Exeter Advocate, 1906-05-10, Page 1Ileinewhee thc0
thvongit the ADVO-
OITE yoe reach mere
people thee thermgb
aey chamel.
V Mag.-
ilf•V ie. y bk)td,
lieve-,lie or exchanged
yeni at reiterate -hie
ec,reetnieeioir. Apply -
SA'N Cause
SA.N *REECH, Prope
The very best kind of Insurance -4 es,
provision for the Future as well as the
Present is a Savings Bank Accountin
The, Sovereign Bank -of Canada1
iiiterest ptiisl 4 times a year.
$1.00 will open°an account,
Put your money in a place where you
can get it when you` want it:
JOS. SNELL, Manager at Exeter, Crediton, and Dashwood,
We have the Goods that will please you.
Why not give us a trial?
We havejast received our White Litstn Waists, beantifolly ens-
braidered; in fact, they are without exception the finest we have
ever shown.. Also embroidered waist -fronts. Look at our window
display to be convincecIthat we have the nicest in town.
Lace and Fancy Collars, Belts irt Gold and Sayer, oir a -fine dis-
play of wash belts.
Won't Forget
That we carry the .‘ Astoria" Shoe, which has no equal in the
' trade. See them before making your purchases. Just a new let
to hand in the latest styles.„ "
Groceries Crockery Tin'ware—rull Assortment
The Exeter. Coma
4Pecia1 nieeting,of the 'council was
held liclay vihig1 'MaY 4tb. • Al!
the members were present. Mirnitee
attic) last meeting read and confirmed.
Several letters wereread regarding
the establishment, of a knitting factory
and the matter., was discoseed at eorne
lengths. The council instructed the
clerk to write one arm, .Offering them
a free building and 10 years exemptiou
from taxes% The clerk was alSo in-
structed to write another firm giving
hint ,peetain 'desired information re-
garding• factory arid inducements.
The citizens living on, Alaiustreet
fr°01 the8nnth Boundary to the Alarise
petitioned to have the street watered.
Fulte—Treble—that the petition be
granted and that the tenders be open-
Tenders were received4rom Thos.
Houlden at $11 per week and from, 1-1.
Parsons at $10.50 Per week-
Creech—Hearn n—that the tender of
Parsons being the lower be accept-
ed and that Ks duties commence on
May 14th.
Heamen—Treble—that the Court of
Revision of assessment roll be held on
Monday May 23, at 7.30 p. m.
The following aceourits were paid:
Obowen, street watering $2.00r
C. H. Snell electric lighting $100.67;
Wm. Davis, caretaker Fire Hall North
End, $10,00; Bell Telephone CIO, OM
A FirSt-class milliner hi connection with the Store.
This Store will Close at 630 after May ls .
This is the most interesting news Una we earl furnish you. It always
saves you mon led probably that is whet most of is are most inter-
ested in. `
u if you want h, good, strong, stylish ScreereDoer. We'are
see s showing the latest at lowest prices, all Oak finish
900, $120, 140, 165. ,
Ottr Sale
special inducements until Saturday Night of
oe Id s MEN'Suce es s i'lrEeniv?Illa:ctmwtf,Vf
continue dseacili this week
To every man that buys an Ordered Suit ham us during the next
two weeks we will make a present of any Hai' he may ehoosefrone our
stock. This offer good until Saturday night, May 19.
Last week we sold boxes and boxes of Raisins. Remember the price
5 lbs. for 250. We will, eontinue this price until Saturday night, May
12. Not more than 25c worth to any one customer at it thne.
Eggs 14 cents a dozen all this week.
Bntter 17centsa pound..all this week.'
isreeessionasCard �.
GEn;:r, RotTLSTON, Dentist. Successor to
Dr.'D. A. Anderson. Graduate of the R. a
° .D. B. Ontario aild 'of Toonto University. '
OFEICE:".0ve1 Diekson •St Clarling's Law Office, in
Dr. Anderson's former Bental Parlors.
nre A. B. NINSMAN, L S., D. D. S., For Sale or Rent. .
Pasture Farm to neut.
The undersigned is offering to rent that desirable
100 acre farm In the Township of Stephen, being lot
18, con. 13, for pasture purposes. There is an abund.
ance of water on the &toe and is in every way well
suited for pasturing stock. Terme very reasonable.
Apply to Miss Annie Burke, Dashwood.
The PoWet Question,'
. The Ontario Goveru went is now Considering a power bill introduced by
Bon, Adam Beek, aiming at the solu-
tion of the power question. Ontario
is to bay the power and sell it at the
lowest possible east. • The bill has re-
ceived the strenuous sanction and sap -
Dort of Premier Whitney and his col.
leagues. -
It creates a litydro-Eleetric uernirtie-
sion, consisting of three persons, _one
of whom is to be a member of the Cab-
inet. This cortuniesion is the centre of
the Government's solution of the pow-
er problem.
,On application it will -furnish plans,.
specifications, and estim a ter; ..to muni-
eip„il corporations, but neither the pro-
vince nor the ennunission will heltable
to any corporation for mistakes.
• The Government, through the com-
mission, undertakes to build tra nsrnis-
sion linee, for which -the municipalities
122110nor gradttate of Toronto Univeristy.
Teeth extracted without any pain; or any bad effects
Office in VansonTs Block, west side Main street,
• medical -
AF. 'MALLOY, M. B. (Tot Univ.) MEMBER
0 College of Physicians and Surgeons; Ontario.
Vernier house Surgeon Toronto Western hospital.
kiuccessor to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Itesidbnce: East, on
first otreet north of office, Vxeter, Ontario.
tOrs, Notaries, COnveys.neers, Commissioners.
Solicitors for lsons Bank, tte.
AliolioY to Lositt at lowest rntosot laNt,ost.
Offices, Main gtrett,Exoter,
TtIOARLizia, • ,L, I/. DrcittioN
We have a large amount of private funds to loan
, 0 n farm rnsl villago propertied at low rites of inter.
'Barristers, SolieltorsiMain st.. Exeter On
Money To Loan.
have private funds to loan on farm and village
'f EltNgT 'ELLtOT
at lowest rates inter
" Office apro5ito Central Hotel, Maln.st., nxeter
• -
Organist and Choir Master ot Mitchell Methodist
March. Teacher -Plano, 0/gall, Voice, Haraisny.
liOderti methods. lborotuthriess
44 acre land,
Goodl'?trifeet8rietcangi-Cdbrgtai,fi Vala WiIl ecu
cheap. Apply telt IRELAND., Dashwood.
my.. A. E. Bradwite, editor of the
Myth Standard, lees aceepted p. i.
on the businesa staff • of Toronto
1.3at witty Night. • A.. B. *is capable
nevt spaper man ,Olatl we congratulate
him on the appointment. ,For the
present he will conti»ue to publish the
Mr, John Essery was elected loser -
mice agent for Usborneand Biddulph at
the meeting of the Directors of the
Ueborn e LI.d II in be r t, reire-In s era nee
Po., which 'Was- held at Faiquhar 011
,Monlay.. The election became necee-
eery owing to the delta* of the late
AlexituUer Dunears. There were nine-
teen a ppliean ts. Oliver Barrie was
eleeted agent for the eaStern town-
ehiee- •
Next Wednesday evening, May 16th,
the Epworth League of the Main,
street church intend giving en inter-
esting prograna in the dowel'. The
ballawing ministers are expected to
assitt: Rev. Dr. Medd, Rev. L. Bart-
lett and Rev. H. W. McTavish, Rev.
S. S. Alien cued J. E. Holmes will aist in
the musical part of the pro-
gramme. Solos Will be given by Miss
AMY Johns, Miss Huston and other
locr.1 talent. A silver collectiOn will
betaken at the door,
,r, J. 1. Spackman, eriting front
,Muniele Bavaria, 'Gernaary, asks the
following question:— "Can you give
me any authentic information through
the Advocate re picture card postal
rates between Canada and Germany
if part of address side is tied for cor-
respondence," •Answer. There seems
to be ntl.„rate given in the Canadian
,postal regulations regard ing.such cards
pitiOnirbetween . Canada and.', Germ-
any; The only regulation laiddown
iti.the postal regulations covering
such cards is as follows:—Cards ,which
have the haeg.,, covered, by it pitittite,
and one half of the front to the left of
the address space reserved for wi itten
communications, are admitted AS post
cards when addressed to places in 0a -n-
ada,, the United States, Mexico, Great
Britain, France, Switzerland, Italy
and Tunis. '' The rate . for Canada,
i‘leiticot and the United States one
dent and 'tor the other countries. two
coaceettroo -Ateoriae.
• A metingof the Directors and corn-
biried Ooinitrittees having Charge' of
the 24th of May dernonstra.tion will
meetait theCommereial House,Exeter,
, on, Saturday next. May 12th, when
limiters of importance in connection
'with the celebration will be discussed.
All interested are requested to be
WANTil); by Chicago Wholesale mid nio ordbr
house, assistant.inp.nager (man or woman) for this
county and adjoining territory, Salary $20 and
expenses paid weekly; expense Money advanced.'
Work plensant;,position permanent., -No investment
or experienee required. Spare time valuable. Write
at once for full particular3 and enclosestilf-addressed
enveloped. ,
SIT.111111INTIINDENT, 131 Lake 8t., Chicato, Ill. •
For Sale.
That well drainedwell improved and tinly up -to«
dato farm, being composed of Lot No. 11, in the 711i
coneession,01 the Township of Biddulph, in the
CountY of Middlesex', coda ning 1d0 arcs of land.
Sitmited on the premises' are a good ty, storey brick
house, bank barn 00x40, cement hog pen, wind mill
and goodyoung orchard. This is truly si• most desn.
able prOperty, well supplied with water, convenient
to school and churches and one pf the most improved
ftirms in the County of Middle -d. For turthefritr.
ticnIare apply to
whitIon r, o, uarri1ttr8 Et., Exeter.
Court of Revision.
Township of Stephen.
(a) ,Cost of powthtt the rall$,
(b) Interest at 4 per cent. on rtio.ney
paid by the commission for plant's,
(c) 'Armies' auriteitiflicient tiss:retiree 01rOvelie,V000' "Vag
the seeurities in thirty' years',
(d), Cost of operation.
*No measure so far-reaching in
GoMplete arrangements have 1301V been made by which
the people of Exeter and surrounding villages and country
will be given a big days anauserctent on the amiversary of
the birthday Of our late beloved Sovereign, QueenVictoria,
THURSDAY, MAY 24th., 1906
Under. the Auspices of the Stephen. anti Usborne
Agricultural SoOety.
A Whole Day's Sport
Liberal Prizes Given
Morning—Calithumpian and Trades Procession,
Aftornoon—tiorse Races, Ball Games, Athletic Sports.
Evening --Concert of Oljoice Talent in the Opera HOUSE)
possibilities for gemdto the people of IfituiltALOSt~p,641460idiete.O.4146.964
this Province as a whole has ininanya 11,1rPereiva'I .London visited Mr.
day been laid before the .LegislatuS.
re, W. . Cole over Senday.
MO. Frank Delbrilge of. Milverton
spent Sunday in town. °
Mr. Wm, Sillery of Seaforth was in
town part of hot week.
Mr. and Mrs. Sarn'l Adaiz: of Forest,
spent Sunday with friends in town.
eMise Margaret Strang left on 'Satins,
day to visit friends in Mount Forest.
• Miss Mabel Flintoff was the guest of
her sister, Mrs. John Snell, during the
week. •
Mrs. Loadman of London is visiting
her daughters, Mrs. Collins and Mrs.
Ed. Treble.
Mrs., T. H. McCallum visited her
daughter, Mrs. Geo. Willis, in:Lon-
don this week. .
Mrs. Andrew Bell and Mrs. J. Belle
Jr,, of Rippen, visited -Mrs: David
Mack on Saturday.
Mrs. Inksater .and child of Paris are
visiting the former's. mother, Mrs.,
Welsh, William street.
Mr. L. H. Dickson was in St. Marys
and Parkhill on official duty as D. D. G.
M. of the Masonic Order Monday and
and Tuesday evenings.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Harton returned
from a visit to Mr. Harton's brothers
at Kerwood, on Tuesday.
Miss Bertha Meek visited at the
home of Mr. Alex. Munn's near Hen -
sail Saturday and Sunday. •
Mr. Win. Davis of Exeter North has
gone to London to work with Mr.
John Evans, brick laying.
Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Mantle visited on
Monitay and Toesday with the latter's
cousin, Mrs.Robb, in Stratford.
Miss Pearl Rollins left Monday' for
London where she intends spending a
few days before leaving for theWest.
Mrs. White of Windsor, who has
been visiting WS. John White for
some Weeksaaas returned to her borne.
111113.• Neil Bellwood returned Satur-
day from Stratford where she had been
in atieridance upon her sister'. Mrs. H.
Mand Mrs. janies auless and
little daughter, Ruth, arrived Tuesday
evening on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. L.
Mr, and Mrs. AVM, tiurclon of Fort
William are the gueets of the former's
uncle, Mr. N. D. Ilurdon, and Mrs.
Mr. Arthue D. Davis of Stougember,
neat Taunton, Sotnersetshiqs Eng.,
arrived here last week. He will reside
in Canada in the future.
Mr, ,David Hewlett, wife and son,
have gone to Regina, Sask., to reside.,
Mr. Hewlett has beenworking with
Mr. IL Smith, Lake Road, for some.
tilMirlerls. M. Gardiner left on Tuesday
morning on it tripto the West, While
there she wilr visit her brothers in
Virden and Baidur and also spend
sometime in Reid/lass
Rev. 0. W. Sanders of LueknOw4
%sent Thursday at his home here. He
retOrned Friday aceompatied by Mas-
ter 'Tommy Sanders, who wiltspencl
few weeks at the above Place.
Mrs. Thos. Doman, accompanied
by her little sont George left Timidity
evening for Whitewood,Sask,.._ where
she will join her husbetid and make
their future home. The beet wishee of
this many friends of Mr. and Mt*. Days
iiblmriesidmonipanied them to their new
for the bill really goes mach farther
than the schetne it involves for the
bringing of power to the turning of
factory- Wheels. the lighting of streets
and houses and the operation of rail-
The Canning Industry.
Mr. Dunn, Manager of the Strathroy
Canning Company was here on Tues-
day, having been sent by.the Presi-
dent of the. Canning Association to
try and dissuade the people of Exeter
from establishinga factory here.
That evening he meta .number of the
citizens in Messrs. Dickson & Carling's
office. During the meeting he admit-
ted that this was a good place for a
canning factory for certain lines of
goods, but recommended that we bold
off for a season and that in all proba-
bility the association would Assist, in
establishing one here next year. How-
ever the provisional directors of a
company have been elected and the
visit of 'Mr. Dunn has encouraged
rather than discouraged them. The
'directors are Mesers. Jos. Snell. man-
ager of the Sovereign Batik, L.• 11.
Dickson, F. W. Witticism), Thos. Har-
vey, and H. E. Huston, They have
power to add to their number. It is
proposed to promote the company at
once. The Capital asked is $25,000
consisting of of 1,000 shares at $25 a
share, in what will be called The Exe-
ter Canning and Preserving'Co. Some
$7,000 has already been *snbscribed and
the directors are ready to take the
names of others who will, take shares.
The first meeting of the directore will
be held this week.
lietied is bereby given that &Court of ltevision or
, TOWN HALL, Otworrutsf, ON
SATURDAY, MAY ,,28, At 10 a, m,
flEtItY 1i1t$13111, ,
timiliteith, May 1th, JONI. Township Clerk.
Seeding now over, fencing is in full
force; while with the honsewife it is
the busy housecleaning time. --La
Grippe and rinetunonia ares on theirs
rounds in, this vicinity.—Mr. Gobr
moved his household effeets to Exeter
last weel..—Oue bachelor's hall is un-
dergoing repttire. A new roof hes been
added which improves its appearance
very to rich. —Mrs. Wal ters of Goderich
who has been visiting her sister here.
Mrs. W. Hern, forst eouple of weeks
has returned home,—The showers o1.
the past few days have been heartily
weleomed, as the fall wheat is looking
rather 81111). owing to the dry, frosty
weather. -The Epworth League at
their annual meeting on Tuesday ev-
ening elected oflicere for the ensuing
year as follows: Pees.. S. Wright; lot
Vice Prea,Ohns. johns; 2nd Vis', Miss
Lizzie Johns; 3rd Vice, Mrs. J. Wright;
4th Vice, Miss Mary Herantan; Treas.,
Win. johns; See'y, !WIWI Linda Hunter;
Orgitnizere, Misses May Hawkins and
Bertha Cooper. .44. good report was
given et the past year's prieseedinge.
The League voted $13 toward the For-
ward Movement, leaving P. niee bat -
mice in the new Treasurer's care,
ale Registers.
IrADOsoAv, May ICL -invelling and lieusehOl effects
d voperty of Ta10 MUIR, Centrslis. Eslo at
!No P.lock John gm, Anctionem
Stepli.en. Council
The Council of the TownshipcsfStep-
hen met in the Town "Hall, Crediton,
on Monday, May 7, at 1 p03. All pres.
Ont. Altinites of previous meeting read
and adopted. Anderson—Yearley--
that *the tender of Jos. Lawson foe the
construction of the Mod Creek Drain
and its extensions be accepted and that
a.eontraet be prepared and executed next Sunday mprning by Rev. Mr.
for the due perforance of the work. Holmes of Fullartone—Miss Alice Mur..
Carried. Anderson— Finkbeinere-that ray of Rirkton spent Sunday at her
the Assessment Roil of 1906, as filed home here. --Percy Hewitt, spent 'Sun -
Mk, Goode of Motherwell ia %the
guest of her chteghter, Mrs. H. Ca.m-
eron.—Elgin Wight' of St. Marys
spent Sunday under the parental foot
-Owlov to the illness. of our pastor,
Rev. Mr. Veale, service wes , conduct-
ed.last Sunday by Mr. L. Wicket of
London. Services wiil be conducted
with the Clerk, be accepted and that
the assessor, Mr. Guinan, be paid the
sum of $80,—Carried. Finkbeiner—
Webb--that.the °mut of Revision for
the appeals against the Assessment
Roll of this township be held in the
Town Hall, Creditor', Saturday; May
26, at 10 a.m.---Carried. Finkbeiner,--
Yearley—That Peter McIsaac be paid
$25 for the brtrial of Mrs. Edmund
11) g-triends here.—Mre. Charles of Bel.
Wilson. -- Ca riled. Anderson—Fink- wont spent a few days here during the
beiner-- that the Tp. Treastlrer pay to
the .respeetive parties in the T. of week. ---J• L. Harrison of Forest spent
in. a few ..
Stephen the sums aflewed to them days in the yillage.—Frank Kes
By -Lam No.,7 of 1906 for allowance on tie sPeot, a. few daYe in BrYnnetnn ••
drains, and to the Treasurer of Tp. of ceutiv• —We are nleasda to state that
meemeteey the etan in total for tbe Mr. W. Cunningham has recovered
p les ii that township as compensasi from lliatw
i,s.reseeistokmisss ti
don for damages to their respectivw akY o
lots.--Carrisels Resolved that AVIIS" Seivd 'with a s'eet)nd 4tgoko 01
2eointraststlet irTo al01 tv:PearaiI•'pie,,..ndthereieit pgbfhier
bimpson of
werepassedl C. Prouty, gratuity, $25; is visiting,frienels in the village.-rsitev.
Waller of Lohdon preached a, very. in-
t k•es ti ng„ sermon on, Missionary work
in St. James' church Sunday after -
,noon. --Several., from here drove over
to Liman Sunday and had the -pleasure
of hearing Rev. Perkins of Exeter
preach a Missionary sermon in Holy
Trinity church.—Mrs. Sinclair is the
guest cif her daughter, Mrs. Pittman.
—.Ed, Simpson has purchased a fine
driving horse from T. E. Handford of
day visiting friends at Sunshine. --
Miss *Mary Leadstpne of St Marys -
spent Senday the guest of bei sister,
Mrs, Milton Steven.--Thonsas Hyde is
engaged wth Mr. Keith, Mitchel road,
for the summer months.
Mrs. Abbott of Thamesvillelis visit
0. Kinzie, A. Milliard and others,grad-
tine, $74.50; VV. White, ' rep. Essery's
Vridge, saw; R. J. Loy ell & Oa., book.
$3.90;. J. Roeszler, rep. P.S.r. bridge, $1;
Alexander & Cable, Mud -Creek deb,
and printing, $4; A. Webb, tile across
road, $1; S. Didardine, rep:bridge con.
18, 50c.; F. Allister, filling in washout,
$1.56; J. Flynn, rep. Mud Creek bridge
$1.25; R. Gower, do. ,$1; J. Keys.work
on CeR., $4.25; G. Walker, rep, Lon-
don road, $2; J. Sims rep. culvert, 50c;
3. Motz, do., $13.50; W. Redden, brick,
bats and teaming, $9; A. Hooper, lum-
ber and -stone, $29.75; P. Mclsaac, ex-
penses, re burial Mrs. E. Wilson, $25;
J. Guinan, Assessor, $80; Good Roads
Machinery Co., repairs and exp., $21.30.
Connell adjourned till Saturday, May
26, at 10 a.rn.—Ii. Eilber, Clerk:
Hamra FELL Ovatt.s—An ae6ident
that might have been attended with
serious results and loss of life occurred'
on the farm of Me. Thos. Dickens, Con.
4, Usbornee Saturday last. Mr. Dick-
ens and his two sons, Wm. and Alf.,
Mr. Ern. Davis and another mun were
engaged in raising the house and had
succeeded in jacking it.up several feet,
when in some manner it took a slide
andefell to the ground, all the men be-
ing l) riderneetbh. Fortunately itbap-
pened thet there WAS sufficient tim-
ber and material under the building to
preventit from crushing the lives ova
of tbe men but all had a narrow shave.
As it was Wm. Dickene was rather
painfully bruised and as a result idnow
confined to his heti, -Alf. received a
severe gash in the bead while the other
leen escaped 'unhurt. Their escape,
however, was miractilous.
HI1I'142EL—In Step en, on May 2, to
Mr. and Mrs. John, Hirtzel; twins— •
son and,daughter.
BOCH—ThomPsox—At the home Of the •
, bride's mother,' Mrs. Winegardert,
on April 25, by Rev. Couze,ns, Henry
E. Hoch of Iowa, to Miss Annie
Thompsoia, of MeGi1livray.1
GABEL—GABnt —At the manse, Parke
hill, on April 30, by Rev. Grahams
Emerson Gabel of Dashwood, to
Miss Alvina Gabel of South East -
hope, Perth Co., ,
MARTix-In St Marys., on April SO,
David A. Martin, aged 48 years.
PEAHEN—In St. 'MUTE', on April 80,
Annie L. Tetthen, aged 11 months.
JOIINSON.—In :Parkhill, on Tuesday
morning; May 1st, 1906, Ida, young.
est daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' Thos.
Johnson, aged 2.1,years.
LA.VIS. —At Parkhill, on Wednesdays
May 2nd,, 1900, Mr. Lavis, aged
65 years and 9 months.
If Ifs a Good Thing, Heaman Has It
Samson Brand Portland Cement
Unequalled for Walks, Walls, Floors, Etc.
Our prices are right.
Ready Mixed Paints.
All sizes of tins in stook at
15e Me 40,e 45e 80e .and 90c,
Floor Lao
Chijap Floor Lae. for beautifying old and new floors
46e and 75e tins
La n. Mpwrs
E amine and gib our prices on fawn ?Owe 's
We have them from $3 to
s ,t
'Heam".O'tH4r.(t*i..r Itoro •
41111*."" Sarata 414111,44:,,,
seem eiesea ese is • se I lel P