Exeter Advocate, 1906-09-20, Page 6VV. 110WEY Among the young wen identified with the busines'; itv„eret. 1-1.x.pop one of the foreWeeSt W. S. llowey who conducts a fiest-clase drag store. keeping everything in the lines PI demo.perfumerv.„ and prop-let:cry suadlaintia. 1164 -e -y- ti;aliair, eie Q. laity of tuedicial prescriptions ancl family recipes. in the lines 'of per. finnery and tojlet articles he fl e. It- scroek of every- thing usually found in an up.tri•date drug "t9re. ilowey is, a gri;iltaate optician and keepa a well seleetial stock o speetaelea. Eyeaight tested free, so. when your sight is hutbering yon do hot neglect it 'nit consult the optician at once. .As a townstria 1he is re- apected by all. W. W. TAMAN re an up-to-date merchant tailor and he ha a established a. lucrative local and outside trade. As a eutter Mr. Taman'stands at the bead of his pro- fession: His stock of tweeds and wor- steds is of the very latest designs and you ean never make any mistake in or- dering a suit there, and in addition to this there is no place where you can get better values, or better satisfac- tion in at suit. So that when yeff wish to be considered well dressed you should:see his pnperh stock -and. the high grade class of goods he turns out. His prices areaway down to rock bot- tom. This is the spot you were look- ing for if you wish- cowl values and proper styles. Mr. Taman also enjoys a good trade in Manitoba as well, as in various parts of Ontario. As a eiti- zen Mr. Taman is one.of our most high- ly esteemed and public-spirited. W. J. STATHAM Prominent aiiioting the business men here we must not neglect to mention Statham. who is a first-class baker and confectioner, who has built up a very successful trade by close at- teotion to business and by alwayssup- plying thebestlineof bread and pastry. Everythingin the line of confectionery and frultkept in stock. IceCrearti par- lors in connection and an extra large dish. If you have not tried Mr. Stat. ham's fine bread and pastry youshould do a°. It cannot be beaten. Asa busi- ness man he is alive and progressive'. METROPOLITAN HOTEL This Hotel, which is situate on the corner of the Station Road and Main street, is now run by C. Wendland, formerly. of Rostock, Perth Co. This hotel enjoys considerable of the trade of the North End and also that which comes in from the north. Mr. Wend land is; we believe; a good hotelman. SPACKMAN Carries a lases() ansi woU collected ststis 02ePeseeiweEs. hash heavy asel eettliert etesesand bee a otoa dy0 everyday. all -the -year-round tradc that ir. hard to beat. Fair dealing right ptilcee and a large Gioek. t s stet El L4 esseeeest tior-W... Steels reanne eeSeedid tz'aele. Hero WIZ re IlaWaY6 i4:::,,34Dtreti Vt ee% Yam° Ui lin VO gOliiilt) he handles. Mr. tran.Z1 411sTays eziilnyeei the trastclind couildenee of those with whom ho has done busine5s, HQ also does repairing of all lineS nf tinware; 'eavetroughing‘ put ap and all work guaranteed. If you are doing any braiding yon StiCRIM see bis pricee he - fore yon bay. ..eur his goOds are Wright right and he sells rightM . e. 8packurapaa Warden of the ()guilty. and is one of Exeter's best known and influential citizens - A. 3. FORD HENRY Is -a it.stuuld not neglect to havoiliears auce on your busineaa.. your residenee. Fires break out very -unexpectedly wad - ;scour besiness is swept out of exietenee. Shrewd. linsineas Wen arid farmer* graird, against anything like this,. M. ,repreenta. raeuiek-of the gilt *Igo 1 coin in the world, where,: they pay their obligations promptly. Von. veyaneitig done as welt. Is a butcher here whose aim has al- ways been to supply his customers with the best in every line of fresh, cured and salt meats, as well as poul- try in season. And as he is an exper- ienced buyer his customers are always aware that they can depend upon ob- taining the best class of meats. Hon- est and courteous treatment, coupled witlithe hest meats has been the means Q f building Up -bis splenpirl trade. A, share of your patronage solieited. Try him and our word for it you will be satisfied. W. G BISSETT Conducts a first-class livery at this point and keeps a well -selected stock of horses as well as a good line of rigs. When you want a" rig for an after- noon drive, for a wedding party, or a picnic he will be pleased if you give him a call. Commercial driving a specialty. Mr./ Bissett has this sea- son added e number of new rigs of the latest styles, so as te give his patrons the greatest of ease and comfort when driving. He has been in the, livery business for over thirty yeara, and he his without doubt one of the best liv- eries in thispart of the country. A. E. PYIVI In our review, of Exeterwet must not neglebt .A. E. Pym, the praatical and, scientific blacksmith, who has built 91) a splendid trade since establishing in, business here. He is an Al ruachanic, second to none. When -you want your horses shod properly or when you de- sire any repairing done cheap and prompt, do- not fail to give A. E. Pym a call. He also makes new rigs to or- der and in this line of business he en- joys good patronage. His new work is guaranteed first-class in every -way. Mr. Pym is well and favorable knowne MM10111.111 urrounding Villages. In this short review we have also touched on some of the business inter- ests of the surrounding villIges. While we may have migsed some the read- ers will find'that we have given a fairly accurate list of the bosioes's Men and their businesses. Those villages,. contain some live and up-to-date professicnal and tradesmen and their stores and business places are spots 'where one can lindall the articles needful in everyday pie. rine, chnrcheer and schools -are desireable characteristics of these smaller places aswell as Of Exeter, 'and they are presided oyer by earnest and progressive citizens. Around about all those t Places is an agricultural country second to none in the world and it is need- less tcsmentioiethat in this whole district “PrOsperity" has se0its seal on all the people. „ HOLTZMAN Dashwood. 0.7 ilLKEY Is a bakerand confeetioner here and he is in the enjoyment of a good trade. His bread and cakes have made forhisn a good name hereabout, Confectionery aod fruits of all kinds in peawoo. Aot° townsman Mr. Pilkey is well known andeesteemecl. ALEX. ZIMMER hes bad a len g tlies experience as a black- smith, and he cannot be excelled for first-class work. As a horse.shoer he is, second to none, understanding as he does the many ailments of a horses foot arid knowing how to overemne them by shoeing properly. Repairing of all kinds done reasonably and satisfactor. ily. W - MM Manufiictures anything in the line of buggies., wagons, cutters, eleigho, and does painting and repairing, of evety- description. He assures the public of good results all the time. Give him a call when needing anything in hie line. 3. KELLERM, AN . Ounduets one of the leading gener stores in this part otthe -country, anal he keeds staple goads, fancy goede,i' boots and shoes, groeeries, ceockery,„ glassware, harclware,etc, the very bee of everything. He sells reasonable an enjoys a splendid trade. For honest upright dealingand giving good valuel he excels, and he is very popular with all classes. ' COMMERCIAL HOUSE There are few country hotels the equal this ones either in point of appear. anise or in the splendid manner in which it is conducted. Mi'.W. zinunee is the proprietor of this well equipped hotel, and his son Herman the inanag-; er. A good table is set and there is every convenience for Commercial, men. WI% SHRUM * Opened up with a high grade doe of general .inerchandise here about year ago, and he certainly has built n good trade in that time. He is cer a Pi st tainly hustler. He deals in dregoeds, boots and shoes, gents furnishing% groceries, etc. A first-class stock, well selected and, well arranged and at right prices. Peoplehere know that they.can obtain the best goods and at prices that has inade this store a weethy com- petitor with the city- stores. The amount of energy endenterpriseehewn by Mr. Shrum augurs veil for a sail further increased patronage. 'See the bargains he is contioualiyofferime the eh e public and examlne,hie well select- ed stock: Bargains await you there. Mr. Shrum as a business man and as a Crediton. C. WOLFE Conduets a first-c1Ses livery herr. there being veryfew better in the peov- inee; When you want the hest rigs and good drivers, give him a call. Be will Use yoii right. THE SOVEREIGN BANK Does a, general banking business. Moneyloaned on farmer's and stock- men's notes. Drafts iseued to all parts of the world. In the savings . branch department sums of $1 and upwards are receivedand interest is compounded four times a year. Ourvent rates of interest allowed, M. A. E. Kuhn is .„ pea manager. SAMUEL BROWN , .&t Brown's general store you get a, choice stock of ladies mantles' just ar- tkved;a0 well as a fine line offurs for the fall and winter trade. In fall dress goods, special inducements are offered. In ordered and ready-made clothing, they make a specialty, In millinery he ca,rriesan extensive stockand Mrs. Link will have charge of this department again this fall. He solicits the public patronage. In Hardware he also carries a, good etc*, Mr. Brown is also an ex- tenelve buyer of all 'kinds of seeds, Altace, clover and timothy. A good supply of choice timothy for fall seed- ing. ;Farmers Wanting good seed shoud give him a &tn. CENTRAL HOTEL " Mr. August Hill is the proprietor of . this popular hostelry and, he is in the enjoyment of, a, good trade. He is ,add- ing an addition to the rear'of the bar which will give, himMI1C11. more room. He has line sheds and a splendid.barn. Every attentiori shown you. BEA-vErt Xess promitee t and well kn co grocei atidfueniture dettlerhere. In the former branehis &Well selected stock. In furni- ture heCarrieseverything comprehend - es% Ina first elass furniture 'store. When WOntin good values in either linee of goods ittve him a call. CHAS, ZWICKER goticltiets an dxtensive general Steve , here inil keeps an up to date Stock of staple and Utley dress goods, sladies Whitewarei millinery, seeds, groceries, ' etee lit As a thorough practical business maleend byeellingat a fair margio has built up'ils good trade. In millinery he Clitriell, an extensive stotk. Miss' Ca ivin WM) hadteharge last y ear will be pres- engstbi, Nelson. in read y in ade clothing 11 be sie the wll eknown Sanford leak* OP amilton. Ile is also an extols. elite lin ' of citiver seed, thnothy seed, AVM sill kindsoffartn prodtece. In *rid* bo ishjoys a good exPort trade to Ruzope, liniteid States-, as well as to the pit* ph; Canadian markets Is a first-class merchant- -tailor here, keeping an up to date stock of every- thing in thelineofclothing, furnishing, ete.illecarries sergesXapadian,Seacia, Irish and English tweeds. Mr. Holtz- man does all his own cutting, standing at the head of hisProfession as such, All his suits give the greatest degree of satisfaction. p,OYAL HOTEL Mr.John MeIsaac conducts this hotel and be keeps a good house, as good as any in this part of the country, and he is in the enjoyment of a good trade. A good table is set and you the best of wet goods'. Good stables inconnection. Drop in when in Orediton. 46 W. A. FINKBEINEit -' I1II tis a (roocerfil ere and has been in business :bout a. year. during which time he has established a good trade. He deals in groceries,cannedgoods,con- fectionery, fruits, andschool books and stationery. Ice Cream parlors in con- necetion. Garden seeds. Good price i paid for produce. Mr Finkbeiner s one of Crediton's most esteemed Citizens. B. BROWN Keeps an tip to date stock of boots and shoes. A stock as large as any in the -county, and,of the only best Cana:. dian makes. If you arelooltifigforgood values in any lines ot boots and shoes, give him a call. Repairing of all kinds done reasonably. JAMES LAWSON Keeps a well selected' stock of high 'grade jewelry and lie is in the enjoy- ment of a good trade. He omelet; every- thing in the jewelry fine as well as opticalgoods. Watcteelock andjetvelry repairinga specialty. WIsenlookingfor finest, values in any line of goods give hinea, eel!. . ALBERT MORLOdk Is a first-class blacksmith herd, who cures all defects of horses feet caused byimproper shoeing. New work a spec- ialty, as well as machinery repairing; for which puepose he has recently ins stalled a lathe. Give him a call if you want good work. . WM. IL WENZEL Is8 prantical woodworker here and he is isgood one, there being none hotter Repairing of woodwork, painting etc. very reasonable in price and satisfae. tory in all cases. Give him a trial when you wieh any new work or repairing done. VOTING BROS, Conduct a well stoke -1 hardware store here, awl are in the eejeyment of it go cid trade i !stoves, hardware, pain te, one, varnishes, etc. The prices are right and their tviule continues inceeasing, Repairing of all kinds of tinware done; eavetroughing stipplieil in the shorteet notice, ownsman is highly esteemed and is °pular. DASHWOOD PLANING 'MILL CO. LIMITED. Another Regressive manufacturing concern here is the Dashwedd. Planing Mill Co'y;Limited, of Which Mr. I. R i Hoffman s manager. They have a fine building, equipped with the most modems machinery for turning out quickly everything in the lines of 'sashes, doors and mouldings. Estim- ates for buildings of all kinds furnish- ed on the shortest notice, and cons tracts taken for sallb classes of work. They also build 'carriages, wagons, cutters, sleighs, etc., and do painting of all kinds of vehicles. It may. he to your interest as a contractor to See them before placing yaur order for material. 11. GUENTHER, Is the man Who drives the stage from Dashwood to Exeter and to, Grand Bend. During the summer months partieularlyhe does a heavy" business in the miming of passengers and bag. gage to and from the tuminer resort at Grand Bend, No man , could he in'ore accommodating than Mr. Guenther in his dealinge with the public. He has at Dashwood a first-class livery and keeps nothing but, the beet of horses and rigs as those 'serho have been hie pat- rons are always willing to affirm and _never fail, when occasion requires,. to go back to his livery barn for a turn- . out. P. FASSOLD s .* Is a thoroughly skilled mec an e and he has achieved a splendid reputa- tion for curing all defects of horses' feet, canoed by improper shoeing. Mr. Fassold also does all sorts of repairing of wagons, machinery, ete. His trade is certainly, increasing. When you, Want to be assueed of getting the best of satisfaction in new 'work, repairs or horseshoeing do not fail to give Mrs Fassold a call. P. McISA'ACh Conducts a first-class furniture store and keeps;an exeeptionally fine stock of high grade goods. There is nothing in thiq line thee is worth keeping that he had'not hi hie stoke, from the com- plete up-to.date parlor and bedrecine suite to the loneliest article. He knows how to buy goo& and thus is always reasonable in his charge% Undertak. itig done in, all its branches. Mr. Mc. Isaao has been in the busitiees for sev- eral years and *levee's gives the best of satisfaction. lie In one ot Deshwoed's most pregreeSiye citizens. JOHN Z. GOETZ Another induotry here is the saw mill and limber yarde of John K. Goetz, where thousands of feet of Juni. ber ie turned out every year. lie bah been in the buititiess sorne years and has by good work inereased his nom until now lie enjoys 0110 0! the beet trades in thi9. part of the country. lie aims at pletteing his patrons and deals ing fairly with them.. ;aiitilders and others desiring 'timber flokip at all times shottid give him a call, - To* fiLliVltiN BAN* ilea a branch agency here and 4000 eneral banking fria-,11,,w0, Afr, ”Jiaa. nett of Exeter is the Irrealig tauage Isere and Mr. 0.E. Ehnes pro manager. WELDEN 11 tilesse- II rove- vfag. of firekhinery that istaiele bigh in the esitimation of the public it is the McCormick biodera and agricultural triachmery that give the _greatest degree of sees". faction. When °ace introdueed it ie always an New matter to duplicete or. tiers. He handlea machinery of all Sande as well as the, celebrated, Perci- val plough, the Fleury and Wilkins SOU plow. He also eelle the Cha.tisarti wagon and he intends adding buggieei He also bandies repairs for all the meal- chinery he keeps J. A. WAMISOLD Keeps a good stook of 4onfeetionerk, fleas and canned geode, and he ie the enjoyment of a good trade. He ;deo has see cream parlors" in connect tion and his trade in this line has -else reached good proportions. lie else conducts a first -elms barber shop in connection with his other business, Give him a call. ED. N'ADIGER IS a young man in business here, haeltig toeceededito his, father's bat* nese borne two years ago. He runs a harness shop and keeps a well selected otock of siogle and double harness (all hand made) and horsemen's supplies of all kinds. .11,e has attained a splendid reputation, In but short time, as , a first-class , mechanic. For durability and finish his harness can not be sine passed. Repsiring of all kinds done, EZRA. TIEMA.N- Is a butcher but. who has built up a good trade by Paying strict atteht4' ion to business, and who:is an expers fenced' buyer of stock. He alwaysi aims at. supplying his customer with the best in every line of fresh and salt meats, dried meats, sausage, etie; and he is very obliging to all classes. Branch shop at Grand Bend. JOHN .YOELKIM Handles everything in the line of agricultural Machinery, and he 'Can be depended upon for good values and first-class machinery. All his machin- ery is from the best manufactcirles and he always has good values. Give him a call when you want the beat. in any line of machinery. , GEORGE EDIGHOFFER Rhin. - Kutv.A. This well-eppointed and well con- ducted hotel is preeided over by our old frienA seliarnee Cunningham). Wholumi coneleicted the place I* number He makes liras class landrord' and everybody has, a, good word to say of Kleiva's well kept hotel. Mr. Curaningliiim excess-ling- ly popular with the ,publie. Shipka. R. WING , Conducts the leading' general store here and be is itt the enjoyment of one of -the largeot trades in these paete, 111 dry gfieds, groceries, boots and shoes, gents furnishings, groceries, hard- ware. etc. He is a. careful and prudent buyer and he secure the beet line of goods in the market. He is never un- dersold and you never get a, better class of goodly anywhere than Mr. Wing offera for aide. The woe thing that has made H. Wing's store a great shopping centre is the cheapness at se • for rea,sonable goods and reasonable prices try, him. which goods are sold. When looking JOHN RATZ Has establiehed a good name for himself as a thorough business twin. Mr. Ratz runs an extensive " saw mills here and he turns out large quantities of lumbee each year, which he Hells. very eeasonable. Farmers doing busi- ness would do well to see hia stock be- fore buying. He also sells sla,bs, both. hard and soft for wood. He also has a. Int of dry bard wood for sale and in- tends getting out about 100 cords of green hardwood this winter. FALL PAIRS: Zurich Seaferth Ansa Craig Parkhill 20s27 St. Marys 26_27 ICirktori Oct. 4-5 EXETER, ONTARIO Fall Term Opens Sept 41111 exerroffm, ONT. There ietereated in Bu6iiicao Collego work Ahouidt write for ems large catalogue, Thiele the iseeses heat C'oramerelal fillurthartcl $chool in Weiterta Ontario. We give poetical tubing out ***iii tour Feraduatr.a repporielblepeeiteue, litury et the lead- busitzes* coilegeo employ our graduates rie teach. re. Write now fora free catalogue. ELLIOTT & MeLAOHLAN. Principals). The Know How' Is a valuable 'part of our business. It is the best of foundations—it is, lasting. We IMQ* how to repair Watches, Jewelry, ete.--We know what is required to fix If your watch is not -running ,j11,4t avit should, bring it in for examination. It costs nothing to know if it is in order. If it requires fixing we can do it. The "Knowing. 'How" has been the means of giving us the right to say we are leaders' in our line. Try us when . you, wish : to buy *pealing in our line. 1 t •• 19-20 MARCHAND " 19-20 " . 24-25 The 'Jeweller Keeps a well selected stock of boots and shoes and his trade is steadily in , creasing. He handles everything in the lines of the best footwear of Cas noelian makes for men, women and children and the priees sehich be 'mils are most reasonable. He, carries. a good stock all the time. Repairing Eloise very reasonable, ' Centralia. HANLAN & 01;11LIEN 'Conduct a first class general store fiere., anti thine. by dealing in Oast boat, and being honest and conscientious in their hnsiness, have worked up a good trade. Their aim has *always been to satisfy their patrons,togive good values all the thne. Their stock is one of the bestbere and their trade well establish, ,ed. both are energetic business men. I Post office in connection; Central office, BellTelephone 00. .THOMAS WILLIS There is no industry in the country to.tlay Of more importance to the far. mer nor one that brings him in more ;ready cash during the summer season 1 than that of a creamery. Mr. Willis . • • as the proprietor of the Shamrock, Preamery „in the village of Centralia and he has worked up.. a very large ;business. Year byyearhis business is not only steadily, increasing, but is going ahead by leaps and bounds: What are the reasons for this?. Oe is that he is a young, progressive, pushing bueiness Man, another is that ,he treats all his patrons in a. fair and 'courteous manner; and a third is that he does good work, such that there is a continued demand for the 'butter that he manufacturers. Much of his butteris shipped to the Old Country and is there considered to 'be fleet - Clams: The number of his patrons this year is very large and his place of bus i - nese is certainly a busy spot. His Wage account ampunts to tno small Matter each year. As a citizen he is Much respected. bliFFEItIN gousE - one of the oldestandhest -tavern hotel men iifthis part of the province is Wm. J. Moffatt, who has been in tho. huainess line for over P.5 years,ruriniiig he old Royal up to twiS months ago; hen he purchased the other hotel. He 1 ha* Moved the old building along side ofAbits one and When it is all repaired aL.tid fixed up, be will have a.hotel second to none. Mr. Moffatt makes a first-class landlord,being popular with all classes. THOMAS ELSTON -:*<, um a saw mill here as well as Mail, nraetnring bettaingit,f0e barrels. nia trade is a good one. He keeps a. good iit,ock, of lumber, so that fariners deing ani ()WIWI* should give him a calls He isa,good citizen and highly esteetn- gal Grand Bend. 30ShPil nissAn.nxisle Is i first-class blacksmith here, who bay silengthy experience hzt, the btu& lima, and who is acknowledged to be a auperior workman. In horeeshoeing particularly he excels. .Repairing of all kiiideelone retteoriable and satisfac. tory. IlltlINNElt HOUSE When you run aerose a first clams betel sueh as this. and as fine an hotel man itil it present proprietor, William Peitz, you get ft eonibination that is ,... hard to beat, The Drearier House le en ideal hotel anti the 'yearly ineretie. log trade enjoyed by Mr. Fritz lis the beet evidence that hei is conducting the house in a manner to leave no Floods " as well as cigars. -lir. Zerltx I "inantdari nertihtel eLA rnbA r y ongegtQt(sit he ae f to; ways oie hand to welcome you. ,Iimiarmiemmwommaimpo toves and Ranges. We can safely say that the finest and best line , of Stoves and Ranges, and those that will give the best satisfaction, are to be found .in our store. Surely .you could _select one to your liking froni the following makeks:' Gurney & "Souvenirs" Bowes 4:amiiispres “Garland" Western Fdy1 Co's "Hurons" MofFat's 6 ationals" Call and examine our lines before buying. SIIITABLE FURNITURE For Every Room in the Home. We have a beautiful selecion.of the latest designs. Come and get our prices, all marked' in plain fighres, E Ask you to come to this storb for furniture, because. we believe you *ill get .the kind you want- The stock includes all those pieces that appeal to good taste on account of their design, finish, Character and richness. We Canshow newest ideas and the most popular furniture,foe the hornet that can be found Itny place, town or nitys„. J.A.S. BEV ERIMY orunA. BLOOIC. Leading pirpiturie Dealer ,e'snd 'Undertaker. VESTERS EXCURSIONS' TO THE NORTH WEST Gc)i NO . stew% tislesiturrik until Noy. 11A , WWI litirt. is.:;z to, rotor* until ii014120 10.4 )RETURN PARES ' Mittel, YOrtlik NlicAlitlEtt firtAlIQNI Wiooipog • • , WM %At* ,06.116 . Korth Satisfied OM • •- OA Nina •• KM lissists1 • • MO ,, linuslissi • • • VIA ikso. simir • • SS ' Calgary • • 40.141 Ilwasosis `• • N. 1,trattilasi• • KS Mal Deo ... "• , 41.111 liroils • 114 ' lisokstses , • $7.26 Stiffly 1 Estonia • MIS Prim* iiii+rtm WI Etbsontsof " ,42.14 Ill!or rots' to o0tor Iwo AL* ion partleistavah , OM* moorto44 Cookooloo Aso*. or Writs .1144101111, it4101., Ma% T011tofpfrO,