HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-05-10, Page 5ISO THE ex der Abructrate* 0 not 40 Zurich HOSPITALScRowDEDJ,, no in bin of cement walks are i MAMMY OF PATIENTS VIONIEN Mrs., Plokhanee Advice Saves Niany From titis sad sod costly tispe- 170 paper discOntinucd until Oil arrt ezarera:a Advertisements without aPceitled La Liberia diecuant made fortranscient advertisements inserted for len Periods., ;Eve* deg,eript19:1 joja, - PRINTING turned out in the lineat st,y1,, and at' moderate rates. Cheques, money orders, erv., for ..advertising, subseriptions, ote., to be made payable ta PROPRIETORS Property for Sal -e; A, gee pasture tam theVownship of Hay, near Sarepta; one hundred acres, 15 acres seeded,. frame hOuSe and good stable, good 'water, etc., another les acre farm, for sale, in the.township of drained, small orchard, 10 acres bush, frame house, barn, stable and grainary. Ap_ply to SANDERS & OREECH. Exeter. Da8hwoo Roller A real good time to buy our famous White Star Flour offrinot34". Clem, It is a sal hut two fact that erefy year brings mcrease in the la labor: of opera. tons perfornicd upon wom'en in. our hospitals. More than three- fourths of 'the ,,patients lying on those snow-white beds are women and girls who are aavaiting or reeovering from operations made necessary by Every one of these patients had plenty of warning hi' that bearing doWn feeling, pain, at th.e left or right of the abdomen, 11011TOUS exhaustion, pain. in the small of the back, pelvic catarrh, dizziness, flatu- lency, displacements or irregularities All of these symptoms are indications of an unb.ealthy cendition of the female organs, and if not heeded the trouble may make Iteadway until the penalty has to be paid by a dangerous operation, and a lifetime of inapaired usefulness at best, while in raany cases the resutts are fatal. The follOwing letter should bring hope to suffering woinen. Mrs. Robert Glenn, of 434 Marie St., Ottawa, Ont., Writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham: 1 '7 is "so well and widely knimn, that it does not ' to add it to the mauy which.you have m its Ifavor. I suffered untold agonies from eeriou -female troubles for nest, three years, and eperation; but SS I ,was unwilling to do this, is now. Made from the very finest of wheat—acknowledged to be the best in America—The Mills, the Miners, I and the Milling.Procees all thoroughly adapted for obtaining the highest re- sults: —For stren.gth. richness whole- ness and appetizing flavor it 'is with'- I out equal; makes more bread easier and better thap. any othe—gives solid katisfa,ction'to constuner and producer —Boy it and you, will Please yourself , andiyour good wife as well.-11ouse- t" , wives all over the county emdorse our "We 'solicit yotir patronage. I Josiptidt Dashwood, ran and Shorts and Wheat Chop xeter and Centralia Elevators the doctprs told me that must undergo an only too pleased that I did so, for it restored mato perfect health, .saving me the pain of an operation and the Immense bills attending the same. Pray accept rny. hearty thanks and best wishes." . Just as surely as Mrs. Glenn was cured of the troubles enumerated in her letter, just so Surely will Lydia E. Pinkhara's Vegetable Compound care other women. mho suffer from female troubles, indam- mition, kidneys troubles, nervoil excita- bility and nervous prostration. . Mrs. Pinkham invites all women who are. 111 to write her for free advice, She is a daughter-in-law of Lydia E, Pinkham and for twenty-five years has been advising sick Women free Of charge., Address, Lynn, Masa carried on a succ'essful Medical practice 1 here for the past six years. hap sold r oot the same to Dr, J. 'Oharlesworth, 4 of Morpeth, an old college class-tnate . ' ler the past eix years. Prices; Satisfaetory. Bri.ng in your, grain and 4.oad home with feed. - Cook's Cottott Root COMpotind. The great *Uterine Tonic; and only. safe' etreetftoi Monthbe Regulator on which women can depend. Sold in three degrees TO degrees stronger *3* No. 8, ' for Val cameo P'Or box. 4 'prepaid, on roe pt of price. Free pamphlet. Address : TH FOR THE HOME. Is that which gives lasting benefit and Pleasure. Nothing will so successfully do this as a good High Grade PIANO co?ORGAN Every member of the family vvilliul- We carry these instruniente in the highest grade and our prices and,terms are of the most liberal kind for the Purchaser. . 'Surpass anything in the ns- akket for beanty and durability. '° Call and see us; we will take pleasure In showing you our goods; 13 MARTIN. &SON ORANGE)) EACH WED4ESDAT POtatt0e8. per per-owt., family Flour, low grade per clivt 84 3oi 05 701n 2 251 171 14 '7 101 20 00 i per ton 18,00 18 00 I SOnke Ciood Stc)c ,g1 Around About Us, gone eresswelLMich, whew he ha Rev.,Mr, Yager .and family left la we(,k foe their new home in New IIai 110 laid up with rliei late Atte. StAclaree hotiee and lot las week few $603. --Seeding hite been con 'Acted ilk this dietrict. The fall whea looks welt J. Merrier and Ileur LebOap'traded a Piece of of real estatt colt, "Little Mack" last wet-ii,a---Henr KalbileiSch has tlie foundation for hi new dwelling completed.—It has bee decided, by the County Council t build, cement abutments under th bridge on the Salable Line, and to other wise repair it..— Word has been recall, ed that Henry Sipple carriage estab lishment was totally destroyed in Sa Francisco, by the recent earthenak and fire. Stannic's; "The assessor of Ha Township, has conrpleted the roll fo 1900, and delivered it to the Townelai clerk. The following statistics or culled frona it: Number on roll,, 094 - acre in. towpship, 52.490; land cleared 41,708 acres; woodland 4,000 acres ewanap, 0,722 'acres; value of land, $1, 534,710; value of buildings, $722,305 Inisiness tax, $25,825; income tax, $12, 335; total assessment, $2,245,235; child ren aged 5 to 21, 1036; aged 5 to 16, 907 total population,3,443; number of male persons aged 21 to 60, 680. ,,,i' f(.8rnt-le3riraersitY-3Citent5f18tit3pelart:'Wnla3921 o t, St, Mranir. 1110 ilarta of Thos. Por at tliejtinctioia, was etruck by lig .,1 tang aild burncai on Wedneeilay la SPveral animals and a (inanity of ,gr town a short tune ago to engage in t ttiliv4e' Yitsgrobrtltsit Nil'Illitaiicert aWilengtalniri411 while engaged la leacling,loga. Hes Parkhill: A. goodly number of 0.eoing last at the residence of lki casioO of the marriage of their clang ter, Annie, to Mr. Henry ,Eaatioch Iowa. Rev. 0.0.(louzen,officatecl, a pronounced them one. track near here, May 3rd, an unknow man was struck by a train, He w removed to Stratford hospital, a died shortly afterwards. He was u conscious from the time of the accide to his death. He was well dressed,a had not the appearance of a tramp. Tile body of thP man has been iden fied as Alexander Ross, of Ingers John Patterson and Miss Margar ROSS, niece of the deceased,had the r ;mans taken to Kincardine for buria , Corbett: A qaite wedding was so emized at the Methodist church par- sonage, April 25th. The contracting parties were Miss Tena Thompson and Mr. Huggins Paxton, of McGillivary. The bride was becemingly costumed in a suit of gray cloth with white trimmings and wore a white picture hat. the misfortune to fracture her left arm above the wrist hy a fall On Saturday. —,-Dr. Geo. Gibb, V.S., has been suffer- ing from a cut on his right hand whieli he received while performing an oper- ation recentlY. --W. J. Tait is suffer- ing froin blood poikconing as the reSult of his recent accident. Egmondville: ,The 'death occurred recently of Airs. Manson sr,.. a former resident of here. The 'deceased , had been staying with one of hea daughters, Mrs. Mcliarof Rippen. at which place she passed away. Since the death' of her_husband some few years ago. Mrs. Manson has not 'enjoyed the best of health. . Corbett: 'Mr. and Mrs, Wilbert Young have the syropa thy of the com- nmnity in their sad bereavement they have been called upon .to Sustain. On Apill 27, their little daiighter, only a few months old passed away. The fiineral service was held in the Meth-, Odist church at Greenvvity on Sunday afternoen, interment.talung place at tee ht- ain eft he en ew of nd he DAS nd nd ti - et 1. 4111. Obis elh urgt: A very sad drowning accident happened about two Miles east of here recently when the only child, a two year old 80111 of Mr. Ed. Allen, wandered to the amble river, only a few rods from e ,bouse and Tell in and was drown d. The little his mother's notice whet be Wae raissecr inor STATE OF OMO CITY OF TOMO, FrankeL'Cheney makes oath that he is senior. part- ner of the firm of P. Cheney 85 Cp., doing business in the Cityof 'Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the -sum of ONE HUND- RED DOLLARS for each and every• case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscribed irr ray presence this. Oth day of December. A:D„ 1880. . Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces Of the system. Send for Testimonials free. Sold hy all Druggists, 715o. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation', ,i3uppose you do like the tea you, are using. How do you ow it is the best tea you can edp for the money 1NY were satisfied `with the tear thca before they tried Red Rose Tea. When they tried Red Rose Tea they f9und,it had that rich fruity fldtvor," f_dund, it was stron7,-- that it requires less to make a cup of good tea 'than the brand of Ceylon alone they had been using. Now, why not be sure you are getting, the- best You cannot be sure till you try Red Rose tea. GOLDEN CASE Is a beautiful chestnut' sorrel, banes high and wieghs 1075 Ibs. Good feet and legs. A - handsome trotting stallion, with a fine pedigree, showing good anceEttots and fast brothers and ' Monday? will leave his own stable, Winchelsea, and proceed to Philip Hern's for noon; and home for night. Tuesdaya John Morgan's, con. 4, *Us - Wednesday, to'Dayid Cliristies and home until Friday. Eallie Brown; Prop. . •-• WIGTOWN Lad, 5134 Is a bright bay of fine proportions, 16 hands high and weighs 1700 pounds. Bis stock is a fine specimen of Clydes- Monday, will leave his Own stable, Grand Bend. and proceed to Thos. Smith's for noon;,thence to , Tuesday, to Parkhill and Guy Harr". vireclneada,y, to Shipka" and home. Thursday, to Chas. Wilson's and Friday. to Peter Bedour's and St. Joseph and 'Wm. Ilgavers. Saturday, WIll.Turnbull's and borne. • Walter tatton, Prop. and Manager. RETURN FAaes: Winnjpeg S32.00 Strasshurg $38.25 Souris - 3150 Saskatoon - 37.25 Rrandon 33.55 Prince Albert 30.00 MoOSOmitl 84.20 No. Battleford 30.00 tstevaril nn *Calgary .• 40.50 35.75 Stettler 42.50 41.50 Regina June 6th, good to retui'm until August Rh. June 13th, " August 20th. July 17th, " Sept. 17th. ' For rates te other points and complete in- formation,apply to nearest Canadian Pacific Ageut. Or write- to C. 13. PcisrEtt, DiStrict Passenger Agent, 71 YOnga SIIA, Toronto. gENTIIAL . A celebrated imported Clydesdale, 17-1 hands high, of great weight and substance, and wi,th a line pedigree. Monday, to Hill's Rotel, Creditor), for night. Tuesday. to John Glavin's, townlihe, and to Moffat's Hotel, Centralia. Wednesday, Hugh Carroll's. Con. 4, Biddillph, and Win. Brock's, Con. S. Thursday, to Woodham and Kirk. ton. 111Fidav. to Sohn Duncan's, Con. 12, and to Farquhar. Saturday, to his own stable. • ALEX. DOW, Proprietor. ALAN BRIG11'14 11584 Is a Clydesdale with an excellent edigree. Ile has plenty of size and ubstances, good feet and legs, with apital aption. His breeding rs of the est on both sides. Tuesday, will leave his own stable, entralla, and' proceed to Freeman Dodds,eort.4,1liddulph,for noon; thence to Rus. Skinner's, con. 7. Usborne, for Wednesday., to John Perkins, (Ion. 4 otel, Creditor). illivary, john T. Simpson, noil: Saturday, hotne until Tuesday tnorn- ng 'Proprietfir and Manager. STRATFORO, ONT. Our classeEi are much larger than they were a year ago. The public have learned that this is 'the best place in th'e Province to obtain a Commercial Educa- tion or Shorthalul Training. Students are entering ieh week, All graduates get good positions. Principals. OMER, SISTER 'AND BROTHER Died of Consumption,but this Linden lady used Psyelfine and is strong and well "My mother, brother and 'sister died of consumption," says Ella M. Cove, of Lin- den, NS., myselfsuffered for two years from a distressing cough and weak lungs. I suppose inherited a tendency in this direction? , .Parithill: On Friday, April 27, Mr. Ale -under McKay, father of Mrs.Thos. Arnold, of the 18th con.,West Williams passed away at the ripe age of 87 years The deceased came six week's ago on a visit to his danghter when.he was tak- an illneEs of several months Daild Plant passed away on April 26th, at the residence of his daughter, MrsaTos. Whiting of, town,at the age of 85 years. log suddenness to David A. Martin,. coal merchant on Monday evening. At 11 o'clock he retired in his usual health. Shortly afterwards his wife noticed Dim breathing heavily. , She becameallarined and as she waS un- able to arose him callecaassistance but he dever rallied. Several years ago•he was trembled with rheumatism, which breught on angiha pectoris. He had been in excellent health recently but it waS expected that the affection of the heart would caose.trouble. • Clinton: After an illness that only lasted for a few days, Mr, E. Holmes, the founder' the New ,Era, and fath- er of the present proprietor, passed away its quietly as one falls asleep, on Saturday afternoon, at his home just outside of St.Catharines. Less than a week before he had been up and around in comparatively gooclhealth, though feeble. On Thursday night he went to bed feeling a little worse than nsaal and while a relative sat by his bed Sat- urday afternoon, be simple slept away without the slighest perceptible strug- gle, Reewas 83 years of age. r, Sealorth: The death °mimed on Saturday in Mcgillopuf David Ross, son of the late Finlay ROSS of this town. air. Ross WaS a comparatively young roan being in his 47th year. A widow and family of six children are left to mourn the loss of a kind husband AIM loving father. Mr. ROSS bad been ill for only a short time and had come to town on 'Wednesday to consult a doc- tor. when he was taken' much worpe and had to.be moved to the home of Mr. rt. Ross, a brother-in-law. 6 Every- thing was done that it wtits possible foe medical skill to do but death resulted on Saturday. • N. Middlesex Licenses Granted. Lucan.—A. McFalls, Central Hotel; Fogitrth, Queens Hotel; Joseph rrest, Western Hotel. Granton. --Jas. Gibson, Centro' Rotel; John Rowell, Ontario House. H. MeColl, Queens Hotel (three Parkbill.—Mrs. E. Shoemacher. Pow - House; M. 13reen, Franklin House. Loho.—Fred Hoak, Komoka; Alex. Neil, Junetion Hotel. " A.delaide.--.Chas. Clifford. Clandehoye.—Jas. Pitman. Mr. Pice, Who has a shop litence at Luca n. was grarited one month to clear du t his stock. Fo 11, ell " But thank God I used Psychinc and it built me right op. My lungs are now strong'. I enjoy splendid health, and OW. MC it all to Psyclune." Consumption, whetherhereditaty or con. tracted, cannot stand before Psychine. Psychine kills the germ, no ma,tter how it attacks the lungs. Psychine builds up the body and makes it strong- and able to resist disease. Psycblne is an „aid to digestioo and a maker of pure, rich blood. The greatest giver of general health ie • And doing. nothing to keep it P most osi.ng luxuriant hair. ' Don't youP Then wOmen like thick,lteavy hair; long, . woe Ban; Vegetable SiciLian Hair litotnewer. You. save what Imir you otir air trePAVAVritnil "Iriangtreb: geft bnglitirtil y . ..,,„ and get More at the same time. SYCHI (Pronounced Si.keen) t. is good Tea 'T. Estabrocons St. John, N.B., Termite, WinniPeX Clinton: The death occurred on the 26,ph insta of Mrs. A. Aidieuzie, at the age Of 02 years. A hosband, one son and two daughters survivea—On Sat- urday Miss Louisa White died of heart trouble after a lingering 1.11ness of many months. Two brothere and a sister, survive. XYDON .Clinteri: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Warr- ener celebrated their golden wedding on Thursday evening of last -week, They were married in Yoikehire , 1856 and came to Clinton the same year; Nine grown up sons and daugh- ters ate living and were all houie to the celebration. The AloSt 'Wonderful Discovery of' the Age. What does 03cydonor do? It gives the body an affinity for oxYGEN, and Makes it absorb nature's' reVitalizing force--oxygen—through every pore • 'Disease simply cannot stay in the system that is surcharged with oxygen. Dyspepsia, RheuMatisrp, Fever Indigestion, Insom- • nia and all disease simply vanish before oxygen—and Oxydonor gives the 'body oxygen. Read what those whb have used It say. , NEURALGIA, RHIEUIVEATISIlt. Col. R. B. Hamilton, Provincial Board of Health Registrar General's Cif. ce, Tern tc, Can • writes, August 31st,"1001, "My experience with Oxydo nor has been most satisfactely on. resppet. Personally I can vouch for its e fficieney in acute cases, such as la ffril d Et 8*r strain. In both instances its action being remarkably quick, and' the results agreeable and For more chronic affections. such as neuralgia and rheurnatism, ray wife has experiOnced very great local benefit, and would not be without an Oxydonor for many times its weight' in - Send us your 'name and turess and we will send you our bookl.et `"T" fully explaining' the ba workings of this wonderful ins rnent. Fittk Street, Detroit' Mich. 2268'St,catherine St, `Iiiittr It is the one rpof that—is not affected by heat and cold. It -never lealtAL-neilier hartaens or cracks --is rain, snow and fire,proof—and lasts a lifetime.. 'Cheaper than., shiegles, 'You will want it for every building v I after you know how thoroughly satisfactory it is. I Our fr,ee booklet giVes lots 9f • information about ).t. Write for a Fopy and free sample of the 'best roofing in, the world. a .Elaadware dealers eveywhere sell Paterson's " Wire Edge " or will get it for you. Monfteill end Toronto :1 The e; Sunshini3" furnace anci sunny ' ways are, synonytnotits. The cold, dreary winter days -Can 'healthful heat if you have a " Sunshine " 'furnace. is easier to operate, cleaner, uses loss fuel .and " shines' in many other ways over commo,n furnaces. Two Shakers are used tb shake the heavy, triangular. shaped gra.tes. This just. cuts the work ,,of•shaking- down in half, besides being easier on the furnace than, the old one -shaker style. Itirkton Sold by enterprising d al. Dooklet free. too. Voile, still continues very ill. 131anshard Agricultural Society nmeneed this week to fix up their undo. They will build a new fence vont of the propeety and etherwise wove it. --The corner atone of the t °dist chin ch will be laid zit Wood. r) Alay Shier has been cessful. in his fir4t year in medicine he Western nedle411 College, Lon. itomy, Physiology, Chemistry, Ma - f into hal at t don 50o. Per Bottl tertit Medics) Practical Anatomy and Largor *bran al and *LAM( druirigintn.' aleo ninkiag fourth on To Hawkins 4s4 on, Sole A nts