Exeter Advocate, 1906-07-19, Page 49 xat it (halll be' 1at,fnl f;or tide rztel IraenCouioit't
i e Lg c, ^ ts, t �@ ¢lie � e�;ta�,c. ctx,cni. i A 3u'F a 144t l�,aetcr C mining ariell'rt ez•vut•; (�nal� nc, :Liotti,], r
foes the 1, urpttse of either; theiai tt) e el 1°aft end ere. '
a1 t'anmit i �. ee ti i t" ,n Clic 'h 1 viil� go e, -dice,
Foot Ele
ea th�t' term') anti (,tsldit�t, s ref,f�>•ith andd•eattainetl.
•in eeavittt n vonttaot ay *ex el:wait, tueale and- enter-
alei ll tato 1 t e e en the said 1,lttnic'ip al Corpeeatian and
tate anti a ciaaeany, hessian elate the Ninth (ley of
July,•1006, eael lean to be eat•ured bye 5ra mortes e
old. favor el c AI (;rrpt� std;dt upon the letad,' building,
meelainems' And plant atf k and L"ut*t'Tarl: anti to he re.
paat,le lit fifteen y r t'.t fi:tlti the Itiut day e31CuJu:;t,
1007, an.teti equal annual Metalhtt(•ots ofil lallt) caeli,g ,
;:r .tit int -civet; the lit -,t oaf raid iclstallsitente t9 ba
p aid =First t iley.of iatiaaet,1913, and subsequent ria'
etallinents annually thereafter, instil the, acusis of the
• ' 't ', for eeid oum of, `foal to than be fulls peid, hue steel lean
'to the tail. Coespary eehall net be, Marie distil the
elicitVompany shalt have part -based the. laatd'as a
dl d
a ee
� n t
fully o
,••t•• al"andfi
site for tba, watt ddt ttPk'y, but y l
the §nisei i'tt?r,y and installed thereinthe prober and
na(( 3:arymaiglinery,.ta(1 .1 of not ie stheneIH,(rts),
f t relief f®r tared and tit the manner stated in the raid aoreementadtd until
the said Company shall have etfe •ted and transferred
listere(I feet. to the said eorpotatiodt an losudance u don the build-
, inlr. lant, machinery, equipment and. stack of the
e ti l,f ,otnpany to the full insurable value thereof,
such in;uranrtt to be held by the (.corporation : col-
lateral security, with the esti mortgage for the repay-
ment of the said loan,. idol' until the whole of the
VOr that hot, burning sensation, so ,•apita1 stock ,of the said Company, via: -4,35,000 abed
. elfish troubleson1e in warm weather, have been enbscribed: and the three quarters thereof
paid up, and the said (loM any shall have complied
with the other terms and conditions of the said
i ittndent•
,rd .- .-. .7w..eThea•itshah he.:lawful for theMunicipal- Coun-
s$iatS no Siliiei.l0r. • i"1':'iCe" 253, a bow•. cil, Of tliesatCI Corporatduid, to•fi:l this; Asatess lent el
theCotttpauy's lands, buildings and plant at x5000,
fora term of ten y�e:lr•§, to be for the fixing:§ of 'all
rates save school rates. °
t3. That the ndonevsreceive(1 by the said ('oepora-
tion front the said Company on account and in re-
paynient of such loan shall forthwith after•tho receipt
thereof, be deposited to a special account .in 'some
Chartered Bank, and that the moneys standing at
E, n� � �y n j� p the credit of atte.h special attaint. or a sufficient
CQT {UT ULiart thereof, at the time of settling the total annual
L rate and making up the Collector's doll, for any year
of the said debenture terns, Shall be applied in or to-
wards payment of the amount failing due in eueh
-year for principal and interest on amount of the de-
bentures, issued under the authority of thiii• By -Law
and that the amount to be -raised in such year shall
be reduced tb the extent of the sign so applied, and
that any surplus remaining at the end of the said de-
benture term, after the payment of the said deben-
tures, shall be carried to the credit of the said Muni-•
eipality, and applied towards the payment' of any
, Sanders 4C Creech, Props. other liability of the said Miunieipaltty, which the
Iaw inay authorize the Municipality. to pay,.
f). That this By -Law shall take effect and conte
°1IIURSDAY JULY '06 oh the oration if final
the votes of the electors,
� 19, old the day of the final passing thereof.
. 10: That the vote of the duly qualified electors
shall be taken on Saturday, the 4th day of August,
1906, between the hours..cf nine a.m., and five pan.,
at the several places hereinafter mentioned, by the
officers whose names are hereinafter mentioned; In
ollint. sub=divisionNo.1 at SilasHan dford'sresidence
in st., by R. N: Creech, Deputy Returning Officer,
and James Creech, Jr., Poll Clerk; in polling sub -di-
vision No. 2, at Weekes Bros.' shop, Main st•, by Jas.
Weekes, Deputy Returning Officer and W. b. Weekes,
t..., Poll Clerk; in polling suh•division No.' 3, at Joseph
Cobbledick'soflice, Corner of Main and Wellington
streets, b �tJoseph Davis, Deputy Returning Otlicer,
and L. 3). Vincent, Poll Clerk; in Polling sub -division
No. 4, at the Town Hall, by H. E. Huston, Deputy
Returning, Officer, and John J. ]White, Poll Clerk,
and that.Joseph Senior, Clerk •of. the said Municipal-
ity, shall be the Returning Meer, to whom the .re-
turns of voting shall be made by the said Deputy Re-
turningOfficers. •
1.1:. hat the Reeve of the said Municipal Corpora-
tion shall attend at the Council Room, in the Town
'Hall, on Monday, the 30th daev of July, 1904, at 2
o'clock in the ,afternoon, for the purpose of appoint-
ing persons to attend at the variouspollingsub-divis-
ions and places aforesaid, and the summing up . of
votes respectively, on behalf of persons interested In
promoting or opposing the passage of this By-Law,'
respectively. ,
12. That the Clerk of the said Municipality .obeli
attend at the Council Chanmber, in the Town' Hall,
on Monday, the 6th day of August, 1900, .at.thehour
of twelve, noon, and shall then and there sutn up
the votes given for and against the said 13y -Law and ;
grant, the requisite certificates. '
Dated at the .Cowiellall,, `Exeter, this tenth day of
July,' 1004.
The above is a true co of a propos d' By -Law,
which has been taken into onsideration�nd which
will be finally passed by the4Council of ,t a Munici•
pality of the Village of Exeter, (in the event of the'
assent of the electors beingobtained thereto), after
one month: from the first publicationthereof, in the
Exeter Times, and Exeter Advocate Newspapers, the
Said. By -Law to be published in the said newspapers
'once a week, for -three successive weeks, cotn-
meneiXtg on the twelfth day of July, 1906, and that
the votes of the electors of the said Municipality will
lie takers ori the said Ey-Law on the clay, and at the
hours and places therein fixed; And further take• no-
tiee that any one desiring to apply to have this By.
Law or any part thereof quashed must snake his ap-
plication for that purpose to tht~ High Court of. 'Jus-
tice, within.three months next after the third pub-
lication of this notice in the said' ncwspaper of he
will be'too late td be heard in that behalf.
Dated at Exeter, this tenth, day of J ply, 1904.
t. .
Synoy sis of Agreement Men-
tioned in the By-law,
Iris agried between the parties: •
1. That a Canning and Preserving Factory shall
be bu It in the Village of Exeter, County of.Huron.
2. That loan shall not be advanced to, Company
until Company has been'incorporated, has acquired
land, built and equipped their factory, and has
said factory in operation, as a going concern and
has spent not Iess then $13,000 thereon, and free
from incumbrance. . '
.Gu rautsed bsoiut
Pat and. stain
. olre, tired, sweating, swollefi feet. It
.controls' undue perspiratiem, keeps the
Qeet cool and comfor'tab1e, and thus
Vii• yr s a prompt n.'e ie d
iiarmless and Effective Remedy
Prepared by W. S. COLE, Phil]. 13.
ze.e#er Abvo.ca#e,
A $y -Law for borrowing the . sum of
$10,000 and to issue debcutules
therefor and to,au thorize the levy-
ing of a special rate for the pay-
ment of the debentures and inter-
est, for the purpose of loaning the
said sum to . The Exeter Canning
and Presef ving Company, Limited,
to aid such Company in establish-
ing and operating a Caniiing Fac-
tory in said Village of Exeter.
wirieeAS the ratepayers of. the Municipality of
the Village of Exe'Gar'r, at a public meetinir, resolved
that the above ByLaw should be submitted to a vote,
and if carried that the said sum of $10,000 be raised
• on, the debentures of the said Village ashereinafter
rovidea andloaned to the said Company-, on the
tern,§ and conditions set forth i
and contained' n a
preliminary agreement entered into by and ',between
the Municipal Council of. the said Village and the
.provisioonnal dire"tots of the said•Company.
AND WHEREAS it is desirable to issue the said
• debentures at one time and to make the principal of
the said debt repayable by yearly sums during the
period of fifteen years, being twe 'currency of the said
debentures, said yearly stints Being of such respective
amounts that the aggregate amounts payable in each
year ,hall be as nearly as possible in principal and in-
terest equal to the amount : payable in each of the•
other fourteen years of the said period as detailed in
eiause 4 of this lay -Law.
AND WHEREAS IQ total amount required by
the Municipal Act to be .raised annually by special
rate for paying the said debt and interest as herein-
t,fter provided is,8931.10.
AND WHEREAS the whole rateable property of
the said Viiia ;e aceording to the last revised Assess-
ment Roll is x:,10,919.
AND liREIIEAS the existing debenture debt of
.she said Vii age of Exeter is-as"follows:
$5310...'.1 borrowed under the authority of By -Law
No. 5, of the Village of Exeter, for the year 1893.
$401) borrowed tinder the authority of By -Law No.
), of the Villa;;e of Exeter, for the- year 1697. (Fire
Protet tion)
$55..40 ttorrowed under the authority of By -Law
No. 17, cf the Villagteof -Exeter, tor the year 1s99.
(Local Impros ement)
$11.W.o0 borrowed kinder the authority of By -Law
No. 7, et the tillage of Exeter; for the year 19u1.
!Fire 1'rnter•t.ion) ••
• §„1.194.10 •borrowed `under the authority of By -Law
No. 5, of. the Village of Exeter, • for the year 1901,
1,1,Coallniprnvednent) -
$1655.4 borrowed -under the authority of By -Law
No. 9, Of the Village of Exeter, • for the year 190a.
'Lural lnrprevement)
el720.' borrower] tinder the authoritypf By -Law
No. i', of th&Village of Exeter, for the year 1905.
• Lora; impre' enient)
And t here is nothing in arrcara for principal or
intere`t. ,
AN.) V11EI.E.18 it am •wary tot appoint the
+5rno, pl•3t•es and officers fnr taking the votes of duly
lualified voters upon this 13}'•l,aw. ,
BE IT TIIEIREF()11E ENACTED A('TEI) by the 41uni-
;ipal Cc tined of the Village of Ext ter: "
1. That for the purposes el -ire -laid it shall be laty-
?ui for the Ree,t a and Cinthcil of the said .MItuiieilasl-
aty to raise le way of lean from any person or per-
sons, company or companies, body or bodies corpor-
ate, who inay be willing to advance the name on the,
.]reedit of the debentures hereinafter ]mentioned, a
GUM of Money not exeeeding in the Aggregate $10,000,
the amount° of the debt intended to he created by
.this 13y -Laws. e
2. That the Reeve and (;mind] of the said tuniei•
pality be avid are hereby embowered, authorized and
•required to make and issue in dtie form of law sleben•
tures of the said Village to the amount • of €310.00(,
<To.n T11 u- and Dollare) in stuns of not Lela than One
at•:iidred Dollard each, each of wltieh debentures
, shall be iesucd on the First day of August, 1907, and
Shall be dated on the da' eefthe issue thereof end the
iva,id debenture's shall be payable in equals amounts ore
the 13 day of December in emelt year, during; the said
iiflfteen years next succeeding the said lith day .of
December, 1007, such amount() being made up of the,
aggregate sum doe each year on account of principal
• and interest aii shown by Clause 4 hereof. , -
3, The Aaid,debentures shall bear interest at the
rate of four And one-half per centtun per annum, pay
able yearly at the oilite 01 the Treasurer of the said
?+tunicipelity. -
4, During the eurrenoy of the acid debentures
there eball be raised annually by ,sI)eesial rate on all.
the rateable property, of the said Village of Exeter,
blue tfiitn of 3031.10 for the purpose of paying the
etictouut due in each of the • eara for principal and
inters •tin respect of the paid debt as follows:
Ware Principal Inter t Total
1 :481 108:40:4,0, 00 X9,31 10
�, • G0z f0 0 931 1.0
3 52 42 13 031 10
" `4
re 00 383 04' 01110
G 3 ?7 057 23 031 10
6 9 50 031 51 `i • 901 1(1d ry!,7 004 53 9:3 10
a3 ,�,5}4/ h0 276 34 9:31 1()
9 0 240 ' :1 11)1 10
3, N4
I' 1') 1501' 216(1'1' 9:)I18
• 11 847 16 • 1t?5 92 9.31 10
, 1S 480 80 15" 0l) 9;'l 10
=1$ is et 115 16 9,311 10,
14 e 2 G5 7t3' 45 . 031 10,
J6 821 13 ,C3 07 931 101
The Corporation' agreereto do the following:
1. To submit By.leaw to ratepayers, authorizing
raising and loaning Company the stun of $10;000 and
fixing assessment of ComPany at $5000 for ten years.
2. If By-La.w careies, to loan Company the stun
of $10,000 for fifteen years withoat leterest, and to
fix aasessment of Compa,ny $5000 for ten yeaas.
The Company agrees to da the following:
1: To repay the said loan in 15 years from the
date of the advance thereof, without interest, in
10 equal annual instalments of $1000, the first of
suela inetallments to be paid at the end of the Oth
year of the said 15.year term, wed aubsequent pay-
enents yearly thereafter., until the whole slime° is
fully paid.
2.• To eecure the retiayment of the said loan by
first mortgage upon the land; plant .and equipment
of the said Comany.
4. To satis y the Corporation that the ivhole cap -
Rai etnelt of the Company, viz: $25,000 has been sub-
eeribed and three.quarters of the seine paid up. •
5. Not to sell, alienate or encumber without enil•
sent, in writing, of the Corpoiation.
6. To &earl annual bueinese of at least $25,000,
unleaS prevanted from doing ao by failure of fruit
and vegetable crop, hut of this latter the Corpora-
tion is to be eole judge. •
NOW is the time to secure
91 otandenitla tried the recent enn-
traanf't' t'3a1n11o. lane and: 45 pace d.
The following is a Last of the oueceraftal
candidates: George Abrey 459,Ea, ' At-
kineon 1.i9laClaserlee Bartlett 421, lily
13eattie 470, Charles Beim 421, John
Bratbazon 443,, Lance Coi)ieigle 44, Ed-
ith Dale 438, llrndrew Flynn 409,,IIildLa
Gunning 390,N Earl G. Ilaarltou 452,
Maggie Hobbs 421, ,Eddie Iitohnes 470,
Eva M, Iliitchineon 438, Uaaroffd Jack
son 4`2,Robbie Jaeksou 441,Lizzie Ken-
eeia 418, 'Clarence Eilty 445,Roy Lang-
ford 4404,- Edna 1%L Lewis,401, Lloyd
Lewis 892, Evelyn Long 532,, John
Loughlin' 479, Edith McDougall 441,
e e ,
a .�na liYci'�alnla.m(. 330, .Harold � T
440, Mary Mackey 434, Elvie Mitchell
419, Wilson Morley 418, Edna ]Morrow
455, Murray Neil 422, JalaeY O'Neil 418.
Karl O'Neil 390, 'Beryl Robinson 450,
Jerry Robson 430, Charles Ross 533,
Mary Scandrett 421,Edith Simpson 390
Ella Simpson 444, Roy Squires 458,
Wilbert Stanley 444, Alma Sutton 392,
Blythe Thomas 545, James Ward 401,
Berman Young 493.
..--,ill the..Thonlas,yttpn the first scholar-
"' i,
ship and lltiss '�c saecesr
in Ladies' W a i s t Pattern's
with embroidered fronts—all
the latest designs and different
colors. 25 different patterns
'\toMeet ream, Also ftiili �
line of ready-to-wear waists in
silk, luster, lawns, pekaa sande
General Merchant
Mt, Carmel.
Peter Flanagan, 'cubo recently re-
signed the sectionship of our 'church,
left Iaast week for the West. We wish
Pete every success. --Thos. 'Hall bas
fully recovered from his recent illness.
—After a pleasant stay here ewith his
parents, ` na. Doyle Ieft last week for
the West. He took with hiim a Ilun1-
her of horses and a•handsome rubber -
tired carriage. M. J. Doyle also left
Wednesday for Didbury, Altar., after
a visit with friends here. He took a
car ofhorses, a new wagon and as rob-
ber -tired buggy.- M. J. is well pleased
with .the West.—Master'osepb Row-
land is recovering from t e effects of
his recent accident. W ile engaged
in raking hay the horse he'.avas driving
became unmanageable and started to
run away throwing him quite a dis-
tance, and bruising his Bead aiid face
badly. --The Orangeman from this vi-
chitty went to Seaforth Thursday. To
say that they enjoyed their outing
there is putting it mildly, compared
with what they really experienced.—
Inspector Sanders of London has been
inakingA tour of inspection : through
Mt. Carmel, Clindeboye, Grand -Bend
and other. places.' He visited the homes
of many foster children, and he found
there all in comfortable circumstances
and being well treated,
3. To insure he plant, equipment and Assign • in.
saranee to eitToration to further secure loan.
• Usborne
The home of I1:lr. and :Mrs. Archibald
McCurdy of this township was sadden-
ed by the death on July nth of their
daughter, Jennie Edith, at the youth-
ful age of 19 years, 10 months and 5
days. She had been a patient suffer
for months of lung trouble and the end
was not unexpected, Her's was a par-
ticularly bright and cheerful disposi-
tion and her demise is greatly regret-
ted by a wide cirele of friends, who ex-
teud to the bereaved parents their
heartfelt sympathy in their hour of
sadness, The funeral took place from.
the parents' ponte, Lot 15; Con. 13, at
2 o'clock, and theremains- were inter-
red in the Kirkton'ceinetery.
Four New Normal. Schools.
Premier "Whiteey's pabinet has dee
ei led to build four new normal 'schools
He fellows,. at Peterboro, Hamilton,
Stratford and North Bay. conditional
in etch case upon a pyoper site being
fu riiished, by the municipality., Others
y be esthblished later..
31.0000 00 83260 CO 013,063
the kteeee Of the field Municipality, ex by Nome Other
eiereon autliofacd by 13.,y.lAtv P414 the some and
' leek obeli attittli thereto Me Coeperate 3cal et the;
000.1441 at? the elFla of the Trce.eurea ia the i,a1,d17244
Celebration At Seaforth
Miss Cunningham, who has been. re-
newing acquaintances around here,
left Fridayfor her home in Court-
right.—Miss Verd,a Levete of London
is visiting under the parental- roof. -a
erVille last week.—Mr. and Mrs. Fai r
of Elineville spent Sunday . here with
friende.—Me. Morrish received the sad
news last week of the serious illneseeef
his daughter, Hettie, in the London
hospita4—MiSfe E. Cooper has returned
to London.—St. Panl's church Sunday
school, Parkhill, aed James st.Sunclay
school, Exeter, picnicked -here, Wed.
nesday.--!-The 'remains .of the late Mrs.
Margaret McDougall of:Indiana, were
laid to rese in the Grand Bend -ceme-
tery en Monday, The deceased will
be remetrthered by many, ahe having
been a resident of,Port Blake for rna,ny
years.—The season for camping is now
in full swing here. 'The cottages are
fast filling up, some of them overflow-
ing while the hotels ate full of geests.
There are few summer resorts to-daV
so well patronized as Grand Bend. --
The following are occupying the three
Keeler, wife and two children': M.Dnr-
kin, Leslie Willis, Misses Ida andeBeila
Dow, Maude Dore, Jean Henderson.
Hope Dufton, Vera Thorne Mitchell;
Gertrude Thorne, Kincardine:, marl;
man, Fred ickley, Goclerich; Mrs. T.
Zurich; j. H. Keeler arid wife Wing -
ham; Louise, Maygie and Osharlotte
Hamilton, Carrie McKnight, Margaret
Black, Marie Richards, Eva Defton,
'Stratford; W. J. Keeler and wife, Je'an
Beattie, Behoove MeDonield, W. 0.
Thompson, Guelph; Mne Proud, Vio
Bre vvster, A. IL Jaedine, Elespeler; Nell
°ober, Melvin Stoneman. Among
th.ern are a number of gaga naisiciaris
and they have their instruments along.
They have aleo engaged a piano.
The Tvvelfth of .1 uly celebration held
'Aces of the South _Huron district
Orange lodges., was one of the. best,
and in every way the most succeesful
deitionstratione of this kind over held
in this district'. It Was estimated there
were about 5000 people present. This
was the largest erowd ever seen in
$ fot t h. Everything passed off quiet.
le and in the beet of order. The Pro-
ceeeton, which Was organized at the
ree,reation groutide, marched up Main
Were forty Stands. of colors represent.
ed. heaides several brass and life and
e. the
ee and
pt ize WO woe by Mr. W.I.Tolu to r of
Seefortla who marched in the proces.
eion. Ile has been an Orangeman for
93 years, and is still hale and hearty.
At, the platform King Billy White of
Ni it chell presided and lqayor Broderick
weleomed the visitors to the towp.
Addresqes were delivered by newts. It.
H. tail kin :Ina MAI, of Seafortht Met -
41%.1.. White of Detroit; West arid Hew.
itt.of Toronto, and E.J. Brigs M P
hands. At the park pi -1z
awarded for the largest lod
leaps, ()outing the longest (lista,
the oldest' Otangeman.
Rev. J. W.' Baird, B.A., of Sarnia
visited friends here last. week. and
preached a very interesting sermon in
Boston Methodist church.--W.A. Wil-
son and wife of London and A. a
Wilson and wife of Aurora, Ill., tire
spending the holidays with their par-
ents here,—.The fall wheat has ripened
very fast and a great many are cutting
this week.
sehool of Exeter District will be held
.ingsserviees will be eonducted each
Senday, both morning and evening,
and Smaday schodl in the afternoon.
On the 22nd Reve. A. Fear and W.
Andreweswill preaeh and on the 29th
Rev. Dr. Daniels of Lonclen will preach,
Services will be held each day through
the Week, beginning w,ith sunrise pray-
er service at 0.30'. Sessions will beheld
mornifig and evening while the after/
noons will be left free for recreation'.
The chief featuree of the program are
Well% and Miesions by 0. 13, Keenley-
side, Mrs. Suteliffe, Rev. Gifford 'and
others. Thursday evening a lecture,
aided by VipWS. Will giVen on Den
flur, by Rev. Dougall. .0n SaturdaY
night a ottered concert wilt take plaee.
Eve body tvplcome. *
itev. 'Bartlett, Pres, Mae Wilson, See.
Dlarishard 1011.0d.
Mrs. Wm. SanAo and daughter, Mies
Pearl, have returned to Chicago.—Our
Seaforth on the 12th.—Mr. and Mrs.
C. Duplan, accompanied by their two
sons, Harold and Austin, spent Sun-
day with friends in Rippen. The lat-
ter is spending the week with friends
Exeter.—Miss -Margaret Handford
has returned froth her eisit to Park-
hill:— Our fariners have finished cut-
ting their hay and some coneuneuced
cutting their wbeat.—Andrew Hicks.
is around again as uaUal.--Geo.. Bed-
ford of Creditor) has been busy the
past few dart moving Wm.: Moffatt's
hotel:—A Iamb ben from town enjoyed
the lake breezes 'at -the Bend on San-
day.—.rohn Parsons still cOntinue,s ill.
—4 number of oar spoefs attended the
baseball match at eCirediton on -Friday
hist. They intends going backed -mor-
row to -witness the game between Lu.
can and Crediton ‘.‘Stars."
Serifortb: On Saturday ,as Messrs,
To ills
Pleased Customers
The wise grocer studies
his customers—knows their
likes and . dislikes—knows
th'at his best trade want
Cream Sodas
them ispcnk,that
he has their feivorite biSCuitS
—and Sees that they are not
asked to buy something "just
as good," which is NOT
Gro6ers who want to please their
patrons always have Mooney's Per-
fection Cream Sodas. In their
hysienie packages—air-tight
a.nd moisture -proof.
Everyone needs something
to create and maintain
strength for the daily
round of duties.
There is nothing better
than an Ale or Porter, the
puiity and merit of *hich
has been attested by
chera.i$0,4, ,physicians and
experts at -the great eihib.
(gig 'F011
John Smith end Ed.Miller were remev-
ing a derrickgat the -foundry the holt
which . keeps the uprights together
came out and infalling two of the poles
struck the two men. one each,knocking
them senseless and injuring them con-
siderably but not seriously.
, Rest and Comfort
For the Kidneys.
If Pour kidneys are all inflam.
med—if there are sharp, shoot-
ing- pains in the small of the.
baric and dull ache through
the hips --if thereis a constant
desire to urinate—if the urine
is hot and sealding--if the
head aches, and specks efloat
before the eyes-- you can't
imagine. *hat relief there ie
for you '
a, young farmer oh the eighth line of
evening and l)roke neek,i dying al.
mtiSt instantaneously. :Along withhie
father, Ilenry Cathcart, he !a:6.014;0g»
ed lit building .ft load of hay irt the field
and in paesing from the ItaY to ,the
loader, made a inis,step and fell Itead.
first to the ground, a distance of six ,
or seven feet, The unfottunate man
Wits dead by the tithe his father 'reach.
ed him, his neck beini,„.—broketi. The
victim of the accident was '35 yoars Of
ewe. and is survivetl by wife btit no
Th,ese wonderful little pills
soothe aud heal kidneys end
bladdere-take away .all pain—
clear the urine—enableeine to
go through the night vitthout
arising— and relieve every
trate of your kidney trouble.
Fall Term Opens 'Sept; 4th.
011R NEW METHOD TREATMENT will cure you, and. make a man
of you. Under its influence the brain becornes actiye, the blood pttrifled so that
all pimples, blotches and ulcers heal up; the nervgs become strong as Steel, so
that nervousness. bashfulness and despondency disappca.r; the eyes become bright,
the face full and clear, energy returns to the body, and the moral, PhySical anti
sexual .systems are invigorated; all drains cease—no 'more vital waste from the
system. The various organs become natural and manly. You feeI yourself a man
andsknow marriage cannOt be a failure. We invite all the afflicted to consult us
cepfidentially and tree ot charge. Don't let quacks and fakirs rob you of your
hard-earned dollars. WE WILL CURE YOU OR NO PAY. •
Peter E, Summers, of Kalamaz004
relates his experience: •^"'
.".1 was troubled with NervOus De-
bility for many years,. I lay ,it to in-
discretion and excesses in earlY
youth. I became very despondent o.nd
didn't care whether worked or not,
Imagined evvtybody who looked at me,
guessed my secret, Irn4ginative
ached, had pains in the back of mY
head, hands and feet were eold, tired
in the morning,* poor api,etite, lingers
were shaky, eyes 11411,r:ed. hair looze,
memory poor, etc. Numbness in the
fingers set In and the doctor told me
he feared paralysis. I toog all' kinds •of
medicines and tried many first-class
physicians, wore arr electric belt for,,,,k
three months. went to Mt. Clemens tor's'
grFORt TREA1MtNT baths, but received little-beneflt. While AFTER TFICATiArlYT—
at Mt. Clemens I was induced to consult Drs. Kennedy & Kergan, though I had
idst all faith in doctors. Like a drowning man I commented the New Method
Treatment :Intl 1 t saved my ilfe. The improvement N%r3. like rnagic-,1 could feel
the vigor „going through my nerves., I was cured mentally, physically and sexually,
I have sent :them ma.ny patients and will cOtaintie to do so.' .
EASCEOSN'SU,I,--1 TATION FREE. BOOKS FREE. If Unable to call write for
Question, Blank for Home 'Treatment,
(Inoorporatedlly Act of Parliament 1855)
Head Office, - Montreal
Those interested In Business College work shoUld
write for our i*trtepatalogne, This le the lamest and
best Commercial and $horthand School In Western
Ontario. We give a practical training d assist our
graduatee respOnghlepositAms. Many of the load. '
ing hueinees colleges etnploy our graduates as teach.
OFFICE HOURS 10 a. in. to 3 p. ra. SATURDAYS, 10,a. in. to 1 p. m,
Farmer a Sale Notes cashed. Or -collected, Forms supplied on application.
DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain and United
States bought and sold at lowest rates of Exchange.
ADVANCES made to Farmers, Stock Dealers and Business Men at
lowest rates and on most favorable terms.
. DEPOSIT R'eceipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
Saving Bank Department.
• and December 31st, ,
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.' , i
pittE WIRE fErCE 111.11:11.11ttili
011 PLOWS -
cw:ent4,1,;:ii.,:t...,r1„),-,2;,414..cmtiirraiowirs..,0,i, 1.,,, imErirx,
,i r01117'2, WWI OtilinStratt be DiliOti Illtrug,
ne..,.±lit. Itt-vo do ea Op nor tut ifilwn top wirEs
eta isAnd down. Illuatr.lturl 4I %Ogee taco-. nye
We have just received a
carload of Page Wire
Fence, 6 to 9 wires high,
for 33o. and up per rod.
This is recognized to be
the best on the market.
We handle Perrin Piovvs
and have just re6eited
carload of walking, rid.
ing and gang plows made
by this reliable firm.
11010111.0N BAKER
Perrin now Companies
Imbiber, Shingles,Lath, Cedar
and all Building Materials.
Finished or in Knock down,
always, on band. '
logs ofevery description..
Custom sawing. promptly
'attended to. -
Estimates cheerfully given..
The Ross Taylor Ltd
Exeter, Ont.
'.e...aehtie eitie.,,easesiLeimeeeeeild'