HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-06-14, Page 4„ ; Dasliwooqi Ratisi0 aveee (.. illiljatat ji4rIst'lliii:re'..tItif:r 411;.;e1 Vsborno Council, 8 Rp egal r izief 1 I E If Yon sree VARIS cs'REI,.'N, HEL- LEBORE,. INSECT POWDER. and all earlier CeSIIMICIDES a utzti..,qown s.atiality„ y•our tittl [Ind serevey hag War_.3/Cd. 12 yen buy yells. INSP4OT KILLER I At Coles Drug Store ,you can depend upon the quality.. PARES GREEN . We sell only Berger's English—always reliable. e HELLER° E Guaranteed pure and fresh. INSECT POWDER Ground from the unopened birds of the Persian Chamomile. We pay for the ben and get it and it will pay you to get the same. Costs no more than the unreliable ----AT--- COLES DRUG STORE • Exeter, Ontario Where Qtralit4 is: Everything, tkzeiettic boorate, Sanders ee Creeob.' , Props. ICIIITIRSDA-Y, JUNE 14, '06 Shipka Jno. A. Breen and Harry Whig Sun- dayed in Zurich. --Simon Sweit r was - in Dashwood Sunday.—Chas. Baum- , garten's daughters of Battle Creek, _Mich., called on him last week.—Don't 'forget the Civic Holiday to -morrow (Friday.) --Isaac Gower has finished painting his house which adds greatly to the appearance therof.—Miss Kate `O'Rourke of Bay pity is visiting at her 'home he/ie.—Mrs. James Kinney of Blake spent Sunday here with her par- entre—An accident occurred in the mill here Tuesday whereby the engi- asee ,r Matt. Sweitzer; narrowly escap- ed With his life, it being the blowing -out of one of the valves in the engine. (Too late for last week) . ....Thomas McCa.n n spent Sunday at his '-home in iihiva.—Miss Hilda, Shink re- • turaed to her home in Creditoa after spending a few days with her uncle, Fred Gaiser.—Quite an interesting „font bell game was played On the grciunds last Saturday among our own boys.—Jacob Geiser left last Saturday. efor Cayuga to visit friends and vela- ' tives.—Misses Jennie and. Maggie Bax- ter of Loudon are visiting at the home of their parents here.—Henry Wing . sold his fine driver last week.—Hauling egravel seems to be the” order of this eweek.—Sbipka intends holding their 'Civic Holiday connected with the school picnic on the 15 of June. illvery- cone should celebrate this day, Don't forget the date. „ Usborne The annual Peoples Picnic WAS held in Wm. Kernick's grove, which is an Meal place for a picnic, in the after- • moon on Friday June 8th. The day did ,not look very favorable so the crowd • did not gather until about three o'clock. However, a goodly crowd were in at- tendance and before long the usual sports and rues were going on in which a great interest was taken and ..enjoyed by both young and old. At the conclusion of the races all sat down to the supper prepared by the good ladies present. After supper the crowd watched with interest the fast and ex - "citing game of foot -ball between two eteams which resulted in a tie. The 'heavy thunder shower which was ap- proaching dispersed the crowd more -quickly than they otherwise would Ataiedone,but all left with the impres- . Alma of having spent an enjoyable af- ternoon. Great credit is due the com- mittees for the way in which the 'ar- erangements were carried out. Mr. Wm. Down, who has been cone - spelled to move around by the aid of -.crutches, the result of an accident caused by a fall einem weeks ago, is im- Droving and it is hoped he will soon be able to. discard his supports. ---Wm. Horton of the 4th con. raised a fine =barn 49x80 on Thursday last. The new • process of raising timbers which is by vopesewas adopted,thus avoiding a ccid- ents which are so common on occasions of this kind.—During the eleetrical and rain storm on Thursday night last Mr. Sohn Cole's barn on the north bound- ary was struck by lightning and while not much damage was done it was a - close eall. It struck the lightning rod and completely destroyed it and also tore up a peice of -the building. Bay at Auction? air At iny rate, you seem to be getting rid of it on auction -sale principIeS: "going, going, g...o-n-e 1" Stop the auction with Ayer's Hair Vigor. It certaiplychecks falling hair; no mistake_ about this. It acts as a regular medicine; makes the scalp healthy. Then you must have healthy hair, for natures way. !rho bort kind taittitaonial "NOVI "for Oitar aortsr yesa.roW btt.0. .*r(1s, thanttlisetarileils Of • AAPSAtiAlltittA. PI', it Sling peesente—Charitoree Veer, Faseter Vounell met as C'etertOE Revieion June 2, Ali mernbere• presenS and ewora. There sikeste ,13 appeals coneidered, and after carefully corns paeingeseeeerraests and thoroughly: ins veetigating 0301 conaplaiat, tiro .fo1. lowing had the 'iseseeenrents rearmed SlOnleacin—Jae. IL Atkinson on build - urge, DeRichards. J.H.Roach,T,Rycla man, Geo. SanalIaeolube, J;ina W. Welsh on lead, '4 Tew income assess- if/lerittl were corrected alld the balance of the appeals disMiesed; The ,Roll WAS careftilly exantinede, the assees- ments as revisedi confirmed; and the court adjourned. Commit then met. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. The Reeve and Treasurer were authorized to borrow on their notes as required, Money to meet the expenditure on the Washburn Drain. By-law No. 6, authorizing the bovrowing of money to meet current expenditure of the eorperation: and By-law No. 7, auth- orizing tbe borrowing' of. money for Washburn drain ex'pPuditore, were read, passed, signed and sealed. Fol- lowing accovuts were passed: Wash- burn drain $42Q; Elimville drain $500; general expenditnre $124.75. Council adjourned to July 7, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. F. Morley, Clerk. McGillivray (Intended for lastweek) SVEDDINGS.—The borne of Mr. Jas. Henry Hamilton, 12th eon., Was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Wednesday, May Mth, when his sis- ter; Miss Emma, became the happy bride of Mr. James Patching, of 13rine- ley. The bride looked very sweet and dainty in a handsome costume of white silk and carrying. a large bou- qaet of cream roses. Miss Laura Lewis of Maguire, also in a costume of white, gracefully discharged the duties of bridesmaid and the little Misses., Elsie and Irene Atkinson, arrayed in white (nieces of the bride) made very charm- ing assistants as ring -bearer and flow- er girl. The groom was assisted' by his brother, Mr. J,no. Patching,of Port Huron. Mrs. Bloodsvvorth played the wedding Mar& with great skill, while Rev. J. A. Bloodsworth of Artists Craig performed the interesting ceremony, which was witnessed by a large com- pany of the relatives and friends of the yonnecouple. After the congrat- ulations the company repaired to the dining room where all seemed to en- joy themselves keeping tithe to the sweet music discoursed by the Flotson String Band. The presents were nova: erous and useful and testified to the high esteem in which the young cou- ple are held in the comraurrity. Mr. and Mrs. Patching will reside in • Me- Gillivray.—Another of our young lad- ies, in the person of Miss Margaret Lavery was recently married to Rich. Sothern of ,Tor onto. This '.wedding took place at the home of the tbride's sister, Mrs. Harris, Niagara Falls. We extend our heartiestcongratulations to the newly wedded. ones and wish* them every happiness and prosperity. tidd ul Oh,. , PRESENTATION AND ADDRESS. — Mr. and Mrs. Thomas .Morkin who have been residents of this locality for the last twenty-five years, have moved to Elginfield. On Wednesday evening a number of their friends and neigh- borsentet at the home to bid them fare- well and spend a pleasant evening. During the evening the corn eany was called to Order. and Mr. and Mrs. Mor - kin was called forward and present- ed with gifts, the fortiter receiving an upholstered arm chair ani the latter a plush rocking chair. The 'gifts were accompanied by a well -worded address. Mr. Movkin in a few well chosen' re- marks thanked the donors for the to- kens be and his wife received and as- sured them it would be with feelings of kindness that be and Mrs. Morkin would always remember their old neighbors. The rem Mader of the ev- ening was spent in a social way. WEDDINGS.—A.• very 'Vretty event took place on Wednesday, June 6,. at the borne of Mr. Wm. Turner, Sauble line,%when , his only daughter, Miss Beatrice Maud, was united in holy wedlock to Mr. James Betrry Hamil- ton, of the 12th con., of McGilliyeay. Ati pan. to' t he attains of Mendelsohn's march, rendered by Miss Simpson, the bridal party assembledon thela,wn under a beautifully decorated arch, from which ' suspended a large bell, and the marriage ceremony was per- formed by Rev. Mr.Ittreey of Kirkten, in the presenc&of a large company of relatives and friends of the bride and greorn. Mr. IL S. Hamilton of Toron- to assisted his brother and Miss Susie Ounningba,m of Brineley was brides- maid, while Mr. Turner, father of the bride ably performed his part. The yoiing bride looked very dainty and loveable in a,costume of white silkand (Pi i tied a large bouquet of white carna- tions. The bridesmaid was attired in white over pale blue and carried pink carnations. After the happy couple had received the heartiest congratula- thins of those present all repaired to the daintily decorated dining room and partook of the bountiful repast there provided. The metal toast, to the bride vvas very ably responded to by the Ssrobne After spending a couple .of pleasant hours with their friends the young ' couple took their departure amidst a shower of ride and. good wieh- .ea. Tito presents deserve special men- the, aa they fax excelled the ordinary. Aft et, their return they will be at borne 1 to their friends on the Hamilton home - .tend, McGillivray. --A very pretty ea dding was solemnized in St. Pat- riek'S etturch, When Mr. and Mrs.Wm. McGee's youngest daughter, 3!iliss Mag- gie, became the bride of Chris. Murray, a prten i nen t yo tin g farmer near ForeSt. The ceremony was performed by, nOlf. V abet. MeMenatain. The bride look - i' ' ed Charming in a gown of white silk with wreath and *ell flIld Citrrie4 a 1)00111,4 of lilies of the valley. She WAS attended by Miss Msggie McGuire of tt &ford, raw wore 4 10407 tires* of vAtite organdy with hat to patch. I Tilr' gifts were numerous; and eoetly. Titoy 10ft on the 'afternoon train for ',Oliva° and other eastern points. We , oiti with the many friends in wisitina* those worth,/ conples long and happy wedded live& On There -day Lest while Adam .1134k V.L19 a*sibtfingat ellSeieg reete hie farm in some uneaconutable 'Marmot' a bac deeplaw eeeitek. Liar with tOra ibk forenor 111)C,, left side of 143/ciee, break.. ing the bows in s lower McLanghlin was celled arid reduced the fraeture tn LoW Mr. MI k, is doing as well as can be expected. although he wilt mit Ire,,able to ale any work for about a month.--Thiriag theteerifie atom °Terris -lay evening last the barn of Mr. George Eeinbarre,,b, of the 14th coneeesion, Hays was etraek. by Iiglit- ngndnds his little, boys, being in the stable at the time, one of there,: a lad about 12‘years Jof twe., was instantly killed by the lightning. The limeral on Sandayafternoon waa largely at tended. MUCII syeapathy is feltfor the bereaved family inbis their very and and severe triah—Rev. L. H. Wagner of Berlin, P.E. for this district, con- ducted the quartely meeting services here on Sundays preaching both 'morn - and evening.—Mr. E. P. Paulin of God- erich spent Sunday with his family here. :It is his intention to move to Gotlericli in the near future.—On Mon day night the Latherian congregation met at their parsonage and gave Rev. Ellert and family a pleasant surprise prior to his leaving for .his new field of labor. 'Rev. Eifert has ministered to this tongregation for the last nine- teen years faithfully and well and the coagregatime generally have appreci- ted his work. His equal will be bard °to find.—The village trusteeehase pro- claimed June 20th as Civic Holiday and will hold a picnic on that day. No doubt this will be the pienic of the sea- son for the people in this vicinity.—On Sunday afternoon a committee was appointed to make arrangements for e annual Ohi1dren'S Day Festival to be held in the near future.—Miss Lily Roffman gave a birthday party to her little friends' on Monday afternoon. The little folks all seemed to thorough- ly enjoy themsebes—Justus Wagner is rebuilding his veraudah on the front of hie house. The many friends of Rey.' Mr. Clemens 'will regret to know that he is not making • that .progress toward recovery that Was hoped foe,— John Willert sold a fine matched team one day last week. • Woodham Each returning Jane reminds us That the flowers are summer's pride, And that chief among the blossoms Is the blnshing,'blooming bride. The borne of Mr, . and -Mrs. James Shipley was on Wednesday thronged with youth and beauty, age and mid- dle age, svho.hard asserable'd to partici- pate in the wedding festivities, it. be- ing the marriage of one of Woodham's Most popular ladies. We refer to Miss 00ra May Harness, daughter of the late Isaac, Harness; who gave her heart and hand to William Douglas, a.popu- lar blacksmith of Stratford. The home was beautifully decorated with bunt- ing and flowers while in the parlor an arch had been erected, which was ar- tistically decorated with evergreens, w4h a bank of ferns and flowers. As Mies McDonald of the Thatneh Road was rendering the wedding moth the beide was led to the parlor by -her step- father, Mr. James Shipley, where the groom awaited her. She was followed by her aunt, Miss Maud Harness, who acted -as bridesmaid, while two little girls, Gretta and Philippi Harness, daughters of Ed. and John Harness respectively, tripped along, each bear- ing a ,basket of flowers. The robe worn by the bride was of chanspa.gne silk, trimmed With all-over lace and in- sertion, and she carried a shower boll-, qnet of white carnations,- roses. and. maiden hair ferns. She indeed pre- sented a very bewitching appearance, and as she was aware of the feet that she was the cynosure of all eyes of those•present,eVinced remarkable com- posure throughout the trying ordeal. The bridesmaidwas similarly attired to that of the bride, her bouquetbeing of pink carnations and ferns, while the flower girls looked like little fairies in, frocks of white silk. The 'groom's brother, Thos. Douglas, did the duties of best mars, while Rev. McTavish of Granton, was the officiating Minister. At the conclusion of the ceremony the usual' congratulatiOhs were extended to the happy couple, after which the company, to the number of one hund- red, repaired to the lawn, where tables had been lavishlv spread to serve the wedding feast. When all had satisfied the inner man the usual toasts were proposed, after which music,s8args and dancing wereindulged in. The young. bride was not forgotten in the way of gifts, but space will not permit us to enumerate them, suffice to say they were numerous, costly and handsome. Guests Were present from Stratford, London. St. Paul, St. Marys, Exeter, Elirnville and merry other points: Mr. and IkIrs. Douglas left the follow- ing day for their future home in Strat- ford. followed by the best wishes Of all present and we are only voicing the sentiments of the entire community when we says we wish the young, cou- ple every happiness and prosperity, through their journey of life.. - An IRVi Rag Prospect Nothin better fo r ° r )linvitIrt t n QIIvzi meal of moOnev'S Perfection • Cream Sodas Mooney's Biscuits are an evenly balanced, vvholesorne, nourishing food, equally spod fOr young and •old. Made from Canada's finest wheat Sour, rich cream and pure butter. Baked by the. Mooney baker in th Mooney way. Say Mooney's to your grocer. Undoubtedly the best Ivewecl ou the tontinent. ProVed to oo so by analysis of four cbernists, arid: by awards of the world's .great bitions, especially esureeao 1893, where it received ninety-six points out of possible hundred, much higher than any other Porter in the United States or Canada. CENTRAL Kippen The Foresters will hold thew prom on Labor Day instead of June 22nd, while St. Audrew's Sunday School will hold theirs on June 19. --Rev. Urquhart attended the General Assembly meet- ing at London last week.—Mr. and Mrs. Donald McDonald of Manitoba, were here last week attending the fun- eral of the former's brother, Gilbert McDonald.—Mrs. Dinsdale, who has been very ill, is slowly improving.— Rev. Urquhart preached anniversary services at Cromarty OD Sunday, and Chas. Mustard of Brucefield -took the work bere.—Mrs. John Anderson and son, Wm. have returned from their visit to ellfichigan,Peter Gillpatrick, who bas had D. O. McLean's farm rent- ed fol. some time, has purchased same. —Mrs. Phillips of Sarnia, a former resident of this place is very sick at her home. Her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Cud - more, visited her last week, and re- ports,her as recovering. DEATH.—An old resident of Stanley, near here, passed away on Wednesday at the age of 75 years. Deceased had been in failing health for some auinths but bore his sufferings with Christian resignation, He was a native of Scot - lend. coming many years ago to this country with his parents. Mr. Mc- Donald was a man that was highly es- teemed by all who knew him.- In pol- itica he was a life-long Liberal and .a Presbyterian in religion. His wife died Some years ago: and one son and two claughters„are leftZto Mourn his demise. The" funeral took place on Friday. The Huiman Barometer is the urine. Where there is a constant desire to urinate—vhen the urine is hot and scalding -- it means Bladder Irritation. If the urine is cloudy, highly colored, or offensive—it indicates Ipdney Trouble. Ileed the danger signals. "rake THE GENTLE KIDNEY PILL "Bu -Jun stintulates and strengthens the weaken ed, clogged, overWorked Kidneys to healthy action—and heals and soothes the Irritated bladder "Bu -Ju" cures. We guarantee it and you can get yourmoney . back,. if "Bu-ju " disappoints. • All druggists have "Bu -Ju t',, or will get them for you. . • • THE CLAYLIN CHtfiNICAL oo, umrrto • winsome. own , "97 00 1105110 el' fit; The Great Baldish Reatedae Tones and invigoratee the where nervous system, makes new lood in Old Veins, Owes Nero. ans Debility. Mental and „Oran Trewry, Des- pondency, &xuai Weakness.E1708810718, Spa', matorr and Erects of Abuse or Excesses. Pride Sl per box, sixfor girif(1430 will please. six will cure. Sad. by all te or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of ce. New pamphlet maiwiree- "rho Wood OlOcIlloIne 00. (formerly Windsor), Toronto, Ont. ' armarmiiiiWaramiftioismo DaSliUO Fllrillillr Store. .E WANT YOV To underStand that we have now in our ware - rooms one of the largest and beet assorted stocks of Furniture ever show» eto the people in this section, Wohave all the latest goods and hav- ins; bought them at close figures we • will sell at OLOSII.1 rtiosis. Vitindow Shades We ilitVe a splendid stock of these in latest styles and varied patterns, Sowing Machines • . We have the agency for the Williams Sewing Machines, aektiowledged to be the best. aby Carriages, Mt°. Do you want a baby -carriage, go-eat't, or little ivagon for your boy? We • bap.) themnd a)7ou can get no batty. THORNTON BAKER We Wive Everythingiu 11ou urniture-- Curtain Polos and Trimmings of all kinds. STE3 ATFO Fl 0, ONT. Our classee are much largerthan they were a year ago. The public have learned that this is the best place la the Provinee to obtain a Commercial Educa tiettor Shorthand Training, Students are entering each week. All graduates get good positions. Write now for catelegue. ELLIOTT & 11IcLACHLAN, Principals. :I '11°11111111 7,411111111111.111111::111.11."11.1:SCTIIIIY: a alligairk*°' retrr & TInt IiIliVE-STAY Fence la bait •„„ joil:W111111:1111°111111117:4:111°111111:ory—Athilli.l4111.11:51°:111".117e16.rmilitlySgaitlygiainSI:ile'lli:1171:d the strands aro all 111011 CARBON, hard steel. It glires no annoyance. Illustrated cataloguo froo—Ilvo agonta wanted. al I 11 I FENCEIN ll W.J. Iteanian, Agent; Nervou4,13iseasedifiren DB$. K. & K. ESTABLISHED 26 YIEA,RS. - Consultation FREE. Quation Wank . for Home „ Treatment,• sent Prices Low No Curen No Pay. A NERVOUS WRECK • ROBUST MANHOOD WO GEM/1'6=100 to. Cure Stricture, -Variceoelo, • Nerirous Deblillx. Blood Poisons,' Vital Weaknesses, Kidney and Bladder nisi. cuttiseis,-*antif AV Disoptses Peculiar to Men and Women, Don't waste your time "and motley oa cheap, datt`gerous; experInfental treatment. ' Don't increase at younown cost your sufferings by being experimented on with rem- edjes which they claim to hj ave ust discovered. They give but temporary relief. Ent come to Its in confidence. We will treat you conscientiously, honestly and and restore on, to health in the shortest possible time witii the least medicine,, die- contio0 and expense practleable. Each case is treated as the symptoms luditate: Our New Method is original and has stood- the test fel' tweaty-flve years. • c, DTR011ir, Mfg% 12 THE . REQLSONS EA (InCb"rpoxated by Act of Parliament 1850 • Head 0Mce, - Montreal, s: Oilpital Paid Up •'• • • $3,0000000 lioeserved Zutd•-• • • • • • •*. . $3;000,000 FORTY-EIGHT BRA.NCHES, IN TEE DOMINION OF CANADA , - EXETER BRANCH OFFICE HOURS 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to tp. A GENERA!. BANKING I31JSINBSS TRANSACTED. Fitrmer s Sale Notes cashed. or collected, Forms supplied -on a.pplication. DRAFTS on all.points in the Dominion Great Britain and `U`nited, Statee bought and sold at lowestrates of ExCharage. AD,VA/sTOES made to Farmers, Stock Dealers a,nd Business Men at lowest rates a.nd on most favorable terms, DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed p site of SI and upwards received. Interelst corn. Saving Bank Department' ' and December 31st. 0 poun°ded half -yearly and added to principal lune 30th Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. - *Dicicsor & CARLIN% Soliottors. D. IfURDON, Manager, MOE NE FERE olio PLOWS VEN.OING We have just received a Carload of Page Wire • Fence, 6 to 9 wires high, for 33c, andup per rod. This is recognized to be the best on the market, PLOWS 'We handle Perrin Plows and have' just received a carload of walking, rid- ing and gang plows made by this reliable firm. Lumber, ghiniles,Lath, Cedar Posts, Sash, Door, Frames and all Building Materials. —Water Tanks-7— BEHflTES Finished or in Knock down,„. always on hand. ir Highest'price paid for Saw- • logs ofevery description. \Custom sawing promptly • attended to. Estimates cheerfully given. The R0,63 Taylorco,;ittdf Pxoter, Ont. P. McISAAC a rashwood • Agent for the SylveSter and retain i1osv.Companies Exeter Ontari. Marriage Licenses Issueti at the i ADVOCATE OFFIV