HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-05-31, Page 4Q
A Household Necessity
Becittise. it Tie Preparatian every
faMily •should he, previded with'
for the attineeous'aiheents and ae-
eidente so tiozzatacp In every hoine.
Safe and Reliable Medicine
Victoria Day at M00%
The celebration of Victoria Day in
one berg was the greatest success in
history of a village . that le noted
foe worrying ont suele titUrs in a n141111.
nee evotraley of a match laeger place.
The weathee was beautifel-and every-
hedy etqaved t asant keening. At
four o'elocle in the moteaing our eitieene
IATTO, -tiWakerl'ed from , theie slumbers
by thenoise feova giant firecrackere
and anyike„, Everybody got, busy and
by'eiss&oe il our husiness meeehnd'
-people had their places Tend dwellings
beautifully decorated vvitli huntiug
end Rage. Three large stteamers, red
white aurd. blue were placed iteteea the
street. Everyhooly, was wide awake
and determined to Make the day a eed-
lettee. one, • ,
At 9.30 sem. the procession was
formed at the Royal hotel, Art. Holtz-
man and Fraser BrO W TY, dressed as sol -
dies and mounted on horses, led the
procession, after which came the 13and,
then about 250 school children folloe -
fug, each child carrying a flag. The
following trades were then presented:
_Alonzo Hodgins, Blacksmith, had a
regular blacksmith shop on his wagon,
Dan Patch and tits rider were on the
wagon, Albert/Was kept , busy keep-
ing the bellows going.
Jacob Holtzman, Tailor, presented
his work shop and store on the wagon.
He and Sol. Beaver were busy melang-
e coat, and vest, fee a pea son of wonder-,
ous. size. '
I3ert Clarks aPainter, bad his wagon
filled with ladders, S. W.P. paint, and
brushes.'His wagon was beautifully
decorated with'I 'ags and bunting.
George Holt , teen, Contractor and
Builder, gave a u •,ique exhibit,emben
the procession was 'going through
town he and his'. workmen werelb-hey
laying the foundation of a ham and
when the procession had returned, a
handsome tip -roof barn was construct-
ed with its builders on top.
Albert Morlock, Blacksmith, had t
$25,000 horse on his float. A darkey
jockey was holding him, while Alex.
was shoeing the' fractious animal.
Harris & Arnos, Painters and Paper
Hangers, had a house built and they
were busy painting it, while their ap-
prentice, Sam Kuhn, was buy show-
ing our good citizens the beautiful
Wall paper they lead for sale. ,
Youeg Bros„ Tinsmiths, had a tin -
shop on wheels: Herb'end Frank were
kept at work making pails and. Milk
cans. '
Henry Sweitzer, Miller, bad his wag-
on covered with, clOth covering. He
showed his Lily White flour, done up
in barrels. paper bags and backs.
After the proceseion had gone tone
flax miltand,rettorned to the Recrea-
tion grounds it disbanded. The Crowd
then vvended theft'. Way to the grounds
where the Band kept the people in
good humor by playing lively airs, un-
til thebaseball boys were ready.
. At 10.30 the ,game was called be-
tween our "Stars" and the High Scheed
boys of Parkhill, iiided by some players
from Ailsa Craig. In the first three
innings our 'boys madesomexostly er-
rors, and, after a very exciting 'game,
the contest
IPternallY • Externally
cures relieves and Cures
Sore Throat
Etc. Etc.
- Rheumatism
Etc. Ete.
Sells on Its Merits.
25 Cents a Bottle
Prepared by W.S. COLt, Phrn.B.
Bxeter, Ontario
Ozeter brocatt,
Sanders os Creech., Props.
Zion •
The sudden change in the weather
wakes the fire feel good ,again. -.7 --Miss
Clara Eby of London spent the 24th
thehome of Mrs. S. Parkinson. -Miss
Edna Taylor spent Sunday 'under the
parental roof. - ite a large nu na her
of our people took in the anniversary
and concert at Woodbain on the 24th
and reporta geod time. -Anniversary.
serviees will be held in this church,
Juae 17. Rev. J. E. Holmes of Liman
will preach d both morning. and -even-
ing. The- afternoeneservice will be
-withdrawn.-Next Frida,y evening,
Junel, being Missionary night in our
League, 11(liss Marshall of -Kirkton
will take the topic..
Emanuel Ehlers spent the 24th in
Milverton with friends, returning
Tuesday.e-Tlanrsday, the 24th, being
Ascension Day, service was ,held in
both charches.---We are sorry to 'hear
that Sohn Erkstein is very ill at his
home., We hope soon to hear of his
recovery, -Mr. and Mrs. Justus Treutu-
iner of the state of Ohio are visiting.
the forreer's sister, Mrs. Wm. .Shrum.
-The of this place held their
annual Rally -Day on Sunday, render,„
, a suitable' program. A. free-will
offering was taken in aid of the mis-
sionary efforts of the church. -Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Lindenfelt of Exeter spent
Sunday in the. village. -Miss -Nettie,
13rokenshire spent the week with
friends On the Goshen line. -Mrs. C.
Miller spent a few days last week with
her daughter, Mrs. Witmer, ---Jacob
Brenner moved with his family to
Stratford, where he has secured ern-
. ployrnent in "ft, furniture factory. We
are sorry to lose Jac. brit wish him
:every success.-Henry•Willert attend-
ed Court of Revision at °tedium on
Saturday. eeeSa in, Witzel, of Toronto
spent a few .days at his home here
'during theiveekee-Mies Edighoffer• of
Blake was a visitor at the home of her
brother, George, last week. -Miss Liz-
zie Betscher of Detroit guest of
her brother, David. ---John Fried, after
an exten,ded trip to England, for the
benefit of his health, arrived home 'a
few days ago. much improved. Mrs.
Fried and family who accompanied
him to E nd are expected home
ehortly.- P. Paulin, who has- con-
ducted the hardwarebusiness here for
,the past five years, left Tuesday to
take charge of 'a similar 'businss at
GodericliNeWe wish him and his tam,
ily abundalatasnecess in their new
hotne.-Mes. Rothermel, who has been
visiting friends at Stratford and Ham-
burg for some time, returned home on
Friday evening.—The little sons of
Messrs. David Tieinan and Ezra eTie-
man, who have been ill, are recover-
ing.- There seems to be plenty of
•tranaps roaming around, the roads just
now and no one knows what, mischief
they may. do. „ 'We think it would be
advieahle for any 'constable to arrest
• theire'ein sight, bring them before a
magistrate and have them committed
for vagrancy.
When the
liczir Falls
Then it's time to act! No time
to study, to read, to experi-
ment! ,You want to save your
hair, and save it quickly, too!
So make up your mind this
very Minute that if your hair
ever comes out you will use
Ayer's Hair Vigor. It makes
the scalp healthyl, The hair
stays in. It cannot do any
. -
thing else. It's nature'sway.
, Its best kind, of a testi mita -I
"Sold tor over si*tr Years"'
Amet. by:. o..Atror ne, . fr,,nwitl!.
Alio WWI swots or
' P SAItIlelkeltttLA,
gerstias. ,
closedwithscoreaof 14 to
12 in favor of Crediton. At 1.30 p.m.
eine 'eStars," faced the crack tenni, the
esBliieLabele."' of London, After play-
ing.such a hard game in the morning
our boys were rather dubious as to the
result, but fftba.the first there was no
doubt that they could give the visitors
warm time and they certainly did.
Our crack pitcher, Rau, was in splendid
form and having been given faultless
support in the field,, the cigar makers
Weren't in it at all. The score was 14
to 4 in our favor; "Fatty," the London
first 'base-niali, who Weighs '250 Iles.,
Itnore or less, kept the people 'roaring
with laughter at his witty sayings and
The sporta then took place and re-
sulted as follows:
-- 100 -yd race, J. 'Sweeney, Chas.Sway-
zie, G. DI,WS011; Relay race, Sweeney
& S vvayzie,. Munroe & GihsOn; ThrOw-
ing 56 lb. shot high, H. F. Eilbete A.
MCDonalcl, E. Heist; • Slow bicycle
race, N. Stanlake, W. ,Wein: Needle
race, J. Sweeney, P. Flanagan, T.
Munroe:- Fat Man's race, A. McDon-
ald, D. Mawhinney: Running long.
jutup, J. Sweeney, T. Munroe, It
Young; Running hop, step and jump,
H. Young, J. Sweeney; Winning high
jump, T. Munroe, 3% Sweeney, Chas.
Sway*: Putting shot. M. Doyle, D.
Ma wbinney, A. McLeod; Vaulting
high jump, J.' Sweeney, G. Lawson,
Etoys' 50 -yard race, Re Coughlin, S.
Weerth, A. Holtzman.
After the sports a good game of• foot-
ball ,between Crediton and Herman
took place, the latter winning by a
score of 1-0. In the afternoon fully
1000people were on the ground; gate
receipts $100, .
At 8 p.m. thegreed cotieert took
place in the hall. It was jammed to
the doors. Everybody was warm but
happy. II., tilber, 'M.P.['., acted as
ohairma.n. The Band gave a few se-
lection, then the play, "Hans von
Suiiteh" WAS given with. the, following
eleirecters: Hans,jra Brown; ,Katie,,
MISS 'Myrtle Clark: Mr. Batch, Thos.
Trevethick; Susie, Miss Beulah Ilea -
ver: Mary, Miss Farrows Mg. Mister,
Eimer Gower; ,Mr. Preetyman, °betide
Bluette. The play was a laughable one
throughout and well given, the par-
tielpants each doing excellently. Our
far-famed Quartette gave a aliartette:
Mrs. Zwicker and Miss Lula Essery
played am instrudie„ntal duet, and Mr.
Lloyd Sones played a piano solo in a
neleterly manner. Our worthy citi-
zen. Mr. Wna. Lewiq, delivered, a pat-
rintic speech to the d eligh ted audience.,
ilissdiscourse was opportune`and well
rendered. The la.t number WAS a
Wrind dein composed of sixteen young
ladi It, was "the number" of the
evi.nitA4 atul W011 rendered, Miss Par.
row, who condncted the drill, deserves
to be congratulated for the splendid
way' in which it was given,
' The Anatolia Day celebration of 1000
will he vet/feathered by us for many
vears to come. We had a feW Who
predieeeel a failure and, farce but eve
are gt id it wee each a soccess and the
committee of arrangement deserves
the geeateot praise atid congratnlas
Clow Of every eitizen in this inirg and
neighborhood for the manner in which
the, day's sports were carried otit.
Credit ton
Mrs. (ien, Preifer of Detroit, is vieit-
ing bee parents. Mr. and Mr& Iiired
Eillene-Tho following visitors spent
\ '.t.(5 11 Day In town With friends;
Gainet laker.„ rAnulon: Sol. Deaver,
cseleTe: Miee Inez eiloadrewe, Pallahill.-,
Wee, Fiukbeiner, our cent( etholior, t
WAS r.1 liney man on the 24th. Hie tent
on the ground was even patronized, -
Rev. L. H. Wa,..,,-,ner, Presiding Elder,
of Berfin, conducted the woarteray eel,.
%sieve in [ho Evangelieal etturehou Sat-
nrda,y and S anday. - It Eillseie M. v.F.,,,
is one of' tile party takiogsba the exeur-
sion to Cobalt, Teinaganti and New
Liskeard this week,--Ilost Hill had his
street lamp blaming all night Thursday
and .Friklay morning. .11e says he told
one of the hoarders to blow it out when
he returned Thursday eight ,from the,
cast.- lie either forgot it, or. never
came back. -The sidewalk contractors
are expected to start Work this week.
-Beroarel Brown is blending, a vvire
fence along the Crecliton road. -Herb
Eilberis Sporting a newrobber.tired rig:
He says he will assist: August in the
good wokke-Wm. Wallin is Wilding a
verandah for Thos. Lawson, -.The res-
idence of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Haist
was the scene of a very interesting
event on Monday evening, 2,8th inst.,
it being the 25th anniversary of their
wedding day. About fifty guests were
th ne3 to hap celebrate the event. The
di ing room wits beautifully decorated
with streamers, , bunting and flags.
After all, had partaken of the lunch,
the friends gathered in, the parlor
where conglettulatory addresses were
delivered by Rev. Wagner and Rev,
Bean. Replys Were given by Mr. and
Mrs. Heist. The presents were, num-
oils and. costly. We trust that Mr.
and Mrs. Haist will be spared -to en-
joy many years of married life. -.--
Claude. Bbiett attended. the funeral :of
Miss Edith Robson of Clinton on Wed-
nesday. Miss Robson ,taught ecbool
here about two years ago and ' was
highly respected by all but was oblig-
Thor? is
all the &W.%
eroce in
the 'wOn:lict
eating bis
cuits a,n
biscuit , eat.-
ing. n
may eat a biscuit and not taste
it, but when you think of Us.
cuit eating you think instantly of
.Mooney's Perfection
!Cream Sodas,
ed to resign on. account of 'ill health.
She left for the North West with the
hopes that she would regain her health
but it Appears she 'did not receive
much benefit. The sad- intelligence of
her death was received- on Saturday
from Regina. We extend our deepest
sympathy to the 'bereaved family. -
Monday night the. Exeter boys came
back to defeat our'"Duffers" ip a'gaine
of base ball. They again met their
Waterloo and returned home sadder
and wiser -score 15--13-our 'ho R wiIl
soon consider themselves invincible.
There Wit S quite a heavy frost here
Monday night, doing considerable
damage to tomatoes -Mrs. Geo. Sher -
rt left Tuesdey,for Grand Marais, to
visit her daughter, Mrs. A. W. Mai.
lard.-Jais. Oronyn is erecting a new
*ire fenee in front of. his farm, thus
improving its appearance. -J. B. Hod-
ginseis renovating, his house, putting
in a system. of water works etc. -Mr.
and Mrs. Robt. Stone are contemplat-
ing a trip teeHibliert to visit friends. -
John Love has added a new surrey to
his transportation outfit, • Keeping it
COU ntry postoffice must be lucrative... -
Miss Millie Sherritt's pony met with
an accident whereby ,it sustained a
severe gash that 'required several
stitches, to close.
C. Clarke of Loudon spent part-pfi
last week here, -TheMethodist church
anniversary will be . held ',June. 10th.
Rev. Anderson of Blyth' will conctuct
services morning and evenine-John
Ribey and Will Sweitzer visiterlSalem
Sunday School last Sunday. -Quite a
numbee from here spent- the 24th at
Wool:Thane-Mr. Meth] Hewitt' of
Exeter spent Sunday under the parent-
al roof. -E. RobinsonspentMay 24th
at his home In St. Marys,
(Tod late for last week.)
-Russell Crago-of Salem •spent Sun -
ay with Will Arthur. -Miss Ettie
Kennedy spent Sunday 'at her home
at Salem.-.-Mrs.Thos. Ribey is serious.
ly ill:her many fiqemjs wish her speedy
recovery. -Miss Lamm Marehall , was
in Stratford best Week attending the
teachers colleen tion. es Radcliffe
of Stratford epetet Sunday ItOcis home
here.-Are.hie Hyde our popular fish
peddler has gone to the lake for anoth-
er load of fisia this week. -Mr. B. Croz-
ier of the .eightli line spent Sunday
Si. JOS ,9)li
Miss Susan Wilhelm sperit the holi-
days at her home near New Hamburg,
-A gang of, men has% been busy put.
ting op the telephone line in our burg.
-Mies Rose Ragins of Ohiselhurst is a
visitor at the home of her grandfath-
er, David Spencer. -The contractor of
Exeter has started work on the bridge.
DEeerlas-The 'keen sickle of death
invaded our midst 'one Sunday week
and left the home of Joseph Lebeau
sad and desolate, by removing his be-
loved partner therefrom. Deceased
who hadonly attained the age of 44
years, had been ill for some Mine but
her death was quite unexpected, atitI
as it conseepience has cast a deep gloom
over the entire neighborhood. She
was a true wife,and a model mother
'and as it, friend and neighbor there
vvas bon& better. The funeral took
place Puesday.at 0 a.m. to the R. C.'
cemetery and was largely attended.
CORNER STONE r.A.m.--a-Thureday
last was a red letter day. in Methodist
circles theoughout this eona an ity,
the occasion being the laying of the
four corner stones of the new church
now in course of erection. Hundrede
orpeople had gathered to do honor to
the occasion and to participate he 'the
festivities ea ;amply provided. Follow -
mg is the ctay's proceedings. At elev-
en o'eloek tei70 of the corner stones
were laid with the limed formalities
and ceremonies; dinner WAS served
from 12to 2 o'clock, p.m.; at 2 o'elocit
two more stones were laid: at 3,30
o'cleck„ an interesting program of
spoiaa, was carried out, sapper was
served from to 8 p.m. and in the ev.
ening a grand entertainment WAS giv-
en. 'rhe honor of laying the font. co -
001 sfonee fell fa Mae. Jonathan Shier,
Rev, Tilos, E. Sewyer, Mr. Sanmel 1
Ford and Mr, T.,onio Beaver. There
were ale() a Etrae number of bricke laid —
try differeet pernone in attendance.
The Kirkton Baud wao in attendance.
and disetmrsed some excellent 1,1111810
throughout tlie day. Phe proceeds,
itteinding that of tbe prt.vionsSiettlav't1 ota
Crisp, delicious and tasty.
Absolutely and distinaly
superior to any other mike.
Say "Mooney's" to your grocer.
Mrs. Cowie of Hayfield spent a few
days during the week at the home of
SameThompson, Sr. -e -Mrs. McKenzie,
of Bayfield, isa visitor at the home of
her eon, Alex. McKenzie. The lady
who is past the four .score mark, has
been a resident of this county for over
70 years, and is still remit! kably smart
for her years. -The fruit crop an this
section promises well, and if Jack
Frost only keeps off his blighting fin-
gers the yield will be a large one. --.-11.
Hood of Pense, N.W.T., is here visit-
ing. bis mother who is very ill. -:-The
sick of our village continue about .the
same. %Among the number are Mrs.
Harvey, Mrs. Isaac Jarrot, and Gilbert
McDonald. That they may all be re-
stored to 'good health is the wish of
their many friends. --Wallace, the lit.:
little son of .Gilbert Dick, is recovering
from the effects of bis recent accident.
His mother was boiling soap, and he
with other children was 'playing near,
.by vvhen some of the fluid 'splashed
out and AS aeconseqiience the little
low's legs were severely borned.--Mrs.
• Waddell, who was for some six years
a resident of this village,`ae some,
for the late Peter Grant;died at the
home of her daughter, Mrs., Johnston,
at Sarnia, aleve days ago. Deceased,
who was in her 81st. year, was stricken
with paralysis and never recovered. -
Alvin McLean, son el David McLean,
of Tuckersmith; who recently passed
his'second yea,r's examination at the
Schooleof Practical Science, has gone
to lbe Northwest and will spend Ilia
vacation witliksurveyhig party, build-
ing up muscle and gaining it meatiest
knOWle..tige or his chosen profession.
P. Wells. a former tailor of this
town, is giving up business in Mitchell
wherehe has been conducting a, tailor
shop, and• intend's' moving West. -T.
Hudson has returned from his visit to
Galt anil-Elora.-Geo. Coleman, who
has been ill, is recovering. -Miss Jen-
Smillie, who ,has beet) attending
the Ladies'. Medical College, Toronto,
is borne a visit. -Mrs. Templeton
after ei pleasant visit at the rectors -
has returned te.Kineardine,-Mrs. 0.
Cook tItc?." holidays in Wroxeter.
-R. Otidmore contemplates erecting
anab6r.honse on the lot to the rear of
the one he is at present, woi king. on.
-D. Urcitihart movedethe born' he
recently pureheeied to town. He is
also moving the flax mill. end plant
from kubtirn here. -W. Moir and wife
soent few dyes in Toronto durinw
the W'eek.-.:-Mrs. Colwill and daughter,
MISS leave next week for Re-
gime' Sask.--Mrs. Margaret Sherritt,
Mks StoWeirt, Miss Boll, emr Miss Moil.
left yesteeclass (Wedneeday) Mr
Sentlatel. per steamship Sicilian,
Allan Line. -Mr. and Mrs. YongbInt
attended the Gardner-MoSer nuptials
Blyth Wednesday. -Earl Brown-
ing' has recovered from his illness and
resumed his duties in the So vereige
successful in passing his final examin-
ation in pharmacy and is' now a. foil.
fledged druggist. We congratulate.
Dal:1K here. -Geo. Reynolds has been
.rreeseiCee clue unscrupulous- i.endors mi suggest. others. but f:otupiitre it any
waSr 79t1 freedom 'from ac.fality, pilatableite-sS7-Labitt'atilc is surpasslione melange be tew•-at about hult the price at hest imported brands.
Goderich: On Sunday Geo. Harris,
while at the residence of' his son, Geo.,
at Cransferd, died very suddenly, .a
stroke of paralysis being the cause.
Ile was 01 years Of age.
Brucefield: Ohas goss.,a former rep -
1 ident of Stanley was, united in .mar.
riage to Miss Martin, The event took
place on May 23, at Ltunsden, 1Vlan.„'of
which place both are 'residents. ,
Ourclasses are rattelt larger than they were a Year
ago. The,publie have learned Mit this is. the pest
place in the k'royinoe to obtain a Consraereial Educa
tidiior Shorthand Training. Students are entering
each week. All graduates get gOod positionS.
Write now for 'catalogue,
• • 0
I „
1111111.161111::. .,....,,,w00011 mit
1 .17:71t f7171,1inalfef:reetli:11:1111teligintiliallt71111:11: 14111:7:11e:1:, I
le 111.111.11111::1:11111111111112511111".ttTililiti:11.441:11111111:tcallik'dordtallolli:jokuto ilfs•.:11:11Ligin:1to
WIRE rzNEE co.. Lim MED.
POINT I. Tito Dillon 1111ViE•STAY. numb Mad°
of 0AltliON Jinni otAtel wire. awl culled to
W J ea, n gent,
v.. 73:141.
To understand that we have now -.in our 'ware
rooms one of the largest and best assorted stocks
of Furniture ever shown to the people in this
section. We have all the latest goods and ha,v-
lng bought thetn at close figures we will sell at
We have a splendid.sthck of these in latest'styles
• -and variedpatterne.
Sewing MaChines
• • We have the agency for the • Williards Sewing*
Machines, aeknowIedged tis be the best.
B4,by Corriages,
yon want a baby -carriage, go-cart, or little wagon, for yonr bow- We
have them and you can get no better:
• We have Everythingm_,House 131.
Curtain Poles and Trimming" s of all kinds.
(Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1805) "
. llead Office, • ,• Meatreal
Capital l'aid Up. • • • •”. • • • $3;000,000
Iteserved, Puttd...• • • • • •'• • • • •.$3 000 000
OFFICE HOURS 10 a. trL to 3: p. SATURDAYS* lave Ile to 1p. na,
Farmer s Sale Notes citsheetoe•coIlected, Forties supplied on aPplication.
DRAFTS'On al1 paints ibe.Dorninion,- Great Britain and„ ;United
.States1,7ng, •bt and sold. at lowest rates of Exchange. J"
"AQVA.NCESemode:t6 Farmers, Stock Dealers and Business Men, at
lowest rates arid on most favorable terms. -
•, DEPOSIT Receipts iesued and highest current rate of interest allOWed
pestts of $1 and upwards received. Interest COM.
S avinglailkilepa•rtmenti
, pounded Julf-yearly, and added to principp4 Jtme 30th
and December
Agents at Exeter for the Dbminion Government.-
& Solicitors. 11114DON, Ma;ager.,
Who Drinks Hard
needs "Bu -Xu if he wants to
keep his health. .Beer, whslcy,
wine --all. alcoholic beverages -
irritate the kidneys. Pain in the
back, headaches, brick dust de-
posits in the .urine -prove that
the, kidneys are seriously in=
strengthens and invigorates the
kidneys, heals the inflammation,
clears the urine, and take* away
the pain.
Ihr-Iu" its not
drink. habit, but
protect th6steady
kidney distete.
All druggists
get *Am for you.
WIN08011. ONT.
• ;
a cure for the
"int -)u" does
drinker against
Wood.% rhosphodlie
ha Gavot Rtatish Renzedp.
Tonca andinvieorateethe whole
nervous erlan Makes VW"-
Bloodta o a Vcilia. meet Noe& ,
Nentat and liro,Irc tfro).ry ikit. i
collectio1i9. a al On 11 t ed t 0 Ro75 which pondeney, urtliVettknens Emisteernn, litpetk-, /
Of the chute+. The affair was a grand wni. cure. Pcid'b zstilirtnelirrorgi'rillollefein
amount will he applied to the biliiidinK rtioeSt nerbor 81
lrwtorrhoett, and reed* r irw ,Ocesnefid
themiglimit and relleets Pildrt Pk ." r"e.er
Woodstock; ,N iss Laura Ilmarrows (40d, .45redit on 1he. mattagtanentin chage. trogefteirti7cfriTtror) "w"riiiitti°41, ant, VX0tOr
01111 PLOWS
We have just received a
carload of Page Wire
Fence, 6 to Q, wires high,
for 480: and :up per rod.
This is recognized to be
• the best on the market
We handle Perrin Plows
and have just received a
carload of walking, °rid-
ing and gang plows made
• by this reliable firm.
'Agent for the Sylve ter and
Peirin Plow Com miles
Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Cedar
Posts, Sash, Doors, rames
and all Building Materials.
---Water Tanks---
Finished or in Knock down
always on hand.
Highest price paid for Saw-
ing ofevery description.
Oustoin sawing promptly
attended to. •
Estimates cheerfully given.
Exeter, Ont.
Marriage Liaen,,seF
I Issued at the