HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-04-26, Page 7••••••,,
Many People Ntveatten Their Syutenes
LY PuiihU With littOrtleitivite
A spring medne heal* JO to '111 ne-
Cca9ity. Nature denitinds• 1:15- an ced
enrichtaig the blood -and carrytng ,eff
the impieritiea that, have acciumulated
during theindoer lite ot the winter
nfontlie, Thitusande Of peeillew rostat-
nizing the necessitert for u sixteen meth?
eine, dose themeelves wIth herein nein-
tent purgatives. ri'hts: is ta inistalte. Aelt
any ,doetoe and: he 'aeill tell You tiles
tho use • of' .purgative 'medicines weak,
ens. the !system and Cannot possibly
!cure tileeaae.'• In the spying the systena
needs building 1.111.--purgutive8 weaken.
Ttiij bioott Shouldbe made rich, Ted and
purewepurgativeS moot- do tine. What
is needed is a tonic; end the best tante
medical science has yet devised is Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills. Every dose of
this medicine actually makes new, rich"
blood, and this new blood strengthens
-every organ and every part of the
body. That is why these pills banish,
pimples and unsightly skin eruptions.
hat is Why they t cure headaches . and
kackaches, rheumatism and neuralgia
and a host of other troubles that, come
front poor, watery blood. That is why
the men and • women who use Dr. Win
tarns' Pink Pills eat well and sleep
%ell and feel active .and strong. Mrs.
Albert E. Sampson, L'Ardoise, N. S.,
snys: 441 have used Dr. Williams' • pink
Pills with the greatest benefit. I know
of no needicirie that can equal them in
building up people who are weak or
run down."
When buying these pills see that the
fun, name, "Dr. William' Pink Pills ler
Pete People,' is, printed on the wrapper
around the. box. You cen get' the pills
from any medicine dealer or by mail
at 54: gents a boxor six boxes for
$2.50 from the Dr. :Williams', Medicine
Co„ Brockville, Ont.
. . „
British Shiter Ships to Outclass Any-
thing Afloat: '
Two new ocean liners, which are be-
ing built with the $10,000,000 lent by
the British Government, are fast near-
ing completion, and will be launched
in June or Julyof this year. They will
Jc narned. the Mauritania and Lusitan-
ia, and will be the largest ships the
'world has ever seen. •
Each vessel will have a gross ton-
nage of 33,200,• while they will be sixty
feet longer than any other liners afloat.
- They are eighty-eight feet in beam, and
In this respect are the first to surpass -the
' Great Eastern, which' was eighty-three
feet in breadth.
Each Will have accommodation for
.8,000 passenger's and will carry a crew
of 800. They will -be propelled by tur-
bine engines capable of developing 80,-
000 , horbepower, and are expected to
travel at a minimum speed of 'twenty-
four knots an. hour.. Marine engineers
.• predict the vessels will be the steadiest.
•ships on the ocean. They are to be
'fitted in a manner equal to the most
gorgeous of moderzehotelst The decora-
• Vona 'w111. consist of ;.reproduetions. of
thegreatest works . of -art, while the
system of -lifts between title "various
deelts will provide for the rapid transit
of passengers from one part of the ship
'• to another. - •
The first-class dining saloon will be
unprecedented in marine architeci ure.
it• will be a •Thassiee, gorgeous apart-
ment 125 feet tong by 80 feet wide, and
'will comfortably accommodate 500 per-
sonS at one Meal. It will be light& by
,a great dOrne 'extending up through the
two 'decks above . and crowned with a
roof of cathedral glass.
More than one engineering record has
been broken in the •construction of the
ships. The stern frames andbrackets
are the largest ever known; the *Thriller
alone weighing forty-seven tons_ and re-
quiring no fewer than sixty-nine tons
of molten metal in the making,
. The rudder weighs seventy-nine tons,
tutd each link in the 2,000 cables is
ivventy-twd and one-fourth inches:long
and' weighs 100 pounds. Each link was
tested and withstood a strain of 370
tons. •
• There is no telling, when a medialhe
may .be needed in homes where there
are little 'Ones. Therefore, the pru-
dent mother will always keep a box of
Baby's' Own Tablets on hand. These
Tablets ,promptly cure indigestion,
colic, sour Stomach, constipation, diar-
rhoea and teething, troubles. They
beak up colds, prevent croup, expel
norms, and give the child sound na-
tural sleep. Mothers have the guarantee
of a, government analyst that these Tab-
lets contain no opiate or Poisonous
sothing 'stuff. •Mrs. 3. C. Gilded" Pres -
'nor Brook. N.'B. says: "Baby's, Own
• 'tablets act like dagic when a little one
ht. 111, and I would not feel safe without
a box in the house." You can get
Patty's Own Tablets from your meal.
cine dealer or by mail at 25 'cents a
box from the Dr., Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville,. Ont.
t •
Mrs. Murphy—Thatio a foine boy you
. have there, Min. Maginnis. How ould
i6 he?
Mrs. Magirmie (with motherly pride)
He'll be two yeers,ould to -morrow; an'
- wee born on the same day as hie
.t,.. --...........e., ...--......
This pioneer and ,popular railway of
Canada can' now boast of the longest
'double traelt railway in the world
under one 'management, ita main lino
being double tracked from St. Johns,
Otte., to Niagara Falls and Chicago.
It has the finest road bed in Canada
O'(1' Which snme Of the fastest long-
distance trains in the World are Opera.
led. The "International Limited," run-
, bing between Montreal end Chicago, has
. become ' known tie the "Railway Grey-
. hound of Canada" and thenest and
Iantest train In .1•116. Dominion.
Four exprees traine each ay (telly
except Sunday end two • feet lirnited
treble each tay daily are operated lie-
tween Montreal and Toronto. Medern
*rid leattrione itaine, with ,Ctefe parior
and library care -on day trnine and Pull.
Man eleeping Nun on night train.
'THE iStels`
Peculiar Relioious Serie Create a Stir in
Yorkeitire. '
Some remarkable beiiefs are be/i
the riew religious nett, the Milletintat
Dawnishe recently formed in Whathiale,1
):orkshfre, Engla,tni,
In the main the skiherents, most
1a have 'other* NoteconforMLA
C1urehe=.9 in the dictrid, hold that man
is mortal) that'll° will not be en-
.doeved • with 0. ;soul turtle' the restwre.C-
tion, which is tirned.'tfor'19159
Then Christ will appear on quill and
Preside'at the head of His ('!:'h, 'i'!
will COPIA fully' of thoae who have
been faithful and true under AO new
dtpensation. Thus will begin the*
Imdd age, Svhicti will oontinue for .
000 mrs.,• During this . period Christ
and .the Cantrell will at, as a tribunal',
and all who have not previdusly‘ joined
this new Church will be given anoppor-
tunity of attaining the perfect life.
Guides will be provided to direct such
Persons along the paths of holiness, and
the devil will be, chained up, in order
that they may be saved from tempta-
tion: If at the end of 1,000 years- they
succeed in reaching their original state
—that of the spotless Adam—they will
he admitted to the Church, this privi-
lege having been forfeited hy not join-
ing the correct Church before the dawn
of the millennium.
The inembers of this Church are to
In the Bride of Christ in the new era,
and they will be first to rise at the re-
surrection, and be knewn as the first
fruits. The next will be those who tilt
tImately win salvation and are admit-
ted to life eternal, whilst all: the rest
will go to a second death—which is•ev-
erlasting death. The adherents are very
enthusiasttc. ,
Among the adherenta of the new sect
are three lace/ -Primitive ' Methodist
preachers. In tendering their resigna-
tions,. they wrote ,that, while they be-
lieved that""the Wages of sin is death,"
they could not find in the 13ible that
this life was the* only opportunity they
would have for salvation. They believ-
ed that Christ Would come again, and
that everyone would have another chance
The movement is already causing a
good deal of dissension in families.
ilis Case 'Was More Serious Than He
• .
Thought,. But "Thenks to Dodd's. Kid-
ney Pitts; He is ,Well and Strong
Leolin, Glo. Co., N. B., April 16—
(Special).—Mr. Patrick *Downing, • of this
*place, is a young man only twenty
years of age, but Sometime ago 'kidney
tilsease. had him firmly in its .grip . and
bad it not been for Dodd's Kidney Pills
he would probably not, have been alive
te-day.e • '
"I think the cause of my trouble was
overwork," •says Mr. Downing, "any-
way it began with a heavy dragging
pain in my 'back and across my loins.
Then I was subject to headaches, cramp
in the inuscles,, dizzy .spells and weak-
ness till I fell fit for nothing. tut -the
worst symptom of my case was when
I noticed my urine was streaked with
blood, then I knew that my kidneys
were affected. Hearing of Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills I sent for some and I an
pleased 'to sate the pains have all gone
since using them and I am well and
strong as ever I was."
Here are, some "blunders" written
down by five hundred mein and, to le
found in the Crerar Library, Chicago:
"The greatest blund.er in mylife was
gambling." , . • • ,
"'When I left my church and mother."
"My greatest blunder Was when
learned to smoke.' .
*Was to fool away my time when
was at school."
"Not keeping my position, but grew
slack in my work."
"Thinking that my ,boss could not do
without me."
"Refused a steady position with a
good firm," .
"Would not hearken to. the advice of
other people,"
"Not saving money when I was
't:teit,ting some one out of money."
"Did not stink, to anything."
"Careless about my religious duties."
"Did not take care of my money."
Th,e Korean mother who is desirous
tof seeing her daughter happily married
makes, certain that 'the young woman
is, a good. laundress, for abilityein this
direction, has more weight with the Ko-
rean swain than 'beauty. He does not
even demand that hia wife shall be more
than an average cook, but she must be
ebbe to keep fresh and spotless the lint
en garments which everyone, from prince
to peasant, wears. Such aids to laun-
dry work as flatirons and wringers
are not popUlar, the process in use, to-
day being the same as those of centuries
ego; 4herefore, the first recommendat
bon to at young man's favor is ability
as a laundresS.
No Inuteeiettletinot
No dietinetitm lot inside ae to the kind of
Pileit that Dr. Leosehs.rdt's lIetritItoid cures.
The nsonee Internal, External, Bleeding,
Blind, Itching, Suppurating, etc., aro oitri-
ply namvs. of the different stages through
iwhieh every ease will pees if it continues
long enough.
kilos are cautied by conmstion orgu-
tion of bloodin the lower bowel, tied i takes
an interred retries:1v to ternthens,
Dr. Leonluirdtra Hem -Rohl is a tibia
taken intomilly. '
It is a permanent MD and no tese of
Pilot has ever been found it foiled to cure.
Money beek if it doe*. tt
A gnexeritte with evesy oitiltssok 1 Prica
$1.00 at any druggiettee or the Witenott-I4'yle
Co., 3461104 Magee* Iftilla, Ont 9
-Sunlight Soap is better than
other soaps. but is best when
, used in,the Sunlight way VollOw
Hard robbing and boilin3sire
gs Of the past in bettne$
Where Sunlight p is used is
Dolly --"That girl told, awful Jibe
about me..
• Polly—You're lucky, dear.- She might
have told the truth.
WEAK wATBRY IlLOOD pauses much troub/e.
'That tired feeling and many•Inore, rrymPtoms
follow in its- wake. Try " Ferrovim. '. it is the
best tonic to make you strong and 'NIL •AU
drnggists sell it. .
Mr. Sebbubs--"Great heavens, Lucy,
Mary Ann tried to start the fire with
gun cotton and she hes' been .bloWn out
through the roof 1"
Bickle'st cAtiti-Consurnptive Syrup Is
/agreeable to the taste, and .is a certain
teller for irritation of the' throat that
causes 'hacking coughs ii used ec-
cording to directionit will • break the
most persistent cold, and restore the air
rassages to their •normal healthy con-
dition. There is no need to commend
it to those familiar with. it, but to those
Who, seek a sure remedy and are in
doubt what to use, the advice is -Ary
Pickle's Syrup.
m 'getting along much better now
with 'Miss Roxley." "You don't ,Sayl, "I
was „told her father kicked You out eve
ery time, you called." "So he does; kit
he doesn't kick so halt as he used to
'Love Laughs at Locksmiths" as South
American Kidney Cure laughs at dis-
ease. ICS the seemingly impossible
doors to disease that it unlocks , that
makes its cures almost incredible. • .13dt
for .every cure -there is -a -proof-if -you
core to investigate. It is a liquid kid-
ney specific> and _it never fails. Makes
and keeps men "fit" and well. -142
• "And you rejected him?" did."
"He has, the reputation of being.a large -
hearted man.", "That's the trouble with
him; hd" is too large -hearted. Ile can
love half adozen wernen at the • same
It Retains Old and Makes New Friends
—Time was terhert,,Deelteateas' Eclectric
011 had but tt small field of distribution
hut now ils territory is widespread
Those who first recognized it curative
qualities still value -it -as a specific, and
while it retains its old friends it is ever
making new It is certain that whoever
once uses it will not be Without R.
"He makes me so angry," remarked
Miss Bute; "he's- forever remarking to
me that 'beauty is only skin aeep."
"And when you get angry," remarked
Miss' Chellus, "it- just shows him how
thin-skinned you are!"
Piles — Itching, Blind and Bleeding
—Cured in three to six nights. • Dr.
Agnew's Ointment is 'peerless in cur-
ing. One application gives .instant re -
ltd. It cures all itching arid irritating
skin diseases, Chaffing, Eczema, etc.
:15 ,cents. -143.
' "Dad, -what's the difference bet•ween a
profession and a trade?" • "The man
who works at a trade goes home evhen
his eight hours are finished; T1* man
who follows 'a profession has to keep
on until his work is done.": ••
A Sure Cure - for, Iletulache.—Billoue
headache, to •whieh women are more
subject than men, becomes so acute in
some subjects that they are utterly pros-
trated. The stomath refuses food, and
there is a constant and distressing at
fort to free the stomachfrom bile
which has become unduly eecreted
there. itarrnelee'S Vegetable Pills are
o speedy *alterative, and, In neutralizt
Mg the effects of the intruding bile, le -
heves the pressure on the nerves which
cause the headache. T-ny them.
tilarriage is tin institutien highly con-
ducive to the health ofboth httsband
and wife. Statisties prove that among
-married men over 20 years of age and
women over 40 the mortality rate is far
less than among those who remain
single. Among the widowed and di-
vorced the mortality le exceptionally
great. • Suicides among the nnrearried
are much more, tittmerono than among
the married. The triatrimonial ,state
promotes temperance in' every form.
Furthermore, the probable duration of
life, of a married -man of 80 exceeds that
of Ma untnarried brother by fine year
atidsthe wife may expect to jive one
year longer thati a ;inglo wornan of the
sante age.'
am sorry, Sir, but as this
to to be your wedding suit I shall require
cash on delivery." Customer "Eh?
Why, I've had an account with yott for
years, and I've alway6 'paid ytAl prompt.
ly." "Ye'3, tir; were a bachelor
othen, atid were sure of handling your
n, wmoney."
Sunlight Soap wi'll.not injure
'even the daintiest fabric or the
hands, and the clothes will be
perfectly white, Woolens Soft
a.nd fluffy. .
The reason for this is because
•' Sunlight Soap is absolutely pure,
• contains no injurious chemicals
nothitig but the active,
cleansing, dirtiemoving proper,
ties of soap that is nothing but
Equallir good vvith hard' or
• soft water.
• by the desks: from whom you
brly SarrligIst $oap tyon and,
any more fer compraixt.
LEM ItR01111.11$ LOAM Toitotrro
OE k.V
SERD fOR AMIE ARO arouePattstaittrirlist,
Two thoutand deeigtis suitable for *n Cleo** of *work much toe
Chureliese School*, Storeet Halle. Also apecial• designs for asttmost
.chene, -Diningetteetne, etc. Nettling has ever been 'devised to equal PS-
lar's Steel, Ceilings for Perin Howe, cheap Ss isth sn1ltlttst4ot 444 wila
-Myer. cr4ek iir fulfat
• Avoid Acidents by Usin
Pedlar's Steel Ceilings.
Made t� lit any size room and.can be nailed on by ttely gieehantee
Sbipped from our warehouses neinted all ready to apply.
issierunie,W,iunstorwinuarda. etta.st.• SITYwAllkianze,NyTo.va mozwrilisorroornar.. art Lltetwas poisiork eirrat.
It-. 423L4�sz It. J 11 tarlfterno 1111000011
11A111101111IM ILO.
7 craw
oftge.g and works, Osharws. Ont., Canada
in Western Canada Tv."'"4"7"11.4•44'
est lands
Baskatehowssi, Only Smiles from two railivaye, C.F.*, dr aer.ltes
Strougs00,110per, cent. plough huid, epriag *reek no strurghe,
A.IPuna lunui pk$.. it plasm sow. ,Prioo VC* per
Writestf.orpula;s0011148/11110•Poi wrliculeuedelrm7 s'•ovet, .Teireme.• comps.
' Summer Excursion Rate from 'St. Paul, flInus.
and. Duluth, (From Chleago $75), 'Lois it•
to Sept, is, 1906, to the Pacific Northwestand 114
The Arnott Method istthe
only logical method for the cure
of Stammering,', It treats the
CAUSE, not merely the HABIT,
and insures natural speech. Pam.
phlet, 'particulars tand references
sent on ret?uest.' Address '
2110 Ter/ low Tate Pio,coi loit42/1 044 moth ittall no outing on tlfe shores of the
8 -Mediterranean or 'America," at the summer reSorts and ,in the bearstiful 'North
CoeAt-oitie4 of Seettie, 'racoon, and normal:eh orin any of a thousand delightlud
places in the great mountain ranges. It's a country ion should know. No more
pleasurable trip in all Anserlint, with the eide trip, en route, to
. . . ,
Yellowstone National Park via the . Gardiner Gateway
. „ ..
'A'region of crowning scenic glerieri-r,' Wonderiaad of the World."
Agent, St. PauLMurn., you will receive a folder giving full infer -
O ir YOU will send apost card to A. M. Cleland, General Neitellier
motion by return mail. "Wonderland 1906," six cearts.( For full
.. 0 .
infonnation,about rates and trains Write
. w. G. mASO7N5 y
D Pn gD.P.A.
.. .
SI.,,, TO1'011lO, Can.
tiorthstri Pacific Raii,viray
4•DIrect to th,:: North Pacific Coast Country." *
General and LEGA
TO those who can -write
Insurance a liberal contract
will be,given.
.Apply, stating- age, and
experience (if any), to
Managing Director,
• London, Ont,
Did. you ever notice ,that ,the size of
trouble depends on whether ,it is com-
ing or ping?
&Mar American Nervine makes the
whole system radiant in perfect health,
it accelertites cirettlatian, enriches tlic.
blood, penetretes to the very centre a of
terve force, builds tissue, Makes: and
keeps people well. This. • wonderful
remedy has had a charmed experience
and has done its greatest work in
•eases that the medical fraternity had
pronounced hopeless. -140
-"When the rich Widow married the
young fellow* she told, him • he would
hive nothing to do but spend her morn
ev "
'"Ktid now?"
• "And now PO allows* him just $7 a
week." .
Discouraged Stomachs. se- Could yon
n ander at the delicate organs of diges-
tion refusing tat be helped and comfor-
ted when day after day they are Mee
ally "drowned out" by eti ong tonics,
bitters and hurtful nostrums Common
sense earne into Medical Science when
it. evolvedthe tasty tablet dose and dis-
•covered a God-setid to humanity in Dr.
Von Stan's pineaple tablete formula.
cents. -144
• "How do you •propose to keep my
daughter ?"
"On your • unwillingnest to see her
starve." •
• onnught Soap is better Mtn finer 111040;
but lc best when used in the Sunlight way.
Bny Sunlight Soap` and follow directions,
13ibson "Did she sing 'For all Eter-
nity?" Gibson "I don't know.; she
wets still singing when I came away."
SCALP linen is a disgusting and obstinate'
disease frequent in children. Treatment : Per -
feet cleanli'ness and a generous application of
Weaver' Corate. Mothers will be glad to learn
crtamEt.stms a CO, atatmonk VISC.RIA. '
ArrIerlean- Poultry Farmsi
We Breed for Color, Vigor, and Heavy Egg '
_prede.etfen. Our ,I.egborus and 'Wyandotte ,
bens haverecordS of over 200 egg* per year.
cgJC for 'Retching 'from forty Breeding Pen§ oi
- rred , and White Plymouth lftecks, White an
Silver Wyamiettee, White and .Brown Leghorn
rr 001
Eggs 48Tntil; 111,a$'er itt $i"° per
rottze r 8 d JerseyCa 0. 80,-y ars ex
perience in Breeding. _ Circuls,r and Pnces
P., ti. lyilJNOliR & SONS, LieKalls, 111
Guaranteed to CURE RHEUMATISM-- V
Acute, Inflammatory, or Ohronio also
Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago and all Rid,
ney troubles, Removes uric acid from tbe
system; gives immediate relief. Don't
suffer, but send for a bottle at once. Hum.
dreds ,have been cured- Tlfe Osborne
.1:r4f neTheaY Co:, Toronto. Ont- $1.00 perbottle.
K I C Kji
Balking,•Shying, or ati
kind or a- habit tur
In a few hours by m
system. Particulars 'real
hat ASsf affiff. l'itRed RIX IN
pondwg us names of fanners and feeders and n
If TouCwOuiLdLevE02eoniEy DyoUutpIOsApTAREN.Titim °
linee trod
OD eura
I. Cornmon-Sefemrtiteck Food at a Commen-Ssuser
11.00 per 100 Prepaid and gnaranteal. Send n' order and ask for booklet No. IS giving X
particulars abent 100 Free Premiums offered,
icuortzrzo BLDG.. , CLEVELAND, 0..
This earth,e-tupon ItS axis set,
Spins °rt.:. We scarce can time the
And every time it turrfs we get
A different kind of climate.
• - ,
111 fitting boots and shoes Call8e
corns. Holloway's Corn Cure is the are
tlele to use.. Get a bottle at Once and
cure your corns. •
Between an ordinary aold and the,
grip the difference is the size of the doc-
tor's btlf. •
It Lays a Stilling nand on isain.—For
rains in the' joints and limbs and for
rheurnatte pains, neurelgia and lumba-
go, Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil is with-
out a peer. Well rubbed in, the skin
absorbs it and it quickly and perman-
ently relieves ••the affected part. Its
value lies in its magnetic property . cf
removing pain from the body, and for
that good quality it is prized.
• The family JWith the thinnest bank'
°it has the fattest baby. • ,
.JI ektiir children are • troubled with
worms., give them Mother Gran&
Worm Exterminater; • safe, sure and en
fectual. Try it -and mark the improve.
merit in your child.
°Oh, I sayl" .exclalatedt the , young
mother, *baby's got your watch in her
triouth. "I know'," replied • the fond
uncle, Mut I've got hold of the chain,
and I won't let it go down to fan"
English Leather Manufacturers Oppose
• Etitbargottin Cattle. °.
. .
At a meeting of the Stockport, Eng-
land, Town Council recently a long dis-
eussion took place upon the question
of the restriction; placed on thn impor-
tation of • Canadian Cattle. Mr. Alder-
man Lea, a hat manufacturer, said it
was a great disadvantage to the coun-
try to have these restrictions upon the
importation' of foreit,m"cattle. One le -
Suit was a great scareity -of, hid,
which eeriously affected the price of
leather, • and that in turn afteeted the
fettling indostry, and . made it, a very
important matter to Stoeltport.
Mr. Alderman I. Turner, also a hat
manufacturer, Geld. that terious incont
venience to the halting' trade eteas suf-
fered through the great advance in the
Oleo of loather, hides having gone
88,t-‘1 per cent.
Mr. Wainisley' said the Motor -ear In-
dustry vvas responsible for the increase
in the price of leathers•-,11Ve hides being
u.sed for each tar. '
•4"1t i a great comfort to have a child
about ' the house," issid the man of, do.
mew° tastes.
"Yes," answered the =feeling %vied),
"when 'company comet that you don't
care fel- you WI Mat it recite." '
........2112401.11111111111111, 11;&
You memo be especiegi to have faith fie
ShOols's Consumption Cure, the Lung
Took, as a Ore tot Col& Oasslui and all
&mai of the air pommies, if put Inn*
111ot Wks' d it. We hsete faith in it, and we
Imatantee .If it doesn't CtIre you it***
nothing, lf it does it costs you 25m.
lliat'. fait. Try to -flay.
Shiloh has tared many thoteasuld of the
lino* ebatiaite cues. and we do ant beituio
to'eay that tote any Cold.
'Throat ot Lung trouble. If we dill sot
&here Gs' we would mot guarootee it.
Shiloh has heti an unbroken 'record el
tneceu lot thirty plot& It tot ut000ll
caypo3ible testwahout itilute. Forting'
'in the saw/ temirantliV4 thole
Who have ttied Sinlok and bean (*mt.
"nrewalsto lettle S14440000011040110m,
ftaktiooll it Very heirerwiti. 1 . ichilarte.
sont at* tot laria•la
I toad baitilay
h. "eirttvallre sike
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