HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-09-20, Page 4•
lair Stops
Falling Out
and lbenernee bgatatifkla and
laintationt When
is used. It glees new life to
the hair, keeps the scalp
clean and healthy, and is a
positive cure forelanclruff.
Large Bottles only 60c.
Prepared by W. S. COLE, Phu*. B.
tole's, Central Drug Store
Exeter, — Ontario
45zeter. abuorate,
Sanders et Creech, Prope.
Terrible Wreck at Sudbury.
• Sudbury, Sept, 13. -A section of
No. 2, the C. P. R. limited, crashed in-
, nosthe third section of No. 1, a passen-
ger harvesters' excursion train this
morning, a, little after seven o'clock.
- and twelve' persons wete instantly
killedand forty injured. The dead
were in the first colonist car into the
leeper. The inmates were caught like
-eats in a trap:and bed no chance Of es-
oape or warrting.of their danger.
'Tan DEAD—Viola Schade; aged 12;
Alma Schade, aged 10, alonktOnt Ont.
Frank Blackwell, Torouto; Dr. S. F.
_Wine, N. vv, T.; J. J. Noble, Metho-
dist clergyman, 'Luton. Ont.; Percy
Baker, farmer, Stayner, Ont.: Louis
,Pfaff. Nelson Selo -az. W. B. Puddi-
combe, Thomas Puddicombe. Henry
Herman, all of New Hamburg; Charles
Palmer,, Toronto.'
The cause was due to au air brake
,refusingto work. A mionte more and
the excursion train would have been
on .the„eicling.
Common Imitation Dyes,
The DIAMOND DYES are the /only
- write Amy neon -dim -dal -wonien. Why?
• Because they have every quality which
true home dyes should possess.
MOND DYES are, to -day, the only
etlyeet guaranteed to give decided and
_happy successes. All druggists and
general merchants vvho desire to please
their customers, sell only DIAMOND
DYES for the simple reason that they
.always ' give complete satisfaction.
Common and adulterated package
-.dyes put up to imitate the DIAMOND
-DYES are sold by some merchant's be-
cause of the extra cash profits they
yield. These- deceptive dyes are, in
(every case'worthless as coloring
-agents. They produce weak and
blotchy colors, and invariably ruin
good garments and materials, Their
<Ise has caused grief and loss of money
tan many homes.
Always use the reliable and popular
DIAMOND DYES and you will make
. the old and faded things as good as
,new. Send to Wells & Richardson Co.,
Limited, 200 Mountain St., Montreal,
2. q. for New Direction Book, Dia-
anond Dye Cook Book and Illustrated
• Booklet, entitled "Diamond DyeLong-
johns' ,Winter and Summer Sports:"
.3.11 sent free to any address. '
The following is the report of S. S.
No. 3, Stephen, for the month of Au-
gust, based on regolarity, good deport -
=eat and general 'proficiency. Names
in order of inerit.-IV.-0 Ford, F
Beaman, G Dearing, II- Triebeen-S
Willis, E Teichner. Sr. TIL -G Hicks.
-1) Dearing, E Sha pt F Pt oszca tor, J
Willis. Jr. III. -A Willis, F Trielmer,
461 Sanders, W Shapton, A Willis, B
Box, C Parsons, 0 Preszcator. II. -G
Penhale. Part IL -M Willis, R Par.
sons, C Triebuer, G Stanlake. Sr. Part
fleartan, L. Sanders. Jr. Part
I. -L Saaiders, 0 Dearing, T Willis, V
Presicattir, V Box 0 Parsons. No on
toll 32, average 29.
- Chas. Tebbutt, Teacher.
There are four verses. Verse 1.
Ayer' Hair Vigot stoi)s falling
hair, Verse 2. Ayer's Hair
Vigor makes the hair grow.
Verse- 3. Ayers Hair Vigor
cures dandruff. Verse,40
Airer's Hair Vigor makes the
scalp healthy, and keeps it so.
It is a regular hair -food; this
is the real secret of its won-
derful success.,
atottaZ.T. 0 Ayer 11,,
cargo Penita.
W il,alloweiy; water color, fruit
or ilowettit, N' Wood; &qua patnung,
N Wood I and 2; Crayon or - Pesten°
MES. White; Pyrogeophy, F 'Weekee;
pntire, littran mintyBeenereet photo-
geaph, ettl. plaotegrephs. J Smolt; eel.
pliotographili views,' J Senior.' W.
etattainson; tiee aed ink eltetch, Rey.
Fear 1 and 2..
Colt coins,' Andereon 1 Med eol.
etampt: G Anderson. X Woad; Spec-
iale, col. shells, J Sweet; col., , butter-
flies, Latimer Grieve; col. picture cards,
0. Anderson; Monochromo in oil, N.
Wood. .
Foliage plants, Geraniums, J tOottle.
Cut flowers ---Dahlias, Petunias, Zen-
ith), ,s Cottle; Pansies, Dr. Amos G.
A K McLeod; German Astors„ Ver-
benas, Dr. Altos, J Cottle; ten weeks'
stock, AtInt1018 in blomn, J Cottle, Dr.
Antos; Phlox Droramondi, J Cottle, 6i
A. K McLeod, Gladiolas, basket cut
flowers, Dr. Amos.
Rag carpet, Miss H. Brethour, Mrs.
J. Tettp; rag mat, hooked, E. Heywood,
G. Eitateebeoolt; rale mate sewed, cloth
gout; 14g cabin gni j mgraimiss
Tom; yarn mat, Miss Wise G Easter -
brook; wool socks, heavy, Miss Tont,
Miss .11 Brethour; ladies' wool mitts,
men's wool mitts, knitted lace, Miss
Tom, Mrs j Tom; mens' wool mitts,
Mrs. J Tom, H GK Wise; counterpane
knitted, Miss Wise A Carlisle, counter-
pane crochet, A Carlisle, J Decker;
counterpane tufted, F Hogarth,
Wise; silk quilt, Mrs. Tom, ltfra Woe -
lard; cotton quilt, Rowe & Atkinson;
Patchwork, drawn work, work by wo-
man over 70, Mrs. White, Mrs. Woe -
lard; knitted quilt, G Schroeder; darn-
ing, Mrs. White, Miss Tom, button
holes, Miss Tom, Mable Brook; table
mats, hand bag, M Brook, C E Bluett;
doylies, 0 E Bluett, Mrs. Woelard,
pillow shams, A Carlisle 1 and 2, Mies
Tom; laundry work, Berlin wool work,
Miss Breth our; sofit pillow, Miss Breth-
our, A Carlisle, Miss Brook; photo
frame, hand made'handkerchief, Be,
tenbnrg lace, etching, Bluett; whisk
holder, case for handkerchiefs, C'
ett, •Miss Brook; Screen, Mount Mel -
lick work, Mrs. White; toilet articles,
Mrs. Bluett, Misa Brethour; novelty
work, Miss Brook, Miss Tom, Mrs.
Woelard; bed room slippers, Miss
Brook; child's dress and crochet work,
J G Stanbury, Miss Brook; point lace,
Mabel Fear, Mrs. Woelard; Honiton
point lace, (special) Mrs. Bluett; Honi-
ton lace, Mrs. White, Mrs, Woelard;
tatting Mrs. (Dr.) Set, Mrs. A G
Dyer; drawn work heavy, Mrs. Bluett,
Mrs. Woelard; work on screen, Mrs.
White, Mrs: Bluett; bead work, A E
Hueston, Mrs. White; cotton embroid-
ery, Rev. Fear, Mrs. Woelitrd,J G Stan -
built (special) ladies' tinderweare4Has-
tings; painting in oil, Mrs. While: rs.
Holloway; men's shirt, A. Hastings,
Mrs. Woelard; afghan, 0 Bluett 2nd;
tea cosy, Miss Tom, A Hastings; scarf,
'Mrs. Woelard, Edith Beer; embroider-
ed centre piece. Roman or cut work,
Applique embroidery, Bulgarian em-
broidery, Mrs. Woelard, Mrs. Blnett;
centre piece antIsilk einaroidery, Mise
ithd Irish dioehet lace,. Miss Brook;
crochet work in silk, Brazilian lace,
Coronation braid work, Mrs. Woelard;
netting, J G Stanbury; Queen Ann
darning, Miss Brethour, Mrs. Bluett;
braiding, Miss Weis, Miss Brethour;
ottoman, Miss Weis, Miss Tom; col-
lection ladies' work, C Bluett, Mrs.
Tom Miss Toni; col. cakes, J Decker;
honae-made bread, Mrs. Adam Case,
F Hogerth, G A K McLeod.
E Douglas, Miss J T
Ballentine. •
The Adyoeate to end of year 20c
The ho weather has almost become
un bearatlle. ) Evnrything is covered
with dust. The h usewife has given
up dusting in despair. The farmer
are complaining of their wells going
dry. What we need is rain andel, lot
of it. -Herbert Sweitzer and sister of
North Easthope visited Mr. and Mrs.
Christian Trick a week ago. -Dan Oes-
treicher has his cement verandah an -
jailed and he has certainly made a good
job of it. -Herbert Stetter who has
been working here the past stinamer,is
in Buffalo where he has secured a SitU-
ation ina large wholesale drug store -
Wm. Schneider and wife of Hamilton,
spent a few days here la,st week, the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Matlock.
Wru. Sambrook has bought the pro-
perty to the rear of Young's hardware
store from Thos. Trevethick. -Miss
Tillie Wurtz, who visited her parents_
here for ;e few weeks has returned to
Muskegolealich.--Herti Eilber, August
Kuhn and Ira Brown returned ,home
Thursdey after a two weeke' vacation:
While away they took in the sights at
Toronto, Thousand Islands, .MOri treat
and Quebec. They report having had
a splendid trip. -Harry 'Wind of De-
temt is visiting his parents,-Sainuel
and Jacob Wurtz of Pigeon, Mich.,
are here visiting. They will return
home the latter part of the week with
their parents, Mr. ' and Mrs. Toblai
Wurtz, who will make their future
home with thetn. " Mr. .Wurto will
have a sale of his household effects as
well as the house in the near future.
We are sorry to loose theee highly re-
spected citizens and hope they will, be
spared to enjoy many more years of
life and good health. -Thos, Trove -
hick is having his wagon shop torn
down and will rebuild one on a larger
ecale.-A number from here attended
Eat ter Fair Tuesday. -MielPred Either
(*.elm ated his 83rd birthday on Satur-
day. .IIe is still hale and hearty and
bie in illy friends trust be will be spar-
ed to be with us for a long titnee-Geo.
110112111aleP home made an exciting
rim through town on Saturday but
Norman brought laiin to a standstill
'aline much damage was done other
han breaking the harness. -W. S.
Chieholin, wife and baby of Acton
were gueste of Mr. and Mrs. q. Zwiek-
se on Sunday.- Our milliners have
-eel r. d the fall season. Mrs. Link is
with &tn. Brown and Mi8S Calvin of
tinsels has
-Mt. Hut ter lova; been, reli ving Mr.
liargat Cwicketi.
illee . e
a. Kuhn at the Sovereign Banke-Snf-
dce it to say theta large number at-
tended 'London Fair without naming
t hem all.- A roller *machine for rollittff
Mitt; hee been added to IL Sweittear s
mulling etaniaiment. No improiniatant
8 Wit Ifineh fOr WM to make. Mi,,
itvelyn .1Cerr has teturned frent ar Ott
or at le teeat to Wiattoia-WileLearis I
1 I
attended the Genetrel aietiottieee
ti'al'eMq.? Itloiiereal teet week. -21 iiEJO
1 04E19 6110W CZ= addli to tile appOnt uneP
and convenience of J. II. Ilolternan'a
tailott shop. --Tae contract for the work
of at. hotel -addons liat-e teen
let ton P. atawden, triektvork; G, H.
iieitoinare otoodwork, end Yonng
Boa, rott, etc. -C. ',Nicker end
Mrs. 'Treyethicte aftee 1711511t, here!
have t: .3 to London. ---Mrs. Ldvi
Stahl aod Miss Core ore visiting in
Leckport and. 131.10410. ---Mr. and
Beaver of Elkton, Mich., were -guests
here during their „heileymoon, Winn -
Miss 0„ Haest has returned from Bere
horse belonging to %Von, erals-
er broke its neck ang died' itietaattly
when he was working it the other day.
e-00 the fleet of, October Mr. Francis
Clark o Granton takes over the ,har-
ness business of his father, Mr. !Ames
Clark, which .he. recently purchased.
The latter intends going West next
year. Theformer sold his Granton
busbaees to Willert Clark of St. Marys.
Dnetrae-The grim reaper has been
very busy in our midst of Lite. On
Friday he came and called away Ag-
nes, beloved wife of John Eleutint.
Deceased has been ill for $01016 time
and had to suffer a great deal, but
through all she bore it with patience
and cheerfulness, She - hadrreeched,
the age 61/1 yearsandwas highlY 're-
spected by all who knew her. The re-
mains were interred in the Evangeli-
cal cenietery on Sunday afternoon.
She leaves to Mourn her demise e hus-
band and an adopted clangtater,besides
a large number of relatives and friends.
We extend our genuine -sympathy to
the bereaved niftily.
DEA.TEE. -After months of extreme
suffering, patiently borne, of contip-
ued confinement to her bed, of earnest
and untiring endeavors to alleviate
her sufferings by friends, relatives and
ruechcal attendant, the spirit of Mrs.
Albert King took its. flight on Sept.
10th, at the age of 42 'years, Some
months ago she gave signs of being
stricken with ereeping, paralysis and
was taken to London hospital for
treatment but there being no improve-
ment she was brought back home and
since had gradually been growing
orse in spite of every attention from
doctors and friends. Nothing was left
undone. Latterly death was expected
at arty time and it roust have -come as
a happy release to the long sufferer.
Deceased'emaiden name was Amelia,
Malvina Dauncey, daughter of Mr.
Wm. Ditencey of Exeter. She was
married to her mew bereavedbosband
fifteen years ago. Three children,
Olive, Gertrude and William survive.
Mrs. King was always an earnest
Christian woman and her end was
peaceful. The funeral took place to
the Exeter cemetery on Wednesday.
Mr. King wishes to thank the friends
for their kindness during =the illness
and subsequent deathof his Wife.
DEATH. -Christina, beloved wife of
Rev. John Staebler, passed to her re-
ward on September 10th, at her home
here, at the age' of 77 years and 6
naonthsabut was only confined to her
bed for two weeks, during which time
she received every attention frOrnIkind
friends and the doctor but she gradut
ally sank. Born in Germany the tuov-
60 ettYggiZtlogiagtVitt*DmivhellPt-
John Staebler, who shortly after be-
came stationed in Crediton for filer
years, Mr. „Staebler was superannu-
ated twelve years ago and since that
tinae they have been residing here,
where they have gained for themselves
many friends who are sorrowful at the
demise of Mrs. Staebler.. Nine grown-
up children survive, among whom is
Mrs. John Finkbeiner, Crediton. The
funeral took place on Thursday morn-
ing at 9:30 o'clock. t
The A 3 vocate gives on all the news.
What a, fine lite of real correspondents
we have! Great Value for a dollar.
Eh? Show it, to your freieds and tell
them they can have it for the balance
of the year for only 29c. Start this
week and send in for a copy of this
Mr- and Mts. S. Davis and,M. and
Mrs. W. Jt Parsons attended the fun-
eral of the late Mrso'Chas. Abbott at
London on Monday.. -The man yfriends
of Mrs Anderson, who was so seriously
ill at the home of Mrs. Dobler, are
pleased to learn that she has been able
to return to her home here anti is ,re-
covering slowly. -Miss Ida Abbott,
,who has been on a three] months' visit
with tier sieter. in Crystal City, Man.,
has returned honee.-Master Austin
Dupla n spent a ,few days, in London
lastoweek attending the Fatir.-Miss
Minnie Essery spent a few days with
friends in London this week. -A large
Manlier from here attended the Exeter
Fair Tnesday.--Mre. Fitirhall is spend-
ing a .few weeks visiting friends in
became -Our base -hall . boys intend
a game of ball with Crediton
lb the near future. -Mr, R
Hicks arrived hete last Week from the
north west to visit his father.
A, large -re u ber*from here attended
Loudon exhibition last week.-Alisi A.
RElliott of Otta,wa visited at the home
of Mr..W.R.Elliott last week. -Mr. A.
Parsons of Wionifieg attetidecl his
father's funeral hare fast week. -W.
it. Elliott, shipped a ear of fine horses
to Winnipeg last week.
IlnaTie Or Iona* Pansone.--et.nother
poineer of Stephen township has cd away in the person of John Parsons,
aged 17 yes and 6 months. He .6111310
to CalladafrOtil England whett a young
mati and sitice has been engaged in
many occupations in all of whieh hia
eereer has been quite succeseful.
He farmed, studied for the industry.
tanglit school at Fairfield (being the
first teacher in the townehip), conduct-
ed a general etore baeinese with Mr.
Either at Crediton whoa Mon. Brown
is now, also conducted a etore
ShiDICA$ shipped farm produce to the
NOrtbwest. and founded the Parsoree
Produce Company of Winnipeg ,Witir
many branvilt. both in the west and
in Ontario. Daring the laet few years #
he hag livettretired here and for r.:otne
months hail been quite ill He nette
tared alies Mary, Ann Wales in 18.10.
tibepredeceatetl him many years. Some
fifteen years ago he tvar4 again mart led
thiq time to Ati•cs Lizzie Oliver. who
survives hint. Three 130619, Willi.1 HI Of
reettS Jnlin Of ValiCetliVer. and A.
Et of Winnipeg, rtrid one daughters -
MP& Geo. rectal' of Centrelia :Aso sine
vivo The finieral on Sinatitty was
tUgely attended.,
I___ ... .....
11013NEY lattlilTiCANoire -CO
ST raw
To His
Pleased Custoiners
The wise""vocOr studies
his eustorners—knows their
likes a.nd disiles—lerioyvs
that his best trace want
rlooney's Perfection
Cream. Sodas
He lets them know that -
he has their favorite biscuits
sees that they are nbt
tg btv ,sorpeching .,1`just' -
as good," which is NOT
as good.
Grocers who want to please their
patrons always have Mooney's Per-
fection Cream Sodas. In their
hygienic packages--ahdisbe
arid neeisture-proof:
The Advocate Is 20c. to end oftyear
Milton Witzel spent Sunday at his
borne here. -We are glad to know that,
Dr. Routledge, who has been danger-
ously ilIfor the •past two weeks, has
so far recovered as to be able to leave
his bed and sit up at short intervals.-
The evening of Sept. 25th promises, to
be interesting to the people of this
community, the young people of the
Evangelical church having a harvest
home festival on that occasion. This
promises to be a grand -affair and as
there will bene admission fee,only a,
collection, the young people expect a'
good audience. Invitations will be
sent to the sister' societies at Zurich
and Crediton. The young people also
expect Rev. J. 0. Morlock, a former
pastor, to be present and 'deliver one
of his pleasing addrem
esesea iss Ema
Oallfas, who has been ' visiting friends
at. Tavistock rot4roedthome Tuesday.
She reports haviag had a most pleas-
ing visit. --Henry Guenter drove to
Mitchell Saturday for the household
effecte of Rev. Thum who comes, as
pastor of tae Lit theria n. congrega Con
of this place. Rev. Thun is expected
here some time this week. --Mise Lena
Steinhagen left Friday for a visit in
Uncle SaIn'S clorpainte-Rev. L. K. Eidt
_left, Tuesday for Lond.on ' to undergo
treatment for his eyes. He will be'ab-
sent most of the week. -,Arthur Keller-
man left Monday for Napierville to
further pursue his studies in the North
.wtetstettnColycezettegretwietithettAul:rith: nuee c,,vv,flool,
make his mark in his callinA..-George
Kellerman and wife, Mrs. Hang and
sister visited' friends in Blake 'Friday.'
--Wm. Ehle's will holdanauction sale
of his farneetock and implements on
Monday, Sept. 24. He will thenctnove
into the yillage'and occupy the house
he recently purchased fr5rn E. P. Pau-
lin and in a short time assume his
share in the grist mill here. We hope
for him a great measure of success.-
Oliver Graybiel has been appointed
pro manager of the Sovereign Bank
here while Mr. Ehnes goes to Owen
Sound to look after the hank's inter,
est, there. We are pleased to learn of
Oliver's 'proniotion. e -Peter McIsaac
has successfully passed his comae
throligh which the undertakers go and
Will in a short time receive his diploma.
-Miss Selina Nediger has returned to
Ayton to resume her work AS milliner`
vvith Mr. Darnin.-Mrs. Daniel Norm -
tile, who has been visiting her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Nediger, has eeturnecl to
her home in Katainaitio, i 'Mich. -The
gun club intends'holcling a ,shooting
match on • Thanksgiving Day. -A
arge ;Mintier of our people attended
the London Fair last week, the Exeter
Fair on Tuesday and also the &lila)
Fair on Thninday--Mr. and Mrs. P.
Hartman visited at Berlin last week.=
The deo theoccoreci at Ste .eigathare-
ently of Mes. Henry Zimmer. Mr.
Wm. Zimmer and son, Alfred, and Mr.
nd Mrs. Alex Zimmer attended the
uneral. -
Wnieroneet- Atvery-Oretty• wedding
fink place et the Parsonene in Zurich
n SeptelOth, when theeldest &lighter
f Mr. and Mrs. G. Nediger of Dash-
ood was united in the holy bonds of
atrimony to Mr. Williaiu 0. Schulz,
prosproue young farnaer of Mt. 010 -
ens, Mich. The ceremony' was per-
trmed" by Rev. Shuellre. The bride
ate beautifully attired in cream 13a t-
te. trimmed with cream lace, and car-
ed a beautiful boguet of carnations.
he was ably .assisted by her ,siSter,
Liss &limn who was 'handsomely at
The Human
is the mini. Where there is a
constatt desire to urinate -when
the urine is hot and scalding -
it meant Bladder Irritation. If
the Wind is cloudy, highly
cotortal, or offensive -a -it indicates
Kidney Trouble,
need the danger ignat*. Take
-eaettette - -
The Ideal Beverage
ASK ran
Now when chemists antiounce its perity, and
judges its naerit, cite need look po further.,
Talate4)1o, full of
the vielacs of malt
and hops, and
• tion, is the ideal
beverage. ,
I " I
Head Office, - Montreal
Capital. Pad iTA3—-$3,000,000
--' Mieserviod riitil••••'• • , .f...-..$0-1-000;0013'
(Incorporated by Ad of Parliament 1855)
OFFICE m. to 3 p. m. SATPEDAYS, 10a. m. to 1 p. m,
Farmer s Sale Notes cashed or collected, Forms supplied on application.
DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain and 'United
States bought and sold at lowest rates of Exchange.
.A.DVANOES made to Farmers, Stock Dealers and Busies Men ati
lowest rates and On most favorable terms.
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest cu "r'rent rate of interest allowed
Saving an Department: P°g2i ?41-Ire:4 atri4irdddtlef:LvilcillIgt ca°011
and December sist.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
Monson' & Carmine, Solicitors.
N. D. EURDOINT, II/Tanager,
Guaranteed Cured or No. Pay.
*If you ever had any constitutional, acquired or
hereditary blood disease, you are never safe until
the virus or poison lia.s been removed from the
system. You may have had some disease years
ago, but now and then some symptom alarms you.
Scene poison still lurks in. your system. Can you
afford to run the risk of more serious Symptoms
appearing as the poisot multiplies? .Beware of
mercury or mineral drugs used indiscrirnittatelye,
they rna.y ruin the system Thirty years' experi-
ence in the treatment of these diseasee enables
us to prescribe specific remedies that 'will post-
tiVely cnie, all bldod diseases'of the worst char-
acter, leaving to bad effects on the system. Our
New 1VIethed Treatinent will purify al:ideal-itch the
blood, heal up all ulcers, clear the Skitt..teMOIre
bone pains, fallen out hair will grow in, and
swollen glands will retuen to a normal condition,
and the patient will feel and look like a different
r.r.actn- casea we accept for treatment are
'guaranteed a complete cure or no charge.
Reader if in doubt as to poor condition, you can consult us rim
OF CHARGE. Remember the old adage, lea stitch in tirtesaves nine."
Beware of incompetent doctors who have no reputation or reliability.
Dr§.K & K. have been established over27 years. You can pay
after cure.
WE CURE Nervous Debility, Varloocele, Stricture Blood Diseases, Sec-
ret Diseases. Kidney'and Bladder Coniplairits. Consultation Freeif unable
to call, write for a Question 14lat for Heine Treatment.
Ofice Hours: 9 a; in, to 8 p. m. Sunda.ys, 19 to le and 3 to 4p. tu.
tiree in white Bastiste trimmed with
silk net and also carried a beautiful
boquet. The groom was supported by
Mr.W. J. Henderson of London': On
retie ning to the house showers of rice
were poured upon the happy couple.
A stimptous tea was prepared by the
host and hostess. After tea the bride's
sboe was taken off and sold for the
large salt') of twenty eight dollars.
The presents were both numerous and
costly, showing • the high esteem in
which the happy couple were held,
The evening was spent in games and
sports until the small hours. The
happy- couple left with many congrat-
ulations for Detroit, Kalamazoo, Lan-
sing and other western points; and
on Vilely rsturn Mr. and Mrs. Schelz
will reside at MtoOlemene,Michevehelrer
we hope theyMay tong live tO enjoy
their new home.
Exeter:Centralia & Cla!ideboye
ghest Price paid foi. brain
(Stieeessor to-Jrisepti Cobidedickt
plitTE SPREIlliEli ieathivarters
We havejust; received a
, number of fine Spreaders
—The Successor—which
does'its work in fine style.
This is recognized to be
the best on the Ictiairket.
We handle Perrin Plows
and have just received a
carload of ivalking, rid
ing afd gang: plows made
by this reliable firm.
"Beeati” stimulate, and
tteeingtheziee thee weakened,
clogged, overworked Kidneys to
'healthy sciti:ort-and heals and
soothes th irritated bladder ,
"11"11" "r"* guaranteel THORNTON BAKE
it and you can get your money
back U " Itu-ju " ilisitppointst •
A.11 druggists bave Atejti or will
get them -for you.
lift CILACLO4 ClitilICAL CO. 1.161111180
Agent for the Sylvester and
Perrin Plow Companies
Exeter • Ontari
Lumber, SbinglessLath, Cedar
Posts, Sasb, Doors, Frames
and all Buikiing
Water Tanks*---'
Finished or In Knock down,
always on hand.
Highest, price paid for Saw-
logs (Avery description:.
Custom sawing promptly
attended to.
Estimates Cheerfully given«
Thr Ross-TaylorCo.ILtd
'Exoter, Ont.
riage Licenses
Issued at the