HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-05-10, Page 4AR ROAD ,T0 TRAVE.I. Is the one .ter which. ;van pass with tender feet. If y gabit,' e t,trouble ysele I they gni: tired If they' perspire). If the Desk is tender" J�T.Eg$E Will relieve and keep the feet cool and 'comffort- able, and will allay. that hot burning 'sensation so .often troubles:mete in' Piot weather, Price 26c per bottle. Prepared: arid. For Sale COLE'S IIRIJ� STORE ....Exeter,Ont ano ,1111.21.1.111 (tzaeter btothte, Sanders & 'Creech,, Props, THURSDAY, 11A.Y 10, '06 NOTES 4..ND COMMF'VTS Announcement is made of the re- tirement of Chief Justice Sir E. Tits- . chereau on a pension equal ..to his full salary. It ;is expected that Mr. Fitz- patrick, -Minister' of Justice, will sus- teed, him, and that Mr. Aylesworth w11leave tie Post office Department 'to become Minister of Justice. This • change will .removefrom the cabinet the strongest colleague of the premier, and one that has been of .thegretttest assistance to 'Sir Wilfred in parlia- ment. Mr, Fitzpatrick easily' corn- minds the attention of the House and has helped the the premier out of many 4tffieulties.:.»He will be succeed-` ed in .the Justice •Department by Mr. Ayleswor'th,, who has "helped the pre mier into many difficulties.. Miserable Deception ,., .. PRAC1 ISED ert i. G f�trh. akers of Adulterated an.d. Worthless e -Notwithstanding the > ' 7nal,Ylltnous' verdict of the world's most eminent colorchemists, that it is impossible to color animal ( wool and silk)fibres. and 'egetable(cotton and lir;en)ibres with the same dye, we find speculators who are jealous of the world-wide success of the DIAMOND DYES, putting up and: offering for sale worthless package dyes which they represent will color any material with . one dye. This cruel,deception has caused serious loss- es to many at hoine.in Canada. The DIA MOND' DYES, the world's great leaders , give to the ladies special cial dyes for wool and silk,and special dyes for cotton 'and linen and all. mixed goods, guaranteeing perfect color re- sults. The ladies Will insure and protect their interests if they avoid all mer. dhants Who sell the errrde: and worth- less package dyes recently put on the market. Ira „every case ask for the DIAMOND DYES, and see that each package bears-the.wot•ds "DIAMOND PACKAGE'DYES. Please send your name and address to Wells & Richard- son Co., Limited, Montreal, P.Q., land, you will receive free of cost New in- struction Book,for Home Dyeing, Card. of Dyed Samples and story: in „ verse, entitled "The Longjobn's Trip 'to the . Klondike." y . • The Ontario Legislative voted, $500 to William Sherring, the,' `Marathon hero. There will be few strawberries grown -inthe Ottawa district, the unusual winter having killed the plants. • i;Iiirfttcardlaee By -Laws. Kincardine, iiaay 7. -The result of the roti;to-day on the by-lawo is as follows: -The trunk sewer by-law defeated by 57, the storm seep. by», law by 121; the park bwets -1agrr° care Tied by 02. le' » e Trust octors If you are suffering. from impure blootl, thin blood, cb- bilit nervousness, exhaus- tion, you should begin at once with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the arsaparillla ,you have known tilt your life` Your doctor knolirs•tk too. Ask hihn°about it. 'Paled$ there is ,airy ..aloft oJk the 'be>ttelg, ,iiu}iacceetisuea'causing 1e'ryn hsacptIa rk, ea' tills ar<xa► liw4r 011*. ,Acs gently, IMIt V to le. Ifado .0,Ayer tl'o.. X.ewu11, .o tratinflotn>rers oil NAIR 'Y1$301!'., M! ttflal. 'a«0 CURRY P1001/At. ws >iurn►r► rtes ss'rato t 'orfs prtb1h,k iftet iCbtaErw,i).s of e,11 err »aedietnar . co. I r Paulin e 'h s C s be M w t J w n1 i T ti h a e fu w pets vi Th pe On Thursday night last about sixty young people of the village gathered at the home of Mr. Peter ,Mclsaec and engaged in the pleasant pastime of tripping the light fantastic. Mr.. and Mrs. McIsaaxc proved themselves °ex- cellent, hosts and the young people are ongiug for a repetition of the event. - E.` -`P. Paulin, who has conducted' the hardware store•here for the past .five years, last week disposed of the' bust - less to Jonas Hartleib. • They' have al - eddy finished taking stock , and Mr. Hartleib now bus .full possession. Mr. Phats. purchased • .16 business in Goderich and'will'leaave for that town s soon as he: gets his affairs in shape p. here., He; bans. dis nosed. of`h'is. res'. P id ace to.:W m.'Ehlerr who. tak : eS .os esi i. 0 n in October tvbr c u e next. -Rev. e. � Eidt arrived in the village on Thursday last and assumed•his work here,y preaching.. is' introductory sermons on .,Sunday .: �I assd t, making a very favorable inapres- ion upon his congregation. -Rev. M. lemens and son' left on Saturday for Berlin. Their. household effects were hipped from Exeter on Monday and rs.Clemens and Miss Pearl will leave in Crediton teeeereene AUCTION' .13Alt.C. OF MT doll led to retire fren1 tie 57erva !bile Ci'ed:t2n, II will rifer the taPa" _ et my general *leek AFa 4 a�crr la a raeerle:' Et ger sale by latbiio ,!Montienuntil all inseld, The �yrk'/y[,et+� those se sal5� trnCl tate 04'0 4'0 c:a SA d AY. 4 in the, e--etitng.,!all futtire cdaten RU.1 be Ii4V.CtItreSi frsrn day to i alt. J»»:.;»::a s.:.. iter, ee. duly.» and ti1R»4^. tceid n,; bargains wail ti's well toetters�i tdacac a>c ,.. I,acrytl irrrednev p„� 'rnes--:�,'baa ei ergo.€er .geed?, Ilan% forget the date... 1ti» W. Eev,• E. 11. Bean. . t'henewpastor eaf tiXe .E °angelicol v:11111'014 leeet¢cleed bas fri'st Serkt oti Sunday morning. llteinis made to hood i•:.ionebeing.aaevery fluent epetaker and has 'the happy 'tact of holding the attention of ;his '.nidi; once throughout eertnon. • We e b tend to R0V.• and -Mrs. Bean it ' heat ty welenome to our xilidst,,-�»Ttal».weather on Tuesday aanct Wednesday 'V L!, very d'asaagreeaable 111111; 341,101 wads the, me.ari; of eel:slug•our. citizens tt) relight their furnaacesencs ec)aal stoves. -Council meeting was held in the Tciwta Hell on Monday. Jos. L tv on ,was awarded the scantr as t - c t clean out tMud Creek 1)r; n.o ---iiart'tliew • Mnrlock has, had hjs dwelling repainted. • Bert Clark 4D141..the job in right good style. --Young Bros, have the cement faun- daticnof their workshop ennipleted,-» Mrs. Margaretha Brown is ill. : As she has reached, an advanced age and be- ing• feeble slight hopes are entertained for her recovery. Wetrust, however, that she.*i"ll.he spared to enjoy this life for 'sone time to c,olne.-- VVe are pleased to state that Mrs.Rreiu, who has been very ill, is recovering. -•-Miss° Koehler; of Zurich ,was the guest of her friend. Miss. "Clara . Kienzle, on Monday. -The masons hatvecnmpleted the foundation ,of the new school house. --Miss. Beulah Beaver has re- turned home after a pleasant visit with friends in IngersolleesJos. Heist has purchased a crusher for his brick machine from Baird &'Sou of Parkhill and has the machinery working in good order. -Our' butcher has his de- livery wagons on thesrotate again y for the corning season.. Messrs. 'William Greenlee and Thos. Lawson are at their posts again for the season and two more kind-hearted and- genital- fellows woub.I be -hard to find. --Thee first auto." mobile of the season passed through here on''Friday but did not cause ftny runaways that wet:iow of. --Miss Rose Finkheiner.aand Miss Annie Ewald left for 'Berlinand London respectively last week where they have secured-sit- uaations.--Mrs. Boyce of Staiaa is vis- iting her parents, Rev. and" An- dre ws. Dashwood a few deys to join the other mernb- rs of the family at Berlin, which will their home for the present year, as r. Clemens has beet; granted•a year's est on account of i11 health. The best ishes of • the, congregation go with heti to their new home.--Mr.a nd:Mrs. os. Snell of Exeter spent Sunday with riends in the village. --Ezra Tiernan as busy last week delivering nusery toclt sold' 'by T. "Worden.--Mr. 'and rs. C. Eilber of Zurich spent Sunday to the village with Mr. end Mrs. Ezra ieman.--Mrs. Louis Simon still con - flues in very poor health. Her friends: ope for her recovery:» --Many` of the, alks in the village are in very bad re- it and d we are glad the trustees In- nd `getting' 'to work in " the near ture to rebuild them. MARRIAGE.- -• The marriage took lace. at Parkhill,, on ,Monday of last eek of one of our young men, in the on Mr. Emerson Gable,to Miss Al. nae, Gable of, South Easthope, Perth. e'wedding was a quite one and was donned by Rev. A. Graham at the anse. We 'extend congratulations.. Greenwray, Miss Edythe McGregor' entertained a Milli tier of her, young friends at the home of her parents last week ..M gee Edythe makes a char n teeel%ttle host- els and all repvri •1' fine tithe. --"Winn. BakeR I .s sold his fifty -acre farm to .'dickey and bought the old,home stead from his uncle and has • seeded down part of it. He gets full posses sroxt some tithe rlext fall. -Mrs. James Rieke left Saturday for St. loseph Hospital, .London. where she will In- ' dergv an operatic'n, We trust she will s -40f00 be restbred"to good health. ---Mrs. I W. A. "W"ilson of London arrived here a Saturday, on a visit toeher mother -in- - ie w. --The next meeting of the' Wo - 1 men's .institute will be held at the home of Mre. Worn Baker,May 17.-� Miss Elia Wickert presented Mrs, W. 13. Wilsonwith a lyeaatttiful bouquet of wildflowers a few days. -Miss Emma McPherson left Saturday on • a visit to fr•ielrlds near Ailsa Craig,- Mt-s.:VV. J;aWee.rrl hes fully recovyered.froni her rer u'. alltaess.-The Quarterly. Board of 'Grand Bend circuit met in. Bose tote church on Tueeday afternoon. The same merit of the Lord's supper was aadminieferecl on Sunday at 2.30 pent. -- Mr. and Mrs.. Wilbet•t Young morn the loss of their littler babe wvhoee spirt it ct-ate wafted above ott Friday week. The inr(' 'tJ1ent took plaice at the Salem +Ca'ra't»tr'ry.- he annual business meet- flue of the lt'pwortli League pit as held 16Vc'eitieadaay evening when the follow - flag officers Were (elected for the erten- it g 'eru'r'. Pres..' Mies Edna 'Sherritt; 1 t Vic'e, Miss , E. Sutton; 2nd Vint, Ai e. (Rey.) Sutcliffe; 3rd, Vine, Mi.» M ae'Wilson; lfh, Vice, Percy ` Nicholl; It, r,- ;ccs., Miss &ti'llie Postcr, Cur. -Sec,, 'b1i : ,,Virtaa SI ,.i.ritt: Treats., Miee Maud Milt left:, Organist. Muss Mable Poster; A o'r. Miele Means i111°eLeaarr; Represents., tf ve to 1liett let P. L. Ext'i itl,rvr, Miss 1.i11 `finale,. firensall »', iI::. :arth is improving his orae aer'gty by onetraacting a new fence.--= B Berl Browning of the Sovereigre Bank staff has ioeen laid up t»a: sante days owing tQ rlIrc � rtn~ %c lbxadgw hate been transferred ft'(n theSovereign Bank' at Iliderten to Milverton branch. --"V. E. Carol; of ibis:Igo islic-t, visit- ing his I) l't nts andebrothere rafter an abseriee of twelve ?v+ea es.—Ovc=r a week ago Geo. Wren had the misfortune to, fall and hurt his thigh so,eev'erely that, he was einatlalt?Xo leave the honee for a week.-1:+il.0 klil Blatchford. son, .of E., s.11laatcbford near Fiurcandaie, who bee spent ail first, year at the Ontario a)llege,has°taken aPosition during,thr yaacattion .with DieSe.liery as student. - T. Berry bees ' purchased' as couple of 'good. lots froth VV. Moir„ at the rear of", Joseph 11ini on's properity on' Rich- mond street.: -We" understand that lana ger Arnold of the Sovereign Bank ba; purchased W. Cctllwill'e large re: sidence on Ring street. Mrs, Colwell ,a:nd.daalghteie : Ethel,leave:, in ;a, few weeks to join Mr. Ccolwiil teneteolulAese, lie, at.Regina. Sask.- 'Tarries Hoggerth and vgife of Crowotty moved to .town this week and have taken up residence in N. AleTaaggar't's house ou Brock .St. -Messrs. Halland Nicol who have been working as machinists at the foundry for over a year,leave this week `for Toronto. VISIT D. D. G. M. --Rt. Wor. Br Dickson, D.D,O.M. Masonic Distric No. 4, of Exeter, paid his ofrclal vis to the Lodge here on Thursday nigh last. A. large number of the brethre were present to witness the exemplifi cation of the work of the first degre which was most ably done by th officers, and for which the official criti paid them an envious compliment fo their efficiency. At the conclusion -.o the degree work all sat down to a wel arranged spread, thus coneluding most pleasant evening. Gen ralia Miss»1 oebler of Zurich .visited, be o. it n e, e c 1 as r sister, Miss Helena., here over Sunday' -Mrs. J. W. Hodgins has returnee from a two weeks' visit with, her loth er in Luean.-.Messrs.;; aulon &O'1I' it are improving and enlarging t hci store. The oil rooni 'is' being turned into a hardware department, while the inside is also being remodelled. -_.Q ; els 'seems tobe the favorite game this 'see ,son. Several of our pia rs are be corning adepts `with, the tour pound quoit. It would be aa.wise move tct se- cure heavier quoits, say :front live to eight pounds, and to pitch the exact distance need in quoit genies, so that when the boys'inay arrangefor a game they will not be - handicapped by too light a quoit or a change of distance.-=- Faarnaers in this section are now through seeding. Fall wheat, is good 'and poor in different places and pro- mises to be not more than en average crop. ' The weather has not been of the best,for grass glowing- and those who. have grazing farms. are auxious to see. warm: rains and waren' 'weather beforethe time to turn out the cattle, Coughlin has recieved word of the death at g-ippen of her brother.- Mr.Jares. Wilson is having an Auction sale of'his real property ?and household effects .on n'. Wednesdayof Wednesday nextweek» He will:. break iI , house� p ee i l�; go and will reside with his relatives,the Mise - RS Wilson:- - Mr. Wilson is one of our oldest and most respected s sp cted residents. and it is apleasure o ' n t that:dur- hag his declining years he will be un- der the carne of these pleasant and ami- able ladies. Pacited at the Oven'. Muth We do things right at -the Mooney bakery. Crackers are packed piping hot fmn)"the ovens. noistur_.e-proof paper and ars-tight tins retain all the fteshnevs arid crispness# no LQNOON 1 . NOW when chemists announce its pati'ity, and judges its irnerin 'one need ° look no filrther, ,PAl.rr Air, paIatc, a,c, full, of thc: Virtues of malt and irohh, and sue. Con, 1s "Ziac ideal a 0. Se r' • o da$ .gONEY. EISCUir 8 CA1VD.Y, CO ". . :STIiAittdaft) 'CAtiARA matter :,where or when• you buy them, They come to your ta- ble just as inviting and de- licious as though you ate thein at the„ovetls in the b .kery. At all grocers in 1 and 3 Ib. packages aJ Capital Fara, Dip e S3,000,000 (Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1865) Tread Office, p . Montreal FORTY -:EIGHT BRANCHES IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA Wood.% Phosphodizot The Great English ..f elnedlly. Tones and invigorates the whole nervous system, makes, flew load in old. Veins. Chtres Vert/- . ous Debility, ental and .Frain. Wormy, Des pendency, Sexual Weakness Emission, $per- matorrhtea, and Affects of Abuse Or .Excesses'. Price Si pe box, siator$6. One will pleaso six will eure. Bold b all druggists or mailed in • plain pkg. on receipt of price. New pamphlet I mailed tree. The WooU Modlcine Co.. V formerlu Windsor) Toronto, Ont. Khiva • For hay forks and slings go to. John Charlton, Exeter. Miss Susie Querrin has engaged with Mrs. H.>.Bossenberry at Grand .Bend for the summer» -The cattle drovers are busy 'getting their cattle delivered and most Of them are of high grade.-- Someill-disposedperson entered 11 Ir. Rutz's mill one night, lately and re,:. moved the guide -pix from the circular saw. -License: inspector Torrance of Clinton was in town Friday delivering licenses. -14r. B. Cunningham was. in Sarnia attending. the funeral; of his' cousin, Josiah Holt. The sad word of the death was received on Saturday. Deceased was a son of Woe Holt, who formerly resided here. Ok late yo/1448 he bad been residing inChicago, carry- ing on a barbering business, He was taken "sick about two months. •ago of Bright's disease, and came to 'Sarnia for medical treatment, staying' -with his „uncle, Mr. Edward Poetise, where he died on Maay4, at. the age of 37 years. He leaves to mourn a young. widow. His remains were buried on Styndayit Lakeview ceneetery,Siarnia: f, To the bereaved ones we extend ourr. sympathy. +:•, 1000 7 ibis' atttaacked a British force 'n Sunday last, and 01'Zpll1s were kill- ed; 3 Britisli•soldiers were wounded, A Whitechurch (near Wingham), farmer named George Granton banged himself on May 2. Ile was ,00.years of age. Sarepta Garden Seeds -3 packages for 5 cente at Charlton's Fair, Exeter, . CARD OF TBA.NIcs.-Mr.W. Re.'ynolds desire's to than the luny kind friends for their many accts of kindness during the faamil y's recetiot`.hereaavement also the Dasllwood'choir for their .singing at the funeral service. \EXET R' BRANCH at♦ OPFIC1 Ao .Tits 10 a. m. to 3 p.411. SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m, 'A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. TRANSACTED. Farmer's: Sale Notes cashed ot collected,- Forms supplied 9n application. DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain and United States bought and sold at lowest rates of Exchange. ADVA OES made to Farmers, Stock Dealers and ButTness Men at lowest rates and on most favorable terms, 0 DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed posits of 51'and .uptt�ards received, Interest com- S pounded half -yearly and added to. principal Saving 6a�� Department:y ora p��June. 30th �” weld December 31st. Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.. D1aR80N & CARI,YNGF, Solicitols. N. I?. HURi)ON, Manager, Shipka, ' Just aarrived a big paackaige of Jap- anese China -just the thing for wed - di ngpresen ts-Charlton's ed-dingpresents--Cbaarlton's Fair, Exeter. , -Word has been received here of the death of Josiah Holt,. son of 31i. `.Wm,; Holt, .formerly of :ibis plaace. The sad event took place on Friday at the home of his uncle, Mr. Ed. Pot'tice,.of. 'Sarnia.. , The deceased waas,..aa Soling mean highly respected by, all Ow knew him. Deceased was :a Victim. . of . Brighi'sdiseaase and'of.laate has been in; very poor health. He was in his 30th year. Interinent took place at Sarnia on Sunda .--- iss Baa y M r. Jeanie iter of London was visiting at 'llk'i' at E l:s home :over Sunday.-6J.As Breen n U -.. •G.IUsed. »n fine driving horse last ' . , week from John :Breen. --Ezra Brenner and Wife called on J. D..Hatan on last t sun-` dnv.-Miss Tillie Meson 'visited at L. Schr'eoder's last Sabdaty.--$arry. Wing purchased a race horse from James_ Buchanan of Parkhill. --Vires. Eaton. and wife called On Walter Baxter last Sunday. --;The' yontng farmers' of this village finished seeding in, Muncey- town last week. No -Sleep, For'.,The i i Oldp "ople are especially liable to -Kidney and Bladder Xrrita=. • tion, The Orions are weakened by age. - This starts up inflam-. mation--blood is not properly purified as, it goes tothe kidneys -and : the bladder is unable to 'retain the, urine properly. There is a constant desire ta urinate day and night, -and sound, restful sleep is unknown. , Thousands. Gi yraun and �, T m d le -a d i Ped ' men are annually .swept to, premature gr -ve'. . � C , YS'•' 1'OO.a . y}��y a throughM1';Fi:UDEI�T 7drA:D;t?S, EXCESSES AND U'I:C�Q.T),, DISEASES. If have ve ng youany ofo It is too late. Are.' conn Y the � llowing•syrnptoms consult us before y nervous and weak:' desponaSnt and'gloonly, specks before the eyes with dark circles' under.therm, -weak back, kidne •s Tritan» ble,.p'alpitation of the -heart, bashful, excitable dreams sediment i ' , +~ an, 'urine, ur e .Poor' memory, lifeless, distrustful, lack energy and strength, ;tired morn. - pimples on,the face.: eyes sunken. hollow cheeks. Careworn, expression tags, restless nights, changeable moods, nerve weakness, premature de-' cay, tone pains. hair loose, sore. throat, etc.? p YOU ARE:SUFFERING � FROM' LOST VITALITY. ' ''e cure Varicocele, Stricture, Blood Poison, Nervous Debility., ii rind Bladder Diseases. Consultation. +`ree. if unablei tE''dnc to call, write for ' . Question Blanit, for Dome Treatment. 43 148 SIELBY STRE1 T, DETROIT„ mica. , The present session of Ontario Leg- illative"is'expected to close this week: • THE .SENIftit itlbNEY'ctiftE ., gives the vigor and strength of youth to kidneys sud.blsd. der. 'It soothes and heals the i><xit dstufaalces-tong up the oblcs them to' ddi thew ick errsgy and naturally -� rutin mesa kidney troubles. Curs* lthAIROMMaiti,11211% Too. THE..,oso t C. eurArr.�c IN CHEMICAL Co., [ hmq, oOast . iRaw Yomi: c Pontiff° Shre WE WANT YOU To understand that we have now in our ware- , "rooms otie of the largest and best assorted stocks ofFurnittire ever .shown to the\.people in this section. We have alt the lastest goods and halts tug bought thein at close figures we Will sell at CLOSE PRIOLS. :Window Shades and varied patterns. .w. ,. in latest styles y C ' varied a We have as splendid stock ofthese Sewing :aehine _ -" Machines, atekrtuwledged to be the best, aby Carriages, Etc. Do you want a baby -carriage, go6,03u . ot little wagon got your, have thein rand oia..eaan get no better. W havo. a'vo1°ythin ,itl ,tion e + i niturep:�-. Curtain Poles and T i°iininings f We he re the agency for the Wiilia�nie' Sena i ig McSAA, ll ,I.:: Airzbam t ir.��-�1�R ,�ytlwteoa�r�+wtt�er �/ x'7wwttlwnrra�leie�ti� ; �1 �wlr,®®'�=,nr,•�'!!.�... �r .o 111 I N G E��-STAY FENCE � 1015'1 4. TI. 1)111., 1115011.5I» t Y nonce 1* `bulla on the,commnn-senso plan. Evil No. 4 strati! wire hag* tontine strength of twentythreo hundred pounds, --all 111011 • CARBON, roiled *Ira..; Illus trate(' Catalogue fres-Ilse a:rants wanted, ' 1lVim lttal►11. •,. � /tl►1r i 1'• 11 WIRE rm'.ries-ac r t 40110II arrE.13 / • • a' CO.,t� I ire IR W. J . He;nnan, Agent. NICE WIRE FRICE [Igo PLO FENOINq We have just received a carload of Page, Wire This. is reeognized to be the best on the mailtet. mows Vire handle Perrin. Plowi, aid have just reeeiVed carload of walking, rid." .ing and gang plows made by this reliable Arm. Daishwoo Lumber? Shingles,Lath, Cedar Posts, Sash, Doors, Frames =dell Building Iliterials. er Tanks -- Finished or in 'Knock down, alviays on band. Highlst price paid for Saw- logs ofevery description. Custom sawing promptly attended to.. . Estimates cheerfully given. The Ross Taylor Coil Ltd Exeter Ont: IIssued ,at tt10 ADVOCATE OFFICE IfORNTION BAlt1 Agent for the Syleesteeeitid 1Nattin plow Companies' HOUND TRIP GO OE Ft ICH TO 'DETROIT TUESDAY,, JUNE 19 atruaNtNa JUNE Of Ser fikentouto ,* Dog la ktrolt