HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-08-09, Page 1ilerecoliere . that throsesta tile ADVO- CATE yon seasthmove people than theoziesh oay other chaneel. 6 *.teerr Viileg esse—sees, sse (tiler properta seid, exchariged for yos at reaessea ele common,. Apply- SteSie)Flie & CHELflii TWENTIETH. YEAR. .EXETER ONTARIO THURSDAY AUGUST 9 1906 4 , s SANDERs & CREECH Savin made "Easy. —nuosse* secesereseetre Timis *ARS 'room pars csorlibliwr woms, xi A WAS Av Alua. 0110.04174,74 e, • .SPencli4g 114$ ever been au easier matter than saving ---but less wise. We offer exceptional inducements and :facilities to help you to sa*e. $1300 OPS llegettat in our 1410110 depariment . T.4ereat paki 4 times a year, The Soverei Bank., ot'cictiodat. Put your siOsce *awe you oar get it when -you mat JOS. SNELL, Ma,na,geseat, Exeter e Orediton, and Dashwood, VIA OLD RELIABLE, established in buoiness in the year 1862, is stall in business, although many have been the changee since then. ...We may say there isn't one in business tbat was in at that time but ourselves.' :We still hold, the fort for uprightness and. sqletre dealing, This week week we are offering big bargains in all:bees of SUIVIMER In those fancy White Blouses, that we badaitieh a good season ' in, to clear the balance out we are offering *thesis at very low prices: $1,25 for $1; $1.50 for $1.2.5; $2,25 for. $1.75; and $3 for $2.50.. Choice lot of Linen Towels, 20e. for 15c. , Dress gnods that we will sell cheap to clear. READY-MADE CLOTHING Will 'allow 20% discount, in order to ialek'e room for our fall goods. We also have a lot of Boots and Shoes for Men; Women and Childeen that s we *ill give 25% discount to,clear them out.. --- Highest price paid for Produce—Butter is; Eggs IQ ADDITIONAL LOCALS Mr. R. Wilcox ie holida,ying at Poet Stanley. ' Mr.L R. 'Carling returned, 41itesday from a vt in Detroit. Mr. A. O. Warring is 1olirl4Ying at is home in St. Iklarys. ' Miss Flossie sleeken spent a few daye in London last 'week. 1ESS Edna Dow is visiting relatives and friends in Detroit. Mrs. Richard Elvvorthy is vieiting friends in Hens*. 1 who haft beers visititig the MIsses Tom Miss Bawden returned on MonaY is this; IA eek vting in Blytb. frnm het' trip to England, "nmnpanis 'Mrs. A. Evans a London is here vis. ed by a lady friend: ' tee . twig ner pas ems, Mr. and Mrs. W. Miss Martha Hearnan of London 16 ,Tr'etile. Mr. Evans ;deo spent Sunday -.visitinesitersistee, Mrs. A. Cottle and here; other friend's during the week. ' atr.moileit,, ie.,,aftiwb, and mis;gyr;) --mio-Mand(rMeAvoy of Kineardhle. eowatt of London are ot c,spying Hoek- - is visiting relativee in town. , era Cottage (Parkhill Pas k). ' Grand Mr.Ohas.Dennis of Toronto ie spend- • Erend % a few holidays at his home here. Mesons. Hilton-, Chesley and Aldwindoubtless have a decided effect of irre Mr. D. Wynn and sister, Mt% Lee skSvarie of London aceompanied bY a proving our eonclition as a town as spent Wednesday with friends in lady friend, were in town ovee Sunday, wen our as -stimulating prestige and Woodbannba,elog Made the trip in an automobile. showing to the outside world that we Miss Oharlott Dearing of Kingsville, .Mr. Beeshaw of Parkdale, Mr. and are a people of push and eifergas. BY arrived Monday and will visit friende Mrs. et . ' ere ..,easteple, Fullarton'and Mrs. this vote rna'nufstcturers are surer of for a time, " Mina. BaJtebaw oiCannington are 1+3- encouragement than ever before, and Rev. I.Vm. Martin -and firm, J. A -I Of store at the lionae of Air, and Mrs. W. it ie manufacturers we want. Manu - Toronto, are visiting in Mount Forest, , 13agehavni • - adorers of textile fabrics, of im- this week. . Mrs. Pnd .,Gowans who has been. visit- plements, of furniture ahouse. Mr. B.W. Horneemanager Sovereign hit its, Wingliam since leaving here* bold goods and of the many little odds Bank, Stratford, visited friends in will sea from Kincardine Saturday by towo over Sunday. and ends to meet the multifarious Mrs. Burke, who has been on a three thsa King' Edward. boat for the Soo wants of domestic consumption and :where she will join her husband and weeks' visit to Lillydale, N.Y., return- mane her future home* for foreign exportation. We have the country„ we have the town; capital is ed here on Tuesday. Mr. arid Mrs. Howe of Toronto are ' abendant, ba.nk rates are favorable Masonic 'Excursion, ting the-latter's mother, Mre. area- . property reoffered at reasonable:figures ell, I..ondon Road North. . ,- ,-- ', and these and other indticements cen Mr. W. , Hunter of the Sovereign * be held out to manufa.ctnrers else - Bank staff, Zurich, is spending his hol. Fatigued, but thoroughly happy were where to come hither and join with us iclays at his home here,. - thexeterite's and those who returned in our upb'uilding and prosperity. early Friday morning from the Excor- The outside world will soon see that Miss Maud Sharon after a week'S vise it with Mrs. Spackman rethrtied,todier siontoSarnia; which left Thursday we are thoroughly aroused to this new • ,, raornmg. Those in attendance, de. condition of affairs and there is snap, heme in awe Monday. °lure it oe.4 of the best outings. of its vim and energy left us. We should ' - The Misses 'Muir- have returned to' kind, .Splendid weather was exper- advance undaunted to that ultimate their home in Gowanda after a. pleess ieeced thOughout the trip and every condition of excellence when every ant visit with relatives. here. ' person insettendanee seemed to enjoy particle of raw material exported and Messrs. :Tanaare Levett, Blatchford '- and Spell are attending the Bowling themeelvers. thoroughly. On reaching every, pound imported shall be con - Tournament at Goderich this week. Sarnia the, greater part of the crowd verted into manufactured goods. EX. Atiss Ada Brimacombe has returned i. ... took the Street car to Lake Huron eter then, we say, must not confine to London after a, three weeks' visit Porn whiels is located stbout two miles nor content themselves with what has trent Sarnia on the curve of the Huron been worked out of the soil by tbe with friends at Exeter and 'Elirnville. shore, just as the Great lake narrows„ hard licks of industry, the sweat of Miss LedaIsaac of Lucan ,is spend- ing a few days' at . the home of her' into 010'84 ()lair River. This IS ire. labor. The development of industries grand 'potties Mrs. VV•ra. Dearing, Sr. deed an ideal spot. The wide sandy is not as some people think . and sal', Mr. and lim Thos. Snell, after asebore slopes up to the bluff beyond higher taxes,but is a means of making returned Trsesday to their home° in *pride,: whfle .eottages end ca.nspers' on the contrary the means °flowering thern; makes an extension of trade* a fOW days' visit with Mrs. Albert Ford, which x'.elldrolling nraes.,Y spaces and London,. accompanied by Miss Gladys tentaarere hotel fringe the bluff, the utilization of neglected forces, and a Ford.. • , whole ersosPrising a plebe' of beauty swift and sure, growth of our town. itlis.s Bertha. Mack ', left Tuesday mad excellent surroudings. At a'beut . Those most' interested in the pro- , , morning to spend a cOulie of weeks' 4:60 the Mageificent Steamer Tashinoo posed industry worked faithfully axed with het. „cousin, Miss Rary Laing, of the White ' Star Line, conveyed a well from the time the polls opened. in large ,rnanber ofthe excursiernetsclown the morning until they closed it night- Brucefield. " • the St, Clair 'River- as for as Algonao and as a 'vela a large vote. was polka,: Mr. and lli.s.:. Chas. Knith ng of St. . Knight', of town an others on 0 Detroit. At Algona° Many from outside. points coming: in Thornsts and Mise 0, their brother Feed,,atl'Airk- the Taehoioo was met by the Grey- to exercise their franchise in favor' of are V ifaill g ,_ ' - s . • •man left Monday to hounsi Where the greater nonsber ' ef the By-law ' "That- so- few voted a- Mre john Spackman gaiest the'nefeeseires is indeed a stnatter visit friends at St. Thomas while *Mrs. of nongratillatiOn for the toven's ins Spacknian will spend a abort tirne at telligence and goes to show that the Grtnd Bend. • property owners have a trne concept - Miss eUnderwood of Port Austin, ion of the town's needs. Following is ..Mich„ after a three weeks' visit veith the votes polled in eaclx polling sub -di - tend the 61looting tournarneoe iri Ham- ' lir. D. Ilartleib left Tueelay, to at- The bitialy Carried ilton thie week. s Mr. Chair. Eaerett after a pleaeant vieit among friends here has returned to his hown in Sarrila. 357 Vote for the 33y -law Mrs. John McInnes left Tuesday for A pay A Mill Stream, N.13, where she intends 4 / 4iihg 444M -4U revottioing for some titue. Mre. Kaufman, and eister, lkirse Ad- The property owners of Exeter, rea- die litterett, of Brantford are visiting lizing :their duty as citizene, spoke hien& and relatives in Ushorne. with no uncertain Bound in fssVOr of Mime Maud Kernick of South River Industries on Saturcla.y last in sopport- ing KO liberally the By-law to loan the Exeter Canning ond Preserving Com - parry $10,000 to assist them in their op - es ations. There is music in the air, It is the musie of business. For by this. vote the property. owners have manifested a true expression of their duty as citizens, a decided favoritism for industries and gives the manufact- urer an encouraging impetus that will To Manitoba and Saskatchewan 11906• gelsig ' -under nenditiene as baler, 1 for the addltiernial tar the roster's' thiketo ‘- --=-G1.0124 OF 73 A. ix, NI Stations south of, but, not including main line, Toronto to Sarnia, including Toronto. ' • c Mainline Toronto to Sarniaand statione north, except north of Cardwell itmetion and Toronto on North Bay Section. From all points Toronto and east to and including Sharbot Lake and, Kingston, and north of Toronto and Cardwell Junction On North Bay and Midland Divisions. • One way second tease tickets will be sold to 'Winnipeg only, ' • Representative farmers, appointed by,Manitoba and, 8.w.tatohnwan GOvernmenta, will meet laborers on arrival at Winnipeg, • Free transportation will be furnished lat Winnipeg to pointe where laborers are needed. A certificate to furnished when each ticket is purchased, and this certificate, when executed , by farmer, showing that laborer has Yropked thi,rty days Or more, will be honored from • that point for a second class ticket back to starting point in Ontario, at 118.00. prior to Nov. 1st, 190S. - Tickets vvill beissued to women as well all to rain; Ind. will not be Issued at halt fare to Children. Tickets are good only OA special Farm Laborers' trains. • For full particulars see nearest C • P .R. ticket agent, or • snit. O. B. Foster, D. P.A., 0.PR, Toronto. MIL 14 1110. 17 1110. 22 Professional cards. 1._ DR. G. F. ROULSTON, L. S., D. D. S. Us N S T WILLIA,M,BROWN 1 Organist of the Trivitt Memorial Chureh, Exeter, —. Pe 1 Professional Diplome Rivet Inc. Society of Musicians, ° Ensiand, wishes to announce that he will commence , classes for tuiton in Hann, Organ and Harmony in Exeter and district, the first week in September. Member of the R. a n, s, of Ontario and Honor . Partilulars on applications to Graduate of 'Toronto University. • • WILLIAMBROWN, Faeter, Ont. OFFICE,: Over Dickson'46 flarling's Law Office, in . ;77 •- ' . •• ---, ------:- Dr. Anderson's former Dental Parlors. E Inure Against Wind. , , • wt. A. It. KINSMAN, L D. S., D. D. S.* The Huron Weather Insurance C�.. with head. ealIonor graduate of Toronto Univeristv. quarters at Zurieh, has been started and as 1 have ., been appointed agent for the Township of Stephen, 1 am now prepared to receive risks. DENTIST, . . 1 •, 3. G. WESN, Crediton. eeth extraeted without any pain, or any bad effects Office In Fanson's Blodk,• west side llifain street, - route 'teacher for Juniee Item, RS $e ' 0 kis medicel , , borne. Light room. Apply staling kalary, ett. A - y. nenfene, m. B. (Tor. Univ-) 'AIEMBEI' Thltlenyvt.C1',611mcirlysceollocVstiegel'y2,0iVincielsca, D.O., Ont. ,,,ti.•, ColIege,of Physicittna and Surgeons, Ontario, „+ ' Former Muse `Surgeon Toronto Western Hospital. '.., • , Suecessor to Dr. 3, A. Rollins. Residenee: East on -'' For School Section Ni. S. Stephen, one and a quer- first street north of office, Exeter, Ontario, ter miles south of Creditor), female, holding first or . seeond elassprofessional certificate. Duties to com. ____-------• °rile° Aug. 20. Apply stating salary. Legal. Passe niii See'y Crediton •Ont TNIORSON tlz CARLING, BARRISTERS, SOLICI. J.-/ tors, Notaries, (onveyancers, Commioioners. LoT 1.;1'..)Ii, Sit LE. 8511010ra for Molsons Eank, etc. , • Exeter, Teachers W a nted • The following is a partial Est of the f)rins en- imging our graduate stenographers within the past ftw da:.s. W. 3, Gage & Co:, Toronto. Barrister Vanstone, Wingham Cottem Seed Co.. liondon Harlin Electric Ca, Detroit Monarch Typewriter Co., Toronto OXeu 1.811 traMiterVgd alla returned to Sarnia; soon will this enjoy- able part of the program be forgotten; the beautiful scenery which here abounds was a revelation to those who had not hitherto witnessed it. The special train left Sarnia about eleven o'clock and arrived at Exeter about 2. The:undersigned is offering for sale the lot situate rewrites to Loan at lowest rates of interest. casco, MAin street, Exeter, pplendki property, well located, and should Make an on Mam street, north of the plaining mill: Tido is a 11. Dtonsell excellent kidding site.' Will be sold reaso,nable. L IL amass°, B.A.• For particulars apply to Mrs. Fanny Monett, Exeter nT TO LOAN. +4,44.4earee. e have *large amount of private funds to lean en farin and village properties at IOW rates of inter. Nt. GLADMAN & STANtilitT, Ilarristtrs, Solleitors,lfain et., raeCor ou LLOYD Pss 4014ES1 °resoles stid Choir Master of Mitchell Methodist Murat. Teacher—Piano, Organ, Voice, Mammy. ^ Modern methods. Thorourimese Yw' VOR SALE ,, Ono Of tie best, feinns oi, London Rd., north of ,Ex• ear, coetsinine, tinsels ;to acres'. bt t hick ' snider 'cOltivation, 10 aCrpo,flre,t-elasshardwriod hush. 'rise suss is it thoroup;Siv up•to-date one. fine brick house large bank barns, all, in good repair; well watered, will drained aea well fc,,nerd, good orchard, end is Anated in one of the very best farming communities tfre Prtivince of OntsriO, Anil eenveMent to both fleeter and Ifensall ntarkfts, Terms are ea,r. KV fertier partieuiere apply to itessre nireesa ht iivling, ilarristers, nsstersont. FARM FOR SALE A. ' A first:class lam, Let 0, Con. S. Ushorne, contain. Iing100acres, with geed under draipitig. On the premises are a good frame house Sflx304kitchen 12x is; Mane barn fir3q0; bank barn /30X02; granary Six 24, all in good repair; I. acre of orchard. The farm 1 is 34' miles from Exeter, with &school on the lot and A church opposite. Prieo$7000'. ball in cost and BM, ance On mortgage, or other conditiona to suit pur- chaser. Apply to Aitittimv Itolland, Centralia, or to Robert Rolland, Exetert 100 *341114.5 1 T° 73714'it 1!1114) 'WANTED B I ° A mmtlni ixTE ()ANDY DEPAeItT- _ AII1Nti. St tidy b. 8. PERRIN A& CO. tirk empiOVInent. gond Wtsges. 14()NDON, clitughter of VV. Mori itt Themeeferd, wsto dro vned in a tub oi t Wts el. , * her sister, Mrs., Barrows, left for Lou- vision: don Thursday, • Master Carl Proctor of „ Belgrave spent a few days last week with Mas- ter Wilile Birney. The latter is now eolidaying at Belgrave. • Mr. and 1Virs. Thos. Snell after a ' la Us ' couple weeks visit wt e rraer s mother, -returned to their home in Lansing, Mich., Monday. Mrs e S. G. Tetlock, of Bartle. and Mrs, Meakins and daughter of:London arrived here Monday- and will visit their sister, Mrs. Baskerville. Road South on. Thursday last. Mr. Barton Hooper, of Buffalo,N. arrived here Saturday to visit among friends. Miss Hooper, his sister, also of Buffalo, expected shortly. Wm. J. Smith after a two weeks va- cation at home, London Road South. left Friday to resume his duties with The Emerson Shoe Co., Detroit, Mich. Mr. Geo. Beaman, who has been in the West for some time returned home Satnrday night. 'Ws. Beaman will continue to visit in the West for some time. '` Mr. john Lee of St. Marys, Mr. J.C. Lee, Mr. G. W. Lee and son Harold and Mr.Fred Graham of Toronto spent Sunday guests of Mr, D. and the Miss- es Wynn. . Mr. F. Hill of Toronto spent Sunday here. His wife, who is spending a few days in this neighborhood, accompan led him as far as London where she is visiting her slater, Mrs. Prodgers. Mr. and lire. Frank Walters of Cleveland arrived 'Wednesday even- ing evening of last week to visit the forrner's parents. Mr. and Mrs. ;fames Walters. They left Tuesday for To- ronto. Mr. W. John, Encampment Repre- sentative, and Messre. J. G. Stanbury and IL Oreeeln Subordinate Belpre- sentatives to the Grand Lodge of Odd - fellows, are this week in Peterboro at. tending the meeting of that body. Mr. John Farmer. who has been in different parts of the West, including Saskatoon, where his land is. located returned home OH Stt day. Mr. Vernier had a delightfui,trip and is in high praiee of the West and its prds- peets. ;ea Mr, S. Hardy, after a three weektf visit in the West returned home Mon- day night, Mr. Hardy speaks favor- ably of the propects of that great country but says it is not without its drawbacks such as are met in every other country., Percy Hooper of London spent a few days with his parents here during the week. Miss 'Grieve and Miss Lindsay of Parkhill are guests of the Misses Els- ton. • Miss Winona Howard returned Mon. day from a visit at I3rantford MA Port nuron. • ,Mrs. E. Christie left Thursday last for Obicago where she will visit her daughter, Mrf3. Rogers for a feW weeks„' 4) Mr, J. T. Westeotr, wife and tlaugn. ter,. Uarris and 'W. Westcott and Mr. Geo. Curlinore and daughter...Miss Claw attended the funeral of the rate Win. tWesteottl at Seats)* th, Wed nes. clay. Open Air Meeting. In response to a circular issued by Reeve Bobier a large cro.wd gathered at the Town Park on Friday night for the purpose of hearing matters dis- cussed pertaining to the canning fac- tory, prior to taking the vote on the Byelaw the following day. Being the regular evening for the open air Band concert needless to say the ladies were well represented. After the Band had discoursed several beautiful and lively airs, the Reeve took possession of the bend stand and in a few well chosen remarks announced the object of the meeting. The first to speak was Mr. S. AL Sanders., who engaged the at- tention of his hearers most inteiesting- ly on the lines of various industries, particularly that of canning and urged most strongly the support of, the By- law. Mr. T. B. Calling then spoke in the most favorable terras of the indue- *try and hoped to see the By -Law car- ried by a handsome majority and in his conclading remarks appealed strongly to the lady voters to "eorne out and vote like men." „ Mr. Davis Gardiner, an expert pro. Cesser and practical canning factory man of Kingston was then called. Mr. Gardiner went into the early history of the industry and explained in inter- esting detail the progres that had been made down to the present time. He, also explained thebenefits and advan- tages of such an institution and from what he had seen thought there was no more favorable locality in the Do- minion of Canada for an institution of this kind then right in Exeter, leaving a very favorable impression on all bis hearers,. The Band then continued their music arid on the whole the gathering "%WAS delighted with the eve. sling's program. Mrs. Wria.Ileatrian of Dashveood and Mre. Thos, Herman of Exeter vere visitors at the home of Mr, N. Corbett a few days last weeke—Mr. Thos..Hea- man was a visitor. here Sunday,: -Mrs. W. G. Murray and son and daughter are visiting at Mr. N. Corbett's. Khlva Threshing is the order of the day and 'farmers report a good yield of w'heat. Mr. and Mrs.Barney Mulligan of Dub- lin were visiting friends around here during the week.—Miss Katie Currie was 'Malting friends in Parkhill for a few days last week.—Mrs. Daniel Col- lins of Detroit is visiting friends in the neighborliood.—Patrick Sullivan re- ceived the sad new of the death of his nephew itt Dunnere. Mr. Sullivan has Rote to attend tl.„.1 forieral.—Wi!iarts McCann purehased :11i driving hors from B. McKinny.—Ches. Holt and Miss Minole Kinney were visiting at 11- Coles', Exeter, on Sunday.-4erry. Campbell sports a fine new buggy.— Seine. of our sports were camping at Maisie Grove over Sunday and report a big time, • Ward 1 s' 2 .. 3 4 For 77 70 70 120 •• 337- ✓ Majority for By-law, 310 Against , 8 4 10 5 27 4e ilarpley A heavy rain Tuesday morning put a check to the harvesting which is pretty well advanced as many are cut- ting their oats. Another week of fav- orable weather many will have finish- ed.—Mr, G. Sutton who has been un- well for some time past consulted the a doctor oti Monday.— Mr. and Mrs. Ellison Hodgkns of Clendeboye were visitors at Mr.7.,„13. Crona,n met with an accident one day last week. While driving with his wife andthreechildren in some way the lines be4ome entangled and the horse becoming unmanageable backed into the ditch,upsetting the occupants. Mr. •Cronan and the three children were only slightly injured, but Mrs. Oman did not fare so well. She was severly hurt and has been confined to her lied since, but under the care of Dr. Caw, :we hope to see - her around again betere long. --Miss V. May Hod- gins has secured the position as teacher in .S. S. No. 10, Stephen, for gee term'ending 1006. .We are glad the trustees were able to secure the ser- vices of so efficient and experienced A teacher as Miss Hodgins has proved herself to be.—Mr. J. Love attended the sale of imported 'Cilydsdale fillies held by Messrs. McMillian, Oudnsore "Affiliated with Wingham nuslew College." • Opens Sept. .3rd Drop a poqtal for information to EQ. SPOTTON - Principal. and Archibald •in Seaforth on Tuesda,y of last week and purchased one of the lot of twentsesix. They were a good lot, the one bringing the highest price was a two year old which was sold for $60.-114r, stud Mrs. J.B. Hodgins'visit ed Mr.Mansel I-19dgins a Mount Car- mel lost week. , Paul, the 0.,year.old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Panzenhagen, of Sarnia,. was drowned in Black River, near the Elmwood Street bridge, at noon Sat- urday. • • Ureenway County Constable Preastly of Aliso., Craig called on W. J. Wilson, J.P. iast week for authority to follow a man in Huron County, who committed a crime in Middlesex County. --Adolph Mellin; 'United States Governinebt vector of cloth for Array of New Ylorrk ,City, is spending his holidays with his brother, SVm.—Miss Cora Stewarclson is visiting her aunt, Mrs. "Wm. Curtis. =Jas. 13rophey visited his sister, Mrs. Atkinson at Exeter last week.—Misses Millie and Mable Foster were pleasant. iy surprised by revisit from their coos - wattle Misses Smith of Manitoba who are spending the holidays with friends in Ontario.—The Quarterly Official Board of Grand Bend church last week granted Rev. J. F. Sutcliffe teio , or three weeks holidays, to ' be taken in September. They also passed a strong resolutien against the keeping epen so many places for the sale of liquor in The township of Stephen.—JOlan Turn- el-, Win. McGregor and several .other young mete are erre:Di-0ot, gowest on August 14, on the hatirest excite. eion.'---Mester Howard Hill of Moray is spending his holidayw WitIr anti to - Mrs. WaIl ie. —Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mason visited their tincle and other friends near Bayfield last week.—Mr. and Mrs. Lawson called on friends here Monday. —This lathe land that flows with milk and honey. See W. J. Wilson ev Co. for eheese and honey. ZIMM13R-1n Dashwood. on August 3, • to Mr. and Mrs. Wm.Zinanaer, a SOU. SMALLACOMBE.-413 Herman on July 30, to Mr. and Mrs. P. Srnallacombe, a SOD. • Saistwitte—In Highgate, oil August 1, • to Mr.on Mrs. Reginald Samwell, • formerly of Exeter, a daughter. WiAllt_111k0ES. WEST—REEVES —At the James Street Parsonage, on Aug. 2nd, by Rev. A, Going, Mr. Sydney West, to Miss Lizzie Reeves, both late of England, Bnoww—SMITIT —At the borne of the bride's mother, on,Aug. 4, by Rev. Janes, David Brown of Myrtle, Man., to Miss Careie, daughter of Mrs. Inaae Smith, St. Marys. se , taLAWLEY-CLARK—ID London, OD Aug. 4, by Rev. Rose, Robt.' Henry Haw- ley of London, to Mies Edith r. Clarke of Clandeboye. WADE—LANGSTROTH—At the home of the bride's parents, ors Aug. 1, by Rev. Wary, Geo. E. Wade,, of Strat- ford, to Miss Julia, daughter of Isaac Langstroth of Seaforth. DEATHS • FOREMAN—At Granton, on Aug. 1, Mrs. Jessie Foreman,in her 87th year. WEsTcorr.—In Seaforth,on August William Westcott, aged 51 yeare, 6 months, 23 days, RtDUCED PRICES o \ NDER TWINE Gold Medal; 65,0 feet to the pound, Silver heaf, 600 Ply Special, 500 Our .Prices are aw y down and our PLYMOUTH MAKE the • est. e4 H aman s Hardware 86 Stove Stores •