HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-06-14, Page 111(.56CEACT thq,
theengii the Amee
CAT YOU rearigl mom
people than through
()thee channel.
ts *told,
fee 3 r<i
e0111tilii-i4i))., Apply
;See -nee -nee
1,°° Opens an Account
ePeoole who ge to the Bank regularlir audedeposit apart of their
&irralogs. get somethiog more than exereifie.
the money Slaved. they are laying the foundations upon which
a fortune may be built. We credit
Interest quarterly ip our Savings Departinent.
The SovereignBank of Canada.
PI your money in a place where you can get it when you warit it,
JOS, SNELL, Manager at Exeter, Creditor), and Dashwood,
We carry one of the finest, op -to -date stocks of'
r -
in the tewn, both in Metes, "Boys.' and Youth'. The quality
and styles the latest, and as cheap as the cheapest Just re-
eeived a consigaament.of these goods to day 'Come ad inspect,
them and convince yourself that what se say we do. Another
thing we would say not two or the prices foe the one article.
Cure** of new and natty TIES, -FANCY SHIRTS, in soft and hard front's,
are up-to-date and at prices that will please you. "
We carry a full line of Dress Goods in all the leading cloths,
Venetian, Broad -
:Cloth, Tweeds, Eolieaties, Crep.e de Cherte, Codede Sol,
Cashmeres and Lustres in all the leading shades.
-That we have in stock Silk and Lavin) Waist's
DON'T FORGET that have no equal as to price, style and quality.
You cannot help buy. Prices very reasonable.
We Still carry the celebrated "Astoria" Shoe.
Ilighest price paid for Prothice.1100....„
rook to you haying%tools, and see if your are ready . for
that busy season of the year.
We are prepared to sell you any tools you may need,
such as Hand Fork's, Etc,,, and we especially emphasize
We are showing the lnst quality of British Manilla Rope.
The price is 15e, per lb, 5 per cent, off for cash.
Binder Twine: Don't neglect to leave your *derearly
or Binder Twine, We have 3 tons of the .eelebrated.
Plymouth twines for sale—none otheris quite -so good-
, teeraressaoura parties.
• Metaber of tire IL 0. 1). a of Ontario and Ironer
Graduate of Toronto Univereity.
OFFICE:, Over Dickson & Clarling's Law Offiee,
Dr. Anderson's former Dental Parlors.
litaiDR: A. IL KINSMAN, L. D. S.", D. D. s.,
Honor graduate of Toronto Univeristv.
Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects
Mee in Pa:aeon's Block, wear -aide Main street,
Modica/ <,
Aal. MALLOY, M. It (Tor. Univ.) MEMBER
College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario.
Former House Surgeon Toronto Western Hospital.
Successor to Dr. 3. A. Rollins. Residence: East 98
first street north of Office, Exeter, Ontario.
• 1.4eigiti. '
DICKSON & CABLING, BAiiinsantis, fi Math -
tor, Notaries, Conveyaneere, Cormnissioners,
Solteitors for Molsons Bank, etc.
, Money. to Loan at lowest rates of interest.
. Offiees, Main street, Exeter,
It, )1,-. 041,11sa, li A., L, IT. Drexson
ItriONEV TO LOAN. ......_, ,
. '
We be;ve a, large amount of private tunas to loan
'0 n I Ann altd village properties at low rates of inter.
tot, 1
Battistero, Solicitore,Main ste Exeter On 1
- • Motley To Loatt.
haver private funds to loan isti tam 4nd village
properties et lowest rates ofpittgiA rum
Office opposite rennet ilotet Itaba•St., Exeter
".14LOYD P. 1()N1S,
orgiot.t*nd Choir Master Of Mitchell\ Methodist
Olurreh, Teacher—Piano, Organ, Voree, Itantiony,
Modertintethode. Thotonvances
WANTED: by Chicago wholesale and 'Mail order
house, assistant manager (man or woman) for this
county aud adjoining territory. Salary $20 and
expenses; paid weekly; expense money advanced.
Work pleasant:position permanent. No investment
or experience required. Spaio time valuable. Write
at once for full particulars and. enclose self-addressed
SEPERD,ITENDENT, 192 Lake St., Chicage, 111.
For Sale.
That well drained. well improved and truly up-to-
date farm, being composed of Lot No. 11, in the 7th
concession, in the TownShip of Biddulph, in the
County of Middlesex, conta fling 160 acres of land.
Situated on the premises are a good 2 storey brick
Junto, bank barn 90x40, eement• .hog pen, wind mill
and good young orchard. This is truly a most desk.
able property, well supplied with water, convenient
to aditiot and churches and one of the most improved
farms in the County of Middlesex. For further par-
ticulars apply to"
Whaler/ P, O. • Barrister) Etc',, Exeter.
In the matter of the estate of Thomas
Welsh, late of the Village of Exeter,
in the Coenty of Huron, laborer,
deceased. •
N'otiee is heroby given pursuant to Sec. of Chap-
ter 129, of the Revised Statutes ofOntario. 1807, that
all ereditors and others having claims against the es-
tate of the said Thomas Welsh, who died on or
about the 14th day of May, 1006, are requested, on
or before the
25th Day of June, 1906
to cood by post prepaid, or deliver to Messrs. Glad*
men AD Stanbury, Of the :Village of Exeter. Edict -
tors for the Administrator of the staid do-
tetteed, limit chtistiat names' and surnames, ad-
dresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their
claims, a statement of their accounts and the eature
of tee securitio at any) hold by them. _
And further take notice that after the day last
aforeeaid the said Administrator will proceed to die.
tribute the asSets of the said deceated among the
parties entitled thereto. having regard only to euch
claim of whieb notice :dull have been given sof
above required, a (.1 that the said Admini trator will
1 not be liable for t 6 said assets or any p it thereof,
to any pereon oe persons of whose el Juno notice
shall not have been received by them at the time of
much distribution.
, Solicitore for '
30I1N WELSH, Adminietrator.
Da (4 •at lrtcr, tias 28th day of May 1006.,
be Farmers' lustitutt urea -moll
Court of 'Revision
Mr. and Aire.' nese Milvei ton are
The a-nnual meeting- of • the "South I The adionyrzod'Cohrt ef Revision at Several of our young folks, speet Slime
— vieiting Host Ilia, of the Cential.—
Unroll Fratriacnq Institute was hell h the rtAlt fi I itEt on Monday, Jame 11; at
Mimes HEM, Hens* en Monday of 8 p.tn. Veieeent, Mesi o flohh r,Rea-
lea WeC,k. There was a fair attend- nein a,ntl. Tre14e, aud Mr. Flakecame
ance. ,Reports. showed the Institute in latex. W. J. ileaman—Ed. Treble
to be in good financial standing. It that Mee Debiee take the chair. The
Was recommended that the regular and minutes ef the last meeting were then
su pleme tary Institiate meeting be read and confirmed. A. E. Fiike—W.
held as usual for the commune.' year. J. Ileanein—that the following names
The following *rectors were elected he aolded to the :iseessment roll: Gen.
for the current year: l‘WkorSillibh-,— Rouleton, Fred Hector, Wm. Scott.
P. -Kelly. lames Paterson, R. 13. Mc. Ernest Coombs, Ernest Flynn, Fred
Lean, 'Fleury Horton. ifsborne—A.
Mitchell, Pealadge, R.Ilunter, 3, Alli-
son. Exeter—Ed. Chrietie.--StePhen
n. Sanders, J.Kellerman, W. Lew..
is, Stephen Webb. Hay— E; Gies,
S.B. Philips, R. Turnbull, John Elder.
Smillie. Stanley -
Rb Snowdon, Thos, Fraser, W. Mur-
dociaJohn Xetehen, Bayfield—D.Mce
Naughton. Seaforth--M, Y. McLean.
John Moir and Wea.Mouteith,usborne
were reappointed auditors.. iAn inter-
esting part of the paoceeding6 vvas the
demonstration on judging of horses
and cattle by Prof. Arleen of the 0, .A.
C. Much ueefol information was thus
gained. The new board of directors
met after the judging and Mr. W, D.
Sanders was elected ,te the office a
President in tbe stead of Mteli. Elorton
who desired to he relieved of the office,
Mr. B. 8, Phillips w3f3 elected 'vice-pre-
sident and Mr. Rebert Gardiner wile
reelected secretary -treasurer. Mr.
Sanders will make an exeellent pre-
sident. He is a young, active men* as
progressive fariner and has for several
years been a memben of the board of
directors anis thoroughly conversant
with the duties pertaining to his new
The Exeter Council,
The Council met at the close of , t.he
•Court of Revision, June 11, All pre-
sent ,but Councillor Creech. Minutes
of last meeting read and approved;
Mr. Wire -Davis waited' on the Couni-
cil with regard to .securing fan outlet.
for dealt) on Market street. :„Treble—
Fillee—tha t the town supplyeaecessary
tile and Mr. Davis do the work—Car-
ried. ' , .." Mr, Knight end Mr. John .1111tehell
• :Mr".• Oarlipg appeared on be- the statical. A horse, belonging to T.
half of •the Athletic.' organizations of E.Handford was somewhat injured by
felling debris et the Willett farm. .
- Near, Orediten fifebarn of Mr,. J. IC.
Schroeder was badly demolished and
Port Of John Morioeles barn was un-
roofed; • •
The previous Monday wae the :snot-
siehiSary cif the big wind Storni that des-
troyed F. Triebnee's 011 Jas,Sbeepton's
barns last, year.
dey the Bend.—Our Band hco been
engaged to furnieh the enisie for the
2nd of July celebration at Centralia.
The Methodist Chureh Supday eeboel,
as well as the Jeannie of Sectieps 4 and
G, held it union picnic at Grand Bend
(yeeterday) Wedrieuday.—Will Yourne
U1(1 Richard Baker of London were in
the village this week on busineee.—Ila
Brown has returned flame after a
pleasant visit with friends io Berlin
Ilifwleshew,,Veneet Holum% leSeott. and New Harnburg.--Dan Oastreecher
Thos. Lufroiee-thirried. There being has purchased a fine driver front
app. 'i. it wae moved and seconded Hedame of Alcialillivray.--The cool
that the assessment roll aS revised be weather this week has caused some of
adoptedneearlied. The chairman then our citizens to he on the move to keen
(leCiared the Court closed. warm—Mies Kate Zwicker returned?
to London Saturday, after 4issisting 111
Exeter District Hit by Storm the millinery department of her
bert "hlorlock Was in Loedon Monday
On Friday eveninghlast about 8:30 on Iniainees.—R. S. Provincial
o'elonk a terrific wind storm accoiri: Land Serveyor, of Aivioston, was in
panied by lightning and thunder, the village Tuesday. on •the Lewson-
struck this section, doing considerable Geiser Drainage niatter.—jno, F'oster
damage to property. Trees svere no- and workmereare making rapid head -
rooted in many orchards, vvhile -many way with the ceincrete sidewalks. The
berm rooih were taken off. A drench- walks are now construeted west to the
ing downpour of rain began to fall Royal Hotel. --Rev. E. IL Bean; pas,.
about S ohiloek and cootinued for hell tor of the Econgelical church, Knights
when a wind of greet force en an eloquent sermon "hi the .Knights
canie.on and lasted for only a few mo- and Lady Maccabees of our local Court
merits, but in that tinie much damage on Sunday evening. • "
was done., • STORM. —The -.turn which Passed
While reports of heavy wind come over here last Friday evenieg was very
in frein all directions the greatest disastrous to property. Large trees
ainouneof damage. seems to have been. were snapped off like pipe stems, fenc-
done to property to the north of town, es were levelled and buildings danie
The sinoke stack evas blown off the aged, jno, Schroeder's barn on the
salt well, the derricik fell and crashed Oth con, which was ablaut to be placed
through the building and the roof was on the brick foundation was blown off
blown off'the old cooper shop pear by. its supports aud lay a splintered and
aonsialerable of the sidewalk mirth .of "toin wreck. " The storm then went
the htidge on Main street Was *lifted "east-Worde about • all acre of '
out into the _middle of the road. The good maple and elm trees ill Mat
Maris on the A., 11011apel .fisrm, 110W Finkbeliler's 11tIsli, It then struck Jim.
•oisened •by Mr. Willert, wits completely .Morleek's bank barn unroofing it and
deitholialied. Part of the toof of an old strange to say left the windmill un-
born on Christie's farm WaS tern tounctied. It then continued its couree
off and 011C half the roof of John eastward and cut -a wide path in Oes-
Vraynels barn was reinev ed. A horse treicher's. Shink's and Smith's fine
,helongingeto W. Oolevill of Oen- bush, Had the storm gone forty rods
araila eveseleilled by coming' in contect fartherbotth it would have wrecked
with an eleetvic light wive that Watil john"Smith's barn which is at present
'hanging lbw between ihe eesidences'of stending on crib -Work. It is indeed
brother'e store, the past season.'—Al-
the town to get ,the Council to rent
grounds for the 'boys to play their
games. U.lreble--Elearalin— theta/grant
of $20' be made toward renting the
ground for all kinds of sport. The or-
der to be Mulde in favor of R. N. Creech.
—Messrs". C. H. Sanders and jos.Snell,
on behalf of the recently ' organized •
Canning Co., waited on the cooncil,
asking for a loan of $10,000 for 1'.5
years to he .used as werking na pi t. 1 e
same to be repaid in "sums of $1000
each year, cominveing at the end of
the sixth year. "Ewes desired that a
inalaw he submitted. After some dis-
cossion the following• motion was car-
ried: Heamen—Fulte—that the Coun-
cil recoyd themselves in favbr of sub-
mitting a.by-law to loan- -$10,000 and
that full inforniation in writing re-
gal -ding the matter be laid before the
Council at the next meeting. '
Communications re railway and sta-
tion were read and discussed. A let-
ter was received from W. T. Brown-
lee, superintendent of the .middle di-
vision of the G.T.R., asking if the
town would provide a. right of way
provided the railway station be placed
in a mote central position. ,Heitinane-
Treble—that.the Reeve and A,E.Fiike
be a committee to secure •options 011
the ground necessary, for such right of
way and to report same at the next
ineeting.-eCarried. ,
The cemetery committee's resoiu-
tions as contained in the minutes cif
their last meeting were Pproved on
motion of Frike and Treble.
Feke-•:Treble---that the following tie -
counts be paid: Queen City Oil- Co.,
gasoline. $9.22, less $4.52 ',for barrels,
making $4.10; H. Pareops, street wa-
tering- $21; O. B, Snell, electric light-
ing, $97.91; J. A. Stewart, eeinetery
account, , $1.60; Belle Telephone Co.,
cemetery services for 6 months, $12.50
Jos. Sutton, labor $2.25; R. Quance,
$3.75; Thos. Creech $1.75; Thos. Web-
ster, $1.50eDavid Russell. $2 50; Fred
Gilleapien $1; Win. Parsons . $1.`e50; W.
J. Bissett, part salary, $82; john Ford,
the Reeve and Treasurer borrow .a$500
for current expenses on their mite at
5 mopth's.—Parried. touke—Heninan
the Reeve be instructed to see Baw-
deti'S gravel pit ared if satisfactory to
instruct clerk to ask for tenders for
500 to 800 loads. --Carried,
The readecoinmissioner was in
ed to put a wooden box across side-
walk at C. Luker's. ).
Per NV, J H(enan) adjoernment
For Saleror Rent.
13/4 Story residence in tvood repairand la arc land,
Good fruit trees arid the beat of water. Will sell
cheap. Apply to S. /IfELAN.D, Dashwood.
Destroyed by Liglitning.
The harp owned by Mr. David Cot,
tle, Thanies Road, Usborne, on the
farm opposite the homestead was
struck by lightning during the heaVy
electrical and ramn. storm on Friday
'night last and was burned , to the
ground. -The building contained a
quantity of hay • which was also des-
troyed. .
In the niatter of th'e estate of Richard
Sando, late of the Village of Ceu-
traiiii, in the County of Huron,
farmer," deceased. •
elOTICIE is hereby given pnreuant to ,Rovised
Statuteeof Ontario, 1,S97, Chapter 129, that all eredi
tors and others haVingelahne against the eetate of
the said Richard 'Sand% who, died coV or about eie
2tid, day of Idareh, 1906, mo regulated, on or before
30111, Dar of June, 1006
to send bypoot prepaid or deliver to Win. 11. Rand°,
Centralia, that.. the Executor et the sale deeeitifeill
their doletian and tall`nannedt addreemes and dee.
eriptions, thefull' particulats of their claims, the
etatement of there atcounts and the' nature of the
seorities. If any held by them.
And further take notice that after tech last 111.
tioned date'fbe Executor •rviii proceed to distribute
the assets of the deceaettl, amongst the parties en.
titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of
Which notice shall then have been given, and that he
*ill net beilable for the asseta or any part thereof
to any pertort pereons of *hose claim notice elull
not have been receiv(ti by hiti at ther tinie of such
Wm. IL Soule, Excentor,
Dated at Centralia thattb day of June 19064
Lightning Strikes Brothers
Zurich, Ont., June 9.—While stand-
ing under it shed attached to the barn,
two sons of George Eisen bach, conces-
sion 13, Hay Township, were struck
by lightning about seven o'clock to-
night while a severe thunderstorm was
in progress. Arthur was instantly
killedeind his brother badly stunned,
but probably will recover.
• ea.
Storm Swept. Western . Ontario
A disastrous wind storm, amounting
in many places to a. tornado, swept
Western • Ontario Friday afternoon
from Niagara Falls to Sarnia. Build-
ings were blown down and property
destroyed everywhere, and several
lives were lost. The wind was also ac-
companied in son3e places by terrific
electric storms and torrents of rain.
Details of the storm from all directions
tell a story of devastation. Here are
a few of the greater resoles:
Flamilt011-500 feet blown off . Inter-
national Harvester Company's works.
Niagara Falls --Walls of two main ga-
bles of new General Hospital collapse.
Port Stanley -90 foot elevator blown
Chatham-:-Toever of Park Methodist
church collapses.
St. Thomas --Man has skull crushed
by faliing tree. .
Sarnia—W.F.Litsvrence &-•Sons' mill
loses 1,5000 feet of roofing.
Detroit—Boy blown oft Bell Isle
bridge and drowned. .
Mr. and Mrs.. W. Re Elliott are in
London visiting.—Remember the big
festival at Central on July 211l. See
bilth and further notice next week.Losie—A pia medal between Cent-
ralia station and Mrs. W. R. Elliott's.
Finder will please leave `With Mrs.
• 12V1141011.
The an services of Freewill
ehurch were held. on Sunday and Tues.
darJune 10 and 12. On Sunday able
and hrtructiveSermons were preached
morning and evening, by Rev. O. 13alt-
or ft QM the first two petitions of the
Lord'; Prayer. In time afternoon a
mass meeting of the Sunday Sehool
Was addressed by Bev. Avery B. A. of,
OVA nton Presbyterian chtirebo which
was very niuch appreciated.. On Tues.
day the regular pienie op tea 'meeting
was held in Mr. II llodginse orchard.
Speeches were delivered by Rev. Fair,
Bartlett,Dater,Ilazeiwood and others.
tuellenttiiusloVVEM furnished for all
the services bei the Centralia choir.
Plenty of lobti things to eat and drink
line weather, games, ete., all together
fueniehed a very enjoy'able time and
made the oceinlion A gotl $netess, both
socially and financially
fortunate that 00 one was hurt. Mueb
Sympathy is expressed for Schroeder
eind Morloelt itt their loss, "
John Ratz has 'Unshed sawitte his
Stnekqf logs for this season.—Wni.
Witzel is busy making a race -track on
his-farm—A; large number attended
our pultic schOol picnic held itt "Grand
Bend on,'Wedhesday and by all reports
tafeve new homes will be started' in. the
nearfutare,—Jae. O'Rourke and wife
of London WerS visiting friends here;
last week.—Miss Querrin has re-
turned ,froui Grand Bend, after spend-
ing a few weeks at H. Bossenberry's.
are.pleaseel to see D. Collius ont
again after his illness.—Daniel Barry
has got his barn moved which he re-
cently purchased from M. O'Rourke.
IV. Sherritt's men did the work.
PASSED AvvAT.—This week we are
called upon to record the death of an
old pioneer of Sta,phen, in the person
of John McLeod, who passed away at
his late residence, 14th concession, on
Sunday' morning last at the advanced.
age of 85 years. Deceased had suffer -
en for some time With paralysis, but
the immediate cause' of death was a
general breaking up of the system.
Mr. McLeod was a, staunch and true
tnan in every sense of the word. The
remains were laid to rest in Mt. Car-
mel cemetery On Wednesday morning
and was largely'attended. We extend
our sympathy to the bereaved sines.
roatn. Ail tie • ict('3,1,, A :0 0414441y
wed. :Vertiug Will be In
the hall foe hail lielh,s ;nal, gentlemen.
Speakers Mts. Wells or New York
and /Mee Craw of Toronti
The event of the season will occur
on Tuesday evening when the young .
people present their' plays for the first
time. The lover and admirer of the
eomic shoold not fail to see Hanle
13rown tilie the part of Pat. McNoge
gaily, the blundering Irishman, in. the
Web farce. He is a show in kimself
in, his typical Irish costume, Then in
the comedy Charles Goalboit, who
tikes the part a the escaped lunatic,
will not fail to convulse any (audience
with laughter, and • Giertie Miller, as
Laura WatsOn (slightly insane), will
he sure to amuse. Will McLeod ap-
pears with an entirely nevvlist of son&
and to be pleased you need only to
hear hirn. Miss Mai tin's tiaine speaks
far itself in dale community, -There is
no doubt that the concert on the 19th
will exeel anything of its kind ^`ever•
given aronnd here. The proceeds go
toward the library fund inini la worthy
of the suPPert of everybody interested
in edocation,--Sunshine Sunday SchooX
Will have a gi•frden party on INIonday,
3une425.,:—Mr. Coward hae moved his
fainily to Winehelseis and riosv livesite •
the residence adjoining the stOre.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard' and Mr. Wm.
Perkhas of London attended the tuner -
al of the late Charles Perkins on Satur-
day. ,
Rev. W. M. Martin attended the
General. Assembly of the Presbyterian
church now in session at London this
week. • .
Ex. Counte. Warden Piper and Mrs.
Piper of Londonvisited Mr. and Mrs.
Mills and Mr, and Mrs. II. Spackman
for a few days early in the week,
Miss Bell McDougall of Themes Road •
(who has been attending the Collegiate
Institute nt Goderich returned borne
Monday evening owing to ill health
and is now c'onlined to her home. ,
Mrs. David Mack, accompanied by. =
her two children, •Garnet and Irene, of
Winnipeg, is the guest of her eister-in-
law,'Mrs, David Mack. They intend .,
spending eome-naonths in Ontario.
Mrs. 1s1. Geed in ee returned Saturday
eveningfroni the West, where she. -
hes been for eiatne weeks. Mr. Gardin-
er is imilitting a • residence in Regina,
and the family will move lathe fall.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gould:, amity'
and l'•itiee, 011ie Gould, Mr. and Mrs.,
Martin Salter, Mr., and Mrs. James
Shape -On red*Mr. jarnee -Gould were in
1.00 (11)8 'Wednesday attending th e fun-
eral or the late .Jobn 0, Gould.
PEZSCA.TOR.—In Stephen., on June 11,
to IV,Ir. and Mrs John ,Preszcator, a
DEARING -qt1 Stephen, on -June 11, to
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dearing, a daugh-
• ter.
Wilson Eagleson last' week moved
to Parkhill.—Thos.Stewardson bought
a new Bell organ last week.—We are
pleased to note that the electrical
storm whieh passed over this section
last week did very little daenage.—P.
Gooding of Cobalt is home on a few
weeks' visit.—Geo. .Hartle is visiting
his sister in Toronto.—The annual
lawn party of the Boston Methodist
church will beheld at the church Fri:
day evening, June 29.e—Miss Bessie
Gerinotte has been obliged to return'
home from Montreal owing to ill
health. We trust she will soon be re -
'stored to usual good health.--Picnick-
ei a' on their way to Grand Bend find -
W. J. Wilson's & Co's store a good
place to buy bananas, oranges, lernonee
biscuitscannedgoods, candies, etc.
—The Wome,n's Institute will meet at
the home of Mrs. J. Wallis on Friday,
June -22nd at 230. Demonstrations
will he conducted by Miss Greet, of To-
8. SI, No. 2, trsborneil will bola their
picnic on June 22 in llottkin'a grove.
on June 6, Israel Lmderfield of Lon-
don to Miss Sarah, daughter of Thos.
Johnston, of Blake.
MANSON-1UARTHDIL —ID Rerisall, ore
june 6, by Rev. MeL Smith, Peter
Mason, of Blake, to Miss Jean, eldest
daughter of Robert McArthur, Con.
2, Hay.
PEAECE.-,--"-.NORTH.COTT—At the "home
of the bride's parents, con; 2, Hay,
on Junel3th," Mr. Wm. C. Pearce to
Miss Sate, J., daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Win. Northeotte
the bride's parents,- on June 6, James
Henry Hamilton, of MeGillivraV, to
Miss Beatrice Maud, daughter of'
Wm, Turner, Saintsbury.
llumeav—MeGEB—In Biddulph,at St..
Patrick's church, on June 6, by Rev.
Father McMenamin, Chris. Murray
of Foreet to Miss Maggie, youngest
daughter of Wm. McGee,. 13iddu1ph,
. '
Purtaenes.—In Exeter, on June
Charles Perkins, aged 73 years.
*MdDoeiesa,ate—In Stanley, ou June 6',„
Gilbert McDonald, aged 75 years.
GOULD —Id -London, on June 11, John
C. Gould, formerly of Exeter, aged
- 37 years.
McLE0D—In Stephen. on June 10,
John -McLeod, aged 85 years.
Just received' another car of
Samson Brand Cement
Order Early•as it goes with a rush. Guaranteed
Coal Oil, Stoves
Screen Windows
, Screen Doors
ice Cream Freezers
Tin work, Galvanized Iron, work, Furnace work and
Plumbing ofali kluds promptl,st attended to.
75e. to $6.75'
15e. to 40
90e. to 1,50
2.50 to 4.50
2.25 to 2,75
Heaman's Hardware 14, Stove Store.