Exeter Advocate, 1906-06-14, Page 8SPRING SULTINGS we got in some swell Spring Suiting§ last vi -eek. Tttey ore light up to the nw. root ' Osats are two inchee longer than bat yeer, aud the lapel$ are so omuch treader and deeper that yea can't helP but notice them. • The vests are cat with five buttons. The pants are just a little pegtoppy. They are beauties elrighe for $15, VS and $20, mud no matter where you get yon can't find anything that will tit as nicely as they do. W. W. TAIVIA Merchant Tailor,- .tReter, Ontario liminess Locals Read Them Some of the 'most beautiful china articles one would wish to bay—at ettaiu..9rox's FAIR. Dr. B. F. Butler the notedeye speci- alist Of London will be at ,the Central Hotel, pxeter, on the following Mon - flays,, June 18th, July 10th. Hours 10 ra.. to 5 p. Turkish Scalp Food cures baldness, falling hair, removes dandruff, pie- aerves the natural color"and as a hair th•essing it has DO superior. 50c. a bot- tle at Cole'sDrug Store. Wanted. - A, good stout boy wanted to learn hardwire business.—W. J. Heanaan. ay Wanted. itay wanted to learn nierchamtile lpsiness. Apply to Carling Bros. qa,114es for Sale. George Chapman of Atwood will be, at the Centrai Hotel, Exeter, on Sat- • urday, June lfith, at 12 o'clock, with a bad of good, well-bred calves for sale. Nur Sale or Rent-. One- and one-half story residence in • good repair, and one-quarter acre Of tand. Good fruit trees and the best of water. W,11 sell cheap. Apply to Gladifian & Stanbury. Iteildinfr Stationery. Get year wedding invitations print - eclat the Advocate oifice. We have the proper thing in paper and in type lacesr, You Want the best so go to the ADITOMTE office.. WIIL'S.Institute. Public Meetings of the Woman's In- stititte will be held in Senior's Hall on lime 20th at 2p. m. and 7;30„ Miss Drincan of Emery and Mrs. Watt S of CliAton who ere sent 914 by the Agri. , T.P4A...tti give practical demonstrations in DomesticScience will be in attend- auce both sessions and give deriaonstra- . limo in the following subjects: Econ- omy in small things; sunamer desserts; care of hair, face and hands; hints for women who v.-Ork. All ladies welcome at both .meetings, •Silver collections Ito defray expenses Miss Halls, Pres. Mrs. Hastings, Sec. ulc'nEo ttle pco of No. c.,_,7nrany will go t9 cAtilil Sodom win hcki tiCtbr) Gran(113c,,m1 L'unCion on o.t 4.f,11t can. on Jnnol2asT. pany flezroctcd, E Tianclford shippca Cali' 1-)Ot'iC31 Ti10 4V3VOT4tY.:T 2 11O,n03y c1-4 WC5t WeinCAWB TOnnaZt, Dud the followlin-, L-e-,araling fiorrner Fxe, Dow akio shipped a 10,14. ter )1 C1 "A 41juzzo wccicling to0‘.• place We con.gratniate Mr. E. Eaerett 8::,,,,tnnlay afternoon at tile illatic30 on obtaimng houorn in his examination of tho Aclelaido Strcet 1.rbap0ist ChRreh, on first year mcclicine at Toronto. when Miss May Nelson le the . • 1cnflal3f1 Excter football teams brid° vit IlarrY Pierm played tit,garne here Tnesclay evening„ While we beautify onr gardens and reealting m favor of the vtors, M. rremisee we should not f rget onr re- visit to the Mafsouie ge zit Myth ou 's4 t D.,D. G. m. Diekson said otteeiae ativee and. rinde wha act peace e$t Them mere umun(1ful art Triesclak evataing. He Wee aacompani- 31111' eenlete'q than "Jere arc r"idellts t elieuld be kept in order. Now Miee A. Martin and Miss Joesie Dow, - • ,ofete tls -too poor to plartt 'arose above Jee§s. Senior and L. Q. FlemineasupPlied tiee reetipig peace' a a relative or friend. nht 001 llyzst Ids°, fotfreAtiltoryntdoe4rhiltorne%.heenic "hr,mae Fridayeu(iertrtg:me:vueoduf ttetaiii 9p, ciocanlf inteee acr'neot,r or et uf 3bet1 ; ion The *Masenic Lodge' will attend 41. vine service in the Trivitt .Memoriat chnfela on Sunday, Jane 21; whert the Rev. F. G.- Newton of Parkhill will conduct the service which commences at '2 o'clock p. in. od by w. w. Twomn. otUwt-t and it is fitting that our 811 - The members of .the ledges and the citizens generally will bear in mind that FiSday afternoon is Decoration Day. The success of the day. will de. pend upon you all and each and every. one is expected to assist. Members of Court Exeter, No. 123, L O. F. are requested to be in attend - ante at the lodge room at 10 o'clock sharp, on the morning of SundayeTune 17th, to attend divine service at the James street church. (i. Anderson, Secy. We are pleased to note that in the reports of Toronto Medical School we see the names of two former teachers of Eden,lkiessrs.Buswell and Hamilton, as being successful, the latter again succeeding in taking a place among the honor list. , London Conference. - The 'following additional changes were. made by the stationing commit- " Wingbam district--Ernsselsanstead • OrStephen Bond, E. G. Powell; Ber- G. Matthews in addition to Peter Iffy ers Whitechurch, instead of Chas. Bristol, Wellington A. Findlay; Beigrave, instead of W. A. Findlay, W. W. Rivers. Goderich district—Walton, instead at Will. Hari is, to be supplied; Londes- loom, instead of Ben. Clement, H: .E. Chrrie. . V/teter district—Exeter Main Street,. *stead of Wm. Godwin, E. 'A. Fear; Elinaville, John W. Johnson; Ailsa, Craig, instead of Archibald McKibben. IL S. Baker. • The chairman of these districts are: Witigham, R. W. Millyerd; Goderich, ..0t. IL Birks; "Exeter, A. H. Going. •Wee Gieing was ° appoiuted to the Sam]ot Examieers. Rev. Godwin goes to Ainherstburg and Rev. A. V. "kat, who takes his place at Main St., Iltzeter, conies from Aneiherstburg. Persons desiring to contribute to the maintenance of the lots at the ceme- tery may conveniently do so by leaving such sum as they wish with anykinena- ber of the cemetery conamittee, Messes. F. W. Gladman, W. D. Weekes,VV, J. Heamaa.or A. E. Fuke, or the town clerk,Nr. Joseph Senior,on Decoration, Day. TheLadies' Aid of the James Street Methodist Church met at the home of Mrs. Geo. Snell on Thursday afternoon last and presented one of their mem- bers, Mrs. Thos. Johns, with a beauti- ful gold brooch prior to her leaving to make her home in Point Edward. Mrs. Johns and, family left for their new home on Friday. Mrs. 0. W. Welsh and daughter, "Viola, left last week to join Mr. 'Welsh in Balgonie, Sask. They will reside there in future, Mr. Welsh having gone into business in that town. We wish them SUCCeSS. Miss Dot.Gillespie accompanied them., It is understood that Miss Gillespie will be married on her arrival to a Mr.Ogden. Mr. E. W. Horne of Milverton visit- ed friends in town over Sunday. He has recently been appointed manager of the new branch of the Sovereign Bank to ,be established in Stratford this summer. His many friends here will congratulate him on his rapid ad-. vancernent and will join in saying that he is worthy of the promotion. From the tone of a letter recently re" ceived by Reeve Bobier from a promi- nent G. T. R. official, it would seem that it is yet within the possibilities that the station may be built in a neore central location. The official desired 'to know if the town would grant a right of way. The council is now se- curing options on the land needed. A union meeting of the James street • and Main street Epworth•reeagees was leek.' at the latter church Tuesday • evening when the visiting League furnished Cue program which consist- ed of readings, a duet and a quartette, and the Main street League provided a lunch. Mr. P.,..Fra.yne occupied the chair. A pleasant evening was spent. liEW CLOTEIS FoR SPIIING 'SUITS ganadian and Import- ed.Tweeds, .Worsteds'i Cheviots and Serges Made up in tbeslateststyle yourlilt. Call and see how'WelI lean do for you. "everything in lifens' Smart r JO .}1 POW TWO% Exeter, °Otto W. H. Gregory,son of Me. Thos(Gre- gory of town,jha,s succeeded in passing the second year at Law in Toronto. He obtained honors and a scholarship of $40. Herb ranked seventh in a class of forty-five. When it is considered that he is the yoangest on the roll and several arggraduates of the university, his taking such a high standing ie the more noteworthy. We congratulate him. Messrs. R. N. Rowe and J. D. At- kinson attended the District Meeting of the -I. 0. O. F. at Blyth Tuesday evening as delegates from the txeter Lodge. Mr. J. G. Stanbury of Exeter was* elected District Deputy Grand Master. Mr. Stanbury is it young man of much promise iia„.0ddfellowship and. we feel eveSiiia- hat he will fill the office during the next year in a most creditable manner. Broke His test. Mr. Wes. Snell, who is acting as travelling agent for the McCormick Machine Co.'met with an unfortunate accident on Monday last Which will necessitate hie laying of duty for some weeks. He, in company with another agent, was driving in Brantford when the horse took fright and started to run away. Mr. Snell thought it best to jump from his perilous position and in dieing so broke hie leg. He wag at once 'conveyed to the. Brantford Hos- pital where the iiiitired little was dress eed and he is now doing ae well as can be expected. " Tao Horse Case in Court Considerable interest wastaken in the Elliott-Merner case tried in Town Ilan by Judge Holt on Wednesday af- ternoon of last week. .The principals in the case were VV. IL Elliott of Cent- ralia, and Jonathan Merner of Zurich. The former had purchased a horse front the latter, *paying therefor $100 in cash and giving a cheque for $100; shortly afterwards believing that, the horse was not sound as the seller had claim- ed it to be, he cancelled the cheque. The doctors of law and the doctors of horseswere called in,and such differ. erices of opinion t1V08e that the princi. pale must needs test the case before one of His Majesty's Judges, The hearing was commeneed shortly after noon and laeted until near midnight. Elev. oral' witnesses, among whom were Ave Veterinary surgeons, were examined, the evidence of senile of them faVoring the Elliott Aide and the othees the Mer- rier side of the case. However, the judge held that it was not proven the horse had navicular disease or coffin joint lameness, a common oaten of permanent lameness in the fore feet, when purchased, and judgment was Riven in favor of ikle. Memo, Mr. Et- liott to pay all coete, ground. Three innings were played when the rain interfered and the get= was celled. Theescore Stood 5-5 with the business team one man out. The game WaS very interesting, partienlar- ly for the regular team, who as an ex- cuse say that they_ were letting the other fellows down easily as a coaxer. But we fear tiny willeneed a little coax- ing to remain in the game after the business men get through with them next time, e Death at Jain C. amid. . The sad and unexpected news of the d ea th of John 0. Gould of Maitland street, London, son 9f Mr.. and Mrs. Richard Gould of Exeter, was received about tw4 o'clock. Monday afternoon. Mr. Gould had been ill for about ten days, being troubled with pains in the head which were probably symptoms of hemorrhage of the broin, but he was improving and expected shortly to be able to leave the house. Monday morning he seemed exceptionally bright, but shortly after one o'cloeiche suffered a relapse and died a few mo- ments afterward. Deceased Was 87 years of age and had resided in Lon- don during the past ten years. For some years he carried on a' tailoring business on Richmond street, and late- ly has been associated in the same bus. iness on Dundas street with Mr. Slater, the firm being known as Gould &Slat-, ere Six years ago he married Miss Lae cretia Collins of that city and she With two little daughters, Dorothy and Menaesurvives. Besides the above and the father a,nd mother two brothers and three sisters survive. They are Wm. of Manitoba,. Henry, Mrs. James Shapton, Mrs. Martin Salter and Miss Olive of town. Deceased was a young man of exceptionally fine character, straightforward and upright in every way and his demise came as a severe shock to his relatives and friends, ,all of Whom have the sincere synepatlay. of the whole cortmaunity. The replants were interred in London on Wednes- day afternoon. ,e ceniet'‘'ry meeting' committee. A meeting of Cemetery Committee was held in Gia.dman & Stanbury's of- fices on Monday evening, last week. Present, A. E. Fuke, Chairman; Mes- srs. Bobier, Weekes and Gladman.' The following resolutions were passed: Moved by Mr. Bobier, seconded by Mr. Weekes,, that the charge for cutting the grass on the 'lots with the lawn mower be $1 per year; Bobier—Weekes that an itemized report of the receipts and disbursements of the cemetery be 'printed and distributed with the fin- ancial statement of the village each year; Gladman--Weekes--that the caretaker be notified to keep the young trees and shrubs well watered and mulched and that the ox-eyedaisies be cut at once; Bobier--Weekes—that no persen bellowed NI place. any ox- eye &dela On the greVee as they have a tendency to • spread; Gladman—Bos bier—that it be left in the hands of Mr. VVeekes to procure suitable iron markers with the words 'Perpetual Care" on them to beplaced on the lots of those contributing to the Perpetual Main renance Fund; Weekes---Bobier— that the action of the Secretary in pro- curing plants for the cemetery be con- firmed; Bobier—Weekes, that no per- son be allowed to plant any flowers on the graves, but that those wishing to take plants in pots to the cemetery can have them placed under the supervis- ion of the caretaker. Some corrigs- p.ondence•wa.s read relative to the cost of a new fence and gates and theemat- ter was left over for further considera- tion.—F. W. Gladman, Sec'y. PROCLAMATION, Dii100.BATION IMXQ _ with the ret!tion f.iGned 1134.- Cri, VV. Zinr-.53,i. .. ',le, and -many otbcr3 the cilth-crla e2 131cter Z boyeby mo, thoAk71.,11NOON,OF Li b. 41317E1 lab. Iro A PUBLIal II01,11PAY, to he ealici ffa the rtnrr,Qe cg Giviaz the clecnt t,"eoictic3 a ettr eelseo and any .othcra may wi-.31-1 to deo% aoeppRztunity of dccuratirm the cNavc el thOW th:rir olkleado in the I.I;;Ote. ec:Ln6tery. A. Q. BOBIER, Eut614, Nay 1? -..1900.; •RBEVI,i1; Arrive4 at tast. The long loosed for 'ztatornobile ti Reeve Peltier arrie-ed Tuesday night ast about 10:30 o'cloelt 'from. Loudon, vhere it lead, been shipped from St. Williams. For some weeks tleie carry- all had trete expected hut fer varied reasons it did not put in an appear -- tune. However, it was „definitely klIQW11 that the "Infernal nattchine" would arrive sorue time Tuesday. As a consequence a curious crowd throng- ed,t he <streets awaiting its arrival and when it hove in sight considerable ex- citement prevailed. Short, free rides were given until something went wrong with the works andelt had. to be run into the Comneercial House table for repairs, eea'aterePseteStWattleiniisarelaisinetsWeeis 1 Death of Charles Perkin. On Thursday morning last the death took place at his residence on William street of Mr. Charles Perkins, one of Exeter's " highly respected residents. Ile was 73 .years of age. Deceased was. vit.-native of es onshu. e,E g., and came to Canada with his father When nine years old; first settling in Halton Coun- ty, where he lived twelve years, coming to Huron Counter shortly after his marriage to Miss Aineira Wilkins, who survives him and has thus been his life partner forhalf a century. -They settled on what is now the 4tb concession of ITsberne, when this dise Wet wee very, sparsely settled, and there made their home on the farm now occupied by their son, Charles IL, foe over twenty year.'"—Givirig up farming they Came to Exeter vvhere 111r. 'Perkins went into the machine business and some years latter evena into partnership With Mr. S. Martin hi the business‘nowecooductecl by S. Mar- tin & Son. About ten yes 18 ago he re- tired from active' biisiness life, aud-een. joyed good hi ealth n retirement nntil two years ago when he 'suffered a stroke of Paralysis and for it while WaS very low. Ile recovered, hiavevoiebut was strick& several times afterward:, and, al botigh he rebovefi,ed each time sufficiently as to be able to walk about. it w,as seen that his condition wits slowly hecoming rnoee feeble. Three. weeks ago lie became confieed to bits room altogether and froni that time gradually sank until relieved of his suffering on Thursday., Mr.' Perkins was a man of excellent *character,' a fond husband and loving,paint, while n a ill 1.11S dealing0 he tvas u !gilt and honorable. In religion he Was a Metb- odist and in politice a Liberal. Besides the widow, one son and six daughters survive. They are Chase fl. on the homestead: Mrs. (Rev.) 11 M. Buchan- an, Jarvis; Mrs.John Loadruan,Bitttle. ford, Sask.: Mrs. Thos. Harvey and Mrs. 84 M. Sander, iilIcet MI 1),Iro. Al belt JOIMSten, St. Augnstinta Aft s. Samuel Itowe,:exeter;a11 of whom have the sin- ceresympathy of their many friends. The funeral took place from his late residenee,William Stieeto on SattnelaY off ernnon, to tine legeter ceruetetiontl was largely atteeded, PERSONAL. - oviassoaseitsakeatoute.sokaagago Mr. James Walters is in Torouto on business. • • * Mrs. T. Hawkins visited in Hensall this week. Mies Morlock spent Sunday and Mon- day in London.. Miss Muirhead of Toronto is visiting Mrs. B. Mekins. Miss Lilly Welsh went to London on Monday to reside. Mrs. D. %Dia visited relatives in Seaforth t week. Misses, a leson,and Sharp visited in Louden over Sunday. . Miss Violet Willis of Marlette,Mich., is visiting friends here. Re.v. Mr. Fowlie of Erin spent Sun- day with With relatives here. Mrs. D. French is visiting for, a few days at Mrs. Alex. Dow's. Public School Inspector Torn is on duty in this neighborhood.. . Miss Leighton, milliner'has gone to Allenstone to reside with her aunt. Miss Florence Day of London is spending a month at her home here. Me. and Mrs. Geo. Willis of London spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. McCallum. Mr. J. N. Howard left last week for London where he will be engaged for a few weeks. - 'Mrs. Locke of Boston is the guest of her sister, Mrs. T. We Acheson, at the Central. Hotel. Geo,Harton and wife were the guests' of Mr. and Mrs. Jno.Shute,Kirkton,on Sunday last. • Miss Graham of Dashwood visited Miss Laura Jeekell,London Road North over Sunday. Miss Elizabeth Penhalearrived on Tuesday from Vancouver on a visit with relatives here. - - County Warden g. Speakman was in Goclerich for a day or two this week on County business; Me.' W. J. Fanson of the Municipal World staff, Sa'rhomas,spent Sunday with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Taylor of London are visiting thelatter's parents,Mr.and Mrs. Davis, Exeter North. Mr. Alfred Bowey left Saturday for Wienipeg, where be will work at his trade, mesoulng, during the summer. McTaggart, son of Mr. Pi Mc- Taggart, ITsborne, is with his brother, Ernest, at Blytb, learning telegraphy. Mr. Fred Willis returned to Marlette Thursday. He was accompanied by Mr. James Dearing and Missies Lillian and Birdie, daughters of Mr. T. Boyle. Mrs. (Dr.). D. A. Bowerman and her daughter, Genevieye, of Menomonie, Wisconsin, are visiting the former's mother and sister, Mrs. Torn and Mrs. Yee. "Mrs. R. H. Collins and daughter, Katie and Miss Kate Bonthron attend- ed the•wedding at Ilensall on Tuesday of Miss Rose Yungblut to a Mi. Falls of Pittsburg. ' Mr. J. Carder of Rutland, Ver., at - rived Monday on a visit to his aunt Mrs. Samuel Buckingham. He had been attending a convention in Phica- go and Called on his way home. Messrs. T. Hawkins and N. D. Hur- don were in London on Saturday where they waited on the Bishop of Huron regarding the, securing ,ofe minister for the Trivitt Memorial chuech made necessary by the resigna- tion of Rev. R. J. M. Perkins. The Bishop submitted the names'of four ministers to the dele ittes. Froth these the new rector will be chosen. ciditiondl Locals on page 1, SEEDS We have a full fitock of John A. 13rnee & Co. Gov- erment tested seeds. Cali and examine before you . purchase elsewhere. N 0 E We are. agent for the American Binge -joint fence which will withstand, sudden and severe pressure from contact with ;animals or otherwise, without bending the stays, the fence springing back to placQ the instant pressure is removed. Call aud see our samples and our prices, INTS We •have the Sherwin-Williams Paints in all colors and shades, which covers the earth, Call and get a paint card. . T. HAWKINS & SON. 14154.1` htr•4.' Forilitore We will offer our entire stock of Furniture, comprising Kitchell, Dining Room, Bed Room, Drawing Room, .and Hall Furniture .also many odd pieces and Rockers, at a great reduction, Call and see the manST- bargains we offer. RaViTE ATIKINSON The Leading Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors. - JONES JONES & CLARK PHON.B NO. 32 White Lawn Blouses We bought a job lot of white lawn blouses at a very low price. They are assorted styles in size 82. Regular$1.00 to $1:75. Sale price 50c. each. • • Fancy. White Muslims White fancretripe and barred muslin, very nice for children's dresses and pinafores. Regular 10 and 12,ic. Sale price 8c. ' Insertion and plain striped muslin, suitable for ladies' or children's wear. Regular 15c.• Sale price 10er -4 Shirting • 6 pieces of shirting, light and dark blue stripes, extra heavy. Good value at12c Sale price 10c. a yd. ,•IV1en's ,Li.n.en Hats As a neat, comfortable. bot -weather headgbar the linen hat is a leader. We have just sorted up and can offer a full range of styles and sizes. Price 75 arad 85c. Still on sa,le—regular $1,00 shirts for boys—to Oear at 50c. Store closed at 00 o'clock each evening, excepting Wednes- . day and Saturday. Headquarters for the celebrated, W. E. Sanford Clothing, A WO '44 AN'S DELIati T 1,4 al wit s: -s e,:pi;e(1,4:41 if she i pleasea. Let, herviir, up drug store and', see the e1gtt1t iine of 'r')nwr SOAP, ANIS • WATER eatae. end Nile, vt ill he tr.ore than drligh tea. We invite yon to soe t ern while ey'ro fresh (wetted. Sneed; rd makes tcl delicate odors in evail. 'the bigh- t grades are 1(i'sv i n DriCt., , ebentiet and 00icion. • txurrtit• Immo m, S. }1OJJ, Pf$111 hite Lawn Blouses ,Cine of the largest arid best offerings in White Lawn Blouses this store has ever shown. Speciql offering at ':15 " " " $1400 5 • " 1.50 " 2.00 ball and get an early choice as they 'certainly go +vie ELL if; 'EQWE