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There are Many literary peertimists
4imOng U51 69 Otero are in every other
• cOuntry,w1eoleninly end rnourrtfully,
proctaim from the bousettips Ode literat,
'lure arid art ore doomed. We ere In
the ebroesof aebeelt "elided' end, 'all
Modern teneleneles are away front letters
and artt leceple prefer trashy and trie
atal to relined and ineritorlous
..and lite seriouscoriecientious -riovelist
simply "has no chancel? In .competition
with the "eerninerciel" ecribblers and,
How Much truth is there in such
sweeping ' indictments and, laments?
Our contemporary, The Outlook, turns
to the statistic's Of "the best sellers"
which certain periOdidals furnish from
time to nine, stattstics based on reports
of librarians and publishers, and pauses
to consider the qualities of the novels,
• that are at this .moneent enjoying ex-
ceptional popularity. There are just
now six "best sellers," the number .in -
eluding Mrs. Wharton's "House of
Mirth," Tarkington's 'Conquest of
Canaan," "The House of a Thousand
Candles," "The Wheel of Life," "The
Truth About Tolna," and "Barbara Win-
slow, Rebel." -
eta, Wharton's remarkable story has
won high praise not only in this coun-
try but in England from competentand
independent !Reliever critics. Mr. Tark-
ingtores novel cannot be placed in the
seine literary category, but,asour con-
teMporary says, "It Is a delightful piece
of work, sincere, touched with emotion
and charmingly written." Another
"best. seller" is described as possessing
thorough workmanship and dignity of
attitude. 4The fourth novel on the list is
a wholesome story of the romantic Port
—not original, but interestlog and plea -
ant In its way. The fifth popular novel
is "an effective tale with atouch of bril-
liancy," and the sixth has its good qual-
ities. -
At least three of the best sellers, there-
fore,, are of high literary and artistic
quality.. They interpret life serlotisly,
study actual types, are well constructed
-.and. show -care and earnestness on the
part of the authors.' The other three,
even tif they cannot,' be regarded as pen-
rnanerit contributions to any class .of
. real literature, have'the merits of charm,
dramatic interest, color and vivacity.,
Not one is bad, unwholesome, sensa-
tional or cheap, artistically speaking.
No doubt there are thousands of people
who waste precious tune on worthlees
stuff while negfecting. elevating and ad-
mirable forms of literature, especially of
classical and earlier literature,: but to
talk' of decadence, corruption of the
general 'taste, growing indifference to
art, preference for the nasty and the
• arlifitial and pompous, is to multiply
idle words without real knowledge of
the literary situation and .the present
. mental status of the reeding •classes.
Good books do net fall, and the demand
'for them has not •decreased, bad books
'do not succeed because of their badnese,
Not onlit has there ben no retrogrefin
elan, -there has not even been stagna-
Science is beholden to commerce` In
' the Metter of deep sea knowledge. It is
difficult for the scientist to Imagine a
more tthereughey satisfactory method of
survey than' that employed by the subt
marine cable companies. Through them
eave been discovered details Inthe con-
figuration of submarine gullies, of fresh
water outlets:beneath the see., and of
alterations in the bed of the ocean it-
self. Prof. Materna: of Catania has
directed attention to the ftiat that in the
straits of Messina there are de6 watee
eureents of 'sufficient velocity to cause
the interruption of the cables joining
Sicily with the mainland. In one ease
a cable seems to have been corroded
-thy a sulphurous spring. The surface
currents attain a speed of fivemilesan
hour, They have always been a daoger
to navigation. Theexistence of core -
kited, strong, deep Whter currente had
been suspected. Me Thoulet and others
bave repeated the •classical experiments
ed Capt. Richard Bolton, made in 1675
in the straits of Gibraltar, and have
demOnetrated 'fa' existence at, twenty
fathoms of an undercurrent flowing In
it contrary direction to that on the sur-
filee, but these currents have net yet
been at; systematically studied as their
inapertariee warrients.
Mrs. Jones : "No wonder she looks
tired; fate's up most all night with a
Ick .babe."
Mr. :tones'"What's' the matter With
tier husband?"
Mrs. Jones: "Ile's busy all the time
trying to get an eight-hour day for
"That flimelly constructed publie
lufldlng Is a scandal," exclaitted the
"Never mind," anewered Mr. Degreft;
tanoothily, it will aoon blow ove1.
lituneln proteins piglets do thoet
tete; who celebeate either their dianion
golden d I
This World Is Hungry for the Life
of the Spirit
'He shah drink of :the brook in the
Way: therefore shall he lifteup the head.
cit.; ' • •
Nature has` a prodigal Way of scatter-
ing rivulets down the hilleide and along
the pathways, little heeding whether men
walk there or not, The practical eye
sees waste; these streams might have
been made to turn wheels; the needs of
the traveller, weary with the way, might
be met with faucets at regular intervals.
It is well for us all that the power ef
the practical man finds its 'limitations,
else all poetry would have gone from the
world, and great and glorious as might
have been our physical perfections our
'bodies would be -but the empty habita-
tione whence scents had lciag sioce fled.
The utilitarian would have stolen from
us the bliss ef.the deep draft from the
pebbly brook,
The man who is proud of being prae-
Mal tells us we are wasting time and
nervous energy in stopping tit think if
Ideal things; we must take the world as
we find it, he says, forgetting how fair
and poetic we once found it and how
bleak and ugly we likely are to leave It.
But to him trees are always lumber,
grass and flowers but hay, bird songs
spell poultry, wind and water energy.
Many are too 'busy malting things ever
to enjoy anything that Is made.
It may seem folly and waste to stop and
think of sacrifice and courage and love,
to admire and answer to the thrill of
human passions ; but alas for him who
never sees the light of heaven in
another's tear, nor hears the brush rf
angels' wings when men and women fly
to their• fellow's aid. t
If you haven't time In -your busy life.
tot turn aside to drinlc of the brook of
human affection, to look deep into the
eyes of friendship, to sympathize, to
comfort, .to taste this strange sweet and
bitter cup of our common fellowship,
then is your heart going dry and thirsty
and life becoming a Whitened roadethat
knows no wells or springs. '
But something there is in man that
calls for drafts at yet deeper streams
than these. Foolish and unlearned be
may be ignorant of .the whit) eollelett
Slone of philosophers who belie looked,
into 'these tidags wine, their lanternet
but through th.e ages he lies been drink-
ing eagerly. at. the waters of eternity.
In every nian there is a. thirst after 'the
deep, immeasurable things' (thine, the
deeper the nature orthe man the greater
his necessity for drialthig often here.
The consciousness of the great life
that embraces all life, the sense of its
nearne,ss to us all, has been a perennial
refreshing to, all great hearts. In some
way tg bring the life ditto touch with
the infinite is to take-down its limita-
tions, break its barriers, and give it a
sense of infinitudeoto lift up the head in
vision of the divinify of our lives and of
every life. We. who walk in the duet
often need to be filled with the divine
lest we become -
This world of things is hungry for the
life that is more than things, the life of
the spirit ; that is why so many love to
sing of heaven end dream of a fair world
peopled by strange toed glorious celes-
tial enes. Heanen is nearer than we
think; like the brook by the way, the
life Of the spirit flows beside this life;
happy they who drink of its waters, who
already enter into eternity, whofind
strength' for this life's waen and work bed
the contact with the life that is life in.
Is it any wonder that life is a weari-
some thing, a dead drag,'when you are
starving its verytsources ?e, You neglect
the soul at -the peril of All. So anxious
are you to fun this race that you have
no time to allow him who rides In the
chariot to drink of he water of lifee
ThiS is not utilitaelatilspe ;ibis is suicide
from the centre out.
The most practical common sense de-:
mends that you feed the inner places of
your life, the heart that has gone so
long thirsty and longing for love, for
things too deep for weeds, for things that
cannot be used cannot be quoted
dollars. Give your inner life its. dedp
drafts of the infinite life and Your outer
life ,shall take its. place and -do its 'Work
in the world.
Water Crackers.—One pound of flour,
one tablespoonful ol lard, one table-
spoonful of salt, one-half tablesponful
ef soda. Mix with water, beat well, roll
thin, stick with 'fork, .and, bake in a hot
oven. -
. Breakfast Coffee •Cake. Tettt . a piece
0! bread dough and add one-half cup
of .sugar, end a tablespoonful of Melted
butter, then roll out an inch thick and
Put on a greased: pie -pan, brush the top
with melted batter, and, cover thick with
cinnamon and sugar; let it rise and
Lake quick. Cut in long narrowstrips
no serve. Eat hot or cold. It is nicely
made Saturday with the other baking,.
to use Sunday morning or breakfast.
Apple Custard Filling. — Two eggs,'
fcur Or five apples grated, a little nut-
meg, sweeten to taste. One-half a pint
ot sweet milk or cream. Pour into
pastry and bake without an upper crust.
Chocolate Filling. - One cup of milk
two tablespoons grated chocolate, three-
fourths cupof, sugar, yolks of three
eggs. Beat chocolate and milk together:
Add the sugar and yolks together, bean
en to a cream. Flavor with vanilla,
bake with undercrust, spread meringue
of the vvidtes over the top. '
Parboil a three pound piece of salmon.
It should be a broad, flat piece that ean
be rolled. Prepare the following stuf-
fing: Twelve oysters chopped, a half-
-crpful of dry bread -crumbs, salt, pepper,
a little nutmeg, and a tablespoonful et
minced parsley. Mix these and spread
en the salmon. Roll together and tie.
Place In a hot oven with a largeplebe
of butter. Bake twenty-five minutes and
serve with its own gravy.
A writer gives some sensible advice
about eggs. There is a general impres-
sion thin& eggs, iecknowledged to be.
complete food, may be safely eaten en
all occasions. On the 'contrary, • as the
'writer alluded to. points out, invalids
and young children should never be.
given eggs unless they are very fresh.
Persons suffering from biliousness, gas-
tritis and several other troubles find
difficulty in digesting even fresh eggs.
Some physiciane declare that the slight-
est tendency towards rheumatism makes
eggs undesirable. The white of eggs
Whipped to a froth vvith a little water is
a good thing to give fever Patients, as
nrule, but the physician should be coo -
gutted before even this Is given to a
sick person:
Mayonnaiee dressing 'Is a little heavy
for a dinner salad, Yet this one eaten
eit a recent OA hzricheon was very
dainty, and alio) pretty to look upon.
The salad was shredded pimentoee,
green peppers. and lettueo hearte, and
the mayonnaise, was lightened with
whipped erearri.
Coddled eggs are the perfection ef
boiled eggs. arid once eatenwill elwaye
be preferred to the ether. Have a deep
Our) or similer receptacle, heated by
rinsifigewitht very hot water. Put in the
eggs and pour boittpg writer over-thern.
Cover °Way and let stand five minutes
if the egne. or liked earn longer, if fur -
the molting is desiren.
Walnut- Filling. — One cep chopped
¶. 011111 nnethalf eine sone treat% one.
half teaenoortful of vanilla, four tea-
spoOne pulverized sugar.
Lemon Pilling. --One cop mon, Ohe
' Coffee hi/lg.—Six ounces icing sugar,
one tablespoonful each strong coffee and
water, mix, together in a s,oucepan, and
pour over cake. , , *
. • .
Orance --t Quarter pound sugar,
tablespoonful orange juice, put in a
pan, meta but don't boil, stir well. • -
• When the bride's healtb. is to be drunk
here a beverage, worthy of so import-
ant a rite: Grate the yellow rind from
twelve lemons and two oranges and
mix 'together With two pounds of sugar.
Placo in a porcelain lined kettle and
cover with one quart of Water. Stir
until the sugar is dissolved, and after
boiling ten minutes 'strain thecae& a
muslin bag. While the liquid is hot
add- one tumbler of blackberry jelly,
one tumbler -of raspberry jelly, and one
urnbler of currant jelly. Allow the
mixture to cool and add half a pint of
pineapple chunks,. chopped very fine;
one pint of canned strawberries, and, if
desired, one quart of canned peaches,
and one quarter of a pound of canned
cberries. Stand away over night, and
just ,before serving stir in three quarts
of anollinaels, one bottle of sarsaparil-
la, one pint of grape juice, •and one
quarte of ginger ale.
Rhubarb Sherbet. --: Simmer one
quart of rhubarb out in inch pieces with
one quart of water until soft. Add the
grated rind of one lemon and two cup -
Nis of white sugar, .stirring -until the
letter is dissolved. , Cool and strain.
Keep on ice until time to"enfitint It should
b) very cold.
To can rhubarb by cold water process
select the rhubarb when young and ten-
der, and of a pretty pink color. Wash
thoroughly, peel and cut into small piec-
es as for pies. Pack into glass jars that
have been sterilized, fill the jars to over-
flowing with freshly drawn water, put
'on the covers and let them stand over
night.- By the, next morning you will
find that the rhubarb has taken, up more
or less of the water, and that there is
quire a vacuum to be filled. Drain off
the water and again fill to overflowing
with fresh cold water, seaa,the jars
*closely and Put away for winter's use.
This when opened will be found to re-
ouire less su arothan fresh rhubarb, and
will make de icious Met and sauce. Cm -
berries and green gooseberries may be
canned In'the same way, and will keep
,fol years.
"inte For preserved rhubarb, wash, peel and
cut the rhubarb into pieces, then weigh.
Place in a preserving kettle without
water, and cook thirty minutes. Moen -
line put an equal we ght of sugar in tt
saucepen, allowing a pint of wilier fo
each four pounds of sugar. Boil with-
out stirring until a little poured in a
cup of ice wafer breaks like glass. When
the rhubarb has been cooked enough
pour the syrup over •it, milt five minutes
stirringtgently, so that it will not stick,
then pour into Are and close tightly.
Keep in a cool place.'
In making ,rhubarb jam allow to 006
pound of cut rhubarb one pound of
Sugar and one lemon. t Pare the lemon
es thin as possible into an earthen bowl,
taking tare, to remove alt the white, bit-
ter thebratie, fiael elice the pulp of the
lemon into the *nowt, disearding all eeeit.
Cut the rhubarb into inch pieces, and
put in the bowl on tem of the lemon and
the sUgar on . top MIN rhubarb. Cover
and etand . away in a cool place over
night. In the Morning ,emply into the
preserying kettle, (aimmer gently three-
fourthe of an hour, or until quite 011014
take iorri the Move,' cool a little, .101(1peen hito Jaye. Cover with melanin cr.
butter d paper. .• ;
n AtiO her delielous jam lemade by con1.
trtlet apineapple, , rhuberb and crans
beeries in equal proportions.
lemon. one eaw boil all, lend %viten Nett
nevem! between eincee.
Chegolete Filling. ;el- One mita; eireiir,
one teeepooriful conna elmeolatit: mixt
14(1(1 neven iteiblesPoolit sweet nein:: boll
Ave Minlitee or Mete, (01(1 ))utter' tilze of
a withiut.
.viNTstrir,r: 8uoonsTroNs.
A. few drope of lenion juice give
ectainbled egge a delielous flavor.
_„_ 4 - •-.
A smoulaThrag or dun to Maly Le
elen,red fo betinig ety hentifet ef eint.
leeieeti of toileiinn arced for S.Iztpo,
eut into clica cited real in tint even tattil
crisp. —
eroeene rim6artal teettiee Lan:ter:ra-
ta- wetera Lad rattier te ait pitehie 1,10
11CW. ,
eitote' of candte orettee or' V.M7Z rn0-57
he reniovel by meanof WittUfint ;baiter
'end ce hot teon.
A bowl of linle in a diedeip toteset,
air/ atedtPaieeten
To keep. huts fresb throogliout the Year
Uv ehould be Netted in -cue/is be
?tempi layers 'of flue sand. • "
Half a lemon; plaeed in the watee
Whieli. dish totvela and kitchen ciente
ore soaked is eat& to sweeten there -won-
Winn cutting folds it is avasteoto turn
the materials over frequently to make
enite.sure that it is keeping quite biae.
The least devaition will mean that the
folds oyill twist when sewed to the ma-
terial of ,the gown.
To Clean Looking Glasses, — Fleet
siponge with a little spirits of wine, then
oust the glass with powdered blue tied
up in a bit of muslin. Rub this off with
a cloth, and finally dust with a clean
silk handkerchief. Treated in this 'a ay.
the glass will not hove that cloud a -
pearance afterwards,
Restoring Kid Gloves,—. Ink and olive
oli mixed io equal proportions, painted
on the glove with a feather or soft
btush, and then allowed to dry, will
improve eliabby kid gloves immensely.
Suede ones also may be treated, in the
same way. Remember to use as little. of
the mixture es possible, or you will do
more harm than good.
Lesson II. The Duty of Forgiveness.
Golden Text:Matt. 6. 12.
• Note.—The text of the Revised Version
is used es, a basis for these Woid
Verse 21. Then came Peter—Having
Spoken on occasions of stumbling, both
external and intern, in the lives of his
dineiples, Jesus, celled their attention to
the altitude which they themselves as
his disciples should atsuite toward
those who went, astiay into sin, that is,
thoee who gave occasion for stumbling
(verses 15-20). The sugge,stion of Jesus
that they should first seek in every post
sible way to bring an erring brother to
acknowledge and, forsake his- evil way
prompted Peter to ask the question,
How oft shall my, brother sin against
me, and I. forgive him?
Seven times—According to Rabbinical
rules no one could ask forgiveness of his
neighbor more than three times. Peter,
prompted by a generous impulse, ven-
tured to suggest one tnore forgiveness
than twice the number permitted by the
feabbenical rule.
e2. Seventy times seven — An infinite
number of times is the real meaning of
the answer of Jesus. The lirnit tg for-
giveness had already been pointed out
by him in verses 1547 of this chapter.
The limit is fixed by the attitude of the
one committing. the wrong. An impeni-
tent. spirit on the part of the wrong-
doer makes impoesible even the first,
forgiveness, but .where sorrow and
repentance are found, there is to be no
23. The picture given us in this verse
is of an Oriental court. Governors, and
farmers of taxes, •and other officers of
the king are summoned into the royal
presence to give an account of their ad-
ministration. .
Servants—Literally bond -servants er
slaves. So throughout the narrative.
Every subordinate of an Oriental mon-
arch le his slave.
24. Talents—Probably the Attic talent
is here referred to, in which case the
amount •would be apprOximately $10,-
Had -not Wherewith to pay—The
printing of a weird in italics, 08 the
word 'wherewith" Is printed in . this
verse, indicates that the word does not
occur In the original but is added to
make the meaning clearer in English.
Commanded him to be sold, and his
wife, And children—According to the
cruel custom Of the time.
26. Wershiped--13oeved down to him.,
An rot 01 humble obeisance merely, not
an act ef worship in a religious sense.
'Forgave him the. debt—The gCnSe ol
the word forgette is• here "remitted."
28. Went and Sound—Possibly even
huntingeout his fellow -servant.
A hundred shillingsd-Literally a hun.
deed denaril. The denarius was worth
about seventeen cents. In actual pure
chasing value, however, one hundred
&mail was equivalent to about three
months' wages for all ordinary laborer.
The aniount of the indebtedness,, there-
fore,' tor one who was apparently • of
equal rank with this tax collector who
had squandered the fabulous sum of
many millions, was very small," and
payment of the sum (mite within the
range of possibility.
"31. His felloweservents—In reality the
fellove-Servants of both men.
Their lord—The kind.
32t Called tim—The man to whom he
had remitted the immense, &R.
Porgaven-In the sense of remitted, as
above. .
34. Wroth—In t state of wrath or
anger. The word is now archaic, that
is, old and going out of use.
''"rie the torinentors—Those whose bust -
/Ms it was to innict eruel punishment
in accordance with the decrees of the
85. Prone your hearts—That Is, fully
and freely.
LOOKS,' impivr COUNT.,
"Are thee strawberries the be you,
eOuld get, Jane?" 1
"They were the best beolting draw-
berrite on the market."
"Buy the worst loolditg ohes neat
time, Jane.'"
Thick tongues are reapOneible, foe a
lot of thin ideatt. '
A WILD ANIMAL DENTIST''w" s and chitcP9th Pfri.4
aso guatt that he bete riy
ers often softer • !min toottuct
one, ae. a ride,. they see the moet, 41
4•Ca'T;Priai:49 ‘:)1 wild aniniale eeli
eve, heving- their teeth eatreefedi • , '
''Ndt have, net defie intieti Jil Melo
of. animai,6? teeth, ttieugh
did tierferm that, eperution' once on
tiota. ply tee
regain:ion in" Lie r' i. The -warn w
fleet very 'taieeeeeful. eithceeecinet ecereel
worth the eletteapent Oni.tiie
eoati eerie More,- tee expereMentt the
Mr. ellowattte, Kends First Operatic
Wos on. a yerodioureSzn
It May not beefeenerally nnown ttret snything elee, and lwrbar,?S -‘,4; an a
the vivant of pidinig big tintinalze teeth vaticenneent fileet fen the animal'. i
feht tet much .4 vrolic,,i0.33 Yont;cci to a: travelliett• circus, and people(
more ordinery hind of denlietry, beeidee "me from all Parts to see the anima
obfeit114' ma' o*Irsducdceeasisfunr arueirteraelitdiregiletiUsili
opii 7 fihanint h
Slitledd5 f t(C'ielP110r6etelPA
tion, and bitted well, theugh a fend he day ie Mr, Ihrtvard Kent, who . has
probably attended a greater number cf • rh°11tils afterwards the
stroyed,e' poor beast b
ferocious patients than any other man came so feeble that it had to be d
living. Ilis work takes him into almost
every circus and menagerie In the Unit
ea States, while Ole -services are also in
constant requisition, at the principal zoo.
logical gardens both there and abroad.
"It is, riot a profession I should recom-
mend, my best friend to enter,n Mr.
Kent renaarked to the writer, "for, there
is no doubt about it, the man who at-
tempts to yank out ari aching tootil elephant -hunt in 'Africa, and nearly los
from the jaw of a hon or a tiger runs his life. In his biography his own de,
• a certain amount of risk, Why I took , scriptiou of the adventure is given. Ani
uj the worle I can haedlY say, for it 18' elephant was dlose to linen. There was
not one to which big fees are attached,! no time to wait if the hunter was to
but I have been in the ,business now fel': get a shot. The beast was on the move
scme tini ty odd years, and I don't sup -i and the dust ilew from we side es the
heavy hall struck lihn.
Screaming angrily he turned full fron
in the direction of' the tree by which 1
stood, motionless. For a moment w
confronted one another, and then th
Narrow Escape of a Hunter in the Wild
••of Africa. th
Toward the end of the summer c
1850 William Cotton °swell waS on die
pose 1 shall ever quit unlit I get past
"1 remember the fIrst animal 1 operat..
ed on was a particularly feroolous Si-
berian wolf that had a .malformation. ef
an upper tooth which was beginning rturibling note of alarm uttered by his
to grow into the roof of his mo:uth. I cempanions deckled him on joining the
was new to the work then, and come- I regained the path, and rode along th
quently a bit nervous, me keepers line of their retreat which, as shown by
bound • my patient all right, and after the yielding bush, was parallel to it Af
the gag had been placed in his mouth ter a time the thorns thinned out, and
caught sight • of the wounded- elepharia BEGAN TO OPERATE. holding a course of- his oven a little to
1 had just got my hand betwah his the left of his fellows; and when he en
rjawsiiers,, awlenwatsnebeggeignnsilnipgpetdo awnodrkthe
In his wake, and very soon compelled
tered the tropical forest. beyond I was
brute's jaw almost, ,met. There was, te follow where he broke a way.
however, still sufficient of the gag re- A little extra noise from the pursute
maining to keep bis mouth open about caused the pursued, to stop; and whie
an inch and a quarter, SO that only.the clinging -.like Gilpih to the horse ten
skin and flesh of my wrist were lacer- ,peering at the broad stern of the chase
ated. But I can tell you I was not I saw him suddenly put bis head when;
sorry„when the keepers rushed up, fore- his tail, ought to. have'been2 The trunk
ed the wolf's mouth open, and released was tightly coned,. Forward flapped the
my hand. 1 put 91f the eob, of rernOv- huge ears, up went the tail, and down
ing the tooth for a week or sot 'while he came like a, gigantic bat ten fee
my hand was healing, when I performed across.
the operation without further mishap, I Pinned above and on each side, by di
to"rnLieolnlesgeaneds otnigeerwsouairde tnuoint
ksa°ndcliffiwchtlpilit: nor to kin my opponent, I therefore
nfountirig "J could hope neither to escape
suffering badly from toothache they are lugged „my unfortunate animal round,
only too glad to 'have the molar. •oul,-; and urged him along. The elephant
6S00Tineuticlilhepseitnhetheatriai.kcetionnuncleanuspesatitehnetn4thundered, straight through obstacles
orinch we were obliged to. go round', and
they forget themselves and retaliate on in fifty weeds we were fast in a thick
the dentist. I remember a cajole • Of bush, and he within fifteen feet of tis,
years ago rather, an exciting incident' As a last,chance I tried to get off, but
happened while r was "operating on a i in rolling round in my saddle my spur
lion called rthaja for an ulcerated tooth.. I galled the pony's flank,. and tbe elephant
lehaja occupied aa cage with Victoria, a ; screaming over him at the smile mo -
very fine lioness, and both beasts were, ment, he made a conclusive effort and
very -tame and tractable. So tame were freed himself.. That deposited me in a
they, in fact, that I 'thought it unneces- sitting position irnmedia.tely in front of
sary for my patient to be roped. • the uplifted 'forefoot of the thargin
"As soon as I entered the cage Rhaja,, bull.
who knew me well, opened his bigSD near— wait that 1 meetanically
mouth and allowed me to examine his opened my knees to allow him to put it
swollen jaw. I soon_ located the offend- down, and throwing myself baek., cross.
ing tooth and at once decided to ex- ,ed my harcla upon my chest', and obsti-
tract it. 1.hadprovided myself with a 'lately puffed Myself out with' tile Idea
pair of ' of ,esying to resist the giant tread. I
as he passed directly over me length.
eaw the burly „brute from chest to tall
(an • excellent instrument for the pure waerst one foot between my knees and
pose), and having laid hold on the ache brie fourteen inches beyond my head,
ng lar I proceeded to pull with all, and not a graze! Five tons td
my strength. But. the tooth .wouldn't, Out Of all my narrow ,escapes this, is
budge, and, as the animal seemed to the only one tbat remained with me in
be very forbearing, I began' to twist the.
recollection for ariv time. One. hears
instrument round. ; of nightmares. Well, or inonth o
Rhaja, and with a roar of agony he
raised his paw and struck me a blow e
on the shoulder that cut it open and
almost exposed -'the. bone. I still hung
on to the tooth, however, at which he
let out his Mit foot, and one of his
claws caught in a heavy signet-ring
which I wear on my left hand, and. I
thought my finger was off. Then Vic-
toria, thinking, probably, that I was ex-
ceeding my duty, joined in the scrim-
mage, and I should have fared badly
"That was a little bit too 'Much fer more I had nightelephants.
Strange Society Discovered in a Russiand
The following remarkable descriptiont
of the rites of the "Society of Scarlet
Death" is quoted from the Ural by
at Petersburg correspondeed, who abate
indeed had not the keepers entered and 1 that the votaries of the strange societ
beaten off the animals. 1 was not much! are located near the Savodsk Leke, an
injured, aod vvherr the scratches were!, that the exposure has been made in con
healed I had Rahja properly bound sequence of the disappearance of one *
and soon extracted the tooth, for which the eitizense
he was becomingly grateful. I find at. "The Scarlet Death is surrounded witl
most all animals of the at tribe show much 'circumstances.' In the bouee de.
gratitude when One relieves them ,of- signed for the sacrifice there is a room
pain, and are slow to forget a kindnessm whieh there is neither window no
"Rut it is not only for the purpose of fireplace. It is a grave withoutta ten.
extracting 'teeth that our services are ant. The room is lined with -scarlet rna
aaquired atnmenageries and zoos. If terial, but one of the walls is covere
ttied were so we should not have enough with a bitten cloth. •The floor is eoetre
work eo make it pay. No the teeth et with scarlet Two cushions are plUe.
wild 'animels must be examined. and In the middle of the floor.
attenededeto just tthe Mine as those ef "The victim is then led in. and hi
horses and dogs. Every once In a while
it is well to have
for tatter, seems to gather quickly on
the grinders of wild beasts confined in
cages, and if not removed willt lay the
foundation of decay. But it is a quick
job, arid the animals get so 'teed to the
inspection and the scraping that they
come lo look :upon It as a' "matter of
my instruments, most of which
are made speeially foe me' are cont
etruoted of the best temperedsteel and
are gradedaccording to the class and
size of the entrnal to be operated upon.
For Instance, In the case of liens and
tigers one set offour- histrumefite for
exlracting purposes is all that is nee-
ettsary—two reties of nippers for the
top jaw, left and right, and two pairs
for the lower, left and right. These
instruments are to conStructed. that one
can, with the minimum amount of ex.
erlion, obtain so firm a hold of a' tooth -
then even a lion , cannot° dislodge it.
Then, with a few twists of the Wrist,
the molar usually comes out as cleanly
and evenly As though It, -were a child's
loot h.
"Some of the extracted teeth I Used
fit keep as mornehtoeK though now I
generally give them to the keepers, Who`
regard them tig eharins. Hero is the
tooth of a big African lion whMit I con
bawled about five years eaten -end Mr.
.Kent handed nie an object that looked
"There was an, abeeese at the, Poet of
that tonna!' lefr. Kent, .continued, "and
when the molar eaine Mit itut oterece,
'which were. attached, looked Iiite .4 big
bunch of ecoaree eeaweed. The itnimal
must, liave endured torture, and when
or her head is pieced on one of th
cushions. Then all the attendante leevei
the room. After a few minutes the young
wOlnan, clad in eeerlet, comes frombee
hind the biotic cloth. She slowly ep
proaches, takes the second cushion, and
places it over the face of the recumben
figure. Then she efts upon the cushion,
and does not rise till the cOndenmed
one has ceased to show signsof lite.
"What.leeds up to the sacrifice i varin
oiisly explained by the local inhabitants.
Some say that it ifteerh expedite the peoa
gress of the sacrificed to Paradise; and<
others hold that it is a punishment toe;
the cOMMISSIOn of scime mortal sin," t
. - 4
It le genetally knovine that the colors -
of vegetation vary in inteneity in a.
direct ratio to Alio .amount of sunlight
('(1111 hind with ceolness of tetriperantre,
within certain limits. Examples tire the
intense redness of tapplett -grown in
northern clintatee, and the deep -ceders
of Alpine vegetatien. Rut the !eon. end
other influences. els° have an CR:et upon
plant .colore. Mr. Henry Kromer hag
geeently experimented upon the liana.,
eial control of the colors of Marital
through the innalduetion of thene
into the eon they grow in. In very
mete quarititiee712011 chendeale ere 5!)-
50013011 without Apparent injury, but tho
effeet upon the colors is 71l 11i. Yellow
rosee, for irielanee, epitered to beeeinei "
deetwr hi coloit under the influeriee of
ShinhinUnI euipliede and petastimo
phatd. With the me of ilieee eeme
IlMville.* the petele ofwidte c.ottiat
thowed tetitleoey to ileveleo reef
etrettne, whereae when fed wet eine
namitim nulphale, nultnetle,
erten citrate anti cliveJ 5: 41, nowlidfrt 0:ats
nations 1.11(1. 41 form white stream.