HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-05-03, Page 1ADVERTISERS
Remember that
throaigla the
CATti you reach more
than through.
any other ele4m.:ad.
-rim VA iiege
c,y)tlacr pig 1;; i4ty�,ci,
for you et>r't eeelielele
eer liesiree /Apply
`,: e eiez s r ryititltil`�a.
The, very' bet kind .of Tnsurau 0 1. p,
provision for the' Futijrc as well as the
Present is a Saving Bank Account in
The Sovereign Bank of Canada.
Interest '13,aid
1:00 will opus: an. -account.
Put your money in a place where you
can get it when you want it.
JOS SNELL, Manager at Exeter, Crediton, and Dashwood,
e Old Reliable Stor
We have the Goods that .will please you. .
Why not give us a trial ?
We lave just received our White Lawn Waists, beautifully em-
broidered; in fact, the ,are without exce tion the finest we.have
3r A
ever shown. Also embroidered' waist fronts. Look at our window
display to be convinced that' we have the nicest in town, _.
Lace and Fancy Collars :$ lts in Gold and Silver,.als
p1ay of wash belts.
Don't Forget
That we carry the Astoria" Shoe, which has uo ecival 'in the
trade. See them before making:your purchases. Just a new lot
to batind in the Latest styles.
rocerzes, Crockery, . Tinwar a -Full .Assortmen t
A. First-class milliner in cote eetion•with the Store.
bu S re ll. c� o .at .. l '
s o vn i se 6 �� after a
, Myst..
Red Beauty Salmon' for 15c.; a can -the hest saalmonpacked,
0 lbs, Gunpowder Tea foe $1.,00; regular 25c.. per 11)
4 cans Peaas forr 25c,
lbs best selected raisins for'25a,
Moss Rose Baking Powder, l eaan for 15c.,. 2 fox' 25c.
This is a special baking powder, put up expressly for' our own
•trade, A -can conteins1.ib. net, €and_ is .guaranteed to give
satisfactions or your money back. •
Don'tforget the bigreduction sale in thisline.
Suits at Wholesale' Prices:. $10.00 suits for $7.50
$6.50, $`7.00 $8.00 Suits foie $5.00 e
These: are specials for 2 weeks' sale only. Positively will not be sold at
these price. s after. MAY .15th. Terms cash or trade Dul r .• .,,
DDon't go by Winchelsea if you want good, pi ices for
,your produce and year goods at lowest prices.
nn --pp QQ�� ry� nn �
°ro fess conal (i.urrd M:
'["tr a GEO. V.' ROULSTON, Dcnt`ist. Successor to y , aon.18, for paeture purpo es: there fs an ubun •
1J Dr.; b. A. Anderson, Grruiluate of .ttae R. C. Angie of ovate oil the place and is in every way well
D. S. Ontario and of Toronto University.. suited for' rasturingntock.. 7Ceams very reasonable.
OFFICE: Over Diekrson & Carling's Law. ofiiee,. in Apply to•I4fiss Annie Burke, Dashwood.
D tlP 1
1'astu.re F'arin to Rent.
I Tho undersi aced is offering to' rent that desirable.
ulU acre farm �n the Tovvnship of 19tephen beim 1 t
,•Dr. Ande+rten'e former en a ar ors'
SritAN wL D S DDS For Sale o1' Rent
DR. A. R.' $rN , . ., . .,
litdnor graduate of Toronto Univeristy.
College of Physielans and Surgeons, Ontario.
Fortner lisuse Surgeon Toronto Western Hospital.
Succebsor to Dr:J. A, Rollins. Residence: East on
fIrSt street north of office, Exeter, Ontario.
-AtOslios Loan at lowest rates of interest,
&Vices, Main street, Exeter,
we tows a large amount of private funds to loan
on Mem And propertiet,at low rates of inter-
,Ra,rrIstqa, S'olleitorS,Main et., Exeter
Money Td ioan.
10,170. private f1111.413 tO loan farm and .viliage
LLOYD r4 ams
I% dory reside:led ht good repair, and 34, acre land.
Good fruit trees and the best of water. Will sell
cheap. ApplY to S. IRELAND, Dashwoocl.
WANTED: by Chicago wholecale aud mail order
bone, agnintant Manner Nati or Wattlati) tor this
county atid adjoining terrains% Sa1ory $20 and
expenses paid weekly; expense money advanced.
Work plcuant; position permanent. No investment
oar experienee required. Spare time valuable. Write
t ()nee (or full partieulars and enclose self•addressed
saves° ed
SUPERINTENDENT; take St., Chica/0,
That weltdrained, well improved and trulV 1111 -to•
date farm, being comVesed of ,Lot No. 11, in the 7th
concession An • the Township of Iliddulph, in the
County of 'Iliddleaex; eonta ning 1C0 acres of land.
Situated oh the premise, are a good II storey brick
house, bank barn. 00x41,,-Censent hog pen, unul mill
, and good yoUng oteesie. This is truly a most desir.
able property, well supplied with water, eonvenient
to school and oburebeg and one of tbe moat improved
farmi, the County of Middlesex, POI' further par.
Whalen P.O. Barristers Bte., Exeter.
Tenders rot Drain.
Sealed tenders melted, "Tenders for Mud Creel:
Drain" will be AVeCiVal by, the undefsinned te
Monday, May 71 1906 at 12 p nitt,
fol` rPikliring Of the Creel: Drain and its eX,,
Teadera ill be rceelyea in Sections or in Meet:.
Ore any Tender not neecr.,:t0T,y nooeptcd.
spot itioationgt.aleat the ()Moe of 070 undv31tmcd,
s Tome -41110 Chet:,
Idd Fellows Attond Church . Atleni, x x;a .
. y * ieca. �'�aj;;iitfaaeDt'Iatst rsj€�el� israaived tr;a,
The lva�al lodge rr�r (?ddfelicaws,. a,t) ;ut• thea lth c�stn, Ile ):archils working ot)
the ra.lir.Dcad.- lr. .)rad .Mr.ek
nrtiety,strong, xto'.co/nparised.by live or
six members :of IIcueall lodge, atte l-
ed divine, service in the Janice street.
church on Sunday morning last at.tbe.
hour of '10.30 o'clock, ,marslialled by
Palst Grand Heitman.
Rev. A. 11. Going, pastor of the
church, preached an appropriate ser-
monr fratn the text,=feaund in Jeremiah
V,vel•se 1, !Run ye toand fro through
the streets of Jeraisalem,oind 'see now,
and know,and seek inthe broad places
thereofolf ye can find a Man,"
King David said to Solomon: "show
thyself aa'nian. A true man is the
noblest work of God. `God made man
in his own image, but. man had great-
ly marred that image,, until at times
we were 'made to think that the image
had almost forsaken the earth. There
there rises"a man' of Ohristlike Spirit
and hope revives that man, 'will throw
off sin and rise to the Maker's design.
Diogenes cif ancient Greece went about.
useeking a man." It has, been said
that "an honest man is the 'noblest
work of God." In that sense "honeet"
must he taken in its broadestmewlingg.
In the narrowmeaning of the word,
horreet-Oes not fulfil the design of God.
A. great deal of divine grace is needed
to wash away the •sins of man and
leave Kira as it was hitended he should
be. High position in 8. social or poli-
tical ;way;., isoften. times more ai'sigii of
ability than of div irie worth. These
higl;. positione,. are often gained `by
questionable. methods.'
Ideas of manliness vary. ' The sav-
age admixes n. 'panof fine •physiea;l
strength. Tee intellectiiial 'man ;ad-
mitres the great minds The' spiritually
minded man admires the divine image
in muat)...It is a hard struggle kr a
maan''to get away, from the physical
ideal.: itis hard to reach up to the
highest type of manhood, No age pre -
sen esenore
re-sents-tnore difficulties. than. the pees -
en a
res-ent, .. Success to -day means the putting
forth of great effort, since the material'
is 'emphasized ,more that the spiritual.
Society and commerce , of to -day
are not good moulds for a spiritual life,.
'True manliness is charateter'ized• by
mer"cy, justice and truth. One is not
a man if unjust nortruthful, end met
cy .must have a large place in a mar's
hero t, Combine them inyour life'and'
you will do well. Mercy is the greatest
point. All thiveare.attributes. of :God..
who i Love. God:and Love cannot be
Get a proper:conchp tion of God and
try to,live up to it. Do not blame Him
for our owl] frailties. He has not left
nabs the dark if we desire the light.
H1gave his own Son esstn eatait ple foe
'tied, Pilate.saaid, lkheidtherna.n,.
and that thought has coin ringing
down through the ages. We have;the
more claim to manliness as we draw
nearer to Christ. Then we, will, be
willing Yto.suffer and.: to sacrifice. as
C ghays.
Thiste `worr ld- is one vast brotherhoods.
The people of all stations in life are
brothers. All should be willing: to
help their brothels!' By refusing: to
help a 'brother cane shut himself out
from the right to brotherhood.
The speaker was glad that the Odd-
fellows,and all institutes are advanc-
ing brotherhood, and bringing all into
closer relationship. In, this way they
are helping to bring about 'God's 'purl
pose: 'May God strengthen you."
At.the close of the servicethis breth-
ern returned to the loalge' room ` and
there passed a motion of thanks to` Mr.
Going, the.trustees of the church, and
the choir.
In the afternoon about .forty, mem-
bers cf Exeter Lodge drove' to Hensall
and attended service with the Hensall
Exeter School Report,
hellowing is the report for April:
Sr. Godwin 87, 11. Jones 82,
E, Howey 77, W. Puke 75, B. Atkinson
on roll 40, averege 40.
H. E. Walrond, teecher.
Sr, IL -W. Heide'man 07, J. Walker
76, Leon Treble 74, M. Carling 72. A.
Jacksou 72, M. lioulden 71, It. Wood
70: Jr. Ile -M. 13rimacOmbe 80, L.
average 51. -Anna E. Martin, teacher.
Sre Pt. Coward 75. No. on'TolI
Elsie A. McCallum, Teacher
844 .E. Day 83, 13. floclgert 82, E. Welsh
Sr. Part IL -F. Nei186, M. Harness 82,
M. Huston 73, No..on voll 51, average
The story isstold that Kuroki lo none
other than Hector Macdonald the
have committed euicide in Paris before
the Japan-R9ssian war.
Tenders for Street Watering
T(Inders for the iratering 'of the Main street of
Exeter from the Routh Boundary to the Manse. will
be tCekiVed by the (1ter14 Jon. .I.enior, Up to Eight
Veneers to include pumping.
J00. NEVilOft,
County Engineer Want6d.
iMunty of Huron 1,1411 tra 11,d the utiler4Ined
Up to the C;,1.1 itly 62 311110 Loit, itholt
Tweddlt' have taken hp their residence
or% 4 be,12tlr, ton, They 'were worried
on Alaril 18th at Parkhill by -Rea. Gra-
ham. MeaTweddle was formerly Miee
Agave aer ?rest. Their friends wish them
€a leoppy married life,
teem we jowl F. .1)ca LE,-Thn
death . of one of McGrillivray's hest
known and most highle respected rest -
dews in .the pe1son of 'fir,' John • P.
Doyle, of the 14th concession, dairies
C •.
tvlth it at sadness of more then the dr.
(Unary nature. It will be remembered
that .'bout two years ago the deceased
'net with the unfortunate accident by
falling,frena aload of grain, and hiker -
ed hie spine in such a manner that he
has since beenconfined to his bed in
au almost helpless condition. At times
his eo dition would improve and it
word(' seen) that at least partial recov-
ery might follow but it was only tem-
porary -and notwithstanding the very'
best medical attendance and the aassid-
Mina care and,ministeatione of his im-
mediate relatives he passed away on
Sunday, April 22. .The circumstances
surr'otrnding his death are indeed pa-
thetic, but one cannot mourn that
death has released him from the suffer
inge he endured after it becnwe cer-
toile that he could not again , play a
useful part in life's battlefield. De-.
ceased was born in McGillivray, being
a see of the late Henry Doyle, and
was just'in the prime of life,49vears of
age. }Ie wes married to Mise. Forster,
it gisteit' of -Rei. F'at'her, Forster,' Parish
Priest of Mt. Caramel, by whom«he is
.survived together' with two small
childmen; also. three,
'br� th rs �.ae
e J. na s
W,, Michael and Josepph
all ofMcGi
qray and five sis Nis Rowland,
Aire. a. O'Brien arid' Miss Nora Doyle,
of eMt. Comet; Mrs.. Geo. O'Leary of
Paarlthill., and Mrs John .Dignan. of.
8)+7011,4111 of whom have the profound
sympathy of the conanianity. The
funeral took place to the Mt. Carmel
ceiuetery on Wednesday of last week.
One alter another the pioneer yesiden ts
of thia district are being removed from
the scenes. of 'their fernier toil entil
irearisely. any .are •lat to tell the goad
old ,stories ineident to` the pioneer life.
. Thief 'week it becomee our sad duty to
:record t he demise of Willie ro Reynolds,
probably the oldest man. of the' dis-
trict, having reached the great age of
91 yeers, 1 month end E3 days. Be
passee peaeefully to -his long rest on
Stine It May be seta that his
demise. was not due fo &ay spertienlar
up of the system and for some time he
has been in very feeble health. Born
at Maidstone, England, on Mareh 20th.
1810, .the- deceesed came to Canada
abcmt thirty years later and settled in
Toronto, where he resided for four
years. He' then moved to the town-
ship of Stariley, where be took unto
himself a lifeepartner in the person of
Miss Susanea Lee, and the heppy
lotion was blessed with a family of
thirteen ehildren, seven of whom,. to-
gether with the surviving, widow are
left to•mourn his demise; William of
Mrs. H. Reamer, W,inghate; Mrs.
Mrs. J. Nicholson, Earl Grey, Sask.
After remaining in Stanley for five
years deceased removed to the town-
ship of Stephen wheep he continued to
reside for seven years thence to the
township of Hay for 23 years where
he kept hotel; thenceto Exeter, where
ha cooducted the' Station Hotel' for
six years. From here he retnrned to
Sarepta and there continued to reside
up to the time of hie death. Mr. Rey-
nolds before leaving England served in
the BritishlArmy, leaving been a mem-.
bir of the 08th Regiment of Intabtry
for eight years. He was postmaster
at Sarepta 'for 45 years and also carried
his Majesty's mails ,for over thirty
years, the duties of both being per-
formed most honorably to himself and
faithful to those whoin he served. He
was a staunch Conservative in politics
and has been an thangeman for over
fifty years, playing 'the fife at, their
12th of july gatherings as long as he
was able. As a man he was upright
and honest and posseseed those ster-
line qualities which tommand respect
and admiration. The funeral took
place to the Exete,r cemetery on Tues-
dayeand was largely attended.
,Just atrived a big package of Jap-
anese China -just the thing for wed-
ding peeeerits-Charl ton's Fair, Exeter.
Eilber of Zerich was in the vil-
lageSUnday.---Chae. Carter and fami-
ly moved to Ansa Craig ThursdaY.-e
MeSsrs, Wesley krul Fred Kerr attend-
ed the funeral of their cousin, the' late
Mes. W. A. Harris, at Ailsa Craig 'on
Friday.- Mrs, Kroft is on the sick list.
Wetill wish bets -a speedy -recovery. --
Ezra Feist ie kept lousy driving fence
poste with his post driver. -Wm. T.
England was in London Trieselay on
businessesj.Mre. Viroods 'Forest spent
a few daYe the peet week in the village
the guest of her datighter, Mee, Olahde
Bluett.--Rev, 0, I). 1)amin preached
farewell sermons in the Evangelical
thureh on Sunday morning and even -
jug to large congregations. Mr. and
Mrs. Datum Move to their new home
iri 'this week, Rev, Darnin'e
parting words were deeply felt and his
departiire from Oreditoe will not alone
be keenly felt by the people of his con-
gregation, but also by the' numy
friends lie ham met and made during!
his sojourn here. There las been late
more zealous Taborer among the ram-
gregation here than Itev. Denim. Tirol
anti 111;.4 every -day walk in life ehorie
with the peeetiee of what he prettelseds
Mle3. Denim will also be greatly olio:Jed
sse elle rossist ed greatly in the 'Welfare.
of the chile (4i. May their efforts °Vet,
Ske rEIW St cccRIAEc u,rrop*
Complete arrangements have now -1n rnadebb which
� � h
the ,le` of 1xcteii- and surro n hive -..,i ,.,.:_ . ;, Add
�' � v lla� �r�cl country
will be given a , ,,* i • s
�, big d��� s amusement on the or�rtx�erry of'
the birthdayy of our late. beloved Sovereign , Queen Victoria'
Under the Auspices of the Stephen n
l� � e and Usborne:
Agricultural' Society.
Whole Ray's Sport Lthera1 Prizes G1voN
Morn ;ng- Calithurpxau and Trades Process oiiP
Afternoon --Horse Races, Bail Games, Athletic Sports,._
Evening --Concert of Choice Talent in the Opera
�ra HOU
be cosvned with success is thewish of
their many friends bore.-' 'he brick
and tile yards began their season's
work this week.---Ourcitizens are be;s
BOWDE,m.--In Stephen, ou April 2l, tri
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Bowden, a son..
working in their gardens.- Peter Baw- DA,`SCaait'AN.•-In 7sborne, Ari
den and hid w r• + an April 18th,
p linen of Exeter, began , ; tO M r; and. Mrs. 'Chas. Daae an ,
the brick .la. in en ' e new rrn
laying :lb t,w ac,honl sotn.
house on' Monday. -The Tennis, chili u HcaDGt N � 1 �' n
ti �s Ata��dA ..• '
having their cour•`t•placed in shape and } h �e,nh April
its members to 1rlr:, and Mrs. i.eoy:' Sod ins, t.wi>ca
t><itsers will be bard at practice in. -boy and g;irl,. g
a few days --Miss Mary Rader.leftfor
Osnabrooic N. D.,for a •'v'i -i
,s t. Ra;rxror er►-�
says it will be an extended one. -Oats
football and, baseball haIARX�ins.
n ase Il buys are at work
practicing fer the 24th of .Mny.r--Mrs:•
John McIsaae •was removed to' St. MCT ELiN-WooDS,-At the homey
Joseph's hospital, .London an Thurs- . ,of the' bride's pa'rent's, Elirmville, oraa
James -
day. 1ler illness :is still quite. serious.. -May" 2nd, by Rev.' Fair, Mr. ,James
leer many friends trust she will: soon
• H. McLaughlin to Miss. Maud,
regain her health.. - daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rbberrt,
DEATH. -Another' of Se ' - . W`oads..•
t phen s old .
time settlers has. gone the way of.'all BAKER -GILL -At the „'home, of 'the -
flesh, . • We refer to the. death .on Sat- . bride's parentat, ori April' 25r, by Rev,,
tudaay morning laetof, Eliz: beth Laaui- Crerriere, Arthur Baker, to Mian :4
port, .relict of the late Joseph Klug,' --Alice Peaarl, second daughter of Mr,.
which event took plaice at the home: of end Mrs.'Jos Gill, all of Grand Bend.,
her son, Albert, two and one-half .ELsToN-1 IGGINS.-Jn London an AP -
miles south of this village, Deceased ril 21th, by Rev. Holmes, Mr. Thos,.
was 78 yeai,res, 11 naontbs sand 5 days of Elston _to Mrs.' Lucy .i-li 'gins, :'both
Page. Mis. King had been ill for wirer- of Exeter.
tL1 Werk prior to her' death acrd xt caiaas WEDI)LE• PitTE T, -rt At the . 'manse,,
known that at' her age she` co'stild noteI''rarkiiill::ori At >~il 1$th by Rev, 1.
little withstand the raa aig'1 rsf disE>arse,
therefore her demise was i1ot entirely:, -"Graham, edMiss Agnes Plast re Juo,
unexpected.: She wits horn in South-1zTtvpddle, both of McGilli:varp,
ern England and early in life moved to
Canada, first settling in Woodstock, DiATHs
where she met•and married her hits
band who predeceased her about 19 H1n,Ris.-in Ailsa Craig;, on April 24,
years. Over fifty years ,ago they Margaret
moved to . Stephen township, then
nothing brit a big bush with here and
there a settler's little clearing. With.
the customary energy and persever-
ance of the pioneer ' they hewed out a.
home for• themselves on; the fs.rm on
which she died. They resided there
continhally, ,and raised a family:"con-
sisting :of four sons -and five daughters
who survive. They are Jaanes of"For-
est; Edward of Yale; Mich.; Albert on
•the homestead; Eli of Crediton; ,Mrs.
Jos. Edwards of Crediton; Mrs. "Chas.
Seel: of.(ranbrook, Ont.; Mrs, Richard
Canning of Clandeboye; Mrs.. Chris.
Baskerville, of Centralia, • and Mrs.
Sila>si Brokenshire of Sharon.. Mrs.
King was a lady of excellent` character
e loving mothei9'Rand a firm friend, and
her death is not only mourned by the
relatives but by a host of friend's. We
extend our sympathies' to the bereaitred HrERBERT,-In Seaforth, oda• Wedness-
ones. The funeral. took place from day, April 25th, Mr. Joseph Herbert,,
` esidence 'of her- son; AIbert, on ede80-years.` ,
the r g'
Monday afternoon, the: remains being FR.mt a -en Lieury, ons«• Friday, A rail
taken to the Fairfield cemetery anti 29th, Mr. Noah Freid, aged 72 years-
there interred. The attendance at the
funeral was very large.
�.,. Sodom
A Hooper is improving the appear-
ance of the property which he recent-
ly purchased from Moses Gardner`, by
constructing a wire fence across the'
front. -Miss Annie Wilson, near Elim,
ville, is visiting her cousin Miss Eliza,
Smith. -Thomas Harrison performed
what is considered as remairkeble day's
work on Saturdaay last by twice disk-
ing a field iof seven acres.' Who earn
beat that?
W.A.Ilarris,aged 39 years,9 months,
John Querrin, aged 27 years 7 moo the -
Doaernadi2..-claits.Mount Oarn2el, on April
22nd, John F. Doyle, aged 49 years,.
HoDOINS.-At Cla,ndebOye, CM -April V;
Ailsa Craig, on April gr.,.
Bevis B. Hilton, Yiningest soa of the.
late Henry Hilton of Farnworth,1301-
die, the little daughter of Mr. an&
Mrs. B. Nord (nee Annie 13rooks.)
Hatos.-At the Efouse of Refuge's
Clinton, Samuel Halls, formerly a
Elio) ville, aged 86 years.
Roeleoans.--At Sarepta, op April 29'
Wm. ReynoldS, aged 91 years, 1
month and $edays. '
RING. -2-In Stephen, on April 28, Elizao.
:bah Lamport, relict of the late Jos-
eph Ring, eged 78 years, 11 months,.
5 days:
Hamilton bad a $50,000 fire on Mote-
day,the sewer pipe .works was burned..
Wm. A.rnold of the section gang at.
W'atford, was killed by a, freight trairo
on 1VIonda.y.
If It's a Good Thing, Heaman Has 11
Samson Biind POrtland Cement
Unequalled for Walks, W'alls, Floors:Etc.
Our pr,ices are right.
Ready Mixed Paints
All size's of tins•in stock at
15 25e 40e 45e 80e <41td, 90c.
Ploor Lac
Ohijap Floor tae for beautiiyitig old and new floors
40c and 75d tins
Lawn 1V19wers
Elm line and get our ,prices Lawn Mowers
We have, thetn,from '83 to e8
Heaman's Hardware Stove o