Exeter Advocate, 1906-07-05, Page 1&ellen/Aim. .that theoegh the Aavo- tee'ru you, reaeh more . people theez. through eny. abet,- channeL ViIlege ee doe- , a, .ee, • y seat, ietieeat exeheuged fee P4.31 at eteetinable etereniieeieo-, Apply - !Jr Ei';11-L One .Dolltuis Starts the ball rolling. If you earn, a small salary and save part of it, you are betteioff thairhe who earns a large salary and spends all of it. Take out A Deposit 33ook With us you will like it; an independent feeling always possesses the man who is thrifty and saves; we credit interest quarterly on savings acc'ts. The Sovereign.Bank of 'Canada.' Put your money in 0, place where y'aie can get it when you want it. 30.8. snr,th Mitnager at Exe er, Creclitop, and Dashwood. ,11,1 THE s CANNING FACTORY. seems to bean the talk of the town just now, and a good thing it is. Let us htseee ft canning factory or any Other industry that will improve our condition. Some etee, "Oh, the cost!" Well, we can't have these things without cost. There are these who will pour cold water on any and everythhige but, pleased to say, they are few. hat about Bros.' Store? We never had a finer stock of goods thao we have to day OUR Si.1111.1VcPR GOODS of the very best quality and latest styles. ee - Oor goods are a guarantee that We always keen the best. We have a few of those choice waists left, both in silk and lawn., e Gloves, Hosiery, Corsets -foil assortment. - „ Give ma ball and we will use you right. 4, Promotion Examinations. I Following is a result of the promo- .. ,.• ea tion exanairettious in the Exeter Public., School: ' Form IL to Form IIL-jr. Teacheret Course, 60% to pass, 70% foe honors: E Taylor 80, A May 72, G Thomson 70, E Willis 66.. Jr. Matriculation Couree, 50% for pass, 70% ter honor*: 13 Stone - roan 70,.M 13obier57,, E Goetz iv, From Jr. Div. Form II,. to Si. Div. Feral II: At johns 58, / Rowe 57, J Walker 543,,F Foss 56, L Coultis 54, M Ilawkies 52, L Martin 51, L Rehneer 51, 13 Mar- tin 51.-A. E. Dorrington, teacher. Regular Olass to Form II.--(11otiors) I Handford 75, 13 Mack 71, E. Collins 70. (Pass). 13 Amos 69, L Mulholland 07, L 13irney 67, K Stewart Ode g Jones 05, j Oestricher 05, L Godwin 03, E Down 61, W Huston Of, 14 Sanders 00$ B Elbwey 60, L Hodgert CO. Cornmer- cial Diploma, (Honors) af Cameron 86, M Quance 79, 13 Welsh 74, A Howard 70. (Pass) E Bissett 65, A McCurdy 60. A, F. Chidley. teacher. Promoted from Sr. III. to Jr. IV. -- P Godwin 72, 14 Rowe 69, L Grieve' 69, B Atkinson 69.' P, odwin 68, M. Jew 53, 0 Welsh 59, E- k ell 07, II Ames 66, Fake Oa H Howe ey 02, W•Fuke 024 -Sweet OL M Da- vis 59, E Berckeroo 56, M Wendlancl 57, B Westcott Southcott 51, Jr, tile to Sr. III --0 Wood 73, W"Stewert 69, ll, Bissett 68, 0 Heywood 68, B McKay 05, R Dearing 63, C 'Pickard, 62, M Jewell 61, W Buell 59, E Shaddock 59, L M revue 58, F Brock 57, G. Taylor 57, M Acheson 50,- E Brock 50, D. Hall 51,` ' y ,Oreecht-51, L Shell 50, E Taylor 49.5, • - H. E. AValroisd, teacher. Jr. IL to Sr. IL -E Hellion 81, 13 Walker 80, L Ford 76, It Flynn 74, E Balkvvill 72, E Mitchell 71, L nut-oblate:1 70, E Harvey 69; V Knott 68. 0 Ander,. son 67, Pa Davis 61, A Beverley 58, May, • Brimacombe 56, Sr. II. to jr. 11 1.- A Jackson, R Ballewill 81, V floulcen 79, I Hardy 78, W Heideman 70, M Carling 75, li, Wood79, L Treble lit 0 Dearing 70, r Shaddock 69, M. Hoot - den 08, 0 flocigert 68, It McPherson 67, ,/-1 Snell 66; M Sutton 65, le Taylor t 64e V Rowe 63, G'Marshall 62, Al Bagshaw 00, M Qaance 59, GeDelve 57, V. Elie-, ..,, terbrook,55,,,E.DinettY,-54t --e,e'eeeerae-e Anna E. Martin, , teacher. ., Jr. IL to Sr. IL,,,,e(ktradet VI -)-- 4 Seldon 96,M, Janes 88, L. Harvey 87,• Al Gardiner 87, B. Quance•84, I Sweet 81, A MacKay 70, 'N Jones 74,-R Rowe 61. Jr. IL, (Grade VII.) to Jr. -• IL (Grade V1.)e-j rollick 58, E'Boweel 56,. Elsie A. Al eCelluin, Teacher. - Jr.- II. to Sr e 11.e -R, Viewing, ,82, F, „ Rowe lee ,INI Knott 074 W Manson. 67, A. Mack 65. E Welsh 04. let L. (Grade VII.), to Jr. II; (Grade VL) -E Day SS, J Russell 53, T Clark 52. , toi' X. Jeckr.'etit teache . . Ilighe4 price paid for Produce -Butter 18, Eggs 16 Look to, yott, 'haying tools, and,see if your are ready for that very busy Season of the year. • . We are prepared' to sell you any tools you may need, .-such as and Forks, Etc., and Nve especially emphasize HAY FORK We are showing.the blst quality of British Manilla Rope • • The price is 15c, per lb. 5. per cent, off for cash. „ Binder Twine: Don't neglect to leave your order early for Binder Tvvine. We have 3 tons of the celebrated Plymouth twines for sale- 110 other is quite so good -prices guaranteed. COWARD 85 CLARKE Winchelsea DR. G. F. ROULSTON, I...D. 0,, D. D. S. „ „115 lEtiki 111ST Member of the It. �p. S. of Ontario and Itonor Gradnate of Toronto University. , • Teacher Wanted ' To teach S.S. No. 5, Morrie, 131 ni1e et of Exeter. Personal application and a Maio teacher preferred. Apply to • Joshua Heywood, See,Treas, Exeter, 1.0, OFFICE: Over Dicison & Carling's Law Office; in Insure Against Wind. Dr, Anderson's fanner Dental Parlors, -_.....-- . . The Huron Weather Insurance Co., with, head- . - quarters- at Zurich, has been started and" as I have roe a. Be ,Kneseteete L. D. S., D. D. S. been appointed tgent for the ToWnship of Stephen, Honor graduate of. Toronto Univeristv. I am novv prepared to reeelye risks. . .1. G. Was, 0rdit011. DENTIST, eeth extracted without any pain; or any bad, effects Office in Faniion's Block,, west side Main street, Exeter. ° Medical. r. MALLOY, M. 13. (Tor. Univ.} MEURER 21.• College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. Former House Surgeon Toronto Western Hospital. • Successor to Dr, J, .A. Rollins. Residence: net on first street forth of office, teeter, Ontario. . .11.0504i1 nicoox & °AMINO, BARRISTERS, 8OLI0/. telt , islotaries, Conveyancers, Conunissionere, 'Solicitors for Molsons Dank, etc. Miley to Loan at lowest rates of interest. Oilices, Main street, Exeter, L, Dielifies 0404100, violin. TO LOAN. W1tVe slog° amount of private tenet to lain` ell earn and village propertieo 10 low rates of Intel. est. 0M44..liMA1& STANDURY,, parriltre„ SoliciloresMain at., Xxeter On WANTS :TO MARRY A reskicat ift a. neighboring 'village. about lilty Jeitrs Of age with elnle itleatiN withes to communi. cat. with 4% Duly of about 0.1711d Sige *Ith it view to marriage. C011ittlitIniations with *tamp eneleited t to this receh etteotiOn. LLOYD P. 'JONES " 00(41410 and Choir Muter of litethodiet t March. Teacher -Piano, Organ, Voice, Harmony. i Satan inethrele, Moroni:Phnom ae, WANTED: by Chicago wholesale aud mail order house, aSsistant manager (man or woman), for this county aud adjoining territory. Salary $20 and expenses paid weekly; expense money advanced. Work pleasant; position permanent. No investment or experience required. Spare time valuable. Write at once for.full particulars arid enclose iielf-addressed .enveloped. St/iPERINTENDENT, 182 Lake St., Chicago, 111. ' - • ' - - - ' • • FARM FOR SALE firat.claSs farm, Let 5, Cori. a, Usborne, contain. ing100acres, with good under draining. On the premiEes are a good frame house '20x30, kitchen 12x 18; frame barn 28x50; bank barn 26xtift; granary 21x 24, all in good repair; 1 are of orchard. The farm i8 811 miles item Exeter, wire &school on the lot and it church opposite. Price,$V)00, half in molt and bal. mice on mortgage, or otter coralitione to suit intr. ehaser. .Apply to Matthew Reiland, Centralia, or to • Robert Reiland, Exeter, „, FOR SALE Ono Otthe best &nue no the London, north of Ex.1 et -r, containing 100 acree;00 Poxes of ,which tinder cultivation, 10 scree first.eiass hardwood bush, Tide farm is it thoroughly up-to.date one, fine brick /route large bank barne„ all in good ropier; wdl watered, drained and '.'ll foneed, g00,_ d erotism, and. .10 tittuded (merit 51*'very beet rartningeommumbefi in the Provinee of Ontario, and convenient to both Exeter and Iteneall markets. Tents are cagy. For further particulars apply to Messrs. Dickson k Chiang, Barritters, Exeter, Oat. Money To. Loan. have piivete toe& te leen on farns and *illage properties at lowest rNtes of intermit EltNEST 1.1,4410T Olke op'. iito'Oetttral Hotel, Man -at., Exeter School ROOM. The following is a report of S.S. 1, Stephen, for the month of June bas- ed on good conduct and general pro. &lenity, - Sr. Department. -V. -W Hodgins, E Windsor, 11 Duplan. 'Sr. IV.-eM Hepburn, Jos White, A Robin- son, 0 Wilson, G Essery, 0 Wilson, L Robinson'F Mitchell, N McCurdy, M Elliott, GIlogarth. IV -H Hicks, E Sims, M Elston, A Duplan, J Dempsey. Jr. Essery, R Wailis, M Bayn- haneM °elites. • Sr. III. -B A.nderson E Wilson, n Windsor, E Baker, F Davey, E- Oallfris,EtDavey, R Coins, H White, N. I:lean-mow Minnie Botterill, teacher. • The followingtare the names of the' -pupilstin Khiva school for the month of June. Names in order of merit: Sr. IV. -Dora Kraft, Bennie McCann, Milton Rate, Harry Yearley, Jacob QeeeineLavina Rall3OVer, Lillian Haiet. Jr. IV.t-Olias. Gower, Edmund Kraft, Georgina Hartinare Charlie Regier. Cunningham, John Wil- helm, Tboines Yearley, Maggie Han- over, Flossie Hartman Ella 'Wilhelm, Clara Jacob. II. -Harold Gower Lima, Finkbeiner, Lew IS Johns, James Ma- vviiinney, Joseph Regier, Roy Johns, Roy Betz. Sr. Pt. IL -Gladys Ma- whinney, Francis Flynn, Elsie Apple- ton, Arthur Hanover. jr. Part II. -- John Cunningham, Wilbert Hartman, Veronica Etanover. Pt. L ---Milton Jacob, Irene Mawhinney, Gordon Ratz, Peter Regier. Average attendance 62. Earl D. Campbell. Teacher. Ili The Exeter_Councils Council met Saturday !eight per call of Reeye. All members present. Min- i -des of previoas meeting readand con- flemed. The Reeve explained the ob- jeet of the meeting, namely to consid 01'in conjunction with the officers of the Exeter Canning and Preserving Co„ the preliminary agreement be- tween the said company and the cor- poration of the village of Exeter. Mr. Dickson, the town's solicitor, was pre- sent and read the agreement, which proved satisfactory to beth council and company. rtike-Treble-that the agieement as read, be adopted wed that the Town's Solicitor be andas hereby authorized to prepare 0, suitable By -Law tie, be sub - witted to the reteptiyees of the village of Exeter if the agreement. AS read, he propeily signed by the Reeve on behelf of the corporation, and the Presiderit and Secretary on behalf of the Exeter Canning arid Preserving Co. -Carried. e Ceeech-Treble-that the following named Ire appointed Deputy Iteturutl ing officers in taking the vote re cane ning fa etory Ward No, 1,11. N. Creeeh ; I No, 2, INS. Weekes; No. a. 10e. Davis; No. 4, H. E. Iliteton. Treble -the following 11Mfl. ea be appointed Poll Clerk:: Ward Ni. 1. JAM. ()remits g No. 2, W. D. Weekes; 8.L..0.Vincent; No.4, John 'White.. Creech -Puke -eclat the Council ad - Jour SALA DAY AT CENTRALIA. The annual strawberry Festival in eenueetion with the Metliodist.Charch held on the parsonage grounds Mon- day will go on record asoneofthe most suceeeeful in tile history of the church. The weather was ideal and a Jarge evolvi-t gathered froon far and, near. Thew wae abiludanegeof strawber- riee and cream and other choice deli- eaciaa Provided and all in ettendance were delighted with the dey'e pro- gram., The usual games and sporte were•earriecl out, which proved an le- terestiog feature, particularly the tug - of war between two teams cboseu b Mr. 'Wee Ilielgins and Mr, Henry Mills and the dog race in three heats. These were very keenly contested and caused considerable excitement, The Oredi- ton 13rees Band was present and did mach toward brightening the proceed - logs. The concert in the evening was 0, (Ming' conclusion to the day' e pro- gram,. the Imperial Male Quartette of Loudon furnishing a particularly bright and intereeting program, at whietili. large number were.in attend- ance. The elocutionary selections by Miss Kate Elliott *ere admirably ren- dered and brought forth much ap. plariee. 0n the whole it was peobahly the beet entertainment ever given, in the ellurah. The total ptieceedsof •the afternoon and evening amounted to about $200. Following is It list of the sports and prizewinners:-Boys race under 12, IL Pahner„ A; Duplan; girls race under 12, Florence Beaman, Olive 'King; -boys over 12, 0,, .Witeeth, R. Coughlin; girls. over 12, Pearl' Bissett, Eva Wetzel, M. °elites; Wheelbarrow race, J. Sweeriete and C. Swayzie, Geo. Rieke and Hervey Ricks; potato 'race; 0. Rieke, M. Southcott. a Hicks; nee - die -and -thread race. J. Sweeny, T. Munroe, Peeey Windsor; backward raett, T. Monroe, Me Sonthcott; three. legged -race, J. Sweeney and O. Sway. zie, Wm. Witrreo and 'W. Luker; La- dies race. Lena Sweeney, Mrs. J. Law - sore L. Kew; Ladies contest throwing baseball, Minnie MaYnhato, Lilly El- liotaLyde liandford; ran hop -step -And juMp, E. Gower; 37 ft 6 in.; N. Bell- ev,004., 36 ft.. 6 W.; tug-of-war, W. Hod - mat team; _hundred Yard' race, J. weatieeataeUteleetee,ra,,Sevatteite e doge race, Herb Mitchell, Fred raerhalla The baseball Match' between the Oen+ tralia and Mooresville teams resulted in a victory, for the home team of II -4; *aod the•gitmein the evening 'between Exeter and Centralia resulted in a vic- tory forthe home team by a score of 0 to 1 - OntraIia. eeetved a big package of Jap- 'flueee- China -last the thingfor wed- ding presents--Cbaeltonts Fair, Exeter.' Wae. Moffatt hue started to move his hotel to the Duiferin House proper- ty, John Pateley and Miss Brock of London are visiting at the home of Frank Hicks. -- Mrs. Alex. McGowan, accompanied by her two little,, sons, after a pleasant :visit with her, sister, Mrs. A. Brooks, retarned to her home near Blyth Monday evening.-Missee Sadie McGowan, and May Boyle of London spent the helidays with friends here. --john Parsons, we are • sorry- to state, continues very few from. this neighborhood went to the Bend on Sunday and Monday last. -Miss Maud Porter has completed her duties here as teacher in the school end left Tuesday morning for her home in Clinton. She ,was accoinpanied by her mother -who spent a couple of days in our midst. -Miss Kate Elliott has re- turned from London. -Mrs. French of Clinton "WAS here visiting her sister, Mrs. W'rn. Elliott, during:the week. -- Miss Lydia, Finkbeiner, Ceecliton; R. McLaughlin, Rodney. and R. Huxtable of Hamilton, spent the holidays at -the horne of J. Huxtable. -Miss A. Ilux- table, who has completed the millinery season' at Rodney, has returned for the holidays., Crediton PRETTY WEDDING. the 'month of lune when all earth is decked with gorgeous colors of ficeivers, foliage and ferns, the youute irianti fancy turns to thoughts 01! love ---evidenced by the many weddings which tire takiegplace weekly in and arotind Crediton. Thie week we ate called 'upon to pen - the pleasing event which took place 'tVednesday, June 21, at the home of Mr: Jas. Laraport, evheo Mr. David McKetrick of I.46/1f1011 claimed their charming daughter, MiE40 Cora, as his bride. At 2 ;0 cloek the beide and groom, accompanied by the bride's sisters MSS Molly, and the groone's brother entered the parlor where Rev. Andrew" tiedthe emptial knot in the presence of only.a few WOWS. The bride and 'bridPsmitid displayed good taste in -their wedding gowns, they be- ing attired in white and carried beaufi- ful boaquets. The company thenre- paired to the dining worn where a dainty and appetizing wedding tea was served. Many beautiful gifts were peesentel to the bride from her friends Who held her high in their es- timation, and who are indeed sorry to eee her going so 'far away. Mr. and \Mrs. iticKetrickleft Saturday for Lon- don, prior to leaving for their future home in the West. The best wiehes of all accompany them and may their future be oue long season of happineee raid prosperity. XiSS Ada -Sibert, .who hare been vis- iting he,' aunt, MIS, Sattl Brown, the past month, returned to her home in Platteville Tueedity.-Mrs. lames Bill spent a few doe i in London, during the week. -Mr. Feed Kerr sustained a broken hone in hi o right ankle on July 2ted While playing leieelei irkton. 1 The irijury ie painful and will y him off Work for a time.- Milifil It' g and Mise IVIarehell of London ere the gueets of Mififl Annie 'Yearley leet week. - -The sehoot chised for,.the Roue - fuer holiday. on Friday'. IViiets Far. row, one of the, WI, teachers for the past yeer, hag decided to give tip teach'. mg. Parents and 'children are loth to part with ber' 13 ntie wile a pp! eaiN -teacher. During her sta-y (-MACAW US she has won maily friende by her mai- eble dieposition and we are sorry to learn that she ite 16aving tee -Russell Huxtable of Harailtore Garnet Baker of London, said M Etnd Mrs. Francis °lark of Granton, spent the hi, in our village. -Dominion Day, paesed off very qatic41y. Our Band went to Oen- tralia and tarnished the music there. Oue haseball boys and their admirers. went to Kirkton. "The Tigers" of London were matched against our "Staite' and they were defeated in botb innings. The forenoou game was 10-8 anel the afternoon 4-3 in (ear fav- ote The boys pleyed a faultlees ganae throughoot.---Mr. arid Mrs. Thos. 'Wind of Detroit ere Viiiititig the forineite father, John Wind.-Sorne of our citi- zens are getting in their winter eimpiy of coal -Geo. Trellea and two nieces, the Misses Cawley of Detroit are visit- ing friends in our midst. -Miss Olive Turner, who has been the teacher in S. S. No. 2, sonth of the village. has re- signed her position. Miss Turner gave excellent satisfaction as a teacher and the children as well as parents are in. deed sorry to parte with her. We un- derstand she is aboue to take a course in the Normal Schooa Bwerocieteet Qw,kliaonahts been tailoring in . London has returned to town abd is again working for his old employer, J. IL Holtztnene We welcome Sol. back agaile-Mrs. John Wind and Miss Tilly Wind are visit- ing relatives in Detroit this , week. - Isaac and. Win. Hill have returned from Alberta where they went some tiene ago on the hozneseekers excur- siore-The Misses 'Moyer and Reader of Berlin are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Sam Br,o•wre-Bert Clark has been. do- ing the painting of the intei her of Han- lon & O'Brien's store. at Centralia. .Bert is a hustler and gives good satis- faetion RS a painter.-Jno. Foster is waking gond headway with the con- crete walke and is, expected to be fin- ished by next week. -1r. Ralston of Toronto is visiting at the Methodist, Parsonage. -Chas. Zwickeztaied Essery have each purchased rubber - tired rigs. • For hay forks and slings go to Sohn Charlton, ,Exeter, • A SueoEss.-The anniversary see - vices and strawberry festival of the Sunday School on Sunday and Mon - clay were a decided success. The' wee*, et was all that could be desired. On.Suuday•tw(raery instructive and • . effective sermons were ably delivered by Rev, A. W. Barker, 8.1ae Of Caine 'leatilee and. in the afternoon t be gave • ' thettabbeele Sehool an oterestiett ad- dress, s hich was further iinpreeeed by the well given illustrations by Mits. • Barker, also the well rendered duet by the two. At all .three services large crowds 'were present. The music by. the Choir and the solus by Ma. Barker Met with much appreciation, bringing to mind Wiled recollections or his good ework done among the people here some twelve,Years ago while a junior pastor of this circuit. The proceeds for the Sunday services amounted to $21. On Monday the Maud good time was enjoyed, some claiming that it was better than ever before. The pro- gram was of first-class order, - eonsist- ing of speechest'neusie by the'Elimville double quartette, solos by Rev. Bark- er - all good. The drills received much commendation and applause, be- ing well given in every_ respect. The junior pastor for the ensuing year, Rev. J. W. Johnson, was also present and gave a short but very interesting address. He comes well recommend- ed from his former circuit and we feel sure that he will meet with success in his labors on the circuit. . Financially it was the best anniversary the Sun- day School has yet had. Miss Phoebe Springstead of St. Marys is spending a short time with friends here. -Miss V. Miners of Exet- er spent Sunday and Menday here. - Miss Mabel Fair of Victoria Hospital, London, spent Monday here. -Fred Ford happened with a painful accident on the football grounds here .on Mon- day morning, friendly game was in progress when he and another young fellow came in contact with each other with the result that 'Fred vvas thrown to the ground, ceasing a severe fracture to the collar bone. On his reaching home medical aid was summoned and we are pleased to beer that, he is gettingalong nicely. -Miss Etta Kerslake visited Mrs. W Snell Sunday ana Monday. --Mrs. (Rev.) raie eireelo ie. ialeye 'with fiteweilo itt London.- -Marva Fair is writing off his examieations at Exeter thie week. We learn tbat he is also taking up the "Coopeethg" beisinees jeet Talaker and wife spent the het- idaye at the home of , W Coultiss- Miss Maud Fair is spendieg the boli - at her borne here. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Mr. Richard qaance was in London Monday. Maancl Mrs.Win.Treble were in Lon- don. over Sunday. 71 NESS May Gill of Fort Erie is visiting at her old borne here.' Mr.W.11.11arvey arrived home trove a trip to the West yesterday. Mrs. W. A. Gregory of Brantfoed is the guest of Mr. and itire. Thos. Gre- gory. Marchand is visiting in Buffalo while the tvvo girls are visiting in Port Elgin. Mr, and Mrs. A. Hodgert left Mon- day for the Northwest for &few weeks trip. Mrs. Richard Harris of Manitoba is visiting her father, Mr. James Willis, Exeter North, ' Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Cobbledick left yesterday to spend a few weeke in dif- ferent points of the West. • Mrs. Garfield Sheere and two child- ren are here visiting her parents, Mr. ar el Mrs. Wna. Mitchell. • Mrs. Jas. Dignan and Miss Winona Howard, accompanied by 1.13. Dignan of Toronto, left Monday morning for Sarnia, Port H01'011 and Detvoit. On their return they will -visit Brantford and other cities eaet- 'Several Exeter families have gone to Gand Bend to spend. July and Airgust. Among them are: the rowelis,the Mc - Canaries and the Mamas., Mrs. Collins Miss Bontbrou and Mrs. S. Fitton are also there for a few weeks.. Mr. °has. Dyer left Tuesday morn- ing for Clinton to enter the services of the Molsoes Bank. As a haedware clerk Charles was one of the best we have known, and, undoubtetily,h,e will be just as clever at banking. Pensi.ons Abolished. The clause regarding pensior's in the bill passed at Ottawa last year giving an increase of salary to mem- bers of Parliament, ete. has been abolished. The people showed their dislike so plainly that the Government thought it wise to bow to the will of the people. Me. Fielding in bringing in the bill to repeal the elause defend- ed the principle. and 'Said, .that the time- would yet come when the people would think it proper. r Gapesoe---Mxatana--At the manse, Or on June 27, by Rev. Mr, Cranston, Frank Gleason, to Miss Lani a, youngeet daughter. of Mrs. Mathew Miller, all of Mirchell. Moliaer-BARtens-At Ailsa Craig, on • 27, 3. McKay, of Ailsa Craig to Miss Hattie Barnes of Nairn. MOKETRICH--LAMPORT--At the home of the bride's parents, on June 21, by Rev. Andrews, Mr. David Mc- KetriCk, tikMiSS Cora,„ daughter of • Mr, James Lamport of Creditor'. SCHNEIDER-NUGENT-At the horne of the bride's mother, on June 27, by Revds. Rogers and Howson, J. B. Schneicler,to Miss Luella, daughter of the late Rev. F. E. Nugent, all of Mitchell. 3OHNi3TON-0ffrv-RR-In St. Marys, on June 26, by Rev. McWilliams, Wm. Johnston, J.P., of Blanshard, to•Miss Maggie, youngest daughter of Mrs. James Oliver, of St. Marys. MURCII-SUITH-At the home of the bride's mother, on June 27, by Rev. Kerr, A. Lorne'Murela, of Stratford, to Mies Sarah, daughter of Mrs. J. Smith of Clinton. • Murieton-Weeinsort-At the Baptist parsonage, on jute 27, E. Munro a Lieury, to Miss Windsor of McGil- livray'.n. GSON-At the James Sa Methodist parsonage, on June 27, lay Rev. A. H. Going, Mr. Nathaniel, Ogden of Whalen, to Mrs. Vina, Hodgson of Vsborne. ORAWFORD-Aucum-At Ailsa Ore* on June 30, by Rev. Spidell, .0. W. Qrawford' to Mrs. M. Archer of Ante, Oraig. The farmers who want the BEST Twine get the PLY1VIOUTH MAKE Gold Medal, '650 feet to the'pound Silver Sheaf, 600 " s, Our Stock is large and Prices are right. Ply Special1,500 " 7 WEATHER HARDWARE Coal Oil Stoll' 75e. to $6.75 : Hammocks 0.50 to 4.50 Ice ()ream Fr zors, 2.75 to 2.75 Hollywood Paints, a can 15. to 90 . - Elephant Paints, ' " 45o. to 801 Lawn IVIowers, . 3.50 to 7.501 tverything,in Hardware eaman) $ Hardware &Stove , . r