishes of all for
their future happiness and prosperity.
DIED -The cold hand of death visit-
ed the borne of Mr. and Mrs. John
Westlake on Friday last and left the
impress of its sharp sting on theiiouse-
ng atcquintan+ces anround hiers,---A hold by removing from their midst
large number of tier people Ines- the little ,eight year . old" daughter,
Y y . p p thodaa Marie. Bright and full. of act-
last in Exeter, •lt being Lerair Daly. ivity, thiel little, favorite had enjoyed
-- -Mrs. Solomon Jacques has returned
after a pleasant visit with friends in
Michigan. -Mrs. J. Brock is recover-
ing from her recent illness, --We are
pleased tie state that Miss Mary Meru
is able to be out again. --Wm. Arksey
of Paisley called on friends in the'
neighborhood last week.
are spending then, honeymoon in the
W'V'est, after which 'they will settle
down on their farm near hear. We
extend congratula tions.
Nearly everyone attended the Exe-
ter Fair. on Tuesday, and, to be sure,'
enjoyed the usual good time. --A large
number'aittended the Western Fair at
London and report a good fair. -The
swainp'near•here, known as Quinton's
Swamp, is on fire.
(Intended for last week.)
Mr. and Mrs. Saunders of St. Thom-
as are the guests of the latter's sister,
Mrs.. M. Elford. -Sickness .is quite
prevalent in our vicinity. -Word has
been received from Messrs. V. Snell
.tnd Jas. `Heywood, who went West,
reporting a fine country and are well
pleased with the prospects out.there.
H. Gundy attended the funeral of the.
late John Parsons at Centralia' on Sun-
day. -The farmers are busy filling
their silos. --Win. Coultis and =family
spent Sunday at Centralia.
DEATH. -Sad indeed was the sudden
bereavement which befel the home of
:Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johns,when their
infant dauighter, a bright and lovely
babe of eight months, was' taken from
its loving mother's arms and carried
by the tingles to that land of rest; The
little one had only been sick a few
days when on Sunday morning death
soothed -its sufferings, which was term-
ed rninagitus. The'funeral which took
place on Monday afternoon was large -
Zh001li10e 9, ly attended.. The parents who are
heartbroken Awith sorrow, have the
deeriest sympathy of the entire com-
The Great Enulit .Remedy.
Tones and invigorates the whole
nor�vous. system, makes new
loodin old Veins. Cures Nero=
oua Debilit , Mental and Brain Worry, Des-
pondencl/, a cua1 Weakness, Emissions, Sped
ratornccea, and .lf7eola ot'Abuse or Fxceese8.
Price $1 per box, six for $5. One will please .ix
will cure. Sold by all druggists or mailed in
plain pkg. on receipt of price. Neu, pOaraenlet
maiielifree, The Wood Medicine
(formerly Windsor) lroronto, Ont.
A. Famous !School
This School is recognized to be one of the best
Commercial schools in the Province. Our courles
are thorough and up•toidate. We give a practical
training and 'assist our graduates to good positone.
It is impossible for us to satisfy the demand inade.u9
for office help. Those interested in their own,,wyeli
fare should write for our free catalogue. '
i ;fligi lllrei>~.wr-► .`. �.- -sego !
II 111111101401.1011.4_10101114Vrelsieleso s:
rail 'r 4, Teti Dillon Itni(1lr - s i A 1 Rime is
built o�i Me 'r)ntan.tr-i,, limn, nen es. D strand
wire It s 1, tontit6 stcottC;Ch of t�-, •. . tt-tco tantadred
1Donde �a111111.11 •CA15'i!'• t 9ii Wine. illus
-t11t4.6 ciy,t01y,1,0,$�10o fr�eyt)—title llah it6 sant,q. -
co. . LliNII rmo,
W. 3, lionarian A o , .•
Z 4u
The extime hot and dry weather
has caused very dusty. roads, which
.bakes it very unpleasant for. driving.
Western Pair from here attended
Quite a nttrti
air and report an ex-
cellent time. -•-Mips L:i€a Taylor is on
An extended visit with friends in Lon-
don and St. Thoin,sr-Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Part of Rockwood are renew -
life until about four days previous to
her decease when she was suddenly
afflicted with .a.,pendicites and the
s of
the disease, coupled it
other conplieations, soon put end
to her life. She was a; general faivorite
with all and her Sad death will be deep-
ly mourned not only by her conir:ades,
but by the whole community. The
funeral took place to the Exeter cornea
try Sunday.
M. Bussell White, who bas spent
his holidays with his uncle, G. IIaartle,
returned to his home in Toronto last
week --.Miss Manna: McPherson, - Mr.
and Mrs, II. Gillespie (nee llertha Mc-
Pherson) and Mrs. Geo. Sanders visit-
ed here last week. -Mrs. W.J. Wilson
left here on the .7th to visit her son
and mother in. Aurora, Ill., and her
daughters inn Y`orkton, Sask.-Mr. and
Mrs. ,ll. Belling attended, fitrathroy
faiir this .,week. The Ilalytest home
Dinner,given ivcn by the ladies of Grace
Clituell last week WAS anrad
C! � success.
Mr. John Sher,ritt as chairman fillet't
the position in leis usual oft ha d nian-
ntir. The music wast excellent. The
feature of the evening WAS Mr'p'ink's
Ic('1l etians, while the re larks
There is more Catarrh in_thfascction of the conn
try than all other diseaoes put' together, and until
the last few years was supposed to bo incurable For
a great many years doctors pronounecd it a local dia.
ease and prescribed loral i-csnt tlios, and by constant•
ly, failing to euro with local treatment, ronounced
iri,incurable. &lento has proven catar'h to be a
constitutional disease and therefore re u res consti'
t Bonet treatment. Miro Catarrh Curs, itisnufae3-
ttred by 1''. J. Cheney & oledo, Ohio, is the
only constitutional euro On Co.,tie market. It lo takon
internally in doses from 10 drop to a teaspoonful.
It acts (wrcetly On the blood and mucous surfaces of
the svc.er.l. They ot;::r .one hundrcil dollars for env
ease it fails to CUM. Send for circulars and testi-
i 41dress: b'. or. Clll.N'i.le & CO.,: Toledo. Ohio.
Wild byj1)ttiN'glst!t, .S ctlaatil,
7 .tows 'Mc lull's family 1' ills for t"osistipatioa.
Do you know you eau buy Red
Rose Tei. otriqk -teas-it's-61P 1`l, h , not
"is goodtea"
Prices ---es, 3a, 35, 40, 50 and 6o acts. per lb. in lead packets
r T. H. R UTABROOK$, *r. down -1. , 19. WINNIPEQ.
TORONTO.. 0 Witt.uriarrON $T,,, Lr. -'
Mrs. L. Smith of St.=Tbanas was arrested for murdering iii daughter's child.
, I ti'
''.-1 OLD You TO ,I;.;
! �r ' , (Ejli:
soy s "WIRE EDGE",
READY DY ROOFING , It istheotI i
ace roof that is not .affected by ,1 !:; -,
heat and cold. It never leaks -never hardens ' - I i : I
or cracks -is rain Silo and 1 ,' ° '
w fire- roof --and 1
P j
lasts a lifetime, Cheaper. than shingles _
�'/ �> You will want it for every building II
,�� 1 after you know how thorou hl 0
g 7 I.1.
��r'i 1, 1 satisfactory it is.
11•! Our free booklet gives lots' of
information about it. Write for
a copy and free sample of the
.best roofing in the world. i
Hardware dealers eveywliiere sell
Paterson's " Wire Edge" or' will get
it for you.
Montreal and Toronto
p► -yam-..
• s
All depends on the tuition you receive in a college
e Difference.
whether you will make -a success of business life: If your
teacher allows you to depend on other students and
Took in the back of the book for answers, your course
will -be a failure. 'There are no answers given in OUR
books—we teach you to stand alone. Yoit need no sup-
port, so that when you start life in earnest
you have that confidence in yourself so
,essential to a business' man. We have the
reputation of giving a thorough and effi-
c ient training in both our Business and
Shorthand departments. • -
Booklet free. • School term : Sept. till June,
inclusive. Students may enter at any time.
Forest City Bu§iness College
1. W. WESTERVELT. Y. M. C. 4. Bldg..
Principal. LONDON.
The Pand�raThermojneter
The thermometer on.
the Pandora range oven
means precisely in ac-
curacy to the cook what
the square and compass
mean to the draftsman.
Without the square and
compass the :draftsman
would haveto work en-
tirely by guess,. Just as
you do without an ac-g
curate and reliable thermometer on your oven.
The Pandora thermometer reduces
cooking to
an -enact science. You know precisely how much
heat you have and what it will do in a given time.
It • Is one of the small thinlgs which makes the
Pandora so much different and better than common
ranges. ".
s Mora
at. John, N.11.0 11111*nilt01/
To Hawkins 44 Son Sole Agents.