HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-05-31, Page 8rieaseteateteneetsteeleaSeaeseatie4c
we got in Some swell
Spring:Stings last 'week.
They are right,up to the- mo-
ment; . •
Coats are two Inches longer than
last year,sirel the lapels, are so much
broader and deeper that you can't help
but notice theta.
The vests are cut with five buttons.
The pants are just a little pegtoppy.
They are beauties alright for $15,
$18 and $20, and no matter where you
go you can't find anything that will
fit as nicely as they do.
1Vierthamt Tailor,
Business Locals Read Them
Some of the most beautiful china
articles one would wish to buy—at
Creme Dentrifice a tooth paste -of un-
usual merit. Get the best at Oole's
Drug Store 25 cents a tube. °
Messrs. Smith Bros. of London on
Wednesday laet purchased the stock
of dry goodt3 and groceries of ,Mr. L.
MeTaggart of Exeter North. They
hive leased the store for a term of fie
years and take possession immediately.
Wasted. '
A good sniatt girl to learn vest mak-
ing. Apply to W. Johns,
Cement and Lime for sale.
For the best Cement—National Port-
land—and Beachvjlle Lime go to John
Mitchell, statioe, -
Buggies For Sale:
Three second hand and six new bug-
gies for sale; also a few, ploughs. Will
tie sold ate. bargain; W. G. Bissett,
naieestor Sale. .
George Chapman of Atwood will be
at the (Sentra' Hotel, Exeter, on Sat-
urday, June 2nd, at 12 o'clock, with a
load of .go -d, well-bred calves for, sale.
Wool, woott.wact. • •
John Mittieof the Woollen Mill 'vh
es to unnounte that he will be at the'
old Market this season to buy your
wool. Highest cab price will be paid.
For Sale or Rent ••
One and one-half story residence in
good repair, and one-quarter acre of
land. Good fruit trees and the best -of
water. Will sell cheap. Apply to
Gladrnan & Stanbuty. -
Dr. Ovens COtailift.
Dr. Ovens, London, Eye and Ear
Surgeon, will be at the Commercial
notel, Exeter, on Friday, June. lst.
'lours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Glasses pro-
perly fittedand diseases of Eye, Ear
and -Nose treated.
EGGS For Hatching.
Of the Single Comb Leghorn variety
of excellent winter laying qualities
and mated with two prize trimming
coekrels lie the South Huron Poultry
shows of 1904 and 1905. 50 Cent s per
zetting. S. Andrew, Elite:wale.
woman's ' Institute.
r The Woman's Institute -will hold
. their annual meeting and election of
officers in Senior's Hall:. ene Friday,
June lst. All members are requested
ta be present as this is the close of
the membership year,
Miss Halls, Pees. Mrs., Hastings, Sec'y
Faeaners thie veite report the Colee big cireuewllh11teb tide tent°
eat crop as being Injuved greatly by hero On June 29th.
the wire worm. Council/ler James Cruet ie confaied
Mae Thee. Johne has pnectaased as, to brle eopea (wiiing to iiikzeso.
brSek. realtang beeznese iuHama teed
tends galling there to reside.
:Visa 4iny Johns ming at a concut
in Bethel, (Xs the evening of My 21th,
Mies Lille Johns was the accompanist.
Messrs. Arta
ndrew Tabatil and son.of
leeboene eneverea a, very lergo hog to D. - D. Tatteeeale,of Household 'effects
takes place on Saturday,and the village
MessmArKwtroia$ 4 Prior en Mouday. '
, , „ property and cleittels of the tete Mon.
Several of the SharehoWers here ot 'Welai svill he sold on Mouday next.
the Sovereign Fruit Co. of Cuba, 'at.
In tbe* first draft.of Members in the
tended a Ineetiug,fef the Compa,ny .in L'ondon Conference the only .,ehanim
Xsondon Tuesday night . si - - .
- . . ProPoten an the Exeter district are G. 'Ir.Roisert Alert alts sostamed a nasty Gifted, Elianyille; S. L. Toll. , 7 Hens -ill'
,gash over the eye on Vrtday hy a trap J. Ilarte,Kippein
door falltag on him at the Cominerical —
J01111 re?, the Chinese laundryman,
Roxise. It required three etitehes towho operieil up business her a few
close the.swouncl. , weeks ago, pulled up stakes Monday
The 1Vest Huron Teachers' A.seocia- and left for parts unknown. John
tion has decided to go on the Farmersbeinganhonest celestial left no mourn -
Excursion to the 0.A..0„, Guelph, on eee.
June 15th, A program will be given
Reeve Bobler sustained an injury to
his back on Monday while loading hogs
at the station.. The injury is en the
uature of a strain and is,very painful.
Re was forced to retire to his room
early that evening.
The femily. of Wm. Davise
Neetleie moving to Landon this week,
' A earming fact ory,expert was bere-
Taesday. A. meeting of intereeted
persons wee held that evening. •
Plants! Plants!! Plants!!!
Headquarters for all kinds of Toma-
to, Ca,bbage, Cauliflower, . Stacks,
Asters, ' :Verbenas, Petuna, Daisy,
Pansy, Geranium, Foliage and all
kinds of Bedding Plants. Call and
see our stock before purchasing and
there on the 15th and 16tia.
Exeter and Centralia baseball teams
met twice last week, Friday evening
in Centralia and Saturday evening in
Exeter. The forraer team won bah
games by scores of 8-6 and 9-6.
Miss Garry, who is visiting with the
Misses K11181131111„ sang a pleasing solo
on Sunday evening in the Presbyter-
ian church. Mr.Reard,one of the tele-
phone meresang a solo in the morniag.
Miss Cora Prior, who has been under-
going treatment for eyesight, in Lond-
on, was home for Victoria Day. She
has since leturned to the city and
word received says that the sight is
improving. *
;Mr. I. R. Carling is having some of
the large maple trees cut down along i
Huron street n front of his residence.
The trees had become very large and
the foliage was so dense that no sun-
shine'could get through and the grass
would not grow.
Mr. John Salter was more severely
injured than at first expected in the
runaway last week. He has since
been confined to his room and it is fear-
ed that one or two ribs had been brok-
en away from the back bone. He is
now resting easier and no serious con-
sequences are expected..
A meeting of the members of the
Trivitt Memorial Church will be held
in the School Hall to -night (Thursday)
for the purpose of selecting delegates
to wait upon the Bishop'regarding the
appointment of a new rector for this
parish, Rev. R. j. M. Perkins having
resigned, to take effect about July lst
Mrs. Chas: Perkins, William street,
was so unfortunate on Sunday morn-
ing as to fall down the cellar stairs at
her home and to break a small bone in
one shoulder, besides receiving some
bruises. We trust that the injury will
only be temporary. Mr. Perkins is
still quite ill and is confined to his bed
all the'tinse.
Rev. Wm. Godwin is attending the
London Ccnference held in Windsor.
Mr. Godwin is on the stationing com-
mittee. In his absence next Sunday
the Presbyterian ani Main street cone
gregations will unite at the Presbyter-
ian churbla in the morning and the
'Mein street Methodist church in the
evening. Rev. Martin will preach.
On Tuesday evening at ' the regular
meeting of the I.O.O.F. Lodge the fol-
lowing offices were elected for the en-
suieg terra: Noble Grand, W. W.
Tarnati; Vice Grand, Samuel Rowe;
Cor -Sec., R. N. Taylor; Fin. -See., A.
E. Fuke; Trees Ed. Dignan. .1. G.
Stanbury and R. N. Creech were elect-
ed representatives to the Grand Lodge
which meets in PeterbPro in -August;
and R. N. Rowe and J. D. Atkinson
were elected delegates to the District
meeting to be held in Blyth in June.
A team belonging to Mr. Thos.
Clarke of Usborne became frightened
at the depot od Monday morning and
the result was almost a serious mix-up.
The team • was standing behind Mr.
Feed Hawkshaw'selgat the time and
becoming very much furiettecl one of
the animals reared up and with bath
front feet made a dash into Mr. Haw-
shaw's buggy,completely demotalizing
the top and. seatand otherwise damag-
ing the rig. Luckily Mr. Hawkshaw
escaped injury, but be had a clese call.,
The horses also escaped injury.
The Demonstration Conunittee that,
had in hand the Victoria Day CeIebrae
tion met in the Mansion House on Sat-
urday alternoon and wound up the af-
fairs by receiving and accepting a
statement from the treasurer, Joseph
Davis, by giving the several commit-
teesehonotable dismissal, pairing_ the
several accounts, thanking those who.
had assisted, etc, The total receipts
leave your (seders early.—LOUIS DAY, arti011tiLed to $454.95 and the disber.
3Iarket Gardetter, Exeter. sements about $330, so that the bal-
. 'mice is about $125, which math will go
to the Agricultural Society, The dir-
Notice. .
To the Shareholders of the Exeter ectors of. the Society were so well
Salt Works Company: ' pleased with the results that they then
GENTLOMBINT Please take notice and there decided tlifit Victoria Day
Mr, James Walters went to London
Wednesday to have his arm put ender
the X Rays. It will; be remembered
that his arm was broken recently and
the bone does not seem to be knitting
as rapidly as it shoeld.
Mrs. Keys receiyed word Tuesday
from Wallaceburg of the serious illness
of Miss Nettie Fulton,who resided here
some yeits ago, and her death- is ex-
pected at any time. Pulmonary
trouble is the nature of her ailraent.
Miss Minnie Yellow, who has been
visiting at Mr: Thos. Yellow's, leaves
to -day (Thurscrity) on her return trip
to London, England, accompanied by
Mies Fanny Baeyclen, who will visit in
England's greatest city for several
The telephone boys played their last
game of , ball on Monday evening.
They with some local players went to
Crediton to Islay "The Duffers:" The
result was 15:43 in favor of Crediton.
On Tuesdayi' womb* the -telephone
gang Went to Kincardine. They were,
a lively and decent lot of young fellows
and will be missed by the baseball boys.
While playing catch on Main street
Tuesday with others Mr. Chas. Dyer
accidentally threw the ball through
one of the large plate windows in Mr.
J. A. Stewart's store, being the plate
to the south of the entrance. The
Iiiss will be about $35 -pr $40. It should
serve as a warding to others to avoid
this dangerous practice SO often in-
dolged in.
Mrs. J. G. Starrbery attended the
funeral of Miss Edith Robsen,daughter
of Mr. Nicol Robsoinat Clinton yester-
day (Wednesday). Kiss Robson was h.
school teacher and for several years
taught in the Crediton public school.
From there she went to Regins,where
she contracted pueumonia and died on
May 25. She was well and favorably
known to many -in thissectionwho
will learn with regret of her demise.
Anotlier Otter Catclier Caugatt.
Deputy Gaine Warden James Beer
last week brought anther -man to book
for catching an otter, and on 'Monday
he 'appeared before the magistrates,
pleaded guilty and paid the fine and
costs. The offender's name has not
been divulged to us so we are unable
to glee it to you. Mr. Beer says be is
on the track of another man for like
offence and that he expects to land him
shortly. He is determined to carry
out -the game laws to the letter and it
would be well for everyone to become
familiar with the law as ignorance, ex-
cuses no mai). Otter may' not be tak-
en until 1910.
In n,:eordaneo vAtlitilo pctiti,.'al.:1',;11cd l'.:, S. LIU'
till, W. W. Taman,, W. 5. Co3o, and 'In2,,ny (Our.; ei?
tile iitircua 02 the Vi1ia;‘,3 et E%ctor 1 ricreb,y pro,
1906; to Ina A 14131,10 1101d1IJAZ to bo pallcd;
Ii2Poration My, ' for Ow purpo:-.5 01 girlira.'tkw;
lorent SocktioQ of our village and any otlia..} 'who
ra t. will to. flo oo; an opportlinity at decorating, tbo
aVek) of Weir dopartcd• frientio in tlio . ENeter
entetgry. . .
A. (4, BOBIER; '
Enotcr, 5.4,3753, 10110.- ' 11,1i2VZ
that tt, meeting of the Shareholders of
the Exeter' Salt Works Company will
be held at 2 &clock, p.m., at the Town
Hall, Tuesday, June 12th.
T. .13, and program in the beget:I:tent .of the
Would be celebrated eaeh year under
their auspices.
The Epworth League of the James
Street church gave an ice cream soda'
See,-Treas. elatirch 011 Tuesday evenitig. A 'good-
ly number Was in a,ttendance and, al-
In Canadian and, Import-
ed Tweeds, Worsteds,
Cheviots and Serges
° Matie up in the Le eet style to
your fits Call and SeellOW W011
1 can door yott
riverythiro. Mens Smart
though the evening wets cool', 'eonsid.
erable ice cream disappeared. The
program, which WAS presided over by/
Mr. T. B. Carling, was an excellent
one and was thoeoughbs enjoyed.
Those who took part were MIGSTaylor+
Miss Beers, Mrs. Malloy, who sang
Golos; bliss Beerand Miss Cane, a
dila; MisSea Britt McPherson and 011ie
Hern, recitations; The Ladies of 'the
Leagoe, a chorus; Mr, Berry, IL cornet
solo; Messrs. Martin, Resist., Shapton
and Carling, a quartette. The proleede
amounted to.about $28.
Forecasts Or June.
A Regular storm Period is Central
on the 1st, having its first stage the
last two days of May, and extending to
June 4th. Thenormal results at this
time should he decided rise of tempera -
to re, with falling barometer, !increasing
humidity, all merging into cloudiness,
with rain, wiled and thunder • storms,
progressively from west to east on the
lst,2nd and8rd. If the Mars influences
brings us out of May with scarcity of
rainfall or any other anarked charac-
teristics, rook for much the Same re-
sults at this period. 'Ilia° of barometer
and shift to cooler, westerly winds will
result about the 8rd to 5t h but not all
the way from the Pacific to the.At-
lantic at the same hour and instant—
eh? Storms of Rain, wind and thund-
erlabout the 6th, 7th and 8th will be
followed by decided change to cooler
front alinnt the Sti] to 10th, beginning,
of course,in the west -north west.
We have a full stock• of John A0 13ruee 84: Co. Cloy-
erment te4ed seeds. Call and examine before you
purchase elsewhere, •
. Mr, R.E. Pickard hes renamed from
the West
Mr.Jos. Snell spent part of last week
in Toronto.
Mrs. John. White, Sr., is visiting rel-
atives in Windsor.
Miss Canamelle visited her sister in
Toronto over the 24th.
Mrs. T, E McCallum and family
spent the holiday at Grand -Bend.
.bliss Olive Wescott is visiting rela-
tiVes itt Clinton a few clays this week.
Mrs. W. FL Dearing spent a few days
in London last week isiting friends.
Mrs. Samuel Lamport of Divizes is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
'Thos. Rowe.
Miss Pearl Chellow of Blyth spent a
few days last week the guest of Miss
Lily Blatchford.
Mise Dorrington and Miss McLean
spent Sa Willey and Sunday in Clinton,
guests of Miss Chidley.
Mr. H. J.. Browning of Copper ante,
New Ontario, arrived home Tuesday
evening for a f3hort stay.
Mr. Robert Roulston of Milverton
spent Monday and Tuesday the guest
of his son, Dr. G. F. Roulstonee
Hugh McKaY of Exeter North went
to Detroit Monday to work for the M.
C. Railway as office bays
Mr. John Elliot, after spending a
few days at* 'his home here, returned
Tuesday evening to.Nelson, B. 0, .
MissBertha Russell left for Toronto
last week, where she will enter the
Grace Hospital to train for a nurse.
Misses Fanny, Nellie and Mary Hat-
ter of London spent part of the past
week with their parents at Exeter
Mrs, D. Johns returned 'Saturday
'from Aurora where she had been for
some time owing to the illness of her
° Rev. Going is this week attending
conference in Windsor, the home of
bis boyhpod. Mrs, Going is visiting
in SarnieSand Windsor. .
Mrs. Hammond, who has heen visit-
ing her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Rivers,
Usborne, for two weeks, returned to
her home in Buffalo. Saturday.
Mr and Mrs.. Mantle were In London
on Friday and Saturday visiting the
latter's sieter,Miss Duncan, -who is tak-
ing a course in St Joseph's hospital.
Mr. Frank Lutz of Montreal was in
town a. few hours on Tuesday shaking
hands with old friends arriving in the
morning and leaving again in the ,ev
We are agent for. the'Americau Hinge -joint fence
which will withstand sudden and severe pressure
from c'ontact with animals or otherwise, without
bending the stays, the fence springing back to place
- the instant pressure is removed. Call and see our
samples and our prices.
. Mr._Wilbur Martin had a rather un-
pieaeant experienee down the lane at
.reee of the etoe on Ma,y 24th. Ile was
'bringing a crated buggy leame from
the statien in a delivery wagon.
When lie artiyed at the stopping place
the botse did not ehooee to stop and
Made a bolt for the 'ether end of the
lane, where , Dr. Lutz had recently
built a fence. '., Nothing daunted by,
the fence the bore made a leap. oeer
it, tint the wagon not being so nimble
couldn't make the jump and landing
'against the fence with a terrible etnesh
levelled about; half of it to the ground.
The harness toxike and the satiated gOt
clear of the rig but NVilb. beld----onirto
tin!, reins and brought the horse, to a
We have the Sherwin-Williamn3aints in all colors
and shades, which covers the earth. Call and get
a paint card.
Lucan, May 24, --The Lucan Irish
Nine opened the baseball season here
to day by defeating the W&bash team,
of St Thomae, two games:. Morning
score 6-4; afternoon score 6-5.
Big Redue1iou 111- Fftrlillorce
Vire will offer ou.r entiie stock of Furniture, -comprising -
Kitchen,. Dining Room,
Bed Room, Drawing Room,
and Ball Furniture
also rnapy odd pieces and Rockers,' at a great reduction,
Call and see the manyl?argains we offer,
line Leading FurnitUre Dealers and Funeral Directors.
revs eke. ea', stOrsVssersliFNFISIF
How to have Hosiery at little cost-...
Just come here and get,thern .
at these prices:
Plain black cotton hose, good
sizes 8i, 9 0, 10, 2 pair for 25 cents.
Black cotton hose lisle. finish, stain.
less dye; ladies' sizes, 25cper pair...
Blickcotton hose, fine quality, white
maco ot natural wool sole, 25e. pair.
Touches the topnotch in
quality and parity, and in-
variably yields the best re-
-.sults in baking. The de-
mand for a good Family
Flour is fully met by our
STAR Flour. eit
White cotton -hose, ladies' and child-
ren's sizes, the correct thing for sum.
Lawn Bovritee.
" The Hensel] and Exeter lawn lbovtl.
ers met for a friendly game on the Ex.
eter grounds on the afternoon of Th ors -
day, May 2Ith, with the following res
* Exeter Heusall
00 B.,Snell Dr. McFadden
I. R. Carlieg '. • Fred Menne
W. J. Hearten] 0. McDonald
W. W.T,anittresk, 20 R,13onthron, sk. 10
Wo Blatchford ' F. Rose
J. Muir F. Manus
Rev. Martin Dr. Sellery
iF.W.Gladman,sk14 P. Stewart', fsk. i C. B. Snell N. Cook
W. H. Levett F.. Alarms
W. W. Taman P. Stewart
W.3.fleantainsk.10 Dr, Sellery, sk; 5
W. 131etchford Dr. McFadden
FL Iltieton J. IVIacArtievir
3. Muir R. Bonthrtm
1ev.Martitesk,12 ea McDonald, sk.14
Wo IT 0 deal of damsgedorie. However. a re-
qatidetiII. The driver` and horse re.
ceive4 little injury, nor 11,48 a great
'petition of the expetierice is not deftly.
Stant Tiller; Exeter/ (Nieto et1 by the dtiver.
WANTED Wheat, Oats and Barley for
which we will pay, highest
market prices.
Black or tan lace eotton hoe, fast
color, ladies' size, price 25e. pain
Black lisle lace, extra fine' finish,
sizes for ladies and children.
„Black lisle lace and embroidered.,
aii'kle 50c. pair.
Children's Princess ribbed hosiery,
fast bleak, ail sizes, 25e. pair.
. Hercules rib, extra heavy, just' the
kind for boys. -
Let your $urarner Dress be ,IVIohair
A good mohair is one of the best materials .yon can buy for summer were,
It is cool and comfortable, Sheds the dust and retains its finish to a remark
able degree. We have a range of black and colors in thlese goods that will
please you and they are at reasonable prices. •
• 0 -
:Wide anbroideries.
18 inch embroiderysuitable for corset covers and children's underskirts.
Large assortment of patters on fine quality lawn See them earlyetnd get the
65 80
Victoria nay VisitOrS• ,
John Crooke, Mr. Epheetini Butt and
Miss Carrie Butt. Clinton; Panes Mc-
Donald, Misand Mee. Peter McDrinaltit
Mrs. Thos. Higgins, °Terence litteter-
brook, 'Forest; Mies 'toxic, Eaerett.
Brantford"Chester - Evans, George
Armstrong, Allen Myere, Atr. and
AIrs. S.C. Inwood, Mr. and Mrs. Jarnes
Sanders, Misees Jda Oott le and Mate'
Newcombe, Mr. and .Mrs, Alfred S'elt.
er, Mies Celt,t Ferguson. hilt ;radios
Clarke, Art. Wood, Misses Floesie and
Maud Taylor,; London; J. J. 1011.101'
WifE41 MIPS Amite Me(ova,
Ilderton Richard Gidley and Gordon
Cameron, Beyfield; Aire, Webb, St.
Johns, London Township; M. and
Mils Maud Graham of Goderieln Mien
Mathews, Totonto; Mr. nod Mrs. Sohn
Mill, Lembetli; Miami Mitt. Gee. Wit.
Ile, London: Fred Brooke, Ridgetowin
Mri.i Chag, Isaite, Lorain; Mies Metell
Gould. the Miaow,' Gitlley. Mr. and
Mrs. S. A, Poplestone, Mae.
Plumb and Miss Itendles thedfoid.
AkralelltArklea 27fkoaek2OKAIICARJaa
Buggy Dusters -
Necessary articles for the hot weather. We have them in assorted colore
combining neatness and durability. Prices 85c. and $1,00
-Headquarters for the celebrated. W E. Sanford Clot4ing.
Men's Balbriggan
'ere ofeee peinful and decidedly dam-
aging to weak eyes. More people teef.
fee this way thati inose
OUR ntrsmr,ss,.
ite praetieal °pricking. to slimily glee -
es for timth sein.itive 'eves. It's your
business if yOur eyes eonnt under this
list to have them attended to. It's
datinerous to exper;menie NiVe sentolY
glasses for weak pyes, at tong era, old
and young eyes, and warrant alt%At
FM' . Safety. kindly ,°rienember and
patronize, u$.
17.771171717111 •
At Big
20:doz. 1V116n's rin6 Balbrig.
owl Shirts- and Drawers, beaut.
dui fine quality; double. thread
satin facings. All sizes; iegu
tar 50c. 'quality,
On sale or 37a. each
Client ist awl OW hien,. EXITFU
s Phone at).
'Doors °lose at 0:80 every evening
opt Wednesdays and Saturdays. k