HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-04-26, Page 4ATCH BABY'S MEMO 11 thereare tine' ss that the present *food does not ae'ree., tey tinoaree. 4Ve have all the geed kieds ,aini eve ;lee e,arefut ;•..•.eeet- them fresh. , 130 "FOR ()Glee. Cramps, Teething Troubles, Peevishnese and Sleeplesenese, USe arminative Perfectly harmless as it eon - tains no opiate or narcotic,. It will also prevent that ex- -, ceeclingly tronblesome affec- tion of the membrane of the month arising from acidity of the stomach known as White Mouth. Prepared and For Sale COLE'S DRUG STORE Exeter, Ontario Where every baby necessity is kept in stock:: SUPREMA is the baby's toilet powder. NOTES AND- COAfAiENTS Hugh Clark M. P. P. of Kincardine 'has been promoted from Major to eCkilonel, and will hey° command of the Bruce Regiment. * * The $600 markedcheque and $1,5C0 "in cattle which the Gamey commis- sioner,s havebeen holding will be de - erotedto charitable purposes. Tbe Pre - rater introduced a hill to that effebt last week. * The.House of Commons last, week by unanimous resolution adopted an ad- -dress to the King's most granioni- Ma- jesty inviting the ICing and .Queen to erisit Canada at their convenience. * * es'etjornparatively easy•to'find scholars Aesteetteetto find menofsterlingcba,racter thja or any other walk oflife, most ..:-"difilcult to find that combination of . -strong character and scholarship, with patience, tact and gentleness,. which „ --Make up the ideal teacher," was one of 'eehe reasons assigned by -Miss , Agnes 40, Purves -at the. recent Ontario Edu- , eaattonal Association meeting why so law uteri are in the teaching'prrifession. •Ieler paper was read in the public eachciol department. Boys should be ••:ta,ugbi hive of country, 'loyalty to the -,nrown, indulgence in manly sports, teelf-reliance, the loathinp. of vulgarity eaf manners, of eale-bee • and "girls .eteed "mens,sana in corpore saw)" as ewell as the lave: School boards should rand men who can teach thus, and re- entunerate highly. • G-reenway Robert Hayter andrWrn. Baker each .erassed through here with a steel wind- mill for their farm. -Mrs. R. Harvey, And daughter called ,on friends here Ittet week. -Andrew Pollock bought, 25 acres of land from A. M. Wilson, ,being part of lot 89 S.B., Stephen. - :Mrs. Ross and daughter of Holmes - villa visited his sisterMrs. W. j. ,Brown last week and 'remained over Sunday.-janaes L McPherson has im- ;proved his residence by buying anoth- er half Acre of land from W.J. Wilson. Rufrts McPherson of Corbett has been =engaged as clerk by W. j. Wilson ,& ElimvlIle Mdeltettme.-A quiet. Marriage took place at the Methodist parsonage on Wednesday of last week, when Rev. "Et, J. Fair performed tbe nuptial ties that made Mr. Henry Delbridge. and Minn Helen Spicer, daughter of the Sate Byare Spicer, man and wife. Your corz,espondente joins their many friends in extending congratulations. •Pale, Thin, Nervous? Then your blood must be, in a very bad condition. .You . certainly know What to takes then take ft-- Ayer's Sorsa. parilia. If you doubt) then consult your doctor. We know. what he will say about this grand old family medicine. This is the gut waestion icor dector„woold Ask: ,,Are your bowels, leg He MVPS'S thit 4Iy actiOn or ore News isaemotutete t°11tf.:4?Z(Viroir tyVair 14119 doos t Ayat's ings• 2444, Iv Ay*, 06,4, towel', Malt ufsietsrers or seet MIR MOIL W ilciliericToktm. -.here *6 keot. 010 W0 P*101101 thu formulas tislt eur 19,104efriet. lionee elearaiome g tiia at hard Creditou Everywhere the pair lenient Webby eate no eeeti beatteg L h o Oarpet„ clean ing Stevepipes- and actittee the geoertt chore hoy, Cheer up old mare it wil only last a few deyse--Cainrad Kuhn lit4e purchased a rienher tired target feoni Wm. It. Wenzel.- August porn flees to give the giale a weld time Mil 6tItnirter.-Mareliall Bloerntield of Oen iiaia lees been erigaged as, Weeder a the Central /Iota -Miss Vearl drews left iest week on' an ',extender visit to Maintoba.-Perey Humble o Sarnia. evatiu. the village for a 10 days thie week v,isiting friends', Mrs Iiingeler,,,,is daily improving; as is alsi Mrs,. Albert King,...--eYoung Bros. ae remodelling their. warehouse anti wil convert it into a workshop.-Oor bar ner hoe pepered andpainted his ten sorial parlors and lees made a decide improvetnent-e-Sam. Kuhn is learriin the painting with Antos & Harriet, - Tobias 'Wurtz is having his house re painted. Bert Oink is eloiegthe wor end is making a splendid job '-of it. - Mrs. Richard Johnston, who has been a pleasant visitor at the bome of her sister, Mrs. Themas Trevethick, ha teterned to London,---Secker fishing ,hes IPU t4 sporteettieeepast ,week Niatty of our toys were out, during the night bet, did not meet with much sue cese.-Misses Mary and Agnes McDou aid of Mt. Cermet spent a few days" in the burgh during the week. --Mr. and Mrs. John Sweitzer, Mr. and .-Mrs. S. Brown, Dr. and Airs. Heist spent Sun- day in Zttrich.-Joseph Foster of Zur: ich has been awarded the contraCt to construct the conerete sidewalks- in our village. Work will commence in the pear future. -:The masons have contmencel at the cement foundation of our new sehoot house,and from now on things. will be on the move. -Mies leek Andrews, who spent the gaiter vitcation here, has resumed her studies at the Parkhill High Schoole-Pred -,Wein who was eaken to the House of Refuge at Clinton abOut two tn9riths ago. has again appeared in our inidst, -School reopened 'en Monday atter the Easter holidays. The lady teach- ers, Misses Farrow and O. M. Turner, enjoyed the vacation at their homes in Goderich.-John Geiser returned home Initweek after a brief visit in the 0o --- halt Mining district. --Miss Lizzie Ratz of:Parkhill visited at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ches. Zwicker, last week. --After a several neonths' stay at his home here, Will Brown left a few days Ago for SebeWaing to resume his for- mer position as. tinsmitle-Dr. and Mrs. Heist left foe liamiltiep en Mon- day,where they will reside„ in future. We are sorry to lose them as they bed many friends here. We», wish them every success and happiness in their new place of residence. -Henry Either, M.P.P., had 'a long distance Bell tele- phone placed in his office on Tuesday. -Gottlob Brown ocenpied the' 'pulpit in the ,Evangelical. -church Sunda,y morning in the absence of Rev. Daunt) who was attending Conference at Bis - mark.; There was , tip service in the evening. -Ree. .E. II„ I3ean of Oainp- den has beetselected by the•, Canada Conference to he the, pastor of the Evangelical church : in this village. The next session of the Conference Will be held here. Rev. Damen will preach his farewell'sermons next Sun- day. -Fred H,aist has , bought a new boiler and engine for •the tile zna,nue facturing plant,' from E. Leonard & Sonse'Co.eLimitecl, London, and has had men placing the slime in their ,Proper posiemes week. -----Some of our citizens have done seine of their spring gardening. 24TH MAY OmettirteedieNS-The Com- mittee of arrangements for our Vic- toria Dae celebration has had several Meetings and, front all reports we will have an excellent program of sports. There will be tyvo baseball matches be- tween our boys and the London team (Blue Labels) and the Parkhill High School boys. A football game with Heneall will be played also. The Cont. miftee,are also making arrangements to have ,a .Trade's Procession in the forenoon.In the evening a grand con- cert will be given. Bills' will be out in a few days and will give more partIctie lars. Now, good citizens, •help to make this celebration it success. Get a sup- etleeof bunting and streamers and make our burg look gay. Act the good pat- riot and citizen and get busy.. Crediton East Our sports are getting ready for -Vic- toria Day. --Our horsemen, Garfield and Eli Lawson and Garnet Bissett are speeding their hones from morning until:night They have made some sensational rims and the time is away down, that 'oil their reports are cine feet, -Miss Ida. Rau is' visiting friends in Exeter this week, -Fred Kerr is sporting a new robber -tired rig these elays.-Thos. Redden has moved into the dwelling on Fred liaises back yard' and will look after the business this season for the proprietor. -Hemet Ssvenzer is building a fence along the nilil property. -Our brick and tile rnantifacturers are getting things in shape for the coming seesone-Edward Sweitzer has moved on thesfatert he re- cently bought from Peter Kilpatrick. I -rishinte leas been the rage the past , week. Our vetern &here, Bernhoft and HeItzman have caught smite fine specitnens but the meeerity haven't h tnuehluek.--Jos, Hast has *gloved Onto the property be recently 'bought front August Sweitzer and Geo. Mane tie.-Jno. Edwards moved into the residence lately occopied by Thomite Hedden.--There is some talk of having a telephone at this end of the town. It would certainly fill a long felt want arei %venni often save a long evalk up toe o, iernitovEetteere.-Mr. ittn. T. tog - !anti. our popular merchant and poste torieter, has just finished the tulattion to itie store. The size of the building it; now 16x40 nod will he found MOM (u) inant; to dioplay -hie stock of goods, In 1898 purehased the Nisi - twee from Westey Miteliell, In 1000 It( was obliged to place an additiOti to the bt7iIding and the isteady .14)er-tense of beeinees made, it, necessary to en- large it again Chia year. "Wily" is cheek full of energy and is ft wide ate ;Ike filminess man. Ilie motto, "Initelatel expecte every man to do hiS duty" =which he bas had printed on his Ji tee head°, is quite appropriate. He nlatV Vita a general lined drt goode. grireeries, confeetionery, Itoots and siatee and hardware. besides te IrstfintY tie of LP I, letielee too numerous to nien. WV. Ley his gettial manner he has ea, cr tzaii:',ibeti he bylieVes in giving bis cnstttiere goed vitiate for their niortey. Ile fterthee believeie in the old adage. "Tis tiot tee rued) bow much you. pav, 'tie what you get for what you pay:" His merry ficiends wieh hian etnitinired succees the enereantfie:htisinese. - Grand Bend - • risw lit48 1,e011 be who eauses a:Angle blade of gratiS .to grove wbere pone grew before is a publee benefactor, conseqttently te 7nay saittthat through,whase energy 1 and enterprise the villageia,arebiten- 1 ture is,grueect by a Pleasing structure, eihere before existed an interim; build - 1'5 deserving the same measeare of pealse. Grand Bend, with rilt its nat- ural beauty, bee grown intO a %tinnier resOrt of unusual popularity and fame for its magnificent surroundings, and to meet the demands of the tbousands of vieitors who gather here during the stammer months several fine buildings for their accommodation have been erected. The latest of these is the mag- nificent hotel structure being built by Mr. Henry 11088enberry an the site of the old property. Take a walk flown the road leading to the lake' shore add' on the left side you will notice a neat, imposing three-story building, the toain walls of which are composed of excellently desigued blocks of cement. This is the new' hotel'. It has trim windows with suitable ledges, a well, designed entrance and the general ap- pearance is to be admired. The build- ing is about 40 feet square and con- tains in all abont thirty rooms. Be- sides the her, which is to be equipped in thernost approved style, there is a capacious dining room and parlor, kitchen and Over twenty neat bed- rooms. The house throughopt will be lit with acetylene gas. The Welter was pleased to take a look through the various'apartments which is now in course of conepletion. Every room in the building is to be tinished in mod- ern Style" and the furnishings are to be in keeping with °the outward appear- ance of the building and the splendid appointed rooms within; all of which go to show that the genial landlord is determined todo all in his power that can be done to Make the guests cone; fortable. Grand Bend can now boast of three magnificent houses of accom- modation, besidesthe one mentioned ebere is that of Mr. Writ.Pritz and Mr. • Wm. Leavitt, both of which afford lerge and excellent accoMmedation for the pnblic.' Dashwood Mrs. Jas. Snell of Exeter is at pres- ent 'attending her mother, Airs. Louis Sirnon, of this plaee, whe is confined to her bed owing to the infirmities of old -age. We hope soon to hear of Mrs. ,Siumb _being able to get around again. -Mr. and Airs. E. P. Paulin and familyvisited at the *eine' of Mr. Rall- nie, of 'Zurich on Sunday last -The, proceedings of the Evangelical. Con- ference just closed thus far 'received is to the- effect that next year the Con- fernee will be held in Crediton, that Rev. L. 11. Wagner is Presiclitire elder -for this district and that, the Rev. L. Eitit•has been appointed pastor over the Dashwood congregation for the coining yenr.—Mrs. John Willett is very ill' at her home suffering from some internal trouble. Her, friends are very anxious for her recovery. - School started again On Monday and it is truly a great relief to get the little ones of to their work again. -Garden- ing has commenced in full earnest this week and 'the formers are very busy putting in their et;013 so, that business on the whole is rather quiet those days. -Miss Allen of Croirarty isjtt present visiting her aunt, Mrs. Dr. Rutledge. -Joe. Eidt shipped a carload of flour to Seaforth on Tnesdaye-Mie, Oliver Graybiel of the Sovereign Bank," Exeter, ' spent Sunday at his home here.-,Chas.Steinhagen left on TM'S- day Of last week for Thedford, to take charge of Mr. Jenning's, horse. --David Pfaff lefteMonday to look after Meseta. Fritz & Lamont's 'horse at Zurich. - gr. and Mrs. J. K. Goetz spent Sun- day in Hensel' at the home of _Henry Cook.--jno. Voelker WaS,iil Zurich On Saturday last.' -Zion • Seeding is now the order of the day. Some of our farmers will soon be through. The weather the bet week was all that could be desired, -John T. Parkinson (assistant prineiple of St, George's -Scbool, London), *tient the Easter vacation at his home here. We congratulate John for the honor- able position he has obtained. -Miss -Ida Mitten of London is visiting Un- der the parental roof. -Mrs. Robert Taylor- spent lilester with her sister in London. -Bev. 11. J. Pair delivered an excellent tiernion itt thts' church Sun- day morning last. The subject being "She bath done what she could." Sae. cerement of the Lord's Supper will be administered in the church StindaY 'morning xteXt.-The snow storm on Sunday last made one think of winter. again. --0. Godbolt and D. Miller of -Sunshine were visitors at our Sunday 50110°1 1114 Sunday.' The attendance was small, on account of the wet day. Sitistektit Soreheads and stiff necks Seem to be the order of the day. -Partners are Inlay seecling.-Airs. Harry Witur and family have returned from Hamburg after spending the Easter holidays. with friends and relativea-Master John Mcisaac is up again after, spend. tog a few days' ith . Tea Grippe. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baxter spent Struditer with friends iri Denfield. -Messrs. Gower are very busy ditching. ----Miss %Vestott IittS- returned after spend- ing a few days with het- parents in St, Marys.--Mr:Peter McPhee left for De- troit feet Wedneedfiy. -Sanas Sweitzer had the misfortune of losing his "Dia. remit Ilareis."-jarbee Heiman, Sra sold title of his fine driving mares lest Tuesday tee Mr Kalbfleisch. St. Joseph'. Miss Lizzie Alaiton left last week to make her bowel') Creditor). Olintont Ori April ititiaohniCoopete who has been employed with It, Ihnittne experienced at stroke of perslysis, c tthled bY a'ClOt eif blood On the brain, hie left Side being affected. At last tie - temente hi* wee t litt re easier, Slid hope - ate entertained !or hi3 recovery. , Zurich lkii6$ Lizzie Treenerier of Detroit is visiting at her [tome ILL Si'', vina Koehler is spending a. few weeks with tier eishir. Alto. Tavistot.k.- Ed. Zitioner has taken it position ot the Conimerical lintel as hostlene-Dr. N.B. Litiebrinete of Bei liri spew, Easter %Atli bis parents, The and Mrs. G. Buchanati.,e-Mre.tRev,eUreiger of Elmwood i: 1-d beet week at ehe home of her parents. Mr. and Mre. S. Rannice-eMiss Ethel and Masten Erie Elliot of Merlin are making en extend- ed visit with their uncle; Roble A. El- not.Babylon Li ne„Stanley.-Rev; yagouttenilea the anntlta OortfetVryee of tbe Evangelic ()beech held ;it; Bi,. markelest weeke-Mesers. Frank Den.. motile, Regis Masse and I. Jeffery of Steloseph have gone to Buffalo.; where they Will join the er ew of the "schoonet. "eptene" ;is SOOn 04 navigation OpenS, -Geo. Trott„ the photographer, has left for a trip through the Nozthwest and expects to be absent for about a month. -The conucil of Hay have ex- changed the old road grader for a new on e ade hee the Good Roads M a ch 0o., Hamilton. -G. Holtzman received, word recently of tbe death of the nineteen months' old daughter of Mr. ‘0,4,eaefeepeetets, eget. e The little /one had been ill for about three weeks from a complicatiott of diseases. The re- mains were brought here, interment taking place in the Bronson Line cerne- tery.-Miee McDonald, a former teach- er at the -Bronson Line school, visited friends in this vicinity last week. - Some large catches of stickers have been made by a number of local fisher- men. The largest catch made thus fare that we have heard abreet, was made on Monday by M. IVIeidinger and two or three others, who.captured fifty-six of the fish. -Geo. Thiel, son of And- rew Thielonas on Tuesday °fleet week committed for 'trial at Goderich on et -charge of horse stealing. The .ettae arose Out of a horse deal he made with Chas, 'Welkereliveryman. The condi- tions of the (Mal were that each should have the privilege of trading back the horses after a week's *trial. Welker wished to do eo, but Th lel refused,hence Welker laid information against the defendant. The preliminary hearing was heard by Crown Attorney Seeger of Goderich and Ches. Greb, J. P. of Zurich. Thiel gave bail 'lithe sum of $400. • Rest anctComfort Far the Ncineys. If your kidneys are all Winn - there are sharp, shoot - Ing pains in the swill of the back and dull ache through the hips -if there is a constant desire to urinate -if the urine is hot and scalding -if the head aches - and specks float before the eyes -,-- you, can't iniagine what relief there is for you in ' THE GENTLE -KIDNEY CURE These wonderful little -pills soothe and heal kidneys and bladder -take away all pain-,. c„jar' the urine -enable one to go through the night without arising =4- and relieve every trace of your kidney trouble. 0 Cliretti Rhousna.tisin Too. THE cUI.F.LIN CHEMICAL CM,' LIMITED, WIND$OR, ONT. - NEWYORK. :TUESDAY, JUNE 19 RETURNING JUNE ditalt11011ND 2 Days in Detroit " Wad's l'hosplumlins; rho Great .1Englis4 Remedy. Tone. and Invigoratosthe whole nOtVone System, tanked now loodin old VOW& Chats N_erti. ous Debility,AVental and Brain. Worm, Des- pondency, fiexua Ina/mesa, fiptr- Thatorrhoba, and Areas of .dbuseor iatoessea. Price $1 per box, sixfor $5. ono vriapioaso.six wtuaure. Sold by all drugglsts or nusilott itt plain pkgt on receipt of prlco. New pamphlet mailed ree. Th* W0QU Min110106. CO. (formeriy Windsor) Toronto, Ont. 'ItOistair X '111:irramalliiilisomatereilio ;111:1171Me mr111116111111e ,ellimitillia°111reetra:e :ens borrtoi 4kr.va. IllustrAftht (.4%taiogua frets ...nye A :efitil tvaItte41. native eve), ordfretry car* On 1))11011 II Itfilikirta.°. BUY Vence wIli slatitInad. Thouratutt atundw DW I Ft r. oz.ief‘,..t3,41—atiwcz. 46:T.A.111 IfFLE.1:4)Et. W. 3. Heaman, Agent. 0.Fri:NSE riAlsn) ;LAUNDRY,. flaving receiVed all the necessary a pplicandes for turning out, 'Mkt Oleos Laundri work, in future all work sent to me Will be executed at home end not sent te I.011(1011 RS heret0fOle., PRIO _ 8 cents gollars 3 cents, etiftiper pair 3 cents Of work guaranteed Bo's PERFECTION' Ot4ti Sod35 „Theo • e 11' 1'heeNEv bisrere a STRATFORD L.tfir.DA rood Value Mooney's Perfeetion Creant Sodas are crisp .squares -of wholesome' nourishment; Theyare the rood that builds steength and muscic.... They are a.i easily digested by the child and invalid as by the sturdy workman. They contain ALL the food Propgrtiis of ifiAest Cana. dia.n wheat flour, in a, form that delights the appetite. Always fresh and crisp in the moisture -proof packages. At all grocers irt i and pound padrages. 111111111111.1111MMON..WAMIIIINIMINO11111111ft „ AT THIS TIME OF THE'YEAR Every0 0 needs something to create and maint tie strength for, the daily round of duties. There is nothing better than an Ale or Porter, the purity and merit of whieh has been attested by , chetnists, physicians and exp,9Fts at the great exhib. bitions. Q For twenty-five 'years we have devoted our lives to the treatment, at diseases peculiar to men; Our records' show that during that time we have actually cured thousande. We believe this should be sufficient proof to most any man that as physicians we must be Successful. Not- e dollar need be paid for medicines( or treatment if you fail to get cured.. We cure on bank guaranty. Get honest treatment. When you write or. come to us'you will be dealt with in a strictly professional rnanner, NOT A DOLLAR NEED DE PAW 'UNLESS CURED. If you are 'suffer. "• Ing .from lest vitality' or weakness from any cense, come to us and We Will curs you. 'Men who are nervous, mental,.playsical,,and sexual ban - runts, the result, of errors or excesses; producing weakness, desponcleneY, falling metnory, etc., should come to us at once, and we will stop tfiat drain upon your system and restore strength, vitality and nerve power, • Our experience and thorough neowletige . of every electrical and thera- peutic agent known tO the Medical world enables us 'CO, effect cures after others fail.. , We care v.maxcocout, HYDROCELE and sm-tortm4 without cut- ting, No pain or detention from business. Before You Submit to the cutting operation, Investigate our painless and poSitive curing method: Our New Method Treatment for Blood and Skin Diseases will cure all ' ulcers, sores, falling out of the hair, bone pains. eruptions and other symptoms of all these complaints. Conie' and be mired, by our scienuri treatment. Patients that we treated twenty years•ago have never suf- fered a relapse. It you have ,K/DNEY, 13LADDED. or 1.111ETIVRAL or ruosTvirto AILMENT) or. any 'URINARY WEAKNESS or dig - ease, eozne to us or scieritiee and reliable treatment ' Our offices are complete with the latest and best electrical and medi. cal appliances and all remedies that are known to the Medical world for • the cure .of these diseases. • • If unable to call, write for earEsTroet tmealente .for 1101IIE ESTABLISTIEll 25 "MARS.: CourdfatIort, rime. Book*. Free on DIseame* of Men ox Women* ' - .148. Shelby Street, . Detroit,, Mich. 'oldee Illotersi; '411•*U. iSa: to8p lei... Sundays, 11.04O f2 Oh arid. fa 4 10.- • ' E MOLSONS, 'BANK (Incorporated by Act Of Parliament 1855) • 'Head: Office 7 'Montreal . Capital Paid tY... ........ $3,0001000 Besorved. Paid,. • • • • • • • • $3,0002000 FORTY-EIGHT BRANOBES` IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. • EXETER BRANCH OFFICE 110M$ ' 10 a. m. to 3 p, ; SATURDAYS, 10 A. to. to 1 p. m, A GENERAL. BANKINq BUSINESS TRANSACTED: Farmer s Sale Notes cashed or collected, Fornis supplied on application. DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain and United States bringht and sold at lowest rates of Exehangeo , ADVANOES Rinde to Farmers, Stock Dealers and Business ken t lowest rates and on MOO favorable terms. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed Saving Bank .Department: 'Pounded half -yearly and added to principal June 30th . posited si and upwards received. Interest corn, and December Met • Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. Dictcsof 4 pAntwo, Solioitora: * N., D. ,ItURDoX, 'Manager, 01111 BulalE At Dashwood. Spring Suits Better can't be found anywhere. They are tbelittest styles and the values are great. They range from" $10 to $20. You can't at- fordto pass ns if yett need a Suit. Rain Coats $4.50 to $/0. These are eplentlid goods and every coat is re bar- gain. Call and see theme Wall Papers Will you heed wall paper thie spring?' We sell them so cheap that you will tbin1 we are give 'log thetn aevay. ery pretty patterns. A splendictlange Of 'STAME'ED MATS at 20,80, aiid 860. • SHR - oiturten Lumber; Sbingles;tath, Cedar Posts, Sash, Doors, Frames and allItuilding Materials. ----Water Tanks-- B4E-HIVES Finished or in Knock down,' always on hand. Highest price paid for Sar logs ofevery description. ' Custom sawing promptly attended to. Estimates cheerfully given. ,The Ras Taylor Copy Ltd Exeter, Ont. Marriage License Twitted at the ADVOCATE OF ICE