HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-07-05, Page 5TUE (Utter tirocate, published clicry Thursilw Ner-41.v.; the, Or4Pe XER . • By elk ADVOCATE PuBLi4ii 111110 COMPANY TEUIV.S OFUi31.51,1LIVIION. Due Ilalaiper ainntim a tem in adva:iee, $1.50 0'1 if not pc p411, Uaitego 414)31)19...,. , No papor" discontinued until al; airearaileS are r4ld • Advertisements withOut specified directions will be published until forbid and charged accordingly.' Liberal discount reads for transcleat adv.extioments Iptiailttlbfloj ltounrgi a efi Eeut i' troryfidnecoristviloon oafn!"(p. - -wadgnaglates---Checlueer44514-9o1-74cis, Az0;," fo aevsosen, subscriptions, etc., to be :nada payable tc) Sanders 84 Creech, Pnoonmons Property' for Sale. 1 A fine pasture farm in the Township of Hay, near Sareptal One hundred C4OreS, 80 acres Seeded, frame house glaii good stable, good water, etc„ Another 100acro farm for sale, in the township of 118bOrne,sOldll Of Eliraville,conyenient to schooLwoll drained, small orchard, 1.0 acres bush, frame house, barn, stable and grainary. ' Apply to SANDERS & CiREE03, Exeter. Dashwood Roller Mill A real goad time to `buy our famous White Star Flour is now. Made from the very finest of wheat—acknowledged to be the best in America—The Mills, the Millers, . and the Milling Process all thoroughly' adapted for obtaining the highest re- sults.—For strength, richness, whole- ness -and appetizing flavor it is with - Out equal; makes more bread easier and better than any other—gives solid satisfaction to 'consircner and producer —Buy it andyouwill please yourself and, your good wife as well.--Hense- wives all over the county ensdorse our .claims. We solicit your patronage. Jos Eidt Dashwood OL WANTED t Exeter and Centralia and Clandeboye Eleyators Jos. Cobbledick Cook's Cotton Root Compound. The great Uterine Tonle, and only sate etreotlaiat Monthly' Regulator on which women can depend. Sold in three dogrees of strength—No. 1, ;1; NO. 2, 10 degrees stronger 113; No. 2, drugt for special Cases, per bot. Sold by all ts, or. sent Prepaid on rece i pt Of price. mree pamphlet. Address: TR ' COOKINE0101111160.111201A0NT, IforinattfWi • e Itiole to Bug FOR THE HOME. Ife that which 'gives lasting, 'benefit and Pleasure. • Nothing will so successfully do this as a &ad High G -rade PIANO °r ORGAN Everiemeniber of the bunny will fut. 1y appreciate it._ We carry these instruments in the highest grade and ourprices and terms are of the most liberad kind for the Purchaser. Our Sewing Machines Surpass anything in the inarkee fop beatity and durability. 0411 and see us; We will take pleasure in showing you our goods. MARTIN &SON EXETER MARKETS'. °HANGED EACH IVEDNESDAlt Wheat . . 66 or Olio 401, 175 • 77 flarley 40 42 at 35 66;s6 70 Potatoes, per bag. 1 00 1 10 Pray, per ton.... 461. 664 6 50 7 00 Flour,. per owta.itertilly 2 25 Flour, low grade per cwt 1 20 1 20 10 15 Livetitege, per. ceet...... 7 30 Shorts per toe 20 00 20 00 :Oran per ton ....... .... 18 00 18 00 Dried Apples 0 6 THREE FAcTs 1 Ciep, Teisfr:t ha4 meiv(d, sitteeclin,s, hip,11 csLosi Lsetess Zurieh For Sick Women To Consider. 'Flame -That alnioet every operation in our hoPpitals, performed upon Woni,en becomes neeeseisry through neglect of Snell eyniptoras es backaclae, irregular and painful periods, dsacement o the female organs, pain la the eide, burning sensation in the stomacliebearmg--clown nervonsnefs, diuiness and :sleep- - SECOND.—The medicine that holds the ecord for the largest number of absolute cures of female ills ie Lydia E. Pin'kham'a Vegetable Coraponnd, It regulates, strengthens and cures diseases of the female organism as nothing else can. For thirty years it has been helping women to be strong, curing backache,' nervousness, Isidney roubles, inflamina- tiOn of the female organs, weakness and displacements, regulating the periods perfectly and overcoming their pains.. s It has also proved itself invaluable in pre- paring for childbirthand the change of life. THIRD.—The great'volume of unsolicited and grateful testimonials on file at the Pinkhara Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., many of which are from time to tune publishedby permission, give absolute evidence of the value of Lydia E. -Pinks ham's Vegetable Compound and Mrs. Pinkhara'fi advice. Mrs. Pinkliam's Standing Invitation to Women.—Women suffering from any form of female, weakness. are invited to promptly communicate with Mrs. Pink - ham, at Lynn, Mass, All letters are received, opened, read and answered by women only. From f3ymptoruS given, your trouble may be located and the quickest and surest way of recovery ad- vised. --Mrs. Pinkham is daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkha,m and for twenty-five years under her direction and since her deeease she has been advising sick -women free of charge. Out of the vast. volume of experience in -treating female ills Mrs. Pinkham probably has the very know- ledge -that will help your case. Surely, any woman, rich or poor, is very foolish if she, does not take advantage of this generous offer of assistance. • .VIA TO THE R T H RETURN rants: Winnipeg 02.01 Strasburg - tit211 ' 'Souris 33.51 Subteen ,31.25 Orsadok,:. 31.56. Primes Albert MO ' 34.20 No lkittlefeed MAO Arcola $ILW ilacisod ratinnuo 1 . sewn r Yorktona IttW """" Dow e Regina litittiar I 42.00 Noose Jaw • 10.00 Edamatenj • GOINQ: June .5th f ipisd to return rotil Sagest Oth, isms litth, " ' August Mk July. Ird, -Sept. led. July llth,. " Sept. 17th. For rate! to other pante tad complete in. formatiorropply to nearestesnadian PORI° Agent, or wait* to O. B. l'oetrant. Diatriel Passenger Agent, /1 Tales at• Toronto% .601.11006161mmONY McGillivray tioun cil Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment in Town Hall, McGillivray, June 25. Present, J. Robinson, Reeve; W.T. Ulens, J. Gibson, J. Poore, and W. Mawson, Councillors. Minutes of last meeting read, approved of and signed. Gibson--Uleas—that whereas a num- ber of ratepayers on the 14th conces- sion have presented a petition asking to have a ditch constructed under the Municipal Drainage Act, the Clerk is hereliv instructed to cominonicate with R. S. Code, 0.E., and procure his services to make a report on said drain.—Carried. Gibeon—Poore—that By Law No. 8 of 1900, to abolish. the payment of sheep killed by diva= as read a flast time he now read a third time and passed. —Carried. Account% amounting to, $738.90, were ordered. ttibe paid.—Oareied. Council jadourn- ed to meet in the Town Hall on the last Monday in August at 1 p.m. J. D. Drummond, Clerks St. Marys: Miss Mona Dawson; a former residenteof this place,was on June 20th married to tA, Orippen of Detroit. Firming ila its Drawbacks.. A farmer hag a hard life. Working in . all "Weathers, feet wet, exposed to strain,. he is too often mighty careless about his health. . /antes Abbott, aellerkliam farmer, neglected his lidoeys)teitil laid up with rheumatism. Vor sev years lie could not work. Ile never imagined his kid. neys were at the bottom, of the trouble. A friend advised ge took it. And 'began to mend at once. A few months, and he WaS strong a9 ever. I if not se Don' % Money refunded. tisfied. t let yourself rent dowe. IThe NO W. S. 110 WItilY, DRTIGGI$V. , And doing nothing tokeep it? Keit a:Women like Wok, heavy hale; long, leex 'ttriant hair. Don't you? Then UMW MO* Vegetable Sicilian UfiIr at • Renewer. Ton *Ave what hair Y0,0, ourilairhav and get .htaten irls4 rearottiothe *a IIIrS e brown r hi k. R.P•.1fAT,T4&eit grapti studio to rani iiiirelDeP.—Mrs. J. Mossean of Wind- bor is on a visit to relativee here.—A. McLeed, prine4eill °zit, eshoolsia ilove enjoying IfiN well earned baldays at' his home in Bayfield.—Ei. Deicheit of Armada, Mich., was here recently I visiting at his horee.-0. Fritz and wife and Wee. • Kibler spOtt severall claye Listowel last weeks—Charles fireb haa unproved the appearance of his residence by repainting, it.—Mrs. Preston, of Cleveland, Ohio, le tem at the twine of her sister, Mrs. j. J. alernera—Miss Marie Dneharines of Belle River, is visiting at het home. Sauble linee—Mrs, S. Rennie had Mrs. Geo. Wyatt of London as her guest last week.—Miss Ethel 'Williams has gone to Ottawa to visit her slater, Mrs. (Rev,)-Wleftesides.--After completing the millinery season at D. S. Faust's, Miss Bennett has returned to Blyth.— Miss Sibert of Plattsville. Miss Rieder of Shakespeare and Miss Moyer of Ber- lin were visitors at the bin/9e of Mra. J. Preeter during the week. --Jos. Dow - son, 14th con., has Kane stalks Of flax that was., grown on his farm which measures 42 inches.—The summer holi- day's are now with us and- the teachers and scholars are now enjoying their vacatioo.—Mrs. McLean of Hensall and daughter, Miss Mabel, of Winni- peg were here last week on a visit.- -1?. W. Hess has purchased a 16 foot motor boat from a Detroit firtnes-j. W. Hogarth has been reengagerl in S. S. No. $, Hayr.for the coming year.— The trustees of the Evangelical church of this village have decided to have a metallic ceiling put into the thumb, and also replace the present windows with stained glass ones. O. Hartleib hap the contraeaor this work. A ce- ment walk and steps built in front of the church greatly ixiiproves the ap- pearance ot.the property.—Miss Marie Bassow, second daughter of W. Bad - sow of this village was married in Lon- don on June 23 to Lorne Russel Dim- bleby, The ceremony Was performed by Rev, Eiernaann. May the young couple have a long and happy wedded life is the wish of their many friends here.—A new and neat verandah adorns J. D. Merner'e new residence. Hensall . After AU absence of three years in Winnipeg, Miss Maisie McLean is home on a visit. Her many friends are pleased to grasp her by and Owed. and welconie her to their homes.—Ed. Howald, who. recently returned from Gunn's Hospital, Clinton, is rapidly regaining his former health.—Prior to her departure from Hensall Miss Doan's pupils presented her with a handsome manicure set; The gift was quite a surprise to Miss Doan but was, nevertheless, highly appreciated.— Duncan and john MeEwen • of Bute, Man., are home on a visit. They are engaged in the mining business in that country. They Were given a roy- al avelcome.—Roy Neeland has gone to Paris, where he has accepted. a .post. tion on the Review staff.—Mrs. Blair and granddaughter, Miss Margaret ,Wrsemiller are owe visit to friends in Fairgrove, Mich.—Miss Blanch Petty has returned to London.—Misses Anna and Carrie IVIeArthur have returned from Toronto where they have been at-Bratiksoine hall for the past two years.---Cbas..0ook, who was here at- tending the federal of his father, the late Henry Cook, hes returned to Chi- cago.—Mr. Boyd, of the F.O. Hunt of- fice; London, intends taking charge of the office work here.—Miss Richardson is home on a visit from London.—Geo. Trott has closed his photo gallery and moved to GrandBend.--Mrs.Southwell of Toronto Innetion is visiting under the parental roof.---Kippen Oircuit people intend inereasing their minis- ter's salary.—Workmen are busy at D. Ilrqeshart's flax mill.—Miss McAl- lister has enlivened heishorne by pla.c- 'Mg a handsome piano therein.—Rev. Mr. Baugh has beenstationed at Oil Springs instead of at Adelaide as Stat- ed last week. He and his wife left Thursday for that place. The best wishes of all accompany them and may their good work be crowned with success. The new ministers, Revds. Hart and Toll arrived last week and were given a hearty welcome. .sThey occupied their respective pulpits on Sunday and delighted their hearers with the eloquent sermons which they delivered. May their labors among us be wonderfully blessed.—Miss Acheson left Friday for Seaforth where she will spend her vacation. She tendered her resignation to the trustee of S. S. No. 1, Tuckersruitte but she has been asked to reconsider it as she is an excellent teacher and both parents and scholars regret her departure from the school. Prior to leaving she was presented' with a beautiful clock, accbmpanied by a very flattering address from her pupils.—Rev. Dr. Medd prior to his removal to Forest was presented with a purse of gold from his late congrega- tion. The gift was accompanied by a touching address.—Word has been re- ceived here of the safe arrival in the old. country of the Misses Bell, Moir and Stewart and that they had. A very pleasant voyage.--Oecil D. Simpsou has rented Mr e Petty's dwelling re- cently occupied by Mr. KelehOns—The millinery season in town is now draw- ing to a close and ethe young ladies who so tastefully fitted out the lovers of up-to-date head-dress in Hensall and surroanding country with the spring and summer styles, will leave shortly fortheir Itarious homes. --.Tack Welsh has returned from london"' hosPital. where he had his foot examined. The X rays revealed a broken „bone and another out of piece. An operation was performed and atea result he will have the use of his foot. Shlee the tee - Meta he has suffered severe pale, which it is hoped the operation will relieve.- -John Tod, who has. been teaching school in Quebec, has return- ed bonie for the holidays.—Mi$8 Sera nie MeOloy, the popular young daugh- ter of Mr. Wm. MeOloy WAS on Wed- nesday married to Mr. John McGregor of Kippen, the interesting event tak- ing piece at Toronto. They returned to Atippen on Thureday evening when a grand reception WAS tendered, them. Our best wishes are extended to this. Woethy young /couple and may their future be one of ba,ppiness. Itillsgrocu ,W Lova luta iverie to VA1110, Where he haa itecepted a position in the bauk. utunber froth thia loetdity enjoy. ed the hike breezes at Bayfleld on Do. minion atty.—Bert Workinatewho has f _to , .0.,peit stay or GO in this visisity last Atter a few weeks' ViGit James Teoyee has returned to Briiisail-sairg to resainedbia duties eporator.--Itev. lab 113'st week to eoininenee daties as Oil Starlings. The new pastier, ltesa Mr, Hart has arrived and 'aeon- i7Se./ tiie pelnit on Sunday. He inacte ,vers'„fs.viarable impression o the vongrega,tton. • 'Oroniarty Miss Simpson of PitIde was a visitor at the borne of Tt3frovet.-41.fter onth's etray in New Ontario, Alex; Miller has returned to, town.--Airiong the many who left our- biirg on Mon- day for the West vve noticed: Mr. and Mr. . A.11"flodgert.of Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McKellar, limes Hamilton, Miss Jeseie Hamilton; Mrs. John A. Norris and Miss .TeSSite Miller of Ont. ford, fortnerly of Exeter. Met -'1r. Mc- Kellar and Ilodgert with their wives intend taking the trip right through to Oregon and will visit various parts in the new provinces on ,the way. They expect to he goneabout four months. The others will he absent about two months and will visitfriends at various paints' frona Winnipeg to the Rocky Mowitaine. We wish them on.e and all a prosperopsand pleasant jpurney, a good time in the promised land and a safe return to their home and friends. Stains joine McVey has purchased the farm of Jas. Berry, while Robt. Dalton has ;rented the farm that Mr. McVey has been pn from Mrs. M.Drake for a term Of years. --Mrs. Davis of Harrington is a visitor at the home of her ,parents,' Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Barbour.—Mrs. Sel- ley of Seaforth, is here visiting I2er daughters. —The circuit eicnic, on• Do- minion DaY, which -was held in Burn's grove was a decided success. Rev. Martin Wilson, a fortner minister on this circuit, was the speakerfor the oc- caeion. FATAL ACOIDVNT- ---Thie week it be- comes our sad:duty to record the acci- dent which occurred a mile east of this village on Sunday week. Mrs. Hugh Norris and sister, Mrs. Morris, accom- panied by the latter's little 7 -months' old 610-ita wej.e out driving. All went well (ilia "their return home when Mrs:. Morris alighted to openthe gate, when the horge waded bolt and dashed through the orchard. Mre. Norris and the bebe were thrown outethe former receiving slight injuries but the little one was so badly hurt that concussion of the britin resulted and, it passed away about tnidniglit the same day.. Mr. and Mrs; Morris have the heart- felt sympathy of the entire community in this their sad bereavement. Xt. Carmel. Vincent Quarry of St, Michaels Col- lege, Toronto, , is spending his well earned holidays' at his home here —A number from, t his locality enjoyed the lake breezes at Grand.Bend on MOD., day while others took in the sports at Centralle. —Wm. Doyle, after a four eeare' absence in the West Is home on vigt\" :U's many friends are 'glad to gree Idea once mores—The follow- ing seholats in Miss Clifford's school wrote at the en trance examinations at Paekblil last week: Nellie Ryan, Kathleen O'Brien, Julia Stewart, Mat jury Guainan, Agnes M'cOarty, Frank Guinan; John Sullivan, Charlie Glavin Atones Hill, „Patrick McCarty. We wish one young friends every success. —Ms p AngE la ,Quarry left Thursday for an extended visit to Toronto. Her sister, .Mis4 Margaret, of the Normal school, London, intends,tahing charge of the Alt, Carmel cboirduring her ab- sence.--jno. Barry had a barn raising a 'few davs ugo which was well at- tended. -.Thos. Rowland and Thos. Hall were captains but Owing to the unfavorable Wes tber it was well on in tbe evening before the stemeture was up. 'I'he former's side, hdweverwas the winner. The affair elcieed with • a dance in the evening. ° _ ON.. Tk. quality That Counts. , The great prizes of life do not fall to °OW moot brilliant, to the _cleverest, to VW shrewdest, to the most long headed or to the best educated, but to tho most level headed men, to the men' of sound- est judgment. When a man is 'wanted for responsible position his shrewd- ness is not considered *5 important as his sound judgment. Reliability is !what Is wanted. Can a ms,n stand without being 'tripped, and, if he. Is thrown, can he land upon his feet2 Can he be depended upon, relied UPon 'Soar all circumstances, to do the right tilairt. the Sensible thing? Has the Sisal a level head/ HO he good bora' SOW Is . he liable to dy oft on a tangent or to "go off half cocked?" Is bto'reddyl" Vas he "wheels in his head?" Does he loge his temper eafitlY or can he control' himself? If he es,n keep a loyal head underall circus - stances, If he cannot be thrown off his balance and Is honest, he Is the nut Wsuted.‘.-Suceesul. . liteteminee Army, Ifs,ny, Indeed, Are the curious crIs- toms eonnected with the Russian • lays vrriter in. a London jot* nal. rot Instance, none but giants ate allowed In the Preobranhenski :OW regiment To the tamallows .regiment none but fair min are a4. witted, while a turned up nose to tilt qualifying adornment of the 1'avr1OW guardigt; The Guards chasseurs, on *I Other hand, aro composed exclustrely Of dirk hatred men. Then; t00, tire distinction- between °Mem Or the guards and those serving in line tee. Merits is most Marked, a guard lieu. tenant until recently taking prece4e/101 0Yer A captain of the line. Plotter - More tho pay Of Imfantry °Alters In line reglments Is ludicrously *mall. Mid the Infantry prieates lot is Oul bette, be imagined thandeseribed. Provincial loan of $39 000 000 (4017FRNMENT OF THE VINCE OF ONTARIO. under the authority of Chapter de cif the Statites of Ontario, 10136', invites aubseriptions from the public fer a loan of $$.000.01Y) orbonds of the Province of Ontario. itated 1s1; july; 1003arid payable, $11;56o,000 on the ist July, 101. $1,500,000 on tile let July, 1936. with coupons attached fee interest 'at the rate W 86 per cont. per annum pay- able half -yearly on the lst 'Jacniary and the lst July in each . year at the office of the Provincial Treasurer, To- ronto. tionds will be of tiae denomina- tions of $200, $500 and $1,000, and will be payable to bearer, tut on request will be registered in the • office of the Provincial Treasurer and endorsed as payable only to the order off -certain persons or corporations, and on rm. quest of holders may be exchanged for Ontario Government Stock bearing the marte rate of interest The issue price during the month or July, 1906, will be pia-, and after the 31st July, 1906, the issue price will be par and accrued interest. ,= ALL •BONDS AND INSCRIBED STOOK ISSUED um:ma THE AU- THORITY OF THE SAID ACT ARE FREE FROM. ALL ONTARIO PRO- VINCIAL TAXES, CHARGES, SUC- CESSION DUTY AND IMPOSI- TIONS WHATSOEVER. Purchasers of amounts up to $1.000 will be required to send certified cheque with the application. For amounts over $1,000 payment for sub- scription may be made in instalments 10 per cent. on application, 10 per cent. lst August, 10 per cent. lot September, 10 per cent. lst October, 10. per cent. lst November; and 544 per cent. lst Decemt ber, 1906, with privilege of paying at an earlier date, the interest on i.ristal- elient subscriptions being adjusted on lst January, 1907. , In the event of ally subseriber for bonds payable by instalments failing to make payment of subsequent instal- ments, the bonds may be sold and any loss incurred will be charged to the purchaser in default. Forms of subscription (when payable by instalments) may be obtained on ap- plibation to the Treasury -Department. This loan is raised upon the credit of ,the 'Consolidated Revenue Fund of On- tario and is chargeable thereupon. All cheques should be made payable to the order of -"The Provincial Treas- urer of On ta,rio," and subscribers -should state the denominations and terms (20 or 30 years) of bonds desired. A. J. MATHESON, • . Provincial Treasurer. Treasury Department, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, 27th Junes 1906. Newspapers inserting this advertise- ment without authotity from the De- partment will not be paid for, it. 101711011 For an engagethent ring a diamond is 1)y ail olds the nicest and best you can give. It is'always worth a,imuCh US the day you bu3,- it, be- cause diamonds are steadily goingiup in. price. Then it gives the wearer that re- fined appearance which you We have some very fine rings on hand and you will do well:to see them. We got them before the recent rise in price. We are quite up-to-date in all other lines that are kept in first -lass Jewellry Stpre, IVIARCHAND Tb Jeweller EXETER, 'ONTARIO Fullerton: Airs. Harry Morrison, . who recently underwent an operation for appendicitis, is recovering, Mitchell; A pretty wedding took place at the home of Mrs. F. E. Nugent on Wednesday, when her daughter, Miss Luella, became the wife of j. Schneider, of the firm of The Couch ea Schneider Co. Ltd., general mer- chants, Mitchell. The ceremony was performed by Revels. Rogers and How. son. Miss Lucy Couth played Lohen- grin's wedding march. The bride and grc..22,12 were unattended. How's This..? • We offer One hundred Dollars Reward for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Catarrh Cure, • F. J. CliENEY & Co., Toledo, 0. We the undersigned.haVe knoWa P. 3. OheineY for the last 15 years, and believe hint perfectly .honorable in all business transactions atkd finapcially able to aarry out any obligationsgmade by his firm • WALtnue, ItissAs A; litAnnw, Wlaolesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting di- , rectly on the blood and mucous surfaees of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 7.5c, per bot- tle. Sold,b3r all DrUggists, Take hairs Fatally Pills for Constipation. I t! F', ,prorommomoL001.1....1. . 1. If you don't want sick poultry, keep 1 sr -7 them under ;I Paterson's "Wire -Edge" Ready lioofing I VVI3H OUR OWNER , VVOULD USE PATERSONS VVIRE EDGE ROOFING AND KEEP 1.I5 DRY' Leaks and dampness are bound fo creep in if you roof the buildings with shingles or PATERSON'S WIRE ZDO1t " makes roofs air -tight, water -proof and fire-proof— and lasts a lifetime. It keeps baths, chicken - houses and tool sheds always dry. Cheaper than, shingles. You ean do the roofing yourself. Our booklet tells how. Write for it and a free sample of the best roofing made. hardware dealers everywhere have it or Will get it for you. PITMAN MFG. Gt&Lirnited, Toronto and Neatrenl curious Industry in h01116- nf that provinces In. China is the manufacture of mock money for offering to the dead. The pieces are ,only• half the Ilse of thenreal coins, but the toad aro 'Supposed not te know 'the \ difference, • The dultivey coins are made out,ef tln hammered to the thinness of DaPert Pad stamped out to the SW required. bo'nia4e cheery and warm with spire, healthful heat if you'have a ",Sunshine" furnace. " shines" in many other ways °Voir coramon furnaces. " °:111:::::":0'81d7hi,aldreall neiej:y" furn* swillanirrintwiik, danaysd oaki • Is , easier to ()petite, cleaner, ,:use less fuel and . 4 • I 1 0 • I a Two shakers are used to Shake.the heavy, triairiolar- . shaped_ grates. This just eat* the work otshaking- down in half, beskIes boing OWN* On tb0 ftnliagOo than the old one -shaker style. Sold by enterprising deal. ora overyvithere. li;6Idet free. - tnNMtli TOACI,M. McAirklUt. WrIITMEN VASNYOVEN0 71AVirrag. T H wk r ; Son Sol n ,