HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-05-03, Page 4• Grand BC,Ciet COIIIIIIeXIOIL me* pesee k4 having a content foranda. Speciel attentlen iuet be given to tho,Coinplexioti'et this tiny,' of sthe yeate Something. 1111t115 eilone to cotenteeect- the offeete of elld Sole,' ‘- • •%•.v. eeeeealerseesse is unsurpaseed for Suraburta . Ten, Freckle's, and redness a th skin. Cooling, Healing, Soothing Anti- septic. ° , sem pat eanclq his itoPee.-Mr, Beeeen. berey hae commeneed tbe work on the harltor.-Mrs„ Welsh of Stratford vie. ited friends in end around. here for a few' treys last' Geavelle Thetiford idepending*a few daye -with hie pereute.- Mrs. dee, Gill, who hes been ute the side list, 14 able to be out agatte,-f:,Mr.' and • Mis. Wm. Leavttt ,epent Saturday in:Exeter.•They„were aceompenie0 Wove by Mies Pearl Lee - vitt %v;Jut Sundey eta:entail ehele nets in and- report some good eatCh es. , , WienDING.-Aneolig t e mane: mar riages that have ',taken Mace In. 'our village few ,latippy paxticipantswII have more universally the good wishes of oor citizens for. their future happi- ness 4o1 prosperity then the young folks vvho, on Wednesday joined heart and hancl.for life, 'We refer to the marriage of Mr. Arthur Baker and Miss Alice Pearl, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Gill. At .2;30 as the sweet etriiine of _the wedding march, played by Mrs. J. W. Gill, floeted through the rooms the bridal party eittereci the parity, wheee a eeleet com- pany had gathered to NVitriess the cere. loamy. Bev. S. A. Carriere was the officiating ininister and he ,tied the nuptial knot in his asnal happy inan- ner. The bride was bewitchingly at- tired in a cream voille, trimmed with chiffon, and was assisted by her sister, Miss Victoria, whowas also daintily attired in a coetnine of grey tweed. Little Mies Florence Gill made a sweet flower girl., Mr. Wm. Baker assisted -the groom through the tryingordeal. It WAS indeed a happy gathering that sat down to'the sunipttious-repast pro- vided for the occasion. In an inner room the gifts were laid but time and space will not premit us to enumerate them, suffice to say that they were of an high order, an indication that, the young people are ,highly esteemed. The evening was very pleasantly spent in social chat and harmless amuse- ments. Guests were present from Us - borne, Exeter, Ailsa Craig, Stratford . and elsewhere. Your correspondent loins with the host of friends in well. wishes toward Mr. and Aire. Baker for a pleasant sail over the matrimonial sea. Indispensible in Warm Weather `i) 'Its healing and absorbing iqualities make it excellent for any irritation or rough- ness ef the skin. Nothing can be more Satisfactory. Price 25c per bottle: Prepared and For Sale COLE'S. DRUG STORt Exeter, Ontario 15zuter Ato3oratie, Sanders & Creech, Pto.ps. 7H1TRSDAY, 1VIAY 3, '06 NOTES AND COMMENTS A man who embezzled $8,000 and a %boy who stole 5'cents, both at Chicago were sentenced to one year each. The Zooy remarked that when he got out he would "go the Who would blame. him?. r _ * * The parliamentary grant of $100,000, 'to San Franisco will not be sent. Pre- ident, Roosevelt has sent a grateful message stating that money from for- eign sources will not be needed. How- ever the vote has been taken and the 'appropriation will be available if it thoteld be called for. By a vote of at to 21 the naeMberS of -41-te Legislatuee last week voted down • ethe Opposition Leader's amendment ;to the Liquor License bill, . proposing ecrsubstitute the words"a bare niajori- sty " for,"three-fiftlas Of the voted poll - d" in the clause referring to local op- -ion. The The bill received its -third- read - ng and will go into effect on Mayl, ethe beginning of the license year, * It is understood that the. Govern-. .ecaent will bring down a power bill some day this week. The bill will be ealong the lines snggested by the hydro- electric power commission's report and feehe campaign 0 vigorously put up by ..ethe member for London.. While .the czneasurexnay net aim at immediate con- ofpoblie ownership, yet it As said that -it will provide for a perma- relent, power commission with wide qaowers. It is authoritatively stated :that Premier Whitney has signified nais entire approyal ef the bill. 0 Khiva Mts. John Lippert, left Thursday Uase” to visit her son at Lake Odessa. eMich.-Mrs. Wm. Hooper has returned 'home from Peterborough. -Miss M. ,..Barry left Friday last to visit her sise :ter in London. -Mr. D. McLeod, left last week to work in Sarnia. --The t'Cio'vernment Mill Inspector was here on official duty last Wednesday and ,ordered some changes to be made in ,etlie, saw mill here. -Mr. Jacob Rotz eof Hamburg, after a short visit with ehis sone retnrned borne Monday. DIED.-Thete passed away at the 7iaolne of his parents, on the 12thecon. eof Stephen; Mr. John Querrin,.*after •,-.ery brief ilium front heart trouble. 'The deceased had been ill only it few days and his death came as a surprise eto his friends. He was a young man -elf good character and commanded the respect of all. Ile was in the 28th year of his age and his death has •„eaused general regret in the commun- ity. The funeral took place to Mount 'Carmel cemetery on Thursday last. ' Does Your Heart Beat Yes. 100,000 times each .day. Does: it send out good blood or bad blood? You know, tor szooct blood is good health; bad blood, bad health. And you inow, precisely what to take for bad blood,—Ayer's Sarsaparilla.' Doctors have endorsed it for 60 years, ig!fMeggItligsetot tallag'4 StibstenCee ere tlinn absorbed into the bleed. Iteep the bowel* open, with Ayers PHIS. AMete be . . ayee ea. /ewe% mos. I AO. salsriunsetttrers Oof . o mut moot- , tierstztevigirotat: we 1i41050, StA dawetolt Vt. ralbliik sae seresease of *11 artv taintlatotec • Dashwood Andrew Treunaner orPetrolea is at present visiting his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Shruni.-The Misses Salome and Emma Tiernan of Detroit are at their home here, waiting iiWm.their mother who is very M. -Mrs. Louis Simon still continues to grow Weaker and her recovery is very doubtfol.--Rev.A.W. Sewer of Winnipeg was here on Sat - iii -day and on Sunday Morning he, preached in the Evangeliear church to, a large congregation. He spoke in be- half of the Mission 'work in thegreeit West and at the close of the service took a freewill offering in aid of the work which amounted to $83.63. Rev. Sewer was at one time pastor over this field and after serving two years, was sent as tk missionary to Bosthern ewhere he labored.for:four. jeers, and from there to Winnipeg, at which 'place he nowise.. While pastor here he was greatly beloved by his people and all who could came to hear and see him again on Sunday last. -Several from here attended the funeral of the late Mr.Reynolds at Seventh. on Tue's- day. The services, were conducted by Rev, Mr. Clements. 40. Shi4). ka Next Sunday morning there will be no Sunday School on account of Quar- terly meeeing in. the Boston Methodist church. Church here Will be thosame,, as usual.-Serne of the young people of this vicinityhad the lagrippe the past week on account of driving out in, the evening. Take our advice young people, and get in the house in good merchants -of our burg in- tend closing the stores everyWednes. day and Friday eVening,giving the clerks more liberty. -Mr. James I. Berke, FaetoreeInspector, was around here last week inspecting the mills. and says they are O. K. The laws re- garding factories are very strict. -Mr. J. liatz of Hamburg was visiting at the home Of Mr. and Mis. Harry Wing last week. -Quite a number of people attended, the farewell sermon in. the German Evangelical church of Crediton last Sunda,y,-John Schee°. der left for Sarnia last Monday. -john McCloud and family !noted to Sarnia last Tuesday.-Mitster Henry Shink of Oreditofrvisited friends in and around here last Sunday; BE CA.REFUL WHeA.T -rou SAY. In speaking of another's faults Pray don't forget your own; Remember those in homes of glass Should seldom throw a stone. If we have nothing else to do But talk of thoseevho sin 'Tis better we coenee ae ntinhome And from that point begin. We have no right to judge a man Until he's fairly tried; Should we not like his company, WP know the word ie wide, Sottieznayhavefaults,And who has not, The old as well as young Perhaps we may, for aught we know, fifty to their one. I'll tell yoo of a, better plan And find it works full well: To try your own defects t� cure Before of others tell; And though 1 sonietirnee hone to be No wore that some 1 know, My own Ghort corniogs bid me let The faulte of others go. Then, let tie all, when we eenetnence 11Se slander frieeul Or foe Think of the harm one Word may do To 00661)010 little -Know. Reineitiber, curees oometimee .0er cbickene. "Roost at home.”' '-peak of otiter'e faults until We have none of Mr OWIL, et:seated. Tivo men ineach county 10 repiee oent and .advettise hardware ;fdepart. put out leamples of eau, good, ote. Travellineepoeition or oftlee Man. tettete Salters' Sft,0,00 Per month, ctish . weekly, with all exnensee paid in cid. va nee, We.furpieb e'Verythine-i, Tem C1 nt5ernt Ilitteefe °blew, lite Dept.. 610.Alsfah AVe. • 4t • / • The Toronto Poet -office Wes destrny d by the on Sttzaday. - t'sv bay ferke and elinge tosTo Ziarleth Charlton. Exeter, Agtic ,liaerchiv has gone London where she bas liVeztrecil. a go sitnation.-Pe haw reeigned baff of the ‘Tenth Division (?ou Ms successor will be appointed at and 0. Hilber will likely get the pa tion. -A quiet wedding took plitee ,Saturilay, April 214, at the Lome the -brides mother. Alm Elizabe Truemner, of this village, when h daughter, Miss Katharine, became t bride of Mee Loins Preng, also of thie village. 'The bride was assieted by h sieter,Miss Lizzie Truemner of Dar° ,wbile Andrew Hess supported t groom: Tbe.ceremony ,was perforna at 12 o'clock by Rev. E. Schnelke the presence of only tun immediate r latives, The preeents received, by t bride and, groom weee both test and, beaiitiful. After a dainty we ding breakfast, the happy couple lef amid good wishes, for a short weddin ,trip. Mr. and Mrs. Prafig will beg house -keeping in the handsome lion purchased sonie tinae ago by Mr.Pran situated on MAIII.street.--Herhert Axt has acceptedia position in John Grigg's stationery store, Exeter:-Robt. wont has moved into the house I Hillsgreen, which he recently purcha ed from his brother, --The inque touching the death of the late Wesle Erwin of St. Joseph was held it th Town Hall on Thursday last. A. larg number of witnesses were examine and while the majority testified tha be had been drinking considerably o the evening of his death, the jury gav their verdict that death resulted fron an onkiaown (mese. Tile case will no be finally closed until the report o GoVernment Analystie received. -M Frank Uttley 'has secured a pesitio with Chas. Welker liverytnan.-Wm O'Brien has accepted • A position wit Younghlet & Deichert ;butchers, 'fo the summer. -The welly friends o Mrs. Peter Bender will regret to hen that she is seriously ill at present. Mrs. Wm. O'Brien is recovermg fro her severe illness, as is also the dangb ter of Mr. and Mrs. john Fuss,- A the".mortage sale of north half of iot L, R. W.. Hay Township,-the„propert WAS sold to Messrs. Maxiin.and P', Den -i .O'Brien„. and Sul i th who have conducted a butcher sht et in the village fbieover a year, last Fr -'Ly sold theft stpck, fix tures,ice and shine) ter house to'Messrs.Yougblut & Del& ert, hutch ers. -e Rev. Yager willbe mov ed from here to New Hamburg, short ly. DEATH.—A.nother•of the pioneers of this section passed away last week in the person of Valentine Eisenhofer at the age of 68 years. The deceased en joyed his usual health u ntil sortie weeks ago, when_heesnddenly_becanee,111.-and lingered until Monday, a paralytic stroke being the cause ot, his death. He leaves his widow,one son, Joseph, end,a step daughter, Mrs: Foster, to mourn his death. to! as rt. ee ae00., of th er be- er, he ed rn 0. he ly d. 10 t. le it s- st 37 d, r. li t. ElimviIJe Garden Seeds -L-3 packages for 6 cenrs,at Charlton's Fair, Exeter: ----Seeding is the order of the day. -A number have AlreACI.,k gr.. O. Johnston of WatfOrd, who "liate -been clerking in our general store for it few months, left on Tuesday for Paris, to accept a position in a large store. -Mr. and Mrs. Oke of Exeter are the guests of their daughter, Mrs. J. Hawk.ins.e- A number are complaining of having sick dogs, seenainglY of distemper,. Put them'undet the care of a V. S. Mr. and'Mrs. H. Fair have gone to London. -The Misses Maud and Ber- tha Woods are Visiting at their home here.e-Fatmers are busy these days as is Als0 the good housewife. -There have heen Plenty of fish, in the creeks this spring and numbers have .beeri caught by the boys. ---A number .fream here attended Dr. Rollins' sale of household effects tit Exeter on 'Settle- dey.-kaster Wellington Skinner who has been attending the Arnott Insti- tute at Berlin, has . returned hoine.- The revival services held' here during .,the past four weeks have cloetel and a, goodly number have connected them- selves with the church, while the mein - beet themselves have no doubt been greatly benefitted. DEA:Tu.-The death took place at the House of Refuge, Clinton, on Thurs- day last of one of Elite old-time residents in the •person of Mr. Samuel Halls, at the age of 86 years. Deceas- ed came to Elimville over 40 years ago and resided here until about a year ago when he went to the House of Refuge to reside. Death was•clue to the in- firmities of age. He was born in Devonshire, England, in 1841, and came to Canada in 1812, crossing the Atlantic in a sailing 'mesel and tieing 14 weeks on the water. POrMadly years he followed the occupation of a mason and was widely known in this district. He and his brother built the Indian lostitute, Court House and. Gaol at Delawere. During the Civil War in Arneeien, he went over and repqrted the incidents to the British. Government. He married a Miss God - bolt, who predeceased hint about ' 40 years. ' A brother, James, and threesons survive, Sattitiel and James in Chicago, and Williarn in St. Louie. Samuel, alSO it nephew, Mr. Halls from Toronto and a niece Mrs. lit TAUt00, London, attended the funeral. Interment took place on Saturday morning the re- mains being taken from the train at Exeter and buried in the Elide vine cem- etery. WEDDier).--A pleasant and interest- ing event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woo& yesterday (%Vednekida,y) when their daughter, Miss Mritid,..became the bride of Mr, James H. McLaughlin, 8, prosperous your* farmer of near Walton. The eepeniony wee performed by Rev. 11. J.' aire, pastor of the Methodist church hero; in the presence of about sixty invited guedte. At 4 o'clock in the afternoon the guesta congregated in the parlor''when the groom and bride took their places and the nuptial knot was tied. They tvete unattended. The bride presented a veey pleaeitig appearance in a gown of cream eash- mere. Her going.a.tvaY gowd was of prune eolored cloth. The' presente were minim:one' and beautiful, ;Meet- ing to the high esteem in which the yoong people are held, , Ootigeatula- tions being twee, ell partook of a so MI pe thous weeding Suppor, after whirl' tiM liappV roiiph. 1: ft for their ftew bow in Walton amid the good Avi8laos of thek many friurels. The Ateeousemies joine in congeattelatione, e sasi--.-401tals A 13a,ter's TriurnOtt The Mooney Baker, annot preduee knything better h a,n ilootte‘es-- Perfection' " Cream Sodas, .The very best �f flour, butter and cream the rnost modern Hare, the very best baker in Canada. 'A biscuit 'superior to any other you have ever tasted.. Say "Mooney's" to your grocer. Wood's Phosphodini • Tones and invigorates the whole The Great _English Bernath nervous eyStutg, makes new :loodin oid veins. Owes Nero. cus Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Des- pondency, SexualWeakness, Emissions, Spa*. matorrheca, and Erects of Abuse or Excesses. Price $1 per box, sixfor $5. One will please, ex will cure. Sold by all druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of price. New pamphlet " mailed,free. The Weed Medicine Co. (forzn,erty Windsor) Toronto, Ont. Clandeboye, The marriageook place on Thurs- day last ef Mr.Rat Ea,gen of this.plare to Miss E. McCaffrey of Lucan. - We extend congratulations. -Miss Blackwell, teacher, left Saturday for Toronto where she has taken 'charge of it school. Miss Gertie Elliott bas filled the vacancy here.--The"deteth of Mr. Connors, father Mrs. A. Patton Of this place, occnrred the latter part of the week. -Mr. B. A. Blackwell, who has been attending'the Medical College at LO0doti passed his final exainination and is now entitled to affix the title. M. D. t 0 h is„ nano e. Congratula tions. Hensall Miss Rose Yunghhit spent a few day at Landon during the week. -'George Hudson has purchased the house and 'lot of Mrs. McOloy.-Mrss Stella Rob- son is visitingat the home of her sis- ter. Mrs. H. Arnold. --George Dick has one to Manitoba. -The services of Mise Vera Murdock -have been engaged as organist for the Carmel church, owing to Miss McCloy leaving town.- to BA rrie friends. -Henry Miss Florence Bonthron los (owni'tirnvaiisliyt. friends are pleasedlo See' him out once' enore.-Smith and McDonald have dis- wised of their meat business to Reeve Petty. We wish G. O. every success. --e-Albert Whiteside' attended the fun - ere' of his brother, Wm., at Keewatin. Algomn, last week. -D; Grassiek of purehaSeCI t he re.Aidence of John Kensp. while T. Welsh has die - posed of his' dwelling to John John- ston. We are pleased to learn of good citizens like Mr. Grassick and Mr. Johnston coming to Hensall to enjoy a well earnerl rest from artive farming pursuits. --Mrs. Wins Meeloy and fain - have moved to New Ontario wherb" Mr. McOloy is a.bushranacir for the On- tario Government. G. Hudson who recently purchased the dwelling is at present moving into it. -The lo- cal lodge of T.p.o.F. neCoMpAnied, by about forty niembers of Exeter lodge attended divine worship in, the Eng- chnraft on'Sunda„v afternoon. Rev_ Doherty conducted the service and preached from the lesson ' taught by the good Sameritan.-The village as- eeSsinent has increased 'over last year's figures- by ahmi t *40,000. -We are pleased to report that otir couneil has 'dosed IL very good sale of our foundry to F. O. Hunt of London,' -who came' here very highly recommended and who' will, no doubt, carry onthe bnsi. ness in a Manner that will prove pro- fitable to himself and advantageous to the village. Mr. Runt will gb largely into plumbers supplies and has already taken posEiession of the premises. Theerets.-Word Was received bore fewWhitecisaid:7, afig0(4.°Off WthY Wd(ihaitthnfWm.eSidt;8r.. of this place, which occurred at Kee- watin, Algoma,, death being due to in - nomination of the lungs. He was a former resident of this village; but has resided in the West &number of years. Ile was it member of the Northwest mounted police . and greatly distill-, guished himself in the service, making several daring arrests. He held the poeition ot chief of police of Keewatin. Ile leaves a wife and one child. -The grim, reaper visited our rnidet on Sat- urday vthek and removed the beloved wtrtner o Devid. rollick. Deceasted bad been in healtla for some time and yet her death came as a great shock to her family. She *as going about as usual' and had partaken of the noonday meal when shortly after she was found by her husband lying on the floor in an unconscious (toady. tion. Medical aid was iinmediately. etunnuined but despite all she passed' away in the evening at the Age' of 67 yeare. She was one of the pioneer resi- dents of ITensall and was very highly respected for bee many extellent qual- ides. She wits i1 sincere Chrietian lady and a lovingwife tend mother. A hue- bende two daughters -Mrs. David Dew of Hensall. and Mete Vail of' txeior Nnetb, end " son, George, entevive her, heeidee two sisters and five broth- WOre laid to rest in the Pansville. Cemetery: on Monday. To the bereaved ones we extend ()kir sytnpatbk. , `Ttiekereinith: 1/V,, M. Doig, of Sitilt Stern l'itrarie. Mich, but rented hie farm oti the necreed eon. near Kippen, foe a term of six years, to q.'„ likltnundo„ of TRiCkernmith. He -pays Mr. Do* $42(Y) rent for thin !coati and $300 a year for tlie einaining five yearl. ASK FOF1 / I (tioNpoN 11111401AbtOly ti. 0 br$t -;..'"NWed 011 the eontineut. Proved to be so by aealysis pf foor cheiniete„ and by awards of the wodit'e great L'ehi- bitions, especially • Ceirceeo 1ee3, where it received ninety-six paints , out of a. possible -hundred, much higher than any other Porter in the United States Pr Canada. THE MOLSONS BANK I (Inc!irpbrate&by'Aet 61 Poi -Helmut 1855) " • " Head Office, Montreal , Capital Paid' trp• • • • • • • , • :•• • .$3,000,000 Iteserved, -Fuud,•••• • • • • • • • —$3,000,009 FORTY:EIGHT BRANCHES IN THE DOMINION. OF OANADA , - EXETER BRANCH OkTICE 'ROUES lOs. Tn. to 3,p. m. " SATURDAYS, 10 a. in. to 1 p.zu A GENERAL' BANKING IBUSillESS TRANSACTED. Farmer s Sale Notes cashed Or collected. Fox n3s supplied on application,' DRAFTS on all paints:in the Dominion, Great Britain and United. States boughtand sold atlowest rates of Exchange, ADVANCES made to Farmers, Stock Dealers and Business Men at lowest rates and on most favoral3le terms. . DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest Current rate of interest 'allowed Saving Bank Department. , posits of $1 and upward0 received. IntereSt corn- pot:nide(' half -yearly and added to principal June 30tb • and Degember 31st., - • , Agents at Exeter for the Dominion GovernMent. DessesoN c& GAELING; Soiieitors, N. D. HITRDON, Manager, e 2r4 1 V T. Jet 1 -:}-- NERVOUS DEBILITY - MIR NEW mreemon TREATMENT will cure you. And make a man of you. Under its Influence the brain becomes aotive, the blood PUrifled so, that all pimples, blotches and ulcers heal up; the nerves 1)M:imp strong as steel, sO that nervodsness, bashfulness and despondency disappear; the eyes become bright, lhe face full and blear, energy returns to the body, and the moral, physical and sexual systems are invigorated; all drains cease—no More vital waste from the system. The various organs become natural and manly. You feel yourself a man and know marriage cannot be a failure. We invite all the afflicted to consult us confidentially and free\„ of charge. Don't let quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard-earned dollars., WE WILL CURE YOU OR, NO PAY. • , it'1,10 NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. t THREATENED WITH :PARALYSIS. Peter, E. Summers, Of Kalamazoo, „Mar' . relples his experience: was troubled with Nervous De- bility for many years. I lay It to in- discretion and excesses In early- -youth. I became very despondent and didn't carp whether I worked or not. imagined everybody Who looked at Me, guessed rhy secret. ImaginatiVe dreams al night weakened me—my back A ached, had pains in the back of ray ?•-• head, hands and, feet were cold, tired •.• In the morning, 'Poor. appetite, fingers were shaky, - eyes blurred, hair loose, --Memory poor,. etc. Numbness in the IIngers set la and the ,10f107 told ma he feared paralysis. I took pel kinds of • \ medicines and tried many' first-olasa ' . .4‘ phy,s/cn fas, wore an electric belt for •r•I' three months. went to Mi. Clemens for trorlt TrzeA"rmENT baths, but received little benefit. While Arreft TREATMENT at Mt, Clemens X was induced to consult Drs. Kennedy & Kergan, though I had lost all faith in doctors. Like a drowning man 1 commenced the New Method Treatment and it saved my life. The improvement was like magic -I could feel the vigor going throug,t, my nerves, I was cured menta Physically and sexually. I have sent them many ratients and will continue to do so." CURES GU.A.RANTEED 'OR NO PAY. I'Ve treat and cure, VARICOCELE, STRICTURE. NE,Wor s erineriaey, TAXIOD DISEASES, L'ItIN-..4.11Y COMPLAINTS, ,KIDNEY AND ,ELADDER DIS- SACEOSN'SULTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE. If unable to call write'fez'. 8, Question Blank for nome Treatment. , Fie •ft es. —eer, e eeee, e' 4. 4, !I) 48 etitamv STREET, fitiayelvx r ,- •-$ / DETROIT,MVCH -"•.ti • Eemondville; Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm. MtDougi‘11, monrn.the death of their second daughter,Miss Margaret,whiela mcitrred at the hospital in Quebec city, on Mid tv front appendicitis. She had only been in the City for a few enonths having gone there about the first of March, where she held the position of milliner. The , deceased was a young vvotuan in theprime of life. -The remains were brought home , on Stitiellty, interment taking place to the Maitland Bank cemetery. A Friend Toid Me About TiiiIt.ENTLE KIDNEY CURE Hundreds of people, who have beert cured of Kidney Trouble by Bu.Ju, were, first induced to trythis wonderful reniedy by friends who had them- selves been eared. The sales of Bu -Ju Mt' day increasing, because everyone who takes them is 'bene.fitted-and these In turn, tell others. So the good news 4 spread. Here is whet a Picton elan says about Ihisju "e have Used Iht-jit *with great benefit to myself, and cheerfully recommend to tit who, X think, ate suffering from liCidney Troubles end Itheurnististn, "X think Dulitt the best retatcty "de.? • Yours Sinterely, JAMES AtEtA,S. THE ,CLAPLIN OREMICAL 00, LIMITEDt Weteetet, Olitt • NEW VOW, ollillollriors Lumber, Shingles, T...ath,- .Cedar Posts, Sash, Doors, Frames, and all Building Materials. —Water Tanks -- BEE -HIVES Finished, or in Knock down, always on hand, gighest price paid for:Saw- 1°0' ofeyerydescription, Custom salving promptly attended. to. Estimates cheerfully *given. The Ross Taylor Co., Ltd <, Exeter, Ont. Marriage Licenses Issued at the , ADVOCATE 0.F7thE sal; 1;:gri",717.7.'s*;?ii:13111.1:121.11:071N. (HQ—.STAY Fr.,NCIP Pullit I. The fillIon to last, Evety So! helvifir MA CO saunas are 0111 1581 cAlthioN, lor.1 awl. It n1t,C3 110 AC3oyMICA Mutated lIsteloguo svuts tvAllted. Warkft Pit INC1r. Ca, L.:mrt-r,o. V:74 J. 11 Man Age 1111110-a ,$.1.436 ROUND TRIP. GODERICK TO DETROIT 'TUESDAY, JUNE 19 litTtniNINQ JUN*: 04' Set akevnourin 2 pays lit Menet