HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1906-04-26, Page 1Remote:her that
tliteeigh the Arty°,
sieere you Veath mere
people than through
ratty other ehaueel,
Iat r
Farm, atooh
ceniaiiitat. A pplye
Se Mai OAS Cggiggli. Village
),t-itt ettas.la
for a. Itetitiadd:
•.EX1TR, ONTARIO. TflU.R-SDA7..,,TIAPRIL.-2�, 199.0, N P
The very best kind of Insurance—L. 0,
,provision for the Future as Well as. the
- Present is a baying Bank Account in
he Sovereign Bank of Canada,
interest paid 4 times a year.
$1,00 will open an aocouni.
Put your money in a place where you
can get it when you want it..
40s. SNELL, Manager at Exeter, Orediton, and Dashwoed, ,
We have the Goods that will please you.
Why not give us:a trial ?
We have just received Our White Lawn 'Waists, beantifully. em-
broidered; in fact, they are without exception the finest we have
ever own. Also embroidered waist fronts, Look at our window
'display to be oonvinced that we have the nicest in town.'
Lace and Fancy cellars, Belts in\eold and Silyer, also a, fine dis-
play of wash, belts. \ -4,
'Don't Forgetiolaw...
That 'we carrythe Astoria" Shoe, Which has no equal in the
trade. 8ee them before making your purchases. Jus,t- a, new lot
to hand in the latest styles.
Groceri,es,, Crockery, Tinware—Full, Assortmen
'A First-class milliner in eonnection with the Store.
Tlai.'s Store will close' at 680 after May lst.
Earthquake, Fire and Famine. Camhig Industry Discussed,
catereeoleta Awful iesauseaseye .1 A geoeral meeting of the Board of
ea_ Trade and ethers, took place in the
509 people. killed, 2;000 in -jawed, 300,- Reading. Reorte of the Town Hall oh
000 inade hoinelesseend without food, Frisla-Y triellii)R for tlie ,P.urPose of
three -qua% ters of the city o San rtrall- gatteiree some inforniation regarding a
else() tumbled to the groupd or gone canniegfactiiry. President MeOallean
op in smoke, besides wholesaledeetrt c. was weevil to. the Chair,
IL ci1ki
tion in other parts of the state are the upon Reeve Bolger, who with eome
results of tt Violent earthke Oulashoele ether gentletatn, had se:cored an ex.
on the morning of April 18th, followed pert it. the inisiness, tostate the pine
by a fire which wiped out all the pose et the meeting. The reeve did eta
wholesale buildingiasthe:editeational and ietrollneed the gentleman, who
arid government institutione, the expliel tbetebe would* prefer that
Churches arid the greater part of the those prietiteshoultl 'Ask elope -laws
reaidential portion of San Francisco. whialt he would ,aiesever*ratherThan
The quake Ivas so violent that naive that be ehould eddress the meeting.'
of railwasesunk into the ground, the Many questions were asked and they
water menus were destroyed and itn. were 0,1 answered in a very satiefite-
mense bonding shook and fell into a tory A:ay. From 'these answers we
:rnalsS of ruins. gain ti ()following information: A.bout
Fire then broke out in many places $6.006 wotth of machinery would he
and there being no water to fight the necess try for the canning of peas,
flames they spread rapidly tin Wednes- earn, vegitables.and fruit; $4000 would
day, Thursday and Friday Pistil three- pat up a suitable building; 70e40
quarters of the city was a heap of 4°S,t0rkhouse X00x50, two or three stor.
ashes, and the fitaincial loss 'betweenles in each; $5,000.wou1d be needed as
$200,000,000, and $300,900,000, ,workiag capital; , Corn would prob.
The rich and poor alike were forced ably- be capped here more than any -
Lb flee to the parkseind soharha Of the thing else, hut everything could be
city where for days ,they have heel) caroled. The farmer evo,old receive for
'erreamped in the open, with no water,- Peas aeout $21 a ton; fiat corn from $6
and forced to sleep in teeny eases ispon to $7 5 ton Or $20 to $25 an acrewith
the ground. .,, hueles: on; for beans from $50 to $75 an
Everything that- was: Possible 'vesie enrol; tOr wneatoes25cents a bushel, an
done to stasethe progress,.of the &owe 'were growing about 250 bushels. -The
whole blocks of residences being -blown general outlook for the canning indus-
up, but withoot, avail • until. Friday try is good—the material being online -
night, when it was announced that itecl, the markeeltere and in the west
One quarter of the City would be saved. very ',lerge and the field not bsing
The authorities etieceeded in:keeping fillatetbere are a,boot 28 factories in a
th it Cotrilcaris and ten outside, all
coniPilratively gueld order e er
by proclaiming'neartial Jew and shoet. ing,snd many othersbeing eitablished;
ing downall.whq sought to tob such the ittet that all factories were inereas-
places as might cOntain nionese or ing tbeir out pot and enlarging their
stores.buildings Was a certaili indication that
Then the problem. becetne 41ELO.m.i to' there is money in the business; cen-
feed the 800,000 who are Without any- traes tOvist,he made with farmers to
thing to eat ev &init.!! ,Appals Were tkeetire'the supply of raw material; the
roade to Oakland and Alt the neighbor- IndnetSkfuemshee Work forenentwoin-4
ing eities for food, distributing statione en aneckhildreni and is Very beneficial
were established, railways earried sup- to a coinnesinity; onlitoitCd .epantities
plies free of pharge. But all this took of good Water is a necessity inthe fee -
time, And:enemy tioeirs and even days it, is advisable not to go into the
.passed clime* whieli the vast craved of manufaeture of the tins as they could
people were practically Without drink he DorettieSeci at a reasonable figure,,
or toed. • ' about: 314 a thousand; saeh a f$tetoey
Piering. it All the people -reloaihed should ''saiS up frOni 20,000- to 85,000
calm Iktr.illolet, as 'though - they failed -.cans of toff a day; About 300 adres of
to recognize the fearful calamitk that 'corn afid 100 acres of 'peas would de- to
bad befallen thein,, and the .city main- start on. :Mr. pobiers then stated that
ell And*" military authorities worked' those avhe had ,,akeothe matter Alp
earnestly end diliteentlYto being order trad'Presuises of hinirt .$6.000 of stock
out of chaos, ,e - . • ' :Aixa that he thought- it woold net be
All the great tiltiek of the onion rill- dilflenit to inerease this to $19,000, then
lied to the help of the sufferings send-. thetown would vote a lotto el -$5S909.
ing tratieloeda of provisions aud large All tb::ec%preetlit weee very-fiseeirablV
siShee of tnonoYs New YOrk .11,4S glven hopes eae .„ We this possibilities of siech
over $3',',009,900; the . UR. tovernment leo ,itefi:UStres god alideolatedlY On11,-
Complete arrangements have 110W Leen made by w4ich
the people of Exeter and surrounding villages fad country
will Iv ,,oriNT11 a _big. days amusement on the anniversary of
the 'bfrthday. of 4,61ir- late' beloik4SoirereigniQueen:Viopria„
THURSDAY MAY .24th 1906
Under the Auspices of tb.e Stephen and Usborns
Agricultural Society.
A Whole Day's Sport , Liberal Prizes Given
Morning—d4lithumpian and Trades PrecessiOn.
Afterttpon,--Lliorse Races,- Ball Games, Athletic Sports,
Evening--(Joncert of Choice, Talent in the Okra House
During the next two weeks we will offer our entire stock
of yeady-m e suits at. startling prices.
en's $10.00 Suits for $7.60
1111en's $8.00 Suits for $5:50
Olcitiling at these prices cannot be charged, but
are for cash or trade.. ,
Hotels—H. DarZOW. Commercial;
Mrs. M, Elliot, _Albion; George ereefise
lade, River -Hotel, for six roOnths.
BREADWe will have for sale Rolline.pread Wednesdays'
and Saturdays
itodical ' I
A F. MALLOY', iv. 13. (Tor. Univ.) MEMERt ,
1%-• College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. ,
Former House Surgeon Toronto Western Hospital.
SuteeSsor to Dr. a. A.. Rains. Residence: East on
first street nortli of office, Exeter, Ontario.
Apply to Miss Annie Burke. Dashwood.
Pasture Farm to Rent.
'ihe underered is offermg.to rent that desirable
18, con. 18, for pasture purposes. There is an ribund.
Voted $1,006,000; tlieSclatiadian govern-- shore, time will elepsa, before a COflI-
in $100,000, 'Hockfeller and Carnegie ptit y is formed. -
each $100,000, the large corpOrations -
and eompanies' many hundreds of The citizens of Exeter and surreurid-
thouSands. , - • " ing country now have a chance to put
In Many towns and cities besides their shoulders to the wheel and se -
San FraneiseC the earthquake Was felt cure for Exeter a canning factory. A
and in some places did great damage. join.t stock compaey is being otganiz-
but they are almost iostsight of in the ed in toWtri: You will have a chance
face of the great destruction in San to Subseribe for stock. Abeive yoe will
Francisco. see a short account qf the reqqire-
A large ntnnber of (ianadians were silents and possibilities of snob art in -
residents of the ruined city and 'until dustry. There is undoubtedly. inoeey
Saturday no word could be received to be made' for the company and :'for
rom them owing to, tlaw telegraph the farmers who will grow the materie
lines being busy with Ingsages of more al; ontsiae'of „the value of the industry
linportisnee. Since 'then however to the town. People with money to
many have been heard from. spare should look into the matter and
Over 100 patients were killed by the if yon find- it an investment that
collapse of an asyluni,at., _Santa .Clara, would be advisable take a few shares.
The Work of clearing up the street, Already those who have taken up. the
recovoing the bodiee of the dead and matter.haTe secured promises suffici-
feeding the thousands who are camp- ent to sh.ovesthatethe 'wholeaument
ing in the suborbs of the city, is,proe necessary will be subscribed. The
ceeding apace. The postoffice resume canning' business is not in its.infancy.,
ed Work on Saturday and letters are It is known to be lie money-maker.
sent free of charge.. e There is no better district in .Canada
' Theorder maintained under the cir- to, grow the materials 'needed than
curnstances is most reniaekable. It is right here. In fact there is no reason
probAbly due to the fact that any at- to doubt the valiie of the ifiduetry to. a
tempt at lawlessness was punished by comnaunity.geoerAlly, And we look to
death.the people to take it up in an earnest,
The total estimate of itniurance coin- manner. Now that We have a chance
panias' losses is $225,000,000; for another industry don't miss the
-Pestilence is feared for thousands. chance.
The ° sanitation problem is very diffi-
cult. Eyery person' has been ordered-
' The dead have tobaburied in trench-
es in the str,eets and public parks..
lititels—J.- E. Blackall, Queens;
Thos,Heffernan', m
The Exeter Council.
, The Council' met Monday evening..
All the mmTh
members were present, ,e
so.f last meeting were read and
The following accounts Were rea.d
and passed; Jets,- Weekee, teams for
fire, $4; J. A. Stewart, supplies for
cemetery, $177;
Reeve Bobier stated that he,had or-
AO acre farm n the Township Of Stephen, being lot
:Mee of water on the place and is in every way well
suited for pasturing stock. Ternis very reasonable.
For,Sale or Rent.
tW, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners. ,
Solicitors for Maisons Bank, etc,
I 151,3 story residenee in good repair, and it), °ere land.
GOod fruit treeeand the best of water. Will sell
cheap. Apply to S. IRELAND Dashwood.
„ Motley to LOtto at lowest rates of interst.
Offices, Main street, Exeter,
It It. Oxithifio, B.A., , L. IL Diensoii
WANTED: by Chicago wholesale and order
house, assistiant manager (man or woman) for this
; county tvid adjoining territory. Salary $20 and
lkii0,,ICEY 70 LOAN, expenses paid weekly; expense money advaneed.
Work pieasant;poson,pernianent. No investment
We have a large amount Of private funds to loan or experience required. Spare time valuable. Write
on farm and visage propel:No at low rates of inter- at °nen for full particulars anitenclose self.addressed
enveloped. ,
(MADMAN Sc STANDURY, STIPEItINTENDENT, 182 Lalco St, Cliicao, 111.
SoYieltor;1,24fain tit. Eqtee .Ort _ _ _
For Sate.
vtoney. To 14,oari.
dered anew cylinder'for the gasoline
eugineythe old one, havieg played out.
Ele also stated that be had met a rail-
y cial, Mr. Nixon, and had atalk
about the"Station; also that the cann-
ing industry vasheing,talked of far- &ere e sate .
there was good chanee t eeneeree_ie sereetera,,eu.,
One being cstaltlished .here. I to eta area eires, Hem,
Schoel re -opened on Monday and se:
large number were in atfendattee, The
teaehere, Miss Portea
r nd. Mies Bote-
rill spent the holidays at their hornee
in Clinton and Mitchell respeatively.---
1-Sousecleaning and gardening is the
order of the day here.—Mr. Marshall
Bloomfield has accepted a'PoSitiOil att-
clerk at the 0e4ral hotel, .Creditene
--Dr, U. B. Hutton of port -"Colborne,:
son of Rev. B. L, Iluttnn, a recent pas-
tor of the Methodistchurch hero, and
weildenevyn to many thiswas an April 18th married to -Mi Al-
berta Stendfeect of Toronto. 'The 400-
mony took place at the residence of
the bride's parents, Tottenhato; ande
was perforated by the groope's tether.
The doctor's -ineenY. friends herowilI
wish him all the happiness that, comeS
through being happily wedded, es
WOonwhoz.-;L-Oe the 16th inst,..to Mr.
and Mrs Chilay E Woodburn Ste.-
tank beput lei near the statien, siee
and ki to oesiet.:ided
- Powell was present -to explain
the tree deal re cemetery. Creech-- Sr.P
Foke—that the Matter be left over.till P4IsTNER—BArva.u$i.—At S
the next meeting.
S., The council discussed' the street
watering. . No petition had been pre-
sentecrtherefore, the council decided*
there wpgAld po street watering on -
til a peeifidi' had. been presented.
The hoarddecided to take an inspec-
tion tour Tuesday afternoon weather
Sallies Creech moved the adjourn-
ment to May 14th.
,, That *ell drained, well itniroved arid truly
1- concerZion in the 'ownship. of Biddulph, in the
perties itt lowest rates of interest. I Situated On the prernIses aro a goal 2 storey brick
ERNEST ELLIOT ' ent hog pen, wind mill
hone°, bank barn mete, cern
mese opposite: eatiltral Ifotel, Idain.st.,INeter and good young orchard. This is trnly a most ll( 11
. .. 'able property, well SUpPlied 'with water, convenient
-- - - ' ----- - ---- * - to sehool and churches atulone of the roost improVed
,... fttrins la the County of Midd1e80/4 For further lar -
LLOYD P. SONEb . . ticulars apply to
Whalen P; 0. ' 'Ilitrristers Etc., EV,,etcr.
0Z/hutch. texeeer--eisaa, Organ,, voice, iteritione.
date farm being coralissed o Lot No. 11,`!n the ith
have private funds to loan on fann and village county 02 'Itifiddiescx conta maw 160 acres of land,
Orgarfittt and Choir Master of Mitchell Methodist
gndera metlindet. Thoromainetis
Tenders For Drain.
Roughly speaking the burned dis- At nieeting of the South Huron "Li -
not less than twenty-five square miles cense Commissionere held in ilensall
Wet 18 five Miles square. There are
Of bleak ruins. on Thursday last the following Shope
and Hotel licenses were granted in the
several municipalities for the ensuing
p. marked, M
"Tender* for 'od Creek
roperty for sale
Xraln ill be received by Van underidgned up to
V"- Monday, Mei 7, 1900 at 12 p Md.
Teaehees Salaries in !est Huron.
Mr. S. Elgin Tona, the able and (pop-
ular School Inspector forWest Huron
furnishes the,following infotexiation ea
to the sehools in bis inspectorate, and
the effeet the new bill'will.have there-
on, if it becomes law in, its present
In the Inspectorate of Wkst Iluron
there are 06 rural sections.
43 of these sections have an assess-
ment over $160.000 and will have to
pay a miniinuin salary of \,
52 eections—asseesment betwe $80-
000 and $1130900; muSt pay $-2-159 60
1 section assessMent nearly 80,000
natiet pay a salary of, $ 400 90
There are 9 iistiistants in the rural •
sclaools must be paid $ 300 00
- else pasture farm in the ToWnship Of lies, near. , for the repairing of th Mud Creek Main and its ex.
Sereptie hanclral acres, 85 Mres seeded, frame tensions,
house sod good stable, good watero tte., ' Tesdettim4111Je ro,ecived in Eectiofig or in Bleck.
Aaother tic Emcanp of The lowest, or any 'tender not neere,3atily accepted
drained, small orefard, 10 acres bush, frame house, specifications atthe office of the undtsigned,
Apply to ,
tr,sborrivoutli o2 FlinlviU.ctalvorldent 0 telionLiVell i rorpattie,ulaol, and the eistninstion of plans and
Tohip Clerk'.
SAI,70V,It & Oltnymil, Exeter. ,
Diem, teofe Ana g zenopr. LL)
Crediton, Ont.
Then 43 sections paying$500 $21500
And rP, " $450 23100
And 1 t4 I, $400 400
And 9 assistants at $300 400
'Mininauni4Total for 1901 $48000
Amount aetually paid in 1005 $31740
Increase over 1005 $10200
Which meatis an average inCrease
for end) teacher, in the rural schools of
West Moon of $100.
Countyi *.Engineer, Wanted.
Apellest Vete for the position of Engineer fOr kite
County of Huron will he received by Om undersigned
up to the 5th dm/ of .Tutte next, References and
oxottitrict in bridge 1,, eitt tcquiredviitli appli.
Information rtgiolitig duties and eslary 'Inky tit
had by **tit%
W. Lane, Cirk.
(lotlerich, 23rd, 10(4
license year:
Shop—Edward Dawson, E. O. Gif.
fc'rlIttelle—jaines Dick, Dick House;
D. T. Pinknev, Royal; William Iler-
gott, -Grip Housee flencleeeon Se. De-
latey, 'Commerical; 1VIre. Ohristena
Stephens, githens, held over for future
Shop --F. J, Knight.
Iiotels—JSines Shaddock, Mansion
House; W. T. ,A.cheson, Central;
„William Barrows, Commerical, grant-
ed if he makes the necessary iinprove-
molts; O. Wetallainl, Metropolitan,
held over for fixture consideration.
IloteIs—Williain Fritz, Grand Bend;
Zinoser, Dashwood; Simon
Dietrich, Mt. Oarmell; August Hill,
Oreditont Ounninghatn, ghival
Sohn Meisatic, Orediton;
ID -
0.1), Shinka, for three months to see
if he will do better; Mr e A. Moser,
Corbett,lbree months to dispose of
Gtock; William Moffatt, 'Centralia,
three inontlis to 6(a out ,ot make hie
honse satieftictory to the Board.
Ilotels—R.R. Johnston, S. P. R
Zurich; Mrs, Dlake.
Hotels A. Cook, Varna; II.
Shaeffer, Kippeu.
TV,OKEIt8MiTft ProwNsurt).
Iintos,(4enrizn Strong, Stron 's
liot,elt Charles Wilson, Bruefield.
tistuilitsiE TOWNSIIIP.
Jno. 1VIeltay, of Los Angels, Cat,
after a few week's 'vieit with his moth-
er here, left a day or so ago for the
West. June he will sail from San
Francisco for Nome, Alaska, where he
has -extensive mining interests. He
spends about four months of the year
in Alaska, returning to California in
Oct —Neli McCormick, sailor, left a
few days ago for Buffalo, to sail on the
great lakes for the coming sun:101er.—
A few dirks ago an Indian -from Kettle
'Point stole a horse from' the farm, of
Robert Peters, 8th con. Chief Manes
peoeeeded to Kettle Point to arrest
the offender of the law but the bird
had flown. Ile succeeded, however,
in loeitting the, horse. which was re-
turned to the owner. --Seeding is now
in full swing this district and farm-
ers are busy preparing the ground and
sowing the seed. The spring brew.
cleaning campaign, also, is fairly on
and everybody is busy. ,„
Chtirch, Clinton,on April 11, bv Rev
0. R. ortnne, in, A. -vvilson Pinner,
MisaLyla Bat tliff.eldest daughter
of Mr. 0. 11. Bartliff.
DEserineoem-eSteenn.---At • the Meth-
odist Parsonage Elimville. on Wed.
April 18th, by Rev. Hugh Fair,
Mr- Benet Delbridge, son of Mr,
Rich..Delbridge, to Miss Hellen Si+
cer, daughter of the late Byer&,
cer, all of Ushorne.
latemon—SeaeroRre—At the residence'
-.'"14 the bride's parents. Tottenharceon
April 18; by Ree. B.L.Hutton, father
of the groom, (formerly of Central--
ia,) H. B. Hutton, M. D.,of Port Cot;
borne, to 'Tifiei Alberta Sanford "of' .
Toron to.
C11,1011.4- In Tuckerstnith, , on April 17,0
John Crich,aged 82 years, 2 mantles.
ROOEE —ID Ushorue, on April 24,,G-eo.,
Itoke,aged 58 years, months,.
DENNIS—In Galte on Apiril 14, ' the: '
daughtet.of Mr. and Mrs..J. B.- Den-
nis. aged 19 months.
Follarton," on April 20,
Eva Masters, beloved wife of War—
ren Davis, aged 82 years,
l‘loosN-e.In St. Marys. on April 2e;,
Wm. L.,Moore, tiered 48 years, and a..
linOn ,
resitgia —In Goderich Tp., on 'April ISP
at the residence ot her son, Seth*:
Sustoinala Warner, beloved 'wife .pe
Valentine Pilsher, aged 75 years, 1
month and 23 clays. •
7141 14.,
lot 'WIMP"
Is wind and water proof.
Is mule of all ,1*0: 9 hard ste.el galvanized
wire and lasts longer than any other fencing.
7-w fres, 40 in. high, 3r-ic.
&wires, 41 in. high, 37c,
We lend stretcher for puttiniz. it up
aman s Hardware &
lave to