HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-05-31, Page 5THE
(Otter buctrate,
paibli laid e+vorry Vitirritay DTerniw at they OfaN
ria ,
Marr BATA 4.181..1 SH i NQ ,COMNPA NY
maxis 0,51.2 -mei -arrow. ,
Que,Doliar goer '40411,1/3.1'40411,1/3.1of laafd iu adv4cco, .111.5Q
if not'ssr
alc.11,v +rt a' g' t4P..teis, 89p a.254a3•3406,
No' paper r discontinued until all arrcaragea aliopaid
Advertisements without specified directions will- be
ppaib1 .lid until forbid andcharged accordin Iy.
Liberal discount made for transeient. advertisements
inserted forolngperiods. ver3 dcsoription of JOB
PRINTING turned gut in the finest style, and at
moderate rates. Cheques, money orders, &e., for
• advertising, sub3criptions, etc., to be made payable
• Sanders & Creech,
Property, for Sale.
Oir fiospitais 4�
Appalling Increase in the Number Qf Operations Per-
formed Each year -41°w women May Avoid then.
The treaoteea of .eine :u ' eriak4
lig a.,grea.t irril,eeavenie:rii by sinking .:.
reek Well.- ae:dr y.:icE:lc➢aztnStinciey-
d .with friends rte Sate eellollo u4•--
lr, Je.iira Seslarecrder ie home from fear=
ilia. He the
�Mends going ti} Larnion
ork Qui ! . T. ..this summer.—
, Mr. navvy Wing, wife rari'1 family,
spent Sunday and Alitteds y its iiain-
itu g, •.'hay boys ofour are at tele,
f cacat••I,;ril g;ar: 2 rtgain. Don't forget to
eat' aii'O.Znd if a yon want tO PlaY
'with the hemlock' t;rtets.- "-Mee. Joobn
Melir€ecdee *pent 24th , in S ateeite ---Tile.
Methodist Church here „intends Ira ld'.
ing ra lewn sweet). before :icing. --Wed-
diing bells will Boon be ringing again.—
Mr. J. A. Breen eperIt Sunday a't Mt.
Caaentel. `.
Garden Seeds --13 packages for e5
cents at (J arlton's Fair, Exeter.
Quite a number spent 24th .at Exeter
.also at Crediton and Woodham. ,They
report ca good time at the various plac-
es. ---Leroy Coultis spent part of last
veek with friends: in St. Marys, --We
are pleased that Mrs. R. `Hicks, who
has been sick for some time, is recov-
eriug._---,Mrs. J. Patterson and daugh-
ter o1 St. Marys, visited at Mrs. W.
Coultis' last week.—G. Rowcliffe pur-
chased a, teaaiu of draught chits in St.
Marys Jest week. --Mrs. W. Lankln of
BIei--shard visited her father,•R. Coul
tisipn Mo,pday.—What has become of
t e Kli`rirvilie" fobtliall? They seem to
firather scarce this year, while not
long ago they stood as the prize win-
ners. Some of our neighboring towns
have organized a baseball as well as
football teams. Wh3 should notour
biirg be enlivened' by some such amuse.
men ts?•--Mr. and Mrs. IV. Coultis spent
Wednesday at the home of Rev. Dr.
Medd, Hensall. —Mrs. S. Andrews is
visiting friends at Blyth, --Ed. Johns
sports a new, driver these days:
line pasture farm in the Township of Hay, near
Sarepta; one hundred acres, 85 acres seeded, frame
house And good stable, good water, etc.,
Another Macre farm for sale, in the township of
t7sborne,south of Elimville,eonyenient to sehool,well
drained, small orchard, IQ acres bush, frame 'house,
barn, stable and grainary: `
SArtDa RS & CBEEOH, Exeter.'
Roller lYlill,
A. real good time to buy our famous
White Star F i o u r..,
is now; Made from -the very finest. of
wheat—aacknowled ed` to be the best
America—The' t.. ':e Millers'"'
in A:ixyeri
and the Milling Process Mills,all thoroughly.
g � 8 Y:
adapted foe obtaining the highest re-
sults.—For stretngthe richness,. ,whole-.'
ness and appetizing flavor it is with-'.
out equal; makes more bread easier
and better than any other—gives solid
satisfaction to consurner s,ntproduoer
--:Buy it and yon will please yourself
and your good wife as weIl.—Irouee-
wives all over the county enedorse our
claims. We ;Solicit your patronage. .
Jas,Eidt Dasilvtiood-
4'4sZill an; kto'11f
Going through the hospitals in our
large cities one is surprised to find such
a large proportion of the patients lying
on those snow-white beds women- an=
girls, either awaiting or recovering from
serioue `operations.
Why should this he the case? 'Simply
because they have neglected themselves..
Female troubles are certainly on the
increase among the women of • this
country--» they creep upon them un-
awares,but every one Of those patients
in the ospital beds had plenty of . warn,
ing in that bearing -down feeling, pain at
left or rightof. the ,abdomen, nervous ex-
haustion, pain
x-haustion,ppain in the small of the back,
dizziness, flatulency, displacements of the
organs or irregularities. All of these
symptoms are indications 9f an unhealthy
condition of the female organs, mid if
riot heeded the penalty has be paidl
b a clan erous oeration. When • these
� P
symptoms manifest themselves, do not -
rag along until' yon aro' gtogo
g g Y obliged• to
the hospital and submit` to an operation
—but remember that Lydia E. rink -
ink -herb's. Vegetable Compound has saved
thousands of woman, from surgical
When 'women aro troubled with irre-.
gular,. suppressed 'or painful'' periods,
'weakness, *displacement or ulceration. of
the organs, • that bearing-down,feeling,
inflammation, l5aekachet . bloating . (or
flatulency), generaldebility, inTigestion,
and nervous prostration,'or etre beset.
with such .symptoms as dizziness, lassi-
tude, excitability, irritability, nervous-
nese, aleep'lessriess•, n elancholy, } all-
on :' and ' «an -to- -1 t -al "'
g e4 � t be el' one :.feel
theyings,.should;rernernher there is one
tried and true remedy. emed
Dear.ars. Pinkltam :---
041,,was `in a very serious conditiokwben,
I wrote to you for advice. I lead a serious
female trouble and I could not carry a child
to maturity, and was advised that an oper-
ation was my, only hope of recovery, I
could not bear to think of going_to the hos-
pital, so wrote you for advice. did as you
instructed zine and took Lydia E. I'inkham's
Vegetable Compound; and I .am not only a
well woman to -day, but have ft beautiful
baby girl six months old. I advise all
and suffering women to write you for ad,
vice, as you have done so much for me.
' .Miss Lilian Martin, Graduate of
Training School for Nurses, Brantfo.
Ont., writes :'
Dear Mrs. l'inkham:=•
"While we are. taught 'in the training
sehouls' through the country. to look down.
upon,patent medicines, and while the doe -
tors in the hospitals speak slightingly' of
them to patients I have found that they
really know. different. I: have frequently
known Physicians to give Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound to women suf-
fering with the most serious .copnplicationse
of female troubles displacement of organs,
and other disorders. They, would, as a
rule, put it in regular medicine bottles and
label it "tonic" or other names,: but I knew
it was your Compound and have seen them
fill it inrescription bottles. :Inflamma-
tion and ulceration have been relieved and
cured in a few weeks by. its use, and I feel
it but due to you to give Lydia E. Pink
liana's Vegetable Compound proper.credit.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Comp
ound at once removes `such troubles,
fuse to ' buy any other medicine, for
you need the; best.
Mrs. Bukhara, daughter inelaw' of
Lydia' E. Pinkham, invites all sick wo
men to write her for advice. Her advice
MA: Fred. Seydel, 412 N. 514th- Street, and medicine have restored thousands to
West Philadelphia, Pa., water. health. Address, Lynn, Mass
Lydia' E.'F'iakham's° Vegetable CoiPmind'Sn 'succeeds S Wiere Others Fall:
Jos. Oobbledick
Cook's Cotton Root Compound:.
The ['Mole to Bug
Is that which gives lasting benefit
and Pleasure.
Nothing Will so' successfully do this
as a good High Grade •
• Every member ofthe fitooily will ful-
ly appreeiate it
We carry these instruments in the
laighesv grade and our prices and terms
are Of tbe most liberal kind for the
Purchaser. .
Our Sewin Machines
Surpass anythinfg in the market for
beatity and
Call and see us; we will titke pleasure
in shoWing you our goodse
Barley, 40 42
Flora', tow g ;tde per cwt 1 20 1 20
Its .N
WIee LEAVE DETROIT,' AI0N"l5iY, J•'IJNE 18ru, 8:00 A.M.
ARRIVE I N e'1 O D E R I C Ii 5:00 P.M.
Round-Teip Fare,' either way, with hand bagkage $1.00
A Special Exeursion Tram vvill leave Stratford- the morning
of June 19, stopping at Mitchell, Dublin,Seaforth,Clinton
A 50 cent Dinner will he served in the beautiful dining room for this txeursion.
Other meals A In Carte. A good lunch can be had at the lunch counter.
From %%Ingham, 6:40 aUn.; Blyth,,Ete., the morning train, June 10th, connects
at Clinton, 7:40 a.m, with Special Train for Goderich.
Jas. Breen, who had his leg broken
Some four months ago, is a,bee to move
above with the aid of erutches.--Jos.
Poore of the townline receiVed a badly
bruised nose by being kicked by a
horse a few'days ago.—.A. very painful
accident happened to Allen MeLach-
lan of 7th con., one day last week Ile
was retnining from Parkhill when in
some manner he fell from , his buggy,
alighting oft the hard ground. One
ear was completely tort) froM his head.
His many friends deeply sympathize
with him in hie inisfortune.—William
Atnoseson ofj. II. Amos, 12th con.,
wbo haa been for the past couple of
Watford, 4111d who 'previous to that
was with I. Trevethick Brinslev
position at Watford, havibg purchased
Mr. Mollardts general store at Grand
tend. Will moved his family there
laat week. At a recent meeting of the
Watford tilpworth League of which
Me. Amoo was President, he %vas pre-
sented with An address and a hand-
some Bible b3r the members as a mark
of their tippreciation ef his faithful
and efficient work, 'Win many
friends here join in wit,hing him every
proeperity, in his new inidertaking.
"Are your bowels regular?" He
knoWs that daily action of the
bowels is absolutely essential to
" iihne:Ityho,u1; tiheonwek regottirar by taking
ial S I s
y a *mall lantive dolma ofiityer's rills.'
woo fits is soak I We Mil li 041. A ar ?it.
Moe ferestIse el MI aer awl killer.
Will Dye any Article of Clothing
'from Feathers to Stockings.
The Only, Pacloge' Dyes That
Make Fast and Unfilding Colors.
Feathers, ribbone, silk ties, ° dress
silks, shirt waists, dresses, costumes,
capes. jackets and shawls can be dyed
at home with ,Diamond Dyes so that
they will look like new. Try a pack:,
age of the Diamond Dyes, and see
what a bright, beautiful, non -fading
color it will make, with but little
Diamond Dyes are the greatest mon-
with one or two ten cent packages of
these dyee WO dyed her old dress a'
lovely and fashionable color so as to
save the expense of a new one. „Partly
worn clothing ean be .zriade over for
the httle ooes, and by dying it:Iwith
"Diamond Dyes no o e would recognize
that the drenses an suite are not new.
Diamond DYes ar adapted to many
Diamond Dyes giv new life and use-
fulness to curtains, urniture covering%
draperiee,carpete, etc. Beware of imi-
tation and common package dyee; ask
for tbe "Diamend"land see that you
get them.
Send to Welk; esz lticharolkon Co.,.
Limited, Montreal, P. Q. for New Dir.
and Verse Story, entitled, °rite Long.
johne' Trip to the Klondike." All
cent free by mail. J
Red Rose Tea costs no more
than other teas
Mrs;Fred Demuth still continues' in
very poor health and is t unable to at-
tend to her _household duties. That
she may soon be restored to her form-
er,good healthis the wish of her.meny
friends.—Miss Katie Campbell, who
has beenseerlding the past tevo months
in Berlin with her sister, has. returned
to her, home in Stanley.—P. Lamont
bus ireturned from' Toronto.—John'
Brenner raised the, foundation under
his dwelling and made other improve-
meets to it recently, 'Fred Detieuth
also improved his dwellingby re-
painting it. • These improvements add
notch to :the appearance po our town.
-Billie Weston, f
ton, a medicinetnan, gave
free*entertainments in town last week.
--Rally Defy was observed in the
Evangelical church on Sunday. A
very interesting program was render-
edee--Tbe 24th of May was celebrated •
very quietly in oi�r'cillage. ' .Many of
the residents went to Exeter and °red
itoi-fteespentthe dity.--Mr.•: and Mrse
Zirk:of Blake are rejoicing over the
arrival of a little son on the 18th.. inst.
The:;blaacksmith shop at Blake has
.been leased by Mr. Halls of Chiselhurst,.
Who has taken possession.—J,-Fried of
Paris, France, visited at the home of
bis sisterreMrs D Fritzat few days ago.
—Mrs. Moses Geiger of ; the Bronson
Line, has succeeded in to full
triaaturity a fine specim to of lemon 8
by 8/` inches in size.—A cement walk
is being built from the corner of 0.
Waagner•'slot tbthe Evangelical church.
—Mrs. Quigley of Blake is .,seriously
ill. Her granddaughter, Mrs. Cain -
pan of Detroit,is over on a visit:
WEDDING. -On W.eclnesday the res-
idence of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad •Fuss,.
near here, was the scene of a pretty
event when their estimable daughter,
Miss Lavina, gave hei- heart and hand
to Mr. Alfred Reichert, a prosperous
young farmer of near Hillsgreen. The
bride vas rnost'becomingly attired and
as the bridal party entered the parlor
aa, silence fell o'er. all the guests and ere
long Rev. E. Schuelke pronounced the
solemn words, which made the young,
couple manand wife. At the .conclus-
ion of the ceremony - and . eongratuk-
tione the companyadjourned to the
dining roorn, wherethe beautifully ar-
ranged table was prepared to serve
the wedding.supper.. Many and beau-
tiful were the gifts that were present-,
ed to the bride. We join with the
well-wishers of Mr. and Mrs. Reichert,
and trust their future :inay be'iaii un-
interrupted laoneynoon.
- Around About Us.
Seli forth: Mrs. Canino, wife of Alex.
Cardno, passed away on Thursday ev-
ening at the age of 69 years. Deceased
whose maiden name was Margaret
Mitchell': has been. an invalid for sev-
eral years, suffering from paralysis,
and for some time had been almost en.
tirely helpless.
Seaforth: On Tuesday an inter-
esting event took plliee at St. James'
church in the marriageeof Philip IT.
Burgard and Lizzie G. Kennedy. Tbe
groom ma; assistect by his brother,
Jake Burped and the bride by Miss J,
King of Wingham, The ceremony
was performed by Rev. P. Corcoran,
Seaforth: John Cooper met with a
painful accident at the weollen mill on
Saturday. In the dry rooni of the
mill a large fan is used to drive the
steam out, mid while this was in nio.
thin young Oooper wenteip eo oil the
shaft. In soilaw way' he got his left.
arm caught) in the fan and the fieb
from the elbow down was literally
tote) from the hone., The arne may yet
have to be amputated.
Seaforth; The Crystal City Courier
says:"The announcement on Thursday
'afternoon,g4 170,0 the death of Al-
bert Edvverti.only son of Me. and Mrs.
VV. O. Duff. came ate a surprise' ahd
severe shodk to the eitizend of Crystal
City and surrounding distriet. fie
died of inflammation of the bowels.
Deetbased W418 borne in' McKillop town-
ship, two milea from Seafortb, Ont.,
tea September 5th, 188A, and eatne to
this district nine' years ago with his
mother and two sisters, and joined
111r.Dt1111, W110 hall preceded them wine
Clinton On Wedneeday at high
noon, on of thoee events that eall
forth con ratitlatione and good wisher'
took placC at Blyth at the residence of
Mr, and Mts. John PG. Moser, when
became the wife of Sohn B. Gardner, a
poptilae young man of Clinton. 'Rev,
Alr.Anderson performed the ceremony
in the presence of a large gathering of
friends. The bride wam gotvued in
cream eolienne and lace, with veil.
VVH, Rya - aacTreQ 6, that t1-0. in aiy�tlag
ahva a th most econemica . even ..lr at
cost`$ more.
But when' you can get : the boat i . .tea at the
same price you pay for inferior ...teas,
--When you Cali get that t61.zch'fruity flavor" of
Red Rose Tel.,
---when you can bet a.1 the good qualities . of
both Indian' and Ceylon teas with ironer of their
–when, in short, you 'earl get Red Rose Tea
at the sane price as other teas 'a why not.have it
•! is _� d T .
T. H. Estabrool s
St. John, N.B., Toronto, Winnipeg'
Mitchell: John Byers who has been
a resident of this place for about thir-
ty years," last week moved with his
family to Lucan.
.A, little four-year-old son
of Allan Cameron cainie near losing
his life Monday"afternoon. He was
playingin the back yard with another
child, and being in possession of mat-
ches they set fire to a -lot of paper, and
the flames soon spread to his clothes.
His mother heard the cries and rushed
to his rescue. In smothering the fire
her hands were badly burned, but she
saved' the little one's life. A ,it was the
flesh was burned under' both arras, and
down one side.
St. '°Marys: A pretty event took
place at the home of Robert Stephen-
son, on Wednesday, May 23rd, when
his second daughter, Etta, became the
bride of. Edward Dunseith, St. Marys.
The bride was prettily attired in
dress of blue ladies', cloth, with lace
trimniings;:and •Carried. as bouquet of
white roses,while the bridesmaid, Miss.
Minnie Dunseith, sister of the groom,
carried pink roses. . Geo, Stephenson,
brother of the bride, supported., the
Seaforth: The following,"titteze ticket-
ed to distant points last, week: -Miss
Edmunds to Buffalo; Mrs. Raathweli to.
Detroit; Mrs. McDonald and daughter
to Mt. Clemens, Mich:; A. D. Canino
to Darlington, Man.; F. W. Cardno to
Winnipeg; Mr, and Mrs. Sam, Laidlaw
of Egmondville• to Fort William; Alex..
Smith • of Eullett, to Portage la Wait ui ie,",
J. Miller of eidibbe>~.b,.,to Elfin. ' Creek,
Man.; L. A. McLean,Sipperieo Winni-
LCCA8 Code. -flit:
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that be is senior part-
ner of the firm of F. J: Cheney & Co., doing business
in theCityof Toledo, County and State aforesaid"
and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HIND -
RED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh
that cannot be cured by the use of Bail's Catarrh •
Cure. . • FRANK J. O1IENEY
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my preuence
this 6th day pf December, A.D., 1886.
(Saar) • t,•' A. W. GLEASON,
Hall's Catarrh Cure is *taken' internally, and acts
directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system.Send for Testimonials free F. J.-CHENEY &C0..,Toledo; O.
Sold by all;Druggiists, 475c. ,• •
Take Fall's Family Pills'for rodsti ration,
Doti't you want Barn and. Chicken- Houses as dry as
your kitchen ? Roof them with
It is cheaper than shingles and you can put it on Tourself,
:With each roll of " Wire 'gage " arc nails, caps and eel:nee:it. You
_need only a hammer and yo4 can make all the buildings rain -proof,
snow -proof and fire -proof.
Our booklet tells about the roofing that
ever leaks and lasts a' lifetime. Let us
end you a free copy and samplcs of
Sold by hardware dealeri
Toronto.„ and Montreal
it does not require an
expert to clean out the flues
of ..the Sunshine" furnace— .
tile Only; tool. needed* is a brush
which is' supplied with every
' ' ' ll/1 I
. ' s<';//'' 4*',14'BEtt \\\
casing, and the brush can easily be inserted.
This heater just bristles with exclusive feature's such' as
automatic gas dampers, largo double feed -doors, steel doraf,
double shakers and 'steel radiator.
if you want the best fUrnace made got' the " Sunshine."
t3old by enterprising 'dealers everywhere. • Booklet free.
vv kills on Sole Ag nts.