HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-09-06, Page 4'V •- Flour, &atter. F.ggs rzncl TitnQ ming infeTiontel.,41nr vovveierN.,ITt Cole's Baking Powder pare and alwrlys Once Used, Always in. Favor ASK FOR Cole's - Baking Powder The kind that never fails to please. o 0 25 Qents aPou d Cole's, Central Drug Store Exeter, Ontario Oaxtter Abrocate, Sanders et Creech., Props. VIRTRSDA.Y, SEPT. 6, '06 The Advocate to end of Year 2So Rot. Rowcliffe and family of Exce ter spent Sunday with Mt. and Mrs. •'S. J. Pyin, -Those from here whe are .spending this week h t Toronto Exhi- • bition are; Mr. and Mrs. Win. 0 Otis, .Mr. and Mrs. 3. Andrews, Sr., and J. Wright and wife. -R, Skinner and -wife spent a few weeks with friends in Kepple.-Quite a number attended the ice cream social at Zion on IVfonday • eveniog and report a good time -The , -services on Supday were conducted by Bev. Ashton of Bothwell, a former • Junior pastor. Rev. Fair took the services at Bothwell. • ”DIAMONDS •For Every Efome Diamonds for every Canadian home are not the gems which the wealthy alone can purehase; they are those in- valuable gems known as DIAMOND . DYES which have been for twenty- five years true money .savers for the ,wonien of Canada. DIAMOND DYES wherever used, %eve proved their superiority over all either package dyes; in richness, tun- eless and darability of colors. Certain speculators, jealous of the popularity of DIAMOND DYES, are ,putting up adulterated and crude dyes to imitate DIAMOND DYES. These ,scommon and cheaply prepared dyes produce blotchy end mutiely colors and vain good materials. When you have dresses, skirts, blous- -es, jackets,. capes, stockings and other .,a,rticles of wearing apparel to recolote ,eise the DIAMOND DYES only, and von will have results which will fill -yoar heart with joy. DIAMOND 'DYES make old things look like new. AIways aek your dealer for the DIA- -MOND DYES and refuse any other auake that may be offered to you. The stommon dyes are sold hy mercha nt s -simply for the sake of big profits. New „Diamond Dye Direction Book, .Dia- - =and Vere Cook Book and Illustreted ' Booklet, entitled “Diamond Dyes Longjohns' Winter and Summer Sports" sent FREE to any lady who sends her address to 'Wells & Richard - :aril Co., Limited, 200 Mountain Street, .Mentreal. K.irkton Miss Mabel t Gilfillan is spending a einontle in Toronto yisiting.-Melville 'Hoskin, after a WeeleS stay here, re - 'turned to Exeter. -Mr. Down of Exe- ter occupied the pulpit in the Metho- dist ehurch here .on Sunday. -David returned to his stucliet at the Stratford Business College. -After a leasant stayeel e- turned to Toronto. --Ditri lig the recent ,-atorm lightning strnek tbe residenee -ofMr. Cornish, tearing off 6cin1e brick, •,•aome shingles and some, plaster. latink- it, the fatrilly esc;sped. Dotape has returned from St. 'Thorries,she being a delegate froni this --eourt to the High Court.--Sal- -em and Itirkton baseball teams ptayed an itteresting game of ball Saturdry night, resulting in favorof the former by two rtins.-Cbas. Keen is on the -aiek • 1 You can trust it. mei:110112.e • tested 60 years!. Sixty years of eiperienceohink t 440 Experience with Ayer's. Sar- saparilla; the original Sikista4, • parilia; -the Sarsaparilla the doctors endorse for thin blood, weak nervelS, general debility. Ats trod elf!! relediet;s tatrAt GA tot wast it the tm, 'aaccure tn.() .the 'hearts/ toinatkoed, law iotst • MT,fit, :weft ototoa tik0 3S;(6,11,V6 'doses of Ayt • nas *him taut% ts4ittrta-pains, btt,41.ayorf**,.foy**110**11.' AliKomamalaettrera*f I •$ NAIR VIIXIC !Je40V itotEttsr. 11.0 (NEM - va seems! rodeo' boa 01111 tnt TatAlettros. ° Witietielsea. Jazo,rj(111.EZmiiesteir, Now York, spondang :Igor; cbys with his hi-othc-r, IttAvid, tbis tbidec, LIM with -4-"'-‘,.,1011100,44444,40f rotuilic4 hom saturday ovoiaing„ cift-or oponsliug two weeUs x:thfatondtsit.6%),:ifortii. Mr. Whcoiev wau unttltio to work. owing to having ,nc:ratlivcil his hutul on'a borseo hoof whiDei1 but we are piedocti to notice that b& E3 ablO t 0 attend to hia dutiee aratiraa-'s.Miss Maud Orr of Lou- don spent few dayb this week visiting lief! !Mena, Miss &Isla Uodbolt.- Mr, Wm. CEPoX'y has disposed a hie 100.acre farm Jno. 'Fletcher. The formee has not decided! what he will do latt if lie can ilnd atlesira,ble :partner he may in the near futtire en - ark in the mercantile business`a `4 11130 of principle and ju,dging front his success as a. farmer we have no doubt of his making a enecessful busi- ness man.---Sehool was closed on La, bor Day and McDougall and Milton ()lark dreve to St. Marys to take a day o rest.-Allie Canna attended the To - rout° Exhibition this week. ChttidebC ye. The death took place on September ardsolaNi4bekeltia5tAnfogbter of Wm. Brownlee, Con. Biddtilph, at tlnie' youthful age of 21 years, The faneral was held on ‘Vednesday, the remains being interred at St. James Cemetery, .01ancleboye.-Miss Sadie Neil cf Brant- ford spent a few days herea-Mrs. liodgins and Miss Della, Harlton of London' spent Sunday here. We un- derstand Mrs. Tiodgins intends leav- ing shortly for her new home in the W North est, where she will join- her husband, who is carrying on a black- smith shop. ---Mr. Ciriah Ounniaghata of Strathcona, Alta., son of Mr. Wm. Oanningbam of this ',Nee, has bought a hotel in Mannville, Alta.. and takes possession Sept. 10. We wish 'him every success in his undertaking.- Pringle Morley, after spending several days here, returned to his home in Cleveland. -Mrs. Herb. George of Put- man, who has been visiting her moth- er, Mrs. Hodgins, and also attending the wedding of her brother, Ward, re - Owned botne'Wed nestle y ev'g. -Arthur 011ete of Stoney Point returned home Friday, after spending the vacation here. -Ed. Sinwson and T. .Kestle spent Saturday in London. -J. Snell of Exeter was in the village Saturday buying horses. WVDDING.—Last Wednesday, Aug. 20th, the home of Mr. Ben. • Haskett was the scene of aevery pretty event, when his only daughter, Miss Laura, MIS united in bonds of matrimony to Mr. Ward Hodgins. At high -noon, the bride, leaning on the arm of her father, took her place on the balcony, which was decorated with flowers and ferns, when the interesting ceremony which mide them as one was luso- 'flounced by Rev. Thomas, assisted by Rev. McQiiillan of Blenheim, former rector of this plikee. The brae and groom were unattended. The bride looked charming in'a beaittiful White silk attire and wore the customary. veil, draped With orange blossoms and carrying a bouquet of bridal roses. Congratulations over the guests to the number of aboat seventy-five sat down to a sumptuoue dinner. Dinner being over the happy couple, accompanied by a large number of the guests, drove to Lumen station, where they took the train, amid shovers of rite and good wishes, for a trip to Toronto, Niagara and other points. The groom's gift to the bride was a beautiful crescent brooch. They arrived home Tuesday and have taken op their abode on the groom's fine farm,east of here. We extend aur best wishes for a happy life r to M. and Mrs. Hodgins., 411. Grand Bend The Advocate to eud of Year 2$c„ Mrs. Miller of Dashwood spent a few days with Mrs. L. Re velie last week.-- Niessrs: R. aed Hamilton' were in Toronto a few days fast week buying an engine for their boat te,replace the old one. -Mrs. Delbert Mollard arrived home Friday after spending the past two months with her parents at Ayl- mer. --A bits load from here drove over to Zurich on Monday afternoon to at- tend the sports held there. -Mr. .and Mrs. Standeyen of St. Marys spent a few days here last week.-Robt. Ham- Iton, who has been on the sick list, is able to be out again. --A. Kennedy eft recently for Blue Point to work., --Rev. J. F. and Mrs. Sutcliffe come plete.c1 the season's cempaigd here OD SandilY week. Geo. Southcott of Lon - on did much to enliven, the singing ind the campers have joined heartily with t hescharcle-congregation- in ti - ng the eerviees a sncees's. Service was • eki ill the Iklethotlist church on Sim- i y. -A wee' I t tie d a ugh t er arrived at hanie ef Mr. and Mrs -Reuben Stub- iins the other day. -Sid Bossenherry las heen.suffering the past few days rem blood poisoning. While diming rotted he ran a sliver in his finer with the above result. ---Our summer visitors*are gradually becoming less. n a week or so the cottages will all be ropty,--liVedding bells are ringing.-- W-Hawksitaw, wife and danghter, who have been rusticating here for ,be past two months, left last week in -their, home in Lonion. The for - Her is nurch Unproved in health. - Dr. H. M. Cowen of London is spend. ug a, few days berefor the benefit of is 'honitiOlohaving spent. the past VIweek; weeks an St. joseph's Hospital. - Brace flossenberry is now comfortably ettled in his new quarters at Druee. eld. He is a smart, active young orsiness man, and will well maintain be Puolleut reputation that that pop: Itat, beetelrY Ives So- long enjoyetie Me. and Mrs. A. 3. Illowes and famil Ave returned to Mitchell after nonth's stay. here. -W. 3. Norfolk f ra tford. Ito was camping bete some week-, lett who was.obliged to return h nne.owing to serious illness, tnntseti 4 'way at the Stratford General HOS. I ritni, on Aug. Min -Mrs. riengongb f Port Huron, after A pleasant visit 1 lere„ returned to her home Monday.--, Hattie rolliek, who. has been , ptqtaling the summer here, left for her tome in Exeter, Saturday. -IL Hos- etiluet crnt few flays in Zoricla weo Death visited the borne of r. liaiN0s. Louis naval Saturday , .414 fi 'wiltioved frern its-tuidst their - Pant tlaeglater, WitanifrekV after an 1,Inec)c tWo iveeks from cholera an. antefn. It Ts alc.o one duty, to retcra le death of the tit ree.weeeks4d son f Mr. and Mrs. Henry TeidOttnin of atnia, died 1..i--. August 9th. 3100rebVill0 Tho 45/4Y0,aairta to end of year Mao.,j16-411.c., 4,1 kta'ic'pp ei(36; jail 46,11 q4D Itee- -aYisaa-a; rt;t4Dro.folo.Qoano thanv, rcoigt4cd hor voita04-4 and hataaday kit for her °me in. Theciford.- Wm. Simpson and GOla tMeied 912-orolto thio week. -A number from hav attended 'thc) ban gunie at law= On Atu3ac3-4 tween tho Irish Nine C1RDd a pieked Mom from the Stratford City LiNi.gue. The forinor, as usual, were vieturionset Mrs Taloa. Gray ;tad 9tm LowIon aro here on it visit Mr. Ordy spent the° holidayshere.----Ansley Neil of Lonclop lasted hero over tabor Day.- 1'4014,MA intends movinao in a few days in Moses Sitapson's lataase; recent- ly vaeatedby James Simpson. George ;Bloomfield, wbo recently retorned from Fort William owing to illness, has moved his family here and will oc- cupy the house vacated by Mr. Clark. Wm. ()crutch, who has been residing in ° Marshall Miller's house for Some titne, has rented the farm of the late Jjaines Sandere, Orel con., Stephetiond will move thereon about Oct, 1st. - John Blooratieldl, formerly manager of the Mooresville store and latterl;witb A. Beattie & Co., Thedford, who re- cently accepted a position as traveller, man up Vs -latter an1ceept- ed a position in Park's store, Llleittl. MARRIED.—Einiong the man y mart i • ages that have taken -place in our vi- cinity few happy ,participants will have more universally the good wishes of our citizens for their future happiness and prosperity than, the young folks who were united in marriage on Tues- day, The contracting parties were Mr. Gordon Bloomfield, our popular young merchant, and Miss Edith Fras- er, only daughter of Mr, Wm, Fraser, The young people eltiove to Lump and at the parsonage, Rev. Holmes tied the knot. The bride was neatly and be- comingly attired in a beautiful navy blue suit with bat to match and was unattended.. The young people left ontheafternoon train -for a trip, to Niagara Falls and Toronto, They arrived home this week and are now settled down to the sterner realities of life at the rear of the store, where the bride is at, home to her many friends. Your correspondent joins with the host of well wishers, and may their future be filled with sunshine. Etensall The Advocate to end of . year 25ie Wm. Llogarth and wife have return- ed from a several months' trip to the eoast. They also visited many princi- pal American and Canadian cities. - Lloyd Hudson, who had the misfor- tune to fall and fracture his arm a few days ago, is ,getting along as well as tan be expected. -Mi -s. 1V.F. J. !Hurley of La Lananeir, Mexico, isa visitor at the. home of her father, Bernard, Thom- son. -J. E. Blackall has disposed of his hotel here to a Mr. Fitzpatrick of Lon- don. The funnel'. intends going to Winnipeg where he has an interest in an hotel. -Mr. McArtlinr and family, and C. A. and F. C. MeDonell with their families have returned from their outilig at- the Bend. -Dr. -Sellery has rented T. Robertson's dwelling. -Jas. Sparks has had his house neatly paint-. ed and 'otherwise itnproved„-}I. Vas- ey end wife have returned to Buffalo after a pleasant visit here. -Mrs. F. G. Yungblat has returned from _her visit to Blyth and Auburn. -The Hen - sail Observer staff were holidaying last week. The editor and his son were visiting on the Mono Road and else- where. -.T. W. Ortwein and wife have returned from Detroitwhere they were. attending the funeral of a grandson. - Geo. joynt's and W. Stoneman's new residences are being rapidly pushed forward. -Grant Caldwell has return- ed from the West. -John Eider, near here, has his cider mill ready for. oper- atiou.-Miss An Pappleaod nephe ew are spending a few Gays in Toron- to. -T. J. -Berry ° has purchased the. well-known horse, "Southport" from E. D.- Bell of Londeshoro.-W. Moore has returned to St. Paul, Minn.,. after a visit to his home here. -.Mr. Gordon Matins has returned from his trip' to, the West. -Mr. Johnston has return- ed to his home in St. Louis, aftera vis- it here.-Rebert Dalrymple's many .friends are sorry to learn that be is not enjoying the best of . bealth.-G. N. MoTaggart of hia village has engag- ed in pa/1nel ship with D. Hay of Kip. pen in the coabu l siness and has erect- ed.& storehouse at Kippen.--A corms- pondent 'from Seaforth says: "Joseph Pinkney, who has been employed in the Bell Engine Works, bas leased W. J, Miller's blacksmith shop at Ilensall and on Wednesday' will take p9s- essioni-illr, Pinktreriaa-'Steurly, in- dustrious young man, and a first-class mechanic. We can heartily recom.. mend him to the good people of Heri-• sail and vicinity. They :are fortunate in eet-uring such a good citizen and we bespeak for him a , good share of the business in his lite in Honsall." We welcome the young man to our midst and wish Mtn every- Stict&SS. For 4 "bite -at %viol eQuN b? bat glas$ Of milk a.usl lvlooey's Perfectian, •Cream. 'Siaclas C than Canc.da's finef,3 ceacl5ers, from Cana.da's firiest bakety. Crisp, irivitin3,'delicious. In the air,tiu boxes, that keep their in faultless 31 conon. Your orocar has - ASK FOR 0.01400N Undoehtedly tiao best •'t%--.oved cou thc contluent. Provcd to be bo by anaiysis of four chemists, alati by. wad of of the world's great bitions,. especiallay Cinaataa 1893, Nviire it receive' ninety-six points out a A possible buodred, much higher than any other. Porter in' the • United States or Canada. P.,101■01,11.11, Fall Term Opens Sept. 4th. STRATFORD, ONT. Those interested in Business College work should write for,our larae catalogne. This is the lamest and best Commercial and Shorthand. School in 'Western Ontario. We give a practical training and mule tour graduates to responsible postbox's. Many of the lead- ing business colleges employ our graduates as teach- ers. 'Write now for a free catalogue ELLIOTT & McLA.CHLAN, • Principals. Greenway Miss Mary McGregor, acconspanied by other friends, of Detroit, Mich., is visiting her uncle, John McGregor.- 0. M. Wilson and wife of Sarnia are speeding the holidays with friends in this vicinity. -P. Gooding, .,, who has been working in Cobalt, returned home last week owing to illneSs.-Mrs. R. English and Fredier left Saturday to visit her sister in Port fiuron.-Mrs. McIntoslfand two children, Pearl and Russell; who have been visiting in this vicinity for several weeks, returned to their home .Saturda,y.-Mrs. Thomas Stewardson,' Who tlftS been visiting her cousins in Lake Oclesso, Mich., for sev- eral weeks, returned hoine Tuesday - Miss Ellen.Kelao of Detroit visited her sister, Mrs, A. Gooding, • for several days last week, returning home Tues- day,- W. J. Wilsoia & Coaare offering extra values in tnens' shirts and -pants and boys overalls; Mens'all wool socks 15c. a pair, • Centralia Get the Advocate, 2Sc. to end of year J. A.. McNaughton of London 'spent Sunday, with.C. H. Diiplan.-Mrs. An- dersen still continues to improve.- Mrs. Edwards, who bas been spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs.' Dupla!), has returned to .Lucan.-On Thursday the Centralia Crescents jonr- neyed to Exeter and played. the Exe- ter Juniors a game of baseball and were defeated by that team, the score Ewing 18-5. Exeter winning this game gave each team one game apiece. In order to break the tie to decide 'which • tea m was best • the third game was piayed at Exeter on Libor Day at which the Crescents proved themselves 'Winners by defeating the Exeter boys hY a score of 17-12.-A few notes on the game: R. Bloomfield pitched a fine game for our boys; "Dais" handled lst base in his same old "way; H, Mitchell, fora youngster, can Certainty stop the bot orws behind the hat. For Labor Day game at Exeter see under "Baseball.' Many Women have Kidney Trouble and don't know it. They at- • tribute their in -health to •weak- ness." Dragging pains in the hips, backache, nervousness, tiredness, headaches --are more often caused by sick kidneys, If your kidneys are not well, the other .delicate organs are disturbed and inflamed, bringing on the horrors of female weak- ness and the serious troubles • often attending pregnancy. 1 — Subscribe for The AnvocterE-only 2ric. to end of 1006. • - 'OM '-GENTLE- iumitY rLL cures these cases f "Pie • . Weakness" because they cure the Kidneys, They promptly testate the Kidneys tohealth, allay inflammation, take awa . the pins, and ;nake the deli- • cate organs well and strong. At atageists, or aired on reeelptof price, oc.. ME CUMIN CHEMICAL CO. LIMITED Vanos0a. 1011T. _ BARNARD S WAREHOUSES --AT- Exeter, Centralia & Clandeboye Highest Price paid for Grain RICH. SELD910, (Successor to Joseph Cobbledick) THE MASTER PECIALISTp OF AnigRICA We know tthediseases .and weaknesses, of men like an open book. We have been curing them for 30 years. We have given our lives to It, and thousands -upon thoursaads of men restored to Vigorous Vitality' are today living monuments tothe skill, knowledge and success of Drs. Kennedy & Kergan. We never hold out false hopes, we never 'undertake a ease ve Cannot cure. We have made so thorough a study of alrthe diseases ,of men -of Varicoeelef Stricture, Blood Poisons, Hydrocele, Nervous Debility, Paralysis,. Bladder, Urinary and Kidney Diseases, General Weakness, Loss of Vitality, and have ured so many thousands of cases that if there is a cure for YOUR. disease you . will find it here. When we undertake a case there is no such thing • as failure. Vie charge nothing for consultation and our knowledge, skill and experience are at your service. ,We will explain to you m How and Why We Can Cure You; eyhy the disease* of en require the knowledge andlulI of Master Specialists. We do not require to experiment with your ease as we know from experience in treating thousands of cases exactly what to prescribe for your symptoms. Don't be discouraged if you have treated without success with Quacks, Fakirs, Electric Belts, Free Trials, etc. You must get cured -and Doctors alone can cdre you. Our New Method System of treatment has stood the test for 25 years -why shotild it fail in your case. .Should yonr case prove incurable you need riot spay us a dollar. We refer you to any Bank in this city -as to our financial standing. If you cannot call write for a question Blank for Home Treatment Consultation Free. Bookletrsent Free. ,DRS. KEN NEDYSt MGM .148 SHELBY STREET,- DETROIT, MIMI% GREAT ANNUAL WATCH SALE SEPTEMBER 7 to 15. GREAT became you earl take advantage of the sale and . the Western Fair at On same time GREAT as to the variety of 1,1'00dsbliowti. GREAT ag to be:o4y and qtantity- GttEAT beereme the pricen are lowtv than you have yet known. 'GREAT as to security, 011 pnrchases being Made under binding giteteintee, In 'order tivit y011 11141y know that thio is a gentrive pale We refer you to the following bargainr.: n)editura sized gold.filied epen face, warranted 50 %Otis gen tattle alturn /Df_rllient. Our peicei d ng °ale- . - . ... .... kit1/6. 1 ' medium tiztal Plied hooting watch, ly vegra yea, warrantea Isaias, with annutiae n tacks. 'Oor price daring the MI ...... Other priced furniclea cana6 iipptica t!toti by mall. Jobn $, Barnard, 170 Dundas et., London, ,0 HE 140LSONS BANK •"• (Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1655) Head Office - ) Ca,pital Paid.'Up Reserved • FORTY-EIGHT 13RA.NOHES IN THE Montre 1 $31000,000 ... $3,000,000 DOMINION ' OF CANADA L — EXETER BRANCH - OFFICE HOURS 105. in. to Sp. •SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to 1 p. •' A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Farmer $ Sale Notes cashed or collected, Farms supplied on application. DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain and United Sgates bought and sold at lowest rates of Exchange. • ADVANCES made to Farmers, Stock Dealers and Business Men at lowest rates and on most favorable terms. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed 4 1 PPsitsAt $1 And upwards reethed. Interest (Tim- Samff Bank Department and Dedinber 81st. powideda411-yearly and added to principal June 80th g b • Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. . DICKSON ,;54 CARLING., Solicitors. N. D. RURDON, Manager. 1111011111E 8111110Eli POO' PLOWS SPREADERS We have just received a number of fine Spreaders —The Successor—which does its work in fine style. This is rewgnized to be the best on the Market. PLOWS We handle Perrin Plows and have just received a carload of walking, rid. ing and gana.plows made this reliable firm. Luniber, Shingles,Lath, Cedar Posts, Sash, Doors, Raines and all Building Materials. --Water Tanks-- . 13EE-IIIVES • Finishedor in Knock dowa, always on hand. , Highest price paid for Saw- . logs ofevery description. Custom sawing promptly - attended to. Vistim.ates cheerfUlly given. The Ross Taylor Co. td •eters gnto allisi1ill"11111111.11111"1"111.111111.11.1111111. Aged ter the ecter .r;d Perrin Plow Companies xeter Nicirriage Lice/it-es Issued at the ADVOCATE OFFIC