HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-05-03, Page 6RELATIVES BY MARRIAGE 'TM SCENES OF IROYAL AfeifelaNCESte ra9lan-4's IisAre Connected WWI The Reigning Ilotataie ot Eetiotiet Tho4P1*caehiral0 eidarriage s ttring itifooeo of Semite 'end Pritecoe-h• Fetta,of Ph•ttenhft will add s another dietin- . nuishett country tto the list of PrItnirea-' releinoute thy /*muleteer Many Centinenied rtilerS during to last fifty years, have secured their lerides from ,amenee,the'neembere of• our Royal AnntlY, andras a reeult, iring Edward and:Queen- Alexandre..are comeeeted the closest ties Of kinship to the Sover- eigns .of nearly all the principal States el Europe. King Alfonso •haz gals Many precedents - to go upon in Ina resolve to niarry one of 13riteinre daughters, and all loyal subjeets of the EmPire will echo the congratulalione that will be showered upon him at his wedding. It is interesting tonote that, by this marriage ,tie King of Spain will also become related to the Tsar, the .German Emperor, and the monarchs of s Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Greece, and Numerous minor Royalties. OUR COUSIN -GERMAN. As the principal object af a Royal Marriage is hi strengthen the Inter- national position of the monarch and his country,, it Must be admitted that King Alfonso bast -chosen wisely and well. There can be but little doubt.- too, that his montage is a love match, and lovers of romance will remember for many years to come the boyishly ardent Wooingot Spain' s young King. . A strong effort is being made to bring ab.our an Anglo -German eidente cor- diale, and if blood be thicker than wa- ter, this movement should receive- the, hearty support of the German Empertoth As most persons are aware, William II. is the eldest son of the late Empress Frederick, who was the first childborn to Queen Victoria. When the Princess Royal of England married 'the Crown Prince of Prussia in 1858, it seerneh as if the two coantries were destined- to the chid factors in, preserving the peace of the world.•, The premalure widoev- hood of King Edward's sister 'aomewhat altered •our relationships with Russia, however. In 1888 Queen- Victoria's eldest daughter enjoyed for . a few months the proud position of German Empress. But with the death of her husband she retired from public life, her • son, :the. present • Emperor, • taking --up the reins of government. • • BRITAIN'S LIVELY RELATIVE. h King Edward's, nepbew has now ruled Germany for eighteen years, and In that time has beeorne one of the world's greatest personalities. Ger- many may be described as *Britain's nephew, .and a very lively relative it has proved, too. • The Tsar of * Russia is a nephew of Queen Mexandra, white the Tsarina is a niece* of King Edward. 'The Tsarina before hermarriage-which took place • In 1894 -was known as .Princess Mee Victoria, a daugheer of the late Grand Duchess of FIesse, who was a sister of our King. The Tsar's Mettler -the pre- -sent Dowager Empress of Russia -is a. -sister of Queen Alexandra. Owing to' • numerous restrictions that bind the choice of a prince, Bohalties • marry and 'intermarry in. huch a limited circle • thin it Is often difficult to define their relationships. In addition 16 being a nephew of our Sovereign, the Tsar is a cousin; while the marriages of „his numerous uncles and cousins have com- plicated matters still further. No -matter what their actual kinship may be, reigning sovereigns aleva.ys nd- dr'ess each other as "Cousin." When King Edward wishes no communicate with his nephew the Germari--Emperon, the Boyar missive is addressedolo, "Our Well -Beloved Cousin," and the answer I$ to "Our Cousin." • One' of Queen Alexandra's brothers is King George. of Greec3e, who necended the 'throne of that country_nfter an Eng- lish peer -the Earl of Derhy-hed re- fused it. To further •strengthen the good feeling between the twe countries, the eldeit on of King' George married a niece of King Edward: As the brother of Queen' Alexandra, the King of Greece will alweys be esteemed by Englishmen. The King of Denmark is another of Queen Alexandra's'brothers. His seeond sine married Printess Maud of Wales King Edward's daughterand their re- cent elevallon to the throne of Notway was especially, gratifying to „nrnons. King Realtor -I and his it are thor- oughly tritish. For years they lived in England, and, indeed, they had eettled down to lead the life of an ordinary County family. when the Seandinavian • dissensions brought Pleat a throne. • ALL TIIE WORLD'S SOVEREIGNS. •It ie worthy of ride that two Kings of ' Denmark -King . Christian and King • , predericit„-each had sons who ascended, thrones before their parents; and thus eould' elnim Precedence oter their fa- • thers nt floyal functions. • Sweden will one dny, have for He queen h nieee of King Inhvard. It will lei remembered' that Prineess Margaret of Connaught married less than :twelve months agoethe eldesteson of the, Crown • Prinee of Sweden. When the daughter .of the Duke of Connaught ascends the throne she will have the pleasure 6f knowing that her first cousin is Queen of Norway, and this shout& unite the devo countries in affection,* if not in • gevernerient. Queen Maud's', only r3on,1 the Crown Prince Olaf, wee born 01 Sandeinghtion three yeare ago, and flute • the,elnture King of NOrtvay is a grand- am of King Edward. • •e• 'Pee Greven prieee Ferdinand of Bolo Mania Married, , thirteen years ago, None/eat Marie, daughter of the late of Edinburgh. and niece: of King Edward. Botraitinie will iherefere be another of the •reauttriee, that are, den - tined, in the ordinary cource of event, ' • to have an,Enetlish queen. • 're ltihhill'Y DYNASTY. renee-Coburseaollia, pile Of the Ittnq el flie 1:,;:atee ihret coditea the German Empirct.. is ruled by a rte. pliie.w of ging Monad, -who Iwo eau. Ceded at gton. But then, nearly all the ^^, y2:cn;rchs efteany eve, Fele- treee tS the Ufvtg y rhariAnc;e, The groat iA2e3:MCO Ning Rolvimrd cnercism oat the destitlies of Europe will he ttnderElood when one cOnsiders how iiirelatives Mt the principal thrones of .F.:nrove. its nephews rule Diflosia, Cxer- raany atztl is to have his ,fer i queen. Orreee artl Dea:. mar% aro covornea. by -his brothers-in- law,,rwheF,a heirs have in turn men:lel .n4:ar E ICIC u Hing,lEdward. One Of his daiigIttors iS Queen of ,1>lprway th.e rn. Ncdenv alrecCe, and Bointihiale, In addition , to ',,•.iteirte ethil end day 10 shared by atir..-Tes•of 'the ittinn er Eneeland. • 80.46tS, l'he Fatal Feat Thar Is Rarely Tried by ' Acrobats.. • • Acrobats who risk their necks •for the public's umusement and their own livelihood are seldom aVerse to 'attempt- ing new dangers if there is only suffi- cient money in them, but probably 999 out of .every 1,060 would ilatlyedecline to try a -triple somereault were the sug- gestion,made them: - As a -matter, of • fact, a tgetple somersault usually means death, and it is no exaggeration to say that scores of lives have been Sacrificed in teying it. Yet there is one man who has lately accomplished this dangerous fetit and lived -Daniel O'Brien, a clever young Irish acrobat, well known in England. This acrobat Is a splendidly formed ,young fellow, slender but beautifully proportioned, and a wonderful per- . Ile holds ihe recordor e double somersault (32 ft.), and he has received medals in every country he has visited. For the purpose of his great effort the straw bed, intended to receive the acrobat, after he had hurtled through the air, was placed 8 yards from the spring -board. •When the signal was given the ath- lete dashed doeen • the plank, hit the •"spring" with a. tremendous bound, rose between 15 ft. and 16 ft. in the air, his -knees pressed closely together with his hands, revolved twice, se,erned to hesie tate, then, with a supreme 'effort, made a third revoltition, and landed safely in a siting positioh on the bed. •Everyone rushed to his assistance, wondering ff he had'hroken his spine, but before he could• be • reached -he had risen to .his feet and was 'bowing his acknowledge- ments of the flattering silence (born cf fear) which had greeted his wonderful performance. "That's the lest time attempt' the triple," he said, when he had recovered his breath; "the double is enough for me after this. I was afraid I was going • to strike the back of my head, and if I had it would have been a case for the coroner." SPARTAN TRAINING; _ Japanese Parents are Almost Cruel 6 Their Children. The, Japanese ccide of moral princi- ples which the knights were required sr instructed to observe is called Bushidoe It is a code unuttered and unwritten Writes Inazo Nitohe in ,his book,•"Bushi- de the •Soul of Japan," yet it is the foune dation eof national courage and personal rectitude. Anecdote's �f fortitude and • bravery abound in all Japanese nursery tales, altheugh stories of this kind are not by any means the only method of eerly imbuing the spirit with the prin- ciples-, of Bushkin. Parents. with sternness sometimes verging on cruelty, set -their children. t6 tasks that called forth all the pluck thnt was in them. "P,erirs hurl their cubs doton the gar -'e." they said.- The sons of the Samurai were let• -down to , steen vnileys .01 hardship, and purred to nigvolooshilte lasleg. Oncasional de -1 privation of fend exposnre to cold - 'was cone'dered -a highly efficecious test' her uterine, them to endurance. CM- dren of tereler nen were .sent among titter strangerg ,with somh • meseage to deliver. were made to, rise before -the een, ami before., hrealciest attend to their mildew exereterog. walking, to their tenehers with hare feet in the cold f vt inter: Once 'or twice! a menth. as en the feslivel of a god ef learnine. they enme together in small groups nml reseed the nieht without sleep, in read- ing elnud by turns. rpn were areoglit un With niter weresetiel of prom -env. rt was consider- ed hod theta to swede nf it. it is trite iseo them was enirened '1317 Bushkin. tut eat ter (atm -tem -tient rengems meeo ne for thr' eeerhise of abstinenre. "Less wan en thineen seve 8 Clirrent nrc rent. -"men muet eredge mnnev; it IS re riches that wisdom is hindered." Oaseira••••oi•••••4.4••••••••.•••••••e4•4 HOSES WITH HORNS.' Curious Animal Which Inhabits Parts of South Africa. Did you ever hear of a horned horse? It is called the gnu, and is a waive of South Africa. The gnu is a. puizle. We have called it a horse; but it is more Eke a cow. It really seems to be a erass. be- tWeen the horse, the cow, and the deer. has the head and horns of it cow, the tail, mane, and withers °Me' horse, and the legs of a deer. Altogether the gnu is one of the most sin altar erea tures on earth. • The gnu Inhabits the hilly districts of South Africa, roaming all ovee the eoune try in vast herds. As far as travellers have yet penOtraled it is foond, and it is fortunate that it is so, for the, flesh of the gnu forms excellent food. • They ere, however, exiremely wlld.. anti, belifir v**ery quick In their movements, are diffl milt to sheet Upon the fleet alarm the, whole herd scamper away in single, file, following le -deader. When seen front a Wafture they look like a troop Of horses'. Their speed is very great, but when first disturDed they da not exert it, but kick out theht heels and begin butting itt anhthing that eemee in thole way, ex- hibiting the fit•eale;51 fury. Unleee haled preeeed tine, eeldont ehow fight, but when brought to bey they will delend therneelees deeperately. They dart for. ward upon tit at' enemy with great fury, aryl unhen m0 re10a18:3 cool end col - 1( ed he prol ably will not eecape. catch your dog eatilkeein 0 my ll'eltene Montt "hitee't eeld be old 't Mclean who Igetne , a heeolt WO, ay, tO ItieifiLlOii?. e tree' !.8i1 the neighlime "If 'be ent3 One of ylur titichtms 'it won't he nececoory.for to 'bhoel laa." DEADLY COBRA OF INDIA ItE1111,LEtS laITE IS NOT ALWM1S FATAL. Eneffinin Feeeieeiehre 01 41 Irrwtreit' 1171 India EnrOpcanS Siiffer Little. .th.tha' very fleet' awning; tis Abe in'hiS 1€14;; armchair Ch, cay, tee elevated vereneeie of • the sirspintiede Hotel, Bombay, lie %Yin find the ineyttable juggler, appealing to him with uplifted eyes, acconmenied 11)e7 his -lawn his; beeket and. the °thee parapher- nalia ei his craft; - and thoughthe nieligo growing trick may he mere m Sterious, the fight between the cobra and the Mongoose will he more hetet... eetin The inborn 'mutual *hatred between these creaturi "must be supposed to serve some pu pose in the wise economy of nature, says Chambers' Journal, and 'vet' wotild look very steatige'eli(rene riot know„ that similar' aversions exist rice eween other more familiar creatures,. end for some reasons not always appar- ent. Irrespective of the danger of et, why does the mongoose attack the co - Ina? A live mongoose is said never to touch a dead cobra in the way of food, end the bristly carcass of a mongoose is probably too tough for even the ca- pacious digestion OP his natural adver- sary. We can only account for it, therefore, - on the same principle that the best bred game clogs will not touch the flesh of the" quarry that they are So fond of hunting. The active little mongoose is almost always the aggressor, for the compare. twely, aWkwaral cobra, unless, he got hint asleep, would prohably never „think of attacking his mare nimble oppon- ent; and it Is generally the mongoose that is victor in these , encounters. Though the cobra rears, his head, ex- pands his hood unbrellalike to the ut- post, and hisses viciously, his dabs rt the enemy seem misdirected .andg aim- less, for the wily mongoose suddenly becomes double -his natural size by the erection of. liis tough, bristly coat in a way that seems quite to deceive even the wiee, serpent as to what may be bristles and what not. It is enly jus Lo gay for the cobra, though, that if his longs were not extracted or the poison glands destroyed, a successful,- chance eeck -woul soon, finish the mongoose. in spite of his activity. The natural animosity is no 4hutt't greatly toned down in the specimens Possessed by the jugglers. Familiarity bleeds tolerance, if not contempt, on both sides, so that they must atteelt cne another- with lees ferocity than in their nature' wild condition, and • must erten laugh in their sleeves when the farce is ewer. I had the good or bad lock to come across many cobeas here and there, he most of which I kilted. lercleed there is little to fear from a, cobra in the open. If youdo not eillack him he is not likely to attack-ymi,4unless talces it into his head- that you ere going to tread on the tail of hiS coat. 11 is a ponular delusion that a cobra af- tci rearine birneif, can jump itt, the enemy. This he is quite unable to do. foi the motion ,of the head is along the arc of a circle of 'which the radius ex- tends from the hend to the part of the serpent tot/chino the ground. THIS SNAKE .MET HIS FATE, ' On one occasion, during the late war in Upper Burmah, when resting on a small tent -bed of an eighty pound ser - ice tent, 1 saw a cobra walking stealth- ily into my parlor. as the spider would say to the fly, through the open door. I say walking ativisedly because er- pents do actually walk on the end of their ribs •instead of wriggling along after the 'fashion of worm. The. pres- enee of this melee naturally emitted quiets' tip Uneasy feeling, with such a narrow compass to move about in; but the snake did not get out,' alive. There are such incredible stories in- vented about cobree in India, and so extravagant, top, that One hesitates to rttion one's own more modest 1 lough truthful experiences, as not 'quite thrilling enough to be placed on record. 'My own creepy sensation was at an up country station in India.. I had 'VW/ - FY arrived there from Burma, and wne writing at, night time; on one oh the usual kind e- of writing desks,,with draw. els on elide gide and an empty interval below and between, the desk being, as usual, placed against one of the walls Of the room: itlrec3 ccograpNca3 distibuti22. Eq-ao of the 2NT:A intezostinc, zse1.3 howl of thif, WC25 Nr1110/V30 that WQ$ se,nt yne frcza 8tlitara of Labei, art (Estriet 52111C Mixt froga our outpost of Aclera„ viten I was sta- liyiaed in that very sultry Icvality. thought:this Arahian variet,y, was small- lcyz than' these 3 laad scen in: 330W T1I3E' COUBA €15onte peer* doubt if 'there eau, be 'any recovery from the full bite of grown cce,bra. *The plea:oohs. bere(t fangs ef thie eeeature work on a •ieltalh of hinge, and are folded:back on'the roof Of the haihilth :when /he anintal' le in renehe; but when, the cobra prepares to strike, thr Mein mechanised of 'the 'u)per jaw ireopereing the Mouth raises these feilded fangs. If tiii fangs then. bit Ihe vie - ton • etraight 1 fairiCY"I'eVOverer * utast rioe very rare. - • 'But there is not always a full com- plement of -poison in the glands at the root of the langs,,,,,and evety sueciessive stroke ,makes the quantity leas for the time being. Again, the dress may Wen Op the greater portion of the virusbe- fore the skin is reached, and lastly, the fangs may not, strike straight, end, 'theta •They -are easily doubled Up on aa, 'daunt of the joint spoken of, so thatsin such instances the front or outer port bon of the fangs may graze the skin wittoeperhaps, no poison at ell. I remember a strange thing happen- ing, once regardiug the bite of a snake. In a Certain part of BeloochiStan a de- tachment* ‚.vas in search of a new site for a temporary cantonment in • place of the undesiriehle one we then had, Thull Cheitalt. On our first camping ground we. were seated at dinner in- side the mess lent, when a sudden cry '.'.as raised that one of the camp fol- lowers had been bitten by a snake ab most immediately outside the tent. The medicel officer of the detachment, with nut knife, he was at the time bolding in his hand, rushed out at once. The wound was plain enough on the man's bare leg. He had been, native fashion, squat- ting,on the ground, and had been bit - fen on the outsklc tle.shy portion of the leg, a few inches above the ankle. The major at once made a slash on each Side above and below the wound, tut(' cut a V-shaped fid out of 'the poor man's leg within"a few seconds of •the cry being raised. As we had only gone some dozen miles away from our previ- s eus headquarters, and as our delacil- ment- was going on still further, the man was sent in next 'morning in a dintolie to the hospital, where he ley very ill for some thne, but eventually recovered to a certain degree. As it was night, time and the other natives got curried the snake unlortutiatelY escaped 'n the dark; so I have always wondered whether it was a cobra, and if the prompt excision saved the camp follow- er's life. ' . . „onsiderme that, over. twenty thou- , e think of it!--hurrian lives are annually lost in India from wild beasts, e very great portion of which is froni venomous eneltes, it isat first surpris- ing to see the almost complete immunity fq Europeans from snake bites in that country. dt must be home in .min(1, however that there is only a .mere hand- ful (120,000 or so) of Europeans alto- gether, as against the vast number rf natives, approaching jhe stupendous figures or 300,000,000. The natives, moreover, grope about in the dark and •room the jungles with , bare feet, and often bare everything else, a Condition of, affairs that leaves them particularly eynosed to the bites of snakes.' .Pc this' as it may, it is seldom one hears. ni a deans from snake bite among the Etiropean portion of the Indian popu- lation. I' was dressed, moreover,, in thin, hot -weather, clothing, and therefore par- ticularly vulnerable to the bites el enalces. Nly legs serer° irt the eMpty space beneath the lid and' fn the inter- val between the drnwers on either side. But what was it that 1 suddenly ob. eerved creeping round from the end of the fettle to my right, and going into tile lee now, alrribst in touch with my right foot? It was ri vilencohra, I could not jurrip nevey on aecoont nf the position in which I was plaeeclosel at once reit- loved that to Move iri (tTy way NI:mild probably rouse serpent hirmediate- 1.7 to rear; end strilr.e. At any rate tethe- ther it was by (mini ealculation or that was too petrified with hot•ror mew, it enterer (lid move a musele; till, to my intersect reliefthe eoltra got heyoncl my feet to Inc beet: of the hollow ntettinst the wall. Then 1 rneved away with less grace than 'utility and shouted to my behrer, 'Boy! 'Boy!' Id thw. ton of my vi,', for it is seareely needful to tell ynu thnt net even tiie. crenrnon or gerdert „bell eerie bee yet penetrated 'rite the rene;(e). lacIt Nforiffntslic' tio.1 I set 81 ef Inilrfe t:absc13.1-rbnotridtinor(11: va,rieth. fond of Icillino, makes, nr enyliiintes else, for that rot -titer. Indeed. they leek up. OP. the cobre tie snered and werrhip it in their puieblind eerier:hilly, et iset year ofestival or Nett Panchen -lei (or the Feast of Stuilt'es), Mtge beirmfJm Ilindoostaneli word ler eobra. "AL title time, however. (one er two roy servants were Museithantei, who lied nis grctat regard either ler (-Ana er IlindOote an(1 we "eget hunted nut the Cobra and eleeptitched, him forthehith. Even the 171) hill eobea eari I,ei taa(le a pet (tr, mirtlie.tif titi(rie Wigtl, 105 ?tatrq t'ald glandSV rind tie for the moriffscgstt, Tip1 (ale rrf flu', toast pat-dont:MO cif wild beetotte ie mere then 9ne verlety tend they vary in, f31Z0 aeeorditig tO .their ••••••••••••••••••••••••4••••••••••••••••••440 .HE KNEW HIS LESSON: When Paddy 'Vete King Frederiek •cf Prussia.' . Frederick, of Pruesia, it is said, had a ..greet mania for enlisting gigantic sOldiers into the . Gutu•da, and paid an enornieus bounty to his recruit- ing officers 'for getting them. This fact is thestasiee of the •following story from Judge's Magazine: ' One day the. • recruiting, sergeant , --Chanced to -espy a Hibernian who was t LIONS HAUNT STATION 111%ht STIGATE ilk RUNNING OF THE• : icom5rifo. atilt -ROA% ThiS•'llather-.Fueses" the An'elit,,Who is Co pelted to 8en0; NianY lilepsagese • The lions okBast Africa apphar to"Fee watching $1:1Q proave4,, i'ViliattiOn With deep -interest, and Blothina,bwi done "Aare' to arouse their curioeitn and teeonder than Ude traing'eni the Uganda . 'Tito railroad froth the Indian 'Ocean to Victoria Neeniza, is • 581 milee long, and between the terminal points are 3 1 stations. • The' line is inanaged on the systene of the tridtan railroads, and most of the men in the track, train and etation eerviee are East Indians. The Indian station agent is known as a babu- and he leads a lonesorne life. Strobe, for example, where the lions tavetlirten makin'g-tigspec al study of the railroad station, has only a station building, a water tank for the engines• and a sidetrack, this being one of the place. wkeee trains pass each other rn THE SINGLE-TBACK ROAD. The trouble began at Shaba eleven months ago, when the traffic manner at Nairobi one morning 'received this astonishing telegram from the babu at Simba: "A lion has been. bothering me for three nights. Ile comes up on the •St tion" platform and, goes to •sleep. The he walks up and down*, seratche.e the wall and door and tries to get int the office. Please send cartrid.ges fo a Snyder rifle by fleet train, for "rti protection. 1 haye blank cartridges but they are‘np good against. lions:' Thi g profound observation has • th eartnarlts of sober truth. -Whether .0) boh desired to buy a ticket or ,whethe a fellow feeling for the lonesome bale induced him to try to cultivate hi S ac- quaintance is not known, but it is quite ccrtain -that blank cartridges were not tippropriate.• annuunition, and that bat cartridges were in demand.. e It, is• to be supposed that they wer hromptly• supplied, but, if so, they di not make a, deep impression upon th lions, for in August another hair-rais ing telegram reached •the traffic nian ager, as •follows: • „. • August 17, 1.45 a, m. s , Urgent. To Tra Mc Manager: A lion is on the platform. •, Please in- struct guard, and driver (engineer) t froceed carefully and to make po sig nels in thee yard. Tell the guard advise nessertgers not to get gut •her and 'to he very teneeful himself When h cc:ince into the office. It is not quite certain whether. ill 1 ithu Whis chiefly solicitousefOr the safe Ay of the ..gtrard or whether. he though that the •lion might take advantage • the open ;dope to, , . COME INTO THE ,orricE.' However this maybe, the distress sig nal from Shaba had the immediate •e --suit of starting • a 13ritish speortsman :r that direction. - lee took the.neXt train for-•Ssimba, etru under the water Jar* he end :the rail re:ad-men ereeted a platform about ten feet • above the ground, where the nim rod .spent several days waiting for the visitors. . His patiencelength . rew,arded. •• ' . • The first animal he sew was *a lioness that came walking out of Ille scrub very likely for the purpose ,of quench _ing her thirst at the little stream that was leaking from the tenlehaaathen she was 'within nhout 150 feet of the plat- form the hunter put a. COMP Q bullet :n - to her and, stretched her nn the ground. The hunter did noteleave, his pont), for he thought shrieething more would be doing. • He was not mistalcen. A lit, 11. later -two lions eame out nf the high press and were • soon in „great mental distress over the strange attitude of the dead female.. They lteat eireling nround her body, -new growline, than whining. They hit he hotly with their pews, nod eite last teean to drag It, away. potions& with the -idea- • of awakening her. Just then a bullet ended the life of one of • the brutes, and the other wounded byethe• second •shot, • • SPRANG INTO THE BUSH. • For half an hour the sportsman awaited on the platferin any signs el life, in the bushes, but, detecting to movement he descended from hie perch Ile had hardly • reached terra firma, however, before the wounded lion burst rut. of • the with and strew% the •huntee o blOw with its haty'which tore the flesh of his -arm to the bone. The hunter eves knocked to the ground, and hhe which west, evidently grewing weaker, rolled over on • the ,gress and then dragged itself back. inte*the hush, where It'S dead body was fonnd little later. The hunter *gave .up watching for lions and sought a 'Inienitni at the eoast and the poor bebu Was left again 'In the wilderness. Ile told the train bends. every dey that, he could not select) nights and his 'nerves were Welly elialten. There Was nothing doing, however, for several weeks after' the groat day when three liens had been laid low n1111111' asfew rods of the station,' Then came anther nervous telegram: Extra Urgent - .Treele hand was stir- . rounded by tevo lions while, returning Warr signal box. ,He climbed tele- nrapinpole n !err-1bl water tartlet fie is up there yet; Order train to elms there and lake him aboard. The train Man. itg0r Win , please make necessary late reel gement s. The traelt Man euceeeded In reedit ig • the station before relief errived. roe several,* days the telegraph wire, Wit; hilt(1080(1'only with routine desnatenes Then. another episode was proclaimed in the following *ape; o TO Guard and Driver ,Of Down Train: Carriage of secretary is on the siding, ‘vhere shot a lion just new, end (Ahern ore roaring on Mat.:,indu OriVer must proeee4 without signatt and stop engine opp,osite station. Guard must, get out of Alt& bake van. • Later tulviees havel tiot yet 'Come to • band, but if any ritailion roaster Is find, WC life tnenotonoute aind lenge -to have )1:318,11 trini 1)1), le;r1 aptieroolli wiiiltahy lonfeilatir4i tinot to swap jok-; With the halm at Sitahli. 1 ee a- Poultry -- Choice dry plucked tur-. LE ABING IIARKETS 13BEADSTUFFS. Toeon(e, May 1. - Flour - Ontario, Iser cent, patents are eeiling Qt. *a.1p, buyeri$' bags, oursido for .mport,„ Manitoba - .$1.30 ,to C.50 for first p4tr- Mts and' $3.9() to Si got' ceeonds. Bran aol:ed, buyers' tags; To- ronto. Vsiheat Ontario No. white, ,T40 - 4L -Iced. bultiidc; -red5'803o asked; No. 2- mixede 'isahre asked outSide,, • ° eWheat Marlitoha -1- No. 1 northern Eree,reettslted, Owen Sound and Poirdt •E'd? ward, 81%.,0 bid, track, Midland. NO; 2 northern, 82c asked,. track, Pr t Hue .ran, Owen Sound or Collligwoode Peas - 16c bid 1.o.h., 'it3 per coat,. freglit pellets. Oats No. 2 white; 3630, asked, 78e Por cent. points, 38%c asked, Toro/nap ta arrive; mixed, 35%c bid, main line,. *M C. B. ' Buckwheat --e• 49c bid, 51c asked, oute side. figtaza,lipeo . COUNTRY PJIODUCE. Batter With heavier receipts the tnareo , ,het round . ire essuming an easy tone. Creamery .... 're 22c to 230. do solids 11••• ••••• •• 111••• 21c to 2201 PairY lb, rolls, good to choiee' 18c to i90 - do large rolls - . 17o to 18o: do medium .... .. . 16c to Cheese - Old is qtloted **** 14c for large: and 14•Xe for twins, and new at 13e. • Eggs - .The demand is rather more - active and the tendency of prices Is; • firmer. New laid are quoted at 150 toe 16c, and storage are quiet at 13c. keys. *16c to 18e; fat chickens 12c to. o 13c thin 7c te 8c; fat hens 8c to 9c, thin yr 6cptoota7tc0;esdulkso, nlfacritoo, 1653% t(;. ---;•5-g per» bag out of store; eastern, 70e to 80e on " track and 10c more out of etore. Baled Hey -1- $9.50 to $10 per ton for e • No. 1 timothy in car lots on tgack here.: ur Norint,Liesintgralt7_toonrt.5a0174.5toetret; 86, per, ton for car lots on track here. • MONTREAL MARI.CETS. Montreal, May 1. - Grain -- 1 ness quiet in local grain circles. Oats - e No 2, 410 te 41Xc; No. 3, 40c to 40%4: .(1 No- 4, 39c to 39%c; peas, 740 to 75e, L. e o b. per bush.': „barley, No. •3 extra,. . 52c afloat, May;. 4, 50c; corn, No. 3•1 .`miXed,, 56e; No. 3 yellovv, 56%c, ex. track, Flour - Manitoba, spring wheat pat- ents, $4.20 to $4.10; strongehteleersh $3.- 99 to $4.10; winter wheat patents $4. tu $4.25;• sleight rollers, $3.80 to $3.90t - o do., in hags,$1.5 to $1.85; extras, 81- 40 to $1.60'. o -- Manitoba bran, in bags,• ee--$19 to -$19.50: shorts $20-1-.6 $-21'per tono e Ontario bran, in bulk. $18.50 to $19.50; • shorts. $20: milled mouille, $21 to 824; ; straight grain rnouille, 25 to $27 per e ten. - Rolled Oats - Per bag„ $1.95 in car• t lots, $2.05 to $2.10 in email kits. f Cornmeal - $1.30 to $1.40 per bag. Hay -- No. 1, $9 to $9.50; No. 2, e8. $8.50; clover mixed, $6.50, and pure• ; clover, $6. Beans --- Prime beans, $1.65 to $1.70e4* e• pc' bushel; hand-picked,. $1.80 per bush - 1 el: •• • . 1 Hooch --• White clover, inecomla 13e• 1 to lie nor pound section; e•xtraet, :70 -to, • 1.73‘e; buckwheat, 5Orc to 6e. ' terovisions Barrel's •heavy Canadi-• -la,. short, cut pork, 822.50; light short. (eit, $e1.50; barrels clean. fat back. 40, compound lard, 7X(i, to .75gc; Canadi- an pure lard, 11Xc to 12,c; kettle reit- , dered, 12Xe to • 133c; •hems, 13%c to, • loc, .according to step; breakfast batten, - 16e t� 17eerWitidsor bacon. 15c•to 15%c; • • fresh killed abattoir dressed hogs, $10.- • ' '25' country dressed at $9.25 to 80.50, • alive, $7.65 to $7.75 *foreselecte, 'Eggs - New laid, 14c to 15c per doz- en. at least seven -feet ing,he- He accosted him in English, and proposed that he should enlist. •The idea Of a military life 'anda large. bounty • so delighted Patrick that he at Once consented. . ' "But unless .yerti can speak- German the King .will • not give you so much." • "Oh, be jabbers," said the Irishman, "sure it's. 1 that don't know a word Of German.". . "But," said the sergeant, "these you can learn in a short time. • The King knows every man in the Guards. As soon as -he sees you -he will ride tip and ask 3r011 IlOW 'old you are; you will ecty Wenty-severil next, how long you have been he the service; you must, re- ply 'three weeks'; finally, if you are senvided with clothes and rations, you answed, 'both.'" Pot son learned to pronounce • ells answers, but never dreamed of learn - inn the questions., • • In three weeks he afipeared before die King in review. Ills Majesty rode 1:P to him. Paddy sloped forward with 're,regent arrnst" • "How old MI 3i011?" said •the King, "Three weekee," said the Irishman. "How long have you been in the serviee?" •asked his Majesty. • "Twenty-seven years.' • "Am I Or you a fool?" roared .the King. . • "Winn", replied Patrick, who was in stantly taken to the guard house, but pardoned lee the King „after lie undre stood the facts of the caAe. .14.,•••••••,..4.4.4••• ANGELS DESCENDING. lohnity was so deligbled with his first p�1?' of Suspenders that he'insisted upon placheg•' therti • On hip pillontewhenehe went, to botd.*, Whenenie mother came to 'tuck the little 'hap 111 he had fallen asleep, so shelasterted the bracea, to the owner's small 'trousers and left them on the chair beside hie bed- . ejohillirs.firet Morning question was: • "Do the' angels evittch over ate every night, mother?" • "Yee, dear," , PAM do'' 'they come all around My bed, mether?"' eyee, Johnny, they ' are retold about yono bed every night," • "I thought co," snid jeltriny, grintly. "Somei of them havel been monkeying • with Iny ,braces," !! Butter Choicest creamerY10 20c; under -grades, 18%c; darry? 16c. to •-h• I 6,e 1.8• Cheese -Colored, 11Xc to 1234c. BUFFALO MAII• KETe Buffalo, May 1. - Flour - Firm. Wheat ---, Spring easier; No. 1 Northern, 83%c;• Winter, no offerings. Corn --e Dull; No. 2 yellow, 53Xe; No. 2- corn,' 53c. Oats - FiennsNo. 2 white, 36 to 36%e. Barley - Quiet.; spot offered at 4^. to 52c. Bye -,Stronger; No. 2 held, 66Xc. carloads. - • NEW YORK WHEAT MARKET. reldw York, May 1. -Spot firm; No. 2 • red 'nominal elevator; No. 2 red, 90%e f.o.b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth, ' 885c f.o.b. afloat. • CATTLE mAnKET. Toronto, May 1. --Moderate deliveries of cattle were recorded at the Western Cattle Market to -day, and prices were steady to strong in the better grades. About the usual number ,of export • cattle were brooght forward, and prices ringed from, $4.75 to • $4.90 for fair loads. A -few extra clibice loeds brought, $5.15.to $5,20. Choicerbutthersh $4.75 to $5; medium $4.40 to $4.00; cows, $3.25, to $3.75; bulls, $3 to $3.50; canners. $1.50 to $2 per cwt. Short keeps', 1,150 to 1.250 Ilre, .$4.40 to $4.b5; feeders, 950 to 1,150 1bs, $3.85 to $4.40; stockers, 70e to 850 lbs, $3.75 to $1; etock calves, 400 to 650 be, $3 to $? CW. ecwetse $4.75 tO $5.25; culls AO butts, $3.50 to $1; grain -fed 1=141 $5s75 to $6.50; ettrvi,S. 83 to 86' 13er Mt; Spring iambs, $3 to $6 each, Quotation' for mile& cows andispring- ers-was pi) to $55 each. Hogs were offered in larger munhers. Ouotations were as follows e-Selectes $7.15; lights and fate, $6.00 pctcwt. iris ma) •sAvEn. In the 11011he of. Comitions no 'incident is greeted with Imre hearty' laughter than that of a Member who, after : 411 cloquerit oration,, plutnpS down on 1113 ° silk* hat On the bench behind Iiitin A yeaing rnenaher who had just made 10 maiden speech :at upon his new silk 1.81,. There woo roars of laugineP. An , Irish, inetober immediately ttrOOO MA giyavely So.itt: "MriSpeaker,, permit Inc in certgratulate the lionorahl ' gentlenum upon the happy circunistaric that when he rat on „his hat his head vas not in 11 r. Thin ternarl upset filo dignity gg Ilie liousei and the Speaker called s .1r. - der, Order," amid roars of laughter