HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-05-03, Page 3f-:�.---�----moi A�'�1�1�� visa' R� �i1t~i S$A�i1 11 tti°a ilk With, Midnight Summons — Shot Without b leurgatives and . trial Before Dawn, Weakening Medicines — What if Copt* 'vita Y rk;ve�r;otaffo his wife end mother Need at. This Season .4$ a Tonle. were mroai;.�d ill Ctheir -home a� et• the g s , ' heni cif Colit 409, coot, �4 Maar aalh D'S a Net e aiilV y Mai but, is L teetia��, IOW Mote it about raid ioht ore darmary write weir. `That's the spring feeti ag ,. 2. Ivan s euether open ed tree door,- and on rah ea 5ily tiled, hhlZetate varklble9 r, tt`.ree risen entered. Barriers. Ivairoffp the 'eerrdetim ,headaeheta' And a feelin cif J lead •cpnet kite,, who haat been drinking; depresahm, • Or ,erh€hpa p$rbil l'hae and ' ';ie,ily Faon1Qoff, deputy cs a1 table, and, eruptions eit ear' on � . the, face, Of you, Itis gendarme ziationed .at, Gcsiktvatao, have twinges, - of ri,edmetisrn p .'neui'ot- Ail vvei°d Well known to - Krivoretoff. iia, . A,uy„ of these indicate that the They elatered "his bedraiorn, end he shawls 1 c ;,.d • le out' of dsder; that.'the -indoor Lands with them acid asked: •hfE� of winter' has left, its marls upon ."Ivano&l;. 'wrist: do you.,v'ant with }coronet mny easily .dcveliap b lithe More me?", serious trouble. Don't dose'' yourself "Get up and (tree", Ii;rivbrotoff," was with purgative medicines in „the hope the answer,."and come with s to . the that you can ;mut the blood right. Pur- station." gatives gallop through the system, and Krivorotaff's hear WAS. gripped by the weaken in?: Lead of giving ''strength. What fear of death. The Setnenoff Ilegirnent you do ' need is a tonic medicine that had passed on its punitive expedition will make new, ris,tr, red blood, build only a day or two before; It is true up the weakened nerves and thus Colonel Iiiemann had held a thanksgiv- trive you new health and strength. ing service ,for the siippre,ssion of .se - and se -And the one medicine to cio this speed- dition, and had declared that enough Ha and sorely is Dr. Williams' Pink blood had been - shed and that there Fills. . ,Every.-.-'d:.+sie.- r,f.`;-this... m�cine. were ice mare Semenoff soldi rig iii• -:the moires new. irieh bided 'which makes w tc nity, but ` the.° - recollection a7; the v, Pak, eraii1y ' tired, and :bilin ; filen-- arid tweiity-six bodies in the fresh trench wnmen feel"•brtght. active and strong. near the railway station bas too much If you -need a medicine this spring lry : tor° Kravorotoff, rr. Williams' Pink Pills • and you will "Oh, come on," replied Ivanoff. "They tie�•er r'erret it. This medicine hes are waiting on you at the investiga cured thousands rind thnti ands in every tion,' part of the world, and what it has ,done Krivorotoff told Ivanoff this was no for nt)ip it con easily do for you, true, as there was nobody at the sta Medicine • dealers everywhere sell thee tion to conduct an investigation,, and rills or von enn get them direct from rrfused to go, dclaring they wanted to the Dr.. Wiilsnms' Medie1ne Co., 13roelc- kill him. tile, Ont., at e50 cents a box or six boxes "What a fool you are, Krivorotoff," 'or $2.50. said_ .Ivanoff. ."Do yoti know that the Colonel said at the mass : that there would be no more killed.. What are you • afraid of? Who's goingto sheet you? Hurry, dress and coe on." Itrivorotoff again refused. The gend- errne put his revolver to his temple. Krivorotoff's mother begged him to go in peace, so es not to anger the officer. He submitted. Before leaving he gm - traced his wife and mother., Ivanoff sneered, "What's the use of snivelling? Might think you are going to be shot." Krivorotoff never returned. The duced from a population •oc 70,000 to railway hands heard several shots a something like 20,000 as a result of the 1 few minutes later; and the grave of the famine during the Areh' serge, The twenty -sig showed signs of having been reopened, j Jews suffered terribly :during the period, Krivorotoff's wife went to the 'authori= . and almost the whole town is deserted. 'Bee for information. They offered, her Sanaa, which, so far as. he knows, has ,„• certificate • .only been visited day a, few Englishmen, has rnagnificeni and large- buildings, covered with decorations, and . the 'town is surrounded by thud walls: • On his way to the capital Mr.. 'Bux- ton found villages had been destroyed by the Turkish artillery, and that,.at great . portion of the route to Sanaa was entirely': depopulated. =Large numbers of ' skeletons and skulls marked the route.. The siege: of Sanaa was. ;attended by terrible suffering and starvation, and. ' d cannibalism occurred both among :.the Arabs and the Turks, ° The people were • reduced to terrible straits, and `one Turk birhself admitted that he had killed' and •;eaten three Arabs. Tlhe dogs, wthich are .a - characteristic feature of -most eastern towns, had. dis- appeared, both. they and the •cats having been used as : food. The only European in Sanaa is an Itaalian trader, wh was in the place throughout the sieg , and who' rids lived here for twenty years. • Sanaa Ahnost Depopulated —Suffering of inhabitants from Hunger. Leland Buxton, who haa,just returned front a tour Of seheral months 'in the Persian Gulf and ire.the Yemen, visited Sanaa; which was recently besieged' by the rebel Arabs. He states that he found Sanaa to be practically depopulated, having been re - FRENCLI, ARMY 'CONSCRIPTS. Never -Take Good Clothes or Possessions . into the Barracks. "They are a curious crowd," sus a *rater describing the conscripts of the French army, "these -boys of twenty and of twenty-one, in various stages. of sobriety, as they, throng onto the plat- forms of' ' the ',railway, stations and, . tinder the' fire of gentle and superior sarcastn from the young men in uni! form- who have already 'dont a year or two, climb into the third-class cattle pens which are lo take them to the threshold- of their lives in barracks. The sons of wealthy men elbow the millings of the street. / "All wear their worst clothes, exCept those who do not poseess a second suii. The chief peculiarity about the whole of them is an entire absence of luggage. A young Wend of my own was one of therm His luggage for the two days of his first visit to, Paris con- sisted of it comb and an extremely aged tooth brush, -and before leaving ,paris he asked me to keep his' overcoat fol. him till he returned. 'They ahill only spoil it, and it is a new one,' was his •"1 counted the valises of a whole train load of conscripts who accompanied my friend, and they numbered exactly four. °Thee° four will have their lives teased opt of them hamorrow,' was the verdict Of a private under arms Upon the plat - CHILDHOOD'S MIMS. The so-called eieothing mecileinee con- ' hair polsonoue opiates that deaden and stupefy, but never cure the little . all- mente of childhood. Baby's Own Tab- ' lets are guaranteed to 'eontain no opiate "and thue rertiove the Cause ofanearly all the ille that afflict little' ones. In this way they bring natural, healthy sleep, end the child wakes up bright and well. Mrs. A. Weeks, Vernon, B. ea says: "I hav'e used Baby's Own Tablei end can cheerfullY say that I have found them all you claim for them." TONI Tablets are good for ehildren of all ages frOM birth onward. Sold by all medicine dealers sent by mail at 25o 'a bog by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co:, Brockville, Ont. Otet of the queerest Tads ilium the.upe 1 per classes . is tife collecting of , the the 'Meet 'of these colleelione is that ‘'.1 London' seeiety man,. who has • cabe ' ' filet full Of the dainty 1 finger -shields iif -the maidens, he' has loved and lost; While, Mrs. Vanderbilt rejoiceS The. posses- cellent neediewoman' queen Elizabeth.' This la the gem of her, eollection, al. though the latter contains a' solid silver- 11111Tible W0111- by our - Queen when *a , OA of fourteen. and a substantial "line ger-shoe of no less a person than the mother of our l'(ing. Ws' rig;)t to while your time away by the military authorities,: on January 1, instead of the Morning' of January 3. Such writes the St. 1;etersbUrg corre- spondent of the London Stahdard, is, tbe etory related to V.- Vladimiroff, the well known- writer, by the 'Mother and wife of the victim: Neither it nor any other stories published by Vladimiroff have been denied by the authorities. A GAMPBELLTOWN BUILDER SPEAKS HE POUND NOTHING TO EQUAL ° THEY CURED HIM OF • HIS TROURLE. Mr. Av. 4. Walthce is a Well Man To- day, But lie Was Pretty Bad Benny Re Got Cured by Dodd's Kidney Pins. Cambelltown, N.B., Apr. 23 (Special) --It was a cold started my trouble,. says Mr. Wallace, of •this place, "I am e contractor and builder .and my work ceases me to be out and exposed to k 1/ weethers so - suppose' it was in that way I got cold. Anyway it settyled in my kidneys and made me pretty sick. I get lumbago in the,back, cramp in the muscles, pains- in the Ioins, shortness .1 breath, a dragging pain at the loins and my urine was thick with. dark sed- iment. Then I knew the kidneys were to blame so I took Dodd's Kidney Pills and they soon put me in shape and cured me so that I have had, no trouble with my- kidneye since." . ,QUALIFYING FOR TilE PROFESSION. An old la'dy walked into a lawyer's office lately, when the following con- versation took •place :— - "Sir, I've called to see if you would like to take thisaboy and make a law- yer of him ?" "Tee 'boy' appeare rather yeemg, ma-. hSeven years, sir," "He is too young—decidedly too yorireg. "lave you got no -ohler boys ?" "Oh, yes, sir; I have several. But we heve concluded to make farrners of the others,' I told my man I thought this little fellow would make a first-rate lawyer, and so I called to see if you would !take him." ',No, madam; he is too young yet to commence the study of the profession. But why do -you think this boy so much better calculated for' a lawyer than your other sons?" "Why, you see, sir, he is just seven years Io -day. When .he was only 'five he'd lie like anything, when he got to be -81a he was sauey arid' impudent as any orilter coUld be, and pier he'll steal anything he can lay his hands on." ‘"" man a bore,. she inveritibly believes that he egnsiders her intereeting. All honer te the Man who tries! it,1 the deeircel Lut if he bps' get the exit, carol the liang-ora 'Macke ,ef . the bulldog, he will COW Qltit winner In the end. The harder the hattie; the more cEpically /hut rare, ,The trouble is,,.this wheel elienee Sort of emcees te seldom helmet for what it, to, ,lee lost ilist•ao eaolU-7. The man avho ,corne alit -a winner after hardship and qishPPointrnent, -who "lois !alight Many bettlea. with great odds against him, and 'who has overcome obetaeles galore --well; he knows the priCe he had to pay for victory, and it is valned ac- cordingly. Whether or not the silvery lining is' yet „in eight for you, "don't give up the ship.” After all, the real joy is in the lights=the little vietoriea that come with. everyday businee$ battles. The "big reward" may seem yea be discouragingly' Tar off in Me future, but keep trying and trying. The world honors the man who trieg as nauch as the- innw who suate:ecrs. RftEuwukyism AND PARALYSIS, Their complete home cure. Pcmt free to readers of this papsr: For limited period ,only. A handsome illustrated treatise, giv.. Paralysis, with instructions for a. COM. pieta home cure, denribing the most euccessful treatment in the world, re- commengeff by the Ministry e.nd coition,. ed, by mpdfcal men. This highly_ in. structive book was written by W. If. Vertu, 111 gentleman whict has made'. a. Wurtzburg. Send postal t (lay and you win receive the book free by re. King St , West, `1143tOntoc: Tdacher : "Johnny, , can you tell me With 'a smile on Lis face." It Laya La Stilling Hand on 'Pain: ' For pains in the joints and limbs .a for rheumatic pains, neuratena a lumbago, Dr. Thomas' Eclectric pil without a peer: Well eubbect irra ti skin absorbs it and it quiekly and pe I value lies in its magic property of r moving pain from the body, and for that good quality it is prized. nd and so magical its building up pow- nd er as South American Nervine, because it strikes at tne loot of all nervous an- te mente, the digestive organs, makes rich svhot proves that • in`j,,:ricius' am:cars /or any is equally .pxd will; 440.141 or soft .water. If you use 'Sot Ilight Soap in the Sunlight way (follOW diitctions) you need not boil nor rub your clothes, and yet you will get better As Sunlight Soap contains no injurioUs chemicals and is perfectly pure, the Indst delicate fabrics and dainty silks and kegs may b0 washed without the slightest injury. Tour money refunded bythe dcaler from whom you buy Sunlight Soo" if' you find any taus* for complaint. els n beastly fool Kam, doncher know." Miss Caustimfe -- And yet some people claim there isn't any viriele in cigarets. A cough is often the forerunner of serious pulmonary ,aMictions, yet there is a simple cure within the reach of dr in Bickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup, en old-time and widely recognized remedy which, if resorted to at the inception of a cold, will , invariably give relief, and by overcoming the trouble, guard the system from any serious consta- quences. Price 25 cents, at all dealers. "They call it an eleetric light," Pat 'confided to his companion, "but it do beat me how they make the hairpin burn in the?, little bottle." I For "Ltun-down" People there's no- thing known in medical treatment toe day so, effective and ceetain pf a cure P DLA EEL CEILING Two- thousand designs spifable for all classes of work such. as Churches, Schools. Stores, .Halls. Also special cie.signs for Ilotesea, Kit- chens, Dinin9-11001m. eto. Nothing has ever been devised to equal Ped. lees Steel Ceilings for Pane llouses. Cheap asrlitth and plaster and adll never crack or fall off„ Avoid Accidents by Using Pedlar's Steel Made 4e fit any 'size room and, ean be nailed eon by any mechanic. Shipped from our warehouses painted all reedy to apply... OUR CATALOGUE. NO. C, DEeartatheaS MANI/ DESIGNS. , WHIM FOR IT. IT 'COSTS YOU NOTIIIIS7G. :WRITE TO-DAllfs' ts red blood, drives away emaciation, puts TmE on flesh -and, make§ over phy.sical. I • PEDLAR p E 0 P • • ‘. A merciful providence made a roan's toes to ,point upward so that he eou not kick himeelf to death whenhe fe like it. Wrecks generally. -148 NATURAL AS LIFE. He — I must have iteted like a perfect idiot at the dinner last night. id She (yawning) — didirt notice any - It thing unusual -about you. For • inflammation of the Eyes.—Among a the many good qualities which Pin -me- lee's Vegetable • Pills possesh, besides e. regulating the digestihe organs N their efficacy in reducing inflammation of the eyes. it has 'called forth many letter,. ofrecornmendation from those who. were — AN UGLY FAMILY oTeitin diseases is the on generally:describyd by thp word Eczema. ,Inn. its forms it resists ordinary treatment, but compietely cured bY Weaver's Cerate need in co nection with Weaver's Syrun HE KNEW VALUES. Art aDealer—"Ifere is a lovely JIB 'woodland scene for only $2,250." know where that was painted. Why, could buy-Ilte i,vhole farm for $1,500." • 111014TflEAL, gine OTTAWA, ONT. 70 Lombard St. Wave `if Qua Head °face anti Works, . ,ToRztrre aim I LONDON, ON; 11 Colborne St la' lts ed lands la Saskatchewan, only t3 miles from ,two 14. Stvnig soil, 00 per cent, plough land, spring creek, no alone" Ab.Jut 40 miles N.E. of Indian 'Itead.,, -Price $1.0.50 par acre. 12 PA.RAMS, or Wellesley Street. Toronto, Catindin lo eilliefea with this comnlaint and lour 1 a cure in the pills. They affect - ihe 1 nerve centres and the blood in a surprise /. Ingly active way, and the result is al - ODE TO `VRING. e Oh, gentle spring,. you are the thing ' d • For forcing leaf and bud; t But oft, &est it comes to pass , 0 Oh, spring, thy name is mud. 'Apoplexy. — Dr. Agnew's Cure 'for the, Ileart is effective in apoplectic symr I Lorne, if you have unpleesant rhea ness, lightness pr sudden rush of -woo to the head, take precautions' agains remove the` causo. The press- of the! land has daily a list of sudden death whicl would not have been chronicle if Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart wer s FERROVIM, W/1AT 18 IT? It is the natne of d the_ best tonic. It builds up the system gives IT WAS -EASY. "Were you frightened when you erose to make your first speech ?" "What should frighten me?" "The audience.'' 'The audience left as soon as my name was apneonced." They Drive Pimples Away. — A face covered with pirople.s is unsightly. It tells of Internal irregularities which The liver and the kidneys are not per- forming their functions in the healthy way they should, and these pimples ere tie let you know that the blood protests Parmeleias Vegetable PIlls 'will drive Plena away, and will leave the skin clear and -clean. Try them, and there will be another witness to their exeel- SOOXIIING THE BABY. . Mother : Have you „kept your h4y brother nice and quiet while I've been Mother : Iles he cried any al all? Tommy : Ile hasn't made tk,. sound, mother: What did you give him to I annum himself with? he's been like a mouse since the first Stnatent soap u Setter MU Other res.ps, Ina ill boat wt.* 1211ed in the Sunlight way, Buy Sunlight Soap and follow direatiims. esewrenss Pro DAY OF REST IN FRANCE. The commission which has been con- sidering the. introduction in France of a Weekly day of mat has proposed Sun- day R3 it day of conipulsory idleness tor all except certain trades, neceasale l'y busy every day: It will,be laid bee fore the French Parliament. Evidently theA Continent 'of England, and for that matter the United States,. are drawing together in the 118e et Sunday. flia old-fashioned English Sunday meant no work and no play. The Continent. el Sunday meant play, hut unhappily, also, a dreat„ deal of work. While Eng- land is forgetting the austerities of Puritanism and taking, to play on Sun. mica of labor and finds work seven days week intolerable. 1 It is only' necessary to read the Les- hilioniels to -be convinced that Hollo- way's Corn Cure is unequalled for the removal _01 corps, warts, ete. It is complete extinguisher. DAD COULD DO ONE. Edith—"Papa is immensely pleased t I Edith—"Oh, very! The last One of my lovers he tried to kick was a football player." "She says she's saddest' when she ..•="Norisenset. She may be sadder than usual, but it's ter audience that's sad-, • saw wood aa fast tut two men can bemalw It. It Lupo yuleps water. hells cony, *grinds food. taaltea bettor. rum Am separator. In fiet,fur- ubthea power for ell farm purr:ease. Every fernier should hams one To - ST. JAMES STREET, 'IN CANADIAN FAIRBANKS COMPANY, L 444 l!leese send me (wielont charge) particulars about'S'aek-of.*11.Tradea Thigirte for farm eao. may 'want& 'Name , OLD VIRGINIA.FARMS LARGE 'I' LIST FOR Sat*. 111 THi STATE C.SSELMAS CO., RICHMOND, MC NIA. a FOR BOYS—A , CRAM OFFER .. If you will devote only your SP'ARE -five sending us names of farmers and feeders and elp 0 AAl notcAr atoll: iNco, STCOK AND POULTRY ROD TABLETS ni.hense Stock Food at a Common -Sense fr particulars about 100 Free Preminma offered. )riceof ONE CENT A POUND RATE A1.00 per 100 Prepaid and guaranteed. send 114 a ,trial order and ask for booklet No. 13 giving full SCII0FIELD BLDG.. CLEVELAND, 0. SAME OLD SPELLING. "Say, Melo what is this new fad they call phonetic spelling?" - "It'S the kind, Jim, they rised to flog you and me at school for using." The Iceman's Troubles.—"My busi- ne.ss," says John Gray, ice dealer, of Wingha.m, Ont., "is 'one of the most fertile fields under the SIM for sowing the seeds for rheumatic suffering. For five years I was a great inyalid, words cannot ,convey the faintest -idea of my intense ,suffering and constant' pain I endured. 6 bottles of South American Ilheumalle Cure permanenaly' cured • "I .am greatly troubled with klepto- mania," 'exclaimed the fashionably dressed woman, as site, bustled into 'the drug department; "now what would you advise me to take for' it?" "Your de- parture, madame, by all means," re- plie,d the floor -walker, and bowed her to the elehator. • cllances to one the secret of yciur suffer- ing is that "white Man's burden," Ca- tarrh. Here's a sentence from one man's evidence for Dr. Agnew's Catelh me instant relief, cleared the missal pas - Sages and stopped the pain in my head." Ws a etuick, Safe and sure treatmenito end it never' fails to cure. BO centsae- 145. BESORIBEll Kingston Mail tells how he Suffered and How he was Released., "For years a martyr," ill how Ow. 1f. Powell of 105 Raglan Street, Kingston, begins his story. "It: martyr to chronie constipation, but ACM r free from it and all through the mar of Dr. Leohlapiat'n Citet. II. roma, Many who are liow suffering from this complaint will be gLi,d to leern from Mr. kowell'a story- that thero is hope for fthe roof% stubborn esse, continete* i" I was ituliteed to try `Anti. Dill by iresAlug the tetaiMorly of some onc who had been cured. of Constipation by it. I had 'uttered for eighteen year* And had taken tone et stuff recotroutuded 4.1 elven but whielt in*do souls rather than better. Doptors told me thov) was no Card Dr. teonhardt's is for sale by' lilt( Dniggista ',Or by The Wileon-ryle (10., Limited, :Niagara Palls, Ont. goo Stataatsites 803 PENSIONS POB, SERVANT GIRLS. tnillionaire,, has left to Ahat city the .,9em f2,800,(XX) marks to create a fund to be known as the "Theodor and ues of the capital left to the oily are to he used for •providing,pensions 'PtiO markt.) eaeh to' be given to servant -girls, tearastresses, and embroiderers. They IN liErl OWN EYES. ligr—"Do you believe it is trete that every woman is beautiful in the eyes seine one?" Mother Graves' Worm' •Exterminator has the largest eale of any &Mier pre. gives satisfaction by restoring lie,d1th to the little folks. Merchant wden't Swore he wouldn't , Tried his system Earned a hundred Tiller) the merchant Got So !mid o Put 'the hundred *Act lwought to tritteh That the yperchan Ilad to griri.i i "Oee, it pays fia 5b10 RIR MARIE MD WOURPRICESIEMPIIY114 4!..101 Cerais.5biffshunciftre, ORDil6,11--' --AmeELO.b:P: ETERB • tion, Acute, In, RHEUMATIC flammo.tory tor chronic; also Neuralgia, Sciatica, :Lumbago, and ell Iticl. CUREney trouhlee; removes Uric Acid from the •systers, gives' immediate ' relief. Dont suffer, but tend for a bottts at once. Osborne )3,entedy Co., 176 Vane St., Toronto, Ca.nada. SLAM per bottle. STAMMERERS The Arnott * Meithod is the only logical method' ,-,for the cure of Stammering. It treats the " CAUSE, tiot merely the HABIT!, sent on, request. Address BERLIN, ONTARIO. Edna (writing composition) "Dear me, I have ',forgotten which ere.the seven wonders of the r'tvor4,1. I think 11.1 ask Mrs, Brown." Toni----01.'Well, the has seven children."' Lash or Cure Shilloli's Conium 1011 Cure to air* your Cotd I. you set beck till you riitl (pa, Yott Atte tote el 'it Cum es If it wutu*t tote cure, egret %Anita tet he made. tan sooting lie faitei ), tht Throat, Luisia or Air Nous% by SHILO